Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 12/18/20
Episode #13919 ~ Tony and Anna return to Salem as the DiMera family celebrates Christmas Eve; Gwen's machinations land her on the naughty list; Lucas encourages Jennifer to get answers; Dr. Rolf has a special gift for Kristen.
Provided By Jim
[soft dramatic music] ♪
Gwen: So...this is how the DiMeras do
Christmas, I see.
Chad: Yup.
Gwen: What's wrong?
Chad: I
guess I just keep thinking about that conversation I overheard between Jake and
Abigail and how they don't want me to be more suspicious than I already am. What
do you think that means?
Gwen: You know, frankly, I was rather surprised
that you didn't confront her on the spot. Why was that, Chad?
Abigail: [laughs] Aww, thanks for coming with me, Dad.
Jack: Oh, my
pleasure. I'm always happy to help my daughter with her Christmas shopping.
Abigail: Right, well, as much as I appreciated your decisiveness, especially
in terms of what to get Mom, I really just wanted your company.
Jack: Oh,
honey. I hate that that you and Chad are having problems like this right in the
middle of the holidays.
Abigail: Hmm, that's putting it mildly. I mean,
he accused me of having an affair with his brother.
Jack: So you said.
And since that obviously didn't happen, I just hope the two of you can work
through it. I'd hate to see another couple in this family breaking apart.
Lucas: Merry Christmas, Sis.
Jennifer: Aww, Merry Christmas, Lucas. So
good to see you. Oh, you're a little early, though, for all the ornament
Lucas: Well, I might not be able to make it by later, so I
wanted to make sure I dropped off some gifts.
Jennifer: Aww, well, we
have some for you and Allie too. How's she doing?
Lucas: [sighs] Well, it
was a real blow when we found out that the authorities in London weren't gonna
press charges against Tripp Dalton. But she's looking ahead, you know, and I
guess she's healing. But what about you? I mean, it's Christmas. Any chance
you'll patch things up with Jack?
Jennifer: I don't think so.
Lucas: I guess it doesn't help that he's genuinely sorry for what he did?
Jennifer: Well, Lucas--
Lucas: It was just that one time he cheated
on you, right?
Jennifer: It turns out that my husband is still sleeping
with your mother.
Lucas: [exhales slowly]
Kate: [gasps]
Jake: Ho, ho, ho.
[jazz music] ♪
Kristen: So are you gonna see Eli tonight? No? Lani, come on, it's Christmas
Eve. Before you know it, your babies are gonna be here. You two need to really
work this out. Will you just think about it? Okay. I love you too. And Merry
Christmas. I'm finished, I'm finished. The phone's all yours. R-Rolf?
Rolf: Merry Christmas, my dear.
male announcer: Like sands through the
hourglass, so are the "Days of Our Lives."
[soft orchestration] ♪
Kristen: Rolf, what in the world? This is the women's wing. How did you get
in here?
Rolf: [scoffs] Well, someone high up the proverbial food chain
asked a favor of me. I obliged, and in return, he arranged for me to see you.
Kristen: Hmm, look. [sighs] I really hope that you're not gonna pull
anything, 'cause I just-- I just wanna serve my time and get back to my family.
Rolf: I assure you, I'm not here with any nefarious intentions.
Kristen: Then what are you here for?
Rolf: I have a present for you.
Jake: Caught you.
Kate: Mm-hmm.
Jake: Yeah.
Kate: Okay,
so I didn't think you were gonna be in here.
Jake: Oh, I was just
grabbing a shower.
Kate: Mm-hmm, so I see.
Jake: So if you didn't
think I was gonna be in here, what are you doing sneaking around?
Because I wanted to give you a present, and I didn't wanna give it to you in
front of everyone downstairs, so I put it on the bed.
Jake: I see that.
Kate: Merry Christmas, Jake.
Jake: Merry Christmas.
Jack: You know, I did have a little chat with Chad right after you walked out
of the room.
Abigail: Oh, how did that go? Thank you.
Well... He realized that he let his imagination run away with him. He knows he
insulted you by making a baseless accusation, and he feels absolutely terrible
about it.
Abigail: Hmm, I know. I did talk to him after I cooled down.
Jack: Oh, how did that go?
Abigail: Well, I forgave him, you know,
let him know that I thought it might be a minute before I was able to get over
it. But now, I just feel like he's the one that's giving me the cold shoulder.
Chad: I chose not to confront Abby because I didn't wanna make the situation
worse than I already had, you know? I'd already upset her enough.
