Days Transcript Thursday 12/10/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 12/10/20


Episode #13913 ~ Steve and Kayla visit Joey in prison; Gwen and Kate put each other on notice; Jennifer suspects Kate and Jack's affair may not be over; Bonnie gets the wrong idea about Justin.

Provided By Jim and Suzanne

[Phone rings]


Bonnie: Oh, come on now.


[Beep] I hope you're not calling to cancel. You know, I just spent a boatload on a new mani--pedi.

Justin: [Chuckles] No, no. We're still on. I was just calling to make sure it's okay if I don't wear the cowboy hat you got me. It just doesn't seem like the right look if I'm going to wine and dine you.

Bonnie: Well, darling, you can wear a dirty pair of overalls and a t--shirt, and you'd still be the handsomest guy in the room.

[Jazzy christmas music plays]

Kate: Hey. Well, what do you say we meet up at salem inn? I think it's a lot safer than the mansion, you know, away from the prying eyes. Okay, perfect. Yeah, I can't wait to be alone with you too.


Jennifer: Propositioning my husband?

Kate: Oh, my god.

[Melancholy music]

Jack: I meant what I said, jennifer. I love you way too much to ever give up on you.

Gwen: Mr. Deveraux.

Jack: Oh, gwen.

Gwen: Didn't expect to see you here.

Jack: Well, abigail invited me to move into the gate house after jennifer moved out.

Gwen: Must be nice to be home.

Jack: Home. Well, it's not really home without my wife.

Gwen: Yes. About that. I owe you an apology.

Tripp: It's kind of weird. I don't know how my own mother takes her coffee.

Ava: Tripp, honey, just having you look after me means the world to me. God, I really hope that I don't go back to prison. Because I want nothing more than to make up for lost time with you.

Tripp: Well, look, rafe had to arrest you. But you're not being prosecuted, okay? Kayla really wants joey out of prison. So I'm sure she'll convince the da not to press charges against you.

Ava: Well, I am afraid that you underestimate just how much kayla hates me.

Steve: Thanks for the update. That was rafe. Trask is finally done at the courthouse. She's on her way over to the salem pd.

Kayla: To deal with the ava situation?

Steve: That's right. We should head out.

Kayla: You go ahead without me. Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Justin: So where should i pick you up? Are you back at the salem inn?

Bonnie: Well, the thing is, they are claiming that I still owe them some money, so how about we meet somewhere?

Justin: Okay. Well, I know it won't be buddy's burger barn, since that's a "would you like fries with that?" Sort of place.

Bonnie: You were listening.

Justin: You made your wishes pretty clear. So bonnie, what's your pleasure?

Bonnie: Let's say...julie'S. 6:30?

Justin: It's a date.


[Ahem] Mm.

Jennifer: Answer the question. Were you propositioning my husband just now?

Kate: What the hell are you talking about?

Jennifer: Don't play dumb with me, kate. I heard you on the phone making plans for a little romantic rendezvous.

Kate: Oh, really? So you were eavesdropping on me? Because no, I wasn't talking to jack.

Jennifer: Then who were you talking to?

Kate: You know, that's none of your damn business, is it?

Jennifer: I am pretty sure I heard you say that you would be safer at the salem inn than you would be at the mansion. So, unless you're sleeping with chad or harold, it's pretty obvious that the person on the other end of that line was jack.

Jack: Why would you owe me an apology?

Gwen: Well, I was rather rude at the park when I said that your anniversary party-- it was not abigail's fault, and that you had no right to be angry with her.

Jack: Well, you had no idea that abigail and I had reconciled.

Gwen: Yes, but I, no, I still feel terrible for just going on the attack like that. I'm just very protective of your daughter. She's been--she's been very good to me.

Jack: I understand that.

Gwen: Thank you. And I'm so happy for you both. Especially abigail. She needs her parents. But then, don't we all? So sad when we're estranged from our parents.

Tripp: Look, I know how kayla feels about you, but I also know how much she loves her son, okay? It would mean so much to her and my dad if joey was free again. It would mean a lot to me too, obviously.

Ava: I know it would be. I mean, of course, he's--he's your brother. And darling, I am here, and I am ready to make a deal. But kayla and patch, they are nowhere to be found.

Tripp: I'm sure they're on their way.

