Days Transcript Thursday 12/17/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 12/17/20


Episode #13918 ~ Ava finds herself in danger; Allie and Steve talk about the night she was assaulted; Chad overhears an incriminating conversation; Julie helps Jennifer investigate whether Jack and Kate are still having an affair.

Provided By Jim

Julie: Are you thinking about Jack?

Jennifer: Kate too.

Julie: Honey, what was

between them is over.

Jennifer: I'm not so sure.

[both moan]

Jake: Oh,

you have the best ideas.

Kate: [sighs]

And what exactly

do you mean by that?

Jake: I mean taking a room

at the Salem Inn.

Kate: [laughs]

Yeah, right?

Jake: Yeah.

It sure as hell beats

fooling around in a dingy room

off the garage.

Kate: Oh, my God.


Plus this room has

exactly what we need.

Jake: Ah, a big bed?

Kate: A lock on the door

so those snoops at DiMera

won't catch us together

and tattle to Chad.

[phone beeps]

[light tense music]

♪ 7

[phone beeps]

Gwen: I'll be sure to kiss

those sticky little faces

right after I finish my vino.


Or not.


Chad: Hey.

Do you know where Abby is?

Gwen: No.

I haven't heard from her.

Chad: [scoffs]

Charlie: I know that you've

always loved Tripp more than me.

I can accept that.

And I'm sorry

that he was taken from you.

I'm sorry that I'm not

the son that you wanted.

But I'm still your son.

You have a choice.

You can clear Tripp's name

and send me to hell

or you can not say anything

and protect us both.


Don't tell Allie that

Tripp and I were both in London

or that we're brothers.

You said you loved me.

If that's true, then prove it.

Promise me that you

won't say anything.

[knocking on door]

Tripp: Mom?

Hey, are you in there?

It's me, Tripp.

Charlie: Mom?


Ava: I'm sorry.

I have to tell Tripp the truth.

male announcer: Like sands

through the hourglass,

so are the "Days of Our Lives."

[soft orchestration]

♪ 7

Steve: I'm sorry I haven't

reached out before now.

I wasn't sure

if you'd wanna hear from me.

But please know I am so sorry

about what happened.

Allie: But you're still

standing by Tripp, right?

Steve: I am.

But that doesn't mean

I don't believe you.

Allie: Sorry, Uncle Steve,

but you can't have it both ways.

You can't believe me and believe

Tripp at the same time.

One of us has to be lying.

And I'm telling you right now

it is not me.

Charlie: Mom...

Mom, please.

Don't do this to me.

I made one mistake.


I don't wanna go

to prison for it.

If you love me at all, Mom,

please don't say anything.

[knocking at door]

Tripp: Mom, are you in there?

Is everything okay?


I don't have a key so you're

gonna have to let me in.

Ava: Let go of me.

Charlie: Mom...

Ava: You and I are going

to tell Tripp the truth.

That you raped Allie.

And then we will deal

with the consequences.

Charlie: You can't.

Ava: I said let go of me.

[dramatic music]

♪ 7

Ava: [sighs]

[pot shatters]

Julie: What are you

talking about?

Jennifer: Well, I overheard

Kate making plans

for a romantic rendezvous

at the Salem Inn.

Julie: [laughs]

You can't seriously think

it's with Jack?

Honey, the man loves you.

He regrets every minute of his

one night stand with Kate.

He wants you back.

Jennifer: What if he's

weighing his options?

Julie: Excuse me?

Jennifer: Jack says that

he wants me back--

me and the kids and family,

everything the way it was,

the way it should be, but...

What if he still

has feelings for Kate?

What if--

Julie: You think she's some

sort of Delilah?

Men can't keep their hands

off of her?

Honey, you're giving her

too much credit.

Jennifer: I don't know.

I mean, I never thought

that Jack would sleep with Kate

and then lie to me about it

for an entire year.


But here we are.

[tense music]

♪ 7

Julie: [sighs]

Jake: Oh.

I would love...

Kate: Mm-hmm?

Jake: To do something

more interesting than sit here

and talk about keeping

our relationship a secret.

Kate: Ah.

Jake: But I know that

that's what I promised you

I would do,

and I'm gonna follow through

and do that.

