Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 12/2/20
Episode #13907 ~ Charlie gets caught in a tug-of-war between Philip and Xander; Sarah tells Xander they have to break up; Allie gets upsetting news; Kayla and Steve get into a heated argument about Tripp and Allie.
Provided By Suzanne
That we work on a charity event together for titan.Xander: We, meaning you and he.
Sarah: Yes.
Xander: Weasel. He's just trying to get close to you so he can me off my game.
Sarah: Right. But he doesn't realize that I want to get close too.
Xander: You do.
Sarah: Yeah, so I can see what the hell he's up to.
Xander: So you agreed to help him.
Sarah: Yes. See, this is my opportunity to keep an eye on him and maybe get him to open up to me a bit. But I just have to get him to trust me first.
Xander: I'm not sure that's even possible.
Sarah: I have an idea. But you're not gonna like it.
Philip: I didn't realize the coffee shop was closed for a remodel. What the hell are you doing?
Allie: Hey.
Lucas: Hey, look at you. What a pleasant surprise.
Allie: Harold let us in. I hope we're not bothering you.
Lucas: You are actually bothering me. Can you leave and take my grandson with you? I want to catch up on the daily news here.
Allie: Right.
Lucas: You're fine. Come on. What is he doing? Is he sleeping again? Henry lucas, wake up.
Allie: It's his nap time, yeah.
Lucas: Oh, okay.
Allie: Anything in there about the da saying she has to give tripp a walk?
Lucas: I don't believe he got away with what he did to you.
Allie: Well, he might not.
Lucas: What do you mean?
Allie: Da trask said that she can forward everything she has on him to the metropolitan police in london.
Lucas: Really?
Allie: Yeah. She said that all I have to do is say I wanted it, and she will turn him over to them.
Lucas: And?
Allie: I did it. I told her to go ahead.
Steve: Ooh, okay. All the outdoor lights are finally up.
Tripp: You know, you don't have to wrap them around every branch on every tree in the yard.
Steve: What are you talking about? Christmas is coming. Patchy claus' favorite holiday.
Tripp: Yeah, I just spent the last two hours getting grilled by some english detectives, so I'm not really in a ho-ho-ho kind of place.
Steve: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. You just talked directly to a detective in london?
Tripp: Yeah, he kept asking me how the baby could have my dna if allie and i never had sex. I told him I didn't know how to explain that. The guy basically just called me a liar.
[Gentle holiday music]
Kayla: Claire.
Claire: Kayla.
Kayla: How are you doing?
Claire: I'm okay.
Kayla: Hasn't been much of a holiday season for you, has it?
Claire: No, no, not at all. I, uh, I just came from helping ben pack up ciara's stuff.
Kayla: That's a terribly sad thing to have to do.
Claire: Yeah. He, uh, he gave me this locket. Ciara had put a picture of the two of us as kids inside. Just, it meant so much to me that she carried this so close to her heart.
Kayla: She carried it close to her heart, and now you're carrying it close to yours. And nobody can break that connection.
[Claire sighs]
Philip: I asked you a question, charlie. What are you doing on my laptop?
Charlie: I know what this looks like, mr. Kiriakis. But, you see, well, my laptop froze, and I knew that you'd want the latest market quotes.
Philip: Did your phone freeze too?
Charlie: No, I-I left that at home.
Philip: Sounds like you're having a really bad day. It's gonna get a lot worse if you don't start telling me the truth.
Charlie: Mr. Kiriakis is stealing?
Xander: That's why we have to meet here instead of titan. I can't risk him overhearing us. Are you sure I can count on your help?
Charlie: I owe you for all the advice about claire, so however i can help, I'm in.
Xander: Good. Well, really, I'm just-- you work for both of us. I was hoping for some insight. Have you noticed any odd behavior?
Charlie: Not that I can think of.
Xander: So no evidence of embezzlement then.
Charlie: Embezzlement? No. Do you have any proof?
Xander: Why wouldn't i like your idea? If you can get the goods on philip, I guarantee you, I'll love it.
Sarah: Even if it means we break up?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Kayla: I heard what happened at your parents' wedding.
Claire: Their almost wedding. Mom and dad kept telling me that jan was still off her rocker, even though she seemed okay, and I just-- I wouldn't believe them.
Kayla: Well, she is not okay.
Claire: Yeah, and now jan is in a coma, and my grandpa john is in jail.
