Days Transcript Monday 12/14/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 12/14/20


Episode #13915 ~ Steve and Kayla bring Joey home from prison; Allie seeks help from Belle; Claire and Charlie make things official; Xander explodes over Sarah's revelation about Philip.

Provided By Jim

Claire: Hey, Mom. I'm just walking past the pub, and I thought maybe you and I could have dinner together.

Belle: Oh, honey, I'm sorry. I'm working on Grandpa John's case. I have to file a motion in the morning, so probably just gonna get something in the microwave.

Claire: No problem. I'll bring you home some dessert.

Belle: Okay, see you soon.

Claire: Looks like I'm eating alone.

Charlie: Not necessarily.

Claire: [laughs softly]

Charlie: Do you mind if I join you?

Claire: I would love that.

Charlie: You know what? Me too.

Claire: [laughs]

Xander: Ava Vitali is alive and back in Salem.

Sarah: Who's Ava Vitali?

Xander: I can't believe it.

Sarah: Oh, my God, are you gonna tell me who this is? [intense dramatic music]  That's Angela Vandekamp.

Xander: What?

Sarah: I'm telling you, that's the woman I saw with Philip.

Xander: Bloody hell. Angela Vandekamp and Ava Vitali are the same person?

Sarah: The same person? That means...

Xander: That means the woman that Philip is working with is Ava Vitali.

Ava: You need to answer your damn phone. Call me. We need to talk about Tripp. [knocking on door] Hey--um...

Philip: You don't look happy to see me.

Ava: Well, I'm not. I was expecting my son.

Tripp: Don't shoot.

Allie: You really think that's funny?

Tripp: Who said it was a joke? For all I know, you're coming after me again. But I guess that would be pretty stupid, since you're already facing charges for pulling a gun on me.

Allie: [sighs] Didn't you hear? The DA's not pressing charges. Too hard to prove the case, since it's a he said, she said situation. Sound familiar?

Tripp: Look, Allie, I really mean this, but... I'm glad the DA's letting it go. So maybe now you and I can do the same thing-- just let it go. Move on from this.

Allie: Are you seriously trying to say that this makes us even? [tender music] 

Kayla: [sighs] Guess what we're having for dinner? There's a hint: it's your favorite.

Joey: I don't know--chili?

Kayla: Chili? No! Filet mignon. But, listen, if chili is your favorite, then tomorrow I promise you that I will make chili.

Joey: Great.

Kayla: Do you have any idea how happy I am that you're back?

Joey: Me too. Just...

Kayla: What?

Joey: It doesn't seem real.

Kayla: I know. It doesn't to me either. I think we just have to give it some time.

Joey: Yeah. Time went by slowly for me while I was away. But now, I look at the clock and I can't believe how quickly an hour has gone by.

Kayla: I know. But now we have all the time in the world, Joey. [sighs] My sweet, sweet Joey. Do you know, even when you were a little boy, you were so kind. And I'd pick you up from playdates and the moms would always tell me what a wonderful little boy you were, and they always wanted you to come over.

Joey: I'm sure I could be a pain at times.

Kayla: Sure, of course. Especially when I tried to get you to eat, 'cause you had so many food aversions. But mainly you were a dream. Oh, my God, Joey. It's finally over. This nightmare's over. [sniffles]

male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "Days of Our Lives." [soft orchestration] 

Xander: So this explains a lot.

Sarah: Well, not to me. What's going on? Who's Ava Vitali?

Xander: It's kind of a long story.

Philip: Imagine my surprise when I saw your picture on the front page of the paper. Telling the world you're alive isn't exactly my idea of lying low... which is what we agreed you were gonna do.

Ava: My son needed me. And it's a good thing I showed up when I did, because that lying bitch was about to shoot him.

Steve: Well, sorry I don't have champagne to toast you.

Joey: Dad, trust me, this will do.

Steve: [chuckles]

Joey: Sorry if I'm being a little weird.

Steve: Weird? Why do you say that?

Joey: [sighs] I just... I spent so much time alone. And when I wasn't alone, I was with strangers who I didn't want anything to do with, so I guess I just feel a little awkward being around other people. People I love, I mean.

