Days Transcript Monday 11/30/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 11/30/20


Episode #13905 ~ Gabi's shocked to find Jake and Kate in bed together; Roman updates Rafe about Hope; Charlie and Claire grow closer; Belle and John discuss his legal situation.

Provided By Suzanne

Marlena: Oh, there you are.

Claire: Any word on grandpa?

Marlena: No. Not yet. But I'm feeling optimistic. Your mother is trying to get him out of custody. And with any luck, he'll be home tonight.

John: Oh, baby girl. Baby girl.

Belle: All right, listen, I wasn't able to talk to trask--

John: It doesn't matter. I don't care what she says or thinks.

Belle: What are you talking about?

John: I deserve to be here, sweetheart. I deserve to be prosecuted for murder.

[Knock at door]

Abe: Bad time?

Shawn: Oh, no. No, not at all. Come on in. I assume you're here to discuss the jan spears case.

Abe: Well, I'm here to talk to whoever is in charge. But first, I need to sort out exactly who that is.

Rafe: My family is safe. So am I.

Roman: What happened?

Rafe: Well, once I got everyone secured at a safehouse down in mexico, went after the men who were threatening us.

Roman: And?

Rafe: The ones that are left are locked behind bars for a very long time.

Roman: Good for you. And your family?

Rafe: They're safe. My mom's actually getting ready for christmas as we speak.

Roman: Okay, what about your father and brother?

Rafe: My father's down there. He's with her, on his best behavior for the moment. And well, dario, dario is doing whatever it is that dario does. And he's god knows where at the moment. Well, gabi and I, there is only one place that we wanted to be--salem. So we came back here. Well, I'm home to stay. I just wish I'd never gone, especially now knowing what hope went through. Oh, my god. Okay, I need to see her. She said that she's not home. Where is she? She's at doug and julie's?

Roman: Look, rafe. I didn't say that hope wasn't at home. If I did, I didn't mean that.

Rafe: Okay. So what did you mean?

Roman: I might have made it sound like she left her place, but no. She left salem. We don't know where she's gone or when she'll be back.


[Kate giggles]

Jake: And this little piggy--

Kate: Stop.

Gabi: Excuse me for interrupting, but what the holy hell is going on here?

Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

[Soft orchestration]

Rafe: Hope left town? But why?

Roman: She never accepted that ciara died in that explosion 'cause the day of ciara's funeral, jack and jennifer went to pick her up, and hope had left a letter for jennifer, explaining why she was leaving. Look, rafe, I'm sorry. I'm sure had she known you were coming back--

Rafe: What? What, you think she would've stayed? No, no chance. And obviously, hope had made up her mind. When hope makes up her mind-- damn it, roman, I-- I should have been here. I should have been here.

Claire: Grandma, I know that mom is a great attorney. But what if there's nothing that she can do? What if grandpa goes to prison?

Marlena: Oh. Oh, my gosh. We are so far away from that. And you know what, john would not want you to worry.

Claire: It's just--it's all I can think about because, if he goes go to prison, it will all be my fault.

Belle: Don't talk like that, dad.

John: It's true, sweetheart. I deserve to be charged with murder and locked up for it.

Belle: Listen, dad, as your lawyer, I can assure you there were extenuating circumstances which will probably prevent the da from charging you at all. But more importantly, jan's not dead.

Shawn: Oh, sorry. I guess I've probably made myself a little too comfortable in the commissioner's office.

Abe: Please, it's all right. I know that things have been a bit chaotic here these last few months. And I do appreciate you pitching in.

Shawn: Yeah, absolutely. I know a more permanent solution is gonna need to be found soon.

Abe: Well, the public needs to know who's leading the department. It's been a little bit unclear, especially since rafe left.

Roman: Rafe, go easy on yourself, all right? You didn't know about ciara.

Rafe: Because I wasn't here, roman. I wasn't here. I mean, dammit, I--I screwed up so many times with hope.

Roman: Look, I don't know about that, all right? But I think you need to stop focusing on what went wrong, rather than what was right and good between you two, okay? And don't shortchange yourself. I happen to know. I've got an excellent source, and that source was hope. And she told me that you were a great support to her, just as you were to ciara.

Rafe: Ciara. Poor ciara. I--I can't even. She had her whole life in front of her. She was so smart. Why? Why the hell did this have to happen, roman? And for hope to lose a child again, I-- I understand why hope cannot accept ciara's death. I do understand that.

