Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 11/25/20
Episode #13903 ~ The Hortons gather to celebrate Thanksgiving; Abigail and JJ rally around Jennifer; Julie gives Jack hell for hurting Jennifer; Gwen manipulates Chad and Abigail; Jake insists to Kate they have nothing to hide.
Provided By Suzanne
Gwen: Oh, jake. So it's thanksgiving. That doesn't mean you need to sleep with someone who looks like she swam over ahead of the "mayflower."
[Sighs] I can use this to my advantage, though.
[Door clicks shut]
Kate: Oh, my god.
Jake: What?
Kate: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. I just had this really, really awful nightmare that I was trying to sleep on a really lumpy cot in the middle of this filthy, smelly garage. And look, it's not a nightmare.
Jake: Mm-hmm.
Kate: No, it's not a nightmare--it's my reality. How the hell did this happen?
Jake: You didn't mind being here last night.
Kate: Oh, my god. I know, but we have beautiful, clean beds.
Jake: In the house where chad lives. And according to you, we're screwed if he finds out about us. Happy thanksgiving. Hmm?
Kate: [Groans] Ohh...
Chad: Abby? Ohh...get it together. Abby? Where the hell is she?
Gwen: Good morning. Happy thanksgiving.
Abigail: Happy thanksgiving.
Gwen: Where's chad?
Abigail: Oh, he's still asleep. Actually, when he wakes up, would you mind letting him know that I went over to see my mom?
Gwen: I thought you guys were going over there later.
Abigail: We are, but I just-- I feel like I should see her before we're all together. I just haven't spoken to her since I got drunk and broke up her marriage.
Gwen: Sweetheart, that wasn't your fault.
Abigail: Well, my dad doesn't agree. Hopefully my mom will be more forgiving.
Jj: It's a perfect thanksgiving morning out there.
Jennifer: I love thanksgiving.
Jj: Me too--great good, no guilt.
Jennifer: I don't mean to bring you down, jj. I just don't think I'm gonna be able to get into the thanksgiving spirit this year.
[Doorbell rings]
Julie: Oh, please let this be doug with the butter.
Jack: Happy thanksgiving.
[Lightly edgy music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
[Gwen knocks on door]
Chad: Hi.
Gwen: Hi. Sorry to bother you. I'm looking for abigail. Do you know where she might be?
Chad: No. I don't actually. I woke up this morning, and... she's been nowhere to be seen.
Gwen: You all right? You look a bit pale.
Kate: You know, just because I don't want chad to know that we're sleeping together doesn't mean that we have to meet here--I mean, there are lovely hotels.
Jake: Why--[Laughs] Are you making this so complicated? Who cares who knows about us?
Kate: I worked too hard to rebuild trust with chad. I mean, believe me, if he finds out that I'm having an affair with the brother he hates--
Jake: And what's that about? What'd I ever do to him?
Kate: were born.
Jake: [Laughs] Okay.
Kate: Okay, but I should get up and get going. I need to shower and dress, because I'm having thanksgiving with lucas and philip.
Jake: Mm, must be nice, huh? Having two of your sons here for thanksgiving dinner.
Kate: Yeah, well, it would better, though, if we weren't having it at nicole's dreary little apartment.
Jake: You guys related to her?
Kate: No, no. She just has a way of making men feel sorry for her. I don't think I'm gonna have much of an appetite, to tell you the truth.
Jake: You know, you seemed to have a hell of an appetite last night.
Kate: Don't start with me.
Jake: What? What? It's thanksgiving. Don't you want to hear what I'm grateful for?
Jj: You punched kate in the face?
Jennifer: No, no, no. I-I-I slapped her. Hard.
Jj: How'd she take it?
Jennifer: She slapped me back.
Jj: So you two were duking it out in the square?
Jennifer: Jj, this is not funny.
Jj: Who's laughing?
[Knocking on door]
Abigail: It's abigail.
Jennifer: Oh.
