Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 12/3/20
Episode #13908 ~ A desperate Allie takes a page from her mother; Steve and Lucas have a tense confrontation; Eli crashes Lani's prenatal appointment; Chloe returns to Salem.
Provided By Suzanne
Kayla: Well, I can see we are getting very close to your due date.
Lani: Which means you and I will be seeing a lot of each other, right?
Kayla: Yes, we will. Are you ready to get started?
Lani: Are you kidding me? I am ready to have these babies.
[Knocking on door]
Kayla: Oh, that's probably the nurse. Come on in.
Lani: What are you doing here?
Eli: I'm here for the appointment.
Lani: Why? It's my appointment.
Eli: And those are my kids.
Nicole: No. That actually sounds great. Yes.
[Knocking on door] Oh, you know what? I've gotta run, but can we go over the rest of this later? Okay. Thank you. Bye.
[Cell phone beeps]
Brady: Hi.
Nicole: Brady.
Brady: This a bad time?
Nicole: No. It's just that I, um...haven't seen you in forever.
Brady: I know. My hands have been kind of full. I know yours have too. I was hoping to catch you alone though. You alone?
Nicole: Well, lucky for you, holly's in school.
Brady: I figured. What about Henry?
Nicole: Allie took him out earlier. I just got a text. Lucas has the baby.
Steve: Somebody's all bundled up.
Lucas: Yeah, he is. Your grandson and mine.
Steve: He's a beautiful baby, but he's not my grandson.
Lucas: You must be pretty relived that Tripp got away with what he did to my daughter, aren't you?
Steve: What? What are you talking about?
Lucas: You don't know? Really? The London authorities called. They've decided not to press charges against your rapist son.
["Joy to the king" plays in background]
Ava: Look, there's really-- there's not much to explain. Philip ran up some big-time gambling debts with my family's organization.
Kristen: That was stupid.
Ava: Yeah, but he agreed to pay us back by laundering money through titan.
Kristen: I'm just surprised that he's willing to dirty his father's name.
Ava: Victor Kiriakis? He's not exactly the deacon of the church. And besides, Philip is cooking the company's books, so no one will ever know what we're doing.
Kristen: [Sighs] Well, unless Xander decides to make a pest of himself.
Ava: Philip does say that Xander is desperate for victor's approval. He'll try to get anything on Philip that he can.
Kristen: Hmm. You don't seem too worried about it.
Ava: I'm not. I told Philip to deal with Xander, and if he doesn't, I will.
Kristen: Look, I was hoping to get out of here early for being a good little girl, so I really need to stop hearing whatever it is that you have on your mind.
Ava: Okay, it's fine. You won't. Anyway, I need to get out of here--I'm gonna try and nose around that guard's desk. Find out who leaked my information to Xander. You take care of yourself.
Kristen: You too.
[Dramatic music]
Ava: Oh, my god.
Kristen: What? What is it?
Ava: This is my son. Look at this--my son is being accused of rape.
[Knocking on door]
Tripp: What are you doing here?
Allie: I thought you'd want to hear the news.
Tripp: What news?
Allie: The London police called me.
Tripp: Yeah, they called me too.
Allie: So I'm guessing they told you that they decided not to charge you, because that's what they told me.
Tripp: Are you kidding me? It's over?
Allie: Not exactly.
Tripp: Allie, what the hell are you doing?
Allie: What does it look like? The cops might have let you get away with what you did to me, but I sure as hell won't.
Announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Steve: Thank god this is finally over.
Lucas: For you maybe. But not my daughter--when Allie found out--when she got the call, she was devastated.
Steve: I'm sorry, man.
Lucas: No you're not. Don't tell me that. You're not sorry. You only care about your son. Your delinquent son. All you care about is keeping him out of jail. You don't care about Allie, and her pain, and her fear. And the fact she had to work up all that courage just to come forward and tell everybody what happened, only to have it dismissed.
Steve: She wasn't dismissed, all right? They looked into her claim.
Lucas: Claim? What are you talking about? This baby--this baby is the result of what happened. How can you not see that?
Steve: That baby is not proof that Tripp hurt Allie.
Lucas: No, he didn't hurt Allie--he raped her! Your son raped my daughter.
Steve: Okay, okay--
Lucas: And now, she's gotta live with it forever. She's got to raise this son. She's a child herself. She's got to do it all on her own while your son walks around like nothing happened. That kid belongs behind bars.
Kristen: My god. Rape.
