Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 12/4/20
Episode #13909 ~ Kayla tells Steve she needs him to ask Tripp to move out; Tripp is stunned to discover Ava is alive; Brady and Chloe catch up; Philip catches Sarah snooping.
Provided By Suzanne
[Nicole sighs]
Nicole: Okay.
Brady: You said okay.
Nicole: I did.
Brady: Really? Really.
Nicole: I said okay. The... the truth is, Brady, I miss you. As my partner, as my friend, and I think you're right. We can help each other.
Brady: I'm not gonna let you down.
Nicole: You better not.
Brady: I know.
Nicole: So when can you start?
Brady: Tomorrow. Let's do it tomorrow. I have a ton ideas I want to share with you. They're all back at my place. I'm gonna send them to you. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna do it.
Nicole: Okay, wait, Brady, hang on a second.
Brady: Okay.
Nicole: Before you go. There's something you should know. I did hire someone else, not--
Brady: Uh--
Nicole: Not as a partner, okay? But in a pretty big role.
Brady: Okay.
Nicole: It's someone you know.
Brady: Really?
Nicole: Mm-hmm.
Brady: Who is it?
[Knocking on door]
Nicole: Oh, I bet you that's her.
Brady: Her? Who's the mystery woman?
Nicole: Hi.
Brady: Chloe.
Chloe: Brady. Hi.
Brady: Hi, you-- you're Nicole's new hire.
Chloe: I am.
Nicole: And I think Chloe will bring great perspective to basic black's mission. But first things first. Welcome home.
Chloe: Aw.
Nicole: Hi.
Sarah: Hey, you.
Xander: Don't tell me you've got dirt on Philip already. I haven't even checked into the Salem inn yet.
Sarah: Well, no, I just miss you is all.
Xander: Well, you're not allowed to miss me, are you? You're very angry with me. In a rage. Oh, the names you called me. And Philip loved every second of it. Well played, Darling.
Sarah: Well, you can thank me in person, if you'd like.
Xander: Well, there's nothing I'd like more than that. But what happened to convincing Philip that I broke up with?
Sarah: Well, technically, I broke up with you, so.
Xander: Well, either way. As you've drummed into me, with you flying solo, maybe Philip will let his guard down and you can find out what he's up to at titan.
Sarah: I'm on it, Xander. And you're not gonna talk me out of it, all right? So get it through your thick skull. I am not bailing on the charity project with Philip just because you're jealous. We are through, remember? So do not call me again, because you're just embarrassing yourself.
Xander: Sarah? That's the way to sell it, sweetheart.
Maggie: Sell it? What's going on?
Steve: You want Tripp to move out?
Kayla: Yes. I do. I'm sorry.
Steve: He's my son, Kayla.
Kayla: So you defend him and you attack me for wanting justice for Allie? Well, I can't take that anymore. I cannot tiptoe around Tripp's feelings in my own house. Are you serious about wanting us to move past this?
Steve: You know I am, sweetness. I love you.
Kayla: Then this is what I need. I need Tripp to move out of our home.
Tripp: You can't be serious.
Allie: I'm dead serious. The legal system failed me. You won't admit what you did. This is my only way to get justice.
Tripp: Allie, think about what you're doing.
Allie: All I've been doing is thinking. Thinking about how unfair all of this is. Thinking about how the hell you got off when-when there's DNA evidence, there's a baby.
Tripp: Think about what happens to the baby if you shoot me. You go to prison, okay? He'll-he'll be all alone.
Allie: Henry has Nicole. And maybe he'll be better off without me.
Tripp: You'll be behind bars for years.
Allie: It'll be worth it, because you won't get away with what you did. And you sure as hell won't rape anyone again. I'd say this won't hurt a bit, but--
Tripp: No, Allie, no! Please!
[Door slams open]
Ava: Get the hell away from my son.
Tripp: Oh, my god. Mom? It can't be you. You're dead.
Ava: Actually, Darling, I am very much alive. As you can see. And I will explain everything, I promise. But first, I have to deal with this little bitch.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Brady: You know, when Nicole said that she was hiring someone, you were not what I was expecting.
