Days Transcript Tuesday 12/22/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 12/22/20


Episode #13921 ~ John and Marlena's family celebrates Christmas Eve; Nicole tells Allie a secret; Will returns; Belle and Shawn get married.

Provided By  Suzanne and Jim

Belle: I can't believe after all of last year's resolutions that we still saved our christmas shopping till the last minute.

Shawn: Whoa, whoa, whoa, we? I finished mine this morning.

Belle: Because you don't shop. You get everyone e-cards .

Shawn: Hey, don't knock them. They're the perfect gift. I mean, they're quick, they're easy, and everybody loves him.

Belle: It's really late. I guess it's a good thing that all of the stores giftwrap.

Shawn: I don't think your parents are going to mind if we're a few minutes late. Plus, I think we're standing under a mistletoe.

Belle: No, we're not. There is no mistletoe.

Shawn: Oh. There's one now. Merry christmas.

Children: Merry christmas!

Santa: Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho!

[Keys jangle]

Marlena: Hi there. I stopped and got some baby aspirin for rachel, and-- john? Is something wrong?

John: I'm fine.

Marlena: Uh, did something happen?

John: I just said I'm fine.

Marlena: Well, it looks like you--

John: I'm sorry. Sorry.

Marlena: Okay. Do you want to tell me what happened?

John: He wished that he had never been born, so then he wasn'T. And now potter is running the whole damn town.

Marlena: Okay. I understand. I'll tell you what. Why don't we just go ahead and see how it ends?

[Dramatic music on tv]

Merry christmas!

["Joy to the world" playing]

Allie: Do you have more tape?

Nicole: More? I gave you two rolls.

Allie: I know, but I kind of massacred the last one. Sorry.

Nicole: Well, I do have more. But before I get that for you, you can have this.


Allie: It's not even christmas yet.

Nicole: I'm impatient. Here.

Allie: Nicole, you've already done so much. You really didn't have to--

Nicole: Okay, could you just open it, please? Thank you very much. Christmas is no time for sentiment.

Allie: Okay.

Nicole: Besides, it's not even for you.

Allie: Well, what is it? Oh.

Nicole: Look at the butt.

[Both laugh]

Allie: Nicole, I love it. I love it. Oh, thank you.

Nicole: You're welcome.

Allie: I love it.

Nicole: Oh, I'm so glad.

Claire: Hi. I'm just making sure you're still coming to my grandma marlena'S.

Charlie: I wouldn't miss it for the world. Though I might be a little late. I had some... last-minute wrapping to do.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Claire: Don't stress about it. Boys aren't supposed to be good at wrapping presents.

Charlie: Yeah, well, it might not look great, but doing it definitely put me in the holiday spirit. So I'm on my way.

Claire: Great. I will see you soon.

[Phone beeps]

Charlie: Maybe I should put a string of lights on you or something.

Ava: [Muffled] Charlie.

Charlie: Mom, will you give it a rest? Think of how many people you've tied up. I mean, turn-around is fair play, right? Okay, fine. If I take the gag off, do you promise not to scream?

Ava: [Mumbles] Help! Somebody help me!

Charlie: Oh, mother, you broke your word. Just like I knew you would. You see, you can scream your little head off, but nobody's going to hear you.

Ava: Ugh.

Charlies: It's one of the things I like about this place.

Ava: Charlie, come on, you cannot do this to me. You have to let me go.

Charlie: I'm sorry, mom. This year, you're going to have a nice, quiet christmas. All alone.

Allie: This will be perfect for grandma's party tonight.

Nicole: Yeah, so--you know, henry is zonked, so why don't you just leave him here with me?

Allie: Well, aren't you coming?

Nicole: Um, you know, maybe I'll come over in a little while or something. I still have some things to do here, you know, before I go.

Allie: What things?

Nicole: Okay, can you keep a secret?

Allie: Yes.

Nicole: Eric's coming home.

Allie: What? Oh, my god, nicole that's so great. Wait--I thought you said you weren't going to be able to see him.

Nicole: Yeah, I said that because it's a surprise for everyone, so promise me you won't tell anyone.

Allie: I know, I promise. Oh, my god, I'm so excited. If I'm this excited, I can't even imagine how you're feeling right now.

