Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 12/24/20
Episode #13923 ~ The Bradys and Carvers celebrate Christmas Day in Salem; Lani's labor kicks in; Valerie returns for the birth of her grandchildren; Allie confesses to Sami; Joey tells Kayla and Steve about his future plans.
Provided By Jim
Joey: You better set out an extra plate, Santa.
Roman: Joey!
[laughing] Oh, man.
Joey: Uncle Roman, it's so great to see you.
Roman: You are, without a doubt, the best Christmas gift the Bradys are gonna
get this year. Damn, it's good to see you.
Joey: You too, you too.
Tripp: Hey, Dad.
Steve: Hey! Merry Christmas, buddy. Uh-huh. Did you
buy that tree?
Tripp: Yeah, I was hoping to surprise my mom when she came
Steve: She's still not here?
Tripp: No, and I'm starting to
get worried.
Steve: How long's it been now?
Tripp: Two days.
Steve: She's not answering her phone?
Tripp: Or responding to texts.
Steve: I know you're not gonna want to hear this, but... I think there's a
good chance that Ava's left town and she's not coming back.
Abe: Oh, Eli!
How's Lani? Has she had the babies yet?
Kayla: All righty.
[exhales] So?
Kayla: So, everything looks really good.
Except nothing is happening.
Kayla: That is not atypical. Even though
your water broke, it can take a while for the labor to get started.
I was really hoping that I was gonna have Christmas twins.
Kayla: Well,
you might still. We'll bring water to you and make sure that everything--
Lani: Ow! [gasps]
Kayla: Another contraction?
Lani: [exhales]
Yeah, big one. A really big one. Oh, yeah. These babies are-- are definitely
coming today.
male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass,
so are the "Days of Our Lives."
[soft orchestration] ♪
Roman: You are, without a doubt, a God-given Christmas miracle.
Feels that way to me too. But it's Ava Vitali we have to thank.
Mixed feelings about that one, after what she did to your mom and... it just
seems to me, that entire family gets away with a lot of criminal behavior.
Joey: You mean Tripp.
Roman: Did you hear what he did?
Joey: I
know what they're saying about him, but...
Roman: Okay, Joe. All right.
All right. I get it. He's your brother. It's Christmas. So, uh, we won't get
into all that today, all right?
Joey: That sounds good to me.
Roman: Okay.
Joey: So what smells so good?
Roman: Well, that would
be your Grandma Caroline's Irish soda bread biscuits, fresh out of the oven.
Joey: I should've known.
Roman: Yeah. Never get 'em the way she made
'em, God rest her soul, but I keep trying.
Joey: Maybe this will be the
Roman: Now that would be a Christmas miracle.
Okay, well, we have a strong hearth heartbeat on both the twins.
That's good to know. So how much longer?
Kayla: Well, your contractions
are getting closer.
Lani: And stronger.
Kayla: Mm-hmm, and that's
a good sign. And when this gets going, usually in your second pregnancy, the
labor progresses pretty quickly.
Lani: Ooh. Okay, I don't remember it
feeling like this.
Kayla: Well, you know, every labor is different. And
nature has a way of making women forget how hard it is. Otherwise, nobody would
ever do it.
Lani: Yeah. Good to know.
Kayla: You are doing great.
You know, there's a reason why women are the ones that have the babies. Because
we're the tougher ones.
Lani: Yeah, well, I don't feel so tough right
now, Kayla.
Kayla: Trust me, you are a warrior. Can you imagine? There's
no way the weaker sex could do what you're doing. [both chuckle] Just breathe.
Lani: Okay. Okay.
Eli: Lani's resting right now, but this is taking a
lot longer than we thought.
Abe: Well, is everything okay?
Yeah, no, everything is fine. Your daughter is a trooper.
Abe: And you?
Eli: What about me?
Abe: Well, how are you holding up?
Lani is doing all the work. I'm just standing out here. [Abe chuckles] Hey, Abe,
did you end up going back to the house?
Abe: No, actually, I had to go to
the airport and pick up someone. [elevator dings]
Eli: Who? Mom? [both
Valerie: Oh, sweetie! [smooches]
Tripp: Did you find
something out about my mom?
Steve: No, I don't have any specific
information. I just know Ava.