Chloe: Is that a bad thing?
Brady: No. No, not at all. Just a surprise.
Chloe: Well, I'm almost as surprised as you are. I was actually set to do this long-term gig, but then the financing fell through, and Nicole called me and kind of offered me this out of the blue. I just thought, why the heck not? Let the adventure begin.
Nicole: Actually, the adventure also includes Brady. I hired him too.
Xander: You shouldn't sneak up on people, Mags.
Maggie: I wasn't sneaking. I saw you heading toward the Salem inn with a suitcase. And, okay, are you Sarah planning a little staycation?
Xander: Actually, I'll be checking in alone. Sarah and I broke up.
Maggie: Ah.
Philip: Xander harassing you again?
Sarah: Well, nothing I can't handle. I don't know if you noticed, but I have zero issue letting Xander or anyone, for that matter, know exactly how I feel.
Philip: Can't blame him for wanting you back. But I'm glad you're standing up for yourself. It's not like Xander hasn't hurt you in the past.
Sarah: Isn't that the truth?
Philip: And you forgave him. After he let you fall in love with a child that wasn't yours. That's a hell of a heart you have. You need to protect it. So I'm guessing this is just a spat? That you'll forgive Xander again too?
Sarah: Maybe I was too quick to forgive him the first time. Maybe I'm just finally seeing who Xander really is.
Allie: What are you going to do?
Ava: Well, why don't you put your hands in the air while we have a little chat? So I can see where they are. Now, please.
Allie: I didn't hurt him.
Ava: No, but you were going to, weren't you? Let me guess, she's the liar that accused you of rape.
Allie: I didn't lie.
Ava: Of course you did. My son isn't a rapist.
Allie: There's proof.
Ava: Did you rape her?
Tripp: No.
Ava: That's all the proof that I need.
Allie: It's not just my word against his.
Ava: Oh, shut up. You and your lies and your ludicrous sense of vigilante justice. You've put my sweet boy through hell. And it ends now.
Chloe: So, you didn't mention that you hired Brady as well.
Brady: Well, that's because it literally happened about 15 minutes ago.
Chloe: Oh, okay. So it's gonna be the three of us working together?
Nicole: Well, it's kind of a dream team, don't you think?
Brady: I think so. I mean, as long as you two don't gang up on poor old me, you know.
Nicole: Yeah, well, that could happen.
Chloe: It will happen.
Nicole: Yeah.
Chloe: But you're man enough to handle the both of us, aren't you Brady?
Nicole: Mm-hmm.
Maggie: You and Sarah broke up? That doesn't make any sense.
Xander: Tell me about it.
Maggie: Why? What happened?
Xander: Well, Philip asked Sarah to help him organize this charity concert. Sarah couldn't say yes fast enough.
Maggie: Yeah, she mentioned it. It's a good cause. The pediatric ward at the hospital.
Xander: I'm all for a good cause. But Philip doesn't give a damn about some sick kids. He's just using it as an excuse to get close to Sarah. Either she's too naive to see it or maybe she likes spending all this time with him that she could be with me.
Maggie: Oh, Xander. You can't honestly think that Philip would steal Sarah away from you. Oh my goodness, Sarah loves you.
Xander: Not enough to choose us over Philip.
Maggie: What on earth are you talking about?
Xander: Look, I told Sarah, straight out, not to work with Philip, and she refused. So we're done.
Philip: I remember that poor man at the pub. You threw your drink in his face right before you threw up.
Sarah: [Gasps] Am I gonna regret telling you that story?
Philip: [Laughing] You're a formidable woman, dr. Horton. But just in case you need someone on your side, I'll try to help any way I can.
Sarah: Thank you. Hey, I'm done for the day. Would you want to noodle on this project?
Philip: Yeah, I'd love T. I gotta get back to the office.
Sarah: Are you share you want to do that with Xander on the war path?
Philip: What do you mean?
Sarah: I mean, do you think he's taking any responsibility for this breakup? 'Cause he's not. He's hanging it all on you. So, I mean, good luck trying to get any work done with him all stomping around, giving you a death stare.