Ava: Or kayla is working behind the scenes to just screw me over.

Tripp: She's not like that, okay? She's a decent person.

Ava: Oh, my god, tripp. How can you defend her when she won't do the same for you?

Steve: You're not coming to the station with me?

Kayla: No, I'm not.

Steve: I don't understand. If you don't tell trask not to prosecute ava for kidnapping you, ava could try to block joe's release.

Kayla: I'm aware of the circumstances, steve.

Steve: You don't want joe out of prison?

Kayla: Of course I do. But I just think that ava is more concerned with securing her freedom than joey'S. And I think that we need to take steps to protect ourselves and him.

Steve: You know what, I don't have time to argue with you about this. If you're not coming with me, I'm gonna go make the case to trask myself.

Kayla: Steve.

Jack: Um...please.

Gwen: Mr. Deveraux. Well, I hope I'm not being presumptuous when I say that...your demeanor is quite worrisome to me. And since you have mended things with abigail, I--I would assume that your behavior is due to what's happened between you and mrs. Deveraux. Please, we don't need to talk about it. Honestly, I didn't mean to pry.

Jack: No, no. No, that's okay. Really, I--just not much to talk about, really. I tried...I met with jennifer earlier today, and--didn't go well.

Gwen: I see.

Jack: I--I told her, I understand how angry she is, and she has every right to be angry, but if she could just--just stop shutting me out, maybe we could try to find a way forward. And her response was, well... there wasn't any response. It was--it was nothing, really. Nothing happened. It was the end of that.

Gwen: Mm. Very sorry to hear that. And a little surprised. I actually happened to see mrs. Deveraux today at the park. And I hope you won't mind--

Jack: Mind? No, mind what?

Gwen: Well, I know it's not really my place to offer an opinion, but seeing two people in love, such as yourself, broken apart like this, it's so very sad. So I brought forth the case that she should just focus on all the things that she adores about you, and that she should open up her heart and try to forgive you.

Kate: Oh, my god. Okay, you stay, I'll go, 'cause there's no point in trying to talk sense into you.

Jennifer: Well, how about you just stop talking to me, period?

Kate: You know something? Remember this. All men have their limit. And if you keep up this act, you keep on acting this way, jack is gonna find his limit, and he's gonna stop banging his head against the wall, and he's gonna realize that he should be with a woman who appreciates him. For better or for worse.

Bonnie: Oh, my goodness. What was that all about?

[Doorbell rings]

Kayla: Justin.

Justin: Kayla. Come on in.

Kayla: I've been calling and calling, and you didn't answer your phone, so I thought I'd just come over. Listen, I need a lawyer, and you are the best I know of.

Justin: Are you in any trouble?

Kayla: No, it's not me. It's joey.

Justin: Joey. Did something happen to him at the prison?

Kayla: Well, he shouldn't even be in prison. Ava vitali is alive.

Ava: You know, kayla thinks that you--you know, I can't even say it.

Tripp: She thinks that I raped her niece, allie. Which I didn'T.

Ava: Doesn't that hurt you?

Tripp: Yeah. A lot. I'm trying to keep this separate from what's happening with you.

Ava: And yet kayla can't separate you from me. She may have pretended to accept you, but honey, whenever she looks at you, it's a constant remember of--that you are my son, and it reminds her of what steve and I had.

Tripp: I don'T... want to believe that.

Steve: Rafe called. Trask will be here soon.

Tripp: Where's kayla?

Steve: Well, I don't know that she needs to be here for us to make a deal.

Ava: [Scoffs] I told you.

Ava: I was just telling our son that kayla was likely to pull a fast one.

[Handcuffs clinking]

Steve: What are you talking about?

Ava: Your two-faced, scheming wife.

Steve: You watch how you talk about kayla.

Ava: Oh, I'll talk about her however I like. And I sweat, if she sends me to prison for kidnapping her, I will do everything in my power to make sure that joey is prosecuted for trying to kill me. Especially after--after she supported her niece over supporting our son, when he was being falsely accused of rape.

Steve: Tripp is not being charged.

Ava: Exactly. Exactly. So maybe she wants to punish me instead. Maybe she wants revenge more than she wants to see her child go free.

Kayla: That is not true. In fact, it's completely false.

Ava: And where the hell have you been?

