Days Transcript Tuesday 11/24/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 11/24/20


Episode #13902 ~ John attacks Jan; Charlie comforts distraught Claire; Philip finds a surprise in his bedroom; Xander and Sarah find a clue regarding Philip's partner-in-crime.

Provided By Suzanne

Xander: She has to come out soon, right?

Sarah: Well, I hope so. I am so happy I chose to be a doctor and not a cop. Stakeouts are boring.

Xander: You want to call it a night?

Sarah: Not like you to throw in the towel.

Xander: I shouldn't have had so much coffee at lunch.

Sarah: [Gasps] Rookie mistake. All right, you go. Go find a potty, and I'll stay here, and I'll keep an eye out for philip's mystery woman.

[Suspenseful music]


Maggie: Philip.

Philip: Hey, maggie. How's it going?

Maggie: It's all right. We missed you at dinner.

Philip: No appetite.

Maggie: Yet you're drinking. That's probably not such a good idea on an empty stomach.

Philip: Actually, it's a fine idea.

Maggie: Wow. Something is obviously bothering you. Would you care to talk about it?

Philip: Well, it's nothing I shouldn't have expected, but I do find it a bit disturbing.

Maggie: Disturbing?

Philip: That belle would marry shawn again, which she is doing, today.

Marlena: Oh, I have not pronounced you husband and wife.

Jan: Well, what are we waiting for? Oh, I know, the rings. We haven't exchanged the rings yet. Where are they?

Shawn: Uh, actually, my best man, um--

Jan: Well, where's your best man? Who's your best man? It can't be john because he's sitting right there, and it's obviously not charlie. Wait a minute. Somebody's missing. Where the hell is brady?

John: You know, the ceremony is taking so long here. Um, he's got a young daughter, and he had to go pick her up at the sitter. He's really sorry.

Jan: Seriously?

John: Yeah.

Jan: That jerk cut out of a family wedding to save a few bucks?

Marlena: Well, uh, no, no, her mother's in--in jail, and she's been very upset.

John: Yeah.

Jan: Hmm. You better not be lying, because if brady alerts the cops, belle dies.

[Dramatic music]

Brady: Oh, my god. Jan, jan said that belle was being held by someone at gunpoint here. Where is she? Where is she?

Eli: I'll check the bathroom. Check the closet.

Brady: Please be all right.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Claire: Jan, please. This is crazy. You can't kill my mom.

Jan: Uh, uh, uh, claire. We don't use that word. You know that.

Claire: I also know that my dad, he doesn't love you, and he never will.

[Tense music]

Jan: Claire says you don't love me, but you can learn to love me, right? Right?

Shawn: I'm--I'm marrying you, aren't I?

Jan: Yes. This is taking too damn long. We need to wrap this up so we can fly off on our honeymoon, just in case brady does do something stupid. But, folks, we have a problem.

John: And what's that?

Jan: Hello. The rings? We can't complete the ceremony without them.

Marlena: You know, I have something in my jewelry box. I'll just check, get something for--

Jan: So you can call the police and tell them about me? Nice try, dr. Evans, but that is one hell of a rock on your finger. I'll take that, and john, give shawn your wedding band. Now, damn it! Unless you want your daughter to die.

[Dramatic music]

Eli: There's no sign of her.

Brady: I didn't find anything either.

Eli: I'll have some officers check the security footage and talk to the hotel staff. In the meantime, we need to head back to john and marlena's, and we need to force jan to tell us what really happened to belle.

Philip: I don't know why belle and shawn getting married again would affect me this way.

Maggie: Well, it's pretty obvious.

Philip: Is it?

Maggie: Well, of course it is. Philip, you still have feelings for her.

Philip: Totally and profoundly unrequited.

Maggie: Well, those feelings aren't just gonna go away. I mean, I would venture to say that it's fairly common for those feelings to be unrequited and for those feelings to be enduring in spite of the fact.

Philip: Yeah, I suppose.

Maggie: And on the bright side, unrequited love has provided us with, oh, a whole lot of, oh, I don't know, wonderful literature and theater and movies and--

Philip: True. True, but in real life, unlike in literature, theater, and movies, it's not very entertaining.

Maggie: I agree, and usually downright painful. I've been there myself. I'm sure most people have.

