Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 12/9/20
Episode #13912 ~ Kayla is horrified to find Ava making herself at home; Nicole blasts Tripp; Rafe reunites with Allie; Chad accuses Abigail of having an affair with Jake; Gwen tries to poison Jennifer against Jack.
Gwen: [Grunts]
[Dramatic music]
"How could I stay mad at my precious little daughter?" Right. Well, maybe daddy's little girl can bat her eyelashes and get her father back. But that's not gonna work when I take chad away from her. I will destroy her life if it's the last thing I bloody do!
Jennifer: What on earth are you doing?
Abigail: Hey. How do you feel about starting a thousand-piece puzzle with my dad and thomas? Hey, what's wrong?
Chad: Are you having an affair with jake?
Abigail: Where the hell did that come from?
[Knocking on door]
Allie: Oh, my god. You're back!
Rafe: [Chuckling] Yeah.
Allie: Oh.
Nicole: [Laughs] Next on the list is your mommy. Any ideas, little guy, huh?
[Baby mumbling]
Kayla: Hi.
Steve: Hey, finally back. How'd surgery go?
Kayla: Well, took all night, but it went well. I cannot wait to go take a hot shower.
Steve: You know, kayla, there's something I need to tell you.
Kayla: Is this about tripp? You did tell him he needs to move out, didn't you?
Steve: Well, I didn't get the chance.
Kayla: Steve, this is not a can you can kick down the road.
Steve: Kayla, listen. Something has happened.
Ava: Hey, kayla. Oh, honey. You look like hell.
[Tense music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Gwen: Mrs. Deveraux. What are you doing here?
Jennifer: I came to see the kids.
Gwen: I'M... I'm sorry. Abigail took them home.
Jennifer: Ah, well, that's probably good they weren't here to witness whatever this was.
Gwen: [Sighs] I was just blowing off some steam.
[Clears throat] I didn't mean what I said.
Jennifer: Well, I didn't hear what you said, but what I saw was certainly enough. What in the world are you so mad about?
Abigail: I asked you a pretty straightforward question. Where the hell did that come from?
Chad: Well, I was just with jake, and I asked him why he and gabi weren't together. And he didn't have an answer.
Abigail: And that proves conclusively that he and i are sleeping together? 'Cause there's no other logical explanation?
Chad: It's not just that, all right? The night of the party, I found you passed out in his lap.
Abigail: I was asleep, fully clothed, on one of the worst nights of my life in your study! But you know, okay, but I'm not morose and drunk and maybe passed out, I'm looking for love.
Chad: He's been spending every night in that garage, which is exactly where I found your scarf. And then you decide to invite him to thanksgiving?
Abigail: It's what you do when you got a little lover on the side, you know, you invite him to family dinner, right? You know, "oh, my love, would you mind bringing a cranberry relish, because I think after dinner, why don't we all just sit around and watch 'the sound of music'?"
Chad: It's not funny.
Abigail: It's not funny. You're right, it's not funny. That is something we can agree on.
Chad: Jokes aside, you haven't denied it.
Gwen: Actually...
[Clears throat] I don't really want to talk about it.
Jennifer: Well, that's too bad, because I do. You take care of my grandchildren. I need to make sure they're in good hands. What if they had seen that?
Gwen: But they didn'T. Sorry. It's just I had, like, two minutes to myself, and I have never lost control in front of the children.
Jennifer: Okay, well, let's talk about that, then. Are we working you too hard?
Gwen: No. Mrs. Deveraux, it's my job. And taking care of those children and helping abigail... that's really the only thing keeping me sane around here.
Jennifer: [Sighs] Okay, well, listen, I'm sorry, I'm still gonna have to press the point. What is it that's bothering you?
Gwen: [Inhales sharply] Fine.
[Clears throat] It's about abigail.
Abigail: I didn't deny it because I refuse to see it as anything but a joke.
Chad: I don't see why it's funny, it wouldn't be the first time you slept with one of my brothers, certainly wouldn't be the second time.
Abigail: [Sighs]
Chad: Sorry, I didn't mean that.
