Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 11/20/20
Episode #13900 ~ John and Shawn give Charlie the third degree; Shawn and Belle's wedding ceremony begins; Belle is unnerved to see Jan; Sarah takes a picture of Philip with his mystery partner.
Provided By Suzanne
[Dramatic music]
Ava: Well, it's about time.
Philip: I came as soon as I could. I got waylaid by some friends.
Ava: [Scoffs] Spare me the excuses. Get in here.
[Camera shutter snaps]
Xander: If you see so much as a decimal point out of place, I want to know about it.
Charlie: You got it.
Claire: Good. You're here.
Charlie: Good?
Claire: Hi. Sorry, xander. I need to speak to charlie for a minute.
Xander: Not if you're just gonna jerk him around some more, you're not.
Claire: Excuse me?
Charlie: Oh, I'm sure--
Xander: Charlie told me that he took you on a very nice date last night, and then tonight he asked you out again, and you blew him off.
Claire: But I--
Xander: But what? Was the restaurant not fancy enough for your instagram feed?
Claire: That wasn't it at all.
Xander: Or do you maybe have another old boyfriend tucked away somewhere that you want to snog?
Claire: No.
Charlie: I can handle this, mr.--
Xander: I'm sure you can, charlie. I'm just trying to understand why claire wouldn't want to go out with a great guy like you. Seriously, claire, what's wrong with you? What's not to like about charlie?
Claire: But I do like charlie--a lot.
Charlie: You do?
Xander: Then why'd you turn him down flat for a date?
Claire: [Sighs] I am so sorry for the confusion and that you're upset, but the truth is, my parents are getting married today, and I was really hoping that you would be my date to the wedding.
Charlie: You want me to come to your parents' wedding?
Claire: They're getting married today, in an hour. But I totally understand if you think it's weird. I mean, we go on one date, and then boom, I invite you to this big family event. I just thought that there was no harm in asking.
Xander: He'd love to go.
Marlena: Oh!
Brady: Hi.
Marlena: Hello. Oh, hello, baby girl.
Brady: Mm. Those are pretty.
Marlena: Are they?
Brady: Yeah.
Marlena: These are for your sister.
Brady: Really? What's the occasion?
Marlena: Oh, you didn't get the message? She is remarrying shawn today.
Brady: Mm.
Shawn: Well, I guess it's too late to ask for your permission to marry your daughter.
John: Well, now, that's kind of hard to do when my daughter did the proposing, right?
[Both laugh] You know, you don't have to ask. You've always had my permission. In fact, I could not ask for a better husband for my little tink than you.
Shawn: Thank you. Means a lot.
John: Yeah.
Shawn: Belle and claire, they mean the world to me, and I'll always do whatever it takes to protect them.
John: Yeah, I know, kid.
[Tender music]
Belle: What are you doing here?
Jan: Claire told me that you and shawn are getting remarried today, so I just--I had to come and congratulate you.
Belle: And how did you know where I was?
Jan: Claire. She's so excited.
Belle: Well, I still have things to do, so if you don't mind--
Jan: Wait, wait. Please. I know how you feel about me, but I just want you to know I am really happy for you and shawn.
Belle: Oh, right. Yeah, I'm sure.
Jan: Really, I am. That's why I brought you a wedding gift.
[Tense music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Claire: Well, love the enthusiasm, xander, but I was kind of hoping to hear from charlie.
Charlie: He's right. I'd love to go, as long as mr. K doesn't mind giving me the rest of the day off?
Xander: Oh, for something as important as this, not at all. Just make sure you tell pop pop who made it happen.
Claire: Whatever.
Charlie: Is this okay, or is the wedding gonna be more formal?
Claire: You look perfect. I mean yes, that is totally fine.
Charlie: Then shall we?
Claire: Actually, I have to go and help my mom get ready, so I was kind of hoping that we could just meet at my grandparents' place. That's where the ceremony is. I'll just text you the address.
Charlie: Okay. Cool.
Claire: Okay.
Charlie: Okay.
[Both chuckle]
Claire: I will see you later.
Charlie: Looking forward to it. Meeting the family alone? What have I gotten myself into?
Xander: [Sighs]
Brady: I saw that belle left me a voice mail, but i haven't listened to it yet.
Marlena: Ah.
Brady: I had no idea that shawn and belle were thinking about getting married again.
Marlena: Well, no, no, no, no, it was completely spontaneous. Belle just thought it might be fun to get remarried on their original wedding date, so she proposed.