Ava: Okay, read it to me. What happened, when, and what were the circumstances?
Kristen: It doesn't have any of that information in here. It is short on detail right now.
Ava: Okay. I need to get to my son.
Kristen: Whoa, whoa, Ava. You really want to do that?
Ava: Of course I do. What do you mean?
Kristen: You are wanted by the police. You'll face kidnapping charges if anyone knows that you're alive, and you can go to prison.
Ava: I don't care what happens to me. I need to put my son first.
Tripp: Is that a real gun?
Allie: Mm-hmm. And the bullets are real too. And it's fully loaded.
Tripp: Where the hell did you get a gun?
Allie: From a lockbox that my grandma keeps. I knew she kept one there, and I figured out the combination.
Tripp: So what? You came here to scare me, right?
Allie: I came here to bring you to justice. No one else is willing to do it, so I figured I'd do it myself.
Tripp: Allie, there's a reason they decided not to press charges against me.
Allie: Right, because I'm a liar. I'm a stupid, reckless party girl who couldn't possibly remember her own body...
Tripp: Allie.
Allie: Being--shut up! Shut up. I am done listening to you. I am done listening to everyone who thinks it's fine to just let you off the hook. You are going to face up to what you did, and you're going to start by telling the truth about what you did that night.
Nicole: I talked to Eric earlier, and he'd like to know the latest on how your dad's doing.
Brady: Uh, well, I just came from the courthouse, and he's better. He's out on bail, and Marlena took him home.
Nicole: Well, that's a relief.
Brady: Yeah.
Nicole: But I'm guessing you didn't come all the way over here to tell me that.
Brady: [Laughs] No, no, I actually wanted to talk to you about something pretty important.
Nicole: Okay. Concerning?
Brady: You and me.
Lani: You don't need to be here.
Eli: I want to be here.
Lani: And I want you to leave.
Kayla: You know, I think I'll just step outside and let you guys settle this, okay?
Eli: No, Kayla, there's nothing to settle--I've been in all of Lani's other appointments. I want to be here at this one.
Lani: You don't get to decide that.
Eli: I have a right to know how my babies are doing.
Lani: Fine. You can stay--but only because I don't want Kayla waiting around while we just argue.
Eli: Fine. Let's do it.
Lani: Don't get too comfortable.
Ava: My son needs me.
Kristen: Hey, hey, hey. You can't just race out of here when you're this upset. You could get careless and make a mistake.
Ava: Well, I cannot just sit around and do nothing.
Kristen: I'm just saying that you need to calm down and think this through. You know, figure out the best way to approach Tripp. You know, come up with a disguise or something, so no one will recognize you.
Ava: I don't have time for that--my son is being prosecuted for rape.
Kristen: No, no, no. I read in there that D.A. Trask is not pressing charges.
Ava: Well, then who is doing this? Who is saying these terrible things about my son?
Tripp: Allie, I've already told you, okay, I didn't do anything.
Allie: Then how did I get pregnant? Why does my son have your DNA?
Tripp: I wish I could explain that, okay, but I can't. I have no idea how that possibly could have happened.
Allie: I do. You took me home that night, in London, and you assaulted me. And then, a few months later, I gave birth to your son.
Tripp: Look, I can't talk to you while you're holding a loaded gun.
Allie: All right, then if you don't want to talk, how about I just shoot you right now? What's it going to be?
Nicole: You want to talk about us?
Brady: Yeah. It's something I've been thinking about for a while. Ah, ha--let me start from the beginning okay?
Nicole: Okay.
Brady: When I came back to Salem, after my dad had his aneurysm, it was just going to be temporary... because Kristen was on the run, and I wanted to get back to her and Rachel as soon as possible. That was the plan, right? And...well, then things changed in a way in which I could never have imagined.
Nicole: Did john have a setback?
Brady: No, no, no. He handled his medical crisis. And Marlena's taking care of him, and he's out on bail, from the Jan Spears incident. It's...Kristen. Kristen's behind bars. She's going to be in Statesville for a couple years, Nic, and that means I need to be close by. I need to figure out my life here, and I know that means I'm gonna be a single parent to Rachel. And...I'm also gonna want to work.
Nicole: And that makes sense.
Brady: Yeah.
Nicole: Yeah. Do you have any idea of what you want to do?
Brady: Yeah, I do. I would like to come back to basic black with you, as your partner.
Nicole: I don't think so.
Lani: Is there anything else that I need to know about, before my next appointment?
