Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 11/19/20
Episode #13899 ~ Belle has a request for John and Marlena regarding her wedding to Shawn; Jan manipulates Claire; Sarah spies on Philip; Shawn informs Philip that he and Belle are getting married.
Provided By Suzanne
Roman: Bad time?
Shawn: No, no, no, not at all.
Roman: Good. I was passing by, saw your car, and thought I'd check in on you.
Shawn: That's great. I mean, I always love seeing you. It saves me from having to call you and give you the news. Actually, you know what? It's even better, 'cause I get to tell you in person.
Roman: You look really happy, shawn.
Shawn: That's 'cause I am. I'm getting married today.
John: You're out bright and early.
Belle: Well, isn't it a beautiful day?
John: I don't know, I guess it is.
Belle: Well, it's only gonna get better.
John: You know, she's always been a morning person. What's going on here?
Marlena: Look at this.
John: Too much caffeine?
Belle: No, a little too much happiness. Shawn and i are getting married today.
Marlena: Oh, honey! Oh, great.
[Dramatic music]
Belle: Shawn douglas brady.
Shawn: Mm-hmm.
Belle: Will you marry me?
Shawn: Hell yes, I will.
[Both laughing]
Jan: That is my mission in life right now-- to stop shawn from remarrying that bitch belle. And you, my bff? You're gonna help me accomplish that mission.
Claire: Last night was super fun. Thanks for dinner.
[Cell phone beeps]
[Gentle music]
Charlie: I had a great time too. At julie's place for a meeting. How about dinner here tonight?
[Cell phone beeps]
Claire: Dinner again tonight? I wish, but I can'T.
Jan: Hey, you.
Claire: One sec. Hey.
Jan: Look at you, all glowy. Something happen I need to know about?
Claire: It did, and it is awesome.
Jan: So spill already, girlfriend. What's going on?
Claire: Charlie and i went to dinner last night, and we had the best time.
Jan: Hmm.
Xander: There you are.
Sarah: Here I am. Good morning.
Xander: You know, I much prefer waking up next to you.
Sarah: I know. But I was a woman on a mission this morning. I was trying to talk to philip over coffee, but he decided to sleep in.
Xander: You're a gem to help me find out what he's up tO.
Sarah: Mm-hmm. And lucky for us, philip doesn't sleep with his briefcase.
Xander: Good to know.
Sarah: Mm-hmm.
Xander: Find anything?
Sarah: No proof that he's embezzling, but I did find these.
Xander: His car keys?
Sarah: Mm-hmm. Looks like he's gonna need a ride to work, and I am more than happy to oblige.
Xander: And use all your charms to do some reconnaissance.
Sarah: Exactly.
Xander: You know, if you weren't such a good doctor, you'd give those detectives at salem P.D. A run for their money.
Sarah: I really would.
Xander: Let me know what you find out.
Sarah: I shall. Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Marlena: Oh, that is wonderful news.
John: The two of you have been together for so long, I kind of forgot it wasn't official.
Belle: I know. Well, there's always been so much going on, it just never felt like the right time for a wedding. But today is actually the anniversary of our original wedding, so I thought, what better day to re-tie the knot?
Marlena: Oh, honey, I'm so happy for you.
John: Now, who would have thought that shawn was such a romantic that he would pop a question like that?
Belle: Actually, I was the one who popped the question.
Shawn: Yeah, it's gonna be a small wedding. Belle said she's gonna ask john and marlena if we can have the ceremony at their place.
Roman: Your last wedding was right here, your mom's place.
Shawn: Mm-hmm. Yeah. It was perfect. But obviously, that's not gonna happen.
Roman: Yeah. I know you sure would like her to be here.
Shawn: Yeah. I texted her, and I told her, and she's--she's happy for us, of course.
Roman: How's she doing otherwise?
Shawn: You know, honestly, I don't know. It's hard to tell sometimes. It's like, you know, she always says she's fine, but she doesn't want me to worry. But obviously, I'm going to worry.
Roman: Yeah, of course you are. Does she ever say anything about when she might be coming back?
Shawn: No, no, no, no, no. Every time I broach the subject, she just--boom, she just shoots it down. I call her every day, I text her good night. Every night, I wish her good night, and I always get the same text in return: "Good night. I love you." So...
Roman: Yeah. Well, I'm glad you're in close touch with her anyway. Yeah, I send her messages too, just to check in. She texts me back, "doing fine, roman. Thank you. Hope you're doing well." But never mentions where she's at or what she's up to.
Shawn: Yeah. You know, I miss her. I miss her a lot.
Roman: Of course you do.
