Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 12/23/20
Episode #13922 ~ The Horton family hangs ornaments on Christmas Eve; Claire gives Ben a gift from Ciara; Doug and Julie set up Lani and Eli; Jennifer is touched by Jack's present; Nicole's holiday is spent with someone unexpected.
Provided By Jim
Nicole: Merry Christmas to me!
[knock on door]
Nicole: [gasps]
Merry Christmas, sweetheart! Uh, Rafe.
Rafe: Merry Christmas.
Nicole: [laughs softly]
[somber music] ♪
Doug: Eli?
Doug, hey. What are you doing here? Is everything okay?
Doug: Yes, yes,
everything's fine. Julie told me that you were working tonight. I told her that
I would come over here and talk you out of it.
Eli: Doug-- It's Christmas
Eve, Eli.
Eli: Yeah, I know that. That's why I'm covering for a coworker
so he can be with his family.
Doug: And what about your family? You know
what we Hortons do every Christmas Eve. We have an ornament hanging extravaganza
and, Eli, we want you to be there.
Eli: I'm sorry, Doug. I really am, but
I'm just not in the mood.
Lani: No, no big plans tonight; I'm just
staying in. Eli? He's working. He had to cover for someone, unfortunately.
[knocking on door]
Lani: Hey, Mom. I'm gotta--I gotta call you back.
Someone's at the door. Okay, yeah. Merry Christmas, Mom, I love you too. Bye.
Julie: Lani, darling, I know how uncomfortable you must be getting
ready for the twins to pop, but this attire just won't do. This is Christmas
Lani: I'm aware.
Julie: Yeah, so I want you to change into
something wonderful and festive because this is the night we trim the Christmas
tree. There's going to be eggnog and delicious things that are just holiday
food--and general Horton merriment, and... [laughs] What do you say?
Lani: I say thank you, Julie, for stopping by. It's so sweet of you, but I'm
staying home tonight.
[reflective music] ♪
[knock on door]
Claire: Hey.
Ben: Hey, Claire.
Claire: Merry Christmas, Ben.
Ben: Merry Christmas to you too.
Claire: I went by the Salem Inn, and
they gave me your forwarding address, so here I am. Is this an okay time?
Ben: Yeah, come on in. It's fine.
Claire: Oh, so this is the new
Ben: It's the new place. Jake offered it to me. You know I had to
get out of that hotel room. Just all the memories, and...
Claire: Yeah, I
Ben: So what brings you by?
Claire: Uh, this is for
Ben: Oh, come on, you didn't have to do--
Claire: And before
you say anything, it's not from me. It's from Ciara.
male announcer: Like
sands through the hourglass, so are the "Days of Our Lives."
orchestration] ♪
Rafe: Well, you were obviously expecting someone else.
Nicole: I was. I was expecting Eric. He's coming home for Christmas.
Rafe: Oh, wow. Okay, well no wonder you were disappointed to see me.
Nicole: No--
Rafe: I had no idea.
Nicole: Well, no one does. It
was supposed to be a surprise for his family, so shh! Not a word to anyone.
Rafe: Okay, okay, my lips are sealed, all right? But this is great. That's
so great. I mean, you two should be together for the holidays. I mean, you
should be together, period.
Nicole: Yes, and we will be, eventually.
Rafe: Right, yes. Okay, well listen, since Eric is gonna be here soon, I'm
sure the two of you want to be alone. I just came to drop this off.
Nicole: Oh, okay, well Allie is not here. She's actually over at the Hortons'.
Rafe: Actually, it's for you.
Ben: It's from Ciara? I don't
Claire: Just open it.
[tender music] ♪
A gift? For me?
Rafe: It's really not all that, okay? Little David and I
last year, we baked cookies-- my mom's recipe--and I-- well, I thought I'd do it
again this year.
Nicole: Oh, did David's Aunt Zoe bring him by?