Kayla: I went to get a lawyer to protect my son's interests.

Melinda: So the rumors are true. You really are alive.

Ava: Looks like it.

Justin: District attorney trask is prepared to listen to what we have to say.

Melinda: But you should know that I'm not inclined to advocate for the sentence of a convicted felon to be overturned.

Bonnie: Kate was making a booty call right out here in public?

Jennifer: I heard her on the phone, every nauseating word.

Bonnie: You sure kate was talking to jack?

Jennifer: I don't know. Bonnie, I--I don't know what to think. Jack was here just a little while ago, and he told me that he loved me too much to ever give up on our marriage. And he sounded so sincere.

Bonnie: Well, honey, I just bet seeing you with a hot, young guy was a wake-up call. No. The thought of you going home with another man scared the pants off of jack. Or rather, scared him into keeping his pants on. My point is that man is petrified of losing you for good, honey.

Jennifer: I don't know. Part of me wants to believe that he still cares. But then, I think about how I believe that he was totally devoted to me, even when I was in a coma. And it turned out he slept with kate.

Bonnie: Honey, that was a while ago.

Jennifer: It was a year ago, yes, and he kept that secret from me all this time.

Bonnie: Okay, easy now. I'm not being judgy. I just want to be clear here. Are you saying that even though a fair amount of time has passed, you still don't trust jack, honey?

Jennifer: You know, I was talking with my grandchildren's nanny about this a little bit earlier today, and she pointed out that even if I did forgive jack, I'd never really be happy.

Bonnie: Why not?

Jennifer: Because I'd never stop asking myself, "is he lying again? Is he cheating again?" And that's no way to live. So bonnie, I guess, to answer your question... no. I don't think I can ever trust jack again.

Jack: Gwen, I want to to thank you for being so kind to--to go to bat for me with my wife.

Gwen: Yes, well, I'm just sorry I wasn't able to get through to her. I know you were only with kate that one time because you were so...incredibly lonely.

Kate: Jack. I didn't realize you'd be here.

Jack: I--abigail invited me to move into the gatehouse when--well, anyway, I have some articles to edit, and I will--excuse me.

Gwen: And I have some laundry to fold, so--

Kate: Not so fast.

Gwen: Do you need something, mrs. Dimera?

Kate: Well, you see, jake told me that you saw us kissing and you told him you weren't going to say anything. But he doesn't trust you. And I don't either.

Gwen: Well, I think this family has enough problems without knowing that you and jake are carrying on. So I shall put my head down and keep my mouth shut.

Kate: Right. You see, abigail might have fallen for that devoted friend act, but I know your type. You want something.

Gwen: What could i possibly want?

Kate: I don't know yet. But I'm pretty damn sure you're going to use that information to get whatever it is that you want, because information is always leverage, isn't it?

Gwen: Yes, well, that might be your M.O., But I actually care about this family. And I think chad would be very upset and disappointed to know what's going on between you and the brother that he despises.

Kate: Ha. You barely know chad--do you really expect me to believe that you are protective of his feelings?

Gwen: Would you rather I go to chad and tell everyone what's going on between you and jake?

Bonnie: Honey, I get why it would be hard to trust jack again.

Jennifer: Aw, well, thank you. For a minute there, I thought you were telling me to get over it already.

Bonnie: Well, you got over part of it. Honestly, you sort of gave jack a pass for, well, doing the deed with someone else while you were in a coma. But if you ask me, kate should have never moved in on jack while he was vulnerable.

Jennifer: Well, thank you. Thank you for your understanding and your support. But I really don't want to talk about this anymore. Let's talk about you. Look at you, you look so great. Are you going out with that guy, the one that you were flirting with the other day?

Bonnie: No, ma'am. Just one more thing. I honestly want you to know that I told jack that nothing happened between us and them boys, okay?

Jennifer: I know, I know. He told me. To be honest with you, I don't really feel good about that whole thing. I mean, just playing games--it just isn't my style. It feels silly and immature. It's pointless, really.

Bonnie: Well, I don't know about that. Justin was jealous enough to ask me out on a real date.

Jennifer: Really?

Bonnie: Well, technically, he offered to buy me a bloody mary. But I insisted on dinner. In fact, he's on his way here right now. And I get to spent the whole entire evening with him.