Philip: Good point. Why not work on the concert for a while?
Sarah: Yes. Okay. I don't know about you, but I work a lot better when I have sugar and carbs. Do you want to grab something from the kitchen?
Philip: I'm kind of hungry. I'll see what I can find.
[Cell phone trilling] You wanted me to check in, Ava, so I'm checking in. Things are going better than planned. Sarah dumped that idiot Xander, which means I can move in on her. That'll make Xander's head explode. He'll do something really stupid. Victor will fire his ass. And then laundering your money through titan will happen lightning speed.
Steve: So, how do you expect me to break it to him, Kayla? I'm here for you, Tripp. 100%. Whatever you need. I'm here. But you have to move out of my house. Does that sound like a supportive father?
Kayla: I think that you are overreacting.
Steve: No, it feels like you're asking me to disown my son.
Kayla: No, I am not. I'm asking you to help heal our relationship. Look, I am sorry that it has come to this, that you feel like you can choose between me over your son. But I can't live in the same house with him anymore. You-you look at Tripp and you see your son. I look at him and I see the man who raped my niece.
Tripp: Mom, don't.
Ava: Don't try to stop me, Tripp. Let me make this problem go away.
Tripp: No, Allie is not a problem, okay? She's a person. A good person. All right? I'm not being charged, okay? So it's over. Let's just end this. You don't have to hurt her.
Ava: Her lies have destroyed your reputation, and then she has the gall to show up here with a gun and threaten you?
Tripp: Mom, mom, mom, if you shoot her, you'll go to prison. I've already lost a lifetime with you, okay? I don't want to lose you again. Please. Thank you. Thank you.
Ava: He just saved your life. Not that you're worth it. And you call him a rapist? You're disgusting.
Tripp: You should go.
Ava: Wait. Never harass my son again.
Allie: I won't. I swear.
Ava: You better mean it. Because I will find you. Now, get the hell out of here before I change my mind.
Allie: Wait. That gun is my grandma Kate's.
Ava: Get the hell out of here.
Tripp: Oh, thank god.
Ava: My baby. My baby boy. You're all grown up.
Tripp: Is it-- is it really you? Mom?
Ava: It's really me. I'm here. I've come back to you.
Just like that. You work so hard to get Sarah back, after she found out about Rachel, and then that's it? A fit of jealousy? And you're done?
Xander: I'm not jealous, Maggie. I'm hurt. Angry that our relationship isn't the priority for Sarah that it is for me.
Maggie: Oh, this is so ridiculous.
Xander: Is it?
Maggie: Yeah.
Xander: Well, she could have turned Philip down, but I'm the one she said no to. No, it's clear to me that your daughter doesn't love me as much as I thought she did.
Maggie: There is a very simple fix to this.
Xander: No, there's no simple fix for a broken heart, Maggie.
Maggie: Oh, sure there is. You just admit to Sarah that you're wrong.
[Intense music]
Sarah: [Whispering] Please work, please work, please work.
Chloe: The place looks great, and holly's room is so cute.
Nicole: Thank you. You know, I'm really looking forward to hearing about Parker and what he's up to.
Chloe: Oh, believe me, you're gonna hear a lot of stories about that kid. I'm gonna bore you to tears. But first, I really should go unpack. I have a few phone calls I need to make and just a little bit of homework before my first day of work, so...
Nicole: Okay.
Chloe: Brady, do you think you could give me a ride to the Salem inn?
Brady: Yeah. Yeah, no problem. I'm going there myself.
Chloe: Oh, great.
Nicole: All right, so then maybe we could have dinner later, or whatever's good for you.
Chloe: Yeah. No, tonight's great.
Nicole: Excellent. All right, so just text me when you're done unpacking, and we'll make a plan.
Chloe: I will. I'll see you later.
Nicole: Yes.
Chloe: Thank you.
Brady: You're welcome. Bye, you.
Nicole: Bye.
Steve: You know, Tripp has had a rotten deal most of his life. He was taken from his mother, thrown into the foster system. I mean, the kid was pretty much on his own until he came to us.