Kayla: Well, I remembered that you weren't able to go to the originally scheduled Lamaze class, so I enrolled you in the next one coming up. Which happens to be tomorrow.
Lani: Thank you. That's great.
Kayla: My pleasure. I have the class schedule right here--one for you, and one for your coach.
Eli: I'll take that.
Lani: Excuse me?
Eli: I'm your coach.
Lani: Like hell you are.
Steve: Did it ever occur to you that the reason my son isn't behind bars is because he's innocent?
Lucas: Nope. Not once.
Steve: There's no proof.
Lucas: There's a DNA test, Steve.
Steve: That was a mistake.
Lucas: A mistake, really? Your wife ran the test four times. Come on, man.
Steve: Well, I can't explain that, but I can tell you that I know my son, and he could never do anything like what Allie says he did.
Lucas: So now she's a liar, too, right?
Steve: I didn't say that.
Lucas: Yeah, you did. You know what, I'm not gonna make a scene here. Why don't you just get out of here and go enjoy your victory.
Steve: No, don't make a scene, but let me tell you something. There are no winners here, Lucas, okay? Everyone is upset about this. What happened to Allie is terrible...but it doesn't prove that my son did it.
Lucas: I know it's hard for you to accept that your son would be capable of doing something so horrible. But you gotta remember he's not just your son. He's Ava Vitali's son too. He's capable of anything.
["We three kings" playing in background]
Kristen: It doesn't say who the woman is. Sometimes they protect the identity of the victim.
Ava: She is not "the victim," Kristen. She is the accuser. This is probably why he looked so dejected the other day when I saw him in the park.
Kristen: He didn't see you, did he?
Ava: No. I kept my distance. But when he got up, he looked so lost. It was like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Look, now that I know what he's facing, I have to go. I have to go and comfort him.
Kristen: You know what? I understand. I understand that instinct. I truly do, but Ava, he is not being charged. He is not going to prison.
Ava: And it doesn't matter, because the damage has already been done. His picture is all over the news with the word rapist next to it. This is gonna completely ruin his life.
Allie: So you want to talk, or should I...
Tripp: No, no. I'll talk okay? I'll talk.
Allie: Go ahead.
Tripp: I want you to know that--
Allie: Say it. Say what you did to me.
Tripp: The thing is--
Allie: Stop stalling! Oh, my god, I cannot take this.
Tripp: Look, okay, I know that you're frustrated and angry, okay, and I wish I could give you an explanation, but I can't, all right? All I can say, again, is that I am incredibly sorry about what happened to you.
Allie: It didn't just happen--you made it happen. There's proof.
Tripp: Okay, then why did they decide not to prosecute me here, in Salem?
Allie: Because the D.A. can't prosecute you--you raped me in a different jurisdiction.
Tripp: Yeah, and so Trask sent the case to London. And you just told me that they're not gonna pursue this over there either.
Allie: You're a freaking medical student--aren't you supposed to understand scientific proof? Kayla ran the DNA test four times.
Tripp: I know.
Allie: Okay? And there was two different ones, and they both were matches.
Tripp: Allie, please just put the damn gun down!
Allie: Not until you answer me! Not until you admit it--how many tests is it going to take before you admit you're Henry's father? There's only one way that could have happened!
Tripp: I've told you--
Allie: I want the truth!
Tripp: Fine, fine, I'll tell you, all right? The truth is... we had sex that night, okay?
Brady: I don't understand. Is there a problem or--
Nicole: Uh, yeah, Brady. There is a problem. And it goes all the way back to when you left me high and dry at basic black. Do you remember that? So you could take the reins at titan, you know, no warning, no notice. You just up and disappeared.
Brady: Okay, okay, l--Nic, I'm really sorry about that. There were extenuating circumstances. You know, I was just trying to get revenge on victor for leading me to believe that my daughter was dead for almost a year. You can't blame me for that.
Nicole: I don't.
Brady: I was pissed.
Nicole: I don't blame you for that. But I do blame you for not considering how your big move would affect me, your partner. Your friend. You didn't even have the common courtesy to give me a heads-up, Brady.
Brady: You're right. You're right.
Nicole: Oh, god... I know that you were angry and hurt, but so was I. For leaving me alone, to fend for myself, because you had a personal score to settle.
[Sighs] I don't want this to sound harsh...but if I couldn't count on you then, why should I believe I can count on you now?
Steve: I'm well aware that Tripp is Ava's son. But you should know, as well as anyone, that a son doesn't necessarily turn out like his mother.
