Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 11/27/20
Episode #13904 ~ Rafe returns to Salem and discovers much has changed; Gabi is determined to reunite with Jake; Gwen fuels Chad's paranoia about Jake and Abigail; Jack and Abigail reconcile.
Provided By Suzanne
Jennifer: You always wanted things to be perfect between us, jack, but things were never perfect, even though you pretended they were.
Abigail: Is there room for one more? I guess that's a no. Still don't want anything to do with me, daddy?
Kate: I am so glad this day is over.
Jake: What, thanksgiving with your sons? How bad could it be?
Kate: Well, not bad. Actually--actually, it was sad.
Jake: Wanna talk about it?
Kate: Talk about it? No.
Jake: Why not?
Kate: Because talking isn't something we do.
Rafe: Happy thanksgiving.
Roman: Rafe.
Rafe: It's great to see you, man. From the looks of things, you're on your way to a family celebration, or maybe you've just come back from one.
Roman: Well, never mind me. What are you doing back in salem?
Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Soft orchestration]
Rafe: I'm back because this is my home. It's where I belong.
Roman: Damn right it is, yeah, and it is good to see you.
Rafe: Yeah? You mean that?
Roman: Yeah, yeah. Where are you headed right now?
Rafe: Well, I was going to see hope. I didn't call her 'cause I was--I was hoping to surprise her. What? You're not saying anything, so maybe I should call before I go over there?
Roman: No, no, don't call. Don't go over there.
Rafe: What the hell's going on? Is she okay?
Roman: Oh, yeah, no, she's okay. Physically she's fine. She's just not there. She left.
Jennifer: Can I do anything?
Julie: No, you cannot. I've tidied up, and doug is finishing cleaning up the kitchen, which is one of the reasons I'm so thankful to him every thanksgiving.
Jennifer: I'll go help him.
Julie: Please stay. I asked doug to give us a moment alone, so... we need to talk, jennifer.
Jake: We're not that bad at talking to each other, not that you're the easiest person to talk to.
Kate: And what is that supposed to mean?
Jake: Everything's always fine with you, kate, even when your life is burning down around you at a party with half of salem at it.
Kate: Okay, the infamous anniversary party where I was outed as an amoral home wrecker?
Jake: All right, I--i stand corrected. You did open up to me. You told me about everything with jack, what he came to mean to you and how you two helped each other through a very difficult time.
Kate: Yeah, yeah, I should never have bothered you with all of that.
Jake: Bothered me? Kate, is that how you see it?
Kate: Well, yes. I mean, we don't know each other very well, and I should never have burdened you with the details of my past.
Jake: Burdened me? Kate, it was not a burden. You didn't bother me at all. I'm glad you told me about it.
Kate: So I opened up to you, and you were there for me?
Jake: Yeah, so let me be there for you now.
Kate: [Sighs]
Abigail: I know you're angry, and I shouldn't have ever brought that letter to the party. I shouldn't have humiliated you and mom in public like that. I should have come to you privately, and I should have given you the opportunity to tell her yourself what was going on between you and kate.
Jj: I'm sorry. I need to call theo back.
Jack: You--
Jj: Give you two a chance to talk.
Jack: Yeah, thank you, son.
Abigail: I apologized to mom.
Jack: So you two are okay?
Abigail: Yeah, we're good.
Jack: Good.
Abigail: I'm not gonna lie. I really hate what you did to mom. But I should have handled it differently. I shouldn't have been drinking with my meds. I did, but god, I was so angry at you, and I was hurt, and I really wanted to hurt you just the way that you hurt me and all of us. And I can't take it back now, you know? What happened, it's happened, and I know you don't wanna be around me, and you don't wanna look at me and all of these things, but--[Sighs] I'm sorry. I am sorry that I ruined a day that should have been about celebrating you and mom. I am sorry that I hurt our family, and I hope that at some point you will be able to forgive me for that.
Chad: What the hell?
Jake: No--
Gabi: So what are you thankful for this thanksgiving?