Jennifer: I'm so happy for you. Lovely.

Bonnie: Seriously?

Jennifer: Yeah.

Bonnie: No, I just mean because you and adrienne were super tight.

Jennifer: Oh, yeah. Well, adrienne will always be in my heart, but she's gone now, and I think she would want us to go on living our lives.

Bonnie: But me and justin?

Jennifer: No, okay, I wasn't so sure about the two of you at first. But I think everyone deserves a chance at happiness. And justin has been through so much. First adrienne, then kayla. So I'm--I'm really glad he's moving on.

Bonnie: Yeah, well, maybe being with me will take the sting out of seeing kayla so happy to be back with her soulmate, right?

Jennifer: Oh, well, about that...unfortunately, I hear things aren't so good with kayla and steve right now.

Steve: How are you doing with all this?

Tripp: Just hope the da can make a deal that'll keep both mom and joey out of prison.

Steve: That's not what I meant. The mother you never met, you thought was dead... she's sitting in there right now. How do you feel about that?

Tripp: Honestly, it hasn't really sunk in yet. All I ever knew of her was from those dvds that she made for me from before I was even born. I watched those things over and over again, just to try to get a feel of who she really was. And now, like, meeting her, talking with her, being with her...

Steve: I know it's tough.

Tripp: All my life, I wondered what it was like to know my mom. And now I finally get that chance. So I'm praying that this works out, because I... I don't want to lose her again.

Melinda: This entire situation is beyond comprehension, so you better lay your proposal out for me again.

Justin: My pleasure. Dr. Brady agrees not to pursue kidnapping charges against ms. Vitali. But, in exchange, ms. Vitali must agree not to block joey johnson's release and not to pursue additional charges of attempted murder.

Melinda: Is this really what you want?

Kayla: What I want is for my son to not be sitting in a prison cell on a murder conviction when obviously the alleged victim is not dead.

Melinda: As I said, beyond comprehension.

Ava: What happened to me was out of my control. Nonetheless, I am very grateful to be alive, and I just want to get on with my life. So I agree to the terms that mr. Kiriakis has laid out.

Melinda: But you do understand that it is my job as district attorney to hold people accountable for their crimes.

Justin: Of course.

Melinda: And yet you want me to sign off on a deal that would allow a kidnapper and man convicted of murder to go free.

Kayla: Joey didn't kill ava.

Melinda: He tried to.

Ava: Like I said, I want to move on.

Melinda: You've all made it very clear what you want. But what about everyone else who lives in this town? I don't think they'd be too happy with this little deal of you?

Kate: Well, I most definitely do not want anyone knowing about jake and me. So what's that gonna cost me?

Gwen: Who says that there's a quid pro quo? You want my leftovers...

[Giggles] Go for it, darling. Now, I've got laundry to fold.

Kate: Well, that's quite a quick turnaround.

Gwen: Excuse me?

Kate: Well, you and jake, you moved in here looking for the good life, didn't you? You know, fine champagne, servants at your beck and call, and now look at you. You're running yourself ragged chasing after abigail chad's little brats.

Gwen: I adore those kids.

Kate: You adore those kids? Or their daddy?

Gwen: Chad? Come on, are you joking?

Kate: [Laughing] Joking? No, I'm not joking. You already lost one brother who had claims to the dimera legacy. Why not angle for another one?

Gwen: Because chad is married to abigail. And she's been very kind and generous and forgiving. Why would I betray her like that?

Kate: I have no idea what you would do.

Gwen: Well, then you'd best not antagonize me. I'll keep your secret about jake. Unless you cross me.

Jennifer: Well, I should head home--unless you want me to keep you company until justin arrives.

Bonnie: No, thanks. I'm good. He's just running a little late is all. I'm sure he'll be here soon. Sounded really excited about our date. Sorry, I just love the sound of that: "Our date."

Jennifer: Well, I hope it goes well.

Bonnie: Me too. I don't want to, you know, count my chickens or anything, never know. Tonight could be the start of something amazing, you know?


Jennifer: Okay. Let me know.

Bonnie: I will. Bye.

Tripp: What is taking so long?

Steve: Let's not borrow trouble, huh? What happened?

Justin: Trask is not happy about releasing joey.