Lucas: We're not talking about me--don't turn it around.
Steve: Tripp made some bad choices. I admit that, but he's gotten past it. He's a good person with a bright future.
Lucas: Good people do bad things all the time, man. It happens.
Steve: Not this time.
Lucas: You're in denial. Tripp and this baby share the same DNA. Your wife ran the test several times. She's the chief of staff. You're the only one who believes your son is innocent. How does that work between you and Kayla? How does she feel about your crazy state of denial?
Steve: I'm not in denial, but I'll tell you something. This whole situation is tearing my family apart.
Lucas: Well, maybe you don't want advice from me, but I'm gonna give it to you anyway. If you're the only one who believes that your son is innocent, you're the one tearing your family apart.
Eli: Of course I'm gonna be your Lamaze coach.
Lani: No. You're not. You see, I get to decide who my coach is gonna be.
Kayla: You know what? I have some patients to see, so I'm going to leave this other schedule right over here, and the two of you can sort it out okay?
Lani: Kayla, I'm sorry.
Kayla: Don't worry about it. I'll see you next week, all right? Eli.
Lani: You can leave now.
Eli: No. Not until we settle this.
Lani: There is nothing else to settle. Eli, you're not gonna be my coach.
Eli: Then who is?
Lani: I will find someone.
Eli: Really, Lani? Who are you gonna find, on such short notice?
Lani: I don't know. I can't ask my father, because apparently he's on your side. And wait. I can't ask my best friend, because she's in prison, because of you.
Eli: Oh, my god. I'm sick and tired of you throwing that in my face!
Kristen: For a long time, I was certain that what people thought of me was etched in stone. That I couldn't change anyone's mind. But I'll tell you it is possible.
Ava: Not for Tripp. Not after people see those headlines--that is it. This is going to follow him wherever he goes. Forever.
Kristen: No, no, I don't think so. I don't think so. Once this tabloid frenzy dies down, they're going to remember what's important. And that is that Tripp wasn't charged, because he didn't do what that woman accused him of.
Ava: No, no, no.
Kristen: You just have to give him time--you have to give time to yourself.
Ava: But I can't. I can't. Not when I know what he's going through. He's suffering. If you had seen him that day, he was so lost. He was so alone. And at times like these, he needs his mother.
Kristen: Okay, Ava, Ava. He doesn't know you. He doesn't even know you're alive, so if you're gonna go reveal yourself to him, you better think of one important possibility. What if Tripp turns you in?
Allie: So you admit it.
Tripp: Well, you're not giving me much choice.
Allie: Keep talking. I want to hear the rest.
Tripp: I just said we had sex.
Allie: We didn't have sex. You raped me.
Tripp: You asked me to explain the DNA results. That's what I'm trying to do.
Allie: Fine. Go ahead. Tell your version of what happened that night.
Tripp: The whole story?
Allie: Yes. I want details. Don't leave anything out.
Tripp: We met at a club in London. You were wasted. Falling-down drunk actually. I brought you home in a cab. We went up to your place. You kissed me.
Allie: And then what? And then what happened?
Tripp: I...undressed you. You undressed me. One thing led to another, and we had sex in your bed, and then I left.
Allie: What about that note that you said you left?
Tripp: You never found it, so...that means I must not have written it right? Are we done? Are you satisfied now?
Allie: Not even close.
Tripp: Why? I just admitted to everything.
Allie: Well, there's just one problem. You're lying.
Nicole: You abandoned me, Brady. You abandoned our company. Our employees, our clients.
Brady: I know. I know. I wasn't thinking straight, Nic. I...was mad at my grandfather. I-I-I was blinded with rage, but it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter, because you're right. It's no excuse for letting you down. And that is why I'm gonna do everything I possibly can to make it up to you. I want to talk to you about basic black.
Nicole: Oh, Brady.
Brady: I'm not pushing it. I'm just saying, when we were partners, when we were 50/50, it was a massive success. That re-launch was terrific. We were a good team. No. Damn it. We're an excellent team. You know it.
Nicole: Yeah. And when you ditched me, I was scrambling for weeks, trying to do damage control. Explain. Calm nerves. And you know, I had to work really hard, but I managed to right that ship. And now, everything's been smooth sailing okay?
Brady: And I applaud you for it, I really do, but I know how hard the job is. I know about the deadlines. I know about the meetings. I know about the constant pressure. You used to have a partner that would handle half of that for you. And now, you're by yourself.
Nicole: I'm fine, Brady.