Nicole: I know this sounds a little selfish but I just want a little time with eric before we go over to marlena'S.

Allie: No, no, I don't think that's selfish at all. I mean, I think that's love. Of course you guys want some alone time. Your secret is safe with me.

Nicole: Yay.

[Knocking at door] Oh, my god, that's him! I haven't changed, and I wanted to fix my makeup--

Allie: Nicole, you look beautiful. Go answer the door.

Nicole: Okay. Welcome home! Merry christmas and a-- will?

Will: Yeah, merry christmas.

Nicole: Yeah.

Ava: I cannot believe you are doing this to me.

Charlie: What's not to believe? I'm just taking a page out of your book. If somebody is a danger to you, the least you can do is kidnap them.

Ava: I am not a danger to you.

Charlie: Oh, come on. You're going to tell everybody I'm a rapist. I could go to jail. I could lose claire.

Ava: I won't tell anyone anything. I swear. Honey, you were right. You're right. Since tripp isn't being charged, then there is no reason to turn you in.

Charlie: And there it is, ladies and gentlemen! Tripp, tripp, tripp. "Since nothing bad is going to happen to my precious tripp, I don't need to utterly destroy charlie's life."

Ava: That is not what I said! Honey, I just want to protect both of my sons.

Charlie: No, you're just trying to con me into letting you free.

Ava: Charlie, this is our first christmas together. Let's celebrate.

Charlie: Celebrate?

Ava: Yeah, it's early still. We could get a tree because I'm sure the shops are still open, and I'll make the seven fishes. Come on. Let's celebrate christmas as a family.

Charlie: It is all I've ever wanted. I used to dream of hanging stockings and waiting for santa claus just like every other kid.

Ava: Okay, then we'll do it.

Charlie: Hang stockings?

Ava: Yeah, if you want.

Charlie: Have you been paying attention? Like, at all? I'm a grown man. It's a little too norman bates to be hanging stockings with my mommy, plus I kind of hate your guts. So, I'm sorry, but the fun and wonderful christmas ship has sailed. You should have tried when I was ten.

Ava: Wait, wait, no, no-- come on, what are you doing?

Charlie: I'm just settling you in for the night.

Ava: [Muffled] Charlie.

Charlie: I'll make it like one of my christmases. Alone.

[Cheering on tv] Watching a heartwarming movie.

Merry christmas!

Charlie: There we go.

Ava: [Muffled] Charlie, don't do this to me. Charlie!

Charlie: And why in god's name would you make seven fishes?

Ava: [Muffled talking] Charlie! Charlie!

Nicole: Will. What a surprise.

Will: Yeah, apparently not a happy one.

Allie: Will! Oh, my god, you're here.

Will: Hey! Sorry, I thought I'd surprise you, but nicole is looking like I'm the last person in the world she wants to see.

Nicole: No, it's fine. I was just expecting someone else.

Will: Oh, yeah? Who?

Allie: Well, that is a surprise too.

Will: Oh. Okay, well, can I get a ride over to grandma's house?

Allie: Yeah, of course. Oh, my god, she's going to be so happy to see you just like I am. Merry christmas, will!

Will: Merry christmas.

John: I'm looking forward--

Claire: Look who I found outside.

Marlena: Oh, my goodness. Merry christmas! Come, come in, come in.

Belle: Are we late?

Shawn: Of course, belle decided to leave all of her shopping to the last minute. I'm so sorry.

Marlena: Go ahead and put your presents under the tree, and john is making his famous eggnog.

Claire: Hit me, grandpa.

John: Oh, you're going to love it!

Claire: Thank you.

Brady: This is from kristen and me.

Marlena: Oh!

Brady: For you.

Marlena: Thank you. Thank you.

Brady: You're welcome.

Marlena: Oh, my goodness. That's a picture that I took with rachel a while back.

Brady: Yeah.

Marlena: I love this. Thank you.

Brady: You like it?

Marlena: Please, I will thank kristen when I visit her next.

Belle: Hey. I thought you said charlie was coming with you.

Claire: He'll be here. He just had some last-minute things he needed to take care of.

Brady: So did you have a good christmas eve cry?

John: You're a terrible son. Did anybody ever tell you that?

Brady: I try, I try.

John: But I still love you.

