Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 12/1/20
Episode #13906 ~ Xander grills Kristen about her mysterious visitor; Sarah tries to get Philip to open up about his time away from Salem; Charlie becomes wary of Claire's friendship with Ben; Jennifer and Bonnie make Jack and Justin jealous.
Provided By Suzanne
Charlie: I'm really glad you texted me this morning.Claire: Well, now that we are officially dating...
Charlie: Officially.
Claire: I thought that this could be something that we could do: Meet before work. Why are you smiling at me right now?
Charlie: I just can't believe that I'm actually with somebody as amazing as you.
Claire: I feel the same way.
Charlie: I'm so glad that I took xander's advice and didn't give up on you.
Claire: Hmm. Who knew that xander was such a romantic?
Charlie: I know, right?
Xander: Good morning, beautiful.
Sarah: Oh, my god. I had the craziest dream that we broke into philip's partner's apartment.
Xander: Yeah, that actually happened.
Sarah: Oh my god. It did.
Xander: And did I thank you enough for your invaluable participation in the break-in? In all those hours you spent with me, that was above and beyond.
Sarah: Yes, well, we are a team, so it's kind of what we do. I'm just sorry that we couldn't figure out what philip and his partner are pulling at titan.
Xander: Yeah. At least we have a name.
Sarah: Right. Angela vandecamp. Whoever that is.
Xander: Based on that visitor's pass, we know that she went to visit kristen in prison.
Sarah: Yeah. I wonder what that connection is.
Xander: I have no idea. But I am gonna pay kristen a wee visit, and I'm not leaving until I get some answers.
Kristen: It was good seeing you, ava. Oh. I guess I better say angela. Well thank you for coming to see me the other day. Oh. You ran into tripp? Wow. That must have been really hard, for you not to reach out to your son. Yeah, but as you said, it's best no one knows you're alive and in salem.
Ben: Thank you again for keeping me out of prison. I know it took a hell of a lot of negotiating to get those charges down.
Justin: Just don't go assaulting any other police officers, because next time, you're not gonna get off so easily.
Ben: I promise you, it will not happen aga.
Justin: I believe you.
Ben: Justin, I was so desperate to get vincent alone. I just kept hoping he'd tell me that it was all a lie, that ciara was still alive. But at this point, I guess I just have to find some way to accept that she's gone.
Jennifer: So, ben weston was sentenced to community service and a hefty fine. Okay, all right. Well, write it up and send it to me, and I'll proof it before we post it online. Thanks, kirk.
[Doorbell rings]
[Uneasy music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Jack: May I come in?
Jennifer: I don't want to get into this with you right now, jack.
Jack: Understood. I just have some paperwork that you need to sign off on.
Jennifer: I'll find a pen.
Jack: [Sighs] Any idea how soon you might be coming back to work?
Jennifer: I'm fine working from home.
Jack: Jen, it can't go on like this much longer.
Jennifer: I will not be pushed into making any decisions right now, professional or personal.
Jack: Understood.
Jennifer: Anything else?
Jack: No. I mean, nothing you haven't heard before... many times. I hate that I hurt you. I love you with all my heart, and I always will.
Jennifer: Jack, you slept with kate and lied about it for an entire year. How do you expect me to believe anything you say ever again?
Sarah: Are you sure the name angela vandecamp doesn't ring any bells?
Xander: Seems like a name I'd remember.
Sarah: Yeah.
Xander: God, I wish I'd gotten a glimpse of her when we were over there. Oh, I should get going. I want to be at the prison right when visiting hours begin.
Sarah: You know, I was thinking, if you're gonna be at the prison, questioning kristen, maybe I should pump philip for some information.
Xander: Pump? I don't think that's a good idea.
Sarah: Why?
Xander: You know why. I don't like the way he flirts with you.
Sarah: He only does it to push your buttons.
Xander: 'Cause he could never possibly be attracted to somebody as gorgeous of you?
Sarah: All right, who cares if he is? Is that fresh squeezed?
Xander: By yours truly.
Sarah: [Sighs] Well, that settles it. Now I definitely can't leave you for philip. 'Cause of that.
