Days Transcript Monday 12/7/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 12/7/20


Episode #13910 ~ Ava tries to bargain with Steve; Nicole reels from Allie's news; Xander checks out the data Sarah downloaded from Philip's laptop; Philip is pleasantly surprised to run into Chloe.

Provided By Jim and Suzanne

Philip: Chloe, it's you.

Chloe: Ah, hoped you'd seen the last of me?

Philip: No, I thought you'd still be in new York. Chloe, it's so great to see you again.

[Soft festive music]

Xander: What are you doing here? We've broken up, you hate me. If Philip finds out this is a dodge--

Sarah: Oh, my gosh, will you relax? He's not gonna find out. I wanted to come and tell you that Philip and I have started working on the charity benefit, but then he had to go to the office, and he took his computer with him.

Xander: Mm, so, I guess no chance to find anything?

Sarah: [Gasps] You guessed wrong! Do you really think that I would risk showing up here empty handed?

Xander: You said he took his computer with him.

Sarah: I did, but I managed to download a couple of files before he left.

Xander: With him there?

Sarah: I know, it was, like, practically in front of his eyes, babe. It was amazing! Listen. You may not know this about me, but I can be pretty devious if I want to.

[Inhales, exhales] "I said I vanted a snack."

Xander: Brilliant.

Sarah: I know.

[Both laugh]

Xander: Well, I guess there's only one thing left to say. "I'm glad you're on my side."

Sarah: [Laughs]

Roman: So Lani and Eli still aren't talking to each other?

Abe: No, no, no. And she's not too crazy about me right now either.

Roman: So you're in the doghouse too?

Abe: Of course. Eli and I thought that we could keep Lani, pregnant Lani, out of jail. It merited Kristen Dimera paying for one of her 200,000 attempted murders.

Roman: Oh, you are so out of line.

Abe: [Chuckles] Roman, you would have thought that we were bringing trumped-up charges against Mother Teresa. Kristen stabbed Victor. That means nothing. That was fine. But Eli and I, we are now the bad guys.

Roman: What the hell happened in that convent?

Abe: I don't wanna know.

[Sighs] Roman, look. I'm sorry we weren't able to charge Tripp. It's gotta be hard for Allie to accept.

Roman: You had no jurisdiction. There was nothing you could do.

Abe: Yeah, doesn't make it any easier for Allie. And now that the London authorities are going to-- aren't going to pursue the case, that pretty much does it for the legal system. How's she doing?

Roman: Not good, Abe. She's not in a good place, and I'm afraid that maybe one day she might snap.

Nicole: You pulled a gun on Tripp? I mean, did you--is--

Allie: He's fine, I didn't shoot him.

Nicole: Oh, thank god. Allie. I don't even know what to say. I mean, first of all, where the hell did you get a gun?

Allie: I might have borrowed grandma Kate's.

Nicole: [Sighs] Allie, I know that you're upset, but violence is never, ever the answer. I mean, what possessed you to threaten Tripp with a gun?

Allie: My dad told me the story of my mom's rape. And how when she didn't get her justice from the courts, she took matters into her own hands. I was just trying to be strong like my mom was. To make sure that Tripp could never hurt a woman like he did to me.

[Sighs] I was so close to pulling that trigger.

Nicole: But you didn't. Because you are not your mother. You are not Sami. You have a conscience, and you have a heart. So you did do the right thing there, Allie. I'm proud of you for that.

Allie: Don't be. The only reason I didn't shoot him was because I was practically tackled from behind.

Nicole: Did Steve come home?

Allie: It wasn't Tripp's dad. It was his mom.

Ava: For right now, only you can know that I'm alive. Please, Tripp.

Tripp: My dad has stood by me, believed in me through this whole rape mess. He's never doubted me, he's never wavered. He's always put me first. So I have to show him that same loyalty. So I'm sorry, I can't keep this from him. I won't.

Ava: [Scoffs] Your father's son.

[Dramatic music]

Steve: [Gasps] My god. Ava.

Ava: Oh, patch. I knew you'd be happy to see me.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Chloe: Wow, such a homecoming.

Philip: Why didn't you tell me you were coming? What are you coming back for?

Chloe: I took a job offer here.

Philip: Really? A singing gig?

Chloe: No, actually. I will be going into the business world, just like you, Mr.. Co-CEO of Titan.

Philip: Well, the "co" is temporary. But what are you doing?