Tripp: Why would she leave? Why now?
Steve: Well, Kayla dropped the kidnapping charges as part of the deal to
free Joe. Your mother's in the clear.
Tripp: She wouldn't just take off
without telling me, okay?
Steve: Are you sure about that?
Yes. Yeah, she made it a big point of letting me know how committed she was to
building a relationship with me.
Steve: Your mother can be very
Tripp: No. This wasn't just all talk, okay? I mean, she saved
my life when Allie almost shot me.
Steve: Tripp, I know you want to get
to know your mother, but, I have to be honest, I'll be relieved if she doesn't
become a part of your life.
Tripp: Yeah, that doesn't surprise me.
Steve: I'll give her the benefit of the doubt that she wants the best for
you. But like I told you, she is not well. Her love'll get all twisted up and
she'll end up hurting you.
Tripp: Yeah, well, maybe, from all she's been
through, maybe she needs me more than I need her.
Steve: That's what
scares me.
Tripp: Look, I... I found this. I thought it was ornaments I
could decorate the tree with.
Steve: Christmas cards.
Tripp: She
wrote one to me every year that we were apart. There are ones from when I was a
baby to when I was a little boy to a teenager, all the way up to the present.
Steve: She never mailed them.
Tripp: She didn't know where I was. But
in every single one of these, she makes the same wish: that all she wants for
Christmas is to be with her son. And you know, growing up, I-I had the same
wish. I mean, I remember being in some crappy mall in Arizona, sitting on
Santa's lap, telling him that all I ever wanted was to be with my real mom and
Steve: You are with me now, son.
Tripp: Yeah. Yeah, and I'm
grateful for that, but this Christmas, I wanted to be with my mom too. And I
know she wanted to be with me.
Steve: Even if she left?
Tripp: I
don't believe that's what happened. [phone beeps]
Steve: Sorry.
Tripp: You've got to go.
Steve: Uh, yeah. I'm supposed to meet Joe at the
pub. Roman's having this thing.
Tripp: Go ahead, go ahead.
I'm sorry, Tripp.
Tripp: No, it's okay. I know I'm not welcome there.
[mournful music]♪
Steve: Another time.
Kayla: Oh,
you're here.
Valerie: Got on the first flight as soon as I heard. So
how's it going in there?
Kayla: Well, we are progressing nicely.
Eli: Does Lani need me?
Kayla: Well, as a matter of fact, she does.
Eli: Wait, you mean like--
Kayla: Yup. It's showtime. Right this way,
Valerie: Good luck, honey.
Abe: All right,
tell Lani we love her.
Kayla: We will.
Abe: Yeah.
[laughing] Grandpa.
Abe: Yes! Granny!
Valerie: Shh! Not so loud.
Joey: So sorry you can't be here, Steph. Well, yeah, I mean, if you got
that much work going on, of course everyone will understand. And, you know,
we'll do a family video chat later for sure. But... I just wanted to say, those
letters you sent me while I was in prison? They basically got me through it. I
mean, in times when I really felt like I was losing all hope, you constantly
reminded me that this day would come, so...thank you. Really? Yeah, that'd be
great. I'd love to help you out with work. I'll do whatever you need me to do.
Honestly, Steph, you wouldn't have to pay me much. Right. Well, let me know when
it would be a good time and I'll be there. I can come to Seattle anytime. Hey,
Dad just walked in. You want to say hi? Oh. Okay. Yeah, okay. I'll tell him.
Yeah, okay. I'll call you later and we can figure stuff out. Love you too. That
was Steph. She had to run, I guess. But she was really bummed she can't be here
for the holidays.
Steve: Yeah, well, I thought she might be working too
Joey: She is. But she wants to do a video chat later when we're all
free, so...
Steve: Oh! Okay. Maybe we can do that tonight.
Yeah, if Mom's not too busy.
Steve: Oh. Yeah. Well, actually Mom might be
busy tonight. Depending on Lani.
Joey: On Lani?
Steve: Yeah, she
just got called to the hospital to deliver Lani's twins.
Eli: You
are doing so good. Kayla, are we almost there?
Kayla: The head is
crowning. One more push, and this baby is coming out. Are you ready?
Lani: Let's do this.