Brady: Are you sure? Because I would think with the pressure you have at work and the stress you have at home, now it would be overwhelming, honestly.
Nicole: I'm sorry, what kind of stress are you referring to?
Brady: I'm not blind here. I see what's going on. I mean, look, Eric's a world away right? You're raising holly by yourself. You have Allie and Henry living here, as well. That's a lot. That's a lot on your plate. I think now is the time when we can help each other a lot. Let's team up again. Let's take basic black right to the top. You know we can do it together.
Nicole: That's a huge request.
Brady: I know. I know. Tell you what. I don't meet your expectations, I will gladly let you kick my butt out the office door. No questions asked. What do you say?
Lani: You're yelling at me when I am eight months pregnant.
Eli: Oh, my god. Your doctor just said you're doing fine okay. I've been holding my tongue for weeks. It's only so long that you can lay into me about Kristen before I lose my damn mind.
Lani: Is that right?
Eli: Honey, don't you get it? I did what I did to keep you out of prison. To make sure that you didn't give birth behind bars.
Lani: And my best friend. Kristen just doesn't matter.
Eli: Oh, my god, would you just stop about Kristen? She plunged a knife into a man's chest. Hell, she tried to kill victor. She should pay for that. Not you.
Lani: She is paying for it! Eli, you ripped her family apart. Her daughter is traumatized.
Eli: You know what? You can put that guilt trip on me until the end of time. I'm not apologizing for it. There was no way that I was gonna let Trask lock you up.
Lani: I talked to Trask. She was about to drop the charges against Kristen.
Eli: Yeah, and I didn't know that at the time. I was busy trying to protect my wife. You know, the mother of my children. You know, if I can go back and do it all over again, I would do the exact same thing.
Lani: You know what? You are unbelievable.
Eli: Lani, if you're looking for another apology out of me, you can forget it. I have had it up to here with apologizing for something that any man, husband, or father would do for the woman that he loves. I wasn't wrong then, and I'm not wrong now. You are.
Tripp: So no matter what I say it's wrong?
Allie: I asked for details.
Tripp: I told you the whole story.
Allie: You told me nothing. That was lies.
Tripp: Allie.
Allie: Here's one detail you left out--I said no. And here's another thing you left out. You pinned me to the bed against my will. But your so-called admission makes it sound like what happened that night was consensual. I kissed you. I undressed you. Maybe so. But that does not give you the right to force yourself on me, which you did, so admit it.
Tripp: Okay, you know what? This is ridiculous, all right? That story I just told you about us having sex-- I made it up.
Allie: What?
Tripp: It didn't happen, okay? I was just telling you what I thought you wanted to hear so you wouldn't shoot me.
Allie: Well, you left out the most important part which is when you pinned me down and raped me.
Tripp: That is not true! Okay. Look. I'm willing to go pretty damn far to save my own life, but not that far...okay? I will not say that I raped you when I didn't.
Allie: You need to tell the truth. Last chance.
Tripp: Fine, fine. I'll tell you. Okay. The truth is... I did not rape you. We didn't even have sex that night, okay, and I actually did write that note. But clearly, you never found it.
Allie: And clearly, you're not going to cooperate. You're still lying. You. You are still being the sick rapist you've always been. And I'm not gonna let you do that.
Tripp: What do you mean?
Allie: I'm not gonna let you do this to anyone ever again.
Tripp: You're really gonna kill me?
Allie: I never said I was going to kill you.
[Elevator chimes]
Steve: Hi.
Kayla: Hi. What are you doing here?
Steve: I have some news about Tripp.
Kayla: Mm-hmm.
Steve: I wanted to tell you in person. The authorities in London are not going to pursue a case against him.
Kayla: Okay.
Steve: You seem disappointed.
Kayla: I didn't say anything.
Steve: You didn't have to. I can see it in your face. Listen, can we go in your office and talk?
Kayla: No. I'd really rather not talk about it.
Steve: We have to talk about it, Kayla. Baby. Every time we see each other there's all this tension and anger under the surface. Earlier today, it boiled over into that big argument, and Tripp was right in the other room. I'm still shook up about it.
Kayla: Yeah. So am I. But I'm not gonna tiptoe around my own house. I have nothing to hide from Tripp. He knows exactly what I think.
Steve: Yeah. And you're entitled to think it. But sweetness, what I'm trying to say is it's over okay. They're not pressing charges in London. That's the end of it.
Kayla: Well, as far as the law is concerned, yeah. Mm-hmm.