Kayla: Yeah, I had wanted to reach out to marlena and see if there was something I could do. But I don't think that she really wants to hear from me right now.
Claire: Because of what's happened with tripp and allie?
Kayla: Yeah.
Claire: Everything is just such a mess.
Kayla: Yeah.
Claire: Aunt kayla, uh, you believe tripp. I mean, I know that he's denied what allie has accused him of.
Kayla: Yes. Vehemently, he has. And I would like to believe him. But he and the baby are a dna match.
Claire: So, not only is tripp a racist, he is also a liar.
Kayla: Well, his father doesn't believe that.
Claire: I didn't want to believe it either. But now I'm starting to wonder if everything I've ever thought about tripp was a lie.
Lucas: Well, you know, allie, I think you're making the right decision. I think that this is the first step, you know, to putting that night behind you.
Allie: I don't think I'll ever put that night behind me.
Lucas: I know. I know that. I'm sorry I said that.
Allie: Dad, it's okay.
Lucas: It was stupid.
Allie: It's okay.
Lucas: I didn't mean to.
Allie: I know that you meant that to be comforting. And getting justice-- well, I don't think it's going to make me forget that night, but I think it'll help-- I don't know. I think it'll help me start figuring out what I want to do with my life, and henry'S.
Lucas: Well, if the authorities in london do decide to press charges against tripp, you'd probably have to go there to testify.
Allie: Yeah, I know.
Lucas: So I'm thinking maybe this would be a good time to tell your mother what's happened to you.
Allie: I don't think there's ever going to be a good time to do that.
Lucas: I know. I know she can be a handful.
Allie: A handful? She's a tsunami. I mean, remember how she was when she found out I was pregnant?
Lucas: Yeah. I remember.
Allie: She just came in here and she screwed everything up. I mean, she didn't give a damn about what I wanted.
Lucas: I know, I know. I can't argue with that. You're right.
Allie: If she found out that--if she found out that I was raped because I was too drunk to stop it from happening, she's just gonna say it's all my fault.
Lucas: Well, I don't know about that. I think you might be surprised, you know, to see how sympathetic she'd be.
Allie: Sympathetic? Mom?
Lucas: Listen, I... I really hate to be the one to tell you this, but... when your mom was younger than you, um, same thing happened to her.
Allie: Oh my god. No, no. Mom? She was...raped?
Lucas: Yeah.
Ava: I got here as fast as I could. What did you want to tell me?
Kristen: Guess who paid me a visit. None other than mr. Xander kiriakis.
Xander: I thought I-- you know, I really thought that we'd worked everything out. I know you hate the way I live my life, but I thought you were ready to handle philip my way, for the good of the company.
Sarah: How can someone so underhanded be so thick?
Xander: Thick. Are you talking about me?
Sarah: Yes. We're not gonna really break up, you dope. We're just gonna make philip think we did.
Xander: Yeah, I mean, I knew you were putting me on, I was just playing along.
Sarah: Right.
Xander: It's my skills as an actor that got me where I am today. I'm sorry, but you fell for it. You should just--
Sarah: Sure. No. Sure, I did. And I was devastated. Do you want to hear this plan or not?
Xander: I'll hear it, but just to make sure we're on the same page.
Sarah: All right. So, if we can make philip believe that we've broken up, then I will have all the more reason to spend more time with him.
Xander: Yeah, I hate that.
Sarah: Will you just listen? I'm gonna make him trust me, and then maybe he'll open up to me about what he's doing.
Xander: I still don't think he's gonna shoot his mouth off to you.
Sarah: Yeah, well I did think about that. But if he and I are closer, then maybe I could just figure it out on my own. But we have to do a really good job of convincing philip that I am done with you, because if he thinks that we're working together, then I'm not gonna figure out anything.
Xander: Exactly.
Sarah: So, are you in?
[Xander sighs]
Philip: Well, what do you have to say for yourself, charlie?
Charlie: I told you the truth, mr. Kiriakis. I needed your laptop to get today's market quotes.
Philip: You know what? It's fine. You don't have to tell me a thing.
Charlie: I don't?
Philip: No. 'Cause you're fired.
Charlie: What?
Philip: I'll just call security and have them escort you out of the building.
Charlie: You don't-you don't need to do that, mr. Kiriakis. Look. You're right. I was using your laptop 'cause I was trying to spy on you.