Chloe: I'll be working with Nicole at basic black.

Philip: Really?

Chloe: Yup, and since basic black is a Dimera company, I will essentially be working for your enemy. I hope that's okay. I had no idea you were even back at Titan, or I maybe wouldn't have accepted this offer.

Philip: Well, what difference does it make? You don't owe me anything. And besides it'll be good to have some healthy competition.

Chloe: [Laughs softly] Well, according to Brady, you have enough competition with your current co-CEO?

Philip: I don't really think of Xander as my competition. More as an annoyance.

Chloe: Hmm. Well, yeah, I could see that a co-CEO would be very tedious.

Philip: Well, he is. Every time I turn around, he tries to stick a knife in my back.

Chloe: Oh, is his name Kiriakis? No.

Philip: No, like I said, it's a temporary arrangement.

Xander: All right, let's see what you've got here.

[Sighs] Oh, Sarah, this is great. You've managed to capture every single financial transaction Philip's made since...

[Sighs] Damn it.

Sarah: No, what? What's wrong?

Roman: Abe, I know it was a long shot. I mean, it's hard enough to get rape charges to stick when you have plenty of evidence.

Abe: A "he said, she said" still don't amount to much, unfortunately.

Roman: No, it doesn't. I just feel so bad for Allie.

Kayla: So do I.

Nicole: Tripp's mother? What--you mean Kayla?

Allie: No. I mean his real mom.

Nicole: Ava? Wha--Allie, that's impossible. Ava Vitali is dead.

Allie: Not anymore.

Nicole: Well, you've never even met her. How do you know it was her?

Allie: Well, because when she pulled the gun out of my hand, Tripp called her "Mom."

Nicole: Well, maybe it was his foster mother.

Allie: I don't know, I mean, she was pretty fierce to be a foster mom.

Nicole: [Sighs] There's no way it could be Ava. No, what are you talking about, Nicole? This is Salem.

[Sighs] Hey, I just Googled her. This is Ava Vitali before she died.

Allie: That's her. That's the woman I just saw.

Nicole: Wha...

Ava: Oh, Patch, you look good.

Steve: Don't touch me.

Ava: [Mouthing words]

Steve: So, do you happen to know a Dr. Wilhelm Rolf?

Ava: Hmm.

Steve: Ah, yeah. Dude's on a roll.

Tripp: Dad.

Steve: Dad? What? Oh, right, she's your mom. So I guess you're happy to see her. But, god, I wish you were still dead. Grandma and Grandpa do during their happy hour.

Nicole: Salem really needs to hire a new coroner.

[Sighs] Joey Johnson smothered this woman. He was driven to smother this woman because she did unspeakable things to his family. And now Joey is in prison for murder, and this woman is prancing around as a personal bodyguard to her son.

Allie: She did unspeakable things?

Nicole: Yes. But mother like son, you know?

[Sighs] Anyway, I mean, if she is back, then she must have had some connection to Dr. Rolf, which I have no idea what that could be. Wait a minute.

[Tense music]

Damn it. Open up! A.V.

[Exhales sharply] A.V. It wasn't the audio-visual room after all.

Allie: What are you talking about?

Nicole: The warehouse-- she was there when I was. Oh, god. She is alive.

Ava: Oh, well, that's not a very nice thing to say.

Steve: You haven't seen not nice yet. You know, after the things you've done to my family, you should be scared to show your face around here.

Ava: Mm. You know, there's one thing about your father-- god, I love him, but he sure does have a hard time letting things go.

Tripp: Hey, look, you're my mother, and I'm really glad you're back, but this isn't funny. Yeah, the things you did to him and Kayla, their kids, not funny, either. So maybe you should lose the attitude.

Ava: Okay. Point taken. But I would like to mention that there is one very good reason that your father should be thrilled that I'm back.

Tripp: What's that?

Steve: Joe. Joe can go free now.

Xander: See? These columns-- they aren't populated. Shows all the transaction dates but none of the recipients' names.

Sarah: There was a second file I could've downloaded, but I had to yank the drive out when Philip came back in.

Xander: Wait, Philip caught you on his computer?

Sarah: No, no, no, it's okay, 'cause I created a whole file about the concert just in case if I had to, like, cover my ass. He totally bought it.

Xander: How well-prepared you are.

Sarah: Thank you. I mean, I read a lot of "Nancy Drew" as a child. But, wait, no, Babe, was this all for nothing? Is that completely useless?