Philip: Yeah, well, when it comes to my feelings for belle, wouldn't you think those feelings would have stopped enduring by now? I mean, her and shawn have been together for a while now, madly in love, according to them.

Maggie: Yeah, well, they have been together for quite a while, but so long as they're not married, you can hold out a sliver of hope that maybe you and belle might find your way back to each other.

Philip: Which is delusional.

Maggie: But understandable.

Philip: Not to me. Kind of you to say, maggie. I appreciate you trying to make me feel a little less pathetic.


Maggie: You are not pathetic, philip, not in the least. You know, when you find someone else to love, and you will, everything is gonna fall into place. So you haven't been involved with anyone lately?

Philip: No, no, no one seriously. I have dated some other women, some of them really great.

Maggie: Uh-huh.

Philip: Beautiful, smart, intelligent.

Maggie: Yeah? And yet?

Philip: Ah, it's hard to say. I--I was always comparing them to belle. They just didn't measure up, you know?

Maggie: Oh, philip, you know, I'm sure that when you find the right woman, that's not gonna happen. I mean, look at you. You are an interesting, smart person yourself. Quite a catch, in my opinion.

Philip: You wouldn't even be slightly prejudiced?

Maggie: Well...[Chuckles] Maybe slightly. You remind me an awful lot of my husband in many ways, and in case you haven't noticed, I'm quite smitten with him.

Philip: Anyway, enough of that, of my sad unrequited love saga. Even to myself I sound like an adolescent fool. So from now on, no more talking about what could have been with belle or anyone else. For the time being, I'm gonna focus all my energy on my work at titan.

Maggie: I'm sure that your father will be very pleased to hear that. So are things any better between you and xander?

Philip: That would be a no.

Maggie: Oh. I thought that maybe--

Philip: Maggie, I know you're a fan of his, but I can't stand the guy. I mean, he's an idiot, for one thing, and then, you know, worse than that, he has no respect for boundaries, always butting in to things that just aren't his business.

Xander: Oh, feeling much better.

Sarah: Good. Unfortunately, the mystery woman left.

Xander: But you got a decent picture of her this time, so...

Sarah: Okay, well, babe, by the time I got my phone out, she left. She walks fast.

Xander: Not the end of the world. There's always plan B.

Sarah: [Gasps] Magic fingers.

Xander: You already knew that.

Sarah: [Gasps] Rawr.

Xander: Okay, we have to move fast. You search the bedroom. I'll start out here.

Sarah: Okay. Shout if you find anything.

Xander: Oh, I'm gonna find something. This is our chance to figure out what philip's up to, and with whom.

[Suspenseful music]

I have been suffering with migraine for years and years.

Maggie: Philip, I know that--I know you and xander don't get along, and that doesn't surprise me in the least, but he is definitely not an idiot. He's very bright, in fact.

Philip: Bright? I'm sorry, maggie. We're gonna have to agree to disagree on that.

Maggie: Well, think what you might, but I don't think that my daughter, the doctor, would have fallen in love with an idiot.

Philip: Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't realize speaking about xander that way would be insulting to sarah.

Maggie: Insulting and not true. I mean, he--I know he doesn't respect boundaries. I've seen that, but he has--he's made a whole lot of mistakes in that regard, and he regrets them now. That's why he's trying very hard to be a better person.

Philip: No comment.

Maggie: It's true, philip.

Philip: Fine. Believe what you want to believe. That's your prerogative, but I will say this. When we became co-ceos, I wasn't happy about it, obviously.

Maggie: Mm-hmm.

Philip: I thought he would do his thing, and I would do my thing. I had no idea he'd be constantly looking over my shoulder, hovering over me, waiting for me to screw up.

Maggie: If you are doing your job and you're making the right decisions for the company, you've got nothing to worry about, right?

Philip: I hope not.

Maggie: You don't sound very confident.

Philip: The last thing I want to do is disappoint my father. I've screwed up in the past. I have another chance here. I just want everything to work out.

Maggie: We all do. We're all pulling for you, philip.

Philip: I appreciate that. I just feel like I have a lot of pressure. Sometimes it feels like too much.

Maggie: You know, it sounds to me like you're talking about something more serious than just this personality clash between you and xander. I mean, is there more to it? Tell me. I promise it'll stay between us.

Xander: Any luck?

Sarah: Well, the mystery woman is a size two, and babe, the shoes that she had--

Xander: Sarah.