Philip: Charlie, why?
Charlie: Because the other mr. Kiriakis put me up to it. We're all putting things off, especially in these times.
Steve: Hey, son. I don't want you to worry about this, okay?
Tripp: Yeah, kind of a tall order.
Steve: I'm gonna talk to justin. We're gonna figure out the best way to handle this. Hey. I got your back. No matter what happens, you know I'm here for you.
Kayla: Finding out about tripp must have been really hard on you.
Claire: Well, I was in love with tripp. Obsessed, more like it. That--it just-it feels like another lifetime. Another me. I'm, uh, I'm actually dating someone really nice now.
Kayla: Really?
Claire: Yeah.
Kayla: That's so great. I would love to meet him sometime. Listen, I need to run, okay? I want you to have a good christmas, all right?
Claire: Yeah, you too.
Kayla: I love you, baby.
Claire: I love you too.
Kayla: Okay.
Philip: Why did xander ask you to spy on me?
Charlie: He thinks that you're up to something.
Philip: And you just went along with what he wanted?
Charlie: He is my boss. I mean, you're my boss too, but it seems like you guys really hate each other, and it's not easy working for you both.
Philip: I can see that, I guess.
Charlie: And he was here. And you weren'T. And to be honest with you, I didn't feel like I had a choice.
Philip: I'm sorry he put you in that situation, charlie. But I'm sure you understand you have to stop spying on me for him. Right now.
Charlie: Should I tell mr. Kiriakis--the other mr. Kiriakis--why?
Philip: No, no. Don't tell him a thing. Just keep him thinking he's gonna get what he wants. Just tell him you can't find what he's looking for. In the meantime, keep me posted on everything he says and does.
Charlie: For how long?
Philip: Until I tell you to stop.
Charlie: But if I keep stalling him, then he's gonna get upset.
Philip: Or maybe he finally accepts that there's nothing to get on me.
Charlie: Maybe.
Philip: Charlie, you're new here. You have no idea how a family empire works. But this is how it goes. See, xander, he sees himself as misunderstood and unappreciated. But he brought all the problems upon himself. He's jealous of the position I have. And he's not working hard enough to prove himself. He does things like-like getting you to spy on me. And having me arrested for assaulting a woman like jan spears. And it never works out for him. He just keeps getting on thinner and thinner ice with my father. So you see, you've been backing the wrong horse. Lucky for you, you've seen the error of your ways and decided to back a winner. Now that you're with me, we'll go all the way to the finish line, charlie. Together. My husband and I have never eaten healthier.
Kayla: Well, you guys did a great job on the christmas lights.
Tripp: Dad did them all by himself.
Kayla: How'd you get out of it?
Tripp: I was busy. Hey, uh, excuse me.
Kayla: What's that about?
Steve: Well, he got a call from a detective in london. Allie gave the da permission to turn the case over to them.
Kayla: And they called tripp already? That was quick.
Steve: That's all you have to say?
Kayla: Steve, allie has a right to do that.
Steve: Hmm. Sounds like you think it's a good thing.
Allie: So, you said mom was younger than me when it happened?
Lucas: Yeah. Yeah, she was in high school.
Allie: God. Did she know the guy?
Lucas: She did. Yeah, his name was alan harris. And your mom had a huge crush on him. But he was into your mom's sister, carrie. But, um, you know, she wanted to get him to like her, so she invited him over, made him dinner, and because the place was empty, he thought he could do whatever he wanted to her, so--
Allie: Oh, my god. That'S...that's awful. What did mom do? Did she go to the police?
Lucas: Yeah. It wasn't easy for her, but she did. He was arrested, and there was a trial, but it was... trial ended because there was no evidence. You know, there was no rape kit, and it was his word against hers. And you know how that goes.
Allie: So she didn't get any justice either?
Lucas: Well...
Allie: What? What happened? Dad, you need to tell me all of it.
Lucas: Let's just say your mom got her own kind of justice, okay?
Ava: Well, I know that you and xander have sort of a history.
Kristen: You might say that. He worked for me for a while, and then later on, he did the worst thing that anyone's ever done to me.
Ava: Okay, so why did he come to see you?
Kristen: He didn't exactly come to see me. He wanted information about a woman named angela vandekamp. When the guard said I had a visitor, you're the last person I expected.
Xander: What's the matter? Can't a guy drop in on his old partner?