Abigail: Hi. I just wanted to come, and I wanted to see you before we were all together over at doug and julie'S. And I just--I wanted to tell you how really horrible I feel.
Jennifer: Please. You had too much to drink.
Abigail: I know, but i shouldn't have even been drinking, at all. And I don't even know why I did, and I just--all of a sudden, I was reading that letter.
Jennifer: Honey, please don't take this out on yourself.
Abigail: But I can't not-- I can't not. I mean it's just--for me to stand up there and recklessly announce something that's that hurtful to you... I just--I should have come to you privately, and I hope that you can forgive me.
Jennifer: Abigail, you are the most loving, wonderful daughter in the whole world, and you have nothing to apologize for.
Abigail: You really mean that?
Jj: She does, abs. I told her the same thing.
Jennifer: I should have called you.
Abigail: No.
Jennifer: I should have come to you.
Abigail: No. It's okay.
Jennifer: No, it's not. It is not okay. And jj, he told me that your father is blaming you for what happened--is that true?
Abigail: Yeah.
Jennifer: Well, that makes me even angrier at him, because the only person jack should be blaming is himself.
Jack: Julie, please. Please. I'm not going anywhere. Just open the door, unless you're fine with making all of your guests step over me. Because I'm still here. I'm still here.
Julie: All right! I opened the door. Now you can leave.
Jack: No. I can't leave.
Julie: No! I don't have to listen to you, jack deveraux.
Jack: Julie, please, please.
Julie: I can't hear you. Can't hear you!
Jack: We can't go on like this ad infinitum.
Julie: You know, I used to think you were a smart guy, but a guy who would cheat on his wife when she is in a coma and cheat with kate dimera is not a smart guy. He's an idiot. After the way you hurt--you hurt jennifer rose, you think you can walk in here with a bunch of flowers, sit at our thanksgiving table, scarf up all the turkey and all the dressing and everything's gonna be just perfect? Well, it isn't, jack. You're no longer welcome in this house.
Jack: I know that. I...I only came here because I know that you love jennifer like a daughter, and these flowers are... they're for you and doug. I came over to apologize for hurting her so deeply.
Trelegy for copd.
Gwen: Come on. I know something's wrong. You can talk to me.
Chad: It's just a bad dream.
Gwen: Well, I've heard that if you tell someone about the dream, it won't happen again.
Chad: Yeah. I've heard that. I doubt it's true. But, uh, you know what? What the hell. I'll give it a try. I, uh... I dreamt that...I went down to that workroom of jake'S... and abby was in there with him.
Gwen: Like she was just stopping by, or--
Chad: Well, he wasn't fixing her carburetor, if that's what you mean.
Gwen: Oh, right. Well, no wonder you were upset. You know that abigail is crazy about you, so you just get that stupid dream right out of your mind, okay?
Chad: Yeah. I know it's stupid. It's just...
[Sighs] I can't, but remember finding her passed out cold with her head in his lap.
Gwen: She didn't know what she was doing.
Chad: Yeah, well... you remember that night when she locked herself in the bathroom? I mean, how many times did I knock on the door and beg her to come out?
Gwen: A lot.
Chad: So I...I just think that maybe she was really drunk, and she thought that jake was--
Gwen: Who?
Chad: Just forget it. I found her scarf in there.
Gwen: Where? In the workshop?
Chad: Yeah. Where jake's been spending a lot of his time lately.
Kate: You know something?
Jake: What?
Kate: This place, with a decent bed, some plaster and paint, a full-time cleaning crew and disinfecting crew--you know, it might not be so bad.
Jake: Oh, yeah? You willing to foot the bill? Hmm?
Kate: Hmm. Well, maybe, 'cause you know, you are right. It's a good distance from the house, and we could, uh...we could meet up here.
Jake: Yeah. I like it here. There's no butlers. No maids, no priceless antiques. I can come here whenever I want and get my hands dirty.
Kate: Aah!
Jake: Oh, did I find the spot?