Shawn: And I--you know, I respect--I respect the decision that she made, and I understand it, so... but anyways, in spite of it all, I mean, come on, it's pretty nice to have something to celebrate, right?
Roman: Oh, my god. Yes it is, man.
Shawn: Right? This is--this is great news, shawn. And if two people were ever meant to be together...
Shawn: Belle is the love of my life. I mean, just imagining her standing there with her beautiful smile, there to comfort me, support me, make me laugh. I can't imagine my life without her.
Jan: So you and charlie worked things out.
Claire: Totally. I just explained that theo was my ex, and that the kiss was a mistake. And then he asked me to dinner, and I went, and he made me laugh, and we talked for hours.
Jan: And you had the best time. Got it.
Claire: And it wouldn't have happened without you. You know that, right? I mean, honestly, I freaked out when you went off at charlie, but if it wasn't for you, then we might not have straightened things out about theo, and then I wouldn't have gone on the best date of my entire life.
Jan: What are friends for, right? So I guess this means you're seeing him again tonight?
Claire: He invited me to dinner, but I can'T. In fact, I'm already late, so I gotta go.
Jan: Do you think that that's a good idea? I mean, to stand charlie up?
Claire: I'm not really standing him up. I'm just busy.
Jan: But what if that's what he thinks? I mean, you've already had trust issues.
Claire: Well, I really want to. I wish I could. But these plans--I can't cancel them.
Jan: Wow. Must be important.
Claire: Very.
Jan: And you're not gonna tell me? I mean, the woman who made your fab night with charlie happen? Your bff? It's all right. I... I understand.
Claire: No, jan. Jan, wait. I mean, I guess you're gonna hear about it eventually.
Sarah: Well, good morning. Coffee's still warm if you want any.
Philip: No time. Thanks. Damn it. Where are my keys? I'm sure I left them in my briefcase last night.
Sarah: You know, when I'm sure that I leave my keys in my purse, I usually find them on a table or in the couch cushions. Why don't I help you look?
Philip: Yeah, why not?
[Sly music]
Sarah: You know, it's helpful if you retrace your steps.
Philip: Would help if they were still where I thought they were.
[Cell phone rings] What?
Ava: Ooh, I'd work on that attitude if I were you. Why aren't you at work?
Philip: I have to take this call. Would you mind giving me some privacy?
Sarah: Oh, yeah, yeah. No problem. I will just go check in the kitchen.
Philip: How do you know I'm not at work?
Ava: You cannot be that slow. Of course I have eyes on you... and titan. Xander didn't show up for work either, which means this would have been the ideal time for you to start laundering my money.
Philip: I will be there as soon as I find my keys.
Ava: You lost your car keys. My faith in you is plummeting by the second.
Philip: I will find them.
Ava: You better not screw this up, philip, especially with xander looking for any reason to take you down.
Philip: I can handle xander.
Ava: Oh, you're not doing a great job so far.
Philip: If you're done busting my chops--
Ava: Oh. I'd rather do it in person. I rented an apartment near titan, so jot down this address.
Philip: Let me find a pen. I'll be right there.
[Dramatic music]
Xander: Oh, let me guess: You're still in a mood about claire kissing some other guy.
Charlie: Turns out it was her ex-boyfriend, and he already left town.
Xander: Then buck up and go for it.
Charlie: I did. Took her to dinner.
Xander: Well, way to make a move. I'm impressed. But this face-- it didn't go well?
Charlie: It was great. Claire was sweet and funny, and I thought we had a real connection.
Xander: Past tense.
Charlie: I asked her to go to dinner tonight, and she said no. No explanation, just, "I can'T. Gotta go." What's up with that? Is she playing hard to get? Is she not interested? Did I mess up somehow?
Xander: You did everything right, mate. The problem is, as I tried to warn you, claire's nuts.
John: That's our daughter. Zeroes in on her man and then just sweeps him off his feet.
Belle: Well, I think it was important to let shawn know that I'm committed to him. To us. You know, because, like I told you, things have been a little tense between us since philip came back to salem.
John: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is that easing up any?
Belle: Yeah, it did, a little. You know, didn't really help things that I agreed to represent philip after he allegedly assaulted jan spears.
John: No, I'm inclined to side with anyone over jan spears.
Belle: Yeah, me too. Anyway, I was able to work out a plea deal for philip, so the case is closed.
John: Nice. Good.
Marlena: So shawn must feel relieved?
Belle: Yeah. Yeah, he does. But...
Marlena: But what?