But just do you know,

I would like nothing more

than to wine you and dine you

for all of Salem to see.

Kate: Maybe someday.

But for now....


Jake: We're sneaking around.

Kate: Mm-hmm.


It really is the best thing

to do.

It is.

It is even if it incurred

the wrath

of Jennifer Rose Deveraux.

Jake: Um, you lost me.

Kate: Oh, my God.

That twit, she overheard me

talking to you on the phone,

arranging tonight.

And she thought I was talking

to her husband.

Jake: Did you set

her straight?

Kate: Yes, I did.

I mean, I--yeah.

I don't know if she

believed me though.

I mean, she was staring daggers

at me when I left, but

I couldn't tell her

about you and me.

It's bad enough that Gwen knows.

Gwen: Everything all right?

Chad: Yeah.


[tense music]

♪ 7

Gwen: Abigail told me

about your fight.

Jake: Well, then you know

I'm a complete jackass.

Gwen: Chad,

why would you think

that Abigail would have

an affair with Jake?

Jake: Uh...


Just a bunch of stuff

that had hit me in the moment,

and I went straight to cheating.

I called her on it.

I'm an idiot.

Gwen: You do trust her,

don't you?

Chad: No, of course I do.

It's just that, um...

Gwen: Jake?

Chad: Yeah.

Gwen: Yeah.


Well, I suppose you did

see her with him

with her head in his lap.

And, um...

she was very insistent

about inviting him

to Thanksgiving so...

yeah, I guess, um--

I guess I understand

why you'd think

that something was going on.

Not that it is,

of course.

Abigail is a darling.

She loves you so much.

And just because

she cheated on you

with your brother, Stefan...

come on.

I'm sure you were able to kiss

and make up.

Chad: She accepted my apology

but...she's MIA.

Gwen: You think

she's avoiding you.

Chad: I think

she's still upset.


She has every right to be.

Gwen: I'm sorry.

I'm sure you'll work things out.

Chad: Yeah.

If I can get her

to talk to me again.

I should, uh--I'm gonna--

I'm gonna call her

so excuse me.

Gwen: Mm.

[tense music]

♪ 7

Steve: I don't think either

you or Tripp is lying.

Allie: How can you

not think that?

One of us obviously has to be.

Steve: Not necessarily.

I just feel like I'm missing

a piece of the puzzle.

Allie: Okay.

Well, it's not the DNA piece.

It's not the baby piece.

So what other piece

could there possibly be?

Steve: Well...

maybe it would help if you

told me your side of the story.

Of course, I understand if you

don't wanna talk about it--

don't wanna talk about what

happened that night in London.


Allie: Um, actually

I have zero problem with that.

Because maybe if you hear

my side of the story,

you'll realize that

I have been telling the truth

this entire time

and that your son is a liar.

[dramatic music]

Charlie: Oh, my God.

[ceramic clatters]

[breathes heavily]

What am I doing?

♪ 7


Tripp: Mom?

Mom, what was that?

I thought I heard a noise.

Are you okay?

Are you in there?

Come on, I'm starting

to get a little worried here.

[knocking at door]

Charlie: Please go away.

[breathing heavily]

Please just go away.

[door knob rattling]

Tripp: Mom?

Something's definitely

not right here.

[phone ringing]

Gwen: Harold!

[phone continues ringing]

Harold, phone!


[phone continues ringing]

Damn it.

Last thing I want is to put

these kids to bed again.

DiMera residence.

Julie: Good evening.

Julie Williams calling.

Gwen: Well, hello,

Mrs. Williams.

How are you?

This is Gwen.

Julie: Just fine, dear.

Thank you.

Gwen: Are you looking

for Abigail?

Julie: No, actually.

I wanted to speak

with her father.

Is he there?

Gwen: Oh.

I'm sorry.

He left a little while ago.

Julie: Oh.

I see.


Well, I could talk to--

to Kate.

Is she there?

Gwen: No.

She left too.


now that I think about it,

I haven't seen either of them

since they practically kicked me

out of the study

a little while ago.

Shall I leave a message?

Julie: No.

Uh, no, that's quite all right.


Thank you, Gwen.

Gwen: You're very welcome.

Bye-bye now.