So, where does that leave you?
Chad: She texted me and told me that she
dropped the kids off at their friend Josie's, and she was going Christmas
shopping with her dad.
Gwen: And? Did she mention Jake? Did you respond?
Chad: She didn't. She just told me what she was up to, and I didn't respond.
I haven't responded yet because I didn't know whether I wanted to tell her what
I had overheard or just chalk it up to me being paranoid again.
Gwen: You
know, you should probably wait till she comes home. Speak to her alone. It's so
much better than texting.
Chad: You're right. Thank you for listening.
Gwen: I'm happy to help. And actually, speaking of helping...
Gwen: Perhaps you can help me with something, 'cause I haven't the
slightest idea how to put that gingerbread house together in the kitchen, so...
Chad: Sure. Thank you.
Gwen: You already thanked me.
Well, I'm thanking you again... for cheering me up, for giving me some
perspective. I woke up this morning, and I was in a really bad mood, and now I
feel better, like I'm starting to get a little bit of Christmas spirit back.
Gwen: Do you?
Chad: Yeah.
Gwen: Well, I'm glad. [laughs]
Speaking of Christmas spirit, look at that, oh dear. We seem to be under the
mistletoe together. [chuckles]
Jack: Are you sure you're not imagining it? Chad being cold to you?
Abigail: I am not imagining it. I mean, the man hasn't talked to me since last
night. I just think it's harder for him to get over his suspicion than I
Jack: Yeah, but he knows how much you love him, how devoted you
are to him and the kids. Since when is he so insecure?
Abigail: He's
usually not.
Jack: So what gives? Unless--I don't know. Maybe someone put
the idea in his head?
[tense music] ♪
Tony: Hi!
Anna: Hi!
Chad: Tony, Anna, what are you doing here?
Anna: Merry Christmas,
Tony: Merry Christmas.
Chad: Merry Christmas. Look at you.
Come in.
Tony: Thank you. [laughter] Oh, I do hope we're not intruding.
We decided to surprise you, hoping that it would be a welcome surprise.
Chad: Well, yeah, of course it is--what do you mean? You're not intruding. I
just-- why didn't you let us know? I mean, we have plenty of food, but we don't
have any presents for you under the Christmas tree.
Anna: Oh, stop, we
don't need any presents. [laughter]
Tony: Stop--no, no, no. Just being
here with the family is a gift in itself.
Anna: Oh, excuse me. Hello,
there. I'm assuming you're not family, because I've never laid eyes on you
before. I'm Anna DiMera.
Gwen: Hello, Anna.
Anna: And who are you?
[both chuckle]
Lucas: Wait a minute, wait. There's no way that Jack is still sleeping with
my mother. It's not possible.
Jennifer: Oh no?
Lucas: No.
Jennifer: I have two solid pieces of evidence that prove otherwise.
Lucas: I think the only evidence you have is the fact that Jack is sorry for
what he did and he wants you back.
Jennifer: That's what
thought, too. And then she talked to her friend Saul.
Lucas: All right,
who's Saul?
Jennifer: Saul works at the Salem Inn, the front desk. And he
said that Kate booked a room there last night, and he saw her with a man.
Lucas: Did he say it was Jack?
Jennifer: Well, he couldn't remember
the name, but he was almost positive that it started with a J.
Jake: [sighs] I have a present for you too.
Kate: Oh, you do, huh?
Jake: I do. I must say, finding the right gift for you was a bit of a
challenge, but I think I met the challenge. I just haven't had a chance to wrap
it yet.
Kate: Oh, well, wrapping doesn't matter to me.
Jake: Oh.
Kate: I like my presents unwrapped.
Jake: [chuckles]
Kristen: Rolf. Why would I accept a gift from you after you tried to shoot
Rolf: I understand your reluctance, but I have had a good deal of
time to reflect on what I tried to do to Chad, and I deeply regret it. I got
carried away because of my devotion to Stefano. And so I assure you, my dear,
there is nothing to fear in accepting this gift.
[tense music]♪
Kristen: [sighs] [laughs softly] Wow, this was taken at Christmas years ago.
Thank you, thank you. I'm gonna treasure this.
Rolf: I'm so glad you like
it. Oh, if you hear from Chad, please tell him I have one for him as well.
Kristen: [sighs]
Anna: Hmm.
Gwen: I'm Gwen Rizczech.
Anna: Oh.
Tony: And
I'm Tony DiMera.