[Easy jazz music]
Philip: Laundering ava's money would be a lot easier if xander weren't around. I've got to find a way to get him out of the company.
Claire: So how are things at titan?
Charlie: Good, if you like walking into a war zone every day.
Claire: Philip and xander are still at each other's throats, huh?
Charlie: All day, every day. Each other is trying to get me on his side, and the latest is that xander--
Claire: Ben.
Ben: Hey, claire.
Claire: Ben. I've been so worried about you.
[Tender music]
These are real people, not actors,
Bonnie: Hey, jen. Got an empty seat here if you want to join me.
Jennifer: Oh, thanks. But I have work to do.
Bonnie: Oh. That's all right. I probably wouldn't be real good company today anyway.
["The first noel" playing]
[Sighs pointedly]
[Sighs pointedly]
Jennifer: Something wrong, bonnie?
Bonnie: Well, since you asked, justin finally agreed to have drinks with me.
Jennifer: Well, I would think that would make you very happy.
Bonnie: Oh, you kidding me? I was over the moon.
Jennifer: Then, what's the problem?
Bonnie: I told him I'd wait for his call. So I waited, and I waited. And it has been ages, and I haven't heard a peep from him. So I guess he wasn't really interested in me after all.
["We wish you a merry christmas" playing]
Jack: [Sighs] Hey, justin.
Justin: Hey, jack.
Jack: How was your-- your thanksgiving?
Justin: It was nice, yeah. I spent it in arizona. My boys, will, and ari.
Jack: Well, that's--that's great. That's great. How they doing?
Justin: Doing very well. Yeah, sonny's making some progress on the biotech company.
Jack: Oh, good. Good, that's great. I'm sure adrienne would be so proud.
Justin: Yes, she would. So, how was your anniversary party?
Jack: Uh... well, you haven't heard?
Justin: No. Heard what?
Jack: I guess that explains why you're still being friendly with me.
Claire: Hey, why haven't you returned any of my messages? It's been, like, weeks.
Ben: I'm sorry, claire. I just needed to take some time for myself.
Charlie: Hi, I'm charlie.
Claire: Sorry. Charlie, this is ben. Ben, this is charlie.
Ben: Nice to meet you.
Charlie: You too.
Claire: Ben is-- was ciara's husband.
Charlie: Oh, I'm so sorry.
Ben: Thank you.
Claire: So, what have you been doing?
Ben: Not much.
Claire: Hey, you know what? Why don't you come and join us?
Ben: No, no, no, no. I don't--I appreciate the offer, but I don't want to come in between whatever you guys got going on.
Claire: No, it's fine. I invited you. Charlie, you don't mind, do you?
Charlie: Of course not.
Claire: Come on.
Sarah: Hello, philip.
Philip: Sarah. Good to see you.
Sarah: Good to see you. I won't disturb you if I put up some christmas decorations, will I?
Philip: It's kind of early for that, isn't it?
Sarah: Well, not if you're already in the christmas spirit.
Philip: Right. You need help?
Sarah: I don't want you to stop working.
Philip: No, it's okay. I have some free time.
Sarah: Well, then I would greatly appreciate it.
Philip: Wow, you got a lot of stuff.
Sarah: Mm-hmm.
Philip: A lot of tangled stuff.
Sarah: Yeah. It does look like the gremlins got in there, doesn't it?
Philip: That's okay, I'll figure it out.
Sarah: Well, thank goodness, because I suck at untangling.
Philip: Hmm.
Sarah: How was your--how was your business meeting the other day?
Philip: What meeting?
Sarah: When I took you to the square. Didn't you say you had some sort of a meeting? Seemed important.
Philip: Right. It went fine. Client is pretty demanding. With a little luck, everything will turn out all right.
[Eerie music]
[Uneasy music]
Kristen: Well, when the guard said I had a visitor, you're the last person I expected.
Xander: What's the matter? Can't a guy drop in on his old partner?
Kristen: Boss. What are you doing here, xander?
Xander: I want to know about angela vandecamp.
Kristen: Who?
Xander: Don't play dumb, kristen. I know somebody called angela vandecamp came to visit you the other day. There's a record of it.
