Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 12/8/20
Episode #13911 ~ Chad catches Jake in a lie; Gwen has a major fit; Bonnie toys with Jack and Justin; Abe presents Rafe with an offer.
Julie: Ah, good morning, jennifer. How about a nice sticky cinnamon bun? Doug found this wonderful new bakery.
Jennifer: Oh.
Julie: Oh, honey. Are you ill, jennifer? You look so pale.
Jennifer: However bad I look, I feel worse.
Julie: Could this be a hangover?
Jennifer: Remind me never to go drinking with bonnie lockhart.
Kate: Oh, no. I didn't mean to stay over. Is it really morning? Mm.
Jake: Hm? Oh, yeah.
Kate: Well, you seem distracted.
Jake: No, no, I'm just thinking about dimera business stuff.
Kate: Or are you thinking about gabi?
Gwen: Oh, for god's sake. Thomas, stop that. Share with your sister.
[Phone rings] Hello? Well, dr. Rolf, what a pleasant surprise. I assume you're phoning to hear about my plan on how to destroy abigail deveraux's life. Well, let's see, shall we? I managed to ruin her relationship with her father. And now I've moved on to the main event-- ruining her marriage.
[Laughs] Yes. Well, I-- I convinced her to invite jake to thanksgiving dinner, and when chad got angry about it, i pretended I didn't know a thing about it. Step one towards driving them apart, but it's a start. I will not rest until everything that abigail has is mine.
Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Soft orchestration]
Gwen: Bye. Bye, now. Oh, hi, abigail. Um, that was, um--that was, uh, dr. Livoti, the pediatrician. I was phoning for thomas and charlotte 'cause I saw on the card they're due for a checkup.
Abigail: Oh, that's right. Yeah. Thank you. I was actually gonna schedule them appointments this week, but I really appreciate that you did that, thank you.
Gwen: Yep. Glad I could help.
Abigail: [Chuckles] Aww.
Kate: I am just wondering if you changed your mind about giving gabi a second chance.
Jake: Well, you saw me last night, you were here, right? You heard me express my feelings for you.
Kate: That's true, that's true, you said you cared for me and you still care for gabi.
Jake: But I'm here.
Kate: Yeah, well, just making sure it's where you wanna be.
Jake: After last night, you really need to ask me that question?
Kate: [Laughs] Well.
Jake: Hm? Huh?
Kate: You weren't distracted last night.
Jake: No, no. But you still need me to prove that you have my full attention, is that it?
Kate: Well, I mean, that wouldn't hurt, you know.
Jake: Okay. Well--
[Knock at door]
Chad: Jake, we need to talk.
[Both sigh] Come on, I know you're in there. All right, I'm not leaving till you open the door.
Abe: Well, I have to tell you I was so glad to hear that you were back in town.
Rafe: Yeah, well, the situation with my family is, uh, resolved.
Abe: Hope told me the whole story about why you left. And I was relieved to hear that everything worked out okay for you.
Rafe: Thanks.
Abe: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah.
Abe: I know how painful it must've been to come back and hear about ciara. And now hope has left.
Rafe: Yeah, it's uh--
[Clears throat] Been rough. And, you know, to hear about ciara--my god. Yeah.
Abe: It's such a tragedy.
Rafe: Yeah. Now I understand why hope left town.
Abe: I think we all understand. Especially when, well, you think about what happened with zack. Anyway, um-- I only came to welcome you back home, but I wanted to offer you something.
Rafe: Yeah? What's that?
Abe: Salem pd commissioner's job.
Rafe: [Chuckles]
Jack: Wow, that looks great.
Justin: And not a bloody mary in sight.
Jack: Right, right. Hey, you don't think anything really happened between jennifer and that guy, do you?
Justin: No, no, not at all. That wouldn't be jennifer at all.
Jack: No, of course. It wouldn't be jennifer at all. No, no.
Bonnie: You'd both be dead wrong about that. Yeah, last night was one to remember. Mm, those boys showed jenny and me a real good time.
Jennifer: Look, I mean, it just started out as a little harmless fun.
Julie: Mm. Bonnie and I--ooh!
Julie: Mm.
Jennifer: Flirting with these guys, and jack's reaction-- he was not happy. He was very not happy.
Julie: You, on the other hand, were quite happy.
Jennifer: I have to admit it felt good. I just wanted to get him back for what he did with kate. But there was more to it.
Julie: How much more, jennifer rose?
Jennifer: This guy--he seemed interested. And that made me feel good. You know? Maybe I do still have what it takes to get a guy's attention.