[Sighs] There it is, grandma's recipe.
Chad: Gabi, what the hell are you doing here?
Gabi: Happy thanksgiving to you too. Is there any turkey left?
Chad: Yeah, aren't you supposed to be in mexico? I thought your mother was sick, or I'm guessing she's feeling better.
Gabi: Please, like you care about me or anybody in my family.
Chad: Yeah, I don'T. What I did care about was you being as far away as you werE. Actually, you wanna--you wanna know what I am grateful for?
Gabi: Is it that giant glass of scotch in your hand?
Chad: No, you being out of our lives for good, so why don't you skedaddle back to mexico or hell or wherever it is you came from.
Gabi: This is my home.
Chad: Not anymore, not after what you did, and especially now that abby's here.
Jack: I made a horrible mistake with kate. I made an even worse one when I lashed out at you and blamed you for the fallout from that letter.
Abigail: I think--I think if I had come to you privately, then you could have handled mom more carefully, you know? And I don't think it would have been quite as hurtful if she hadn't heard it in a room full of people.
Jack: I--I think... that it wouldn't have been any less hurtful, and I think that no matter how--how it happened, it would have caused your mother just as much pain.
Abigail: You're just trying to make me feel better.
Jack: I'm trying to tell you the truth, tell you how I feel. This is all on me and no one else, and you were right. We can't go back. We can't change that, but we can move forward as a family. I forgive you, sweetheart. I love you. But can you forgive me?
Jennifer: You know what? It's been a very long day. I'm a little tired, so I think I'm just gonna head back to the salem inn and go to bed early.
Julie: Not before I apologize.
Jennifer: For what?
Julie: For putting you on the spot when I asked in front of jack if it would be all right with you if he stayed for thanksgiving dinner. I mean, what was I doing? You're still hurting, and you need time.
Jennifer: Thank you so much for understanding.
Julie: But.
Jennifer: How did I know there was gonna be a but?
Julie: Because you know me. Because you know I always put in my two cents, so here goes, and the subject is jack. I'm angry at him too. When he showed up at the door with the flowers, I slammed it in his face. I said he wasn't welcome in this house anymore. And then he began to talk about what you mean to him, how sad, how lonely he was when you were in that coma, and how frightened he was that he was losing you. Jennifer, my heart went out to him. That guy, that wonderful guy loves you to the ends of the earth.
Jennifer: Julie--
Julie: Let me finish. Today was too soon, understood. Maybe tomorrow's gonna be too soon also, but the day will come when you're ready. Time heals all wounds, darling. It's true. You know that. You've lived it. So I have to ask, in time do you think you'll be able to-- to forgive jack for what happened with kate?
Kate: So anyway, my family's had a really difficult year, you know, and I just thought with philip being back after being away from home for so long, allie was home too, that, you know, we could all be together as a family and celebrate.
Jake: I'm guessing that celebration didn't go as you'd hoped?
Kate: No, no, because allie, my granddaughter is just going through a really difficult time right now, so.
Jake: Right. At the party you went off on that guy, said his son raped her?
Kate: Yeah. Yes, he did.
Jake: I'm sorry.
Kate: Well, you know, we all tried to put on holiday faces and kinda talk around it, but the truth is allie is gonna have to live with what happened to her. The whole family is, and then there's the baby, you know?
Jake: Allie has a baby?
Kate: Yeah. She has a beautiful baby, little baby boy, henry, who is the result of that rape.
Jake: Man.
Roman: You know, rafe, after, uh--after you left for mexico, jack and shawn, they... found out something about eve's accomplice.
Rafe: Vincent?
Roman: Yeah, yeah. Turns out he was engaged to the midwife that ben shot after she delivered abigail's baby, and apparently in his twisted mind, he wants ben to pay, to suffer like he did when he lost wendy, so... he kidnapped ciara.
Rafe: Oh, my god.
Roman: Yeah, took a while, too long for hope and shawn and ben to track him down. He had driven ciara to a private airstrip. They ordered him out of the car. When vincent stepped out, he had a gun in his hand. He ran. Hope and shawn chased him. Ben ran to the car to save ciara, but the car exploded.