Kate: No!
Jake: I found it? Oh, well...
Gwen: Jake's a dog. I know that better than anyone. A woman just needs to have a pulse, and he's just raring to go.
Chad: Uh...all right, that's enough.
Gwen: Look. What I'm saying is that abigail is far too classy to go with rubbish like jake. She loves you. You are the love of her life, chad. You're the father to charlotte and thomas. Why would she screw that up for a nobody like jake?
Chad: Abby and I, we're... we're solid. I just--I don't get why she would tiptoe out of here and not leave me a note like she usually does.
Gwen: Well, maybe she was in a hurry.
Chad: And know, after as long as we've been married, maybe it's just... well, look at jack and jennifer.
Gwen: Yeah. Jennifer finding out that jack cheated on her while she was in a coma. That's's tragic.
Jack: I have nothing to say, in my own defense.
Julie: Finally, we agree on something.
Jack: I have never loved anyone the way I love jennifer and our kids. They have made me happier than I ever felt I had the right to be. You know, when she lapsed into that coma, I was sure she was gonna come out of it, because she's so strong. But then the months went by, and she didn't come to. And I had a moment where I... I stopped believing I would ever see her again. And if I had just gone home that night, or gone to church, or gone--reached out to john and marlena, what happened wouldn't have happened. But I didn'T. And now, she is in so much pain--this woman that I love--because of what I did. I want to thank you and doug for taking care of jennifer, especially today. I mean, today is... it's thanksgiving. It's her favorite holiday. I love coming down the stairs and smelling the turkey in the morning, and seeing the kitchen windows all steamed up from the stock that she's simmering away, and making that special gravy of grandma alice's that-- look, I'm wasting your time. You're very busy, and I'm very sorry. I'm sorry.
Julie: Wait, jack. I, uh... I accept the flowers. And the apology. I know. I know how devoted you were to jennifer when she was in the coma. I saw that. And to be perfectly honest... I lost faith, too, that she'd ever recover. But I can't dismiss what happened with kate. But you have helped me to, uh, understand... how it happened.
Jack: You don't know how it makes me feel to hear you say that. How it makes me feel, to hear you say that--thank you. Do you think jennifer--is there any way--is there any way that she could come to understand and maybe... and maybe...forgive me? Forgive me?
Abigail: So I mean, what about you and dad? Do you think you guys are gonna be able to fix this?
Jennifer: I am not gonna focus on that. I have so much to be grateful for this thanksgiving-- two amazing kids and two beautiful little grandkids who are all healthy and happy. I'm just gonna focus on that.
Abigail: Okay, but I want you to know that I'm here whenever you need me. All right. Well, I'm gonna go back to the house and I'm gonna round up chad and the kids, and I guess we'll just see you guys later. Sound good?
Jennifer: Yeah, yeah.
Jj: Are you bringing your pumpkin bread?
Abigail: Don't I always? Okay. I'll see you guys. - Oh. - What's going on?
Julie: I cannot speak for jennifer, but though she was very deeply hurt by you, jack, I know she still loves you. Obviously, you still love her. In my experience, that kind of love...always finds a way.
Jack: I hope you're right. I've taken up enough of your time. I have--I'll see you soon.
Julie: Okay.
Jack: Bye.
Abigail: Okay. Did the kids have breakfast?
Gwen: Yes. Do they need their boots?
Abigail: No. It didn't snow.
Gwen: Did you see your mum?
Abigail: I did, yeah. She's keeping it together, but it's pretty obvious what my dad did broke her heart.
Gwen: Well, did you two manage to sort things out or...
Abigail: We did, yeah. Which is a huge load off my mind.
Gwen: That's great.
Abigail: Have you seen chad yet?
Gwen: Oh, dear, look at that. I've only got one of charlotte's mittens here.
Abigail: Oh, here it is. Uh-uh. You dropped it. There you go. Thank you for getting all this together. I've just been so scattered the last few days.