[phone dings]

[tense music]

♪ 7

[phone dings]

Gwen: I think Jen's

took the bait.

Chad: Huh?

Gwen: Oh.

Did you find Abigail?

Chad: Uh, no.

And I can't seem

to find Jake either.

Gwen: You're looking

for Jake?

Chad: Uh, yeah.

I--business stuff.

Gwen: Really?

Business at this hour?

Chad: Okay. Fine.

I couldn't help myself.

Both Jake and Abby

are nowhere to be found.

Gwen: Chad...

don't let your mind go there.

I'm sure it's just

a coincidence.

[tense music]

♪ 7

Allie: After the club...


I remember going home

in a cab with Tripp because

he insisted on taking me home.

I'd had too much to drink,

and I thought he was just

being a good guy.

Steve: What happened

after that?

Allie: [sighs]

Well, that's when everything

gets fuzzy because

of the alcohol.

Steve: Yeah, Tripp said

when he got you back

to your place,

you wanted to party some more.

You wanted to dance.

And you kissed him.

Allie: Okay.

So this is my fault?

Steve: No, no.

That's not what I meant.

Allie: A kiss is not an okay

for sex especially when I was

too out of it to consent.

Steve: You are

absolutely right.

Allie: [huffs]

Steve: I'm sorry

for the way that came out.

Allie: [sighs]

Steve: Can you--

can you tell me anything else

about that night?

Allie: [sighs]

Well, um...

Tripp said that he put me

into bed and he wrote a note

and he left.

But that's just another lie

because I never found a note.

Steve: It's kind of odd

that he would mention

that detail, leaving a note,

when it's so easy to disprove.

Allie: Well, maybe he was

just trying to look

like a good guy.

That's kind of his whole thing,


Steve: [sighs]


Okay, so the club,

the cab,

and Tripp put you into your bed.

Now if there's anything else

you remember or you wanna share

about the assault,

I'd appreciate it.

But please,

if you can't talk about it,

no pressure whatsoever.

Allie: No.

It's all right actually.

It feels...

I don't know, kind of good

to get it out.

Tell my side.

For a while, I didn't--

I didn't remember what happened,

that part of the night.

It wasn't until I was telling

Nicole about what happened

that all of a sudden,

I started getting these--

these flashes in my head.

Steve: What flashes?

Allie: Uh, Tripp hovering

above me in the bed.

Me saying no.

A hand...


holding me down by my wrist.

Steve: [sighs]

[soft festive music]

♪ 7

Steve: Wait--what--

wait a minute.

You said a hand

holding you down?

Are you sure

it was Tripp's hand?

[dramatic music]

♪ 7

[phone beeps]

[phone ringing]

[phone vibrating]

[phone dings]

Charlie: [huffs]

Tripp: Hey, Mom.

It's me, Tripp.

I'm standing outside your door.

I've been knocking for a while.

I thought I heard a noise

and I'm a little worried

that you fell.

I'm not sure if I should

call the police or just

break down the door.

[dramatic music]

♪ 7

Kate: All right, you.

Up and at 'em, J.D.

Jake: What are you doing?

Kate: What am I doing?

I am living in reality

because there is no way

the two of us can spend

the night together here.

Jake: Well, it's not like

anyone's gonna miss us

at the mansion.

Kate: What are you

talking about?

Harold would totally miss us,

and he's a huge gossip.

Jake: [laughing]

There is that.

Kate: Yeah; there is that.

So let me tell you

get dressed first.

You go out the back entrance.

I'll wait a few minutes.

I go up the front.

And, uh, that way

there's no way possible

for anyone to see us together.

Jake: Okay.

But just so you know

all this sneaking around

is giving me

a little bit of a complex.

Kate: Aww...


Jake: What?

I'm a sensitive man.

What can I say?

Kate: [laughs]

[bells jingle]

Julie: Careful with that one.

That's an heirloom.

Jennifer: Hm.

How old is this?

Maybe we should get some

new decorations.

And that's what

Jack wants, right?

Something new?

'Cause the old doesn't do it

for him anymore.

Julie: Oh!

Why do I get the feeling

we're not talking about

Christmas decorations anymore?

Jennifer: I don't wanna

talk about it.

Julie: Fine.

We won't talk about it.

Jennifer: [huffs]

It just galls me, you know?