Kristen: Oh. Oh. You said angela vandecamp. I that you said band camp.
Xander: You thought I was asking you about a person with the last name "band camp"?
Kristen: Sound in here is really rough. Of course I remember. Good ol' ang. What do you want to know?
Xander: I want to know who the hell she is and what she wants with titan. This year's been... a lot.
Jennifer: Well, I'm sorry, bonnie. You must be very disappointed.
Bonnie: I just don't understand what happened, you know? What suddenly changed justin's mind?
Jennifer: Maybe you should call him and find out.
Bonnie: Maybe you could call for me.
Jennifer: Oh, no. I really don't want to get involved.
Bonnie: No, fine, fine. I know you didn't really care anyway. It's all right.
Jennifer: Bonnie.
Bonnie: No, really. It's okay. I just hope you realize how lucky you are. You know, not everybody has a perfect marriage like jack and jen. Move on living your life, celebrating your anniversaries, living your happily ever after.
Jennifer: Actually, that couldn't be further from the truth.
Justin: So, jennifer found out about you and kate in front of everyone at the party.
Jack: She sure did.
Justin: Ooh. That must have been awkward.
Jack: No, no. Awkward is when you come out of the bathroom with toilet paper stuck to your shoe. This was straight-up brutal.
Justin: I can imagine. So where do things stand with you and jennifer now?
Jack: Well, jennifer's moved back in with doug and julie. She barely speaks to me.
Justin: Sorry, man.
Jack: I... don't know what to say, other than I don't know how to get through to her, at all. I'm afraid. I'm afraid this may be the end of my marriage.
Sarah: Must be nice to be back in salem for the holidays.
Philip: Feel like I haven't properly celebrated them in a long time.
Sarah: You know, we've never really discussed your time away. What were you up to?
Philip: I did a lot of traveling.
Sarah: Fun.
Philip: Needed to clear my head and distance myself from my father and the company.
Sarah: What made you decide to come back?
Philip: You know what they say. The devil finds work for idle hands.
Sarah: [Gasps] Did you get in trouble?
Philip: Nothing I couldn't get myself out of. But eventually I realized I needed to stop playing around and get serious about my future.
Sarah: Come back and run titan.
Philip: Much to xander's dismay, I know.
Sarah: Don't mind him. He just doesn't like sharing.
Philip: I noticed. Especially about you.
Sarah: I didn't mean it like that.
Philip: I know. Not that I blame him much. If I had a woman like you, I'd want to keep her all to myself too. Xander's a very lucky man.
Sarah: It's very nice of you to say that. So, I mean, I know we've talked about the current status of your love life, but what about when you were gone? You must have had girlfriends. Anyone serious?
[Suspenseful music]
Kristen: I wasn't aware angela had any connection to titan.
Xander: You sure about that? 'Cause I'm starting to realize you might be in on this whole thing.
Kristen: And what whole thing is that?
Xander: Trying to bring down me and titan.
Kristen: Sorry, xandy. You are way off base here. And as much as I support the cause, I had nothing to do with any of it.
Xander: Why should i believe you?
Kristen: Because I'm telling you the truth. Although you are right about one thing: I do hate victor with a passion. That man stole my child and made me believe she was dead for an entire year. Only... I recall he wasn't working alone. Oh, that's right. You're his partner in crime.
Xander: You know I'm sorry about that.
Kristen: I don't care that you're sorry. I don't even know why you'd think I would lift a finger to help you. If someone is conspiring to take down you and victor, I wish them the best of luck.
Claire: I was so glad to hear justin got the da to lessen your charges.
Ben: Yeah. Definitely thought I was about to be doing some prison time.
Claire: I mean, if you ask me, they never should have brought charges against you in the first place. You were only trying to get answers out of vincent.
Charlie: Well, he did assault a police officer.
Claire: Eli was fine.
Charlie: I better get going to work.
Claire: You have to go now?
Charlie: Yeah, tardiness is frowned upon at titan, so...
Claire: Bummer. Well, we'll see each other later?
Charlie: Yeah. I'll text you when I'm done.
