Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 12/21/20
Episode #13920 ~ The Kiriakis family celebrates Christmas Eve; Victor and Maggie are not happy when Justin invites Bonnie to the family gathering; Xander brings a surprising date to the festivities; Brady and Kristen fantasize about being home for the holiday.
Provided By Jim
[soft dramatic music] ♪
Brady: Merry Christmas,my love.
Kristen: Brady! [laughs]
[tender music] ♪
Brady: How are you?
Kristen: Merry Christmas to you too, my love.
[soft laughter] ♪
Maggie: Oh, it's a beautiful day. Oh, Victor, it's Christmas Eve. Enough with
the business plans and projections. And, besides, I got you something.
Victor: No.
Maggie: I haven't even asked you yet.
Victor: Maggie,
I love you, but I am not putting that ridiculous hat on my head.
Well, everyone's going to be here soon, and this "bah humbug" attitude of yours
is going to send them all away.
Victor: Works for me.
Please. It'll match your tie.
Victor: All right, fine. I'll wear it, but
not until the people get here.
Maggie: Oh, thank you, honey. Thank you.
Victor: You okay?
Maggie: No. I was just--I was wishing that Sarah
and Xander were together for Christmas. You know, they were so in love. I
just--it doesn't make any sense that they just--I don't know--ended things.
[somber music] [phone beeps] [line trills]
Sarah: Merry Christmas.
Xander: Merry Christmas, love. Not that it's very merry without you.
Sarah: I know. I'm supposed to be celebrating Christmas Eve with my family, but
I missed you too much, so I decided to pop up here and call you instead.
Xander: Well, when we broke up to smoke out whatever Phillip's up to at Titan, I
didn't count on this--being apart at Christmas.
Sarah: [sighs] It's funny
isn't it? The only thing that I want for Christmas I can't have, which is you,
but I will be thinking of you every minute.
Xander: I love you, Sarah.
Sarah: I love you too.
[phone beeps]
Philip: Was that Xander
you were talking to?
[tense music] ♪
male announcer: Like
sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
orchestration] ♪
Justin: Precious Adrienne... I woke up this morning,
turned over to take you in my arms and kiss you, and I realized I was dreaming
again. I expected you to be there.
[somber music] ♪
Justin: Remember when
Christmas Eve meant staying up half the night putting together toys for our
boys? And then, you had to teach our sons that Christmas wasn't about just the
toys under the tree. It was about the joy of giving and all being together. And
now our boys are carrying on that tradition with their own families. Lord, how I
miss them, especially this year. Most of all...I miss you... my beautiful,
beautiful bride. [sobbing]
You were the best part of me, and you always
will be. Merry Christmas, my love.
[soft holiday music playing] ♪
Chloe: Still looking for easy money?
Xander: Actually, I was just
about to donate. Merry Christmas, Chloe-- or should I say Feliz Navidad?
Chloe: Ha. Well, at least I'm not serenading El Fideo with Christmas carols, no
thanks to you.
Xander: Yeah, well, about that--
Chloe: What, what,
are you terribly sorry?
Xander: I am, actually, even though it was more
Theresa's fault that we left you behind in Mexico.
Chloe: Ah, there it
is, the Xander we all know and despise, always passing the buck.
Perhaps I deserved that. But you survived it, and here you are. So, in the
spirit of Christmas, can we let bygones be bygones?
Sarah: Xander? Oh,
God, no. No, that was my sister, Melissa. She wanted to come join us for
Christmas, but she can't.
Philip: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, and I'm
sorry I jumped to the wrong conclusions.
Sarah: Believe me, Xander, that
lunkhead, is the last person that I would like to spend Christmas with. So...
what do you say we go get some of my mom's amazing Christmas cookies?
Philip: Sounds like a plan. But first I want to apologize for kissing you
before. I know you're on the rebound, and I know you don't want another
relationship. I will try to respect that from now on.
Sarah: Thank you.
Philip: But I will confess I'm very attracted to you, but you probably
guessed. I think we'd be good together.