Bonnie: You know, it's funny, jackie, I thought your wife was one of them good girls. You know the one who never cuts loose, never lets her hair down. But she really surprised me last night.
Julie: Bonnie, that's enough. Please.
Bonnie: Well, do you wanna know the truth or not?
Jack: Uh, yes. Of course-- of course I wanna know the truth, of course.
Bonnie: Good, 'cause after you two third wheels left, the party really got going. Eventually, the four of us rolled out of julie's place, and went back to their'S.
Jack: Theirs? They live together--wait, how young were these guys?
Bonnie: Jack, you are so missing the point. I was just getting to the good part, you know, the really good part. Now, I know jenny was drinking and all, but for her to act so--
[Sighs] What's the word I'm looking for--wild. Daredevily, even. Oh, my goodness. I was a little afraid, truth be known. In fact I caught myself looking at her going, "who is this woman?" It was if she was channeling alexis texas. That's a porn star, in case you didn't know.
Jack: Ah--
Bonnie: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. [Laughs]
Jack: What? What? How--how can you--how--
Bonnie: I'm sorry.
Jack: How can you laugh? How are you laughing?
Bonnie: It's not true, any of it. But jackie, just seeing that look on your face gave me more pleasure than if I took those two studs home myself.
Jack: [Sighs]
Bonnie: [Chuckles]
Jake: What do you want?
Chad: While you're working on all of father's old engines down here, I'm actually doing your job at dimera.
Jake: Huh, so you came down here for lecture time.
Chad: You know--
Jake: No thanks.
Chad: When are you gonna start actually--
Jake: What?
Chad: Well, I know you slept down here again. I know you weren't alone.
Jake: [Chuckles]
Jennifer: Do you know what's become the hardest part of this? I can't get the picture out of my mind of jack with her-- that--that woman. And I try, I really try hard to discipline myself, to not see that picture, but it's just there all the time. It really hurt so much.
Julie: Because you still love him so much.
Jennifer: I do. Of course I do. I'm just so angry and disillusioned with him right now.
[Sighs] Listen to me just going on and on about myself.
Julie: Oh, darling, it's all right. I understand.
Jennifer: No, no, it's not all right, and-- thank you. But listen, my marital problems are absolutely nothing compared to what hope has gone through, what she's still going through-- out there, alone.
Julie: It's breaking my heart.
Jennifer: Have you heard from her?
Julie: Not a word. But I found out that rafe is back in town, and I wonder if she has heard that.
Rafe: Wow. Police commissioner, huh? Huh.
Abe: Well, yeah, even before hope left town, she explained that she-- she wouldn't be ready to come back to the force.
Rafe: I know. Yeah, she's--she's struggling. Struggling's not the word. She's--she's going through hell. And why wouldn't she be? And after what happened with ciara, the way that she died-- I mean, hope is actually convinced that she's still out there, you know?
Abe: You've spoken to her?
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, I tracked her down. Saw her. And I will say that coming back to work isn't the only thing that she's not ready for.
Jack: Right, right. Well, of course you would think that was funny, I mean, you think it's hilarious to make somebody feel worse than they already did.
Bonnie: You know, jack, you're the one who screwed up with jennifer, not me, so don't be getting all nasty on me, all right?
Justin: Jack, you don't have to go, you don't have to go.
Jack: I do. I've lost my appetite. Thank you.
Bonnie: Oh, I'm sorry. Was it something I said? Ooh. He's not gonna finish this.
Justin: Seriously?
Bonnie: What? Can't let good food go to waste.
Justin: The man is feeling awful right now. He doesn't need you to pile on.
Bonnie: Oh, believe me, I went easy on him.
Justin: Really?
Bonnie: Mm-hmm.
Justin: What else did you wanna say to him?
Bonnie: To jack, nothing. To you, one thing. Pass the hot sauce.
[Chuckles] Well, pass it.
Gwen: So how do you feel about gabi being back?
Abigail: Have you not heard that she's gone?
Gwen: Again?
Abigail: Sounds like it could be for good this time. I spoke to will, and it sounds like she went to arizona to be with her daughter.
Gwen: [Scoffs] Well, that was fast.
Abigail: Oh, very. And, you know, obviously I wasn't here the first time, but it sounds like jake was pretty bummed when she went to mexico. So I was a little bit surprised he didn't try to rekindle things.
Gwen: [Sighs] Oh, jake. So it's thanksgiving. It doesn't mean you need to sleep with someone who looks like she swam over ahead of the mayflower. Well, I supposed it's best not to ask questions. It's good news, right? The girl who drugged you is gone.