Kayla: It is so normal for you to feel awkward. It's understandable. Me, on the other hand, I just have to control my urge to hug you to death. But I don't want to embarrass you, so...

Joey: No, that'd be okay.

Kayla: Okay, you asked for it. Oh, I love you so much.

Joey: I love you too.

Steve: Okay. Give a dad a turn.

Kayla: I don't want to, but okay. [both chuckle]

Steve: I love you, buddy. I'm so grateful to have you back.

Joey: So grateful to be back. More than you know.

Kayla: Well, I think we all acknowledged that this is a lot, having you home. Just all happened so suddenly. So we'll just take it slow, okay?

Steve: Let's do that. I know there's probably, like, a couple hundred people who want to see you, but until you give us the word, we'll just do family, immediate family.

Kayla: Right, right. You just tell us who and when, okay?

Joey: Okay. Yeah, maybe just family for now. You guys and Tripp.

Allie: What I did to you is nothing compared to what you did to me.

Tripp: I did nothing to you.

Allie: Yeah, so you've said many times. I mean, you just asked me how can you know that I'm not gonna come after you again. But I could ask you the same thing. You have no idea what it is like living with the fear that at any moment some man could just take over your body and get away with it.

Tripp: You're right, I don't know. And I'm really sorry that happened to you.

Allie: My life is completely different now. I have a baby--yes, a beautiful baby boy who I love, but who's also a constant reminder of what you did to me. I can't just move on with my life like none of this happened, and I'm not going to let you move on with your life either.

Tripp: What is that supposed to mean?

Allie: You'll find out.

Charlie: So this is on me. Have anything you want. Sky is the limit.

Claire: [sighs] Too bad there's no filet mignon on the menu.

Charlie: Yeah, yeah, it is too bad. But there are many other options. Hmm. I think I'm gonna need some insider information, Ms. Brady. What is better, the french fries or the onion rings?

Claire: Mm, well, that debate has been raging for decades.

Charlie: You are no help.

Claire: I know, I'm sorry. [both laugh] Although, what we could do is you order one, I order the other, and we split 'em.

Charlie: That is brilliant. Huh. Where did you learn your negotiating skills?

Claire: My mom is one of the best lawyers in Salem, remember? [laughs softly]

Belle: So I assume you're here to check on your Grandpa John's case.

Allie: Well, not really. Actually, Grandma already filled me in on that. Told me that he's still out on bail and you're hoping that you can get the DA to not charge him for what he did to Jan Spears.

Belle: That's right. So what's on your mind? I can tell something's bothering you.

Allie: Well, I... I've just been having a really hard time dealing with the fact that the criminal case against Tripp fell through.

Belle: Oh. Allie, of course you are. I'm so sorry, honey. If there's anything I can do to help...

Allie: Actually, there is. I've been thinking, and there might be another way to get justice.

Belle: And that would be?

Allie: [sighs] I wanna sue Tripp in a civil court. I wanna take him for every cent that he has.

Philip: Don't you think after all you've done, it's a little hypocritical to judge Allie?

Ava: She pulled a gun on Tripp.

Philip: Given what he did to her, I think she showed restraint not to shoot him.

Ava: He didn't do anything to her.

Philip: You have his word on that?

Ava: Yeah, and don't be snide about it.

Philip: Of course not. Any son of yours is totally incapable of doing anything wrong.

Ava: Is there a reason that you are here or did you just come to provoke me? Because I already warned you about not pressing your luck.

Philip: I'm here because we're business partners, and you've violated one of our principal agreements. And now that you're once again a media darling, I just need to make sure what we're doing stays private.

Ava: I told you. I came forward for Tripp. So I'm trying to forge a relationship with him. Why in God's name would I let anyone know that you're laundering money for me through Titan?

Xander: I told you before that when I was working with Kristen that she had all these people Dr. Rolf had brought back from the dead hidden in a warehouse.

Sarah: Ugh, storage is such a problem.

Xander: Well, one of those people was Ava Vitali. Kristen sent Rolf to University Hospital as soon as she found out that Joey Johnson smothered her.

Steve: Joe... Tripp won't be here tonight. He just found out that his mother's alive, so he wants to spend time with her, get to know her.