Jake: Gabi? I had no idea you were home.

Gabi: Clearly. Yeah, no. Gwen told me you would hop from one woman's bed to the next, but I didn't think it would be this fast. And I definitely didn't think it would be hers.

Kate: Okay, what is that supposed to mean?

Jake: And what right do you have to say anything about any of this? You left town. And you left me in the dust. So why do you care who I sleep with? And what the hell are you doing home anyway?

Trelegy for copd.

Marlena: No, no, no. You're not to blame. If anybody is to blame, it's jan spears.

Claire: But if I hadn't have let jan get close to me, none of this would have happened, if I hadn't have trusted her when everybody else was telling me not to.

Marlena: No. No, honey. She manipulated you. She made you think that she was your ally. And some--some people are just susceptible to trusting people that shouldn't be trusted. I'd like you to stop beating yourself up. John wouldn't want that. Oh, darling, you've worked so hard to get better. You've done such a good job, and I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud. And john is so proud. And your parents are so proud. Will you please remember that?

Claire: I'll try.

Marlena: Okay, now I'm gonna go down to the police station and try to see john.

Claire: Can I--can I come?

Marlena: No. You know what, no, no. Mostly because, you know, with a lot of luck, he may be home tonight.

Claire: Yeah, so you said. I just--I pray that that's true. Will you tell him that I love him?

Marlena: I will. Oh, I will. I will. That's my girl.

[Knock at door]

Claire: Charlie, hi.

Charlie: Hi. I hope that this isn't a bad time.

Claire: It's--it's fine. Come in.

Charlie: I tried to call you a couple times, but I kept getting your voicemail. I just wanted to make sure that you're okay.

Claire: I'm--I'm not. I'm really not. I am just so worried about my grandpa.

Belle: Dad, listen, we both know that you weren't in your right mind when you attacked jan, that you were just, you know, reacting out of grief and anger.

John: Because i thought you were dead, baby girl. I swear to god. When she told me what she did, I--

Belle: Okay, okay, the bottom line is jan spears is a sick woman, she's dangerous. She never should have been released from shady pines, and I will never, for the life of me, understand why that happened, why my own sister made that happen.

Abe: I understand your-- your mother's need to take time off to grieve. But unfortunately, the commissioner's job is just too important to leave open indefinitely.

Shawn: Yeah, I agree. Of course.

Abe: How's she doing? Have you heard from her?

Shawn: You know, we talk on the phone from time to time, but I mean, mostly, we text. She never tells me where she's at. She's afraid that I'll probably go there, and I'll try to force her into coming home.

Abe: I'm glad you're in touch with her. And I do pray that she finds what she's looking for.

Shawn: Yeah. I mean, she's looking for ciara to be alive. And I'm--I'm a little afraid that she's never going to find that.

Rafe: You know, all the time that I was away and I was missing hope, I did not even know that ciara was in danger.

Roman: How could you have known?

Rafe: Yeah, right. A lot's changed since then. But the one thing that hasn't changed is my love for hope or my respect for her. I just pray that she can-- she can find peace and find some way to live without her daughter.

Gabi: Oh, no, no. You are not going anywhere.

Kate: I'll go anywhere I feel like going.

Gabi: Oh, and you sleep with whoever you want too, obviously. You know, you're like a mom to me.

Kate: Okay, just stop, stop, all right, because you have absolutely no right to barge in like this, spewing all this jealous venom when you have no idea what's going on, gabi.

Gabi: I have an idea what's going on. I know exactly what's going on. Jake, he was missing me like crazy that he was so desperate that he turned to you because you were right there under his nose, panting for the man.

Kate: Would you just stop? This is pathetic. I'm leaving. Jake: No, no, no. Kate, kate, kate! Wait, wait, please. Stay here, please. And you, gabi, how dare you talk to her like that? You left to mexico to care after your sick mother. And before you left, you told me you were just using me to worm your way back into dimera. So why act all hurt now, huh? Why go after kate when you don't give a damn about me and you never did?

Gabi: Because that was all a lie, you dumbass.

Jake: Really? What part was a lie? The part where you went to mexico to care for your mother or the part where you were just using me?