Rafe: No, actually, she did not, but I did it anyway, and, lo-and-behold, I
ended up with twice the batter. So I have a surplus, and I figured that Holly
would like 'em and you--wasn't it just her birthday?
Nicole: Yes, it was.
Rafe, this is really thoughtful of you. Thank you. [phone rings] Can you hang on
a second?
This could be Eric.
Rafe: Yeah, yeah.
Okay. Hi, sweetheart! What? Well, I thought you were gonna take a cab. Look, I
can have someone watch the kids and then-- what do you mean? In Addis Ababa?
Well, no, we... Yes, of course I understand, but... okay, whenever you can. I
love you too. Merry Christmas.
Rafe: Nicole? Did something happen with
Nicole: Yeah, he's stranded in Ethiopia. I guess the flight he was
supposed to take had mechanical issues, and there's no definite answer about
rebooking tickets, and... So, I guess he's not coming home for Christmas.
Doug: What is this "not in the mood" talk? You get in the mood,
Eli: Doug, I know how much this means to you and Grandma and to
the rest of our family, but I just don't want to come over and bring the vibe
Doug: Well, how in the world could you do that?
Eli: Well,
I'm not in a great spirit. Lani kicked me out, she won't let me come to any of
the birthing classes, and she's barely speaking to me.
Doug: Well, this
is terrible timing for you two to be fighting right now. You just work that out.
Eli: I've been trying to, Doug, every day. She's so damn stubborn.
Doug: And you're not? By the way, Julie told me that Lani's not even coming to
the party.
Eli: She's not?
Doug: No.
Eli: Doug, no. Look,
I'm here. I have to finish work.
Doug: Poppycock. Your shift ended two
minutes ago. Go clock out right now because you're coming with me, no ifs, ands,
or buts. I sound like Julie.
[both laugh]
Eli: All right, yeah. I
guess I can't say no to that. Let's go.
Julie: Sweetheart, I know
you don't want to see Eli. I know the two of you are having problems.
Lani: You don't know the half of it, Julie.
Julie: Well, I don't need to,
but you don't have to worry about that.
Lani: What do you mean?
Julie: Eli is working late tonight, and he won't be there.
Lani: Really?
You didn't talk him into coming after work?
Julie: No. And this is your
first year as an official Horton, and Doug and I--well, we'd be heartbroken if
you're not there to hang your newly-minted ornament on the tree. So let's
celebrate. And I won't take no for an answer.
Lani: Obviously not.
Jennifer: Let's see.
Allie: Oh wow! Cool. It's like a
retro time turner.
Jennifer: It's an hourglass.
Allie: It came
with a note.
[gentle music] ♪
Jennifer: "Dear Jennifer Rose, I
wish I could turn back time, but I can't change the past, only the future." "I
waited a year for you to come back to me the last time, and I will wait as long
as it takes this time because I'm never giving up on us. Love, Jack."
Claire: My Grandma Hope had it made. She sent it to me before she left Salem and
asked me to give it to you. It arrived in the mail just a couple of days ago.
Ben: I don't have a--I don't have a Christmas tree this year,
but... I will definitely find a special place for it.
Claire: Or, you
could come with me to Doug and Julie's? Hang it on their tree?
Ben: No, I
couldn't. I would not crash your family celebration.
Claire: Ben... they
are your family too. Now and always.
Rafe: Shoot. I'm so sorry
Eric's not gonna be here. Maybe soon, right?
Nicole: It depends on the
flights. It depends on his work.
Rafe: Right.
Nicole: It's just--
I was just looking so forward to seeing him.
Rafe: Yeah, well, that makes
Nicole: But I only have myself to blame, I guess. I mean, I'm the
one who supported him going to Africa, and I just knew that, if he didn't go, he
would--he would regret it.
Rafe: And now you regret it.
No. No, I just--I didn't realize how slowly time would go with him gone. It just
feels like he's been away forever. [oven buzzes] Oh, great, my dinner's ready.