Brady: She proposed? Go, little sis. That's so like her.
Marlena: Look, I know she'd love to have you there, if you can make it. My place in about an hour.
Brady: An houR. Uh, yeah, short notice, but I assume there's no paul, no sami, no eric?
Marlena: No. No, no, she's spoken to the men, but, you know, with such late notice, they couldn't possibly make it.
Brady: Mm.
Marlena: And I don't know that sami was notified.
Brady: They're still not speaking, really?
Marlena: Well, belle is still angry at sami for unleashing jan spears on salem.
Belle: Your last gift, if I recall, was a cake with a bomb inside of it, so...I'll pass.
Jan: So suspicious, but this is the new and improved me. I promise, no bomb. See? No ticking.
Belle: And why would I want a gift from you? Now, go away.
Jan: I'm trying to make amends here, belle. I've been in town for weeks, and I've been on my best behavior. Look, I know you were upset with me about pressing charges against philip, but, belle, he threatened me. He grabbed my arm. I was in fear for my life.
Belle: You wanted to make trouble. And don't even get me started on how you've been harassing claire.
Jan: Claire and i are friends. Even she will tell you we have a bond. We've both done terrible things we regret.
Belle: Don't you dare compare yourself to my daughter.
Jan: I'm not. Your daughter is a very special person. She's talented, kind, smart as hell, honestly, one of the best people that I know. But I swear to you, belle, I want to make things right, just like claire does. And everyone's given her a second chance. Why can't they--why can't you give me one too?
Belle: [Scoffs] Fine. Thank you. You may leave now.
Jan: Well, aren't you gonna open it?
Belle: [Scoffs] Fine.
[Gift pops, belle shrieks]
Jan: [Laughs] Omg, you should have seen the look on your face.
Belle: You sadistic bitch. You scared me half to death.
Jan: Well, I certainly don't like to do things halfway.
[Suspenseful music]
Alright, everyone, we made it.
Xander: Relax. Claire's obviously totally into you if she wants you to meet your future in-laws already.
Charlie: You don't understand. You know how much I sucked getting this far with claire.
Xander: The worst, definitely.
Charlie: Now I have to talk to her parents, her grandparents--disaster. Maybe I should just cancel. Maybe I can just tell her something came up at work--
Xander: No, no, no. No! Before you call, just take a breath.
[Sternly] Do it. Take a breath. You're smart. You're good-looking. You're an all-around great guy. Just hold on to that, and you'll be fine.
Charlie: But what if they think that I'm boring? Or worse, what if they think that I'm a creep or both--
Xander: Will you stop overusing that big brain of yours and just go with the flow? If the worse comes to worst, just let claire do all the talking. Trust me, it's one of her superpowers.
Charlie: But what--
Xander: Do you want to be in a relationship with claire or not?
Charlie: I do.
Xander: Then man up.
Charlie: [Exhales sharply] Okay. Yeah. I got this.
Xander: I'm counting on it.
Charlie: [Sighs] Thank you for giving me the day off.
Xander: You can pay back the favor by keeping an eye on philip.
Charlie: Will do, boss.
Sarah: Hi. Hey there.
Xander: Hey, so... how'd it go? Did you follow philip to his big meeting?
Sarah: Yes.
Xander: And?
Sarah: And I... I know who he's working for.
[Dramatic music]
Ava: What is with the mood?
Philip: The friends I ran into, shawn and belle, turns out, they're getting remarried today.
Ava: Oh, don't tell me you are still carrying a torch for belle black.
Philip: Yeah, I thought I was over her, but not so much.
Ava: Like you had a chance.
[Laughs] Oh, shawn brady. He was, is, and will always be the love of her life.
Philip: It's crazy, I guess, but deep down, a small part of me still was thinking belle would come back to me. Guess it's time to put that dream to rest once and for all.
Shawn: Ooh.
John: All right, looking good.
Shawn: All right. Anything else I need to do before I get suited up?
John: No, I think that's it. Besides, doc's gonna be home soon; I'm sure she'll finish up any last-minute details.
Shawn: Mm.
John: Mm-hmm.
Shawn: Huh.
[Pensive music]
John: What you thinking about?
Shawn: I don't know, just-- you know, I just kind of wish that there were more of us here. I mean, you know, with chelsea in london and my mom being out of town, it's like I have nobody here to represent my side of the family.
John: Well, you still got us. And we're your family too, shawn. Always will be.