Steve: What about as far as we're concerned, huh? Come on, sweetness. We both know they've exhausted all the legal avenues, and that means it's over, no matter where we come down on it. That's the end of it. We can't change the outcome, so we have to learn to live with it together. How can we let this tear us apart? Please. We have to get past it.
Ava: Tripp is not going to turn me in. He is my son. He wouldn't do that to me.
Kristen: You don't know that. You don't even know each other, do you?
Ava: No. No, we don't.
Kristen: Look, remember when we were in Italy, and you told me that story about your father making you give him up as a baby. You know, you never finished that story, and I'd really love to hear it.
Ava: I don't have time for that right now, Kristen. My son is in trouble, and he needs me. And I want to be there for him.
Kristen: You need to think about this. Are you really willing to risk your freedom? Because if you go to him right now, that is exactly what you'd be doing.
Tripp: If you're not gonna kill me, then what are you going to do?
Allie: What my mom did. It's funny. I've spent my whole life hating my mom. Hating how she was always trying to control me. Control everything. But...after I learned about what happened to her today, I think I finally understand what that's all about. And I realized that what I really need to do is be more like her.
Tripp: And what did you find out about her?
Allie: My dad told me that she was raped when she was younger than I am now.
Tripp: Oh, my god.
Allie: She reported it. Pressed charges. They went to court. Guess who won. The rapist. Surprise, surprise. They let him off, just like you. So my mom took the law into her own hands. Got her own justice. And she made sure that that guy would never--could never rape anyone else again.
Tripp: How, uh, how did she do that?
Allie: She shot him. In the groin. Which is exactly what I'm gonna do to you.
Lani: This is the attitude you have, and you expect to be my coach?
Eli: Lani, I don't expect anything from you except criticism. Every time we see each other, it just gets worse and worse. That's not good for you, and it's not good for the babies. So you're right. I shouldn't be involved.
Lani: What exactly does that mean?
Eli: It means you need to find yourself another coach, but I will be here when you deliver.
Lani: I can't ban you from the hospital.
Eli: You can't ban me from seeing my babies either. No matter how hard this gets, even if it gets to a point where you don't want to be married to me anymore, those will always be my children.
Kayla: I would like nothing better than to get past it.
Steve: That's not the impression I'm getting.
Kayla: Well, I would. Really. Look, I don't want to fight with you.
Steve: I don't want to fight with you either, sweetness. I love you.
Kayla: I love you too. And I'm sure that we can move on from this. It's just--I honestly don't know how we can, under these circumstances.
Steve: What circumstances?
Kayla: The three of us living under the same roof.
Steve: What are you saying?
Kayla: I think it's time for Tripp to move out.
Tripp: You can't be serious.
Allie: Oh, I'm dead serious. The legal system failed me. You won't admit what you did. This is my only way to get justice.
Tripp: Allie, think about what you're doing here!
Allie: All I've been doing is thinking--thinking about how unfair all this is. Thinking about how the hell you got off when there's DNA evidence. There's a baby.
Tripp: Think about what happens to the baby if you shoot me--you go to prison, okay? He'll be all alone.
Allie: Henry has Nicole. And maybe he'll be better off without me.
Tripp: You'll be behind bars for years.
Allie: It'll be worth it, because you won't get away with what you did. And you sure as hell won't rape anyone again. I'd say this won't hurt a bit, but--
Tripp: No, Allie, no, please!
Ava: Get the hell away from my son.
Tripp: Oh, my god. Mom?
Nicole: Okay.
Brady: You said okay.
Nicole: I did.
Brady: Really? Really?
Nicole: I said okay. The truth is, Brady, I miss you. As my partner. As my friend, and I think you're right. We can help each other. But the most important thing is I trust that you will do the job right.
Brady: I'm not gonna let you down.
Nicole: You better not. So when can you start?
Brady: Tomorrow. Let's do it tomorrow. I have a ton of ideas I want to share with you. They're all back at my place. I'm gonna send them to you.
Nicole: Okay wait, Brady, hang on a second, hang on a second.
Brady: Okay.
Nicole: Before you go, there's something you should know. I did hire someone else. Not--not as a partner, okay, but in a pretty big role.
Brady: Okay.
Nicole: It's someone you know.
Brady: Really?
Nicole: Mm-hmm.
Brady: Who is it?
[Knocking on door]
Nicole: Oh, I bet you that's her.
Brady: Her? Who's the mystery woman?
Nicole: Hi.
[Dramatic music]
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