Gwen: Pleasure.
Tony: Nice to meet you, Gwen.
Gwen: Mm-hmm.
Chad: This--Gwen is our live-in nanny, and she takes
fantastic care of the kids.
Anna: Oh, and where are those adorable
Chad: Abby took them to a friend's house for a playdate, and
then went Christmas shopping with her dad.
Anna: Mm.
Tony: You
know, Chad, maybe we should take this opportunity to go visit our sister. I was
thinking... I think Kristen would be quite sad having to be locked up in
Statesville this time of the year.
Chad: Yeah, no, you're right. I feel
terrible too. I haven't visited her at all.
Tony: Would you like to join
us, darling?
Anna: No, darling, you go ahead; I'll just hang back and get
to know Gwen here.
Tony: Huh. I'll see you later.
Anna: Mm.
Tony: Behave, okay?
Chad: Okay, come on.
[both laugh]
Anna: [chuckles] Ugh, I am going to take a load off. Long flights make my ankles
swell up something awful. So, come sit down, honey, and join me. Come on, I
won't bite. Come. Tell me about yourself. I want to hear everything.
[both laugh softly]
Abigail: I don't think anyone's putting any ideas in Chad's head.
Jack: Then how do you explain the sudden insecurity?
Abigail: Well, I
mean, I don't think it's all that sudden, actually. I think it probably goes
back to, you know, everything that happened with Stefan and me, and that just a
really, really awful time for us. And we got through it, but... [sighs] Then the
next thing you know, Jake shows up, so...
Jack: Ah, Chad's... Yeah, I
mean, he's seeing Stefan's identical twin. Of course, I--I'm sorry. I didn't
even think about that.
Abigail: Right. And so when Chad sees Jake, I
think the pain of that whole scenario just comes rushing back along with a very
healthy dose of paranoia, and... you know, I know Chad knows I wasn't in my
right mind, and I know that he knows that I love him more now
than I ever
have, but when he expressed his doubt about my devotion for him, I got really,
really angry. And, you know, now I see he just needed some reassurance. You
Jack: You give him what he needs.
Abigail: I will, I will.
I'll go home, and I'll do it right now. [sighs] Thank you so much for helping me
figure out what to do. I feel like-- I do feel like I know what I wanna do when
I go home. And I just want us all to have a really wonderful Christmas.
Jack: Right.
Abigail: [sighs]
Jack: But I don't know how wonderful
mine's gonna be without your mom.
Abigail: Don't give up on her.
Jack: I won't, I won't. I will not, ever. I just--I wanna focus on now on
something good. I'm so grateful that you and I have reconciled, that my precious
daughter has found it in her heart to forgive me.
Abigail: Then Mom will
too. I know it. You just have to give her time.
Lucas: There are a lot of names that start with the letter J, come on. John,
Jason, Jer--there's tons of them.
Jennifer: Jack.
Lucas: Yes, Jack
starts with a J, but I really don't think this guy Saul knows who he's talking
about. I mean, dozens of people go in and out of there every day. Can't remember
them all. Plus, does he even know Jack?
Jennifer: No, why would he?
Lucas: Exactly, why would he? So there's no evidence. But if you really
wanna get to the bottom of this, if you really wanna find out what's going on,
you gotta do it the old-fashioned way, the reliable way.
Jennifer: And
how is that?
Lucas: I'll just go to the mansion right now and confront my
mom. I'll ask her.
Jennifer: [exhales shakily]
[dramatic music] ♪
Kristen: Oh, my God! Tony, come here!
[both laugh]
Tony: In the
flesh. Oh...
Kristen: Oh, my two brothers at once--oh. How lucky am I?
Chad: I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner. It's-- I don't have a
great excuse. It's just been a really chaotic time.
Kristen: Oh, no, I
mean, there's nothing new there, right? So how are you, Tony? [laughs] How are
Tony: Anna and I are doing fine, and... [sighs] Well, we've been
traveling a lot, quite a bit. Shopping, in Anna's case. But we're grateful to be
healthy, and we've made so many wonderful new friends along the way.
Kristen: Well, what made you come back to Salem?
Tony: Well, I thought
that would be obvious. We've come to celebrate Christmas with those that we hold
Kristen: And that involves me?
Chad: [laughs]
Of course it does. Why would you even ask?
Kristen: Well... [sighs
Chad: How are you holding up, Kristen?
Kristen: Oh.