Abigail: Yeah, you did.
Chad: I didn't mean that.
Abigail: You did. You meant it so much that you couldn't help but say it.
Chad: Abby--
Abigail: Do you think for one second that I've forgotten that you've been through hell and back because of my illness, hmm? I'm me. I am me. Do you think I would ever intentionally hurt you? Risk our marriage? Our family? All for some cheap fling, hmm? But, you know, maybe you don't understand what it feels like to be accused of something like that like you just accused me, so let's just try this on for size, chad. Are you sleeping with gwen?
Chad: That's ridiculous.
Abigail: Why? Why? I came home from florida, and the two of you were in each other's arms.
Chad: I explained that.
Abigail: And I believed you. Because you're you. Then I tried to explain everything that happened to jake, and not only do you not believe me, you threw ej and stefan in my face.
Jack: Abigail, what the hell's going on in here?
Abigail: [Sniffles]
Allie: Can you tell I'm excited to see you?
Rafe: Well, the feeling's mutual, you know.
Allie: It's just--it's been a rough couple of weeks.
Rafe: Yeah--yeah, I know. I talked to abe.
Allie: Oh. What did he tell you?
Rafe: What tripp did to you. I'm sorry.
Allie: Thanks.
Rafe: Wish I would've been here.
Allie: No, it's okay. I mean, you don't know how much it helps just to see you and talk to you. You've always been my little pocket of sanity.
Rafe: [Laughs] Speaking of sanity, how's your mom doing? Is she okay?
Allie: Um, long story, but yeah, she's okay for now.
Rafe: And you? How are you?
Allie: The truth?
Rafe: Nothing but.
Allie: I'm not great. I mean, it was so hard coming forward and accusing tripp. But now that he might get away with it, I-- I don't know if I can go on.
Rafe: [Sighs]
Nicole: Unbelievable.
Tripp: What?
Nicole: Not that I want you to do anything, but your son is right here, and you don't even care.
Tripp: He's not my son. I know what you think, and why, but it's not true.
Nicole: Dna tests say otherwise. And I wish it were enough to put you in prison, because you deserve to pay for what you've done.
Tripp: And does the same hold true for allie? Or is it perfectly okay for her to pull a gun on me?
Nicole: [Sighs]
Ava: [Laughs] What's the matter, kayla? You look like you've seen a ghost.
Kayla: You don't think that I should've gotten a heads-up on this?
Steve: I tried to call you last night; you were already in surgery.
Kayla: What is going on? How is she alive?
Steve: Take a guess--rolf.
Kayla: And how long has she been here?
Steve: She showed up last night.
Ava: Well, because my son needed me. As a mother, I'm sure you understand.
Kayla: Joey! Joey didn't kill her?
Steve: That's right.
Ava: Not for lack of trying.
Kayla: How dare you? My son has been sitting in prison for four years, and you did nothing?
Ava: Well, there was extensive rehab. In real life, coming back from the dead is hard. It's not like a soap opera.
Kayla: You bitch!
Jennifer: You're mad at abigail?
Gwen: No, no, of course not. It's just that--well, mr. Deveraux was just here.
Jennifer: Jack?
Gwen: And he and abigail have patched things up.
Jennifer: Oh. Well, that's good. I told jack he had no right to be mad at abigail.
Gwen: Yeah, well, apparently you got through to him.
Jennifer: Why does that make you mad?
Gwen: It's just that... what he did to you is what jake did to me. And these men, they just create so much pain and humiliation, and they just get to go on with their lives.
Jennifer: Well, not necessarily.
Gwen: And then there was something about abigail forgiving him that made me feel all those feelings that I felt when jake did that to me. And everything just came boiling up. Do you understand? I mean, I agree mr. Deveraux should not be angry with abigail, but abigail should be angry with him for what he did to you.
Jack: I heard you halfway upstairs.
Chad: I'm sorry.
Jack: Look, I only came down because the kids were ready for you. But if you need to talk--
Abigail: No. No, I think we probably said everything we need to say for today, but... excuse me.