Rafe: No.
Roman: Hope and shawn did everything they could to help ben put that fire out, but it was impossible.
Rafe: Oh, my god. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. On the outside, I looked fine.
Jennifer: You know, I've given it a lot of thought, and I can actually understand the night jack slept with kate.
Julie: You do?
Jennifer: Yes, I mean, jack spent day after day looking at me hooked up to machines, wondering whether I would ever wake up. So I'm--I had to wonder, you know, if the positions were reversed, what would I do? Would-- would I have made the same choice? I don't know.
Julie: So is it possible that there--there is a future for the two of you?
Jennifer: [Sighs]
Jack: I said some very cruel things to you, words that I would have liked to take back the moment they came out of my mouth. To blame you, my sweet daughter, when you were so confused, in so much pain, I don't know that I can forgive myself.
Abigail: Dad, that's--
Jack: You have been through so much. You have fought so hard to have a good life and a good marriage. The last thing I want is for you to be guilty for my mistake. So please reassure me now that you will stop beating yourself up on this. Please.
Abigail: I'll try. I will try.
Jack: You are so precious to me. I look at you, and I think I'm the father of that wonderful woman, so smart, so caring, that big, generous heart, and it helps me, helps me be a little easier on myself.
Abigail: [Sighs] I love you, daddy.
Jack: [Sighs] Come here baby. I love you. I love you. I love you so much.
Abigail: Do you think mom's ever gonna be able to get past this?
Jack: Uh, well, this isn't the first time that I've lied to your mother and hurt her. In the past, that big heart of hers always managed to forgive me, but this time-- this time I don't-- I don't know if there's gonna be any coming back from the pain that I've caused, and--and knowing that I could lose your mom, I don't wanna lose-- I don't wanna lose my daughter.
Abigail: I don't wanna lose you either, daddy. It's okay. It's okay.
Kate: Allie is really struggling, you know? With the fear, with the shame, with her anger, but still at the same time, there's this beautiful little baby, you know, henry, and I know that she gets it. I know she does, but it--
Jake: He's a constant reminder of the rape.
Kate: Yes, yes, yes, and my heart breaks for her. It just does, you know? I--she's so young, and she's having to deal with so much, and I wish there was more that I could do, you know, that I could say that could just make things better for her.
Jake: Look, kate, there's nothing easy about what your granddaughter's going through, but hey, I have seen the way you love your family, and you, you are so strong and seriously fierce, like, scary fierce, and maybe that kind of love, your kind of love is exactly what allie needs right now to feel safe again. What?
Kate: You are a constant surprise.
Rafe: I can't--I just-- I can't-- I can't believe it. I-- I just walked ciara down the aisle. She was so happy. Man, she had her whole life ahead of her. Her and ben were so in love.
Roman: Yeah. You know, all they recovered from that car after the explosion were her wedding rings.
Rafe: Wait, so they never found a body?
Roman: No, no, and hope is convinced that somehow ciara got out of that car before the explosion and that she is somewhere out there, and ben was sure of it too, and vincent was the key.
Rafe: Okay, so did they ever find vincent after the explosion?
Roman: Yeah, hope and ben tracked him down again. He refused to tell them anything, but finally-- finally lani price was able to get through to him, get him to talk. He swore he shot ciara in the car before the explosion, but it's just his word.
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
Roman: And hope is convinced that he's just screwing with them, that maybe he has her somewhere. She hasn't given up hope that ciara is still alive.
Rafe: Yeah. Oh, damn it. I should have been there for her.
Roman: You couldn't be, not from what you told me. Your mom needed you. Is she all right? Is she okay? Is she better? Is that why you're back in salem?
Rafe: She was never sick. It was all a lie.
Gabi: Poor little abigail. Were the doctors able to put all the pieces back together again?
Chad: Shut your mouth. The only reason she was in the hospital was because you drugged her.