Belle: I--shawn is just-- I think he still feels a little insecure about my feelings for him. Not always, but he's easily triggered, I guess. So no matter how much I reassure him that he's the only man for me and that there's never gonna be anything with philip and me ever again, if just-- it doesn't always land, and so that just makes me feel really guilty.
John: Hmm.
Marlena: Honey, feeling guilty about a thing that happened in the past is a waste of energy. The thing that's important is living in the present. Things are wonderful between you and shawn right now. Whatever happened between you and philip in the past is the past, and you've made that very clear to shawn.
Belle: Yeah. Yeah, I have.
Marlena: I think you did a very wise thing, proposing to shawn. It shows him that, as you said, you are 100 percent with him.
Belle: Yeah. I just wish I didn't have to reassure him. You know, I just wish that he knew that he is the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. He is--he's just the love of my life.
Jan: Well? Go on. What will I hear about soon enough?
Claire: I don't think you're gonna like this, jan.
Jan: Would you just tell me already?
Claire: It's my parents. They're getting married.
Jan: Oh. Well, that's wonderful. Why did you think I wouldn't like it?
Claire: Oh come on, jan.
Jan: No, really. I feel slightly offended by that.
Claire: I'm sorry. I just--I thought that--
Jan: What? That I wouldn't be happy for two people who believe they're meant for each other and who are getting married? I mean, how little do you think of me?
Claire: No. No, no, no. I just--I was worried that-- well, it might trigger you, you know? Given how you used to feel about my dad.
Jan: Well, I'm not that easily triggered, okay? Not anymore. I've worked really hard to develop a thick skin, you know? To not be the kind of person who's jealous or envious at least little provocation.
Claire: That's great.
Jan: And okay, I admit it, you know, I used to be obsessed with your father. But it was pretty pathetic, because he didn't reciprocate my feelings... at all, and, you know, I was sick then. I had zero self-esteem. So I masochistically chased after him, and I did some really, really stupid things.
Claire: You know what? We really don't have to talk about this, jan.
Jan: No, I want to, because I don't like you thinking that I'm the type of person who, you know, is still pining after a man who has no feelings for me.
Claire: Jan, I never said you were pining.
Jan: Look, okay, yes, for sure, I used to be obsessed with your father, and I did some really stupid things. I was sick then. I thought you, of all people, would understand that.
Claire: You're right, and I do. Of course I do. How could I not? I mean, my sickness was really similar to yours.
Jan: More than similar. It was exactly the same thing. Losing your mind over a man who doesn't want you. And look at you. It's not like you're still setting fires. Unless there's something you're not telling me.
Claire: No, there is definitely not. I'm better now. And I would never allow myself to fall in love with someone who didn't love me back.
Jan: Exactly. You've moved on, and so have I.
Claire: You're right. I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings. I really am.
Jan: Well, I don't like to be shortchanged, but it's okay. I accept your apology. And again, happy for your parents.
Claire: Yeah, me too. It really is the best news.
[Dramatic crescendo]
Charlie: Claire isn't nuts.
Xander: Sorry, mentally ill. You know she's not the only one in that family, right? Her cousin abigail is--she has multiple personalities. You might want to steer clear of that whole gene pool, man, now that I think about it.
Charlie: [Sighs] I really like that gene pool.
Xander: Well, dive into it later, okay? We have work to do.
Charlie: Here?
Xander: Yeah, the office isn't safe.
Charlie: Why not?
Xander: Charlie, can I trust you?
Charlie: Of course.
Xander: I think philip kiriakis is stealing from the company.
[Sly music]
Sarah: No luck. How about you?
Philip: Nothing. Nothing, but I can't waste any more time. I have a meeting.
Sarah: Ooh, it is a big fancy deal in the works?
Philip: It's hard to say. Here's hoping my driver's on the premises.
Sarah: I'm on my way to work. I could drop you.
Philip: I don't want to impose.
Sarah: I mean, titan's hardly out of my way.
Philip: Actually, I'm just going to the square. Sure?
Sarah: Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure. Let's go.
John: Okay, so what's the plan?
Belle: Well, I was hoping, since it's only gonna be immediate family, that we could have the ceremony here.
John: Hell, I would reserve the taj mahal if that's what my beautiful daughter wanted. But if a wedding chez black is what you would like, a wedding chez black is what you will get.
Belle: Okay. Good. Well mom, the only thing that could make this day more perfect would be if you would agree to perform the ceremony.
Marlena: I would love that. Nothing could make me happier or more proud.
Belle: Okay, well then, I guess, if we're gonna have a wedding, I should go get ready, huh?
Marlena: Okay. I'll help you.
Belle: Oh, I got a room at the salem inn, so shawn and I wouldn't see each other before the wedding. And claire is gonna meet me there.