Kayla: Okay. We're going to push on my count, okay?
Lani: Okay.
Kayla: Two... three. That a girl. That a girl.
There you go!
Lani: [shouts]
Kayla: Okay.
[baby crying]
Lani: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Kayla: It's a girl.
Eli: A girl?
Kayla: Yeah.
Lani: She's beautiful.
Eli: Just like her mother.
Kayla: We're gonna take good care of her, okay?
Lani: Okay. Oh, God.
I'll see you soon, my angel.
Kayla: I hate to interrupt, but we have a
second baby waiting to be born here. Ready to do it again?
Lani: Yeah.
Kayla: Okay.
Lani: Let's do it. Okay.
Kayla: Come on, girl.
Lani: Okay.
Roman: Hey, hey.
Roman: Hey.
Steve: Well, everything was delicious as usual.
Thank you.
Roman: Well, appreciate that, Steve. Good to have Joey home,
Steve: Sure is, man.
Roman: Yeah.
Steve: Listen, I
know I stole your turn to play Santa last year--well, Stefano did--
so if you
want to go to the hospital and do the honors, you just go ahead.
Hey, after all I ate, don't think I could fit in that suit.
Steve: Are
you sure?
Roman: Totally your gig, all right? Besides, I got Allie and
Lucas coming by soon.
Steve: Oh, sure they won't be sorry to miss me.
Roman: No, probably not.
[dramatic music]
Steve: Well,
looks like they won't be missing me after all.
Allie: Hey, Uncle Steve.
Joey, uh, it's so good to see you. I'm so glad you're home.
Joey: Great
to see you too, Allie.
Lucas: Welcome home, Joey.
Joey: Thanks,
Steve: Yeah. That's a beautiful baby boy.
Lucas: Yeah,
well, he's my grandson. And yours. Blessed, aren't we?.
You're doing great, baby. You are so close.
Kayla: Okay, one more big
push. Come on. You got it. You got it! All right. All right.
[panting] Is she--is she okay, Kayla? [baby crying] [sighs in relief, laughs]
Kayla: She is a he.
Eli: A boy?
Kayla: Yup. A beautiful,
healthy baby boy.
Lani: A boy.
Eli: Oh, my God. A boy and a girl.
[both chuckle][gentle music]♪
Lani: Look at you two
Christmas babies. Why are you looking at me like that?
Eli: Because I am
the luckiest man in the world. Because you are a wonder.
Lani: A wonder,
Eli: Yeah. Lani, I've seen you risk your life as a cop and barely
even flinch. You've stared down gunmen, interrogated killers, but I've never
been more impressed by your strength and your bravery than I was just now.
Lani: [exhales] Can I tell you something? I was afraid. I was really afraid
that something bad was gonna happen.
Eli: You were?
Lani: I was
putting on a brave face, just pushing all those thoughts away. But when Kayla
left the room to go get you, I closed my eyes to just catch my breath for a
moment and... all those fearful thoughts came back.
Eli: Why didn't you
say anything? You could've shared that with me.
Lani: It didn't last
long. Once I opened my eyes, I felt that he was here with us.
Eli: David.
Lani: Our David, he was right here. His little hand was wrapped around mine,
and in that moment, there was no... no pain, no grief, no fear. Only love. And
that love gave me the courage and the strength to know that I could do this.
[somber music] ♪ You think I'm crazy, huh?
Eli: Baby, that's the story of
Christmas. The story of a child arriving to... to bring light... hope, and
strength into the world. So, no. I don't think you're crazy. I think you're
Lani: We're blessed.
Eli: Yeah. We are. David is the
angel that we lost, but I know that he's in our hearts. And he's-- he is
watching over us, just like he was today.
Lani: I felt that way too.
Eli: Lani, he came... he came to let you know that his little brother and
his little sister... he came to let you know that they're gonna be okay, just
like his parents.
Kayla: Well, you two. You are the proud grandparents of
a little baby girl and a baby boy.
Abe: A girl and a boy?
Valerie: A boy and a girl?
Kayla: Well, you're both right.
Valerie: Oh, that's great.
Abe: Is everything...
Kayla: Everything
is great.
Abe: Then, can we go in and see them?
Valerie: Yeah.
Kayla: Well, if you'd like to.