Joey: Get to know her? All he has to do is read her criminal record. I shouldn't say anything. She is his mother. But I get the feeling there's something you're not telling me.

[knocking on door]

Joey: I'll get it.

Kayla: Joey--

Joey: It's fine. If it's reporters, I'll get rid of them. Tripp!

Tripp: Joey! Oh, man, it's damn good to see you, kid.

Claire: So. How are things at Titan?

Philip: Why did Xander ask you to spy on me?

Charlie: He thinks that you're up to something.

Philip: And you just went along with what he wanted?

Charlie: He is my boss. I mean, you're my boss too, but it seems like you guys really hate each other, and it's not easy working for you both.

Philip: I can see that, I guess.

Charlie: And he was here, and you weren't, and to be honest with you, I didn't feel like I had a choice.

Philip: I'm sorry I put you in that situation, Charlie, but I'm sure you understand you have to stop spying on me for him, right now.

Charlie: Should I tell Mr. Kiriakis, the other Mr. Kiriakis, why?

Philip: No, no. Don't tell him a thing. Just keep him thinking he's gonna get what he wants. Just tell him you can't find what he's looking for. [sighs] For the meantime, keep me posted on everything he says and does.

Charlie: For how long?

Philip: Till I tell you to stop.

Charlie: Please don't fire me, Mr. Kiriakis.

Xander: Did I say anything about firing you? Look, Charlie, I know you're on my team and Philip turned you into a double agent against your will, but I'm afraid I am gonna ask you to be a triple agent there.

Charlie: Meaning what?

Xander: Well, I asked you to get me something I could use against Philip, but he found out. You follow me? Then he asked you to get something on me, but tell me that you were still trying to get information on him, right?

Charlie: Right--I think.

Xander: I'll make it easy on you. All you have to do is go to Philip and say what I want you to say.

Charlie: Which is what?

Xander: I'm about to tell you, Charlie.

Charlie: Well, I am still caught between the two Mr. Kiriakises.

Claire: That must be so stressful.

Charlie: Yeah, it is. And to be honest with you, the situation is more complicated than it was before.

Claire: Well, get used to it. When you're dealing with a Kiriakis, nothing is ever simple. And you've got two of them. So, what happened?

Charlie: You know, let's skip the gory details.

Claire: No, but I love gory details.

Charlie: No, here.

Claire: [laughs]

Charlie: [laughs] Thanks.

Claire: Ah!

Charlie: Oh, these fries, they look really good. Oh, fun fact, I'm kinda picky about my fries. Mmm, and these are good. Yeah, these definitely pass the test.

Claire: Wow, okay. Well, I will have to tell my Uncle Roman. He will be flattered.

Charlie: Tell him.

Claire: Here, you want some ketchup?

Charlie: No, no, no, no. Putting ketchup on fries like these is uncivilized.

Claire: [laughs]

Charlie: Don't laugh at me.

Claire: Uncivilized?

Charlie: Yes, uncivilized. Real french fries are a work of art, I'll have you know.

Claire: Okay, enough laughing about the french fries. Although, you know what is kinda funny? You and I sharing our food like we're an old married couple.

Charlie: Would that be so bad? Not the "old" or the "married" part, but the "couple" part kinda sounds nice.

Claire: Charlie. Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?

Charlie: Yeah. Yeah, I guess I am.

Allie: So it was Grandma Kate who gave me the idea to make Tripp pay in a civil case.

Belle: Okay, well, it's an option.

Allie: Look, I understand if you don't wanna do this, you know, because of what my mom did, unleashing Jan Spears on you and Uncle Shawn.

Belle: Honey, I don't expect you or anyone else to be able to control Sami. Everyone's responsible for their own actions, and that includes Tripp.

Joey: This is great. Folks were just telling me you wouldn't be here.

Tripp: Yeah, well, I wasn't really planning on it.

Joey: And good timing. It's filet mignon tonight. Apparently, it's my favorite.

Tripp: Actually, I just came by to grab my stuff, and... Look, I can come back later.

Joey: Come back--what? Why won't you just stay? Is this about Ava? Look, Mom, I know you're upset that she got out of the kidnapping charges, but Tripp had nothing to do with that.

Tripp: No, Joey, it's not about my mom. It's about me.