Jack: Can you tell me what happened?
Chad: I... I accused her of having an affair with jake.
Jack: Oh, good god.
Chad: It's just that all these things kept piling up, and then I heard myself accusing her. I don't know what I was thinking.
Rafe: Yeah. So the london police don't think there's enough evidence to press charges.
Allie: My word isn't enough?
Rafe: No. No, and as unfair as that seems, it does not give you the right to take the law into your own hands.
Allie: [Sighs softly] So abe told you about that too?
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
Allie: I just thought because he was going to get off scot-free--I don't know, I thought that I could get him to admit--at least just to me-- what he did. But he still refused.
Rafe: Yeah. I'm sorry. Well, I'm glad you weren't hurt. And what you did was--
Allie: Stupid?
Rafe: Well, I was gonna say dangerous.
Allie: I know.
[Sighs] So now that you're back, and you're back on the force, are you here to arrest me?
Nicole: So what, now you're morally outraged at allie for snapping? Doesn't this make you think twice about what you've done to her?
Tripp: I didn't do anything to her. She was crazy last night.
Nicole: Oh, so crazy you were scared she might shoot off your privates? That's one way to get a man's attention. And then your mom showed up and took the gun. Mothers really are a boy's best friend, aren't they?
Steve: No, no, no!
Kayla: Let go of me. I'm gonna kill her. I'm gonna kill her!
Steve: Shh, shh, no, no, no.
Ava: I thought doctors were supposed to have a little more self-control.
Kayla: Why didn't you call the police?
Steve: 'Cause I didn't wanna let her out of my sight until I had a chance to talk to you.
Kayla: Oh, wait, what, you need my permission to have her thrown in jail?
Steve: Look, it's not that simple, baby, listen to me. There are things you need to know, we need to talk about--
Kayla: No, no, no, I don't need to talk about anything. We turn her over to the police, and we go get joey!
Steve: Don't you think I wanna do that? We can't do that. You have to listen to me. Please, for joe's sake. Please, listen.
Kayla: What? What now?
Ava: Well, the fact that I am back among the living doesn't change the fact that joe did try to kill me. So you need to realize that now I have a legal right to press new charges for attempted murder. And whether I do that or not is entirely up to you.
Jack: This is all my fault.
Chad: No, it absolutely--
Jack: Everyone has heard how I cheated on jennifer. I'm sure that's been on your mind since that damn party. Maybe you think cheating's a family trait.
Chad: No, jack, I absolutely do not, all right? This is on me, all right? She's upset with how she handled the party, and she's worried sick about you and jennifer. And I'm an ass, and I don't know what came over me, and i kicked her when she was down.
Jack: [Sighs] Well. From one ass to another, I know you can work this out. Abigail loves you. And I know she would never hurt you the way that I hurt her mother.
Gwen: [Sighs] God, I know I should be over it by now.
> Jennifer: No, no, no, no. I mean, getting over it doesn't have a timeline. In a month or so, I've had to process all of this, and I still see red when i think about jack lying to me. Maybe the baseball bat wasn't such a bad idea.
Gwen: You should try it.
Jennifer: [Laughs] No, I'm just joking.
Gwen: Well, maybe you were joking about the bat, but you're not joking about how angry you are, right?
Jennifer: No, no. No, I wouldn't joke about that.
Gwen: Can I say something?
Jennifer: Sure. I butted into your life.
Gwen: I find it very interesting that you say you were so angry when you found out at mr. Deveraux lied to you. Not that he, you know, with kate--but that he lied. It's almost... well, it's almost as if he was trying to get away with it. Like, if he didn't tell you, then it didn't happen.
Jennifer: You know, we lived in the same house as that woman.
Gwen: Oh, I know.
Jennifer: Yeah, god. And jack let that happen. I mean, he could've completely told her to move out, but he didn't say anything. He could've said something, but he didn't, he just let it happen. Were they laughing at me?
Gwen: Oh, well, we all know that kate loves to gloat. But my god, why would she hold on to that letter?
