Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 11/23/20
Episode #13901 ~ Jan makes a shocking demand at Shawn and Belle's wedding; Claire realizes Jan betrayed her; Lani apologizes to Kristen for Eli's actions; Eli commiserates with Abe and Julie.
Provided By Suzanne
[Soft dramatic music]
Kristen: Oh, my god! Oh, my g--
[Laughs] Look at you. Oh, god, it is so good to see you. Oh, my gosh. Look at you. I have been thinking about you nonstop. Honey, you've been crying. What is it? What's wrong?
Lani: I found out that I am the reason that you are here, that eli forced you to sacrifice your freedom for mine. Kristen, I had no idea.
Kristen: I know you didn'T.
Lani: I'm--I'm so sorry.
Kristen: Hey, don't be. It's not your fault.
Lani: No. It's eli'S.
Julie: Oh, good. You gentlemen got my message.
[Laughs] Welcome. I have been going over the guest list for lani's baby shower, and I've come up with an idea. Hmm. Yes, I can see that those words are frightening to you two, but I assure you--I assure you i have been doing all of my research, and I have discovered that coed baby showers are all the rage. And since kristen, lani's best friend, obviously cannot be here, I thought perhaps lani would be interested in broadening her demographic gender-wise.
Abe: Uh, julie--
Julie: Oh, abe. I know you're a traditionalist, but I, for one, think that eli should be there. After all, they're his babies too, and he and lani are going to be sharing all the work. Why shouldn't he share the fun? Don't you agree with me?
Eli: Look, grandma, i appreciate you doing this, all of it. But to be honest, I don't think lani's gonna want me at her baby shower.
Julie: Whyever not?
Claire: So what do you think of charlie?
Shawn: You know, he's all right.
Claire: Just all right?
Shawn: Claire, come on. You gotta know by now. Nobody's good enough for my claire bear.
Claire: Hmm. Well, I guess I'll have to settle with "all right," then. Just please don't call me claire bear in front of him, okay?
Shawn: Okay.
John: You know, this is it, doc. At long last, I get to walk my baby girl down the aisle, something I never thought would happen, since I missed their last wedding.
Marlena: I'm so sorry stefano kept you from being there.
[Sighs] It was a lovely ceremony.
[Cell phone beeps]
Shawn: Oh, that's it. This is belle. She's parking the car.
Brady: All right.
Claire: Places, everyone.
John: All right, let's get this wedding started.
["Bridal chorus" playing]
Sounds like they're playing your song, kid.
[Sighs] You look beautiful, tink. Are you ready?
Shawn: I love you so much. I cannot wait to marry you.
[Shrill music]
Jan: Mm, neither can I.
Shawn: Jan?
Jan: What's the matter? Were you expecting someone else?
Shawn: What the hell do you think you're doing?
Jan: What does it look like I'm doing? I'm marrying my handsome groom.
Shawn: Where is belle?
John: What the hell have you done to my daughter?
Jan: Belle, belle, belle. Everything's always about belle.
John: If you've laid a finger on her, I swear to god--
Jan: Your precious belle is fine. But she won't be for long if you don't behave yourself. Make that call, and your sister is a dead woman.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Jan: I'm sorry. I really must insist. A wedding should be a phone-free zone. Don't you agree, dr. Evans? I know you're a stickler for etiquette.
Marlena: Yes, I am.
Jan: I mean, I'd just hate to see photos of my dress all over social media before shawn and i have even said our "I dos."
John: What the hell are we doing here? Why are we giving in to her crazy demands?
Marlena: Because she is mentally unbalanced, and we don't know what she's done to belle or where she is. So all we can do now to keep belle safe is just to play along with her.
John: But you see, we don't even know if belle is safe now.
Claire: I need to know my mom is okay.
Brady: We're not gonna take your word for it, jan.
Jan: All right already. If I show you proof of belle, will you all just shut up about her? As you can see, belle is alive and well. Just a little tied up at the moment. Get it? Now, can we get on with the ceremony?
Shawn: Come on, you seriously can't think that I'm gonna marry you.
Jan: Oh, that is exactly what I think. You and I are getting hitched right here right now, and I am finally gonna be mrs. Shawn-douglas brady. Otherwise, you--all of you-- will be singing the wedding belle blues.
Shawn: You seriously are a psychopath, and I wouldn't marry you if I had a gun pointed to my head.
Jan: Shawn, sweetie, i couldn't point my gun at your head, because it happens to be trained on belle as we speak.
Claire: Oh, my god.