Well, would you like to stay? Because I obviously have enough for two.
Rafe: No, thank you though. Thanks. I mean, it's not--it wouldn't be right.
You're expecting Eric to show up, and I'm here.
Nicole: Yeah, well, Rafe,
he's not coming, and my Cornish hens will go to waste if you don't stay.
Rafe: [chuckles]
Allie won't eat it?
Nicole: Are you kidding?
She's gone to two parties already.
Rafe: Holly?
Nicole: She hates
poultry, all kinds.
Rafe: Henry?
Nicole: He has no teeth.
Rafe: Yeah, that's a good point.
Nicole: It's yours if you want it.
Rafe: I mean, I'll be honest, a Cornish hen does sound a lot better than a
frozen pizza at home.
Nicole: So then you'll stay?
Rafe: Oh, what
the heck. Yeah, sure, I'll stay.
Ben: Thank you for inviting me,
Claire, but I... I don't think I'm really feeling up to it.
Claire: Hey,
I understand. I'm not feeling totally up for it either, but, Ben, it's
Christmas. And I honestly think that it could be comforting for you to be around
Ciara's family, hanging ornaments on the tree. You know, it might make you feel
connected to her. [warm music]♪ I would be so grateful if you would come with me
today to hang Ciara's ornament with me. We can get through this, Ben, together.
What do you say?
Ben: Okay. I'll come with you.
Thank you.
Ben: Thank you.
Doug: Merry Christmas! Ho, ho, ho!
Merry Christmas! Hey! How splendid. My house is filled with beautiful ladies.
Eli: Where's Grandma?
Doug: Oh, actually she had an
errand to run.
Julie: Here I am! Hello, hello!
["We Wish You a
Merry Christmas" playing] ♪
Lani: I thought you were working tonight.
Eli: I thought you weren't coming.
Julie: Well, since you're both
here, let's make the best of it, shall we?
Eli: Don't even think about
putting us under the mistletoe.
Doug: Hold that thought, kiddo.
[bell jingling]
Doug: There you are! There you are!
Claire: Hi!
Hello. Merry Christmas!
Julie: Claire, so glad to see you, darling.
Claire: Merry Christmas.
Doug: Ben, good to see you.
Ben: Good
to see you too.
Julie: Ben.
Ben. Hey.
Julie: It's wonderful
to see you.
Ben: It's wonderful to see you too. Thanks for having me.
Julie: Now that you're here, we can get this party started.
Ben: So,
you got any tips for me? Proper Horton Christmas behavior?
Claire: Okay,
let me see-- off the top of my head, don't talk while Julie is talking, and sing
every single word of every carol.
Ben: You know, I'm not sure I know them
Claire: Stick with me. I'll help you through it.
Julie: Go talk to your wife.
Eli: I'm not happy about this, Grandma.
Julie: I know, but trust me, you will be.
Eli: Hey.
Lani: Hey.
Eli: Uh, look, it's a bit stuffy in here. You want to go outside and talk?
Lani: Sure.
[soft jazzy music] ♪
Allie: I love these little
wooden favors. So cute.
Claire: My dad is a total cheeseball. I swear,
wedding bells for Belle?
Allie: I know, but I think it's perfect for a
Christmastime wedding. You know,
"every time a bell rings, an angel gets its
Ben: "It's a Wonderful Life."
Claire: Oh, right.
Allie: Anyway, I'm really glad that your parents' wedding was mostly drama-free.
Eli: Here. Let's--let's just forget the small talk. I have something
to say.
Lani: I'm listening.
Eli: I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I went
behind your back about Kristen, and I'm sorry that I was an ass at the hospital
when you told me I couldn't be your birthing coach. I lost my temper, and I
didn't mean what I said.
Lani: Yeah, you did.
Eli: No, Lani,
Lani: You were right.
Eli: Wait, what?
Lani: Eli,
I can't shut you out of our children's lives, and I don't want to.