Xander: Well, I'm gonna need more than this to convince Victor that Philip's cooking the books. Don't wanna be the boy who cried wolf. You know, Sarah, this isn't useless. Proves we're on the right path.

Sarah: Good.

Xander: And now that I've seen the number transactions and the amounts, there's not a doubt in my mind that I can bring Philip down.

Sarah: Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Chloe: So you are back at Titan, huh? I never saw that coming.

Philip: After my epic fail the last time around?

Chloe: Well, you only failed 'cause you were so unhappy.

Philip: [Scoffs] That's an understatement.

Chloe: Still, I just never thought that you'd wanna come back. Besides...

Philip: Besides?

Chloe: Well, last time I saw you, you were getting pretty close to Mimi, and I know that she's still in Chicago, and you're here now, so what's going on with you two?

Philip: How about we talk about something other than Mimi Lockhart?

Chloe: Oh, okay.

Philip: Like, how are you doing?

Chloe: How am I doing?

[Sighs] Well, other than missing my kid, I'm doing fine.

Philip: Parker's not gonna stay in new York indefinitely, is he?

Chloe: Oh, no, no, no, of course not. I just wanted to get settled in here first, and then I'll go get him. Though I'm sure he'd rather stay with his grandparents. He's quite crazy about them.

Philip: 'Cause they spoil him even more than you do?

Chloe: Yeah, I think that's a big part of it. Why are you looking at me like that?

Philip: Just because you're so damn beautiful. And why are you looking at me like that?

Chloe: Because you didn't always think so.

Philip: What are you talking about?

Chloe: Oh, come on, Philip. You don't remember?

[Both laugh]

Philip: What can I say? I was an idiot back then.

Chloe: Oh, back then? Okay, right. What about now? Are you so evolved? Have you become enlightened? Is that why you dumped me for Mimi Lockhart?

Philip: I thought we weren't gonna talk about her anymore.

Chloe: You know what? We are. And I don't really give a damn if it makes you feel uncomfortable because I wanna know what happened between you two. And I think, since she stole you away from me, that I deserve to know.

Sarah: All right, I'll have another crack at Philip's computer tomorrow.

Xander: What you need that for?

Sarah: To go home. I'm not supposed to be here.

Xander: Well, no one knows you are here.

Sarah: [Gasps]

Xander: So, why waste the opportunity?

Sarah: I mean, I really can't think of a reason why not.

Philip: Hmm. What's going on with us is complicated.

Chloe: Of course it's complicated, it's Mimi.

Philip: [Laughs softly] Remember in new York when you and I were just old friends going out to dinner?

Chloe: I do.

Philip: I really liked that.

Chloe: [Chuckles]

Philip: That was not complicated.

Chloe: No, it wasn't. It was really nice.

Philip: And then when it started to look like it was gonna grow into something more, I kind of freaked out. Guess I thought I'd get hurt again.

Chloe: Yeah, that's me. Serial heartbreaker.

Philip: It wasn't you, it was me.

Chloe: [Snickers] Right. And the check's in the mail.

Philip: [Laughs] Sometimes I think I'm really dumb. I was afraid to get hurt again, so I walked away from you and picked up again with Mimi.

Chloe: Mm. I'm willing to bet that Mimi made the first move.

Philip: It's interesting you say the word "bet." You remember when you and I went to dinner?

Chloe: Mm-hmm.

Philip: Mimi and I used to go to poker parties.

Chloe: Oh. That's a swell idea.

Philip: Don't blame Mimi. I used to be a gambler. I just should've said no. Man, I should've said no.

Chloe: Uh, so you lost?

Philip: I lost all I had. And then I lost money that I didn't have.

Chloe: Oh, wow. So did you come back to Titan just to dig yourself out of a hole?

Ava: You're awfully nervous, Philip. What are you so worried about?

Philip: You could ruin everything by being here. What are you doing in Salem?

Ava: Well, I came to check on you. You're getting very close to losing my trust.

Philip: What do you want from me?

Ava: Oh, you know what I want.

Philip: How the hell am I supposed to launder mob money through Titan when that lout Xander is constantly looking over my shoulder?

Ava: You are the one who needs to focus on the task at hand, which means keeping up your end of the bargain.

Philip: I know what's at risk here.

Ava: I hope so. Because I was willing to do whatever it took to eliminate Kayla to get what I wanted. Are you capable of making the same commitment to getting rid of your rival?