Valerie: Yes, absolutely.
Kayla: Okay, well, I'll take that as a "yes."
Abe: A boy and a girl?
[all laughing and talking]
Valerie: So fantastic.
Kayla: This
way, this way.
Steve: Yeah, baby Henry is a blessing. But like I
told you, I'm not his grandfather.
Lucas: Whatever you say, Steve.
Whatever makes you feel good.
Joey: Hey Dad, Mom is waiting for us at the
hospital. We should probably get going.
Steve: Yeah, we should get going.
Well, happy holidays, everybody. See you guys.
Roman: Okay, that might
not have been a good time in one way, you guys coming in when you did, but, on
the bright side, I was about to have a video chat with my daughter, AKA your
Allie: Uh, oh! Now?
Roman: Right now. So don't we surprise
her and you two join me? Come on.
Allie: Okay, sounds good.
Hey, Sami.
Sami: Hey, Dad. Is this still a good time?
Roman: It is
a perfect time, actually. Allie stopped by the pub with Lucas and baby Henry.
Sami: Well then, it is good timing. Hi, I'm so glad. I was gonna video chat
with them later but... hey, Allie, are you there?
Allie: Yeah. Hi. Hey,
Mom. Right here. How are you? How are you doing? Did you have a nice Christmas?
Sami: It was lovely, except for missing all of you. Especially my precious
grandson. How is he doing?
Lucas: He's doing good. He's taking a nap.
Sleeping right now.
Sami: Hey, Lucas.
Lucas: Hey, Sami. Good to
see you.
Roman: You know what? [baby babbling] It looks like Henry's eyes
are opening as we speak.
Sami: Oh, great. I get to see him.
Yes, you do.
Lucas: Are you sure he's awake, there, Roman? He's coming
out of his nap pretty groggy.
Allie: It's okay, he'll make up for it
Lucas: He's gonna be mad.
Roman: All right, Henry. All
right, buddy. Take a look around, all right? This entire kingdom could be yours
one day.
Sami: Easy there, Dad. Let him learn to dress himself first.
Roman: Never too late to start training the next generation of Bradys.
Lucas: Uh, he's a Horton too. Let's not forget that.
Roman: Oh, yeah,
yeah. Absolutely. And I do hope that he inherits all those wonderful personality
traits of the Hortons. But he obviously looks like a Brady already. Look at
those eyes, huh?
Allie: Mind if I hold him, Grandpa?
Roman: Well,
he is your son, so I guess you have a right to do that, yeah.
Allie: Ah.
Hi, sweetheart. Do you want to see your grandma?
Sami: Hey, sleepyhead.
Did you have a good nap?
Roman: You know what, Allie? I would like to say
that you do my heart good and I'm sure your mom's as well with how close you've
gotten with this little guy and how you dealt with the anger and hurt that you
rightly felt, and I'm still sure you do feel about the circumstances of Henry's
Sami: Wait, what?
Roman: Shows what an incredibly
strong woman you are and how lucky Henry is that you are his mom.
What do you mean? "The circumstances" of Henry's conception?
Roman: Oh.
I'm sorry. I thought your mom knew.
Sami: Dad? Allie? Lucas? What are you
talking about? Say something. What aren't you telling me about this baby?
[dramatic music]♪ [gentle music] ♪
Sami: Why isn't anyone answering
Allie: Christmas really isn't the day to get into this, so--
Sami: I don't care. I want to know what is going on.
Allie: Mom.
Sami: I am not gonna let this go, Allie.
Allie: Okay, um, Grandpa, Dad,
would you mind taking Henry into the kitchen?
Roman: Uh, sure.
Allie: Thank you.
Lucas: Roman, will you keep your eye on him for a
while? I'm gonna go outside and--
Roman: Absolutely. Let's go make some
Brady chowder.
Sami: Allie. You're starting to scare me.
Well, there is no need to be scared. You can see I'm okay.
Sami: Can you
please just tell me what this is about?
Allie: Okay. Um... Mom. When I
got pregnant with Henry, um... I was raped.
Sami: Allie, you
Allie: I wanted to tell you, I really did, but I was just struggling so much
myself, and I was afraid that...
Sami: You were afraid that I would make
it about me?