Brady: I know you do. You know, I knew you did even when you weren't quite as--

John: Watch it, watch it, watch it.

Brady: Effusive as you are now.

Belle: Is he giving you a hard time?

John: As always, yeah.

Brady: Look, we're going have to get used to the new you, you know? I mean, you haven't always been an open book, dad.

John: You know, the fact is, I hated it at first being so-- what was that word you used?

Brady: Effusive.

John: Effusive, yes. You know, I thought it might've been just a side-effect of the aneurysm, but you wanna know something? It's okay. You know, I think it's turned out to be a good thing because now I really appreciate having the family all together. Except the last time the family was together I kind of blew it big time, and I'm sorry for that, sweetheart.

Belle: Oh, dad. You did not blow our wedding. Jan did that. You were just trying to help like you always do. Hopefully, I'll be able to get those charges dropped after the holidays.

John: Thank you, honey. And now I better go see if I can help your mother out.

Brady: Good idea.

Shawn: Belle? You notice that everybody's here that was supposed to be there for our wedding day?

Belle: No.

Shawn: Including you.

Belle: I guess you're right.

Shawn: Yeah, it would be cool if we could, you know, get married tonight, but, you know, we can't really get married without rings, right?

Brady: Actually, you can.

Shawn: Shut up. Wait. What is this in my pocket? Whoa. Whoa. What did I find there? This is for you. And it's not an e-card, so... I brought them just in case.

Brady: In case of what, shawn? He prompted.

Shawn: In case of an impromptu wedding, maybe?

What did I find there? This is for you. And it's not an e-card, so... I brought them just in case.

Brady: In case of what, shawn? He prompted.

Shawn: In case of an impromptu wedding, maybe?

[Excited chatter] Belle, will you marry me? Today?

Belle: Yes, of course.

Brady: Yes!

[Cheers and applause] Christmas wedding.

Marlena: Oh, my word. Merry christmas, darling.

John: It is a very merry christmas, isn't it?

[Sweeping music]

Will: It is the food, the mexican food.

Nicole: Will. Will.

Nicole: He's asleep, but I knew you wanted to see him.

Will: Oh, my gosh! He's beautiful. He's gotten so big.

Allie: Yeah, he loves to eat.

Nicole: I'm going to go check on holly.

Allie: Before the surprise.

Nicole: Before, yeah. Well, you know where the wine is and juice and the soda and stuff.

[Overlapping chatter]

Allie: What you want to drink?

Will: I'm good, thank you. Listen, now that we're, I guess, sort of alone, I just wanted to apologize again for everything that went down before sonny and I left. I mean, when I found out what mom was up to, honestly I thought it was for the best, but I was clearly wrong.

Allie: Will, stop. You've already apologized, and no one knows better than me how hard it is to stop mom from executing one of her plans, so.

Will: Yeah. Well, I mean, I guess it worked out anyway, right? Despite her intervention, henry is thriving, and you seem, uh-- you seem happy.

Allie: Yeah, I mean, I really have nicole to thank for that. She's been so great. I couldn't have done any of this without her. And I guess mom kind of got what she wanted. I mean, I'm raising my baby.

Will: Yeah, I know you didn't really want to at first but--

Allie: I didn't think that I could, but now I can't imagine my life without him.

[Ava grunting]

[Tense music]

Charlie: Merry christmas, girlfriend.

Charlie: Merry christmas, boyfriend. Are those for me?

Charlie: Actually, these are for your grandmother.

Claire: Oh. Well, that was very sweet of you, but I told you not to bring anything.

Charlie: Yeah, but your family is willing to share christmas with a stranger. I'm not gonna show up empty-handed. Plus, shopping was fun. It put me in the holiday spirit. Oh, speaking of shopping, this is for you.

Claire: Thank you, charlie. You can just put that under the tree. There is something there for you too.

Charlie: Claire, why is your grandfather crying?

Claire: Oh, yeah, so you remember how I invited you to my parents wedding that ended up being a total disaster?

Charlie: Yeah, it's hard to forget.

Claire: So they decided that tonight would be the perfect night for a do-over.

Charlie: Oh, that's great.

Claire: I know.

Charlie: Yeah.

Belle: Hi, charlie. I'm claire's mom. Merry christmas.