Sarah: I do too, but I am not
ready to rush into anything.
Philip: I'll try to be patient, but a word
of caution: avoid the mistletoe.
Sarah: [laughs]
Philip: I might
get ideas.
Sarah: [chuckles] [sighs]
Brady: [murmuring]
Kristen: Where's Rachel? I thought you were going to bring her.
[stammers] Here's the bad news. She has a slight fever, so Marlena and I both
agreed that we probably shouldn't bring her, just to be on the safe side.
Kristen: Okay, of course.
Brady: Hey, hey, hey, I know. Sweetie, I
know--I know you're disappointed to hear that. I wanted to bring her. I did, I
Kristen: It's just that, you know, I mean, Christmas for children
is such a magical time, and I was so looking forward to seeing it through her
Brady: Well, maybe we still can do that.
Brady: Well, maybe
Rachel isn't here with us right now, but we could focus on the future. We can
think about our Christmases in the future together as a family... In our home,
together, the three of us.
Kristen: [laughs] Do you know I imagine that
all the time?
Brady: Do you now?
Kristen: Yeah.
Well, I'd love to hear about it.
Kristen: Okay.
Brady: No,
seriously, I want you to tell me every little important detail that you see.
[tender music]
Kristen: Okay. All the details?
Brady: Tell me.
Kristen: All right, so, our home in the future, in my imagination is
wonderful, and it's welcoming, and it's huge, so that Rachel can have all her
friends over, and she can have sleepovers whenever she wants.
Brady: Oh,
boy--no, sleepovers are very important.
Kristen: Sleepovers are certainly
important. And our Christmases are going to be so spectacular. As you know, I
couldn't take the DiMera mansion away from Chad, but that's not the only mansion
in town, right?
[soft holiday music playing] ♪
Kristen: Well,
okay, everyone. The big day is almost here, and I want everything to be perfect
for my little girl. Victor, you missed a spot. Maggie, careful with those
Maggie: Yes, ma'am.
Kristen: I am so looking forward
to a nice Christmas goose with all the trimmings.
Maggie: Goose?
Kristen: Mm-hmm. And the trimmings. All of them. Oh, you might want to get
started. Brining can be such a bitch.
Maggie: But--
Maggie: [stammers]
Kristen: I'm sure Victor would help peel
potatoes after he's done polishing all the silver in the house.
I'm your butler, not the scullery maid.
Kristen: Oh, where's that can-do
attitude, Victor? It's Christmas-time.
Xander: [chuckles]
Hey. Instead of being useless, you need to put up the Christmas lights outdoors,
Xander: That's not in my job description.
Kristen: Well,
it beats babysitting a bunch of zombies in Nashville, hmm? Brady!
[laughs] Where is our beautiful daughter?
Brady: Mm, she's in the
kitchen, and she's baking a ton of cookies for Santa. She is so cute.
Kristen: Oh, bless her sweet heart. Oh, my darling, this is going to be the best
Christmas ever.
[moaning softly] [both laugh]
Brady: Well,
that was-- that was--that was something.
Kristen: Yes, I thought you'd
like it.
Brady: Wow, yeah, no, I loved it. Loved it, loved it. Speaking
of loving things, I'm hoping...
Kristen: Yeah?
Brady: That you
will love this. For you. And don't worry, I cleared it with the warden.
Kristen: [laughing] Okay.
Brady: This is... This is from Rachel.
[tender music] ♪
Kristen: [exhales heavily]
Brady: Kristen...
Kristen: [sobs]
Brady: She, uh--she made that all by herself.
Kristen: [laughs]
Brady: And she made it just for her mommy.
Chloe: Look, I've put what happened in Mexico behind me, and, from what
Philip says, so have you. Wow, it's a big step up from working with drug lords
and diamond smugglers to running Titan with him.
Xander: You and Philip
go way back, right?
Chloe: Yeah, we do. We're friends, and, because he's
my friend, I warned him not to turn his back on you, or he might find a knife
and it.