Marlena: Let me understand. Your gun is elsewhere, so you don't have a gun on your person right now.
Jan: I couldn't bring it with me, obvi. Didn't go with my dress. So I left it with a trusted friend. And let me be very clear. If anyone attempts to leave this room or anyone tries to call for help or does anything whatsoever to get in the way of my perfect wedding, it'll be belle's funeral.
[Tense music]
You're strong.
Claire: Jan. Hey.
Jan: Hey.
Claire: We're friends, right?
Jan: Of course we are. You're the very best friend that I have. Way better than that user nicole walker, who talked me into trying to murder your pop pop.
Claire: Right. Anyway, you know how well i understand you and everything that you've been through.
Jan: Of course I do.
[Laughs] I mean, you are a true kindred spirit, genuine and kind, and, oh, I'm overjoyed that you're gonna be my maid of honor. Makes this day even more special than it already is.
Claire: Thank you. That truly means a lot to me. But the thing is, I'm worried about my mom.
Jan: How many times do I have to say it? She's fine.
Claire: But where is she?
Jan: Oh, claire. I thought I could at least count on you to be happy for me.
Claire: Jan, of course I want you to be happy.
Jan: Good. Because, well, you're the reason that I made it this far.
Claire: What do you mean?
Jan: Well, earlier at the pub, you gave me some super useful info. You told me that your mom was getting ready at the salem inn, and so I paid her a little visit and...
Claire: And what?
Jan: And now here I am.
Claire: Oh, my god. That's why you insisted that i go and see charlie. That's why you said I had to invite him to the wedding in person. You were trying to get rid of me.
Jan: Well, yes, but I mean, it worked out perfectly for both of us, right? I mean, you're here with a totally hot guy, and, well, I'm about to marry the man of my dreams, so that's what I call a win-win.
Claire: I get it now, why my mom was so weird when i saw her at the salem inn. She was so nervous and uptight, and she wouldn't even let me in the room. You were in there with her, weren't you?
Jan: With a gun to her back.
Claire: But, jan, you told me that you weren't interested in my dad anymore. You told me that you understood that they were meant to be together.
Jan: I know that's what i said, and I am so sorry, claire. There's no good way to put it, but I lied. I'll never accept that your parents belong together. Shawn is mine, now and forever.
[Dramatic music]
Eli: And then lani threw me out of the apartment. Yeah, so for now, I'm staying with abe.
Julie: I can't believe this. Although why should i be surprised? Didn't I tell you? Whenever I try to have an event here for the family, it always ends in disaster.
Eli: Grandma, we didn't even have the baby shower.
Abe: Yeah, this isn't your fault, julie.
Julie: Oh, I'm not blaming myself. But for lani to kick you out mere weeks before the twins are due, that's not acceptable. I'm appalled.
Eli: Okay, grandma, I know you're upset, okay, and I love how protective you are of me, but please, whatever you do, do not go off on lani.
Julie: Who's talking about lani? I'm talking about you, eli.
Kristen: Know what? The last thing I want is for you to be angry with eli.
Lani: Too late. Already kicked him out of the apartment.
Kristen: Lani! You know he was in an impossible situation. I was gonna go to prison no matter what, and if I hadn't taken the fall, we both would be behind bars right now.
Lani: No, not necessarily. As I have told you before, kristen, while eli was over there pressuring you to confess, I was talking to trask.
Kristen: Yes, I know you and melinda had a conversation.
Lani: And I was getting through to her. I swear, she was about to drop those charges, and then you just burst in and admitted to stabbing victor.
Kristen: Yeah, I--I know. I know. I saw that. I just--I was overwhelmed with what I was doing and I didn't really hear what you were saying.
Lani: You need to hear me now. If eli hadn't decided to just go about this completely on his own, if he would have trusted me, respected me, and been honest with me, you wouldn't be here right now. You, brady, and rachel would be together, and this whole nightmare would be over.
Marlena: Jan. As the officiant, it's my job to make sure that the bride has everything she dreamed of, so i thought we could take a moment to talk privately about the ceremony.
Charlie: I'm so sorry you're dealing with all this.
Claire: I'm the one that's sorry. My parents warned me over and over about jan being dangerous, that she was just using me to get to my dad, and I stupidly believed that we were bonding over being...
Charlie: Former, um, mental patients?
Claire: Wait, you know?
Charlie: Xander told me. But I told him that I would never judge you for getting help. And it's obvious that you're better.
Claire: I thought that jan was too, but clearly i was wrong.
