Days Transcript Tuesday 12/15/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 12/15/20


Episode #13916 ~ Ava uncovers the truth; Kayla and Steve question Joey about his future; Ben and Shawn mourn Ciara; Rafe gives Nicole good news about Allie.

Provided By Jim

Ben: I don't even know

what I'm doing here, Ciara.

This stone in the ground.

It's not even a real gravestone.

It's just a marker.

I know you're not here.

I'm not even sure

you really died.

But I'd give anything

to know the truth.


[knocking at door]

Rafe: Yeah?

Come in.

Nicole: Hey.

Rafe: Hey, Nicole.

Nicole: Hi.

Is now an okay time?

Rafe: Yeah. Good to see you.

Nicole: Yeah. You too.

Rafe: Sure.

Come on in. Have a seat.

Nicole: Thanks.

You're working pretty late huh?

Rafe: Yeah, getting caught up

on all these old cases,

since I've been out of town.

What's up?

Nicole: Well, I wanted to

find out about Allie.

You know, I was wondering if

I should prepare a celebration

or expect Hurricane Allie

to come home tonight?

If she comes home tonight.

So are they gonna charge her

for pulling a gun on Tripp?

Rafe: Hmm.

So I guess you haven't heard?

Allie's off the hook.


Claire: I don't understand.

I thought that they couldn't

press charges against Tripp

here in Salem, and they weren't

gonna do it in London?

Allie: Well, this is a whole

different thing.

Belle: Right.

Tripp won't be charged in

criminal court, but we're gonna

sue him in civil court.

Claire: You're suing him?

Allie: Yeah, so he won't

be found guilty of rape

or locked up.

I have to accept that.

Claire: So what good

is this gonna do?

Belle: At least Tripp will be

held responsible

for assault and battery,

intentional infliction

of emotional harm, distress.

I mean--

Allie: There will be

a judgment against him.

Claire: You mean money?

Belle: No.

This isn't about the money.

This is about vindication.

Tripp is gonna be held

responsible for what he did.

Allie: Yeah.

I mean it's not going to help me

forget that night or change

what happened to me, but I think

it might help me finally get

past this nightmare and be able

to get on with my life.

Tripp: I was just on

the phone with my mom.

Kayla: You were talking

to Ava?

Tripp: Yes.

I called to tell her that I was

staying here for dinner.

Steve: And what'd she say

to that?

Tripp: She said she was fine,

but I could tell that

she was disappointed.

Joey: I'm glad

you're staying.

Tripp: Thank you

for inviting me.

I really want to be

a part of the celebration,

and I'm really glad

that you're back, Joey,

but maybe I should go.

Steve: Why?

Tripp: It's the first night

with my mom, since I found out

she was alive.

So maybe the right thing to do

is to go back to her place,

after all.

Charlie: I got your messages.

You said we needed to talk,

so here I am.

Ava: I don't understand,


How'd you get to town so fast?

Charlie: I've actually been

here for a while now.

I moved to Salem.

For you.

male announcer: Like sands

through the hourglass,

so are the "Days of Our Lives."

[soft orchestration]

♪ 7

Nicole: So let me make sure

I heard you right.

Allie is not gonna be charged?

Rafe: Correct.

Nicole: Oh, that's great.

Wait. How did this happen?

Rafe: Well, I believe

DA Trask felt it was gonna be

Tripp's word against Allie's,

and she didn't want to go down

that road again.

Nicole: Yeah.

I don't blame her.

So it's over?

Rafe: It's over. Yeah.

Nicole: Oh, I'm so happy

Allie doesn't have to deal

with another legal battle.

I mean, not that I condone what

she did, but you do understand

why she did it right?

Rafe: I understand.


I understand.

Nicole: Because Allie found

out that Sami did the same thing

when she was in high school

when her rapist wasn't brought

to justice.

Rafe: I think that Allie's

more like her mother than

she'd like to admit.

Nicole: Okay, listen, please

don't tell her that, okay,

because unlike Sami, I believe

Allie wouldn't have gone through

with it.

Rafe: You really believe


Nicole: Yes.

Rafe, I mean she's a girl

that got hurt, and let down,

and felt powerless.