Charlie: Merry christmas and congratulations.

Charlie: Oh, I guess claire told you, huh?

Charlie: She did, and I'm really happy for you.

Belle: Aw, well, thanks. Let's hope this time around is a little less dramatic.

Claire: Let's hope this time around you actually end up married.

Belle: That too, yes.

John: Hey, charlie.

Charlie: Hey, mr. Black. Merry christmas.

John: Same to you, kid. Well, tink, you ready, honey?

Belle: Oh, I am definitely ready.

John: All right. Then let's get this show on the road. Here we go.

Marlena: Okay. Family and friends, we are here to witness the wedding of my beautiful belle and her amazing fiancé, shawn. So if anybody has any reason these two should not be married, you better speak now or forever hold your peace.

Belle: Don't you dare.


Marlena: Good? Good. I think we can proceed.

[Phone rings]

John: No, no, no, no, no.

Marlena: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I forgot to turn that off. I'm so sorry. Goodness.

[Phone rings] Oh. It's sami calling.

[Ringing continues]

Allie: I mean, a year ago my life was so different. The only thing that I worried about was what party I would go to next, which I'm not saying I'm proud of. I definitely was not using my time productively, as dad would put it. But I don't know, when I went to that club, I never dreamed that I would end up with a kid.

Will: Yeah, and you had no idea that tripp would do something so horrible.

Allie: Yeah, well, I didn't know him obviously. I guess I never thought any guy that I trusted enough to take me home would ever do something so horrible. But I was pretty wasted, and--you know what? It's christmas, so let's not talk about this subject anymore.

Will: Yeah.

Allie: As for me, I'm just going to focus on everything in my life that I'm grateful for.

Will: Cool. Like your beautiful little boy.

Allie: Yeah, and my big brother being home for the first time in months.

Will: Yeah, and grandma's christmas party.

Allie: Mm-hmm, and mom on a different continent. Sorry, that was not very christmassy at all.

Will: That's a good point.

Allie: Um, anyway, we should get going before they drink all the eggnog.

Will: Yeah.

Nicole: You two headed out?

Allie: Yeah.

Will: Yeah. Do you want to come with? I mean, you can bring henry.

Nicole: Oh, no, no, I don't want to wake him.

Allie: Yeah, and, I mean, she really doesn't want to miss the big surprise.

Nicole: Nope.

Allie: Merry christmas, nicole. Okay, you deserve one.

Nicole: Oh, honey, thank you so much. So do you. So do both of you.

Allie: Okay, well, thank you so much, and please give henry a kiss for me when he wakes up, okay?

Nicole: Oh, my goodness, I will.

Will: All right.

[Phone ringing]

Belle: Don't you dare answer that phone.

Shawn: Belle, please, come on.

Belle: No, I'm serious. She can leave a message.

[Ringing continues]

Marlena: I thought you might want to tell her that you were getting married.

Belle: Why? Why would I want to tell sami anything? Are you forgetting that she unleashed jan spears on this family for her own selfish purposes? That I could have been killed? That shawn's and my wedding turned out to be a total nightmare?

Shawn: Belle, it's not the time and place to get into this. This is our wedding. It's supposed to be a happy occasion. We're supposed to be stress free, right?

Belle: Right.

Shawn: Right?

Belle: Right. You're right. I'm sorry, everybody. I just got triggered obviously. Please forgive the interruption.

Marlena: Well, actually it was my fault. I forgot to turn off my phone. I'll do that right now so we can proceed with the wedding. As I was saying, we're here to celebrate the marriage of belle and shawn. We rejoice in their love and commitment to one another, and we offer our unconditional support for the beginning of their new life together.

Marlena: I know this marriage was a little spontaneous.

[Laughter] But knowing my daughter as I do, I've got a feeling that maybe she would want to say something right now, either something from her heart or something that she's prepared.

Belle: Oh, yeah. I have something prepared. I have something prepared from our first attempt at tying the knot.

Shawn: As do I, but... I'll let you go first.

Belle: Right, okay. I'm just--I'm really excited and a little nervous, so forgive me if I stumble over my words a little bit.

Marlena: This is your day. It's your wedding. It's your moment. You take your time. We're here.