["Hark! The herald angels sing" playing]
It's nice to meet you, ben.
Ben: You too, man.
Seems like a good guy.
Claire: He's awesome.
Ben: I'm happy for you.
Claire: Thank you. I'm so sorry that vincent didn't give you the answers you were looking for.
Ben: That's the hardest part about this. I know all the signs point to ciara being gone, but part of me just refuses to give up hope.
Claire: Ben, I get it. You never got that closure. I just--I wish that I could help you with that.
Ben: Yeah. You know, actually, there might be something you could do.
Trelegy for copd.
Bonnie: Jack had an affair with kate while you were in a coma? That dirty dog.
Jennifer: Well, the sad part is, I could have understood what happened, but--
Bonnie: You could?
Jennifer: Well, he didn't know whether I was ever gonna be coming back or not. But he didn't tell me the truth.
Bonnie: And that is the problem with men. They lie all the time. Jack not telling you he had an affair. Justin not having the guts to tell me he wasn't interested in me anymore and that I'm just waiting around forever for his calL. They've both done us wrong, those jerks. And you know what? I am gonna buy you a drink so that we can drown our sorrows in solidarity.
Jennifer: It's okay, bonnie. I have a coffee.
Bonnie: No, honey, you're gonna need a lot stronger than that.
Jennifer: You know what? I really do.
Bonnie: Atta girl. Waiter, two more of these, and keep them coming.
[Both laugh]
[Somber music]
Ben: I know I need to pack up ciara's things, but I just haven't been able to bring myself to do it. I thought maybe having somebody from the family would help.
Claire: Yeah, of course. Anything I can do to help. Can we use one of these?
Ben: Yeah, sure.
Claire: Okay, why don't--why don't I start with her clothes?
Ben: Most of them are in the dresser.
Claire: Okay.
Ciara had such great style.
Ben: She did. So what's the deal with you and--?
Claire: Charlie?
Ben: Charlie, yeah. How long you guys been together?
Claire: We've been dating for approximately 11 hours, 47 minutes.
Ben: Approximately.
Claire: [Laughs] He's so kind and so sweet and so thoughtful.
Ben: How does a guy like that survive at titan?
Claire: Honestly, I don't know. He says he loves it, but... I do worry about him.
Ben: Why?
Claire: Well, he's always getting caught in between this tug of war between, you know, philip and xander, and I just--I worry that one day he'll become collateral damage.
Philip: I dated a bit while I was gone, but nothing worth mentioning.
Sarah: Well, are you in touch with any of those ladies?
Philip: Not really. Shawn would tell you the reason I haven't found anyone is that I never got over belle.
Sarah: And what would you say to that?
Philip: I'd say they're getting married, so it doesn't really matter. They'd already be hitched if it weren't for jan spears.
Sarah: Oh, yeah, I heard about that whole mess.
Philip: Honestly, whether they're married or not, it's time for me to get over any lingering feelings I still have for belle.
Sarah: Well, my name is sarah horton, and I approve that message, sir.
Philip: Hmm. I'm glad to hear you say that. 'Cause I just thought of a way you could help.
Xander: Look, I know we've had our... differences.
Kristen: Differences? You stole my child and gave her to sarah.
Xander: Okay, big differences. But given your past history, I don't really think you're in a position to judge or hold it against me.
Kristen: And I certainly don't have any obligation to help you.
Xander: Well, if you don't, philip and this angela--they could destroy titan.
Kristen: Philip's involved too?
Xander: Yeah, of course he is.
Kristen: I don't understand. If you're so sure they're up to something, then why don't you just go to victor and get philip fired?
Xander: Because he's the golden boy. And I'm the boy who cried wolf one too many times.
Kristen: Ah, so you need proof that he's up to something.
Xander: Without it, victor's never gonna take my side over his own son'S. And I'll be the one who's out on his ass.
Kristen: Oh. That's just too bad for you, isn't it?
Xander: Look, I know you're not interested in helping me. But if you don't cooperate, titan could go down in flames.
Kristen: And?
Xander: And brady will never forgive you.
Kristen: Brady washed his hands of titan months ago.