Jennifer: And why wouldn't jack just kick her out? That's my daughter's house. It's my grandchildren's house.
Gwen: I know--it's not like she can't afford a flat of her own. Why did she want to stay? I mean, I'm sure it only happened the one time.
Jennifer: She's such a hateful woman.
Gwen: Do it.
Jennifer: Oh...
Gwen: That is kate. Do it.
Jennifer: Oh, what the heck.
Rafe: I am not going to arrest you. Not yet, anyway. But I do need to talk to tripp, I need to assess the situation.
Allie: [Sighs] You think he's gonna press charges, don't you?
Rafe: Well, I think that I can persuade him not to press charges. But in the meantime, you need to stay away from him, do you hear me?
Allie: Yes.
Rafe: Okay.
Allie: Okay, I got it. I was just so angry, and I had this idea in my head of my mother doing the same thing.
Rafe: Mm-hmm. And what kind of idea is it to handle a situation the same way your mother would?
Allie: A bad idea.
Rafe: Yeah. Usually always is.
Allie: I know. But I understand how she felt. I understand that frustration, that anger that just won't go away, and him walking around free.
Rafe: Yeah.
Allie: [Sighs]
Rafe: Okay, listen, I get that, okay, I do. But you need to keep that in check, you need to keep-- listen to me. You need to keep it in check for your sake, for your son's sake, okay?
Allie: Yeah, I know.
Rafe: Okay. So where'd you get the gun?
Allie: From my grandma kate's room.
Rafe: Hmm, yeah. Well, grandmothers, they always have fun things for the grandkids to play with, don't they?
Allie: She doesn't know I took it.
Rafe: No? You still have it?
Allie: No. That ava woman took it.
Rafe: The ava woman. Oh. Okay, I need you to tell me everything you know about the ava woman.
Tripp: Allie told you about my mom?
Nicole: Yes, she did. And I realized she was probably in the dimera warehouse in nashville the same time I was.
Tripp: Look, I know what you think of her, but I'm glad rolf saved her.
Nicole: No, you don't know what I think of her. Because at one time we were friends.
Tripp: Really?
Nicole: Yes, really. We have a lot of awful things in common. For example, your mom and i have shared some long martini-fueled talks on the subject of fathers. You know, I've done some terrible things, tripp. But ava...
[Sighs] A bad childhood can only justify so much. I mean, what your mother did to steve and kayla is why joey wanted to kill her. Not only did she try to systematically destroy a family, she thought she had the right to do it.
Tripp: So you just hate her like everyone else does?
Nicole: No, I don'T. I hate what she's done. But even so, I feel like I understand her.
Kayla: You're looking for some kind of deal, aren't you?
Ava: Well, as you pointed out, I'm still wanted for kidnapping you. Which is why I had to stay away all these years. You have no idea how difficult that was.
Kayla: Oh, my heart bleeds for you.
Ava: But then my son, he needed me.
Kayla: Tripp. Does he know she's back?
Ava: Yeah, for the first time since he was a baby, I had my son in my arms again.
Kayla: Oh, you must've been so proud of your little rapist.
Ava: Well, he never smothered anyone.
Kayla: Okay, that's it.
Steve: Don't let her get to you, that's what she wants.
Ava: Oh, thank god we've got patch here to keep us civilized. So here's where things are now. Having found tripp again, I can't bear to give him up. So, I'm gonna need you to make those pesky little kidnapping charges just go away.
Kayla: And if i help with that?
Ava: Then I won't press new charges against joey.
Kayla: Well, that's not your call, because you're not dead. So he didn't kill anybody.
Ava: Kayla, kayla, kayla, honey, think, think. So of course it is up to the da, the judge, but this is a complicated, very, very complicated legal process. Just imagine if I slow that process down. God, I could fight it every step of the way with appeal after appeal and all the ups and downs in court. Meanwhile, joe will still be where he is, sitting on his cot, staring at the bars, and just wondering why his mom didn't do anything to help him get out. Okay, you know what, I'm gonna go take a little shower. I'd go back to my place, but since patch doesn't want me out of his sight...