Philip: Are you asking me if I'm willing to kill Xander?

Ava: You have to make a choice, Philip. In business and in life, it is survival of the fittest. Xander's in our way. So unless you take care of him, you're gonna be the one to pay the price. It's actually a little more than that.

Nicole: I walked by the room he held her in, and it didn't even occur to me it could be Ava.

Allie: Well, considering that you were blown up, left for dead, and then spent months in a coma, I think that you can be forgiven that you didn't figure that out.

Nicole: I mean, it was-- it was four years ago. And she must have lied low after the explosion because she was arrested for kidnapping Kayla before she died-- well, appeared to have died.

Allie: She sounds charming.

Nicole: She could be.

Allie: Really?

Nicole: And fun too. We were actually friends back then, before I realized she was a psychopath.

Allie: A psychopath?

Nicole: Mm-hmm.

Allie: Well, no wonder Tripp can lie without turning a hair.

Nicole: Well, she can do more than that. She will do anything to anyone she thinks is in her way. That's what I meant by Joey being driven to kill her. I--I'm--

Allie: What are you doing?

Nicole: Well, I'm gonna call the police.

Allie: No, no, no, no, no.

Nicole: Honey, Joey is in prison for murdering someone who is still alive.

Allie: Well, if you call the cops on her, then she's going to tell them that I held a gun on Tripp, and then they're gonna throw me in jail.

[Sighs] I know it's selfish. I do want Joey out, but I don't wanna end up in there myself.

Nicole: [Sighs] I mean, this is a sticky situation, no doubt.

[Sighs] But I think I have an idea.

Kayla: I just feel like I'm beating my head against the wall. I mean, I have medical tests that prove that he is the baby's father. But Tripp isn't saying that he had consensual sex with Allie. He's saying that he didn't have sex at all. And Steve believes him.

Roman: Well, he is the kid's dad, I guess.

Kayla: But the kid is lying. And I can prove it. I have proven it. It doesn't make a difference to Steve. And he knows that rape is a very personal subject for me. So I gave him an ultimatum. I told him that Tripp needs to move out. I just can't bear to look at him anymore.

Abe: That makes sense to me. He's an adult, he's lived on his own before.

Roman: Yeah. What did Steve say?

Kayla: He agreed. He's telling him now. I wonder how that's going.

Ava: Well, there is still the fact that Joey tried to kill me. I mean, that is a crime.

Steve: A crime he already paid for; let's go. We're going to the police.

Tripp: Hang on, watch it, dad.

Steve: What? You want me to be nice to her?

Tripp: No, but you can't hurt her, okay? Like, just-- let me call the cops.

Ava: Okay, boys. Boys, boys, boys, boys, listen. There are things we need to discuss before we, um, take this to the next level.

[Tense music]

Sarah: This is not why I came here.

Xander: Aren't you glad you did?

Sarah: More than you know.

Chloe: Hey, Philip, what's wrong?

Philip: Just kinda hit me. My life was spiraling down in Chicago. My father was getting older in Salem. I realized that if I didn't take the chance to set things right with my family, I might be too late.

Chloe: Yeah, I get that. But I kinda feel like there's something else to it.

Philip: You know me too well.

Chloe: [Laughs softly]

Philip: There is something else too, but...

Philip: But you don't wanna talk about it. It's okay, I understand that too. But just know that I'm here. You have my phone number. Use it anytime.

Philip: I appreciate that. These are my problems, and I'm the one who has to fix them.

Allie: What are you doing? Who are you calling?

[Line trilling]

Nicole: An old friend.

[Cell phone ringing]

Abe: Excuse me. Nicole?

Nicole: Sorry to bother you. Can you come over? It's kind of an emergency, and I don't wanna talk about it over the phone.

Abe: Yeah, that's no problem. I'll be right there.

Roman: What was that about?

Abe: I'm not sure.

Steve: If you think I'm gonna let Joe sit in prison on your say-so--

Tripp: She's worried about the charges against her.

Steve: Damn right she is. Do you think Joe put a pillow over your face and held it there because he's a bad kid? No, you drove him to it. You kidnapped his mother. You put his whole family through hell.

Ava: All right, you know what? If you would just can the moral outrage for just a second, I can tell you that I'm willing to help get Joe out of prison. If, and this is a big if, you make sure that I don't end up there either.