Joey: About you? I don't get it.

Tripp: Your mom doesn't want me to stay for dinner. She doesn't want me in her house.

Joey: Why not?

Tripp: She... she thinks I'm a rapist.

Ava: I'd offer you a drink, but I'm afraid you'd accept.

Philip: You're not taking this seriously.

Ava: [sighs] I seriously want you to leave. You are overreacting, and I don't wanna have to waste my time talking you off of a ledge. The fact that people now know I'm alive does not change our business relationship at all.

Philip: [scoffs] And I'm just supposed to take your word for that? You made yourself public for your son's sake. How do I know you haven't told him what we're doing?

Ava: My son is studying to be a doctor. He has no interest in the family business, and I intend to keep it that way. The fact is, you don't have to worry about me telling Tripp, but I do need to worry about you not handling Xander Kiriakis.

Sarah: So you knew Ava was alive.

Xander: Well, I knew that Rolf had brought her back and that she was in the warehouse, but I didn't think she survived when it burned down.

Sarah: What--well, why not? Everyone else did! You did. But what I don't understand is why Kristen sent Rolf to get Ava in the first place. Like, why did she care that she died?

Xander: Well, Kristen was a friend of Ava's when they were both in Italy.

Sarah: Oh, yeah, sure. Just two gal pals out getting mani-pedis, stockpiling some weapons, kidnapping a few people, and then mimosas!

Xander: Yeah, well, they did have a lot in common. Anyway, that's why Ava visited Kristen as Angela Vandekamp. She didn't even bother to change her initials.

Sarah: [sighs] Okay, um... So that explains the Kristen and Ava connection, but it doesn't explain the Ava and Philip connection. Okay, so here's what I think--

Xander: No.

Sarah: No, what?

Xander: Sarah, there's no more "we" in this.

Sarah: Excuse me?

Xander: Look, I appreciate everything you've done so far, but from this point on, you're out.

Claire: I've always been someone who's willing to take a chance if my heart tells me it's the right thing to do.

Charlie: Well, I think that is a very admirable trait.

Claire: I would have to agree. Even if it hasn't always served me well.

Charlie: Isn't that the point of taking a chance? Risking failure?

Claire: True. Better to risk failure than never take a chance at all, right?

Charlie: So what does your heart tell you to do about me?

Claire: Well, your heart is all about what you feel, of course.

Charlie: Mm-hmm.

Claire: And what my heart feels is affection for you. Oh, God, that sounded so lame, didn't it?

Charlie: No, no. What's wrong with affection?

Claire: Nothing, nothing. But I meant it as a synonym for caring and attraction. And wanting to be close to you.

Charlie: So that's how your heart feels. Anything else?

Claire: Well, yeah, of course.

Charlie: So tell me.

Claire: Well, my very intuitive mind tells me that you are a really nice guy. And up until recently I didn't think that I deserved that. But now, I think it's okay for me to accept the good things that come my way. And you are a very good thing.

Charlie: So does this mean that you're my girlfriend now?

Claire: [laughs] It would seem so.

Philip: Xander might not be a problem anymore. We have a new intern; I caught him going through my computer. Are you listening to me?

Ava: I'm waiting for an important call, and you're going on about some office boy.

Philip: Because when I caught him, I got him to confess that Xander put him up to spying on me. I also convinced him that it was in his best interests to be on my side. To tell Xander that he tried, that he hacked my computer, but that he couldn't find anything.

Sarah: What? No. That's not fair. After everything I've done to help you--

Xander: No, it's not fair.

Sarah: [sighs]

Xander: Sarah, if Philip's teamed up with Ava Vitali-- she's a very bad woman, and very bad things happen to people who get in her way.

Sarah: I'm not afraid.

Xander: Well, you should be. She's a Mafia princess. She's kidnapped half the people in this town; she makes planes crash. She's got an army of hired goons.

Sarah: But I saw her. She doesn't look that scary.

Xander: Sarah, she's a sociopath. And I don't know why she's back and teamed up with Philip, but--

Sarah: What?

Xander: I was just thinking about what drives Ava. I don't know how this connects to Philip, but if she is back in Salem, well, it has to have something to do with Steve Johnson.