Abigail: Yeah, I was relieved. Gabi tried to ruin my life, and then on top of that, she's living under the same roof as me and my husband and my kids, I mean, it's just--I--
Gwen: It--what? It's just what?
Abigail: Well, I just-- I'm not 100% certain that gabi's the one who was even drugging me.
Gwen: Oh, come on. How can you doubt that? Gabi despises you. You know what she's capable of.
Abigail: I do. Yeah, but I just wish that i would've had the opportunity to look her in the eyes and confront her myself.
Gwen: Yes, but she would just deny it, wouldn't she?
Abigail: Probably, yeah, but I know gabi well enough by now. I would've known if she was lying.
Gwen: Well. If not gabi that drugged you, then who? It's hard to imagine that someone as kind and lovely as you to have any enemies at all.
Abigail: [Chuckles]
Chad: How was the reunion?
Jake: I don't know what you're talking about.
Chad: Why don't you save the act for shin and the rest of the board, all right? I know gabi's back, and I know she came here looking for you.
Jake: Gabi?
Chad: Yeah, how long after you got reacquainted did you start planning and plotting on taking what was mine?
Jake: Okay, let me correct you on two important facts, brother.
Chad: Oh, please.
Jake: First, my share of dimera was never yours, it's my birthright, okay? And second... I wasn't with gabi last night.
Abe: I know that you and hope were trying to work things out before you left.
Rafe: Yeah.
Abe: So did you come back to town hoping to get back together with her?
Rafe: Sure. Yeah. I did, and uh-- you know, obviously, when I came back to town and found out about ciara, I was heartbroken, and-- you know, then I learned that hope had left--
Abe: Then you found her.
Rafe: Yeah.
Abe: Then what? Eh--never mind. My--it is none of my business.
Rafe: No, no, you know what, it's okay, it's fine. I mean, you might as well know. Listen, hope made it clear that she's not ready to get back together. You know, she's focused on finding ciara. She thinks that she is still somewhere out there, that she somehow managed to escape the explosion, and she's determined to find her and to bring her home.
Jennifer: So rafe is back? Ohh, he must be heartbroken to know that hope's no longer in salem.
Julie: I imagine so. They were trying to work things out before-- before ciara died.
Jennifer: And rafe doesn't know about ciara?
Julie: No, he didn'T. I assume he and hope were not in contact or he was somewhere that he could not be reached. I didn't pursue that.
Jennifer: Well, I pray that hope finds peace of mind and comes back to us very soon.
Julie: Doug and I pray for that every day. I'm sure all the people who love hope are praying for that.
Abe: Don't tell me that you're giving up on her...
Rafe: No.
Abe: This easily.
Rafe: No. Listen, I would be willing to wait. I would give her whatever space she needed to figure things out.
Abe: Sounds like a good plan.
Rafe: But I'm telling you, abe, that's not what this is. Okay, I-- I know hope too well, and... in the vulnerable state that she is in, I could probably convince her to be with me. But that's not what she wants. She doesn't wanna come back to salem. She doesn't wanna be with me, either.
Abe: Why not try?
Rafe: Because that would be selfish. It's just not what she wants. It's not what she needs. It's not her priority and to be honest with you, unless something changes, I just-- I don't see a future for us.
Jake: Right before gabi left town, she told me she was using me. So why--why would I want anything to do with her?
Chad: Well, when I talked to her last night, she said that that was a lie and that she broke it off with you because her family was in danger and she didn't want you to follow her to mexico in some, I don't know, sense of devotion.
Jake: She told you that?
Chad: Yeah, she said she was really anxious to come down here and tell you the exact same thing, so why are you lying? Jake, what are you hiding?
Bonnie: Mmm, mmm, mmm. That was so damn good. Just what I needed to push through this hangover.
Justin: Glad to hear it.
Bonnie: In fact, I think I'm gonna top it off with a little hair of the dog that bit me.
Justin: Uh, maybe you should lay off the booze today.
Bonnie: Are you trying to tell me how to cure a hangover? 'Cause cowboy, this ain't my first time at the rodeo.
Justin: No. Knock yourself out, bonnie.
Bonnie: Oh, I intend to.
[Laughs] Will you join me?
Justin: No, no. I will not.
Bonnie: What? You mad at me?
Justin: Well, I'm certainly not happy with you. You come in here and make jack feel worse than he already feels, and then you let us both think that you went home with those two guys when you didn'T.
Bonnie: Counselor, I said jennifer didn't sleep with that guy. What makes you think I didn't?
Chad: So are you trying to say that gabi never found you last night.
Jake: Never said that.
Chad: So she was here.