[Laughs] And you just think about it.
Kayla: How is this happening?
Allie: So tripp's mom, ava, she, like, jumped me from behind and wrestled the gun out of my hand. And--I don't know-- for a second, I really thought she was going to shoot me.
Rafe: Wait, she threatened you with the gun?
Allie: Yeah. She was screaming about how I'd accused her son of rape. It was so weird. It was actually tripp who talked her down.
Rafe: Wow, okay. And for the record, this is the woman?
Allie: Yeah, that's her.
Rafe: That's her. Okay, well, thanks. I've gotta go. Like I said, if you need anything, please, please call me, okay?
Allie: I will.
Rafe: Okay, and also, I think you are strong and brave and probably not nearly as crazy as your mother, okay?
Allie: Thanks, I feel so much better now that you're back.
Rafe: I'm glad you're okay. All right, see you soon.
Allie: Bye.
Tripp: You know what's weird? You hate me.
Nicole: Yes, pretty much.
Tripp: Yeah, but you're still the only person who has ever said anything good about my mother. The only person who doesn't just flat out hate her.
Nicole: Don't get me wrong, I am not sentimental. She caused some pretty deep pain to some good people. You know, truman capote wrote a book about a man who brutally murdered a totally innocent family. And people were furious, because they thought he was excusing the man. But capote said, "it's not an excuse, because he and I lived in the same house, only I went out the front door and he went out the back." I went out the front door too, tripp. And I still did horrible things. So I have no place to judge your mother.
Tripp: But you judge me.
Nicole: Yes, because you won't own up to what you've done. And you're continuing to torture allie.
Tripp: I didn't do it!
[Scoffs] Man, I mean, there's really no point in saying it again, okay?
Nicole: No. No, of course not. There's no point. You know, you tell your mother, if she wants to see her grandson, give me a call.
Steve: Here you go, baby.
Kayla: I don't want anything to eat.
Steve: Come on. You've been working all night.
Kayla: You know what? I'm not gonna have a little nosh while ava vitali is in our house, using my shower, and wearing your shirt!
Steve: She needed something to sleep--
Kayla: No, she didn'T. I can't believe you let her stay here.
Steve: I explained why I did that--baby, come here, come here, listen to me, listen. I know this is horrible for you. It's no fun for me either. But I haven't forgotten the things she's done. And that's why she's here in our house, because I haven't forgotten the things she's done. I need to watch her, contain her, all right? Now, I know this is hard for you, I'm sorry you have to go through this, but I made a decision to do this for you and our family and for joe.
Kayla: [Sighs] Joey, right.
[Sighs deeply]
Jennifer: [Panting] I feel better.
Gwen: Well, good. You deserve to feel better.
Jennifer: [Laughs]
Gwen: You know, this is none of my business... but are you going to take mr. Deveraux back?
Jennifer: Oh. I don't know.
Gwen: I still love jake, I guess.
[Sighs] And a lot of me wants him back. But it keeps hitting me over and over and over and over again that I cannot trust him. And I would spend the rest of my life worrying about him. I don't want to live like that. Do you?
Chad: Your dad just left.
Abigail: I know. I was waiting for him to leave.
Chad: I'm sorry, abigail, I was wrong. I know I was so out of line. It's just that jake--he looks so much like stefan, and it just brings back so much bad déjà vu, and I think the worst of him because--
Abigail: Well, you think the worst of me too.
Chad: No. Will you please forgive me?
Abigail: I'm gonna forgive you eventually. I understand what happened in my head, but I'm really hurt. And I'm gonna be hurt for a while, and probably a little angry.
Chad: I know you're angry, and you have every right to be. I'm sorry. Do you just want me to give you some space or...
Abigail: Yeah. Yeah, I think that's probably a good idea.
[Dramatic music]
Gwen: What just happened here?
Abigail: Chad just accused me of having an affair with jake.
[Soft festive music]
Jack: [Exhales softly] Hoping to pick up some more young men?