And threatening Tripp--well,

that was just a way for her

to feel some sense of control.

Allie: Honestly, I don't care

about getting one cent

from this lawsuit.

I just want someone to publicly

say that it's real.

That I was raped.

I didn't just make this up.

Claire: Allie, we all

believe you.

Allie: I know, but it's just

it's not enough for my friends

and family to say it.

I want it on the record.

Belle: And we're gonna

make that happen.

Claire: I hope so.

Allie: Yeah.

Claire: And Mom, I brought

some pie from the pub,

as promised.

Do you want to stay?

Share some?

Belle: Yeah, we'd love that.

Allie: Um, yeah sure.

That sounds good.

Belle: Okay.

I'll go heat this up, and I

think we have some whipped cream

in the fridge.

[both chuckle]

Allie: [sighs]

I should have gone to your mom

for help right away.

Maybe then I wouldn't have

done something so stupid.

Claire: Wait, what are you

talking about, Allie?

What did you do?

Allie: I might have taken

matters into my own hands.

Steve: Tripp, you're gonna

have plenty of time

with your mother.

Joey: And it'd be great

to have you here.

Tripp: I'm not sure

everyone feels that way.

Kayla: If you're concerned

about me, you don't need to be.

Tripp: Are you sure?

Kayla: Yeah.

It's a family celebration

for Joey.

Steve: And you are family.

Tripp: Thank you,

to all of you.

I really appreciate

you all still making me

feel welcome.

Steve: You're always welcome.

Joey: Well, now that

that's settled, are we going

to eat soon?

Kayla: You hungry, huh?

Joey: Are you kidding me?

A home-cooked meal.

Being here with you guys again.

I mean, I've been dreaming

of this for four years.

Ava: You moved here for me?

What are you talking about,


Charlie: Well, I managed

to get myself a job at Titan.

Ava: What?

Charlie: Yeah.

I've been keeping an eye

on Philip Kiriakis for you.

Making sure he's cooperating.

Ava: Well, I never asked you

to do that.

Charlie: I know.

I was taking initiative.

Ava: They're not onto you,

are they?

Charlie: Not at all.

In fact, I have a lot of

useful information for you.

Ava: Yeah?

What kind of information?

Charlie: Like Xander Kiriakis

isn't onto me,

but he is growing suspicious

of what you and Philip

are up to.

Ava: And how do you

know this?

Charlie: He told me.

Xander and Philip are each

trying to have me get dirt

on the other one.

Ava: Okay, Charlie--

Charlie: I know.

It's complicated,

but don't worry.

I have it handled.

Ava: Okay. You know what?

I don't have any time for this.

All I care about right now

is Tripp.

That's why I called you here.

Charlie: You want to talk

about Tripp?

Let's talk about Tripp.

Ben: Ciara, is that you?

Shawn: Hey, Ben.

No, I'm not Ciara.

It's actually just me.

Ben: I'm sorry, man.

I heard that noise, and for

a second, I thought--

I know how crazy that sounds.

Shawn: No, no, man.

It's not crazy at all.

Actually, it happened to me

the day of the funeral.

Everybody left,

and I was here alone.

And I heard a noise, and...

I thought that maybe

it might be Ciara.

That maybe she...

maybe she might be alive.

Ben: What was it?

Shawn: It was Tripp.

He'd come here to pay his

respects in private, and

he said he didn't think

anybody would want to see him

at the service.

He was probably right.

Kayla: Okay.

Well, dinner is almost ready.

Steve: It smells great,


Kayla: Oh, it's been

such a long time since I've

cooked for my boy.

Joey: I keep thinking

I'm dreaming this.

Kayla: You are not dreaming.

You are here with all of us

for a family celebration.

And I, for one,

am over the moon.

Steve: We all are.

Kayla: I feel so thankful.

How about we say grace

before dinner?

Steve: Let's do that.

Come on.

Claire: You pulled a gun

on Tripp?

Allie: It wasn't

some big plan,

but after I found out that they

weren't going to press charges

against him in England, either,

I just kind of freaked out.

I mean, I couldn't believe

that he was just going to

get away with this.