Sarah: Hmm?

Xander: Did you find anything?

Sarah: Well, I went through the pockets, but I didn't find anything useful.

Xander: I found some paperwork. Turns out you're right. Nakamura does rent the place out, so she probably sublets it and has no connection to him.

Sarah: That explains why all the drawers are empty.

Xander: Yeah, all his stuff will be in storage.

Sarah: Do you think this is another dead end?

Xander: No, and I'm not giving up.

Sarah: We've looked everywhere.

Xander: Not quite. We didn't go through the trash.

Sarah: Ooh, this would be useful, except it doesn't have an address label, so no name.

Xander: What's this? A nametag? It's a visitor's badge from statesville prison.

Sarah: Ooh, that would have a name on it.

Marlena: These rings that have no beginning and no end are a symbol of your love, which is unending and everlasting, and they will always bind you together.

Jan: Let's cut to the chase.

[Uneasy music]

With this ring, I thee wed. Your turn.

Shawn: With this ring, I thee wed.

Jan: [Exhales sharply]

[Chuckles softly] Come on. Come on. Wrap it up.

Marlena: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Jan: Dr. Evans.

Marlena: Yeah?

Jan: Aren't you forgetting something?

Marlena: Sorry. You may kiss the bride.

[Dramatic music]

My husband and I have never eaten healthier.

Maggie: Talk to me. Tell me what's going on. I know it's difficult with belle getting married today, but is there something more?

Philip: Like I said, I'm just feeling a lot of pressure.

Maggie: Well, can you be specific?

Philip: It's nothing for you to worry about. I'll manage.

Maggie: Is this between you and your father? I mean, is he not being appreciative of what you're doing? I mean, I know he can be quite the martinet at times.

Philip: He's--it's nothing my father has done. He's been really good to me. We're doing great these days.

Maggie: Well, I'm glad. You know, for what it's worth, I'll bet any amount of money that you're gonna be just fine in every way, in work-wise, romance-wise. You've got a lot going for you, philip.

Philip: Never had you pegged for a gambler, maggie.

Maggie: [Laughs] Well, normally I'm not, but I see--I see a bright, capable, determined young man who's doing everything he can, his very best to honor his father's wishes, who's putting in a hard day's work to--to protect the family legacy. That's not gonna be easy. I mean, in fact, it's gonna be downright brutal at times, but I think the odds are excellent that you are going to succeed.

Philip: Thank you. No bet is a sure thing.

Maggie: True.

Philip: I learned that the hard way. Hmm... thanks for listening. I'm kinda beat. I'm gonna go hit the hay. Thank you. Good night.

Maggie: Good night. Take it easy.

[Tense music]

Sarah: Well? What is it?

Xander: Angela vandekamp.

Sarah: Does that mean anything to you?

Xander: No, but at least it's something to work with.

Sarah: I'm gonna look her up.

Xander: Here's the spelling.

Sarah: No, there's nothing useful. Let's see if she has any social media.

[Keys jingling]

[Whispers] Quick, hide!

[Dramatic music]

Jan: You may kiss your bride. Fine, then your bride will kiss you.

[People exclaiming]

Eli: Freeze!

Jan: Damn it.

John: Is she safe? Did you find her?

Brady: The place was trashed. There was a struggle, obviously.

Eli: But no sign of belle.

Marlena: No, no!

Shawn: What the hell have you done with her? Where is she, huh? Where is she?

Jan: Belle--belle is-- doesn't matter! Just let philip have her! He wants her, and she wants him.

Shawn: That is not true.

Jan: Oh, but it is, so I did you a little favor.

Shawn: What do you mean?

Jan: I knew you could really never love me until she was dead, so I shot her and disposed of her body.

Marlena: Oh! Oh!

Jan: She's dead.

John: You what? You did what?

Marlena: Oh! John!

[People shouting]

You clean dishes as you cook,

Marlena: John! John, stop! Stop it now! Oh, my god!

Eli: John!

Shawn: Come on, john, john!

Brady: Dad! Back it up. Back it up.

[Overlapping shouts]

John: What?

Brady: Take it easy.

Marlena: Stop, stop.

Brady: God...

[Phone beeps]

Eli: This is detective grant. I need a bus at 715 pinewood avenue. Marlena, how is she?

Marlena: Unconscious. I've got a pulse, but it's faint.