Gabi: Move on already. You know what? Okay, you wanna blame me for drugging abigail? So be it, but it's a big waste of time because the person who actually did it is still out there.
[Dramatic music]
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Jennifer: No. No, I don't think I can forgive him.
Julie: And yet you just told me you understood.
Jennifer: The loneliness, absolutely, the reaching out for comfort, okay. But it's the lie, julie. It's the lie. How do I forgive that? Because right now it feels like I cannot trust him ever again.
Jack: You know, I was sitting here earlier, feeling pretty damn sorry for myself. No family, none of julie's cranberry sauce. But now, with my daughter, my son on the phone right here with me, and this beautiful little piece of pie that your mom made, I feel grateful. Grateful. And very lucky.
Jj: Okay then. This is the picture I was hoping to see.
Jack: So are you sure you two don't wanna pull up a fork and share this pie with me?
Abigail: I have had so much more than my fair share, but thank you.
Jj: Hey, guys, I'm sorry to say that I have to go. Theo sent up an sos. We've got a business emergency that I need to help with.
Jack: Today? I mean, on thanksgiving? I mean, I know that it's not a holiday down there in south africa, but you gotta be on the phone all day? I mean, it doesn't seem right. It's--
Jj: Actually, this is something I have to handle in person. I need to catch the next flight back to johannesburg.
Roman: Wait a minute. A lie?
Rafe: Yeah.
Roman: What are you talking about?
Rafe: The day my father showed up here, it wasn't to tell us that my mother was sick or that she needed our help. My father, not surprisingly, he got involved with some very bad and very dangerous men, and he told me that they wanted to take out our entire family. I didn't believe him 'cause of all the damn lies that he had told me, but when I found out that they tried to kill dario, I realized how serious it was and that I needed to get arianna and gabi out of town immediately.
Roman: Of course you did.
Rafe: Yeah.
Roman: And of course you couldn't tell hope. It would have put her in danger too.
Rafe: Well, it would.
Roman: Yeah.
Rafe: I sure as hell wasn't gonna do that. Oh, damn it. I should have stayed here. I should have helped hope look for ciara. I should have never left her.
Gabi: What is she doing here?
Gwen: I live here.
Chad: Gwen's our nanny.
Gabi: Nanny? Oh, wow, you really know how to pick them, chad. Was she the top candidate of slutty nannies 'r us? You know what? Whatever makes you happy.
Chad: You know what would make me happy? Is you leaving.
Gabi: Well, I came to see jake. Where is he?
Gwen: Oh, god, you really think you can just waltz right back into his bed, do you?
Gabi: This is between jake and me.
Gwen: I know jake very well, and he likes to keep his bed warm with whoever's available, so unfortunately for you, babe, I wouldn't be surprised if he's already moved on.
Jake: Well, you have surprised me in a lot of ways too, katE.
Kate: Well, you should eat your turkey dinner.
Jake: That's not what I'm hungry for. Noooo.
Jj: Look, I really am sorry to leave so soon. I was looking forward to spending real time with everybody.
Abigail: Well, I'm--I'm sorry I turned what should have been a really great trip into a total nightmare.
Jack: Well, if we're handing out an award for who screwed up the most, I got this, all right? And hey, I still say we got knocked back some, but we're still the best damn family in the world. Agreed?
Jj: Agreed.
Abigail: Agreed.
Jack: All right. All right, well, now that that's settled, let's agree to stay in touch, all right? Maybe not in person. What the hell did they invent the smartphones and computers for, huh? Sweetheart. Oh, you two.
Gwen: Well, you know, it's bad enough that you slept with jake because he happens to look like your dead husband, which is really creepy, but that you used him to worm your way back into dimera is just completely disgusting.
Gabi: You have no idea what you're talking about.
Gwen: Actually, I do. Jake told me all of it, so don't you deny it.
Gabi: All right, you know what? Yeah, yeah, fine. That's exactly what I said, that I used jake to get back into dimera, but it was all a lie.