[laughs] Yeah, no--you know, I'm just trying to stay positive. And seeing the
two of you here, it... really helps. It helps so much. [sighs] Come.
Tony: Hmm.
Chad: What's this?
Kristen: Oh, that is a gift from
Wilhelm Rolf. Yeah, of all people. He has a copy for you as well.
Kristen: Yeah. And Chad, he seemed genuinely remorseful about
what he did to you.
Chad: Yeah, well, he should be, crazy old bastard.
Kristen: Oh, come on, look at the picture. It's quite lovely.
Actually, we-- [laughs] I remember this day. Right before this picture was
taken, I had just beaten him at chess.
Tony: And yet he was still
speaking to you?
Chad: Well, barely. But he did manage to smile in the
Kristen: Oh, he was so proud that you'd beaten him, as I recall.
Tony: Huh. I don't recall this particular Christmas. Perhaps maybe 'cause I
wasn't there.
Chad: Well, yeah, I think you were hanging out in the
afterlife. [all laugh]
Tony: That's not funny, but anyway, yes, I was. I
remember now. I never did see that light.
Chad: Well, it's a good thing
your foray into the non-existent was not permanent.
Tony: No, it wasn't.
And I shall be eternally grateful for that. Also for Anna, who never did give up
on me. What a beautiful, loving soul she is.
[all laugh]
Anna: So, Gwen, how long have you been working for Chad and Abigail?
Gwen: Not that long, actually.
Anna: But you're enjoying it?
Yes, I am. Thomas and Charlotte-- they're such a joy. And speaking of which, I
should probably go clean their room before they're home from their playdate, so
if you'll just excuse me, I'm just gonna--
Anna: Oh, don't go yet, dear.
Come on, keep me company. Besides, they'll just get those rooms messy again,
Gwen: Yes, I suppose.
Anna: So come and sit down, dear. I
wanna hear all about the "Rice-Chex."
Gwen: It's "Riz-check."
Anna: "Riz-check," got it. Come on. So I assume you're from the UK, judging by
your charming accent?
Gwen: [laughs] It's complicated, actually.
Anna: Ah, well, okay. Then I won't pursue it.
Gwen: Thanks. Now I really
do need to go, so--
Anna: But I would like to know why you're not with
your family over Christmas, I mean, wherever they're from or wherever you're
from. Aren't you close?
Gwen: No, it's not that. It's just...
Anna: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm being too nosy. [sighs] It is something I'm
really working on. It's a New Year's resolution, in fact. Stop trying to pry
into other people's lives and focus on your own, Anna! [chuckles] Yeah, there's
a lot of room for improvement there, believe me. [clears throat]
Abigail: We're home!
Jack: We are!
Abigail: [gasps]
Anna: And so are we!
Abigail: Oh, Anna! What, are you here for
Anna: Yes, Tony and I are both here for Christmas and beyond.
Abigail: Oh, it's such a lovely surprise.
Anna: Jack, it's so nice to
see you too. And look, your shopping expedition was obviously
a success.
Jack: Yes, it was great.
Gwen: And why don't I take these, actually,
upstairs? And I can wrap them for you later.
Abigail: Oh, well, you know,
we'll just do it together.
Gwen: Yeah, sure.
Anna, very nice
talking to you.
Anna: Same here. And Gwen, I'm--I do hope that my
questions weren't too offending to you.
Gwen: Not in the slightest. Okay.
[uneasy music]♪
Jennifer: No, no, no, no,
Lucas, please, please, please, please, you
can't go over to the mansion.
Lucas: Jen, you can't live your life in
limbo, all right? And I know you're afraid of what you might find out, but don't
worry about it.
Jennifer: I have an idea.
Lucas: What?
Jennifer: Come with me. Come with me--I'll explain on the way--come on.
Lucas: Where are we going?
Jake: See? I told you sneaking around was gonna be kind of a...
Jake: That's one way to put it.
Kate: Uh-huh. Well, I
did-- I suppose it really depends on who you're sneaking around with, right?
Jake: Uh-huh, I guess so.
Kate: Uh-huh. Okay, well, before I go,
could you open my present?
Jake: Huh. Think that can be arranged.
Kate: Mm-hmm.
Jake: I don't think it's cookies.
Kate: No.
Jake: Let's see. Wow. That is nice. That's, like, really,
really nice.
Kate: So I thought if you're a rising mover and shaker in
DiMera, you should dress the part.
Jake: Yeah, it's great. Thank you.
Kate: You're welcome.