Xander: It's still his legacy. It's still his children's legacy. And I don't think he'd be very happy to find out that you sat back and did nothing while it sank. So I think you should rethink your position. Tell me everything you know. We're at the movies and we need to silence our phone.
[Melancholy music]
Claire: What's this?
Ben: It's nothing, really.
Claire: Did I see an airfield on there? The one where the car explosion happened?
Ben: You did.
Claire: Ben, what is that map?
Ben: I've been going into the woods by the airfield looking for any signs of ciara.
Claire: Signs?
Ben: Signs. Signs. You know, a scrap of clothing, footprints. Anything that might prove that she found a way out of that car.
Claire: Well, have you found anything?
Ben: No.
Claire: Well, you know, I could go out there with you.
Ben: It's okay.
Claire: No, seriously, ben. I want to help you.
Ben: No, it's okay. I know there's probably not even a reason to anymore. And you are helping me. You're helping me go through all this stuff.
Claire: We're making progress, right?
Ben: Yeah. You know, you should feel free to take whatever you want, claire. I mean, you say you like ciara's taste.
Claire: I do. It just would feel kind of strange, you know, wearing her clothes.
Ben: I know. Trust me. But really, if there is anything else...
Claire: There is one thing. Uh...
this was pop-pop's mom'S. He gave ciara the necklace and me the matching earrings.
Ben: You want the necklace?
Claire: Yeah. I thought it would be nice to have the complete set.
Ben: It's yours.
Claire: Thank you.
Sarah: You want me to help you get over belle.
Philip: I need a distraction, something to keep me busy. What better way than to throw myself into the christmas spirit?
Sarah: I don't think I'm following.
Philip: I think titan should throw a holiday event, a concert for charity. With you and your sister's touring background, you're the perfect person to help me organize it.
Sarah: I don't know, I'm just so busy at the hospital.
Philip: What if I said the proceeds would go to the children's wing?
Sarah: You don't play fair.
Philip: I guess the only potential issue would be we're working closely together. It might upset xander. And I don't want to cause any problems.
Sarah: Oh, no, no, no, no. You won't be. All right, I'm in.
Philip: Great. Great. I've got to get back to work. I'll draw up the paperwork. You sure xander won't be upset?
Sarah: No, no. He'll understand. I mean, it's for a really good cause.
Kristen: Oh, nice try, xander. But brady knows how I feel about you and victor, and he'd never blame me for not helping you, even if that meant that titan ceases to exist.
Xander: But what about tate and rachel?
Kristen: They'll be just fine without it.
[Laughs] Sorry, pal, you're on your own.
Xander: Never should have wasted my time with you. I hope you rot in here.
Kristen: Ooh, that is just so harsh, hmm? I know you're upset. But for old times' sake, I'll let you in on a little bit of information if you want to hear. Are you listening?
Xander: I'm listening.
Kristen: Angela and i go way back.
Xander: How far back?
Kristen: Well, let's just say we've been friends long enough for me to know that--don't ever cross her unless you want to get yourself killed. We do it every night.
Philip: Morning, charlie.
Charlie: Oh, good morning, mr. Kiriakis.
Philip: Where's the other mr. Kiriakis?
Charlie: Xander's not in yet today, sir.
Philip: Fantastic. Maybe I can finally get some work done. First, I'm gonna go grab a coffee from downstairs. Would you like anything?
Charlie: No, thank you. But I can get that for you, if you want.
Philip: No, that's okay. I can get my own coffee.
[Uneasy electronic music]
Sarah: So kristen didn't give you any answers?
Xander: She said that angela was an old friend, and that she's very dangerous, but she has no idea what her connection is to philip.
Sarah: Yeah, I guess it was a long shot to have her give you the goods.
Xander: Maybe you could ask your pal brady if he knows anything about angela.
Sarah: No, baby, we did that already, remember? He said that he had no knowledge of philip or anyone else trying to sabotage titan.
Xander: So back to square one. Actually, we're in a worse position now, because kristen blabs to her friend, it could get back to philip, and then he'll know that I'm on to him.
Sarah: Does kristen know that I'm involved at all?