Kristen: Boss. What are you doing here, xander?
Xander: I want to know about angela vandekamp.
Kristen: Who?
Xander: Don't play dumb, kristin. I know somebody called angela vandekamp came to visit you the other day.
Ava: What?
Kristen: Yeah, I thought that would get your attention. He knows she came to see me. And he asked me all these questions about her involvement with titan industries.
Xander: I have to admit, the idea of you cozying up with philip makes me want to put my fist through a wall. But he would like nothing better than to be the bloke you turn to after you decide that I'm too dodgy.
Sarah: Mm-hmm. Telling me things that he normally wouldn'T.
Xander: Right.
Sarah: Then you'll do it?
Xander: [Exhales] I hate it. But yeah, I'll do it. Just so long as I know that you and I are, you know, the same.
Sarah: We do have to keep our distance, though. I mean, we really do have to make philip believe that, like, we cannot stand each other.
Xander: Can you do that?
Sarah: I mean, I'll just have to think back to when we first met and I did genuinely hate you.
Xander: You know, I don't remember you hating me body and soul. You sure you're ready to give up all this?
Sarah: My goodness. I mean, if it does result in getting rid of philip, I'm gonna have to manage.
Xander: So this might be our last chance to--
Sarah: I know.
Xander: Well then let's make it count.
Sarah: Get the hell off me.
It's totally normal to have
constipation with belly pain,
Xander: Bloody hell, what are you yelling about?
Sarah: You don't get to accuse me of sneaking around with philip behind your back and then come and kiss me.
Xander: You never minded before.
Sarah: Well, I do now.
Philip: Would somebody tell them what's going on here?
Sarah: Yeah. I told this jackass that we were gonna work together on the charity event, and then he said that it was a cover for some affair that you and I are apparently having.
Xander: Oh, don't act all innocent with me. I caught you two snogging over dinner.
Sarah: Oh, for god's sakes, xander, I don't even know what that means, but we definitely weren't doing it.
Xander: Then prove it. You tell him right now, as far as this concert goes, he's on his own.
Sarah: Philip, I was just wondering who you think the headliner should be.
Ava: I don't know how xander would know that angela vandekamp was involved with titan. Or that she came to visit you. How does-how does he even know that she exists?
Kristen: He wasn't exactly in the mood to share information. But it was obvious that he doesn't know that ava and angela are the same person.
Ava: So only asking you about angela.
Kristen: Yeah. But he does seem to know that she is in cahoots with philip somehow.
Ava: Well, philip knows not to call me by my name. I mean, even if he did, he knows who I really am, so he wouldn't call me by my alias.
Kristen: Right. And the only time that you used that name is--
Ava: When I came to visit you.
Charlie: [Breathing heavily]
[Tense music]
[Knocking softly] Hey, I was, uh, I was just about to call you.
Claire: Is everything okay?
Charlie: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why wouldn't it be?
Claire: I don't know. You just--you seem a little stressed.
Charlie: It's just work stuff.
Claire: Let me guess, you are dealing with the dueling kiriakises.
Charlie: Yeah, but they're out of the office now, so what brings what you by? Not that I'm not delighted to see you.
Claire: Two reasons: I brought you this smoothie, which I promise not to spill all over you this time.
Charlie: Thank you. Well, that's a-- that's a nice necklace. I didn't see it on you when I was with you earlier. Did you just buy it?
Claire: No. Ben gave it to me.
Charlie: Oh. Great.
Kayla: Do you think I'm happy that tripp is facing criminal prosecution?
Steve: Why not? You think he's guilty.
Kayla: I wish that none of this was happening. I love tripp. But allie is my niece, and I love her too. And she is a victim of a horrible crime. What do you suggest? What do you suggest she do, huh? Should she just act like it didn't happen because tripp said it didn't?
Steve: Kayla, how many times have paternity test results been messed with and switched in this town? If that's not reasonable doubt, I don't know what is.
Kayla: I supervised those tests myself, and you know it.
Steve: Oh, really? Did you live in the lab the whole time they were being run?
Kayla: Okay, now you are grasping at straws.
Steve: No, I don't think so.
Kayla: You are acting like I can't wait for the legal system to ruin tripp's life. I wish to god that he wasn't in this mess, but he is. And you--you are not helping him by denying his culpability. You love him so much--you say it all the time. If you really do, then you will help him to own up to what he did.