Jack just said that he would

never give up on me.

And now he's off galivanting

with Kate.

Julie: You don't know that

for certain.

Kate: Forget I ever

said anything.

Let's just focus on decorating.

Julie: Whatever.

Jennifer: I mean, who else

could Kate be talking to

on that phone call?

It's not like

she's dating anyone.

Julie: Well, not anyone

we know of, darling.

She's a bit of an alley cat.

I mean, she could be

with anybody.

Jennifer: They could be

at the Salem Inn right now.


My stomach's in knots.

Julie: Jennifer, I know

a way, if you wish,

to get to the bottom of this.

Jennifer: No.


No, no.

We should focus on Christmas,

the family.

Julie: All I have to do

is call my friend, Saul.

He works on the desk

at the Salem Inn.

Call him and find out

something from him.

Jennifer: No.

No, that would be humiliating.

Julie: You wanna drive

yourself crazy

or you really want some answers?

Jennifer: Eggnog.

That's what I want.


Julie: It's gonna take more

than an eggnog

to set her mind at rest.

[phone dings]

[phone ringing]

Hello, Saul.


Julie Williams calling.

How you been?


Well, great.

Great, actually.

Oh, Merry Christmas

to you too, dear.

Um, you're still working

on the front desk at the Inn,

aren't you?


That's what I thought.

I was wondering if you could

do me a tiny favor.

Allie: What are you

talking about?

Of course it was Tripp's hand.

Who else could it be?

Steve: Allie, listen.

I know this is hard,

but I want you to think

carefully about this.

I mean, you said you've only

had a few flashes of memory

from the assault.

Now are those memories

from the same moment,

or could they have been

from two different moments

over the course of the night?

Allie: I--I--I don't know.

I--okay, no.

There's no way that Tripp isn't

the one who assaulted me, okay?

There's DNA that proves

he's Henry's father,

so I don't know why

we're doing this.

There's no other explanation.

Steve: Okay.

Okay; I'm sorry.

Thank you for talking to me.

And I know how hard it is.

I appreciate it.


I'll let you know.



I am so sorry.

All right.

[tense music]

♪ 7

Charlie: [breathing heavily]

Tripp: Here I come.



Wait, wait, wait.

What am I doing?

Busting through the door like,

"Hey, Mom.

Just wanted to make

an entrance."

She's probably in the shower

or running an errand

or something.

[dramatic music]

♪ 7

Chad: Okay, okay.

You're acting crazy.

There is--there's no way

that Jake is sleeping

with Abigail.

There's no way that Jake

is sleeping with Abby.

And you are an idiot.


[tense piano music]

♪ 7

Gwen: Well, I thought I might

find you here.

Chad: You must think that

I am a terrible husband.

Gwen: I don't blame you

for being jealous.

You love Abigail.

And Jake, well...

he's got no respect for you

or your marriage.

Chad: Yeah, well,

maybe we don't have to tell Abby

I came down here

looking for her.

Gwen: You can trust me, Chad.

Keeping secrets is one

of my superpowers.

Julie: Thanks for

the information.

[phone dings]

Jennifer: You called your

friend at the Salem Inn,

didn't you?

Julie: I did.

Oh, is that eggnog for me?

Jennifer: What did he say?

Julie: I thought you didn't

want to know.

Jennifer: Well, you went

to all the trouble of calling.

I mean, you might as well

tell me what he said.

What did he say?

Julie: Mm.


Did you put something

extra in this?

Jennifer: Julie.

Julie: [sighs]

Kate booked a room

at the Salem Inn for tonight.

Jennifer: Well,

like you said,

it could be with anybody.

Julie: That's true.

Jennifer: But?

Julie: Well, Saul actually

didn't get a very good look

at the man she was with.

But he overheard her calling him

by name.

Jennifer: Just tell me.

Say it.

Julie: [laughs]

He couldn't remember the name.

But he thinks it started

with a J.

Jennifer: [exhales]

Allie: [sighs]

"On my way home now."

[phone dings]


Grandma Kate?

Kate: Oh.

Hi, sweetheart.

Allie: Hi.

What are you doing

at the Salem Inn?

Kate: Oh.


How are you doing?