Xander: You're the one who's handy with a knife, from what I
recall. For the record, I'm not the man I was in Mexico.
Chloe: Really?
New and improved?
Xander: Yeah, love will do that.
Chloe: Well,
why are you alone on Christmas Eve then?
Xander: Yeah, Sarah and I broke
up, so I'm persona non grata at the Kiriakis mansion. Why aren't you with your
Chloe: Well, I was planning on being with them, but my flight was
canceled due to bad weather.
[phone rings, beeps]
Xander: Maggie?
Maggie: Xander! Oh, I'm so glad I caught you. I would like for you to join
us for Christmas Eve. It's where you belong, here with us.
Xander: Oh, I
don't know, Maggie. What about Sarah?
Maggie: Um, I'll deal with Sarah.
You just come. And it's not a request. It's an order.
Xander: I never
could say no to you, Maggie.
Maggie: Good.
Xander: Well, it looks
like I'm going to be with my family after all.
Chloe: Well, lucky you.
Xander: You shouldn't be alone on Christmas Eve. Why don't you join me?
Chloe: Um... [scoffs] Well, Victor would have a fit.
Xander: But you
are a good friend of Phillip's. I'm sure he wouldn't want you to be alone on
Christmas Eve.
Maggie: Well, there you two are. I was about to come
looking for you.
Philip: Merry Christmas.
Victor: Merry Christmas
Sarah: Merry Christmas.
Maggie: Merry Christmas.
[gasps] Now, that's what I'm talking about!
Maggie: Ah-ah-ah, now, don't
you fill up on those. I brought you here to work, and you're here just in time
to help me hang the stockings.
Philip: This one can be thrown away unless
you want to use it for kindling.
Maggie: Sarah, about Xander--
Sarah: Mom, Xander is the last thing that I want to talk about today. Mmm...
Bonnie: Hey.
Justin: Bonnie?
Bonnie: Merry Christmas.
Justin: Same to you.
Bonnie: Well, I was just on my way out, as you can
Justin: Well, don't let me keep you.
Bonnie: Well, there's no
rush. I mean, I've got nowhere to go. And it's good to see a friend.
Justin: Right. So how was your date with your young stud?
Bonnie: Oh, my
date. Yeah. Well, you know the good thing about young guys: a lot of giddy up in
the saddle. [both chuckling] Wh--why are you smiling?
Justin: Just that
it's so obvious what you're doing again. Trying to make me jealous.
Bonnie: You know, why would I do that now? And why would you be jealous now
that--now that you're back with Kayla?
Justin: Back with--no, Bonnie, I
am not back with Kayla.
Bonnie: You're not?
Justin: I was late for
our date because Kayla needed some emergency legal help for her son, but you
didn't give me a chance to explain, so.
Bonnie: and Kayla really
aren't back together?
Justin: No, we're not. Well, I'm sure you have
plans, so, um, merry Christmas.
Bonnie: No, wait. Actually, I don't have
plans. Nothing. Zero. Nada. Just me and some takeout in front of the TV.
Justin: Really? giddy up?
Bonnie: Come on, he was cute enough,
but dumb as a saltshaker. And, honestly, I just agreed to-- [sighs] Look, I just
wanted to get back at you, because I thought you and Kayla got back together.
But... now that I know otherwise, we could have that date now, if you wanted?
Justin: I would like that--
Bonnie: You would?
Justin: Except
I'm celebrating Christmas Eve with my family.
Bonnie: Oh, yeah. Right. Of
Justin: I'd invite you, but--
Bonnie: Oh, your family
hates me.
Justin: There is that.
Bonnie: No, no. I mean, I get it.
Justin: Well, look. We could, you know, go out some time soon. Maybe in the
New Year?
Bonnie: That would be great.
Justin: I'll call you.
Merry Christmas, Bonnie.
Bonnie: Merry Christmas, Justin.
Hey, Bonnie. Wait.
Maggie: Sarah, I know you and Xander broke
Sarah: Yes, as in I never want to see him again, Mom.