Claire: I get that, Allie,

but a gun?

Allie: Well, I was talking

to my dad about it,

and he told me that my mom

was raped when she was

younger than I am now.

She didn't get justice either,

so she took the law

into her own hands.

She went out with a gun,

and she found her rapist.

And she shot him,

so that he could never

do that to anyone again.

Claire: Allie, did--

did you shoot Tripp?

Allie: No, no.

But I might have

gone through with it.

Claire: What stopped you?

Allie: Tripp's mother

walked in.

Charlie: So what's all

the urgency about Tripp?

Ava: Well, my son's

been accused of rape.

Charlie: Um, I didn't realize

that that's what you

wanted to talk about.

Ava: Yeah, there's a girl.

Her name is Allie Horton,

and she says that Tripp

raped her.

Charlie: Yeah, I heard

about that from Claire.

Ava: Who's Claire?

Charlie: Claire Brady.

My new girlfriend.

Ava: Oh, how nice for you.

What did she say?

Charlie: She said that the

DA's not pressing charges.

It sounds like Tripp is gonna

be fine, and the whole thing's

gonna blow over.

Ava: Sorry, "blow over"?

People think that he is

a rapist.

Tripp's reputation--maybe

even his life--could be ruined.

Charlie: I'm sorry

that you seem upset.

Ava: Yeah, you're damn right

I am upset.

This is my son.

Charlie: I understand that

this is a horrible situation,

and it must be really hard

for you to accept the fact that

your precious Tripp is capable

of something like this.

Ava: Oh, what the hell

is wrong with you?

Tripp is innocent.

Ben: Have you been coming

here a lot?

Shawn: Yeah.

Yeah I have.

I was here yesterday.

Ben: I'm just surprised

we haven't run into each other


Shawn: Yeah. Me too.

You know, Ben,

what just happened to you--it

actually--it happened to me

again the other day,

but it wasn't here.

I was walking home from work,

and I saw this girl

from the back.

And she had long,

long, dark hair,

and she was Ciara's height.

And the adrenaline

just started pumping, and

I just thought that, you know,

maybe it could be her.

Even though I know that

it's pretty much almost next

to impossible.

Ben: The other day I saw

a motorcycle driving by.

I thought she was riding it.

I followed it for about

ten minutes, before I realized

what I was doing.

Why do we still

come here, Shawn?

Her body's not here.

It may not even have been

in that car before it exploded.

Shawn: Maybe not.

We don't know.

Ben: We might not ever know.

Nicole: Well, thank you

for filling me in.

I will leave you alone...

Rafe: Yeah.

Nicole: To finish your

filing of cases, whatever.

Rafe: Thank you.

Yeah, so you headed home?

Nicole: No, actually,

I'm going to take advantage

of a rare night alone

and do some Christmas shopping.

Rafe: Ah.

Wait. Who's watching the kids?

Nicole: No one.

No. I'm just kidding.

They're with Maggie.

Rafe: Maggie. That's great.

Nicole: Also, I hired Chloe

and Brady to help me

at Basic Black, so I'm not

swamped at work, for once.

Rafe: Oh, wow. Look at you.

You know, I would have thought

with all that that maybe you

just wanted to stay home

and enjoy the night with Eric.

Nicole: Oh, wow.

I guess no one's told you yet.

Rafe: Ah.

Something else I missed

when I was out of town.

Nicole: Yeah.

Eric's gone.

Kayla: Thank you, Lord,

for this food and the meal

that we're about to share.

And thank you for keeping

our friends and family

safe and healthy.

And thank you so much

for the gift of bringing

our Joey back where he belongs.

Steve: And thanks for having

my son Tripp here, to join in

Joey's celebration with us.


Joey: Amen.

Kayla: Amen.

Tripp: Amen.

Steve: Listen, I know things

aren't perfect right now,

but it means a lot to me

having both of my boys here.

I love you all so much.

Joey: Love you, too, Dad.

Steve: Ah, my boys.

Charlie: I'm sorry.

That came out wrong.

Ava: Came out like you think

that Tripp did something wrong.

Charlie: No, I ju--

I-I didn't mean to upset you.