Tripp: I'm sorry for spoiling the night for you.

Steve: Hey, you didn't spoil anything. I'm glad you got to see your brother tonight, and I'm sure he is too.

Joey: Yeah, of course I am.

Tripp: Thanks. And I'm really happy to see you. I'm, like--I'm so glad that you're back. But I should probably go. I'll just grab my stuff and head out.

Joey: Wait, wait. I need to know what's going on.

Tripp: Your mom can tell you.

Joey: I wanna hear it from you.

Tripp: Go ahead, Tripp. Your dad's here to back you up.

Joey: What is going on?

Tripp: Your cousin Allie accused me of raping her. But I didn't do it.

Joey: And you don't believe him?

Tripp: But there's a good reason for that, Joey, okay? There's a DNA test, all right? It says that I'm the baby's father.

Kayla: No, it proves that you're the baby's father.

Tripp: But I'm not, okay? I never slept with Allie. I--look, I know all the evidence is against me, right, but I can tell you, I can swear to you, Joey, that I didn't rape her. I didn't. [dramatic music] 

Belle: So we would sue for charges of assault, battery, and intentional infliction of emotional harm and distress. And in civil court, the burden of proof is a lot less than in criminal court.

Allie: And that's good for us, right?

Belle: Yeah, I think that works in our favor. And I think Tripp's credibility is really damaged because he keeps saying he never had sex with you, consensual or otherwise, and we have the DNA that proves he's the baby's father, so at minimum, I think you'll get child support.

Allie: And the maximum?

Belle: At maximum, you'd get a substantial judgment in your favor.

Allie: [sighs] So you're saying to go ahead and sue him?

Belle: As your lawyer, I'd say you have a really strong case. But as someone who loves you-- Allie, are you sure you wanna do this?

Allie: More than anything in the world, I just want Tripp to pay for what he did.

Belle: I know. But I really want you to be clear about what bringing this suit is gonna do to you, okay? They're gonna make you relive everything that happened that night in detail, in public. Tripp's lawyers are gonna do everything and anything they can to decimate your character.

Allie: I know that.

Belle: Yeah, but knowing that-- knowing that is very different than living it. And wanna know what the really fun thing is about a case like this? Is they are going to drag out these proceedings for as long as possible, and they're gonna make you go over and over and over every sordid detail until, hopefully, you break on the stand. Is that something you really wanna put yourself through?

Tripp: Yeah, well, just give me a call. We'll grab a beer, okay?

Steve: Hey, let me give you a hand, son.

Tripp: No, it's okay, I can handle it.

Joey: Wait, wait. [sighs] I believe you. And I get why you believe Allie. And maybe this is too much to ask after everything I put you through, but he's my brother. He's family. And I'd like for him to stay and have dinner with us. [melancholy music] 

Charlie: You're not saying anything.

Claire: I was just thinking. You know so much about me, more than I wish you did, actually. And all I know about you is that--well, like, you are very fussy about your french fries.

Charlie: Well, that tells you a lot, doesn't it?

Claire: I'm serious. Charlie, tell me-- tell me about your family.

Charlie: Well, there's not much to tell, really. Okay, I was raised by my dad in Philly.

Claire: Mm-hmm.

Charlie: I have a brother, but we're not really in touch.

Claire: So are you gonna stay in Salem for Christmas?

Charlie: I don't know yet.

Claire: Well, I think that you should. You can spend time with my family. I mean, you've already endured a family wedding, so it'll be no big deal for you to share some eggnog and fruitcake.

Charlie: Eggnog and fruitcake? What, do you have chestnuts roasting on an open fire?

Claire: [gasps] Charlie! Christmas is a very serious business in my family. [cell phone beeps]

Charlie: One second.

Claire: Do you need to deal with that?

Charlie: No, that is just work. And you are way more important than that.

Ava: Are you sure you can trust this kid?

Philip: Believe me, with him it's "what you see is what you get." He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer to begin with. Besides, he's not gonna find anything. I always cover my tracks.

Ava: And you think that's it? Xander's just gonna give up and quit?

Philip: No. No, he's not gonna just quit. That's why I have to get him fired. Right now, I'm waiting for him to find out the last move I just made, and when he does, he's gonna blow sky high; he'll do something really stupid. My father will have no choice but to fire him.