Sarah: [Laughs] You can see why that caught on, I gotta tell you. You were so much more fun than the flash drive.

Xander: Do you really mean that?

Sarah: Mm-hmm.

Xander: I think I might cry.

Sarah: [Laughs]

Xander: Although... this might've been a bad idea.

Sarah: [Gasps] Buzz Killington!

Xander: I just don't think I can keep up the charade. Or do without you.

Sarah: Didn't you hear that absence makes the heart grow fonder?

Xander: It's not exactly fondness I'm talking about.

Sarah: [Laughs]

Xander: Besides, it's only our first day, and we almost got caught twice already.

Sarah: Twice?

Xander: Yeah, I thought your mom might have heard us talking on the phone earlier. But she didn't. But when she asked about my suitcase, I told her we were checking in here, and she offered to try and patch things up between us.

Sarah: Mama. She's so sweet.

Xander: Yeah, she's very sweet, and not dumb. I don't think she bought that I'm jealous of Philip.

Sarah: No, she wouldn't. She knows that I would never be interested in a man like Philip, especially not when I have a man like you.

[Sultry music]

Chloe: Are you sure you're okay?

Philip: Yeah. Yeah, apart from Xander, life's good.

Chloe: Okay, good. I'm glad to hear that. Though, if I would've known I'd be one of your competitors and also working with Brady, I'm not sure--

Philip: You're working with Brady?

Chloe: Yeah, Nicole hired him as well. And I didn't know about that either.

Philip: I see.

Chloe: I know you, Brady, and I have a very long and weird history.

Philip: Since high school.

Chloe: Yup. Well, this time, let's hope we can all remain friends.

Roman: So, you want more coffee or something stronger?

Kayla: [Laughs] No, I better not. I just made Steve kick his son out. I think I need to be at my best when I go home.

Roman: You know, you have every right to ask him to go.

Kayla: I know I did. But it doesn't make it any easier for Steve. I thought I would've heard from him by now.

Ava: You have to remember that I'm still the victim.

Steve: The victim?

Ava: Well, I could advocate for Joe to stay in prison. I mean, not that I want to.

Steve: What do you want?

Ava: To have a second chance. And for Joe to have that same chance.

Tripp: That sounds reasonable, doesn't it, dad?

Steve: Reasonable? I don't know. Let's hear it, Ava. How do you plan to advocate for Joe to stay in prison without letting the authorities know you're not dead?

Ava: Well, I'm just saying that if you let them know that I'm not, I have the resources to retaliate.

Steve: God, I wish you were still dead.

Ava: [Laughing] Yes, I know. You've said that already.

Tripp: Well, I actually don't wish she were dead, 'cause if she didn't show up when she did, I might be dead right now myself.

[Dramatic music]

Abe: Ava Vitali is alive and well? Well, that's just what Salem needs--another crazy lady. Look, I have to call the police.

Nicole: Wait, Abe, Abe. Before you do that, there's something else I need to tell you.

Abe: What? She bring Lizzie Borden back to town with her?

Nicole: I think I'm asking you not to call the cops.

Abe: She's facing kidnapping charges. The woman is a menace to society.

Nicole: I'm telling you, if you tell the cops, Ava could cause more damage to Allie. And she's been through enough.

Abe: Allie?

Allie: If they arrest her, they'll end up arresting me too.

Abe: You pulled a gun on Tripp?

Nicole: Look, she was at the end of her rope, and he was gonna get away with it.

Abe: Well, roman was worried that she might-- and Ava saw you do this?

Allie: Yes, she's the one who took the gun away from me.

Nicole: And considering what Ava has done and what Tripp did to Allie, I mean, pulling a gun on Tripp is nothing, right? I think she just wanted to scare him into telling the truth.

Allie: No. I wanted to hurt him. Badly. I wanted to make him pay the way my mom made her rapist pay.

Nicole: [Sighs] Now you see why I needed you here.

Abe: Yeah.

Nicole: I knew you would know what to do.

Abe: Ah. Well, I wish I shared your confidence.

Steve: Allie had a gun?

Ava: You wanna see it? I preserved her fingerprints.

Tripp: Dad, she was threatening to shoot me in the--

Steve: Just like Sami did.

Tripp: Yeah. But Mom stopped her.

Steve: So you just happened to be in my house, in Kayla's house, and you saved the day?

Ava: I happened to be in our son's house. When I heard what that horrible girl was putting him through, I risked everything to come and protect him. So you can think of me what you will, patch, but just like you, I'm willing to risk anything for our son.