Shawn: Thanks. It means more than you know.
Belle: What are you doing? Jan, what happened to making amends, to doing the right thing?
Jan: I guess I lied. But it's your fault. I had the perfect plan, and you ruined it.
Belle: Plan? What?
Jan: You and philip. I mean, the only reason I pressed charges was because I knew you would take his case. All that quality time with your former lover, it would drive shawn crazy and straight into my arms. But you had to cut a deal for philip and ruin it.
Belle: You really are insane. Jan, shawn doesn't love you.
Jan: Oh, belle, you need to accept that what shawn and I have is--it's once in a lifetime. And that beautiful, romantic summer we spent at my country home proves it.
Belle: You locked him in a cage. You tied him to a bed.
Jan: Shawn liked it kinky.
Belle: Jan, you held him against his will.
Jan: He would have come around eventually. I know it, but you ruined it.
Belle: Jan, listen. Just put the gun down. Walk away. Go get some help.
Jan: Ugh, that tone, so superior. But you've always been afraid that shawn would come to his senses and dump you for me.
Belle: No. That's ridiculous.
Jan: Is it? I saw how you fell to your knees and proposed to him. Of course he said yes. Putting him on the spot like that?
Belle: I thought you said that claire told you that.
Jan: I only pumped your precious little girl on info for how to find you, and it wasn't hard. You know what a chatterbox she is when she's excited.
Belle: Okay. Listen, if claire means that much to you, then, jan, please just don't do anything stupid. You don't want to hurt her, do you?
Jan: I really don't like the thought of causing claire any pain. She is such a sweetheart. But you're the only thing standing in the way of my happily ever after. So I have no choice but to stop you from marrying the man I love. We are the thrivers.
Xander: Well, don't keep me in suspense, woman. Tell me who philip's partner is.
Sarah: Okay, just so we're clear, my mother puts up with victor calling her "woman," but I am not okay with that.
Xander: Understood, and I apologize. Just eager for answers, so back to the question, sweet cheeks. Who's philip's partner?
Sarah: Okay, so I don't actually know her name.
Xander: It's a woman?
Sarah: Yes, and I've never seen her before, but I did manage to snap a photo, so maybe you recognize her.
Xander: What the hell?
Ava: So you didn't get the girl. You gonna pout about it, or are you gonna focus on what needs to be done?
Philip: I forgot what a coldhearted--
Ava: Oh, watch it.
Philip: Woman you are.
Ava: Ah. You think I don't know what you're going through? Every time I think about steve with that twit kayla, I want to break something. I went to his place yesterday.
Philip: [Chuckles] I thought you were gonna stay the hell away from him.
Ava: Well, yeah, you know what? It's what I told myself, but then...[Chuckles] You know, love, right? Oh. God, I even--I knocked on his door, but then at the last minute, I just couldn't do it.
Philip: It's probably for the best, since you're supposed to be dead. And steve's son is still doing time for killing you.
Ava: I saw my own son yesterday--tripp. I was standing so close to him, I almost touched him. Then he just--he got up, and he walked away. There's so much that I want to tell him, so much I want to know about him, and his life and... I don't know. I don't know how much longer I can stay in hiding.
Philip: Are you kidding? You're dead, ava. And you're still wanted for kidnapping kayla. Do you really think a big reveal will have a happy ending?
Ava: Oh, probably not.
Philip: All right, well, like I said, it's better for everyone if you stay dead. Smart girl like you, maybe it's best you pack up and leave town.
Ava: Well, I would if I thought I could trust you to take care of what needs to be done here.
Philip: You can trust me.
Ava: All you've done is let me down, philip. So unless you stop disappointing me very, very soon, I might decide that you are not worth keeping around.
[Dramatic music]
John: Oh, there's the groom now.
Shawn: Hey, who's this?
Charlie: Charlie dale.
John: Claire invited him, apparently.
Charlie: I took your daughter to dinner last night.
Shawn: Oh, hmm. So you're the one that kept her out past midnight.
Charlie: Was it that late?
Shawn: Yeah. Yeah, it was. Didn't you have a job to get to this morning?
Charlie: Yes, sir. I work at titan.
Shawn: Oh, do you work for philip kiriakis?
Charlie: Yeah, yeah. Great guy, really great.
Shawn: Yeah, not in my book.
Charlie: Oh, I also work for xander kiriakis. In fact, I'm much closer to him, really.
John: He shot my wife.