Gwen: Oh, right. Well...there we go. All ready for thanksgiving. You lot have fun.
Abigail: Would you want to come?
Gwen: No. Mary makes thanksgiving dinner for the staff, and, well, I wouldn't want to impose.
Abigail: You wouldn't be imposing. You're a friend. Come on. You've been so great during a really awful time.
Gwen: That's really kind of you, but, um...
Abigail: But what?
Gwen: Well, I just, um... keep thinking about jake and how alone he's gonna be in this very big house.
Abigail: I wasn't actually thinking of that.
Gwen: Maybe you should invite him too.
Kate: You know, you could clean that bathroom over there when you get a chance.
Jake: Oh, yeah? I'll put it on my to-do list.
Kate: Scouring powder would go a long way, my friend.
Jake: What? You know, it's not my fault you gotta go to nicole's for dinner.
Kate: Okay. Sorry. I am sorry, 'cause that was snarky. I just...really dread going over there. Although I guess it's the right thing that I won't run into jack or jennifer deveraux, right?
Jake: Huh. Yeah. You know, I heard jennifer moved out of the main house.
Kate: Yeah. She did. Thank god.
Jake: Huh. I haven't seen jack around either. Guess he doesn't want to mix it up with his daughter.
Chad: Abby? Are you in there? Woman: I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
Jake: What do you want?
Chad: Have you seen abby?
Jake: No. Why would she be here?
Chad: It's the last place I looked. But we're supposed to be getting ready to leave for thanksgiving. What are you, uh...
[Ahem] You sleeping her--you sleeping here?
Abigail: Invite jake to my family's thanksgiving?
Gwen: I'm sorry. I know it's not really my business.
Abigail: No. It's okay. I just--I don't think I really understand why you would say that. I just feel like it would be awkward.
Gwen: Yes. I suppose it would be a bit awkward, but I just thought--
Abigail: You thought what? Come on. Tell me.
Gwen: Don't you want chad and jake to get along? I mean, they are brothers. Anyway, it's up to you, if you decide to invite him. But if you do, just don't tell anyone that I mentioned it. I don't want him thinking that I'm using you to get him back. So what do you say? You going to invite him or not?
Jake: Why do you care where I sleep?
Chad: I don'T. It's just it's a pit in here.
Jake: Yeah, well, I've been working on the carburetor in stefano's old maserati. Thought it'd be cool to get that thing running again. Anyway, when I'm working late I just decide to sack out here.
Chad: How is the old car coming along?
Jake: Oh. Well, you know, I got a magic touch with the older models.
Chad: Yeah?
Jake: Yeah.
Chad: Well, you know, I don't know why you want to sit behind a desk at dimera then. I'll tell shin that you just want to do what you were born to do, and you can fix up some cars.
Jake: Wow, that's very brotherly of you. Thank you. I appreciate it. But I think I can burn the midnight oil down here and climb the ladder at dimera at the same time.
Chad: Okay, yeah. All right. Happy thanksgiving.
Jake: Enjoy that turkey, my brother.
Kate: A magic touch with the older models, huh?
Jake: Okay, that's just my way of saying that they don't make 'em like they used to. That a classic is a classic.
Kate: Oh, I see.
Jake: Yeah.
Kate: Hmm.
Jake: What? Is that okay?
Kate: Hmm.
Jake: Hmm? You gonna think about it.
Kate: You can just put the brakes on, mario andretti, okay, 'cause I need to go.
Jake: All right. Well, you know, as sexy as this is sneaking around and everything, I think we should tell chad.
Kate: Are you kidding me? He's just itching for a reason to fire you.
Jake: Let him try.
Kate: Okay. Tell me something. Are you serious about climbing the corporate ladder, or is this all just a cover for you, huh?
Jennifer: What are you doing here, jack?
Julie: He came by to give us a lovely floral centerpiece and to wish us a happy thanksgiving.
Jennifer: I see.