Sarah: No, no, sir. You're not getting rid of me that easily. We're in this together!

Xander: Not anymore, Sarah. I've made up my mind, and you're not gonna change it.

Sarah: Huh, okay. Well, then I guess you don't wanna hear all the things that I came here to tell you about, about the progress I've made with Philip.

Xander: What progress?

Sarah: No, I mean, if I'm already out--

Xander: Sarah, what progress?

Sarah: Okay, he saw me leaving the inn last night.

Xander: What?

Sarah: No, okay, but don't worry, because I covered--I said you and I got into an even bigger fight and I shouldn't even have come here to see you in the first place, and then he kissed me.

Xander: He did what?

Claire: Thank you for dinner.

Charlie: Any time.

Claire: Here. Can't have my boyfriend getting a cold.

Charlie: Thank you.

Claire: Hmm, you didn't give me an answer about Christmas.

Charlie: If there's mistletoe, I'm there.

Claire: Then there will be mistletoe.

Charlie: All right. Good night, girlfriend.

Claire: Good night, boyfriend. [tender music]  [sighs]

Xander: Oh, I'm gonna kill him.

Sarah: And play right into his hands? Lovey, he is playing you. He expects you to act like a caveman because you're on thin ice with Victor. And then Victor fires you, and Philip wins.

Xander: Okay. I guess you're right.

Sarah: I mean, I'm kind of always right. Haven't you figured that out?

Ava: Let me be clear. I don't give a damn how you handle Xander. I just want my money laundered. And I'd hate to have to call in your debt. Our collection department can be sometimes a little, oof-- what is the word? Brutal.

Philip: [scoffs] Oh, don't worry about me. Just make sure these newly discovered maternal instincts don't screw up our business.

Ava: [sighs] My son is moving in. You need to go, okay? And I don't want him knowing anything about the business, so don't come back here again.

Philip: Always a pleasure, Ava. I'll keep in touch.

Ava: Hmm. Damn it, where are you?

Kayla: Joey is right. No matter what I think about what you've done, Tripp, you are family. And you should be here. [sighs]

Steve: I love you.

Kayla: I love you too. I'm gonna work on dinner.

Steve: [laughs softly] Well, this is great. My two boys, family dinner. I'm a lucky guy.

Joey: I'm lucky too. I'm glad you're staying, Tripp.

Tripp: Yeah, well, you know, I wanna be there for you, Joe. For you. [melancholy music] 

Allie: I know that this is going to be hard. But--I mean, I don't feel like I have a choice. I can't let Tripp get away with what he did. And I don't know if could live with myself if I don't do everything in my power to make sure that he pays. So let his lawyers take their best shot. But I am not backing out, and I am not going to break down.

Belle: Then let's do this.

Allie: [laughs] Okay. [sniffles]

Claire: Allie, are you okay?

Allie: [sighs] Yeah. Tripp is going to pay for what he did. And your mom is going to help make that happen. [sighs]

Tripp: There's something I gotta ask you, did you get any tattoos while you were in prison?

Joey: Shh, shh.

Steve: Thank you, baby. Cutting Tripp some slack, letting the boys have some time together.

Kayla: You already thanked me. [sighs] I didn't do it for Tripp. I did it for Joey. And for you.

Sarah: So, I think that I've proven you still need me fighting to find out what Philip is up to.

Xander: Once again, you are right.

Sarah: Yes!

Xander: And at least now we know who Philip's working with.

Sarah: Mm-hmm.

Xander: And who I'm dealing with.

Sarah: You mean, who we're dealing with. [sighs] [cell phone ringing]

Ava: Hey, finally. Where are you?

Tripp: I went back to my dad's to grab the rest of my stuff, and they asked if I could stay for dinner.

Ava: Oh, really?

Tripp: Yeah, Joey's home. You know, it's his homecoming celebration. Is that okay?

Ava: Of course. Have fun.

Tripp: Are you sure?

Ava: Oh, Tripp, you and I will have plenty of family dinners of our own. I'll see you soon. [phone beeps] [knocking on door]

Charlie: I got your messages. You said we needed to talk, so here I am.

[tense music]

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