Kayla: But we persuaded her that she couldn't prosecute ava for kidnapping if I didn't testify.

Tripp: So does that mean we have a deal?

Justin: I just need to run it by a judge, get them to sign off.

Kayla: And as soon as that's done, our son will go free. And so will ava.

Tripp: I'm so happy for you, mom.

Steve: Your boy's coming home.

Kayla: Yeah. I can't wait to give him the good news.

Steve: Sweetness, listen. I'm sorry about before, for not understanding the reason you had to hang back at home. I know you wanted to reach out to justin.

Kayla: Well, you just rushed off--you didn't give me a chance to explain.

Steve: I'm glad you had the presence of mind to get a lawyer here-- a good lawyer.

Kayla: Thank you for helping us. I hope we didn't pull you away from anything.

Justin: Oh, yeah, actually, I made plans. I gotta go. I'll be in touch.

Kayla: Thank you, justin.

Steve: Thanks.

Kayla: So great.

Steve: Give me another one.

Kayla: I'm so excited.

Steve: Hey, you okay?

Tripp: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I'll just meet you guys at home. Is there a problem?

Steve: Well, when I came home and found you with your mom... I was planning to talk to you about something.

Tripp: What?

Steve: Kayla and i were discussing you moving out.

Jack: Oh, I'm--I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were still here.

Kate: Okay, jack, this is crazy. What are we, never gonna talk to each other again?

Jack: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't want to be rude. I just--I don't feel comfortable being alone with you.

Kate: Okay. We lived under the same roof for months, and jennifer was here, without a problem.

Jack: Yes. That's when she didn't know what happened between us, and now that she knows, I feel I owe it to jennifer to keep my distance from you.

Jennifer: Gwen?

Gwen: Hope this isn't a bad time.

Jennifer: No, no, it's fine. Please, come on.

Gwen: I have something for you.

Jennifer: [Gasps] "Merry christmas, grandma." Aww. There's a tree with all the ornaments. Oh, how sweet of thomas and charlotte to think of me.

Gwen: Well, they're crazy about you. And they really miss you since you've moved out.

Jennifer: I miss them too. Gwen, these cards just made my day. The kids didn't think of this idea on their own, though, did they?

Gwen: I don't know. I may have told them that their grandma needs a bit of cheering up.

Jennifer: Not only are you taking care of my grandchildren, but you're taking care of me. That's so lovely. But it's freezing out. You didn't have to come all this way just to deliver these cards.

Gwen: Really, I don't mind. And I actually needed an excuse to get out of that house with all the things that are going on.

Jennifer: What's going on?

Gwen: God, I--sorry, I shouldn't have said anything.

Jennifer: But you did. And I'd like to know what you meant.

Bonnie: Justin, where the heck are you?


[Line ringing] Hi, henderson, honey, how are you? It's bonnie lockhart. Miss me? Oh, well, listen, justin's not answering his phone, and I was just wondering how long ago he left the house.

Tripp: Wow, okay. You want me to move out.

Steve: You know, I'd be happy to help you find another place. Or maybe you could, you know, get student housing at med school.

Tripp: No, it's fine, it's fine. I'll be okay.

Kayla: You know, don't be angry with your father. This was at my request. It's--all of us living under the same roof after what happened to allie--it's caused a lot of strain in our relationship. I'm sure you've felt it.

Ava: And obviously, your relationship is more important than patch's son.

Kayla: This doesn't involve you.

Ava: Anything that involves my son involves me. I stepped up today, and that was for your son, and I saved him god knows how many more years in prison. And you, you can't even give tripp the benefit of the doubt when he swears that he has nothing to do with raping your niece.

Tripp: Mom, it's fine, okay? I'll be okay.

Ava: Of course you will, honey. Because you will come and live with me.

Steve: Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. I'm not okay with that.

Ava: Well, I have plenty of room, and tripp is more than welcome to stay with me.

Kayla: You know what, I suggested that tripp move out. We didn't even know that you were alive. I think that steve and I need to talk about this a bit more.

Ava: You know, there is nothing to talk about, because you've made it pretty clear that my son is not welcome in your home.

Steve: Listen, tripp--

Tripp: No, dad, it's fine, it's fine, I'll just...I'll go home with my mom.

Justin: Bonnie, I am so sorry I'm late.