Julie: Unless--
Jennifer: Unless what, julie?
Julie: Unless you wouldn't mind if he stayed. Crest gum detoxify.
Chad: Hey, there she is. Good morning.
Abigail: Hi.
Gwen: Oh, my gosh. It's time to go. I'm going to get the kids into their coats, and, well, I'll meet you back at the car okay?
Abigail: Thank you.
Chad: You just took off this morning without leaving a note.
Abigail: Oh, sorry. Yeah. Gosh. I woke up this morning, and it just occurred to me I should probably talk to my mom before we're all together at julie's place. Yeah, and you were asleep, and I just forgot. Sorry. I hope you weren't worried.
Chad: I was, but it's fine. I-I get it. How was your mom?
Abigail: It's good, yeah, it's great. We're totally fine, thankfully.
Chad: Good. I know you were worried.
Abigail: Yeah.
Chad: So what were you gonna ask me?
Abigail: Okay. Yeah. Well, I just wondered what you would think about inviting jake today, to doug and julie's place?
Chad: Absolutely not.
Jake: Yeah, I want to be a part of running dimera. Why should chad be in total charge?
Kate: Well, clearly he perceives you as a threat.
Jake: Well, he wouldn't know anything about my plans, if it wasn't for that damn gwen.
Kate: What do you mean?
Jake: Chad walked in on me telling gwen to shut her mouth about you and me. So chad wanted to know why I was telling her to shut up, so I had to make up a story.
Kate: So gwen knows about us?
Jake: She saw you sneaking my jacket back into my bedroom. And she caught us kissing in the study.
Kate: Oh, my god, I told you not to be so free and easy with those pdas of yours.
Jake: Will you calm down?
Kate: Calm down? That little beast--
Jake: Well, she hasn't said a word.
Kate: And why not?
Jake: Because I told her not to.
Kate: Oh, really? Okay. Does that mean that you're telling me that I can trust her?
Jake: Oh, no, no, no. I wouldn't tell anybody that. Gwen's always working some sort of agenda. I'm just relieved that whatever the hell she's working on now has nothing to do with you and me.
Chad: Why in the hell would you want to invite jake to your family's thanksgiving? Y-you don't even like him. Like, what's going on?
Abigail: No, I-- he's your brother, honey. I mean he's my brother-in-law. He's the kids' uncle. He's all alone, that's--
Chad: Well, yeah, he's all alone because he's an arrogant ass. I mean, I don't know why you'd want to put your family through that--don't they have enough going on?
Abigail: I shouldn't have brought it up. Really. Let's go. We should get going.
Chad: Are you mad? No. No, I'm not. My mom's just already there, and I just want to be there and help her get through the day is all. So let's go.
Jennifer: I'm really sorry, jack. I hate for you to have to be away from the family at thanksgiving, but I just don't know how to be in the same room with you right now, especially on a holiday.
Jack: I...I completely understand.
Jennifer: And by the way, you have no business being angry with abigail for exposing your infidelity. No child should have to cover for a parent over something like that. You're strong.
[Melancholy music]
Gwen: That julie is a hoot.
Abigail: She is, yes. She's a tiger when it comes to her family.
Gwen: Hmm. I can imagine.
Abigail: Yeah. You don't want to make julie mad. The woman is fierce if someone she loves has been wronged.
Gwen: Thanks for the heads-up.
Abigail: I mean, she's also very generous and kind-hearted. She's just, all in all, a really great person.
Gwen: Wonderful. Well, I look forward to getting to know her better.
Abigail: Well, you will. She and doug are a very important part of our lives.
Gwen: I'm sure. I envy you. Being so close with your family.
Abigail: Well, yeah we are. I mean, god knows we've got our issues, but there is a lot of love there.
Gwen: I feel it, especially when I'm around all of you. Speaking of being around you all, did you invite jake?
Abigail: Uh...yeah. Well, I brought it up to chad, and he said absolutely not.
Gwen: Wow.