Allie: I get kind of scared when you say mom got her own kind of justice.
Lucas: Well, you know, her rapist was freed, and he was walking around town bragging about how he got away with it. Had a big smirk on his face. And, of course, your mom didn't like that too much. And she wanted to make sure that he would never rape anybody else.
Allie: I get that. So what did she do?
Lucas: She got a gun.
Allie: Oh, no.
Lucas: And she made sure that he would never rape anybody else again.
[Phone ringing]
Allie: It's the london police.
Lucas: Oh, get it, get it, get it, hurry.
Allie: Hello? This is allie horton. Are you calling to tell me that you'll be arresting tripp dalton? We are the thrivers.
Kristen: You can't think of any other way that xander found out about your alias?
Ava: Well, if he was having me followed, maybe. But as far as he knows, I am dead. So why would he have me followed?
Kristen: Well, he seems to think that there's a connection between angela vandekamp and titan. So how did he come up with that conclusion?
Ava: I have no idea.
Kristen: I wish I had an answer for you. All I can say is that I stonewalled him.
Ava: Well, thank you for that.
Kristen: Now that I've proven myself, I think I deserve to know why you're involved with philip kiriakis. What's going on between the two of you?
Xander: I wouldn't get cheeky if I were you. I meant it when I said I want you out of this charity thing.
Sarah: And I meant it when I said I'm doing it. I already texted melissa and asked her to use your contacts in the music industry.
Philip: Great idea.
Xander: If you don't stop this right now, you and i are finished.
Sarah: You and I are already finished, xander. I am so over it. You walk around with this whole, like, toxic masculine thing, and in reality, you are an insecure child.
Xander: Laying it on a bit thick, aren't we?
Philip: What did you just say?
Sarah: [Mouths "sorry"] I cannot believe that I thought that you changed. You are still the narcissistic goon you were when we first met, and I am so over making excuses for you. So if you cannot handle me being friends with another man, then this relationship is completely over.
[Dramatic music]
Charlie: So, ben got you a present. What's the occasion?
Claire: It wasn't a present. It was ciara'S. Yeah, I found it when I was helping him pack up her stuff, so he gave it to me.
Charlie: Oh, I see. Um, how-how is ben?
Claire: Well, how would you be doing if the love of your life was murdered?
Charlie: Terrible.
Claire: Yeah. Yeah, ben and I--we miss ciara every minute of every day.
Charlie: So you guys are--you and ben, you're pretty close?
Claire: Well, I mean, we have one thing in common. We both loved ciara.
Charlie: And is that it?
Claire: Why do you keep asking me about ben? Do you think there's something going on between us?
Allie: Okay. Thank you for telling me.
Lucas: What happened? What'd the guy say?
Allie: It was a woman. She said that her partner interviewed tripp and decided that there's no case against him.
Lucas: You've got to be kidding me. No case against him? What do they call this baby in the stroller?
Allie: The only thing henry proves is that we had sex. The cop said that hardly any he-said-she-said cases end up in a conviction. And they have a problem with the fact that I didn't report the rape for almost a year.
Lucas: You blocked it out, so you wouldn't remember it until you saw tripp.
Allie: I know. I know. Dad, they went back to my old flat. There's-- there's no physical evidence.
Lucas: How could there be? Somebody else lives there.
Allie: I know. It doesn't change the fact that they're not going to extradite tripp.
Lucas: You've got to be kidding me.
Allie: Dad, how could this be happening? I mean, he raped me when I was drunk. He got me pregnant. He changed my life forever. And now he gets to go to med school and be some big shot doctor, and I'm just gonna be the bimbo that he knocked up. It's just not right. We do it every night.
Kayla: You know, I happen to think that tripp needs to be accountable for his actions. And you obviously don'T. I mean, look at you. You turn this into some sort of twisted revenge fantasy.
Steve: Oh, for god's sake.
Kayla: Are you so worried about him that you just closed off your mind to all scientific evidence and logic?
[Beeper chimes] I need to get to the hospital. Which is a good thing, because I think we both need to cool off for a while.
Steve: Yeah, I agree.
Kayla: Ugh. Honestly.
Steve: Well, I guess you heard all that.
Tripp: You guys love each other, and I'm just screwing this up.
Steve: Don't worry about it, man. Look, we've been together long enough to know we both have fiery tempers. We'll get through it.
Tripp: I just want it to be over.