Jake: Like I said, I have your present, but I
can't give it to you 'cause it's not wrapped.
Kate: Okay, well, that
doesn't matter to me. I like my presents unwrapped.
Jake: Okay, but I put
a lot of thought into the presentation. Look. Huh? Huh?
Kate: Oh, cute.
I'm really impressed.
Jake: Good, thank you. Now, get out of here, and if
you're lucky, you'll find your present
in your bedroom later tonight. And if
you're even luckier, you'll find me in there with it.
Kate: Oh, really?
[tender music] ♪
[dramatic music] ♪
Chad: Thank you for this.
Rolf: [grunts] Well, I know that your father
would've wanted you to have it. Just lucky for me that you happened to be
visiting Kristen today. Oh, and Chad, I wanted you to know that I'm truly sorry
for everything I put you through. I lost control, and I deeply regret it. Could
you ever forgive me?
Chad: There's no point in holding a grudge. Not at
this point, at least.
Rolf: I appreciate your kindness. Oh, and because
you are part of Stefano, I will always have a vested interest in your future.
So, everything's going well?
Chad: I assume you mean at DiMera?
Rolf: [grunts]
Chad: Everything's fine.
Rolf: And the family?
Chad: Everyone's good.
Rolf: I imagine the kinder are excited about
the holidays?
Chad: Yeah.
Rolf: And full house at the mansion?
Friends and family gathering to celebrate?
Chad: Tony and Anna showed up
to surprise us. Kate will be there, and Jake.
Rolf: Oh, I'm surprised to
hear that. I know you didn't want Jake around during Thanksgiving.
How'd you know that?
[tense music] ♪
Jake: What the hell you doing in here?
Gwen: I just saw your
girlfriend sneaking out of here.
Jake: Don't you have kids you should be
looking after?
Gwen: They're on a playdate. Wow, look at you. Getting
nice, extravagant gifts for good old Granny Kate. I don't recall you ever buying
me anything you couldn't find at a dollar store. Not only were you a cheater and
a liar, you were also a cheapskate with me.
Jake: Okay, Princess
Nebby-nose, Merry Christmas. You can see yourself out.
Jack: Oh, Anna, where's your husband? Where's Tony?
Anna: Oh, he and
Chad went over to Statesville to visit Kristen.
Abigail: Oh, yeah. Well,
did you not wanna go with them?
Anna: Well, you know, Kristen and I
aren't exactly besties, so I took a pass. But I am glad her brothers went. You
know, I do think it's important for family to be together over the holidays. And
speaking of family, where's Jennifer? Why aren't you with your lovely wife,
[dramatic music] ♪
Kate: [clears throat]
Lucas: That's him, that's him, that's him.
Jennifer: [clears throat] Hi. Saul?
Saul: Yes. Do I know you?
Jennifer: My name is Jennifer, and this is my brother Lucas. Your friend, Julie
Williams?That's my cousin.
Saul: Julie, of course. Wonderful woman.
Always makes me laugh.
Lucas: Yeah, us too. Great sense of humor. Julie,
we love that about her. We just have a question for you real quick.
Jennifer: Yes, you told Julie that Kate DiMera booked a room at the Salem Inn
last night, and you saw her there with a man. You also said that the man's name
started with a J. Do you remember if that man's name was Jack?
Saul: Huh.
Yes, I think so. I believe that Jack sounds right to me.
Chad: Answer me, Rolf. How did you know I didn't want Jake at Thanksgiving?
Rolf: Yes, Gwen, I'm listening.
Gwen: I convinced her to invite Jake
to Thanksgiving dinner. When Chad got angry about it, I pretended I didn't know
a thing about it. It's step one towards driving them apart, but it's a start.
And I will not rest until everything that Abigail has is mine.
Oh--I know because your sister Kristen mentioned it when I saw her earlier.
Chad: And how did she know that?
Rolf: Well, I have no idea.
Chad: I guess--Kristen and Jennifer are friends. Maybe Jennifer mentioned it,
although they're-- they're not really that close.
Rolf: No, no, no, no.
I'm sure you are correct. It had to be Jennifer. There is no other explanation.
Jennifer: Thank you for your help. I have to go.
Lucas: Well, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait, okay? Wait a minute. I think I have a picture on my
phone of Jack right here, yeah. Look at this. Okay, now, is this the man you saw
Kate DiMera with?
Saul: No, that's not him.
Lucas: It's not?
You're sure?