Lani: Meaning I am not thrilled about the way you went about any
of this, but after thinking it over, everything that you did was for me and our
babies... our family.
Eli: Yeah. Well, does that mean that we can move
past this?
Jennifer: So, apparently I was wrong about Jack and
Kate sleeping together.
Julie: Of course you were, and Jack is never
going to hurt you that way again. Now, my question is: does this make a
difference? Is there a chance you can forgive him now?
Hello, hi. Um, Ben would like to know when we are gonna be hanging the Christmas
Julie: Oh, well, that depends. We have to wait for Eli and
Lani to come back inside.
Claire: They have been out there for an awfully
long time.
Julie: Well...
Jennifer: Hopefully that's a good sign?
Julie: Only one way to find out.
["The First Noel" plays softly] ♪
Doug: Well, well, look who made up.
Julie: [laughs] It sure puts
me in the Christmas spirit.
Doug: Yeah!
The Herald" playing] ♪
Doug: Since we're all starving, and we're running
a little bit late, I'll try to be brief. Thank you all for being here. It means
the world to Julie and me. Sweetheart?
Julie: Well, at Christmas, once
again, we've gathered to embrace each other and to show our gratitude for
family. To remember, to celebrate, those we've lost, and those who came before
us-- those wonderful, wonderful people who taught us to share our joy, our
sorrows through all the generations, who taught us to love. Let's never forget:
it's love that sustains us. That's why it's so important to cherish each other.
Right here, right now. Speaking for myself, I have been blessed with the most
perfect husband any woman in the world could wish for. We have been blessed with
so many years of happiness. Our good friends, each of you, you bring so much to
us-- such new and exciting things in our lives. Doug and I are eternally
grateful. So let us all be grateful to be together and be grateful to be sending
our love into the future. Well... we wish you all a joyous Christmas!
Doug: Thank you, Julie. That was beautiful. And now let us all raise glasses to
the originals, Tom and Alice Horton, right here in their home, where it all
began. Cheers!
all: Cheers!
Julie: Merry Christmas.
[overlapping chatter]
[warm music] ♪
["O Holy Night" playing] ♪
Doug: Ben... would you like to help me?
[reflective music] ♪
Ben: I'm sorry. I can't.
Rafe: One diaper change, one verse of
"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," and Henry is out like a light.
Wow, hats off to you. You're like a little baby whisperer.
Rafe: Well,
here's the thing: I can't carry a tune, and so I think kids would rather sleep
than listen to me. It works every time.
Nicole: [laughs] So is that your
Rafe: Yeah, that's my secret. All right, well, anyway. Thank you.
I should get going.
Nicole: Oh, oh, but wait, you forgot something.
Rafe: What's that?
Nicole: Dessert.
Claire: You know,
I'll go see if he's okay.
Doug: Claire, honey, let him go.
Well, let's just continue, shall we? Eli? If you can stop canoodling with your
beautiful bride just long enough to hang a Christmas ornaments before it's
Christmas Day, okay?
Lani, this is for you.
Lani: Thank you.
Julie: And next year two more for those precious babies.
[gentle music] ♪
Eli: There, let me help you.
Lani: Oh! Oof!
Eli: You okay?
Lani: Yeah, I'm okay. My water just broke.
Rafe: No, no. Those are for you.
Nicole: All for me? Come on, you got
to have one.
Rafe: No, no, I'm good. Really.
Nicole: Oh. Okay,
fine. I will try one myself because I'm sure that you are curious to know what I
think about your baking skills.
Rafe: I actually am.
Nicole: Oh,
okay. [gasps] Oh, I love these! Galettas Garabatos!
Rafe: Wait, you know
Nicole: Uh, hello, I was born Nicole Mendez, you know.
Rafe: That's right.
Nicole: Yes, my grandmother, my Abuela, used to make
these when I was a kid. I love these cookies! It's one of the few pleasant
memories I had back then. Okay!