[Cell phone rings]
Marlena: I'm so sorry. It's shawn.
Belle: Oh.
Marlena: Hello, darling. Belle just gave us the wonderful news. You know what? A celebration of love is exactly what this family needs right now.
Shawn: I agree.
Marlena: And by the way, we'll be having the ceremony here. I will be officiating. Wait. [Laughs] Yeah, I guess you know that. Belle would have run that by you before she asked mE.
Shawn: Yeah, she did. Actually, you know what? That's why I'm calling. I wanted to thank you for agreeing to do it. Even though I kind of already knew that you would, so...
Marlena: And I wouldn't I? Two of my very favorite people in the world, my beautiful daughter and the man she loves.
Shawn: I'm a lucky man.
Marlena: You are. You certainly are. And let me off the phone. I've got a wedding to plan.
Jan: So the wedding... where will it be? Where will belle and her beloved shawn tie the knot?
Claire: My mom is at my grandparents' house now. She's hoping to have the ceremony at their place.
Jan: So a small wedding.
Claire: Yeah, just family.
Jan: That makes sense. I never understand why people spend a gazillion dollars on a wedding. 200 people, fancy menus. I think it's sweet that your parents are getting married at belle's mom'S. I'm sure dr. Evans will be thrilled to host such a blessed event.
Claire: Yeah. Well, I really should be getting going.
Jan: Right. So maybe you can help your mom get ready?
Claire: How did you guess?
Jan: Just assumed. I mean, I know how close you two are, so... is she gonna be getting ready at dr. Evans' place?
Claire: No, she's got a room at the salem inn.
Jan: Oh, that makes sense. So she doesn't run into the groom beforehand, right?
Claire: Exactly.
Jan: Such a lovely tradition, isn't it? Bride and groom not being able to see each other before the wedding. I read up on the origins of that. In the olden days, during arranged marriages, apparently the people feared that if the groom saw the bride before the wedding, he would find her unattractive and call off the wedding. And how embarrassing, right, for the family?
Claire: Wow, that is so totally unromantic, right?
Jan: Definitely. But with your hair and makeup skills, she'll be the most beautiful bride ever. Will you give your parents my best?
Claire: Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Jan: Oh my god. I just had the best idea.
[Sinister music] The most dangerous thing about rheumatoid arthritis
Belle: Gosh. How did I get such amazing parents?
John: Well, just lucky, I guess.
Belle: Well, I hope that I'm lucky enough to have my dad walk me down the aisle, since you didn't get to last time.
John: Thanks to stefano. One of the great disappointments of my life. But today is going to be one of the great pleasures of my life. I get to walk my beautiful daughter down the aisle into the arms of her husband to be.
Belle: Well, I know I might be too old to walk down the aisle, but I'll always love the feeling of knowing that my dad is looking out for me.
John: Tink, you will never be too old to be my little girl. And I will never stop watching out for you.
Jan: You should ask charlie to be your date for the wedding.
Claire: It's family only.
Jan: Did anyone say you couldn't bring a guest?
Claire: No. But charlie and i have gone on one date.
Jan: Which you said was amazing, and he invited you to dinner tonight, right?
Claire: And I didn't really get a chance to explain why I couldn't go.
Jan: Then you have to invite him. Otherwise he'll think you're blowing him off.
Claire: Do you think it's a little weird, you know, him meeting my family so soon, and at a wedding?
Jan: Do you like him?
Claire: Yes.
Jan: Would you like him to be your boyfriend?
Claire: I think so.
Jan: Then make it happen, claire. Life is short. I mean, look what happened to ciara. If you really care about charlie, you have to seize this moment.
Charlie: Mr. Kiriakis is stealing?
Xander: That's why we have to meet here instead of titan. I can't risk him overhearing us. Are you sure I can count on your help?
Charlie: I owe you for all the advice about claire, so however I can help, I'm in.
Xander: Good. Really, I'm just--you work for both of us. I was hoping for some insight. Have you noticed any odd behavior?
Charlie: Not that I can think of.
Xander: No evidence of embezzlement, then?
Charlie: Embezzlement? No. Do you have any proof?
Xander: Not yet. But I have someone on the case as we speak.
Philip: My day just keeps getting better.
Shawn: I heard you finally admitted to assaulting jan spears.
Philip: That's not exactly what happened.
Shawn: Well, you pled guilty.
Philip: The charges were trumped up. You know that. If my case would have been tried, I would have been acquitted.
Shawn: If you're so confident that you would have been acquitted, then why did you plea out?
Philip: I did it for belle.
Shawn: Oh yeah, what a guy, what a guy.