Allie: Mom.
Sami: I'm so sorry, Allie. I'm so sorry
that I wasn't there for you; I'm sorry that you didn't feel that you could come
to me. I'm so sorry that this happened to you.
Allie: It's okay. I mean,
really, I am fine now. just...
Sami: What can I do?
Allie: Just...
just love my little boy the same you would otherwise.
Sami: Baby, of
course. Of course I will. I...I love him, and he is a blessing just like you
are. I love you so much. I'm so... Allie, I just wish I could wrap my arms
around you right now.
Allie: Yeah. I wish you could too.
Tripp: All these years, I didn't think you wanted me. Now I know that's not
true. Where are you, Mom?
Abe: I'm so proud of you, Lani.
Thanks, Dad. But these little ones did all the work.
Valerie: Hey, it was
teamwork. [laughter]
Abe: You know what? I know that you have forgiven
Eli, but... does that mean you've forgiven me for hiding secrets from you too?
Lani: Let me think about it. Of course, Dad. Yes. We are gonna need all the
babysitters we can get.
Abe: Well, you can sign me up.
Valerie: Me
Eli: You know we're gonna hold y'all to that?
Valerie: Of
Lani: So, would you two like to hold your grandbabies?
Valerie: Hand them over.
Abe: Oh, yes. We'd love to. We would love to.
Let me have this one here. Oh, yeah. I remember holding that head. [laughter]
Hey, you know what?
Valerie: So sweet, this... oh, they're so adorable.
Abe: Hey, you know, I almost forgot to ask. What are their names?
Eli: We don't know yet.
Kayla: Okay, Patchy Claus. Are you ready to go
get the kids?
Steve: Ready.
Kayla: You know, there is nothing like
the look of Christmas on the faces of the young ones.
Steve: Nothing like
it. You know, sweetness, all these years, you still make me feel like a kid on
Christmas morning.
Kayla: Are you flirting with me, Santa Claus?
Steve: Does Santa Claus have toys?
Kayla: I don't know. Last year, you
were definitely on the naughty list.
Steve: That was Stefano, remember?
Kayla: Yeah, I remember.
Steve: What about this year? What list did I
end up on? Naughty or nice?
Kayla: Hmm. Well, you know what? Maybe
tonight, when we go to bed, I'll show you a little of both. Mm-hmm.
Steve: Ho-ho-ho.
Allie: I know this happened to you too, when you
were in high school.
Sami: It did. And the son of a bitch who did it paid
Allie: Yeah, I heard all about that.
Sami: How?
Allie: Dad told me.
Sami: Okay. What did they do? Did the police catch
this person, this man who did this to you? Is he in jail now?
Well, that's kind of a long story.
Sami: What you mean?
Allie: Can
we just save that for another day?
Sami: Allie, I wanna know.
Allie: Mom, please.
Sami: Okay, okay. I understand. Do you know who it
was? Do you know the name of the man who hurt you?
Allie: It was Uncle
Steve's son. Tripp Dalton.
Tripp: Hey, Rafe, it's Tripp. Just
wanted let you know my mom has been missing for 48 hours. So I'm going to head
down and file a missing persons report.
Sami: Steve's son did
this to you? The child he had with Ava Vitali?
Allie: Yes.
Oh, my God.
Allie: Mom, I'm okay, really. I'm all right.
Sami: Of
course. Of course. Are you dealing with this? Are you handling it? Are you
talking to someone?
Allie: I'm dealing with it. And like Grandpa said, I
mean, it hasn't been easy but, actually, I've learned through this that I am a
lot like you.
Sami: Like me?
Allie: A fighter. I am so much
stronger than I ever thought I could be.
Sami: Of course you are. I could
have told you that. But Allie, you don't have to be strong all the time, okay,
Allie: I know. And I have my moments, believe me. But at
least now I know that it's okay to lean on all people that love me.
Yes, you absolutely can. You can lean on all of us. I will always be there for
you, honey. There is nothing I won't do for you.