Yes, but he's family. And family should be together on Christmas Eve .
Xander: Oh, I couldn't agree more. Merry Christmas Eve, all.
Merry Christmas.
Sarah: What are you doing here?
Xander: Maggie
invited me.
Sarah: Mom! Why did you do that?
Maggie: Because there
is no better time than Christmas to be with the ones you love.
Well, I don't even like Xander! I don't even want to be in the same room as
Xander because we're through, and I've moved on, so.
Xander: Good to hear
because I've moved on myself.
[tense music] ♪
Philip: Chloe?
Victor: Absolutely not! I'd rather have coal in my stocking than Chloe Lane
in this house.
Chloe: Yeah, yeah, merry Christmas to you as well, Vic.
Xander: Come on, Uncle Vic, That's no way to treat my date.
Xander: Well, I hope you won't be too jealous, Sarah.
Sarah: Jealous? Why would I be jealous? Hmph.
[mischievous music]
I believe this is what you were looking for.
Philip: I was. I'm
getting into the Christmas spirit!
Xander: I'll show you the Christmas
spirit. Come here, love.
Chloe: Not happening.
Philip: Guess your
date's not that into you, Xandy.
Maggie: Okay, boys! Let's just keep the
Philip: It must suck to have two women so completely repulsed by
Xander: You know, you should shut your mouth.
Philip: What
are you gonna do, are you gonna hit me?
Xander: I would never hit my
co-CEO, especially not on Christmas Eve. Your father is counting on us to behave
like adults... Work together. And I wouldn't want to let Uncle Victor down.
Kristen: We have a real little artist.
Brady: Oh, we certainly do.
Look at that thing.
Kristen: I bet she's so excited for tomorrow morning.
All of the presents under the tree from Santa.
Brady: Oh, yeah, she's
excited. I mean, her list was long.
Kristen: Yeah?
Brady: I mean,
it was extensive. I may or may not have gotten every single thing on the list,
but--except a unicorn. She asked for a unicorn. That was hard to find. That and
the pony. I didn't get the unicorn or the pony. The little doll she wanted that
looks exactly like her? I kind of made sure that that was from you... not from
Santa, but you.
Kristen: I wish I could see her face, open it up...
Brady: I know.
Kristen: In the morning, I do. You promise you're
going to take a lot of pictures for me, won't you?
Brady: I'm going to
take thousands of pictures. Millions of pictures. I promise. I'll make a photo
album for you. We should have a photo album every single Christmas.
Kristen: I think--
Brady: That should be a rule in our house.
Kristen: I like that.
Philip: I'm glad you're not alone on Christmas,
even if you did have to come with Xander.
Chloe: I should've known
something was up when he invited me.
Xander: You look beautiful.
Sarah: You have to say it like you hate me because we have an audience. Thank
you. I love you. Now take a canapé! Hey, what's up with bringing Chloe?
Xander: I thought it would set off Philip.
Sarah: Well, the only person
that almost got set off was you.
Xander: Yeah, but I kept my cool.
Sarah: Yeah.
Xander: And I got to see you on Christmas Eve, so I'm a
happy man.
Sarah: Pretending like I don't want to hug you and kiss you
and do all other kinds of naughty things to you is very difficult.
[dramatic music]
Justin: Merry Christmas, everyone!
Maggie: Oh,
there he is. Merry Christmas, Justin.
Justin: Merry Christmas, Maggie.
Maggie: Oh, my goodness. Oh, it's so good to see you.
Victor: Merry
Christmas. I'm glad you could join the celebration.
Justin: Well, of
course. I wouldn't miss this. You know that. Actually, I was hoping that it
would be okay that I brought a guest.
Victor: Oh, of course. Is it Sonny?
Justin: No, no, Sonny couldn't make it this year, unfortunately. He sends
his love, of course.
Victor: Well, who did you bring then? Well, where is
Justin: She, actually. And she's waiting outside a few minutes
because I wanted to sort of prepare you for her arrival.
Victor: Oh,
enough of this damn suspense. Just tell us who the hell you brought.