Gabi: Both. Woman: I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

Abe: Well, I hope, in time, your mother comes back to salem and hopefully returns to active duty.

Shawn: Yeah, I want that too.

Abe: But in the meantime, salem pd needs someone in charge.

Shawn: Yeah. At the very least, you're gonna need to appoint a new acting commissioner.

Abe: I agree. So, shawn, what do you say?

Belle: You know, you wouldn't even be sitting here facing criminal charges if sami hadn't brought jan spears back to town. I mean, she was so obsessed with getting custody of her grandson that she brought jan here, no matter who got hurt.

Marlena: So you blame sami for all of this?

Belle: I'm sorry, I--I didn't mean for you to hear that.

Marlena: Well, it's okay. You don't have to protect me where sami's concerned. I know that she helped get a very dangerous woman out of a sanatorium with no care at all for the consequences.

John: It's kind of hard for me to sit here and criticize someone for not weighing out the consequences.

Belle: Come on, dad. That's not the same thing.

John: Why isn't it the same? When I had my hands wrapped around jan spears' throat, all I thought about was making her pay. Consequences be damned.

Charlie: Are they gonna press charges against your grandfather?

Claire: I'm not sure, but it looks likely.

Charlie: That is so unfair. I mean, jan told the guy that his daughter was dead. I don't blame him for losing it.

Claire: Yeah.

Charlie: Um, so anyway, like I said, I just wanted to make sure that you were doing okay.

Claire: That was really nice of you.

Charlie: Anyway, it was-- it was really good seeing you. And I--I should probably get going.

Claire: Wait. Don't you want to talk about that kiss?

Jake: So it was all a lie, gabi?

Gabi: Yeah. My mother was never sick.

Kate: Then why the hell did you say she was?

Gabi: Because it was a cover story. And my dad got into some trouble with some bad people, and we were in danger. So rafe and I had no choice but to go into hiding.

Jake: Why didn't you just tell me?

Gabi: I wanted to. I wanted to, but I couldn't for my safety and for yours.

Jake: Okay. So that's why you told me you were going to take care of your mother. Why the hell did you tell me you were using me?

Gabi: Because you kept telling me that you wanted to visit me in mexico, you know, how we could make it work. I had to make sure there was no doubt in your head that our relationship was over. It was the only way to make sure you weren't gonna get hurt. And then the threat was gone, and rafe was able to take care of the men that were after us.

Jake: The threat's gone, is it?

Gabi: They were put behind bars, okay? And the minute that I realized my family was safe, I came here, I came here to see you. I thought you'd be happy that I was back. I guess I just never imagined you'd be in bed with great grandma kate.

Belle: So with trask out of the office, no official charges have been filed. And since the courts are closed, I can't get you out on bail, not tonight, anyway. I'm so sorry.

Marlena: It's okay. We know you tried.

John: Yeah. Thank you, sweetheart, for everything.

Belle: Yeah. You can thank me when we bring you home.

Claire: You weren't gonna mention the kiss?

Charlie: Well, honestly, I--I didn't know what to say. I felt really weird about it. Clearly, I read the signals wrong, which is something that I always do. And--

Claire: Charlie--

Charlie: I'm sorry. You were emotional about everything with your parents and your grandparents, and I just thought-- anyway, I'm--I'm sorry.

Claire: Charlie, stop. You have nothing to apologize for. I was glad you kissed me. Really glad.

Shawn: Wow, abe, I'm-- I'm flattereD. I am. But I mean, belle and I, we're gonna have to go back to hong kong at some point. So, you know, I don't want to take the job and, you know, then end up having to go back and leave.

Abe: I see. I'm sorry to hear that.

Shawn: Yeah. I mean, belle and I, we've got a life back in hong kong, even though we love it here, and this is our home and family is here. Hopefully, someday, we'll be here permanently. So anyway, I mean, good luck on your search.

Abe: Well, thank you. Thank you. Finding another immensely qualified candidate for acting commissioner, well, I'm gonna need luck, a lot of it. Hey!

Belle: Oh, hey, abe.

Abe: Hello, belle.

Shawn: Hey.

Belle: Hi. I'm glad you're here. I was actually gonna call you.

Abe: What's up?

Belle: Well, I was gonna ask that, well, if in the spirit of the holiday, maybe you could pull some strings and help get my dad out of jail tonight.