Jan: To be honest, dr. Evans, my day is already somewhat less than perfect. For starters, I never would've picked this dress. Also, the crowd is a little thin. And I really had my heart set on a destination wedding, and no offense, but your living room ain't it. But I suppose the most important thing is that I'm marrying shawn.
Marlena: Jan, you're a smart girl. You know that shawn was planning to marry belle today because shawn loves belle.
Jan: No. No. No, he just thinks he loves her. Your daughter has treated him so badly. I mean, how many times has belle cheated on that perfect specimen of manliness? I would never do that. I would never take shawn for granted. I will honor him and treasure him and show him what true love means.
Shawn: God, I really hope that marlena can get through to jan, let that lunatic know there's no way in hell that I would ever marry her.
John: Well, actually, shawn, you will. My nunormal: Fewer asthma attacks.
Shawn: You want me to marry jan?
John: Doc's trying to get through to her, but let's not be naive. Nobody is gonna talk jan spears out of fulfilling a fantasy she has obsessed about for two decades. It's like doc said. The only way we're gonna keep belle safe is to placate jan, so I'm afraid, my boy, you're gonna have to go through with this ceremony.
Marlena: Jan, I don't think you've thought this thing through. So you marry shawn. Then what?
Jan: We eat cake, then I take my husband to bed, of course, go on a fabulous honeymoon, and live happily ever after.
[Dramatic music]
Marlena: I know because i treated you that you lost years when you were in the coma. I guess I'm wondering if you-- if you're hoping to make up for lost time now.
Jan: Don't try to shrink me, dr. Evans, because it's not going to work.
Marlena: Duly noted.
John: Shawn, everybody knows this wedding isn't real. Obviously it's not legal. It doesn't mean anything. What we're doing is a stall tactic. Just need a little bit of time to rescue belle, make sure she's safe, throw jan in jail, then we're gonna have ourselves a real wedding.
Shawn: I'll do anything to save belle.
Jan: My darling. You ready to tie that knot?
Shawn: Ready as I'll ever be.
Kristen: We don't even know for sure if trask would've dropped the charges. And you know what? We don't even need to talk about what-ifs, 'cause what-ifs, we can talk about them forever and ever. Bottom line is, I stabbed victor, and now I'm paying the price, and I do not want you to pay too.
Lani: What you did for me, kristen, what you gave up? You are separated from your daughter. It's too much.
Kristen: I know, but you know what? This is why I didn't want brady to tell you. Honey, I don't want you to worry about me.
[Chuckles] This is supposed to be the happiest time of your life.
Lani: And how am I supposed to be happy, knowing what my husband did?
Kristen: Because you know why he did it. Eli loves you more than anything in this world. He was just protecting you and your family and your future. If I can understand that, why can't you?
Lani: I do understand that. But he should've came to me, and we could've figured out a way together, but he lied to me instead, kristen. And if I wouldn't have found him and my father with their heads together, he would've kept lying to me... forever. I don't wanna live like that.
Kristen: I know you love him. I know you do.
Lani: How am I supposed to ever trust him?
Eli: Grandma, I was trying--
Julie: Oh, I heard what you were trying to do. I just heard the whole dismal story. And my question is, what the hell were you thinking? Oh, I know you were trying to protect your wife, but, eli, marriage is a partnership. You do not run around making unilateral decisions.
Abe: You know, his back was against the wall. He had to make decisions based on very limited options.
Julie: I disagree... vehemently. I have learned the hard way after all these years, and i thought after everything you and lani had been through, you would've learned it too. It's commendable to want to protect your family but not at the cost of honesty and trust.
Eli: I know, grandma. I know. I really screwed up.
Julie: Yes, my beloved grandson, you certainly did this time.
[Soft dramatic music]
John: You know, I didn't wanna say this to shawn before, but his marrying jan could only temporarily keep belle safe.
Brady: Meaning?
John: Meaning that jan sees belle as a threat. So even if shawn does go through with this wedding, there's nothing that will stop jan from killing belle when this is over.
Brady: Nothing?
John: Except for us.
Jan: Are you ready to do this?
Claire: Dad, what is she talking about?
Shawn: We're going through with the wedding.
Jan: I hope you know, claire, I'm gonna be the best stepmother ever. After all, we're already best friends, right?
Claire: Yes. Best friends.
Brady: I'm gonna go find belle.
John: No, not a chance. I'm going.
Brady: No, dad. Think about it. Between the two of us, who's gonna have a better chance of sneaking out of here without jan noticing?
John: Good point.
Marlena: Hi there. I just tried talking some sense into jan. No luck.