Charlie: Maybe "close" isn't the right word. He's just been giving me some advice about claire and--
John: What kind of advice?
Charlie: You know, just, um, like-- look, guys. I really, really like claire. I swear, and I would never--
Shawn: You'd never what? What exactly are your intentions with my daughter?
Brady: You know, I would love to celebrate belle and shawn's wedding, absolutely. I will drop her off at a playdate, and I'll swing by.
Marlena: Oh, good. I'm sure belle will appreciate having at least one sibling there. I just wish these women could solve the rift between them.
Brady: Sami always seems to go one step too far. I understand why belle is upset with her. I guess the good news is that jan spears isn't causing any trouble with shawn and belle, aside from being her usual annoying self.
Marlena: I understand she is keeping her appointments with a psychiatrist, and hopefully she's on the correct meds and working on her issues.
Belle: Jan, just think about what you're doing. Hey, if you kill me, shawn will never even look at you again. He'll hate you.
Jan: Or maybe he'll thank me for setting him free from the woman who claims to love him but who has no problem cheating on him-- first with philip, then with that guy from maine. That's right, I did my homework. You're a slut, and you don't deserve shawn's love.
Belle: Yeah. You're right. I probably don'T. But the bond that shawn and I share is-- it is unbreakable. And I've been lucky enough to earn his love back.
Jan: Well, your luck's about to run out.
Belle: Jan, please.
[Knock at door]
Claire: Mom. Mom, it's me. Here to help the bride get ready.
[Suspenseful music]
My husband and I have never eaten healthier.
Sarah: Well, do you recognize her?
Xander: Well, I recognize philip, but as for this big blur next to him--
Sarah: Oh, damn it! I had to turn off the flash so that they wouldn't see me, but they must have moved too fast. Baby, I'm sorry.
Xander: Can you describe her?
Sarah: Well, she's got a similar build to me and brown hair and brown eyes.
Xander: Doesn't exactly narrow it down.
Sarah: I know. I might be describing me, but it doesn't matter, because we know where she lives. And we know where she and philip are right now.
Philip: Could you pull back on the threats?
Ava: I will... when you deliver what you promised.
Philip: And I will, but it's not easy laundering millions with my co-ceo breathing down my neck.
Ava: Oh, please. I spent time with xander when I was recovering in that warehouse in nashville. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Philip: Maybe not, but he is the biggest tool I've ever met. He runs crying to my father every time there's the slightest hint of impropriety.
Ava: Well, then find a way to neutralize him, or I will.
Charlie: Mr. Brady, I assure you my intentions are completely honorable. I would never hurt claire.
Shawn: That's good to know. Did I mention that I'm a cop?
Charlie: No, sir, you didn'T.
Shawn: And so is john. But he does more of the spy stuff. He's one of those guys that, uh, you never see him coming until it's too late.
Charlie: Well, I guess I better keep my eyes open.
Shawn: Yeah. I guess so. Look, my daughter has been through a lot, so I--so we are very protective of her.
Charlie: Of course you are. An amazing girl like claire? Trust me, I meant what I said. I would never, ever hurt your daughter.
Shawn: You better not. All right, now it's time for me to go get changed for my wedding.
[Dramatic music]
Jan: Sounds like somebody wants to join the party.
Belle: Please don't hurt my daughter.
Jan: Of course I won'T. But just to make sure that doesn't happen, you need to do exactly as I say.
Belle: Okay.
Claire: Mom, are you there?
Belle: Hi, honey. Sorry. I was just getting out of the bath.
Claire: No problem. Aren't you gonna let me in? We gotta get you ready.
Belle: Actually, what I need is for you to call your dad and ask him if he knows where that bracelet is that he gave me for christmas, 'cause I really want to wear it to the wedding.
Claire: Oh, okay. Why can't I just call him from here? Why can't you call him?
Belle: Because I can'T.
Claire: You can't?
Belle: I'm sorry. I'm just--I'm so nervous, you know. I'm excited too, but I think that's probably why it's better if I just get ready alone. And I'll just meet you at the town house, okay?
Claire: Are you sure you don't need me to help you?
Belle: Yeah.
Claire: I was gonna do your makeup.
Belle: No, I'm okay. I'm okay. I'll see you there, okay?
Claire: Okay.
Belle: Hey, claire? I love you so much.
Claire: I love you too, mom.
That was strange.
Brady: What's strange, beautiful? What's going on?