Jake: We talked. I wasn't sure if the story about the threat to her family was for public consumption. Didn't realize she told you too.
Chad: So she told you the real story why she left. Then what?
Jake: Not sure I'm following.
Chad: Well, you two were sleeping together before she left.
Jake: Not anymore. I told her I wasn't interested.
Chad: You rejected her?
Jake: Mm-hmm.
Chad: Why?
Jake: There's someone else in the picture.
Chad: Yeah? Who?
Jake: Gwen.
Abigail: Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, I'm--yes, okay, it must have slipped through the cracks, so I will work on the story, and I'll get it filed by the end of the day. Mm-hmm. Okay, yeah, bye.
Gwen: Everything okay at work?
Abigail: Oh, mostly.
Gwen: Well, I understand why you don't want to go back to "the spectator." Things must be weird, given what's going on with your parents.
Abigail: Weird is definitely one word for it.
Gwen: Mm. And now that your father and you aren't getting along. Wow, well, that's timing.
Jack: Gwen. Abigail.
Gwen: Mr. Deveraux, I have to say this. What happened at your anniversary party is not abigail's fault. She loves you very much--
Jack: Ms. Rizczech... I agree completely. And that's why I apologized to her.
Gwen: You did?
Jack: Yes. How can I possibly stay angry at my precious daughter? Yeah.
Chad: So you didn't get back together with gabi because of of gwen.
Jake: That's right.
Chad: I thought you broke things off with her.
Jake: Just barely. So, what? I'm gonna break up with one person and get right back into bed with another?
Chad: Isn't that your mo?
Jake: [Chuckles] Maybe I just don't wanna be in a relationship right now. Besides, I don't like the way gabi lied to me before she left. I don't like being jerked around.
Chad: Well, yeah, but she did it for your own good.
Jake: I'll determine what's for my own good. Gabi wants to be with her daughter in arizona, and I got more than enough of a reason to be around here.
Chad: Aren't we lucky?
Jake: Yeah. And this-- took a look two days ago, and I even signed it.
Chad: Huh. Look at that. You did.
Jake: Ha, I did. So why don't you go mind your own business, and leave me to mine.
Abe: Look, I respect your choice to respect hope's wishes. And I know how hard this is on you. I love you both. And I just want you--I just want you both to be happy either together or apart. Only time will tell.
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah. But we'll see, I guess.
Abe: Well, in the meantime--
[Chuckles] I am, uh-- I'm not as selfless as you are. I came here with an agenda. I need a commissioner.
Rafe: Yes. And you're so desperate, you want it to be me.
Abe: [Laughs] No, no. I'm not desperate in the least. But I know how highly qualified you are, and I can count on you to put your heart and soul in it just like you've done before. So what do you say? Will you take your old job back?
Rafe: Okay, mr. Mayor, you got yourself a commissioner.
Abe: [Laughs] That is good news, good news.
Rafe: Okay, so why don't i get myself cleaned up, take a shower, and then I'll meet you down at the station.
Abe: Excellent, excellent. Look, I'll get the paperwork started, and then I'll come down and get you sworn in, and--
[Sighs] Just to make sure you're prepared, there's a lot going on right now. Most of it's troubling.
Rafe: Okay. Why don't you fill me in, or at least just give me a headline.
Abe: Let's start with this: Ava vitali is alive and well.
Justin: I just assumed you made up that whole story about going back to the guy's apartment.
Bonnie: Why would I lie about that to you or anyone? It's not like I'm seeing anybody.
Justin: Well, yeah--
Bonnie: A month, justin. One whole month I waited. You never called, you never texted--nothing.
Justin: I know, I know, I--
Bonnie: You know, if you think I'm gonna sit around and wait for your cowboy song ringtone to play on my phone, you got another thing comin'.
Justin: I was out of town.
Bonnie: Why?
Justin: I was in arizona for thanksgiving, visiting my sons and will. I just got back yesterday.
Bonnie: What, they don't have cell service in arizona?
Justin: Bonnie, I was waiting to get back in town before I called you about that drink I promised. In fact, I was gonna call you last night. But I guess I lost my chance.
Bonnie: Well, maybe. I guess I wanted to play the field.
Justin: Play the field?
Bonnie: Mm-hmm. Date two guys at the same time. That's why god gave a woman two hands, and two, you know.
Justin: [Laughs] I get it. Guess what?
Bonnie: Hm?
Justin: I'm not the kind of man who likes to share.
Bonnie: Oh, great, bon-- wait, justin, wait, wait. I-- I was just messing with you.
Justin: Which part?
Bonnie: No, all of it. Jennifer wasn't the only good girl last night, all right? I'm only interested in one guy.