John: Damn it! Damn it! I didn't mean to hurt her. Just when she said she killed belle, I just--I lost it for a second.

Shawn: No, belle cannot be dead, no, no. I'm going back to the inn, and I'm gonna go find her, okay?

Claire: I'm gonna come with you.

Shawn: No, you're staying right here.

Claire: Please, dad, I wanna help!

Shawn: No! It's dangerous, okay? Jan already said she had a friend with a gun, and they might already be there, so stay here. I'll let you know when I find her.

John: We'll find her. We'll find her.

Eli: John.

John: What?

Eli: You're not going anywhere.

John: What?

Philip: Belle? Belle, are you okay? You're supposed to be marrying shawn. What are you doing in my bed?

Belle: Philip?

John: Stand aside, detective. I need to find my daughter.

Eli: John, you can'T. I have to arrest you.

John: Arrest me? You heard her. She said she killed my daughter!

Claire: Oh, my god, oh, my god.

Brady: Eli, listen, listen, I know you hate me, all right?

Eli: Brady, this has nothing to do with you. Your father just attacked jan right in front of me. I'm a cop. I can't overlook that.

Brady: So now you're gonna go by the book?

Eli: Look at her, brady. She's in really bad shape.

John: It wasn't intentional. You heard what she said about belle, so I lost a little control. She's gonna be okay. Doc, tell eli that she's gonna be okay.

Marlena: Oh, thank god they're here. I'll ride with her to the hospital.

John: I'll go with you.

Eli: You can'T.

Brady: Eli, eli--

Eli: I have to take him in.

Brady: Can we just focus on finding my sister first? Please.

Eli: Fine. I'll call for backup.

Brady: Hey, hey, hey. I'm going with you. It's gonna be fine. It's gonna be okay, all right?

[Tense music]

John: [Whispers] Jan's gonna be okay, right?

Marlena: I hope so. I hope we find belle. Go with them. I'll let you know as soon as I know anything.

Eli: John, let's go.

John: Okay.

[Tense music]

Instantly clear every day


Shawn: [Sighs] He said the room was trashed, god.


[Inquisitive music]

[Sighs] "My darling shawn, couldn't be more excited to marry you again. I made mistakes in the past, but I've learned from them. I know in my heart and soul that you're the only one, the only man that I want to be with. Today is a new beginning for us, the start of a beautiful life, a future filled with adventure and joy and, most of all, love... for all the days of our lives."

Belle: Where am I?

Philip: In my bed.

Belle: Oh.

Philip: Whoa, whoa, easy. What are you doing here? Why aren't you with shawn?

Belle: Shawn?

Philip: You were supposed to marry him today.

Belle: Oh, my god. She drugged me.

Philip: Who drugged you?

Belle: Oh, god, jan. She tried to kill me.

Philip: It's--it's okay.

Belle: [Whimpers]

Philip: It's okay. You're--you're okay. You're safe now.

Sarah: My foot's asleep.

Xander: I could give it a rub if you like.

Sarah: No, what I would like is to be home with you having a nice dinner and a glass of wine, watching a detective show instead of pretending to be a detective.

Xander: I think I hear water running. Maybe ms. Vandekamp's taking a shower.

Sarah: Okay, let's go. Come on.

Xander: No, no, no, no, I didn't get to see her face in that stupid closet mirror, and I wanna know who she is. I wanna see her face.

Sarah: You're gonna look at a woman in a shower?

Xander: Just a wee peek. We are the thrivers.

Sarah: No, forget it. I'm not gonna let you go sneak a peek at a naked woman in a shower.

Xander: Darling, are you jealous of angela vandekamp?

Sarah: [Gasps] No, I just don't wanna be arrested for breaking and entering and voyeurism.

Xander: We can't leave here empty-handed.

Sarah: We are not leaving empty-handed. We have a name, and we know that she visited statesville prison recently. Now we have to get out of here while we still can. Come on, let's go, let's go. Let's go.

Claire: I can't believe this. I can't believe that this is happening.

Charlie: It's gonna be okay.

Claire: How is it gonna be okay? Jan said she killed my mom.

Charlie: We don't know anything for sure yet.

Claire: [Crying] You heard her. The hate in her voice, the satisfaction, it's like she enjoyed doing what she did, and it's my fault. Why did I tell jan that mom was getting ready at the salem inn?