Steve: I know. I'm gonna go see justin. He doesn't know yet that it's been turned over to the london police. I want him up to speed if it goes to trial. Listen. No matter what happens, we're gonna get through this.
[Door opens, closes]
Lucas: I'm so sorry, honey. I am so sorry that tripp isn't gonna pay for what he did to you.
Allie: I don't know how I'm supposed to keep going. I mean, I kept telling myself that I'd be okay when tripp got what was coming to him.
Lucas: Well, listen, it doesn't look like that's gonna happen for now. So, you know, maybe we should start thinking about some other ways to help you. You know, I can support you in any way. We can definitely get you the help you need.
Allie: What, like a shrink?
Lucas: Grandma marlena is pretty good at what she does. I'm so sorry that you didn't get what you wanted out of this. But, you know, maybe therapy would be a good step--you know, a good first step to healing. You have to heal, honey.
Allie: You're right. I do need to find a way to heal. Do you think you could watch henry for a little while?
Lucas: Well, yeah. Yeah. Can I take him for a walk or something?
Allie: Sure. There's a bottle in his diaper bag, if he wakes up.
Lucas: All right. Take all the time you need, all right? I just want you to feel better. That's all.
Xander: If you want to waste your time with that little weasel, far be it from me to get in your way. I won't stay where I'm not wanted.
Philip: If that was true, you would have left this house a long time ago.
Xander: You know what, you deserve a loser like him.
Philip: I'm really sorry. I didn't want you to break up with my on my account.
Sarah: It's okay. I'm actually glad it happened. Deep down inside, I knew it was never gonna last. I'm just angry that I wasted so much time on him.
Ava: Look, there's really-- there's not much to explain. Philip ran up some big time gambling debts with my family's organization.
Kristen: That was stupid.
Ava: Yeah, but he agreed to pay us back by laundering money through titan.
Kristen: I'm just surprised that he's willing to dirty his father's name.
Ava: Victor kiriakis? He's not exactly the deacon of the church. And besides, philip is cooking the company's books, so no one will ever know what we're doing.
Kristen: Unless xander decides to make a pest of himself.
Ava: Well, philip does say that xander is desperate for victor's approval. He'll try to get anything on philip that he can.
Kristen: Hmm. You don't seem too worried about it.
Ava: I'm not. I told philip to deal with xander. And if he doesn't, I will. These are real people, not actors,
Charlie: No, it's just, I saw you and ben together, the way you were looking at each other, and you just seemed pretty close.
Claire: And so you think that means that we're a thing?
Charlie: It wouldn't be the craziest idea. Seems like every time I turn around, I trip over one of your ex-boyfriends.
Claire: Okay, look, I will never want to be in the same room as tripp dalton again. And ben and I will never, ever, ever be a thing. We didn't even like each other. Look, all that we have in common is that we loved ciara, and now she's gone. Charlie, I swear to you, ben and me--not gonna happen.
Charlie: Okay. I believe you.
Claire: Okay. So, now that we have that cleared up and both kiriakises are gone...
Charlie: Yeah?
Claire: Why don't we take your lunch break together?
Charlie: Okay.
Claire: Okay.
Charlie: Okay.
Claire: Okay.
Charlie: Wait. Shake. Let's blow this joint.
Philip: I think you're gonna see how much better off you are without xander in your life.
Sarah: I'm sure you're right. For now, it just hurts.
[Mischievous music]
[Henry babbles]
Lucas: Oh, I'm sorry.
Steve: Lucas.
Lucas: Hey, steve. I was just babysitting our grandson. Maybe you'd like to meet him.
Kristen: Look, I was hoping to get out of here early for being a good little girl, so I really need to stop hearing whatever it is that you have on your mind.
Ava: Okay, that's fine. You won'T. Anyway, I need to get out of here. I'm gonna try and nose around that guard's desk, find out who leaked my information to xander. You take care of yourself.
Kristen: You too.
Ava: Oh, my god.
Kristen: What? What is it?
Ava: This is my son.
[Knocking on door]
Tripp: Hey. What are you doing here?
Allie: I thought you'd want to hear the news.
Tripp: What news?
Allie: The london police called me.
Tripp: Yeah, they called me too.
Allie: So, I'm guessing they told you that they decided not to charge you? Because that's what they told me.
Tripp: [Stammers] Are you kidding me? It's over?
Allie: Not exactly.
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