Allie: [exhales sharply]

Kate: Huh?

Did you give any more thought

to the civil suit against Tripp?

Allie: Um, yes.

I actually just talked

to my Aunt Belle earlier,

and she agreed that

I have a good case.

Kate: So?

Allie: So, with her help,

I'm going to sue Tripp Dalton.

Gonna make that monster

accountable for what

he did to me.

Tripp: Dad.

Steve: Tripp,

what are you doing back here?

Did something happen with Ava?

Tripp: No, no, no.

Steve: You okay?

Tripp: No, I'm fine.

But I'm not so sure

about my mom though.

Steve: What are you

talking about?

Tripp: I knocked on her door

but she didn't answer.

Steve: Well, that's strange.

We know she was expecting you.

Tripp: And the weird thing is

that after I knocked, I thought

maybe I heard a noise inside.

And I thought about

breaking down the door,

but that seemed kind of extreme.

It could have been a neighbor

or something.


I don't know.

Maybe I'm just paranoid.

I'll head back

and just try it again.

Steve: No, no, no.

Hold on.

It might seem innocent enough.

But trouble has a way

of following Ava.

I don't want you

in the middle of that.

Tripp: [laughs]

I mean, really, Dad.

It's probably nothing.

Steve: Well,

let's go check out

that nothing together.

Come on.

[tense music]

♪ 7

Charlie: [exhales]


Oh, thank God you're alive.

I'm so sorry, Mom.

I hope you know that.

I love you.

I would never hurt you.

But I couldn't let you

tell Tripp the truth.

Claire is the best thing

that's ever happened to me.

I can't lose her.

How could I make you

understand that?

How can I convince you

not to say anything?

Ava: [grunts]

Charlie: [breathing heavily]

[dramatic music]

♪ 7

Ava: [gasps]

Chad: You know, I'm usually

not this insecure.

Gwen: [chuckles]


I always thought you

were one of those

"Master of the universe" types.

Chad: [laughs]

That, uh...

[clears throat]

That arrogant, huh?

Gwen: Mmm.


I've seen your kindness

with Abigail, with the children.

I've even seen it with me.

When Jake dumped me,

you could have kicked me

to the curb, but you didn't.

You let me stay.

And you gave me a job.

Chad: Well, everyone

deserves a chance.

Gwen: Well, yeah.

I don't think that I did.


I know how very rude

and obnoxious I was

when Jake and I first

moved in here.

Yes, I'm aware.

I gave you lots of reasons

for you to throw me out.

Chad: Yeah, you broke--

you broke a lot of stuff.

Gwen: Yes.

And I'm sorry.

It's not like I--

it's not like I had

a lot of fans

when I first moved

into this house.

But you didn't care.

You backed me up.

Made me believe that maybe

I'm not the trash

that some people think I am.

Chad: Who, Kate?

Gwen: All I'm saying, Chad,

is that you helped me

through a really rough time.

And I thank you.

And I can repay you in any way--

no, really--if I can

be here for you

or--I don't know--whatever,

I'm happy to.

Chad: Thank you.

Gwen: Oh, come on.

Let's go back to the house.

Shall we?

Let's--let's go.

Chad: [chuckles]

Gwen: Come on.

Abigail: [sputters]

Jake: Long day?

Abigail: Oh.

I just sat through

the most boring, endless

city council meeting

in the history of boring,

endless city council meetings.

Jake: [chuckles]

The sacrifices you make

for your reader, right?

Abigail: Yeah.

Jake: Can I fix you

a nightcap?

Abigail: No; no, no, no.

Swore off alcohol

after the debacle at

my parents' anniversary party.

Jake: Understood.

How about a nice cup of tea?

Abigail: Oh, no thank you.

Um, actually, I should probably

get started on my article.


Jake: Uh, hey.

Can I ask you a favor?

Abigail: Okay.

Jake: Would you mind looking

over this proposal I wrote

for DiMera?

You see, professional lingo's

not really my strength.

And, well I could use

a real word wizard like you

to make me look good.

I'd be grateful.

Abigail: [sighs]

Oh, um...

I--I would, really--I would.

But I'm just--I'm really swamped

right now.

Jake: Ah.

Did I do something

to offend you?

Abigail: No.

No, uh-uh, no.