I didn't mean to sound

so heartless.

Ava: Well, you do realize

how this has ruined

Tripp's life?

Charlie: I can imagine how

difficult it's been for him

and for you.

But the good news is that

they're not pressing

legal charges, so this whole

thing is gonna blow over.

I don't think you have

to worry about it.

Ava: My son is being charged

with rape, and you don't think

that I need to worry?

Charlie: I'm just saying

that, according to Claire,

it's being treated like

a he said/she said situation.

This girl Allie says

that he did it,

and Tripp says that he didn't.

Ava: Yeah, and you know

for a fact that that's true,

don't you, Charlie?

Because you did it.

Didn't you?

Nicole: So when Eric found

out how much they needed him

in the Congo

I knew nothing would

keep him from going.

Rafe: Except you.

Nicole: Yeah, I couldn't ask

him to stay for me,

especially knowing how

meaningful that work is to him.

Rafe: So you let him go.

Nicole: I had no choice.

Rafe: Well, you definitely

had a choice.

You did, I mean--

Listen, what you did

was a very loving thing.

Nicole: Yeah, well,

it wasn't easy.

It's still not.

I mean, I just--it's so hard

being apart from him.

I mean, we're newlyweds.

I thought this was supposed to

be the best part of our lives.

Rafe: Yeah.

You know, life doesn't

always go as planned.

Nicole: Try ever.

Rafe: I hear you.

I do.

You know, Hope and I, we had

just gotten close again,

right before I had to leave.

And we were even talking

about getting back together.

Nicole: But then you had

to go.

Rafe: Yeah, and now,

she's gone so...

Nicole: I heard she left

right before Ciara's funeral.

Rafe: Mm-hmm.

Nicole: Have you been

in touch with her?

Rafe: Yeah.

Yeah, I actually--I am.

I saw her, and, you know,

We sort of ended things.

Nicole: Rafe, I'm so sorry.

Rafe: That's okay.


I mean, I--you know, listen.

She can't be with me right now.

I understand that too.

I do, you know.

She's still holding onto the

hope that Ciara is out there.

That she is alive, and so Hope's

searching for answers,

and she doesn't have any room

in her heart for me right now,

and I get that.

I mean, she's determined to find

Ciara and to bring her home so.

Ben: The hardest part,

for me, is dealing with this,

like, this feeling of just

constant limbo.

You know, if we just had

something concrete,

you know, one way

or another to prove,

beyond a shadow of a doubt--

Shawn: But there isn't.

That's why my mom left Salem.

She went to go and find that...

that something concrete.

Ben: Really

she went to go find Ciara.

Steve: I'd like to make

a toast to the most loving,

most beautiful woman

that I know.

Joey: I think he's talking

about you.

Steve: Sweetness, you are not

only the best partner,

and mother, and amazing doctor,

but you're also a pretty darn

good cook.

And every day, I ask myself,

"How did I get so lucky?"

To Kayla.

Joey: To Kayla.

Tripp: To Kayla

Kayla: Every day, huh?

Steve: Well, when I forget

she reminds me.

Kayla: You're damn

right I do.

But on a more serious note,

I just feel so lucky.

I have this wonderful family,

and I have you back, Joey.

I just--there are no words

for me to express how

much I missed you.

I just love you so much.

Joey: I love you, too, Mom.

Tripp: You know, this really

is great, such a relief

to have you back, man.

Joey: Thanks, Tripp.

Steve: So now that

you're back, Joe,

have you given any thought

to what you're gonna do?

Joey: It's weird.

All this time, I've thought

about absolutely nothing

but getting out, coming home,

and being with my family again.

And now that I am,

it's everything I imagined

and more.

But as for what comes next,

honestly, I have no idea.

Claire: Tripp's mother

is alive?

Allie: Mm-hmm.

She came in, and she took the

gun right out of my hand.

Claire: I can't believe that.

Allie: Yeah.

Everybody is pretty shocked,

but as for your question,

I guess now we'll never know if

I would have pulled the trigger.

Claire: Hey, I don't think

you would have.

Allie: Yeah.

That's what Nicole said too,

but I don't know.