Steve: I need a drink.

Ava: Tripp has told me that you are the only person who stood by him during this whole thing. Baby, you're not alone anymore. Now there's two of us.

Steve: God help us all.

Philip: Can't say I envy you for working with Brady. He can be a real jerk sometimes.

Chloe: I can't believe you would say that. Brady always speaks so fondly of his uncle Philip.

Philip: [Scoffs] I'm sure.

Chloe: And look, I'm probably way off the mark here, but have you ever considered, as Victor's son and grandson, that the two of you are just a bit competitive?

Philip: Oh, I don't know. Do you?

Chloe: Oh, I know. Silly thought. [Chuckles] I guess I'm just remembering the days when you two used to fight over me. It reminded me of Demetrius and Lysander.

Philip: Who were they?

Chloe: Two of the biggest idiots in Shakespeare.

Philip: From my point of view, it looked like you were having a grand time watching your personal idiots duke it out over you.

Chloe: Oh, come on. I was really young back then. But yeah, it was really great. Those were the days.

Philip: They sure were.

Sarah: Ugh, I hate leaving you.

Xander: Then don't.

Sarah: [Giggles] I think if I don't come home, my mom's gonna have a lot of questions.

Xander: Then just tell her you got called into the hospital. Slept in the on-call room.

Sarah: Hmm, that is tempting. But no, I think we should keep our eyes on the prize, which is nailing Philip. I mean, we don't wanna screw it all up by getting caught now.

Xander: You have such mad stealth skills, ms. Drew.

Sarah: Mmm.

Xander: And I spent a lot of nights going to bed alone last year dreaming of you. I do not want to do that again tonight.

Abe: [Sighs] I think we're just going to have to wait and see what Ava's going to do. And that's a scary thought.

Nicole: Thank you, Abe.

Abe: We'll get through this. Allie, just lie low, okay?

Allie: Okay.

Abe: All right. Take care of the kid, all right?

Nicole: Yeah, you too. See you soon.

Abe: You too.

[Soft tense music]

Allie: I--I really made a mess of everything, didn't I?

Nicole: This is not your fault. Honey, it's gonna be okay, I promise.

Kayla: Well, maybe I should go home and face the music.

[Cell phone beeps] Huh, well, never mind. There's an emergency at the hospital, so that's probably for the best. I don't think I wanna walk in on whatever's going on at home. See you later.

Ava: I guess you don't feel the need to thank me for saving our son's life.

Steve: Allie saw you, right? So if she goes to the cops, situation's already out of our hands.

Ava: If Allie goes to the cops, then she's gonna have to explain why she was holding a loaded gun at our son. I know that Allie is your niece. So if you make the charges against me go away, I won't say a word about what happened here tonight. And I'm sure that Kayla would appreciate that.

Steve: So you're asking me to argue on your behalf for leniency?

Ava: Think about what I did here for our son tonight.

Steve: Hmm. Well, it's not my call whether the charges stand or not, because I wasn't your victim, Ava--Kayla was.

Chloe: Well, I should get going because tomorrow is my first day of work, and I wanna look really good, you know, for Brady.

Philip: Hm, be sure to give him my fond regards.

Chloe: Oh, I will.

Philip: I'm really glad you're back. Glad I ran into you.

Chloe: It was really nice to catch up.

Philip: So, can I help you with your bag?

Chloe: Well, you don't have to, but if you want to...

Philip: I'd love to.

Chloe: Well, in that case...

[Both laugh]

Philip: Great, but don't get any ideas.

Chloe: What kind of idea?

Philip: That I won't be a ruthless competitor come tomorrow morning. And I expect nothing less from you.

Chloe: Well, I'd hope not.

Sarah: Ugh, do you have any idea how hard it is to say no to you?

Xander: That's the idea.

Sarah: But I will. Because I have an early surgery in the morning, and I promised myself I would be in bed by 9:00.

Xander: That's a bed.

Sarah: Get behind me, Satan. Ugh! No, we'd be tempting fate if I stayed, and it's not worth it. Do not pout. It's not gonna be for that much longer.

Xander: Better not be.

Sarah: Mmm. All right, good night.

Xander: [Sighs]

[Laughs softly] Oh, I'm gonna nail your ass to the wall, Philly boy.

[Unsettling music]

Philip: What was that, Dr. Horton? A house call?

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