It's not you--it's not even you.

It's just--it's Chad.

Jake: What about him?

Abigail: I guess you

might as well know.

Jake: Know what?

Abigail: He thinks that

we're having an affair.

Kate: Ah.

I am so glad

that you took my advice.

That's much better

than taking my gun

although I know that's never

going to happen again, right?

Allie: Yes.

Lesson learned.


Kate: I'm proud of you

for standing up for yourself

legally and without bloodshed.

Although, honey, I know

how difficult it's going to be

to tell your story in court.

And I promise you I'm going

to be there for you

every step of the way.

Allie: Thanks, Grandma.

But I actually

already got some practice

with the third degree.

Kate: What do you mean?

Allie: I just ran

into my Uncle Steve,

and he asked me for details

about what happened with Tripp.

So I told him.

Kate: You didn't tell him

that you're planning

to sue Tripp, did you?

Allie: No.

No, I didn't wanna say anything

about that until Aunt Belle

has officially filed paperwork.

Kate: Well, that's good.

That was good thinking.

I just wish you hadn't really

said anything to him, you know?

Because I'm afraid he could

take it and get Tripp's lawyers

to twist it around

and use it against you.

Allie: Uh, well,

there was one thing

that he questioned me on.

But I'm not really sure

what it means.

Tripp: So what did Allie say

when you ran into her?

Steve: Just told her side

of the story.

Tripp: And?

Steve: We can talk about it

after we find out what's

going on with Ava.


Tripp: Mom?

Steve: I'm doing this.

[tense music]

♪ 7

Tripp: Nice work.

Steve: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Easy just in case

there's a problem.


All right; let's check it out.

But be careful.

Tripp: I will.

Steve: Go easy.

[dramatic music]

♪ 7

Jennifer: This can't

be happening.

Julie: Oh, Jennifer.

Let's not leap to the worst

possible scenario.

That could be any man

whose name starts with a J.

It could be Joseph.

It could be James.

It could be Jocko.

It doesn't prove a thing.

Jennifer: Who are we kidding?

Of course it's Jack.

Julie: Well I, for one,

refuse to believe it

because I know how sincerely

Jack wants you back.

Jennifer: That's just

the thing, Julie.

Jack is great at being sincere.

He's already lied to me

about Kate once.

What's to say that he

wouldn't do it again?

It's like Gwen said.

It's just really hard to regain

trust once it's broken.

Maybe I should just

put this relationship to rest

and move on.

Because it sounds like

he certainly has.

Jake: [sighs]

Why would Chad think

we're having an affair?

Abigail: I'm not even gonna

get into it with you.

But that's where his head is.

And so out of respect for him,

I would rather not spend

time alone with you

because if he does see that,

that would just make him

even more suspicious

and it's really not worth

risking that for me,

so I'm sorry.

Jake: No, no.

I'm sorry too.


I also totally understand.

So, look.

From now on,

I will do my best to make sure

you and I are not seen

alone together because

we don't wanna make Chad

any more suspicious

than he already is.

[tense music]

♪ 7

Kate: So what exactly did

Steve question you about?

Allie: He asked me if

my memory of Tripp's face

and my memory of the hand

holding me down happened

in the same moment.

Kate: What?

I mean, what does

that even mean?

What, does he think

there was another hand?

Does that he mean that he thinks

that another person attacked

you? Because that's ludicrous.

The DNA resolves it.

I mean, it proves that Tripp

is guilty.

Allie: Yeah.

Oh, yeah.

Of course.

I mean, of course it has

to be Tripp.

Who else could it have been?

[door thuds]

Tripp: She isn't here.

Steve: Well, no sign

of trouble.

It looks like she was planning

to have dinner with you.

Tripp: Yeah, I could tell

she was disappointed when I said

I was having dinner

with you instead.

And maybe I hurt her feelings.

Maybe she took off somewhere.

Steve: Well, that's possible.

Ava is hyper-sensitive.

But if she did take off,

where'd she go?

[tense music]

♪ 7

Ava: What the hell?

Charlie: Oh, good.

You're awake.

Ava: Charlie, what the hell

are you doing?

Untie me right now.

Charlie: I really wish

I could, but...

you brought this on yourself.

[dramatic music]

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