Rafe: Okay.
Nicole: Good luck.
[chuckles] Mmm, oh, my goodness! These are delicious!
Rafe: No,
seriously, do you like them?
Nicole: Yes, I like these cookies. And I've
really enjoyed this evening too, even though this isn't at all the Christmas I
Rafe: Yep. Me neither.
Nicole: I don't think you were
having a good time either, though.
Rafe: Oh, really? And why would you
say that?
Nicole: Well, I'm-- because you're with me on Christmas Eve,
and not Hope.
Rafe: Well, I have had a great time tonight.
Well, sorry that it didn't work out for you two.
Rafe: Yeah, me too.
Nicole: Actually, in all honesty, I'm not really that sorry because, you
know, Hope's not my favorite person.
Rafe: Okay, Nicole, you don't--
Nicole: It kind of drives me crazy--no, I know, but before you get mad about
me saying that, I just think that-- I think if she were willing to let you go
given what she's gone through, I get it, but I think she's making a mistake. You
deserve more. You deserve better. You deserve a woman who appreciates you, and
you know what? I know that she's out there somewhere. I do!
Claire: [sighs] Ben. Hey, you okay?
Ben: Yeah. Where is everybody?
Claire: Lani went into labor. So party's over, and I got stuck with cleaning
Ben: Oh, my God.
Lani's about to give birth.
Yeah, it's pretty exciting. Twins.
Ben: Yeah, I heard. ["O Come, All Ye
Faithful" playing] Claire, I'm sorry. I... I couldn't hang that ornament that
Ciara gave me.
Claire: I get it. It's okay. You wanted to be
alone with her. ♪ [sighs] Here.♪
Ben: Thank you.
Claire: I'll be
in the kitchen. Just let me know if you need anything, okay? [exhales] ♪
Ciara: It's okay, Ben.
Ben: [sighs] [shimmering tone] We can do it
[soft dramatic music] ♪
Nicole: Allie! You're home
early. Is everything okay?
Allie: Yeah, well, Lani went into labor, so
the tree trimming got cut kind of short, but--wait. Why aren't you at Grandma's
with Uncle Eric?
Nicole: Eric is stranded in Ethiopia--mechanical
problems with the plane he was supposed to take, so he's not coming.
Allie: Oh no, Nicole, I'm so sorry. Can he come tomorrow, like soon?
Nicole: No. He probably won't be able to get a ticket for a week or so, and, by
that time, he will probably need to go back to work, so--it's okay.
Allie: No, it's not. But it will be.
Nicole: [sighs] Thank you.
Rafe: Voicemail, of course. [phone beeps] Hope. Hey, it's me, Rafe. Ah... I wish
I could talk to you in person, but, yeah, I... just wanted you to know that I've
been thinking about you a lot, you know? Especially this time of year. You know,
we have so many good memories of Christmastime. Yeah, I know that you're doing
what you need to do. I just wanted to wish you a merry Christmas.
["Greensleeves" playing]♪ Merry Christmas.
[Lani breathes heavily]
Eli: What can I do, babe? Anything I can do to help.
Lani: Okay, uh,
[breathes heavily] Music. I need music. There's a playlist on my phone.
Doug: Did I hear somebody mention music? Say no more. ♪ Hark, the herald angels
sing both: Glory to ♪ The newborn King
Lani: Okay--
both: Peace on
earth ♪ and mercy mild ♪ God and sinners reconciled
Ben: Ciara, I
miss you so damn much. Every minute of every day. I don't know how to live
without you.
Ciara: Yes you do, Ben. Because I'm right here. I'm always
right here.
["Silent Night" playing] ♪
[bell dings]
Ben, who were you talking to?
Ben: Ciara.
Claire: Ciara?
Ben: [sighs] I can feel her presence here. [breathes deeply] Thank you for
giving us a moment alone together. ♪ Merry Christmas, Ciara. I love you. ♪
Always and forever.
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