Charlie: Claire, listen to me. It is not-- it is not your fault. If you hadn't have told her, she would have found out some other way. Look, I know you're scared, but right now you need to stay strong. Lean on me. I'll help you.

Claire: I just--I can't stop thinking about ciara. None of us wanted to believe that the worst was true, but it was.

Charlie: And I'm so sorry for that, but this is a totally different situation. Look at your father. He lost ciara, but he is not letting that stop him. He's not giving up hope.

Claire: [Sniffs] You're right. Dad believes that mom is alive, that she's gonna be okay. I need to believe that too.

[Somber music]

Eli: Hey. You find anything yet?

Shawn: No, no, nothing that tells me what jan did to belle or any clue where she might be.

Eli: I got some guys taking a look at the hotel's security footage, but nothing yet.

Shawn: You know what I think? I find it very hard to believe that jan managed to get belle out of here without any help.

Eli: She might have had an accomplice.

Shawn: What the hell have you done with her? Where is she, huh? Where is she?

Jan: Belle--belle is-- it doesn't matter! Just let philip have her. He wants her, and she wants him.

Shawn: That is not true.

Jan: Oh, but it is.

Belle: Everything okay here?

Shawn: Yeah, yeah, actually, I was just, you know, telling philip the good news. But instead of congratulating me, he took the low road, as expected. Maybe you can set him straight. He seems to think that I proposed to you because I was afraid that he was gonna steal you away from me.

Belle: [Laughs] Well, not only is that ridiculous, shawn didn't actually propose to me. I was the one who popped the question because I love him with all my heart, and I know we belong together, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

Philip: Then I wish you every happiness. I mean that.

Belle: Thank you.

Shawn: You know, the wedding's today if you want to attend.

Belle: Shawn.

Shawn: What? I mean, what's wrong with that? I mean, he could throw a little rice, you know, bury the hatchet.

Philip: Hey, thanks for the invitation. I'm touched, but as fun as that sounds, I have places to be.

Shawn: Oh, my god. Look, I think I might know who jan's accomplice is. Philip kiriakis.

Eli: Wasn't he just arrested for assaulting jan?

Shawn: Yes, because he claims that jan was threatening belle, all right? But the two of them, they want the exact same thing. They want to break belle and I up. I mean, so maybe that's the reason why they were arguing. I--I mean, you think about it. It's like, philip was fighting these charges for weeks. Then all of a sudden, what, he just agrees to a plea deal? No, he's gotta be helping jan.

Eli: It's worth asking him some questions.

Shawn: Let's go.

Belle: Oh, god. I was at the salem inn getting ready for the wedding, and then jan showed up.

Philip: You let her in?

Belle: She wanted to give me a wedding gift, and she refused to leave until I opened it, so I--I finally gave in, and then she pulled a gun on me.

Philip: My god.

Belle: She said that she was still after shawn and that I was in the way, and I--I tried to reason with her, and then--and then claire showed up, and jan made me get rid of her.

Philip: Lucky for claire.

Belle: And so I--I tried to wrestle the gun away from her. I just--I thought she was gonna kill me. But then I think--I think she realized that-- that if she did that, that shawn would hate her, and I don't know. I just think somewhere in her crazy mind she thought that if you and I were together, that she could have shawn, and she was just determined to marry him. Oh, my god, we have to call my mom and make sure everyone's okay.

[Dramatic music]

John: I guess we should probably see about bail.

Brady: Yeah, dad, I was--i was gonna call a lawyer.

John: Normally we would call belle in on this. Oh, my god, kid, what are we gonna do?

Brady: Hey, hey, we're gonna keep the faith, right? That's what shawn's doing.

John: I swear, I don't know what came over me. It's like it was...some blind rage. I just--just couldn't stop myself.

Brady: All right, it's all right. It's gonna be okay. Jan--jan was breathing when we left. You know that.

John: Barely. She was unconscious. So how long were my hands around her neck?

Brady: Dad--

John: Just tell me. Tell me.

Brady: Dad, I don't know. I don't know. Eli and I, we were urging you to let go. You--it's like you couldn't even hear us or something.

John: I couldn'T. All I could hear was what she did to--to my daughter, to your sister.

Brady: I know. I know. I know.

John: Oh, has--has doc called?

Brady: No, not yet, but she will soon, soon.