[Rattling bottle]
Julie: Ahh. You are looking better. Perkier. I see a little twinkle has returned to those beautiful eyes.
Jennifer: The headache, however, is still pounding away.
Julie: Ah. Well, maybe you need something on your stomach, darling. I can make you scrambled eggs or--how about a grilled cheese sandwich?
Jennifer: No, no, no, no. I, uh, I don't think my stomach is quite ready for solid food.
Julie: Okay. Fair enough. Maybe all you need is some fresh air.
Jennifer: Oh, that's a good idea. I'll go for a walk. That always makes me feel better.
Julie: I'm sure it will, darling. But bundle up. It's very, very cold out.
Jennifer: Will do. See you soon. Oh.
Gwen: Wow, abigail, you didn't tell me that you and your father made up.
Abigail: Oh, well, I just-- I didn't get the chance. It just happened.
Jack: Right, yes, and I was missing thomas and charlotte and I remembered that they had their regular playdate this morning, so I thought I would just swing by on the way to work and see them.
Abigail: Yeah, I had the same idea, so--
Jack: Well, lucky me. Well, listen, I was just-- I have to tell you, I bought the 1,000 piece harry potter puzzle that thomas wanted so much for christmas.
Abigail: Ohh! Great. Maybe all you need is some fresh air.
Jennifer: Oh, that's a good idea. I'll go for a walk. That always makes me feel better.
Julie: I'm sure it will, darling. But bundle up. It's very, very cold out.
Jennifer: Will do. See you soon. Oh.
Gwen: Wow, abigail, you didn't tell me that you and your father made up.
Abigail: Oh, well, I just-- I didn't get the chance. It just happened.
Jack: Right, yes, and I was missing thomas and charlotte and I remembered that they had their regular playdate this morning, so I thought I would just swing by on the way to work and see them.
Abigail: Yeah, I had the same idea, so--
Jack: Well, lucky me. Well, listen, I was just-- I have to tell you, I bought the 1,000 piece harry potter puzzle that thomas wanted so much for christmas.
Abigail: Ohh! Great.
Jack: Well, I--
Abigail: He'll be very excited.
Jack: Yes, and so will I. I was just thinking that maybe instead of waiting till christmas, we could give it to him now, and then I could help him with it.
Abigail: Yeah.
Jack: And all through christmas.
Abigail: Well, I'll tell you what, why don't we just head home, and you can give it to him right now.
Jack: Wonderful, wonderful. All right.
Abigail: Okay.
Justin: That's an excellent idea, let's go.
Abigail: We're gonna take the kids, do you mind just snagging all their toys?
Gwen: Yeah, yeah, sure. You have fun.
Justin: Great.
Abigail: Thank you.
Jack: All right, thanks. Kids!
Abigail: Let's go. Hey, come on, this way.
Jack: Come on, come on. This--come on! This way!
Abigail: You are--
Jake: [Exhales] Think he believed me?
Kate: Nope.
Jake: Me either. You know, when he asked me why I didn't get back together with gabi, I wanted to tell him the real reason.
Kate: [Sighs] If you're gonna have a hard time keeping up this lie, I think we need to make a change.
Jake: You mean tell him the truth?
Kate: No, I mean ending this between us.
Jake: You know that's not what I want.
Kate: What do you want?
Jake: I want you, kate. I think I have made that abundantly clear. But what's not clear to me is why do you care so much about what chad thinks?
[Tense music]
Chad: What's that bastard son of yours up to? Huh?
Chad: What the hell?
Jake: Oh--
Chad: Are you having an affair with jake?
Kate: Okay, look. I've told you, chad is like a son to me. I've had ups and downs with my own children, and I really value the trust that I share with him.
Jake: You share trust, do you?
Kate: Mostly, yes. I admit there are times that I have betrayed that trust, and honestly, I don't wanna do that again.
Jake: You're kinda doing it right now.
Kate: [Sighs] Okay, look. You know, my point is, I don't wanna go public with you and me if that means risking what I share with him, okay?
Jake: Okay. If it matters to you, then we'll keep this a secret. 'Cause you matter to me.
Kate: That's a pretty good line.
Jake: Ah, thanks. I just came up with it. There is one more very important thing we need to discuss, though.
Kate: What's that?
Jake: We have got to find a new place for our playdates.
Kate: Oh, my god. Definitely.
Gwen: How can I not forgive my precious little daughter? Well-- maybe daddy's little girl can just bat her eyelashes and get her father back. It's not gonna work when I take chad away from her. I will destroy her life if it's the last bloody thing I do!
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