Kayla: I am-I am truly sorry for what Tripp has gone through. And because he's your son, and because I have seen the good that he is capable of, I'm-I'm heartbroken. And if you think that I am callously judging him, you are so wrong. This is so painful for me too.
Steve: So, how do I do it? I swore to him that I'm here for him, that I-- that he's not alone. And now I'm gonna ask him to pack? I love my son. I do. I love him. But all he's gonna see is that I've betrayed him.
Ava: My precious boy. I can't believe it's really you. You have no idea how long I've dreamt of this moment.
Tripp: Mom, how can you be alive? My brother, Joey, he--
Ava: Smothered me with a pillow. I know, it's a lot to process, but... it's really me. I was brought back from the brink of death by a man named Wilhelm Rolf.
Tripp: So this whole time you were alive?
Ava: You have no idea how desperate I was to see you.
Tripp: [Stammers] Then why-then why did you wait? Why-why didn't you tell me you were alive sooner?
Kayla: I know how much you love Tripp. And I hate putting you in this position. And I wouldn't ask if I thought that there was any other way.
Steve: Well, maybe I'm just being stubborn to think that we could all live under the same roof. And Tripp is as uncomfortable around you as you are around him. The last thing he wants to do is cause any trouble between us. When it comes to my kids, I--
Kayla: I know. I know. I know you like to hold them close and keep them safe.
Steve: I'm the only parent he's got.
Ava: I wanted to reach out to you so much, but I just couldn't risk it. I had to lie low, because certain people still want to punish me for some things that I've done.
Tripp: Like kidnapping Kayla?
Ava: She wasn't the right woman for your father. I did what I had to to protect him from her.
Tripp: Seems a little extreme.
Ava: Nothing is too extreme when it comes to the people I love. When I heard that you were being accused of rape, my first instinct was to come and protect you. And here I am.
Tripp: So you believe me. That I didn't-I didn't rape her.
Ava: Of course I do.
Tripp: Yeah, but how can you be so sure? I mean, you barely know me.
Allie: Oh, thank god you're here. Nicole, it all went wrong. It all went so terribly wrong.
Nicole: Wait, wait, wait, what-what happened? Oh, my god, did something happen to Henry?
Allie: No, no, he's fine. He's still with my dad.
Nicole: Okay, well, Lucas told me that the London police won't prosecute Tripp. I'm so sorry. But is that why you're upset?
Allie: Upset? No, I'm more than upset. I'm so damn furious I just pulled a gun on him.
Xander: You think I'm wrong?
Maggie: You gave Sarah an ultimatum. My daughter--she doesn't respond well to ultimatums.
Xander: If she really loved me, then--
Maggie: Stop it, Xander. You know Sarah loves you. You are so caught up in this silly competition with Philip about every little thing, that you've let it-- I don't know--mess up your head? Well, I'm gonna go and talk to Sarah right now, and try to work this out with the two of you.
Xander: No, no, no, you can't.
Maggie: And why not?
Sarah: How long is this gonna take?
Philip: What are you doing on my laptop?
Xander: I'm sorry, Mags. It's just, if my relationship with Sarah is gonna have a future, we have to work this out by ourselves. If that's what we want.
Maggie: Xander. You want Sarah back, don't you?
Xander: Of course I do. And I'm sure when she cools down, she'll see that my request wasn't so unreasonable. Everything will be fine.
Maggie: Well, I hope for both your sakes that it's true.
Xander: Just gotta have faith, Mags.
Maggie: Okay then. All right. I'm gonna be late for the--my volunteer work at the hospital. If you change your mind and you would like for me to talk to Sarah, let me know, okay?
Sarah: Hey, there you are. Oh, are those vinegar chips?
Philip: I'm gonna tell you until you tell me what you're doing on my laptop.
Sarah: Oh. Oh, I just-I left mine at the hospital, so I just--I figured you wouldn't mind if I used yours, and I made a list of everything that we need to get the charity happening.
Philip: Strange. I thought I locked it.
Sarah: Yeah, I guess not.