Belle: Okay. Okay, shawn, love of my life, from this day forward, I promise you these things. I promise to laugh with you in times of joy, and I promise to comfort you in times of sorrow. I promise to share in your dreams and to support you as you strive to achieve all your goals. I promise to listen with compassion and understanding, and I promise to speak to you with tons of encouragement. I'll be there to help you when you need it, and I'll step aside when you don'T. And I promise to be faithful to you, for better or worse, in times of sickness and in health because you're my very best friend, and I will love you and respect you forever.

Marlena: Shawn?

Shawn: Belle, when I look into your eyes, I'm reminded of just how lucky I am. I'm a better man with you by my side. And I vow I will always be there. I'll be there to listen to you as long as it takes until you feel heard, and I vow to watch you, in awe, as you-- as you kick ass and you take names.

[Laughter] And I vow to be your unrelenting cheer squad on days when things are just too much. And I vow to love you always and forever and beyond.

[Gentle music]

Marlena: Wow. That was lovely. Oh, my goodness. Okay, moving on. Shawn-douglas, do you take isabella to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad times, in sickness and in health, to love her and honor her all the days of your life?

Shawn: Oh, I do.

Marlena: And do you, isabella, promise to take shawn as your lawfully wedded husband? Will you promise to be faithful to him in good times and bad times, in sickness and in health, to love and to honor him all of the days of your life?

Belle: I do.

Marlena: And are there rings?

Shawn: Well, actually, I just have them right here in my pocket.

Belle: Is this guy a keeper, or what?

Shawn: This is for you. Belle, with this ring, I give it to you as a symbol of my everlasting love.

Belle: Shawn, I give you this ring as a symbol of our unbreakable bond.

Marlena: Now, it is my great pleasure and joy to pronounce that you are husband and wife. And you may kiss your bride.

Shawn: Finally.

[Cheers and applause]

John: Congratulations, kids.

Marlena: Aw, beautiful.

John: I think this calls for some champagne. What do you say?

Charlie: Can I help you with that?

John: Yeah, yeah. Please, please. Call me john, too, charlie.

[Doorbell rings]

Will: Merry christmas!

Brady: Merry christmas, you two! Oh, my--will, hi.

Allie: Hi, merry christmas to you too.

Brady: Merry christmas. Come on in.

[Laughter] It's so great to see you, man.

Will: It's great to be here.

Brady: I wish you would have been here a couple of minutes ago, you wouldn't have missed the wedding.

Allie: What wedding?

Will: Belle and shawn.

Will: What? That's exciting.

Brady: Yeah, yeah, it was kind of last minute, but miracles happen, and they got married, and they're husband and wife.

Allie: Wow, a christmas wedding. Well, I'm so sorry we missed it.

Will: Yeah, me too.

Brady: It's okay. Where's little henry?

Allie: He's at home with nicole. He was sleeping, so I didn't want to wake him up. Oh, hi! There's claire. I'm going to go say hi to her, so excuse me.

Brady: Sure, go.

Allie: Hi.

Claire: Hello!

Allie: Hi. Merry christmas!

Claire: Merry christmas, allie. I wanted you to meet charlie, but I think he went to get champagne. Oh, wait, there he is.

Charlie: Hey.

Allie: Hi.

Charlie: Sorry.

Claire: Okay, so charlie, this is my adorable cousin allie. Allie, this is charlie.

Allie: Hi, charlie. It's so nice to meet you.

Charlie: You too.

Allie: Merry christmas.

Charlie: Yeah, um, merry christmas.

[Tense music]

Charlie: Anyway, it's really nice to meet you. I think I already said that.

Allie: Yeah, you did.

Charlie: I should go put this down.

Allie: I'm sorry, do I know you from somewhere?

Charlie: I don't think so.

Allie: You just seem so familiar.

Charlie: I just have one of those faces, I guess. Sorry, this is really heavy.

Brady: Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the annual holiday picture, so gather around.

John: Come on, baby.

Marlena: Yes, yes, yes.

Claire: Charlie, is everything okay?

Charlie: No--I mean, yeah. I just feel kind of sick all of a sudden.

Claire: Oh.

Charlie: Yeah, it just came over me. I think I should go home.

Claire: But you only just got here. Do you feel feverish? You're not hot. Is it your stomach?