Saul: I'm absolutely sure. I may not have much of a memory
for names, but I never forget a face.
Lucas: Well, thank you for your
Saul: Happy holidays.
Lucas: You too.
Lucas: Oh, ye of little faith.
Jennifer: Lucas. [sobs, sniffles] I'm so glad you had that picture on your
Lucas: Yeah, me too. You feel better now?
Jennifer: [sighs]
I don't know. No matter how angry and upset I am about what Kate and Jack did
last year, I guess it is a relief to know I was wrong about them being together
last night.
Kate: [clears throat]
Anna: Hello? Can somebody please tell me where
Jennifer is?
Abigail: Mom is over at the Horton house. She's putting
together the Christmas Eve celebration.
Anna: Oh, yes, that makes sense.
And Kate, what are you doing for Christmas?
Jack: I think I better go
while the getting's good.
Abigail: Oh, yeah, well, thanks for shopping
with me.
Jack: Oh, thank you. You helped me. All right, I love you,
Abigail: I love you too.
Jack: Merry Christmas.
Abigail: Merry Christmas.
Jack: Oh, yes. So...
Abigail: Okay.
Jack: Bye.
Abigail: Bye.
Kate: Well, Anna, perhaps you've
forgotten that I live here, so I will be celebrating Christmas here.
Abigail: You're not gonna spend it with your family?
Kate: That's right.
Anna: And there's no special man in your life at the moment?
Jake: Hey.
Kate: Hey. I'd like to introduce you to Anna
Anna: Oh, my God! Oh, my God. You are the spitting image of my
husband's dead brother. Wow! I can't believe it!
Tony: Well, Merry
Christmas, everyone.
Anna: Tony, honey, look. Isn't it wild? Look at this
guy's face. His body, the whole package.
Jake: Chad, aren't you gonna
introduce us?
Chad: Tony, Jake. Jake, Tony.
Jake: Good to meet
you, bro.
Tony: Bro, yes. Nice to meet you too.
Anna: [clears
throat] I'm Anna, Tony's wife.
Jake: Jake DiMera.
Anna: [gasps]
Wow. I just cannot get over the resemblance. Boy, do I have a zillion questions
for you, brother-in-law.
Jake: Right.
Gwen: [clears throat]
Abigail: Oh, Gwen, hi. Did you already wrap all of those presents?
Gwen: Yes, I did. I thought that we could put them under the tree before the
children came home. I know that you're not opening presents early, Abigail, but
I believe that this one's for you.
[dramatic music] ♪
Kristen: Well, I may not be able to be with
my family tonight, but I'll with you all in spirit.[sniffles] [sighs] [laughs]
[suspenseful music] ♪
Abigail: Gwen, are you sure this is for me? It doesn't have a tag on it.
Gwen: Oh, really? Well, it must have fallen off, then.
Abigail: Oh.
Well, I'm not gonna open it just yet. We'll open everything all together.
Gwen: No, no, no, come on. Well, now we're all in the Christmas spirit,
aren't we?
Anna: [laughs]
Gwen: I think you should open it, and
you should find out what Father Christmas brought you.
Abigail: Oh.
[laughs] Well, Chad, what do you think?
Chad: Yeah, go for it.
Abigail: Okay.
Anna: Wowza.
Tony: Indeed.
Abigail: Oh, my
God, Chad. This is so beautiful. Thank you so much. My goodness.
Chad: I
didn't get that for you.
Abigail: What do you mean? This isn't from you?
Chad: No.
Abigail: [scoffs] Well, then, who is it from? I don't
Jake: Actually, it's from me.
Chad: I'm sorry, what?
You bought my wife a bracelet?
Jake: No, no, of course not. It's not for
Abigail. it's for somebody else. I bought the bracelet for Gwen.
[laughs, scoffs] For me? Why?
Jake: Why? As an apology, all right? For
the breakup, for Gabi, for everything.
Gwen: Really, Jake? I find that
very hard to believe.
Abigail: Well, here, Gwen, you know, enjoy it. That
was obviously chosen with care especially for you.
Gwen: Well, look at
that. Thank you. Help me put it on?
Jake: It'd be my pleasure.
Gwen: Mmm.
[doorbell rings]
Jack: I know you don't wanna see me, and you don't
want me here when you're hanging ornaments. And I won't stay, of course. But
it's Christmas Eve, and I brought you something.
Jennifer: Jack--
Jack: Please accept it.
[tender music] ♪
Merry Christmas,
Jennifer: [sighs]
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