In that moment,

I really wanted to.

I wanted him to hurt the way

he made me hurt.

Claire: Hey, I don't

judge you.

The only thing is--

Allie: What?

Claire: I just worry about

how this could hurt your case.

Allie: My civil case?

Claire: Yeah.

I mean, what if this comes out

in the courtroom, Allie?

Couldn't Tripp use it

against you?

Allie: I don't know.

I mean the DA isn't even

pressing charges against me,

so there's not even gonna be

a police report about it.

Claire: Yeah, but if they

ask you about it, you're gonna

have to tell the truth.

Allie: Would I?

Me, Tripp, and Ava were the

only ones there.

From what I know,

Ava's a criminal,

Tripp is still claiming that

he never even had sex with me,

even though I have a baby

with his DNA.

If Tripp brings that up,

and I say that he's lying,

who do you think

they'll believe?

Charlie: You think I raped

that girl?

I don't even know her.

Ava: Well, the rape

took place in London.

Charlie: So?

Ava: So you were in London

at the time.

You were keeping an eye

on Tripp for me.

You remember?

Charlie: That's your proof?

Do you know how big

of a city London is?

Yeah, we were there

at the same time.

That doesn't prove anything.

Ava: Maybe not,

but the DNA test does.

Ben: I've had a lot of the

same thoughts your mom's had.

That's the reason why I went

looking everywhere I could

possibly think of for Ciara.

I went back to the airfield.

I went into the woods,

behind the crash site.

I went into the place

where Vincent had held her.

Shawn: Yeah, I know, me too.

I've looked.

Ben: I have spoken to

your mom a couple times.

Well, not really spoken,

but I asked her

how she was doing.

She reassured me

that she was okay.

That was about the extent of it.

[exhaling unsteadily]

She made it pretty clear to me

that she wants to be left alone.

I've respected that.

Shawn: Yeah, me too.

Ben: I heard Rafe is back

in town.

Has he had any luck

getting in touch with her?

Shawn: Yeah, I mean, she said

that they met up.

Ben: So he tracked her down?

Shawn: Yeah, apparently.

Yeah, only for her to tell him

that they're done with,

and that she is 100%

committed to finding Ciara.


Ben: Yeah, that's gotta be

so rough for him.

Shawn: I'm sure it is.

But you know my mom.

She sets her mind to something


and I just hope that...

look, I hope that she finds

what she's looking for.

What we're all looking for,

you know, and if she doesn't

I just--I pray that somehow that

she's gonna get some closure,

and she's gonna come home to us.

Nicole: I'm so sorry

about you and Hope.

I didn't know.

Rafe: That's okay, it's...

Well, you know what?

At least I've got all these

damn cases to throw myself

into, right?

I got that going for me.

Nicole: Well, I mean

don't give up yet.

Things take time.

Look how long it took me

and Eric to get things right.

It could happen for you

and Hope too.

Rafe: Yeah.


Oh, speaking of Eric, any idea

how long he's gonna be gone?

Nicole: No, no,

yeah, I don't know.

No, but I definitely don't want

to pressure him.

You know, he'll come back

when he feels

he's fulfilled his mission.

Rafe: Right.


Well, here we are.

Nicole: [chuckles]

Yeah, here we are.

Well, listen, Rafe,

I'm really glad I stopped by.

Rafe: Yeah. Me too.

Good to see you.

Nicole: Sometimes it just

helps to talk, you know?

Rafe: Yeah.

Was a good talk.

Kayla: Steve,

Joey just got home.

He doesn't need to figure out

what he wants to do just yet.

Steve: Okay, Mom.

Kayla: Yeah.

Steve: I'm sorry, Joey.

I didn't mean to pressure you.

Joey: No, you didn't.

Honestly, I probably should have

given more thought to my future,

but getting out

was a total surprise.

Kayla: Best kind of surprise.

Tripp: Well, what about


I know you've talked about

finishing your degree.

Joey: I mean, yeah.

I do want to finish,

but I also know

how expensive that is.

Steve: Hey, you don't have

to worry about that.

Kayla: Absolutely.

Steve: Right, sweetness?