Charlie: No, it's just a weird feeling, like I'm coming down with something, and i really don't want to be sick in front of your whole family.

Claire: Okay. Okay, well, I'll come with you.

Charlie: No, no, just-- I would feel awful if I ruined your christmas eve. So you stay here, and you have fun, and I'll call you tomorrow.

Claire: Okay.

Allie: Um, where is charlie going?

Claire: Uh, he just-- he didn't feel well all of a sudden.

Brady: Ladies, take your places. Come on, we got to do it! Are you ready? Okay, here we go. Three, two, one!

John: Merry christmas!


John: Hey, sweetie.

Claire: Oh, hey, grandpa.

John: Where did your friend charlie go?

Claire: He had to leave. He wasn't feeling well.

John: Oh, that's too bad.

Claire: Yeah, it is. Especially because it's christmas. He's going to be alone now.

John: He doesn't have any family here?

Claire: Uh, no. He grew up in philadelphia with his dad, but I don't think they're in touch anymore.

John: Oh, that's too bad too.

Claire: Yeah, and he has a brother out there somewhere, but it doesn't seem like they're in contact either.

John: Oh, now that's too bad three. Now I'm really sorry that he had to leave.

Claire: Yeah, me too.

John: Yeah.

Claire: I'm going to get some water.

John: Yeah, yeah, you take care, sweetie.

Marlena: For you.

John: Oh. Merry christmas, sweetheart.

Marlena: Merry christmas, my love.

John: Are you happy?

Marlena: What could be better than having a house full of family?

John: A house full of family on christmas eve and a happily married belle?

Marlena: Well, with one small interruption.

John: Can you believe sami called right when that wedding and got started?

Marlena: I know, but I didn't mute my phone. It was my fault. I should've done that. It was careless.

John: Did she leave a message?

Marlena: Oh, she did. She wanted to apologize to everybody for not being here for christmas.

John: Oh, you know, she's got to take care of ej and sydney and johnny, right?

Marlena: Yeah.

John: Yeah.

Marlena: You know, as far as belle goes, I don't know that she would have gotten married if sami had been here.

John: Without question.

Marlena: Yeah. So I guess they haven't gotten over that little tiff.

John: No, I think it's going to take a little bit of time for belle. She's still pretty angry about all that.

Marlena: With very good reason.

John: Right.

Marlena: I'm sorry, I just like it when things turn out right in the end.

John: Yeah, well, I think everybody does. I mean, isn't that what the holiday season is all about and why people watch all of those christmas movies?

Marlena: So they can cry during the happy ending?

John: Yeah. But you know something, doc? That happy ending, it wouldn't mean half as much if you didn't have a lot of hurdles to get over. True?

Marlena: True. And we have overcome our share of hurdles this time, haven't we?

John: Indeed we have.

Marlena: Do you think that we're as happy as that family on television?

John: You know, doc, I don't really look at it that way--happy ending or otherwise--because I think that we still have so much more to look forward to.

Marlena: Yes we do.

John: Yeah, so see you can call it whatever you want, but I just feel so grateful and so blessed to be able to share all of this with you.

[Gentle holiday music]

Belle: Well, you know what the good thing is about getting married on christmas eve? You'll never forget our anniversary.

Shawn: Hmm, so we've got christmas eve, we've got our anniversary.

Belle: Mm-hmm.

Shawn: Means I get to just get you two e-cards.

Belle: Oh, don't knock yourself out.

Shawn: You know, I actually do have one for you right here, so...

Belle: That's not an e-card.

Shawn: Well, I was, you know, inspired to get you something a little bit more personal, I mean, considering you are my wife and all. Hmm?

Belle: Oh, shawn, those are beautiful.

Shawn: Merry christmas, my bride.

Belle: Merry christmas, groom.


Allie: Wait, so what happened with charlie?

Claire: I told you. He didn't feel well.

Allie: Right. It was just kind of sudden, right?

Claire: Yeah, and I really wanted you to get to know him.

Allie: I have this feeling that I already do.

[Tense music]

Ava: Oh, god, yes.

Charlie: Going somewhere?

[Jazzy holiday music]

Nicole: Merry christmas to me!

[Knock on door] Oh. Merry christmas, sweetheart!

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