Claire: I was supposed to help mom get ready, but she just asked me to call dad about some missing bracelet or whatever. It was weird. She kind of yelled at me, like she was trying to get rid of me.
Brady: You know what? You know what? It's probably your imagination, and she's just being tink. She's just excited. She's probably nervous. Wouldn't worry about it.
Claire: Right. That's exactly what she said.
Brady: Yeah. Come on. I'll give you a lift, okay?
Oh, oh, oh, ozempicŪ!
Philip: As much as I detest xander, there's no need to kill him. In fact, we have a much better weapon we can use against him.
Ava: Yeah? What's that?
Philip: Who. Sarah horton. Soon as xander thought I was making a move on her, he almost lost his mind. All I have to do is pay attention to the pretty lady and push his buttons until he does something really stupid.
Ava: Oh, how you gonna do it? You gonna use all that irresistible charm to seduce her?
Philip: What, you don't think I can?
Ava: Oh, I don't care how you do it, dimples. Just get rid of xander.
Xander: The apartment is owned by a fred nakamura?
Sarah: Maybe she's subletting it or, like, a share situation.
Xander: This is useless. The only thing to do is go over there right now, bang on the door, and have it out with philip and his lady friend.
Sarah: So, what, you and philip can beat your chests, yell at each other, and then he can deny everything and run to victor and tell him that you're harassing him?
Xander: It's a straight shot to getting fired.
Sarah: Mm-hmm. Again.
Xander: Plus, it will just tip philip and this woman off that we're onto them, and they'll cover their tracks. No. We need to go stealth, find proof that victor can't deny.
Sarah: How?
Xander: Stake out the apartment. The woman has to leave at some point, and when she does, I'll break in and find something that proves philip's up to no good.
Charlie: I'm so glad you're here.
Claire: Charlie, this is brady. Brady, this is charlie.
Charlie: Nice to meet you.
Brady: Nice to meet you, charlie.
Claire: Are you sweating?
Charlie: It's a little hot in here, right?
Claire: Did you get a chance to meet my family yet?
Charlie: I did, yeah. They're all, um, really welcoming.
Claire: I hope so. I haven't seen my dad, but we just came from seeing my mom. She was so nervous. Kind of rushed me away, told me to meet her here. I just hope she doesn't end up needing my help.
Jan: Glad you didn't try to pull anything. I would have hated to hurt claire. She's probably the best friend I've ever had. Certainly better than you or mimi ever were.
Belle: Okay. You talked about second chances, jan, okay? Maybe you could give me a second chance to be the kind of friend I should have been.
Jan: Really?
Belle: Yeah, really.
Jan: Well, there is one thing you could do, as a friend.
Belle: Okay. What's that?
Jan: You could stop acting like a condescending bitch.
Belle: I can help you, jan.
Jan: This isn't a cry for help, damn it! This is me taking back what you stole from me all those years ago. And nothing you say or do can stop me.
[Tense music]
Frustrated that clothes come out of the dryer wrinkled?
Philip: Sarah's the key, and I will use her to push xander over the edge. And then my father will fire him from titan.
Ava: Because that worked so well the first time.
Philip: For good. And then I'll be free to launder your mob money faster than you can make it.
Ava: [Laughs] Oh, I will believe that when I see it.
Philip: Just so we're clear, after laundering your money and paying back my gambling debts, you're gonna leave me the hell alone.
Ava: Of course I will, philip. You have my word.
[Dramatic music]
Xander: Hey, what took you so long?
Sarah: Snacks.
Xander: Snacks?
Sarah: Mm-hmm. Well, if we're going on a stakeout, who knows how long we're gonna have to wait for that woman to leave her apartment? And we don't want anybody getting hangry, now, do we?
Xander: Sarah, it's very sweet, you wanting to come along, but--
Sarah: No. No, sir. You do not get to tell me no. I am going, end of discussion.
Xander: It's illegal, and it could be dangerous. We have no idea what kind of people philip's working with.
Sarah: I am a doctor. I do not scare easily. Plus, I'm really smart, so...
Xander: You're also very beautiful.
Sarah: Mm, and I brought your favorite biscuits.
Xander: Oh, is that what's in there?
Sarah: Yes, but it's a package deal, sir. No me, no biscuits.
Xander: Well, when you put it that way--
Sarah: [Gasps] Yes!
Xander: But...
Sarah: Okay.
Xander: We're a team, but you have to do exactly what I say. No going rogue. If I say stay put, you stay put. Understood?
Sarah: Understood.