Kayla: We are here to help.

Joey: That's great

of you guys, but maybe I should,

you know, get a job first.

Take some time to think about

what's next and make my own

money while I do it.

Steve: Well, you know,

you're always welcome

at Black Patch.

Joey: Thanks.

Steve: Of course, Black and

Patch aren't exactly

getting along right now.

Oh, I'm sorry, man.

I shouldn't have

brought that up.

Tripp: It's okay.

It's fine.

Steve: My bad.

Kayla: You know what?

We don't need to talk about

any of this tonight.

This is a family celebration,

and we are all together,

and we need to be

in the moment.

Charlie: I don't understand.

What DNA?

Ava: Oh, well they did a DNA

test comparing Allie's baby

to Tripp.

Charlie: What-what baby?

Ava: Oh, you didn't know

there was a baby?

Charlie: No. I--well,

Claire told me that Allie got

raped, but she didn't mention

anything about a baby.

Ava: Yeah.

Well, it turns out that Allie

had a little baby boy,

and the timing of his birth

matches up to when she was raped

in London.

Charlie: Oh.

Ava: Yeah.

Yeah, and it's interesting.

So Tripp's DNA matched

Allie's baby,

which is very interesting,

considering that he swore up

and down that he never

had sex with her.

So you got any theories

on how that could happen?

Charlie: Well,

I hate to say this,

and I know that

you're gonna hate hearing it,

but yes I do.

Ava: Oh, please.

Go ahead.

Charlie: It seems pretty

clear to me that Tripp did

exactly what that girl

is accusing him of.

Your son is a rapist.

Kayla: Okay.

Who wants dessert?

I have about seven

flavors of ice cream.

Steve: Oh, thank you.

I'm stuffed.

Joey: I can make some room

for ice cream.

Tripp: Yeah.

Well, you guys enjoy, okay,

but I should really get going.

My mom's been waiting.

Steve: Tripp, listen.

Tripp: No, I know, I know.

And I know what you all think

of her, and you have every

right, considering what she did

last time she was here.

Kayla: She's still

your mother.

Tripp: And I make no excuses

for her.

But I thought she was dead,

and now she's here.

And Joey, I mean it's thanks

to her that you're free.

Joey: And I'm grateful

for that.

Tripp: So if you don't mind,

I'll just be on my way.

Claire: Hey, where's the pie?

Belle: Oh, I'm sorry.

I just got a message from the DA

about your Grandpa John's case.

Claire: What's going on?

Belle: I'm not sure, but I'm

gonna go give them a call back.

Allie: Yeah, of course, go.

Belle: But before I do,

do you have any questions?

Allie: No, I think I'm good.

I'm sorry, I've already taken up

so much of your time tonight.

Belle: Oh, come on, please.

I'm happy I can help,

and if you need anything,

you just give me a call.

Allie: Okay.

Thank you so much.

Belle: Okay. Bye.

Claire: Bye, Mom.

Belle: [smooches]

Okay. Bye.

Allie: [sighs] Ugh.

Honestly, I'm glad that we don't

have to talk about this anymore


I just want to chill and, like,

hang out for a while,

if that's okay.

Claire: Of course, unless you

have to hurry home for Henry.

Allie: No, actually, Maggie

has both Henry and Holly

tonight, so...

You have been checking

your phone all night.

Do you have to go?

Claire: No. No, no, no.

I just thought I might

get a text from someone.

Allie: From someone special?

Claire: Yeah.

He is kind of special.

Ava: Well, here's the problem

with your little theory.

Tripp swears to me that he never

had sex with that girl.

Charlie: Then he must

be lying.

Ava: Well, he swears

he's telling the truth,

and I believe him.

Charlie: Of course you do.

Okay, so how does

Tripp explain the DNA?

Ava: Oh, he can't explain it,

but I can.

Rafe: Well, have you told

Eric how much you miss him?

You know what?

It's a stupid question.

Yeah, I mean,

of course he knows.

Nicole: Yes.

Rafe: Yeah.

Nicole: Of course he does,

but I don't want to make him

feel guilty or cause his mission

to be any harder.

Rafe: Right, right.