Philip: You mind if I see how far you've got here?
Sarah: Yeah, sure. Why not?
Chloe: Oh, wow. I'm really sorry to hear about everything Xander and Victor have been putting you through. But at least now you're with your beautiful little girl, right?
Brady: Right. She reminds me so much of Kristen, too.
Chloe: Look, I know that being a single parent is not easy, so if you need any help, just ask me.
Brady: Thank you. You know what we should do? We should take Parker and Rachel and go sledding or something. Go see Santa. That would be fun, right?
Chloe: That sounds amazing. But I left Parker in New York with my parents. For the time being, I just didn't feel like it was a good idea to uproot him from school and his friends, if I didn't really know if this position at basic black was gonna work out.
Brady: Yeah, no, I get that. I think it is gonna work, though. It's gonna great. I mean, I know Nicole is gonna need the help. She's juggling basic black, being a single mother to holly. Allie and Henry are living with her. I mean, this woman--she really has her hands full.
Nicole: You pulled a gun on Tripp? Well, I mean, did you--is?
Allie: He's fine. I didn't shoot him.
Nicole: Oh, thank god. Allie. I don't even know what to say. I mean, first of all, where the hell did you get a gun?
Allie: I might have borrowed grandma Kate's.
Nicole: Allie, I know that you're upset. But violence is never, ever the answer. I mean, what possessed you to threaten Tripp with a gun?
Allie: My dad told me the story of my mom's rape. And how when she didn't get her justice from the courts, she took matters into her own hands. I was just trying to be strong, like my mom was. To make sure that Tripp could never hurt a woman like he did to me.
Ava: But I do know you. You're my son. My blood. The very best part of me. And maybe we haven't been together all these years, but I have always loved you.
Tripp: Even before I was born.
Ava: You got the tapes? The DVDs that I made you from Angelo? The ones that I made when I was pregnant?
Tripp: Yeah.
Ava: Oh, I am so glad. I just wanted you to understand. It's my father's fault that we... we've lost all this precious time. He was just--he was so determined to keep me away from you, away from Steve, that he-- he drugged me. He kept me a virtual prisoner.
Tripp: Yeah, dad told me the story.
Ava: I'm sure he did. But if you listen to my words, you will remember that I made you a promise that I would always be here to help you. And here I am. I know that I can't go public, but I'm so glad that you know that I am alive and that I love you.
Tripp: Not go public? I mean, I'm sorry, I don't think I can keep this a secret.
Kayla: I know how hard this is for you. But that connection that you feel with Tripp, the love and the won't change just because he moves a few miles away.
Steve: You're right.
Kayla: I'm so sorry.
Steve: No, no. Come on. Don't be. I've put you through a lot over the years. You've never asked for much in return from me. So if this is what you need, I'll do it. Tripp will be gone before you get home. I love you, sweetness. I love you.
Brady: So, besides Parker being in New York, is there anyone else who's gonna be missing you?
Chloe: Just my parents.
Brady: Come on, you don't have a man? You have a man in your life, right?
Chloe: Philip and I kind of connected last year, but that didn't exactly work out.
Brady: Why not?
Chloe: I'd rather not get into it.
Brady: Ooh. Okay. I'll respect your privacy on that.
Chloe: Thank you.
Brady: You're welcome. You should know that Philip is actually back here in Salem.
Chloe: He is?
Brady: Yeah.
Chloe: Since when?
Brady: Prodigal son returned, and he demanded that Victor give him the CEO position of titan.
Chloe: So Victor made him CEO?
Brady: Well, it's not that simple. See, Victor had already rewarded his partner-in-crime Xander the position, so Philip is now, uh, co-CEO with Xander.
Chloe: Oh, wow. How's that working out?
Brady: Not good. Pretty bad. Last thing I heard, they were working very hard at ousting one another, and maybe killing one another, I don't know, whichever comes first.
Philip: "Confirm performers. Arrange insurance. Buy ads. Verify venues." You're a fast worker.
Sarah: Confirm performers. Arrange insurance. Buy ads. Verify venue. You have no idea. You like?