Bonnie: [laughs nervously] It's me. Merry Christmas, y'all.
music] ♪
Maggie: Bonnie.
Victor: Get that woman out of
this house right now! We are not doing a celebration of Christmas Eve or any
other damn Eve with Bonnie Lockhart.
Maggie: For once, I agree with my
husband. Justin, how did you bring that woman into this home after-- after what
she did to your wife?
Justin: Bonnie deeply regrets everything she did.
Deeply regrets. And she has resolved to become a better person.
Oh, cue the violins.
Justin: Look, Uncle Victor. No one was more upset
with Bonnie than I was after what she did to Adrienne. You know that. But when
she hired me to do some legal work for her, I got to know her better. A lot of
people talk about changing. Well, Bonnie actually did it. She could have kept
her large settlement and lived the life that she was always chasing, but she
didn't. She donated the entire amount to Sonny's new business venture to help
women who have breast cancer. The entire amount. I saw her heart-- her remorse--
and that impressed me. And since then, we've become friends. So, if she's not
welcome here, we'll just leave.
Bonnie: No. No, Justin. You stay with
your family. I'll go. It was a mistake to ever have come here. I'm sorry.
Victor: Wait.
Bonnie: Well, what is it, Victor? You want to tell me
again that you can't even stand the sight of me, or that I don't deserve to be
cared for by anyone, especially someone as special and wonderful as Justin? Go
Victor: You're right. Justin is a wonderful man. He's the best of
us: kind, forgiving, a big heart-- we should all try to be like him. I must say,
I don't see what he sees in you, Bonnie, but if Justin wants to include you in
our Christmas Eve celebration, you're welcome to stay.
Bonnie: But I
thought you--
Justin: Bonnie, he means it.
Bonnie: Okay. Well, I'm
surprised. Oh, God, my heart is beating so fast right now. Hold on. I guess I'll
just say that's really nice of you, Victor. And thank you, I will stay. I
promise not to bother anyone.
Victor: You're not going to bother anyone.
Just enjoy yourself.
[gentle music] ♪
Bonnie: Okay then. I
guess you're a bigger softy than you let on.
Maggie: It must be the hat.
Justin: The hat.
Bonnie: The hat.
It's the hat.
Philip: Xander bringing Chloe to the
party is kind of obvious. Then again, he's kind of an obvious kind of guy. Of
course, it didn't work.
Sarah: Well, it is the kind of stupid and petty
thing he would do, so.
Philip: I know that kiss was just for show, but...
think it kind of felt a little more than you just want to take things slow.
Sarah: I'm sorry. Yeah, I think I'm just confused. And I don't think I'm the
only one.
Philip: What do you mean?
Sarah: I mean, I saw your face
when Chloe walked in, so... I think that you still have some feelings for her.
[soft dramatic music] ♪
And I think, before you even think about us,
you should make sure that it's what you really want.
Mind if I steal her?
Maggie: Oh, be my guest.
Chloe: Hey. So,
what's up?
Philip: Do you remember this? Tell me what you're thinking.
Tell me what you feel. Tell me what you're thinking. It must be very real.
Chloe: Wait, is that the poem that you wrote for me in high school?
Philip: Tell me what you're thinking. Tell me what you feel. Tell me what you're
thinking. It must be very real. Thoughts are deep inside you. They're locked up
in there tight. They'd really do much better if you brought them out into light.
Tell me what you're thinking. Don't wait till you're old and gray. Why wait till
tomorrow, when I care enough today?
[soft romantic music] ♪
Chloe: Yeah, I remember that. That was probably one of the sweetest Christmas
presents I've ever gotten.
Philip: We were really happy back then,
weren't we?
Chloe: Well, young love, right?
Philip: We may have
been young, but what we had was special.
Chloe: I thought so too.
Justin: Alex made that ornament, and I believe Sonny made that cute little
Bonnie: Ha. It looks a little like a dog.
Justin: Well,
he was four years old.