Abe: Oh, I wish I could. But the courts are closed. But john should be up first on the docket in the morning. You know, I'm sorry about this. I am glad, though, that the two of you are in one piece after yesterday's events.

Shawn: Yeah, and so are we. Things would have been much different had jan had her way.

Belle: Yeah.

Rafe: Damn it. Hope went through the worst possible thing again, to lose a child, that I wasn't there for her, wasn't there.

Roman: Rafe. Rafe, listen to me, go easy on yourself, okay? Look, you had to leave salem. You had no choice. Hope knew that. She knew you wouldn't have left if you didn't have to.

Rafe: I guess. But if I had come back sooner, if I had come back sooner, I could have gone with her, wherever it was that she needed to go, could have helped her find the answers, helped her find closure.

Roman: Maybe you still can.

Rafe: Yeah, if I can find her.

Roman: You're hell of a detective. That shouldn't be difficult.

Rafe: Unless she doesn't want to be found. Obviously, she doesn't because she didn't tell anyone where she was going. But you're right. All right? I do need to find her. I need to find her, and I need to let her know that I'm back and that I love her and that I'm here for her, whatever she needs, right, I'm here for her. I'll help her. I'll help her find answers, find ciara, whatever she needs. Precious ciara. Yeah.

Kate: Okay, gabi, as much as I would kind of like to see this continue, you feeling threatened and jealous 'cause you were a bit nasty. For jake's sake, I'm just gonna lay it out. You know, we get along fine. We had some laughs, you know, etcetera, but there are absolutely no feelings between us at all.

Jake: Speak for yourself.

Kate: What?

Jake: Look... I don't know how you feel about me, kate, but I'm not gonna let you stand there and say I don't have any feelings for you 'cause I do.

Claire: Look, I know that we got off to a weird start. In the beginning, I wasn't sure I was ready to start a new relationship.

Charlie: I get it. I mean, relationships can complicate someone's life, right?

Claire: Definitely. But with me, see, whenever I've dated someone, I've ended up kind of losing myself in the process, you know? I've felt the need for that person to complete me.

Charlie: Like in "jerry maguire"?

[Both laugh]

Claire: Yeah, exactly. The truth is... I'm just really scared of becoming that person again, that obsessive person. I'm scared of getting hurt.

Charlie: I understand. I'm scared, too.

Kate: So I had no idea.

Jake: Now you do. Gabi, look, I'm sorry. I don't want you to think that what we shared didn't mean anything to me because it did.

Gabi: Oh, no, no, no. You are not going to try to make me feel better. You know what, I shouldn't even be here. I should be in arizona with my daughter. After all the upheaval that arianna's had, I should be spending as much time with her as possible.

Jake: I thought ari was in mexico.

Gabi: That was a lie too. It wasn't safe for her to be there, obviously. So she's with her dads.

Jake: Is she not coming back here?

Gabi: Well, I was thinking about bringing her back, but that would create custody issues with will and sonny. And--and then I thought I'd try to convince you to move out there and--

Jake: What, you mean move out to arizona with you?

Gabi: Yeah, yeah. Crazy, right? It sounds crazy and complicated. This is much simpler. So really, I have to say thank you. Both of you, thank you so much for making things easier for me.

It's totally normal to have

constipation with belly pain,

Claire: What could you possibly be scared of?

Charlie: Same as you, getting hurt.

Claire: I'm assuming you've never screwed up a relationship so badly they had to lock you up.

Charlie: No, but it doesn't mean that I haven't made mistakes, that I haven't had my heart broken. Although, I'm hoping that that trend is over.

Claire: Because of me?

Charlie: Because of you.

Claire: And all of this doesn't scare you off? You know, me, my history of mental illness? That crazy wedding?

Charlie: I actually had a good time. Being with you, that was--that was the best.

Claire: Wow, that is--that's so sweet.

Charlie: It's the truth.

Claire: So then... are we trying this?

Charlie: I'm up for it if you are.

Marlena: I just hate this. You don't deserve to be locked up. You know, you're still recovering from the aneurysm. So your emotions are running high and they're hard to control. Surely belle can make the da understand that.

John: Well, perhaps. And if not... doc, I could be locked up for the-- the rest of my life.

Belle: Okay, well, thanks anyway. Yeah, hey, happy thanksgiving to you, too.