Philip: I like a lot. I think you have a real knack for this.
Sarah: Well, I won't quit my day job.
Philip: So let's do this. Who knows what kind of magic we can make if we put our heads together.
[Cell phone beeps] Damn, I've got to get back to the office. An appointment I can't cancel.
Sarah: Well, why don't you leave your laptop and I can keep working.
Philip: I can't leave it. But I'm sure Maggie would let you borrow her tablet. I'll send you the document.
Sarah: Good idea.
Ava: But you have to keep quiet. Because if anyone finds out that I am alive--
Tripp: What about Joey? He's in prison for killing you. And if you're not dead, then he shouldn't be there.
Ava: I am only alive by the grace of god and Rolf. So Joey deserves to serve every single second of his sentence for what he did to me.
Tripp: But he knows what he did was wrong, and he regrets it. And if you're alive, then maybe he can be released on time served.
Ava: One thing that you'll learn about me, my darling, is that I am more of an old testament kind of gal. Joey can stay right where he is.
Tripp: But Steve and Kayla miss him so much. I mean, it broke Kayla's heart.
Ava: I don't care. I don't give a damn about Kayla's heart, and any pain that she has suffered from losing her son, it is nothing, nothing compared to the pain that I have suffered from losing you all these years. Tripp, look, I know that you are confused, and this is crazy, and you feel overwhelmed, but... we have a chance to build a real relationship, and I want that more than anything. The only way that we are gonna have that chance is if you keep my secret.
Tripp: Even if I do, it won't do any good. I mean, Allie knows that you're alive. What if she goes to the police?
Ava: I doubt that she's gonna go to the cops, given that she was in the process of committing a crime when I walked in.
Allie: I was so close to pulling that trigger.
Nicole: But you didn't. Because you are not your mother. You are not Sami. You have a conscience and a heart. So you did do the right thing, Allie. I am proud of you for that.
Allie: Don't be. The only reason I didn't shoot him was because I was practically tackled from behind.
Nicole: Did Steve come home?
Allie: It wasn't Tripp's dad. It was his mom.
[Knocking at door]
Xander: What are you doing here? We've broken up. You hate me. If Philip finds out this is a dodge--
Sarah: Oh, my gosh, will you calm down? Philip is not gonna find out. Also, I wanted to come and tell you that Philip and I started working together on the charity benefit, but then he had to go to the office, and he took his computer with him.
Xander: So I guess no chance to find anything?
Sarah: [Gasps] You guessed wrong. Do you really think that I would risk showing up here empty-handed?
Brady: Well, look, as much as I've enjoyed catching up, I have to relieve Rachel's babysitter or she's gonna kill me.
Chloe: I can understand that. Well, I cannot wait to meet your beautiful little girl.
Brady: Well, we are in room 2119. You are more than welcome to visit.
Chloe: Thank you. I will do that.
Brady: You better. Don't be a stranger. Chlo. It's really, really great to have you back.
Chloe: Salem will always be home.
Brady: Yeah.
[Soft dramatic music]
Maggie: Oh, my goodness, you know the miniature stockings in pediatrics-- they're just darling. The children are so excited about the Christmas party.
Kayla: Yeah--I'm sorry, what did you say?
Maggie: You were million miles away. Is everything okay?
Kayla: I hope so.
Nicole: Tripp's mom?
[Stammers] You mean Kayla?
Allie: No, his real mom.
Nicole: Ava. Well, Allie, that's-that's impossible. Ava Vitali is dead.
Allie: Not anymore.
Tripp: Yeah, maybe you're right. Allie won't say anything about you, 'cause she would get in trouble too.
Ava: You see? Problem solved.
Tripp: But even if she does, I'm sorry, I can't keep this from my dad.
Ava: Okay, I understand. But for right now, only you can know that I'm alive. Please, Tripp.
Tripp: My dad has stood by me, believed in me through this whole rape mess. He's never doubted me. He's never wavered. Always put me first. So I have to show him that same loyalty. I'm sorry, I-I can't keep this from him. I won't.
Ava: Your father's son.
[Dramatic music]
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