John: Well, I had better luck with shawn. I told him what you said about placating jan to save belle, so he's agreed to go through with this sham of a wedding.
Marlena: That's a good idea.
John: Okay, so what I need you to do is stall for time. Just try to drag this ceremony out as long as you can.
Marlena: What are you going to do?
John: I'm not gonna do anything. Brady is.
Marlena: Oh.
Brady: Let's get this going. The sooner we get this started, I'll have enough time to find belle.
Marlena: Okay.
John: Good luck.
Marlena: Attention, everyone. We're going to start the ceremony.
[Sighs] Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of jan spears and shawn-douglas brady. There it is, grandma's recipe.
Julie: Well, now that we have established you've royally screwed up, may I ask, what are you going to do about it?
Eli: Since lani isn't speaking to me and she's kicked me out, I'm not sure exactly what I can do, except give her some space.
Julie: For heaven's sake. I could come up with a better idea than that. Abe, kick eli out of your house.
Abe: What?
Julie: You are facilitating the separation of lani and eli. That's it. Yeah. Send him packing, and then make sure lani is the first person who hears about it. I'm sure she won't want to see the father of her babies out on the street any more than I wanna see my great-grandbabies born into a broken home. And since lani is about to have these babies any minute, we need to sit down here and discuss our strategy.
Eli: Well, listen, I would love to sit and stay and listen to more of your creative ideas, but I gotta get back to the station.
Julie: Eli, promise me you're going to fix this. Nothing is more important.
Eli: Yeah, I promise, grandma. I'll do everything in my power to get lani to forgive me.
Lani: This problem with eli, it's not new. Kristen, it goes back to when he went behind my back to arrest you. If he hadn't done that--
Kristen: He was doing his job, lani. And of all people, I think you would understand that.
Lani: I do understand. But we agreed, no more secrets. They have broken us so many times in the past. I mean, just the other day when he was in the hospital, I was telling him how afraid I was of losing him. He looked me right in the eye and said it would never happen again.
Kristen: The secrets started with me. I asked you to cover for me when I stabbed victor, and if i hadn't done that, if I would've taken responsibility from the very beginning, you would not be dragged into this.
Lani: You didn't drag me into anything. I wanted to help. You are my best friend, kristen.
Kristen: But eli is your husband. And, honey, I know you feel torn. I know that you think that you'd be betraying me or abandoning me if you live this happy life with eli. But I don't feel that way. To me, the choice is very, very clear.
Lani: I can't just pick up with eli and move on. It's not that simple.
Kristen: I'm gonna make it simple for you. Eli loves you so much that he would do anything for you. Don't you love him that way too?
[Dramatic music]
Marlena: A wedding is a joyous occasion filled with hopes and dreams for the future. We are here to celebrate the love that jan and shawn have for each other and to recognize and to witness their decision to journey forward in their lives together. If there is anyone here who can show just cause that these two should not be legally joined, please speak now, or forever hold your peace.
Jan: If anyone dares say a word... great. Please continue.
Marlena: Today you come here as two individuals. And you will leave as one.
Jan, shawn, remember to treat each other with respect and think often about what brought you together. You've had hellmann's in a sandwich
Marlena: And now, we'll have a reading from claire brady.
[Tense music]
Claire: "Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast."
Shawn: Stop. Look, I can't do this.
Julie: Don't just stand there, abe. Help me with the guest list.
[Soft lounge music playing]
No eli?
Abe: Well, I know my daughter. She's very stubborn.
Julie: Gee, I wonder where she gets that. You know, abraham, you are just as much responsible for this mess as eli is.
Abe: Excuse me?
Julie: Well, if you hadn't helped him keep a secret from lani instead of telling him that keeping secrets always blows up in your face...
Abe: That wasn't my place.
Julie: Do you know what your place is? You're the mayor of this town, but you're so frightened of impropriety, you put eli in an untenable position.
Abe: I don't know what you're talking about.
Julie: Well, I understand lani came to you and begged you to fire melinda trask. Oh, no, you couldn't dismiss the district attorney just because your daughter was having a major problem with her.
Abe: Look, at the time, there were some other--
Julie: Didn't know about it? Didn't know melinda trask had this mission to punish kristen? Didn't know that melinda trask had a huge conflict of interest? Of course you did. If you had just done as your daughter asked, none of this would've happened. Am I right, or am I right?
Lani: Okay, enough. Enough about me and my problems. I wanna know about you.
Kristen: [Chuckles]
Lani: How are you doing in here?