Rafe: I should have sent gabi ahead. I should have stayed here until we found ciara.
Roman: Rafe, there isn't a damn thing you could have done.
Rafe: Yeah, I could have stayed here with hope.
Roman: Your family needed you, you kidding me? You had to protect them. You had no choice. In fact, you probably still should be protecting them. Is it safe for you to be here? Are those men still after your family?
Instantly clear every day
Julie: Jenn ifer, jack lied to you because he loves you so much and because-- because he was trying to protect you.
Jennifer: And that justifies lying? Come on, julie. I don't think even you believe that. I mean, would you tolerate doug lying to you for any reason? No, of course not.
Julie: For--for--
Jennifer: Of course not. And what was jack protecting me from? From finding out about his one-night stand with kate.
Jake: What the hell is so funny?
Kate: Oh. This, you, me.
Jake: What about this, you, me?
Kate: Well, I'm celebrating thanksgiving in a workshop, making love with a very hot young man who just happens to be the son of vivian alamain and stefano dimera, and that is really crazy, even for me.
Jake: Well, it may be crazy, but there's no place in the world I'd rather be.
Rafe: My family's safe. So am I.
Roman: What happened?
Rafe: Well, uh, once I got everyone secured at a safe house down in mexico, I went after the men who were threatening us.
Roman: And?
Rafe: And, uh, well, the ones that are left are locked behind bars for a very long time.
Roman: Good. Good for you, and your family, they're okay?
Rafe: Yeah, they're safe. My mom's actually getting ready for christmas as we speak.
Roman: Okay, and what about your father and brother?
Rafe: Oh, my father's down there. He's with her, on his best behavior for the moment, and, oh, dario, dario's doing whatever it is that dario does, and he's god knows where at the moment, and, well, gabi and I, there was only one place that we wanted to be-- salem. So we came back here. Well, I'm home to stay.
Gwen: So you break jake's heart with this lie, and then you just pop back into town expecting to get busy? Oh, you really are a piece of work.
Gabi: And you're trash. Where's jake? 'Cause he needs to know the truth.
Gwen: You know, if you're so very anxious to see jake, he's been spending a lot of time in the workshop. I'd check there if I were you.
Gabi: Well, you're not me, thank god, but I will check.
Gwen: Anything to help.
Trelegy for copd.
Roman: Well, it is-- it's great you're back in salem to stay.
Rafe: Well, thanks, man.
Roman: Really.
Rafe: I just wish I'd have never gone, especially now knowing what hope went through. Oh, my god, okay, I need to see her. You said that she's not home. Where is she? She's at doug and julie's?
Roman: Look, rafe, I didn't say that hope wasn't at home. If I did, I didn't--didn't mean that.
Rafe: Okay, so what did you mean?
Roman: I might have made it sound like she left her place, but no. She left salem. We don't know where she's gone or when she'll be back.
Jennifer: You're leaving so soon?
Jj: Yeah, and I wish I wasn't, but this can't wait. Theo needs me.
Jennifer: All right. Of course. I completely understand, and I'm very happy for you that working with theo has been so wonderful, and made such a success of it. I'm very proud of you.
Jj: You know, hey, I'm just a phone call away.
Jennifer: I'm just gonna miss you. I'm gonna miss you so much.
Jj: Hey, I took a slice of the pie you made to dad.
Jennifer: Oh. Okay--it's his favorite.
Jj: He was very grateful. He said we might take our hits, but we're still the best damn family in the world, and I agree with him. Mom, I love you.
Jennifer: I love you, too.
Chad: Gabi being back is not good news, not for this family, and not for dimera. I hope she's not planning on-- hi.
Abigail: Hi. Who are you talking about?
Chad: Um, well, I don't know how to tell you this.
Abigail: What is it? The kids? Are they okay?
Chad: No, the kids are fine. It's, um-- gabi's home.
Abigail: Oh, my god. Is she here in the house?
Chad: I told her if she goes anywhere near you, she's gonna have to deal with me.
Jake: This little piggy--
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