Bonnie: I know where you were.

Justin: You do?

Bonnie: Mm--hmm? When you didn't text me back or message me, I got worried and called your house. I spoke to henderson. He told me kayla showed up and the two of you went rushing off together.

Justin: Yeah, kayla needed me.

Bonnie: I just bet she did. She and patch are on the skids, and she came running right back to you.

Justin: No, no, that's not what happened--let me explain.

Bonnie: You know what, don't you dare try to snow me with your smooth talk. That may work in the courtroom, counselor, but I'm a heck of a lot smarter than most judges and juries combined.

Justin: I don't doubt that.

Bonnie: Kayla is just using you to make the man she really loves jealous, and I can't believe you fell for it.

Justin: Please.

Bonnie: Please, what? You kept me waiting here like an idiot while you went puppy dogging around with your ex, and now you expect me to sit down and not have fries with you? Let me tell you something, mister, bonnie lockhart is no one's sloppy seconds. So you can just forget about me and our date. 'Cause I have made other plans.

Justin: Other plans?

Bonnie: Mm--hmm.

Hey, bonnie.

Bonnie: Hello.

Damn, girl, you look hot.

Bonnie: Ooh, baby, I am. Too bad some people don't appreciate it. Mm--hmm. Let's go.

There you go.

Bonnie: Thank you!

Justin: What the...

Jennifer: What's going on at the house? Is it abigail? Is she okay?

Gwen: As far as I know, abigail and chad are fine. Just please, forget I said anything.

Jennifer: Sorry, I can'T. Whatever it is, you have to tell me.

Gwen: Right. It's the other mrs. Dimera.

Jennifer: Kate.

Gwen: Mm-hmm. I was talking with your husband earlier in the study, and she walked in.

Jennifer: Well, what happened?

Gwen: Well, they tried to act very casual, but I immediately sensed that perhaps they wanted to be alone.

Kate: Jack, look, the last thing I would ever want to do is cause any more problems between you and jennifer. I mean, honestly, when I ran into her earlier today, I told her she was making a terrible mistake by not forgiving you.

Jack: I have tried to get through to her. I'm gonna keep trying. I have no intention of ever giving up.

Kate: Yeah, well, I have to tell you, she's really dug in.

Jack: Well, maybe if more people keep trying to encourage her to look forward instead of back, she'll eventually come around.

Kate: Well, abigail should certainly do that. I mean, she played a starring role in all of this.

Jack: Abigail feels terrible about all of this. She really wants to fix it. A lot of people do--even gwen tried to put in a good word with jennifer for me.

Kate: Gwen? Are you sure?

Jack: Yes, she was telling me that when you walked in on me earlier.

Kate: Yeah, well, you should be careful of gwen.

Jack: Why would you say that?

Gwen: I'll keep your secret about jake... unless you cross me.

Kate: It's not important. Good night, jack.

Jack: But--but--but--but wait, please. Answer my question, please. Tell me, why do I need to be careful of gwen?

Kate: I mean, I should never even have blurted that out, okay? I mean, it doesn't matter, okay? Good night.

Tripp: It's a nice place. How long have you been here?

Ava: Not long. And once you get your stuff here and settled in, it's gonna feel a lore more homey.

Tripp: Thanks again for letting me stay here.

Ava: Of course. And tripp, I want you to know I wanted to reach out to you the minute that I made it to salem, but I just... you know, knowing people like kayla and others weren't gonna be happy to know that I was alive.

Tripp: No, I understand.

Ava: So... you know what, I saw you once. In the park.

Tripp: You did?

Ava: Yeah, I did. You looked--you looked really sad. And I wanted, with everything inside of me, to go out to you and comfort you, and... I got really close. But I just couldn't take the risk. But thankfully, that is all over now, right? I don't have to hide anymore.

Tripp: Yeah. Yeah, I'm so happy you're not going to jail. I mean, we can finally get to know each other.

Ava: You know, this is my dream come true-- my son living under the same roof as me. If only patch were here, everything would be perfect.

Kayla: I'm sorry about tripp moving in with ava. When I suggested that he live somewhere else--

Steve: You didn't know ava was alive. I know. But now tripp feels like I let him down. He's hurt, vulnerable, and that gives ava an opening I didn't want her to have.

Kayla: Joey!

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