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
Gwen: Right. Okay. Well, I'm sorry I suggested it.
Abigail: No. It's not your fault. Your intentions were good.
Gwen: Yeah. Well, we tried.
Jj: Hey, hey.
Abigail: Hey, jj.
Jj: Gwen. Nice to see you.
Gwen: Yes. You as well, jj. I'm going to get a drink, so excuse me.
Jj: Think I lost my touch.
Abigail: And why do you say that?
Jj: Because every time I show up, she walks away.
Abigail: She just wanted to get a drink. You heard her. No. You're good. You're gonna get plenty of time to flirt with her, don't you worry. How's mom? I feel like she's in the kitchen--you think you could get her out of there?
Jj: Yeah. On it.
Abigail: Thank you.
Julie: Everyone, time for the thanksgiving toast. Everybody get a glass.
Abigail: Oh, no. Definitely not drinking and definitely not making a toast.
Gwen: Why? I brought it for you. It's sparkling apple cider.
Abigail: Oh, that's really nice of you, thank you. Okay.
Julie: You know, I just cannot get over this feeling that I've seen your face before. I mean before you started working for abigail.
Gwen: I suppose I just have one of those familiar faces, you know?
Julie: No, no, you must be friends with someone in town. Perhaps someone at the university--
Gwen: I don't know anyone in salem. Just the people that I've worked with through chad and abigail.
Julie: Oh, well, maybe you do have one of those faces. A very pretty one too. If you'll excuse me. Sweetheart? Okay. Everybody here with a glass? Yes. Yeah. You too. Yes. Okay. The thanksgiving toast. Family. Family. Well, we all know we don't always stand around smiling for a group picture. Sometimes some of us go through dark times. Tragic times. And that's when we all feel each other's pain. And that's when we all come together and hold each other up and hold each other close. Darling?
Doug: For me, this is a very sad thanksgiving without hope, without ciara. Of course, julie and I are very happy and feel blessed that you could all be here with us. But I'm gonna raise my glass to the people who can't be here. May they know that they are loved, missed, and prayed for.
Chad: Here, here.
All: Here, here.
Jennifer: Here, here.
Julie: Thank you, my darling. And now, we can have our dinner.
Chad: Yes.
Doug: Let's do it.
[Soft music]
Julie: No. I can't believe it. You washed all those dishes already?
Doug: Well, honey, you made both the sweet potatoes and the mashed potatoes.
Julie: I certainly did.
Doug: That's a lot more work.
Julie: No.
Doug: Yeah.
Julie: Did you notice all the mashed potatoes, all the sweet potatoes disappeared?
Doug: Oh, they did. Yes. I saw that.
Julie: And your turkey dressing--it was superb.
Doug: Superb.
Julie: As always.
Doug: My love. Have I told you lately how very grateful I am for you? I am thankful every minute of every day that I get to share my life with the most beautiful, the most spirited, the most generous person in the world. And I am madly, madly, madly, madly in love with her. That's you, kid.
Julie: I love you so, my love.
Gwen: Oh, good. Caught you alone. Um...I wanted to thank you.
Chad: For what?
Gwen: Well, abigail told me that she tried to convince you to invite jake today and that you said no. I really appreciate that. She was so set on it, I didn't know how to talk her out of it.
Chad: Really?
Gwen: Mm-hmm. Please don't tell her I said anything. She's still so upset about the party. I don't want to add to that.
Chad: Yeah. No, I won't say anything.
Gwen: I had a great time today, thanks to you. If she would have invited my cheating ex, well, I would have had to stay herE. So...thanks.
Jake: How was thanksgiving?
Kate: Well, it looks like nicole learned to cook. You hungry?
Jake: Hah.
Jj: Hey, dad. It's mom's sweet potato pie. Probably shouldn't read anything into that, but we all know it's your favorite.
Jack: Uh... would you care to share with me?
Jj: Me? No. I already had a couple slices.
Abigail: Is there room for one more?
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