Bonnie: Oh, I get it. I get it. I've kept all of
Mimi's creations too. Oh, boy, I'm missing her. Little Emily too. This... This
really warms my heart, being here with you. And I just want to tell you I'm so
grateful you invited me.
Justin: Well, I'm grateful that you accepted
because, as Adrienne used to always say, Christmas is about the joy of being
with people you care about.
Kristen: Marlena's been really wonderful...
Brady: Yeah.
Kristen: About everything. I mean, not only forgiving
me, but being there for Rachel, and I really wanted to get her something
special, so did you have any luck?
Brady: I went the sentimental route.
Kristen: [laughs]
Brady: I got this beautiful picture frame, and I
put a picture of her and Rachel inside it. It's lovely.
Kristen: Thank
you. I just want her to know how much I appreciate everything she's done.
Brady: She does.
Kristen: Yeah, and, on Christmas, I feel it's
important that we remember everyone that has enriched our lives, hmm? Just a
little token of our appreciation. One for you. Ah, one for you. And one for you.
Victor: There are several zeros missing from my check.
Kristen: Well,
maybe next year you'll try harder to be on the "nice" list.
[soft holiday
music playing] ♪
Brady: Carrots or cookies?
Kristen: Ooh, hmm!
Brady: Help yourself.
Kristen: Carrots.
Brady: Did you just
turn down sugar? Did that just happen?
Kristen: Yes, yes, yes, because we
have to make it look like Santa and his crew were here.
Brady: I'm aware
of that.
Kristen: Yeah, so...
Brady: Oh, yeah.
Kristen: And
how is the Santa letter coming?
Brady: It's great; it's done. Ready?
Kristen: Mm-hmm.
Brady: [clears throat] [in deep voice] Dear Rachel,
the cookies and milk were delicious and Blitzen--he ate more than his fair
share. [laughter] Be good. Love, Mr. C. [normal voice] How's that? Tell me it's
Kristen: [laughs] You are the best daddy ever.
Brady: Well,
you are the best mommy ever. And I'm really grateful that I get to spend all of
this Christmas joy and magic with you and our daughter. I love you.
Kristen: I love you. ♪
Brady: You know, even though the three of us
aren't going to be together tomorrow... you are going to be in our hearts... not
just on Christmas. Every single day.
Chloe: Well, sweet dreams, Parker,
okay? Hon, I miss you so much, but I do know that Santa is going to be very good
to you this year. I know, sweetie. I miss you too. Oh, I love you, but I will
see you soon, okay? Can you put Grandma on the phone please? Hi, Mom. Yeah, I
know it's a bummer. I wish I was there too. What? No, I know it's tradition, but
I'm here, you're there... It's not really gonna-- Okay, if you want me to, why
not? [clears throat] Okay, here goes. ♪ Silent night ♪ Holy night ♪ All is calm
♪ All is bright ♪ Round yon virgin ♪ Mother and child ♪ Holy infant ♪ So tender
and mild ♪ Sleep in ♪ Heavenly peace ♪ Sleep in ♪ Heavenly peace
Xander! What are you doing here? What were you thinking?
Xander: That
it's Christmas Eve, and I wanted to give you this.
["Silent Night"
playing softly] ♪
Kristen: Thank you for suggesting we imagine our
perfect Christmas. It's given me hope that... someday we're gonna be together as
a family again.
Brady: You know we will. We will. We will.
It wasn't exactly the Christmas Eve I imagined it would be, but, under the
circumstances, it was delightful. You can take this off now.
Victor: I
don't know. I'm getting kind of used to it.
Maggie: You are? I love
you, Victor. I love you so much.
Victor: I love you too, Maggie.
Maggie: And I'm so proud of you for what you did tonight for Justin, for all of
Victor: Well, like my nephew Justin, you... you inspire me to be a
better man.
Maggie: Merry Christmas.
Bonnie: Hoo! Never in a
million years would I have imagined spending Christmas Eve with your family.
Justin: A Christmas miracle if there ever was one.
Bonnie: Hmm.
[sweet music] ♪
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