Shawn: Judge robshaw won't come in?

Belle: Well, it looks like my dad has no choice but to spend another night in jail.

Shawn: I'm sorry.

Belle: What a disaster our wedding turned out to be. And you know the worst part?

Shawn: What, you getting kidnapped and your dad ending up in jail isn't the worst part?

Belle: No, the worst part is that we never got married.

Shawn: Oh, yeah. I mean, there is that.

Belle: You know, we're gonna have to fix that.

Shawn: Yeah, well, I'm sorry, but I can't marry you.

Belle: What? What do you mean?

Shawn: It's because I'm already married... to jan.

Gabi: Well, I'm gonna go and let you two get back to whatever. Jake, it wasn't nice to see you. Kate.

Kate: Gabi, before you leave, chad doesn't know anything about this.

Gabi: And what, you'd like to keep it that way?

Kate: Is that a problem?

Gabi: You want to sleep with chad's enemy behind his back, far be it from me to stop you. These are real people, not actors,

Belle: I still cannot believe that jan made you go through that ceremony.

Shawn: Oh, come on. Of course you can. On the bright side though, I never kissed the bride.

Belle: Oh.

Shawn: Oh. And once your dad is done with this whole mess, maybe I'll be able to kiss the real bride.

Belle: Well, you know, you don't have to wait.

Shawn: Mmm.

John: [Sighs]

Marlena: Look at me.

John: [Sighs] I want you to stop blaming yourself for this. There's enough of that going around already.

John: What does that mean?

Marlena: Well, for one thing, claire is blaming herself for what jan did.

John: Just another reason. I hate how that woman took advantage of her. You know, maybe you should go over and keep claire company. What do you think?

Marlena: Well, there's no need for me to do that. Her friend charlie came by. I saw him as I was leaving.

John: Ah, charlie.

Marlena: I think he's sweet. He seems to really care about her.

John: Well, I hope so.

Marlena: Maybe the bright spot in all this darkness.

John: She sure can use one of those.

Marlena: We all could.

John: I am just glad that my bright spot is with me right now.

Claire: So it's official. We're doing this.

Charlie: Looks like it.

Claire: You know, after everything that's happened the past few weeks, I never thought that I would say this, but I'm actually feeling hopeful.

Charlie: Me too. Now I'm sorry to say that I have to get going.

Claire: Now?

Charlie: Yeah, I just--I have work that I have to do before tomorrow and it's just--but I'll call you or I'll text you when I get home. I can--

Claire: Did you forget something?

Charlie: I was maybe wondering, before I go, if we could try that kiss one more time?

Claire: I think we could arrange that.

Kate: Well, that must have been hard.

Jake: What?

Kate: Gabi. I know that you cared for her a lot.

Jake: I did. I do. But it wasn't hard because you, kate, you're smart, funny, sexy, and you understand me. It means a lot.

Kate: That does mean a lot that it's not just--

Jake: Us using each other?

Kate: Yeah. That means a lot.

Jake: Yeah. Well, I meant what I said. I really do care about you, kate.

Gabi: Did you see hope?

Rafe: Uh-uh. No. But that's-- that's a long story, so--

Gabi: Tell me.

Rafe: No, not ready to.

Gabi: Rafe, come on, just tell me.

Rafe: No, please, just respect it, okay?

Gabi: Okay.

Rafe: Did you see jake?

Gabi: I did.

Rafe: Yeah, how did that go?

Gabi: Well, let's just say I don't think that we have a future together.

Rafe: Why not?

Gabi: That doesn't matter. I don't really want to talk about it anyway.

Rafe: Yeah, but I thought that you guys were good--

Gabi: Yeah, but respect that, please.

Rafe: Fine.

Gabi: Anyway, it's for the best. I've decided that I'm gonna be going to arizona to be with ari.

Rafe: What, you're leaving town?

Gabi: Yeah.

Rafe: Gabi.

Gabi: Yeah, I--don't--don't make this harder than-- than it has to be. I mean, I'm gonna miss you, of course, but you can come see us all the time, right?

Rafe: Yeah.

Gabi: Right.

Rafe: Yes, I will too. I mean, look, I understand, okay? Ari needs you.

Gabi: Yeah. And I need her. My place is with my daughter. Just so you know, salem has not seen the last of me. That is a promise.

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