[Solemn music]

Marlena: [Sighing] Oh, jan. Dear god, she's gotta be okay. Research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia.

Sarah: You have a buddy that

Xander: Yeah, I can hold.

Sarah: You have a buddy that works at statesville prison?

Xander: Yeah, he's checking the log to see who angela vandekamp was visiting. Yeah, I'm here. Wow. Okay. Thanks, mate.

[Phone beeps]

Sarah: You look shocked.

Xander: I am. Ms. Vandekamp was visiting kristen dimera.

Maggie: Hi, shawn, I-- what are you--

Shawn: Where's philip? Where's philip?

Maggie: He's gone to bed. What--what's going on?

Eli: Belle was kidnapped by jan spears. We think philip might be involved.

Philip: Marlena and john aren't answering their phones. Neither is shawn.

[Phone beeps]

Belle: Oh, my god. Jan had a gun. What if she went over there and shot everyone and kidnapped shawn again?

Philip: It's going to be okay, I promise.

Belle: Oh, my god.

Shawn: Oh, my god. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it! I knew you were--

Belle: No, no, no, stop.

Shawn: I knew you were in on this with jan.

Belle: No, this was all jan. This was all jan.

Philip: Look, I came in, and I found her on the bed.

Belle: Yeah.

Shawn: No, you're a liar. You're a liar!

Belle: No, no, no! Shawn, listen to me. In jan's warped mind, she thought if she was gonna have you, that philip and I should be together. This was all jan. Philip had nothing to do with this.

Shawn: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god, you're safe. Oh, my god. God, thank god. Oh, my god. Jan told everybody that she killed you.

Belle: My god. Philip called my parents, and neither one of them answered. We have to let them know I'm okay.

Shawn: Yeah, yeah, let's call right now. Okay. Oh, my god.

[Phone beeps]

Claire: Oh, my god. It's from my dad. He's found her. She's alive.

Charlie: Are you okay?

Claire: I'm better than okay. I'm just--I'm so relieved.

Charlie: I told you it would all work out.

Claire: Charlie, I am so sorry. I invited you to this wedding, which is weird enough because we hardly know each other, and then, you know, it turned into a nightmare.

Charlie: I'm actually glad I was here. I could have protected you.

Claire: Really?

Charlie: Why does that surprise you?

Claire: It's--it's been a long time since someone wanted to take care of me.

Charlie: Well, I do.

[Romantic music]

Maggie: Philip? He would never. He would never do anything to help that lunatic, jan spears, with anything, let alone a plot to kidnap belle.

Philip: It's true, but I did find her in my bed, looking like a corpse.

Eli: What?

Philip: It's fine. She's alive. She's fine. Don't panic.

Maggie: How the hell did she get into this house, let alone in your bed?

Philip: I have no idea. Neither does belle, but hopefully your questions can wait 'cause I think she and shawn need a few minutes alone.

Shawn: Oh, my god.

[Both sighing]

Belle: [Crying] Nice ring.

Shawn: Yeah, jan demanded that we use your parents' rings for the ceremony.

Belle: Well, I hope your--your marriage to jan isn't valid.

Shawn: Luckily, she didn't get her hands on the marriage license.

Belle: Okay.

Shawn: The whole thing is meaningless. Listen, but there is something else I need to tell you.

Belle: What? About jan?

Shawn: No, it's about your dad. Listen, when jan told everybody that she killed you, your dad went ballistic, and he tried to strangle her. Listen, brady and eli, they managed to pull him off of her, but belle, she wasn't in good shape when I left.

Belle: Oh, my god. I hate her. I hate her for what she's done.

Shawn: I know. I know. I know.

Belle: For my dad's sake, I hope she's okay.

Shawn: Oh, my god, can we just not talk about jan anymore, please? Can I just take you home, just show you how much I love you?

[Emotional music]

Brady: Dad, dad, listen. From shawn, it's from shawn, listen. Hey, they found belle. They found her. He's with her, and she's fine. She's fine.

John: Oh, thank god.

Brady: Yeah, it's all right. It's okay.

John: And thank god for not letting me give up, kid.

Brady: Never.

Marlena: Doc, we just got word that belle is fine. She's safe.

Marlena: Yes, yes, thank god. I--I got shawn's text.

John: Well, then why are you so worried? Did something happen at the hospital? Is jan okay?

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