Jennifer: No.
Jack: Sorry, it's just-- bonnie told me, you know, what happened. I guess I don't get to make jokes yet.
Jennifer: Not about cheating, you don'T.
Jack: [Sighs] It was stupid. It was a stupid thing to say. I knew it was stupid the moment it came out of my mouth. It was stupid, I just...
[Sighs] I'm just trying to get through to you, that's all. But if you keep shutting me out, I don't have a chance of finding a way to make things better.
Jennifer: [Sighs deeply]
Nicole: Rafe!
Rafe: Nicole!
Nicole: What--you're back!
Rafe: Yeah. Yes, hi.
Nicole: I thought you were still in mexico with your mom.
Rafe: I was, yeah. Long story. Anyway, I got everything taken care of, so yeah.
[Baby mumbling] Is this henry?
Nicole: Indeed it is.
Rafe: It is?
Nicole: Mm-hmm.
Rafe: Hey--my god! Hey buddy, nice to meet you. Yeah, that's right. You let me know when you wanna go to your first cubs game. My god.
Nicole: Well, at the rate he's growing, it should be soon.
Rafe: Yeah, cute.
Nicole: So you saw allie?
Rafe: Yeah.
Nicole: That's great. Because she's gonna need all the support she can get these days.
Rafe: Yeah, she is, yeah. Well, it was partly business because I'm back on the force, and abe told me everything that happened between her and tripp.
Nicole: Rafe. She was driven to do that. You can't arrest her, it wouldn't be right.
Rafe: Hey, hey, who said anything about arresting her? I'm not arresting her. At least, not at the moment. Anyway, I'm sorry, I've gotta go, I've got something important to take care of.
Nicole: Yeah, okay.
Kayla: I just can't take it. My father is dead because of her, and my son is in prison.
Steve: I know, baby.
Kayla: You know, it's just not right. You know, she has the upper hand. You know, it's not that it's just--that it's not right, it's a travesty.
Steve: Yes, it is.
Tripp: Hey, I've got coffee. Kayla. Does she--
Kayla: That your mother is back from the dead? Oh, yeah, she knows. As a matter of fact, I had a nice little chat with her. My impression is, well, death has not mellowed her.
Ava: Oh, I don't think that's really fair, I'm only doing what's best for my son. Just like you are.
Tripp: Kayla, I'm really sorry.
Ava: You don't have to apologize to her.
Tripp: Yeah, but if I'd known that she was gonna be here, I would've told you.
Kayla: Oh, and ruin her surprise? Couldn't have that, could we?
Tripp: So have you called the cops?
Ava: Not yet. Because dad and I think it's only fair that kayla make the decision. Right, kayla, hon?
Jack: Can you at least look at me?
Jennifer: I'm sorry, jack, I can't talk to you right now. I have to finish this story.
Jack: I'll... I'll leave you alone, then.
[Sighs] But I'm not giving up, ever.
[Soft festive music]
Jennifer: [Sighs deeply]
Gwen: I don't understand. My god, how could chad ever say that you'd sleep with jake?
Abigail: He gave some trumped-up reasons.
Gwen: Well, yes, they must be trumped up. You are so devoted to chad.
[Sighs] I'd say he's got a lot of nerve.
Abigail: Yeah, well, I mean, everybody in my family has just been pushed really hard too, you know, but I didn't really need this on top of everything, you know?
Gwen: No, not now or ever. Oh, god. God, abigail, I'm so, so sorry. Come here. I'm so sorry. He never should have said that to you. Now how does he expect you to get over it?
Tripp: Kayla?
[Knocking on door]
Rafe: Police. Open up. Ugh. One thing about the afterlife, there weren't any damn cops.
Steve: Rafe, you're back.
Rafe: Yeah, I'm back, and back on the job.
Steve: Good.
Rafe: Hey, kayla. Ava vitali. Given the outstanding warrant, I am arresting you for the kidnapping of kayla brady. You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you.
Ava: Kayla, honey? Isn't there something that you wanna say?
Kayla: Yeah, there is.
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