Xander: Oh, no, baby, I kept your name out of it.
Sarah: Okay, good. 'Cause something kind of fell into my lap, but it will only work if philip doesn't realize that I'm suspicious of him.
Kristen: Ava, it's me. You better get down to the prison right away. I'll just--I'll explain to you later. There's something I need to tell you.
Justin: Jack, I wouldn't give up hope. I mean, you and jen have weathered some serious storms through the years, and you always found a way to make it through.
Jack: I don't know. I mean, it's times like this I--I really miss-- I miss my sister. She always managed to be able to put things into perspective for me.
Justin: Well, I'm not adrienne, but I have a feeling I know what she'd say.
Jack: I'd love to hear it.
Justin: She'd say, "jack, get over your damn self. Stop wallowing in self-pity. Get off your duff and prove to jennifer how much you still love her. Fight for your marriage."
Jack: You know, that actually sounds like adrienne.
Justin: I've had a lot of experience in that department.
Jack: Yes, well, I mean, it might work.
Justin: Of course it will work. The question is, what are you gonna do now?
Jack: Well, I just heard from somebody at work that jennifer called them from julie's place. That means she's at julie's place right now. Maybe I'll just go over there and give it a shot.
Bonnie: You know, I think maybe it's the vodka talking, but I think we need to move on and find ourselves some real men who don't lie to us.
Jennifer: Real men?
Bonnie: [Laughs] I have an idea. I think we should invite those two over for a drink or two.
Jennifer: I can't do that.
Bonnie: Why not?
Jennifer: 'Cause I'm a married woman.
Bonnie: What's good for the goose is good for the-- I don't know how it ends. All right, point is, those guys are hot.
Jennifer: Yeah, they are.
Bonnie: Right? Sister, we got to live a little. And you know what? It would do and serve jack and justin right. Come on.
[Both laugh] Research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia.
Jennifer: They're so hot.
Bonnie: I know, right?
Justin: Well, that's interesting.
Jack: Good interesting or bad interesting?
Justin: Let's find out. Jennifer. Bonnie.
Bonnie: Oh, hello, justin.
Justin: Hey, I'm glad I ran into you. Can we join you?
Jack: Yes, yes, I mean, I'd love to get a chance to talk to you.
Bonnie: No, no. No, no. No, no. These seats are taken, sorry.
Justin: Really? By whom?
Bonnie: Just go, now. Please, go, go, go. Hurry, hurry, hurry.
Jack: Okay. Oh, excuse me.
Man: Yeah.
Bonnie: Here they come. Oh, hello.
Man: Hello.
Bonnie: Oh, thank you, darlinG.
Jennifer: That's so nice of you.
Bonnie: So nice.
Man: Thank you. Thank you. We brought you guys over a drink.
Jennifer: Cheers.
Man: Cheers.
Claire: Wow, it... feels so empty now.
Ben: It already felt empty. Claire, thank you for helping me do all this.
Claire: Of course. Hey, whatever you need.
Ben: I really don't think I would have been able to do it without you.
Claire: I know. I feel like I better get going.
Ben: Okay. Don't forget your necklace.
Claire: [Laughs weakly] You know, there used to be this great, great photo of pop-pop in here. What?
Ben: What's wrong?
Claire: Ciara. She changed the photo. It's from--it's from when we were kids.
Ben: She loved that picture.
Claire: I miss her so much.
[Melancholy music]
Ben: Me too. Me too.
Philip: I didn't realize the coffee shop was closed for a remodel. What the hell are you doing?
Sarah: So, philip suggested that we work on a charity event together for titan.
Xander: "We," meaning you and he.
Sarah: Yes.
Xander: Weasel. He's trying to get close to you so he can get me off my game.
Sarah: Right. But he doesn't realize that I want to get close too.
Xander: You do?
Sarah: Yeah, so I can see what the hell he's up to.
Xander: So you agreed to help him.
Sarah: Yes. See, this is my opportunity to keep an eye on him and maybe get him to open up to me a bit. But I just have to get him to trust me first.
Xander: I'm not sure that's even possible.
Sarah: I have an idea. But... you're not gonna like it.
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