But at the same time,

it's gotta be hard for you too.

Nicole: Yeah.

I mean, I'm not gonna pretend

I don't have my moments,

but when I do I try to

remember how lucky I am.

I mean, I married my first love.

And no matter how many mistakes

I made or wrong turns,

I still ended up with the

most kind, wonderful man

in the whole world.

Rafe: Well, he didn't do

so badly himself.

Nicole: Thank you.

Rafe, I know your breakup with

Hope must be terribly

difficult for you,

so please--I'm here for you

whenever you need a friend.

Rafe: Thank you. Thanks.

And the same goes--you know,

I'm here for you.

You know that, right?

Nicole: We're here

for each other.

Rafe: Okay.

Nicole: Thank you.

Rafe: Yeah, great to see you.

Nicole: I'll see you soon.

Rafe: Okay.

Nicole: Bye.

Rafe: Bye.

Ben: You know, I, um...

I fully expected to go through

life alone.

I thought that's just

what I deserved.

It is what I deserved.

The idea that I would

fall in love with a

wonderful woman

and that woman would

actually love me back

just seemed impossible.

Until Ciara.

She changed my life

forever, man.

Shawn: And you changed hers.

Look, you made my sister

so happy, Ben.

Ben: It's just hard

to believe, you know.

One day, you're getting married.

The next day,

the person you love with all

your heart is gone.

Tripp: It's so great

having you back, man.

Text me later, okay?

Joey: You got it.

Tripp: And thank you, Kayla.

Kayla: You're welcome.

Tripp: No, I don't mean

for having me over

for this dinner.

I mean for everything

you've done for me.

Kayla: You don't need

to thank me.

Tripp: Yes I do,

and I want to.

You've helped me a lot,

and I really want you to know

how much I appreciate it.

Kayla: Thank you for

saying that.

Steve: Hey, Tripp,

why don't you let me walk you

over to your mom's?

Tripp: Are you sure?

Steve: Yeah.

You know, stretch my legs,

get some fresh air.

It's not that far.

Tripp: Yeah, okay, great.

Steve: All right, let's go.

I'll be back.

You have fun.

Joey: I'll help you clean up.

Kayla: No, you will not.

Not on your first night back.

Joey: Yes, on my first

night back.

After that killer meal,

you deserve to sit down, relax,

put your feet up,

and do absolutely nothing.

Kayla: [laughs] All right.

Well, I'll make you a deal.

I'll let you help me clean up,

just so we can spend

some more time together.

Joey: Deal, and thanks for

including Tripp in the dinner.

I know how hard that

must have been for you,

considering how you feel

about Ava so.

Kayla: You know what?

I don't want to talk

about Ava Vitali.

All I want to do is spend time

with you back here, at home,

where you belong.

Allie: Okay, girl.

Spill the tea.

Who's this guy?

Claire: His name is Charlie.

I know!

Allie: Wait, you've never

mentioned him before.

Claire: Well, you've just had

so much going on,

and I really--I didn't know

it was gonna be anything, but--

Allie: It is now?

Claire: Yeah.

I mean, we've only gone out

a couple of times,

but it's been so great.

Allie: Aw.

Claire: We actually--we

just had dinner together before.

That's why I thought he was

gonna text me.

He usually does.

Allie: So you're, like,

full-on dating?

Claire: Yeah.

I mean, I guess you could say

[whispering] he's my boyfriend.

Allie: Stop. That's so great.

Oh, my gosh.

Okay, so tell me about him.

Claire: He is the best guy.

I think you're really

gonna like him.

Charlie: I don't know what

you're suggesting, but I

followed Tripp around London,

like you asked me to, and let me

tell you, he is not the saint

that you think he is.

Ava: Oh, is that right?

Charlie: Yeah.

He was partying and at the pub

practically the minute

he got there.

Ava: He's not allowed

to go out?

Charlie: I'm just saying

I know that you don't want to

accept the fact that he's guilty

of rape, but if Allie had a

baby, and the DNA is a match--

Ava: Hey, you and I both know

that someone else shares

a lot of the same DNA,

and that is you, Charlie.

You share DNA, because

you and Tripp are brothers

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