Kristen: I'm fine. I'm fine. Yes. Rachel came to visit me the other day, and that didn't go so well. So I decided that maybe it'd be better if she didn't see me for a while.
Lani: Yeah, brady told me she wasn't happy. I'm really sorry.
Kristen: Marlena came to visit me afterwards and she gave me some words of wisdom, so i think I'm gonna try it again. Five years is--I don't know. It sounds like forever. But I have to keep reminding myself that eventually we will get our lives back.
Lani: I admire your faith.
[Both laugh]
Kristen: Well, sister lani, I have faith in you and eli too.
Lani: Okay, kristen?
Kristen: Hmm?
Lani: I don't wanna talk about him.
Kristen: Fine, you wanna talk about me. Okay. Do you know what I would give to be with my family right now? And you can have that in an instant. All you have to do is forgive eli.
Lani: You say it like it's that simple.
Kristen: Lani, do you want eli to be your husband, to raise your children together? If you do, you are wasting precious time when you could be together right now. But if you don't, you may as well walk away and never look back.
Brady: Eli. Eli, I need your help, man.
Eli: You need my help?
Brady: Look, I know. I know. You're mad at me right now, but we gotta put that all aside. Listen, I need you to help me save a life, okay?
Eli: Brady, what are you talking about?
Brady: My sister is in there, and she's in trouble.
Jan: You promised to marry me today. Otherwise, you know what'll happen to belle.
Marlena: Take a deep breath, sweetheart.
Shawn: Okay.
[Both exhale]
Marlena: All right. Can you continue?
[Tense music]
Good. Go ahead with your reading, sweetheart.
Claire: [Sighs] "Love is not rude. It is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs."
Jan: Thank the lord.
Claire: "Love never fails."
Jan: It better not.
Marlena: Thank you, sweetheart. Now, jan, do you take--
Jan: Actually, the name's janet. Jan's a nickname.
Marlena: Right. Right. Janet, do you take shawn to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do you part?
Jan: I do!
Lani: You know how much i love eli. But now that I know what he did to you--
Kristen: You don't think you can trust him ever again. I get it. You've said that over and over again. But I'm telling you, sweetie, you can forgive him. That's all you have to do, and you can do it right now. I want you to.
Lani: You didn't wanna lose those five years with your daughter. You didn't want your family just torn apart. Kristen, you gave up everything for me.
Kristen: Yes, I did, lani. I did. I went to prison so that you wouldn't have to. I did it for you; I did it for eli; I did it for those beautiful babies that you are about to bring into this world. The only thing that is worse than being stuck in this hellhole is being stuck in here knowing that I did it for nothing. Listen to me. I am begging you. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain. Work things out with eli, please.
Eli: Brady, I'll call for backup, all right?
Brady: No, no, no. I don't have time for that. Her life could be in danger.
Eli: You're not trained for a situation like this. We have no idea what we could be walking into.
Brady: I'm not gonna argue with you about this, all right? I'm going in with or without you. I don't have time--
Marlena: And, shawn, do you take jan--do you take janet to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish from this day forward till death do you part?
Shawn: [Sighs] I do.
[Tense music]
Julie: I can tell you one thing: When my doug was mayor of this town, he never would've had a problem--
Abe: Enough, enough, enough. I have been beating myself up plenty already. I am damn sick of this situation. So there's no need to pile on.
Julie: Understood.
Abe: Let's just focus on-- focus on the future. Let's do what we can to help make lani and eli move forward.
Julie: Well, of course. The future is the only thing we can change. And, abe, we have got to do something to get those crazy kids back together again before the babies are born.
Lani: I wanna forgive eli. And I want us to have the future that we have always dreamed of.
Kristen: You deserve that. And so do your babies.
Lani: They do. They do. They deserve to have two parents who love each other and who are devoted to each other.
[Dramatic music]
Kristen: [Sighs] Lani, you just have to push past this anger and have the will to give that to them.
Lani: Forgiving eli isn't about whether or not I have the will. It's about what's in my heart. And I don't know if I can do it.
Eli: Room service. Wait for my signal.
Marlena: Oh, wait, wait, wait. I haven't pronounced you husband and wife yet.
Jan: Well, what are you waiting for? Oh, I know. We haven't exchanged the rings yet. Where are they?
Shawn: Actually, my best man's got the--
Jan: Who's your best man? Where's your best man? I mean, it's not john, 'cause he's sitting right there. It's obviously not charlie. Wait. Someone's missing. Where the hell is brady?
Brady: Oh, my god. What is this?
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