Kayla: Okay, are
you all ready for the story? [kids cheer] Okay. "It came to pass in those days,
that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be
registered. This census first took place while Quirinius was governing Syria. So
all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. Joseph also went up from
Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth into Judea, to the city of David, which is
called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be
registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. And so it was
that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be
delivered. And she for brought forth her firstborn son, and she wrapped him in
swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room at the inn
for them. Now, there were in the same country shepherds living in the fields,
keeping watch over their flocks by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood
before them, and the glory of the Lord shone all around them and they were
greatly afraid. Then the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid, for behold, I
bring you good tidings of great joy. For unto you is born this day in the city
of David, a savior, which is Christ the Lord.'"
Abe: You do know that
they'll need names eventually?
Lani: We're working on it, Dad.
Valerie: Well, are there any frontrunners?
Eli: We made a list of
possible contenders. Well, two, actually.
Lani: Yes.
Abe: Well,
that's a long list.
Lani: Well, we plan to narrow it down.
But... I was stupid and I didn't trust my wife, who is, by the way, also the
mother of my children.
Lani: And then I did something stupid by not
understanding that my husband, and now the father of my children, did his
something stupid out of love.
Eli: Well, that's all behind us now, right?
Lani: Absolutely.
Valerie: And you get a kiss. And you get a kiss.
Lani: [laughing] Oh, my God.
Valerie: And you get a kiss from
Roman: So... how is everything here?
Everything is okay. And there is my sweet Henry.
Roman: Allie, look, I am
sorry. I apologize for opening my big trap. But I honestly thought your mom
Allie: Don't worry about it. I mean, she was going to find out soon
Roman: How did she take it?
Allie: Pretty well,
Roman: Okay. So where is your dad?
Allie: I don't
know. He hasn't come back from his walk yet, and I texted him, but he hasn't
answered. So, I guess Henry and I are just gonna wait for him here.
Tripp: Mom, hey, it's me. If you come back, I'm on my way to the police
station, okay? Please call me. [keys jingle outside] [knock at door] Oh,
finally, she's home. [tense music]♪
Kayla: [laughs] You okay?
Steve: Those kids cleaned me out. So, boring as it is, will you accept a check
from Daddy Claus?
Joey: I appreciate that, Dad, but I think I wanna pay
my own way.
Steve: Well, good for you, son.
Joey: Which is why I
just accepted a job.
Kayla: A job?
Joey: With Stephanie.
Kayla: In Seattle?
Joey: Yeah, look, I know I just got home, but I'm
looking to start fresh, and, it turns out, my sister needs me. And maybe I need
her too.
Steve: Well, Joe, that's great.
Kayla: Yeah, I mean, I
know that she'll keep an eye on you.
Joey: And vice versa.
So, sounds like this is happening soon?
Joey: Yeah. Actually, I decided
I'm going to go tomorrow.
Kayla: Tomorrow?
Joey: Like I said,
Stephanie needs me. And I need to start supporting myself. Look, I hope you guys
know how much I love being here with you. And I hope you will understand why I
have to go.
Steve: Sure we do, son. And you'll come back here and visit
us and we'll come there and visit you from time to time.
Joey: Yes,
definitely. Definitely. Well, I'm going to go call Steph and let her know my
Kayla: Okay, all right.
Joey: Love you.
Steve: Love
you, buddy.
Kayla: His sister needs him. That's a great thing.
Steve: Yeah, yeah. It is great.
Kayla: Yeah.
Steve: Of course,
we're going to miss him.
Kayla: Yeah.
Steve: God knows we've
gotten a little too used to missing him. Hey, baby. Hey. Joe is free. He's got
his life back.
Kayla: Right.
Steve: Right?
Kayla: Right.
Steve: Sweetness... our kids, they're going to be okay.
Kayla: So are
Steve: Yes, we are.
Kayla: [sniffles] [chuckles] Ugh.
Steve: It's going to be okay.
Kayla: Gonna be okay.
Eli: These two
are a handful. I can tell already. Baby, this is not going to be easy.
Lani: Eh. It's only 18 years.
Eli: 18 years of nighttime feedings and
terrible twos, homework and... teenagers.
Lani: Calm down, okay? Don't
get ahead of yourself.
Eli: How are you so calm?
Lani: Well,
because someone wise told me something today. He held my hands, and he said,
"You got this." So now, I'm gonna tell it back to him. You got this.
We got this. Merry Christmas... Mommy.
Lani: Merry Christmas, Daddy.
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