Xander: Thank you.
Sarah: For the biscuits?
Xander: [Chuckles] For believing in me.
Sarah: I just--I wish I would have done it from the beginning. I'm really sorry, baby.
Xander: Well, you're here now.
Sarah: Yes, so let's do it. Let's take that jerk philip down for good.
Claire: Charlie is an intern at titan. He works directly under philip and xander.
Brady: Oh, my sympathies.
Charlie: It hasn't been that bad.
Brady: Eh, give it some time.
Claire: Don't scare him.
Brady: Claire, I'm not scaring him. I'm familiar with titan, so my advice would be, keep your head low. Stay neutral, because you definitely don't want to get in a war between those two nut jobs. Nice meeting you.
Claire: Don't worry. He's just being dramatic.
Charlie: Yeah, no, he seems nice. Everybody does. No, your family is just really-- is great. Everybody's just...great.
Claire: Hmm, really? Because you were definitely sweating when I walked in.
Charlie: Okay, so your dad and your grandfather might have been a little bit eager to--
Claire: Set you straight?
Charlie: Just 'cause they love you so much.
Claire: Mm, I'm so sorry I wasn't here to protect you. Do you wish you never came?
Charlie: This is the only place I want to be.
Claire: Come with me. I have to get a couple of things from the car.
[Soft music]
Shawn: [Sighs] All right, so I was thinking that since claire is gonna be belle's maid of honor, how do you feel about, uh, being my best man?
Brady: Well, I'd be honored. Sure.
Shawn: You know, I mean don't flatter yourself. It was down between you and charlie. And I'm pretty sure that the pressure would have destroyed him, so...
Brady: All right, shawn. Well, as your default best man, is there anything I can do for you?
Shawn: Actually, there is.
Brady: Name it.
Shawn: The rings. Would you hold these, please?
Brady: No problem.
Shawn: [Sighs] Now all we need is the bride.
Belle: Jan, please. Deep down, I know you don't want to hurt me.
Jan: The hell I don'T. You're the reason that my life has been so screwed up. See, if you had just let me be with shawn, everything would have been different. I wouldn't have spent half of my life in a coma. Shawn, he would have been my husband. And the worst part is, you had all of that, and you took it for granted. You cheated on him. And that's why you don't deserve to wear this dress. You're not worthy to be shawn's wife. I'm gonna make sure that you never hurt him again. Research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia.
Ava: I don't want to have to track you down all over town. You check in. You keep me posted.
Philip: Or what? You'll sic your cousin on me?
Ava: Oh, don't test me.
[Dramatic music]
Sarah: Well, do you recognize her?
Xander: I couldn't get a good look, but her voice did sound kind of familiar.
Sarah: Well, what now?
Xander: Now we wait.
Claire: So what do you think of charlie?
Shawn: Eh, you know, he's all right.
Claire: Just all right?
Shawn: Claire, come on. You gotta know by now. Nobody is good enough for my claire bear.
Claire: Hmm. Well, I guess I'll have to settle with "all right," then. Just please don't call me claire bear in front of him, okay?
Shawn: Okay.
John: You know, this is it, doc. At long last, I get to walk my baby girl down the aisle, something I never thought would happen, since I missed their last wedding.
Marlena: I'm so sorry stefano kept you from being there.
[Sighs] It was a lovely ceremony.
Shawn: Things haven't exactly gone the way that we planned them. There is one thing that has not changed. That is my love for you. It's always been there, and it always will be. You're everything that I need, belle. And I can't imagine my life without you by my side. And so I give you this ring in token and in pledge of my constant faith and abiding love.
Belle: I love you. I love you, and I just thank god that you didn't give up on us. You fought for me and for claire, and I'll never forget that, because not only did you prove that you loved us but that my dad wasn't the only hero in my life. I had someone else I could count on. If he were here today, he'd be really happy. And he'd be really at peace knowing his baby girl was in the best hands.
[Sighs] Shawn, I promise to be a good wife and to love you and to be faithful to you for as long as we both shall live.
[Cell phone beeps]
Shawn: Oh, that's it. This is belle. She's parking the car.
Brady: All right.
Claire: Places, everyone.
John: All right, let's get this wedding started.
["Bridal chorus" playing]
Sounds like they're playing your song, kid.
[Sighs] You look beautiful, tink. Are you ready?
Shawn: I love you so much. I cannot wait to marry you.
[Shrill music]
Jan: Mm, neither can I.
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