Philip: It's true. All that time belle and i were spending together, I knew it was twisting you up inside. I didn't want belle going home to that crazy jealousy of yours every night, so I copped a plea.
Shawn: Okay, why the hell would I be jealous of you, huh? The reason why I don't want belle around you is because you're manipulative and you're dishonest, and I don't want her around anybody like that.
Philip: Oh, come on, shawn. You know damn well that if I really, really wanted to, I could steal belle away from you in a new york minute.
Shawn: [Laughs] You keep living in that little fantasyland, phil, because belle and i are getting married... today. This year's been... a lot.
Philip: How insecure are you? You popped the question 'cause you're so afraid of losing her.
Shawn: I'm not even gonna dignify that with an answer.
Belle: Everything okay here?
Shawn: Yeah, yeah. Actually, I was just giving philip the good news. But instead of congratulating me, he took the low road, as expected. Maybe you can set him straight. He seems to think that i proposed to you because I was afraid that he was gonna steal you away from me.
Belle: Well, not only is that ridiculous, shawn didn't actually propose to me. I was the one who popped the question. Because I love him, with all my heart, and I know we belong together, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.
Philip: Then I wish you every happiness. I mean that.
Belle: Thank you.
Shawn: You know, the wedding's today, if you want to attend.
Belle: Shawn.
Shawn: What, I mean, what's wrong with that? I mean, we could throw a little rice, you know, bury the hatchet.
Philip: Thanks for the invitation. I'm touched. But as fun as that sounds, I have places to be.
[Uneasy music]
[Cell phone rings]
Sarah: Hello?
Xander: Hi. Do you have any news?
Sarah: Baby, no, I can't talk right now. Philip's on his way to a meeting. I have to stay close.
Charlie: So?
Xander: According to my spy, philip's taking a wee detour before work. Once he gets to the office, I want you to keep your eyes on him, all right?
Charlie: Since I guess I've been dumped already, I don't really have anything better to do.
Claire: You really think that charlie could handle meeting my family so soon?
Jan: What's to handle? Your family is fabulous. Your grandma's a shrink. Your granddad is charming and handsome. Your mom's a lawyer. Your dad is a highly respected detective. I mean, come on, claire, you should be proud of them.
Claire: Well, I am. But--
Jan: And what better way to show charlie that you really like him? Having him share in this really special moment? And weddings, they're so romantic.
Claire: Doesn't it seem, I don't know, a little pushy?
Jan: What's pushy about inviting someone you care about to a wedding? It's gutsy, is what it is. Shows you have some chutzpah. It'll be inspiring.
Claire: Inspiring.
Jan: It will inspire charlie to take the relationship to the next level. I mean, assuming that's what you want.
Claire: Yeah. Yeah, I do.
Jan: Then go for it, girlfriend. Hey, I have given you really great advice so far, haven't I?
Claire: Yeah.
Jan: So trust me. This is an opportunity you shouldn't pass up.
Claire: Well, I guess there's no harm in asking.
Jan: That's the spirit.
Claire: Okay.
Jan: Wait, you can't text him. Inviting him to something as special as a family wedding should be done in person.
Claire: Oh, but I have to go help my mom get ready.
Jan: It's not like it's gonna take forever. And I think your mom would appreciate some alone time to savor such an important day.
Claire: Hmm. Charlie did say he had a breakfast meeting at julie's place this morning.
Jan: Perfect. Right around the corner. Definitely a sign.
Claire: Oh my god, you're right. Thank you so much for suggesting this.
[Sinister music]
Jan: Pleasure was all mine. Or at least it will be, now that I know exactly how to stop this wedding.
You're strong.
[Tense espionage music]
Xander: If you see so much as a decimal point out of place, I want to know about it.
Charlie: You got it.
Claire: Good, you're here.
Charlie: Good?
Claire: Hi. Sorry, xander, I need to speak to charlie for a minute.
Xander: If you're just gonna jerk him around some more, you're not.
Claire: Excuse me?
Charlie: Oh, I'm sure--
Xander: Charlie told me that he took you on a very nice date last night, and then tonight, he asked you out again, and you blew him off.
Claire: But--
Xander: But what? Was the restaurant not fancy enough for your instagram feed?
Claire: That wasn't it at all.
Xander: Or do you maybe have another old boyfriend tucked away somewhere that you want to snog?
Claire: No!
Charlie: I can handle this--
Xander: I'm sure you can, charlie. I'm just trying to understand why claire wouldn't want to go out with a great guy like you.
Belle: Really, shawn? Inviting philip to the wedding?
Shawn: Was that too much?
Belle: Yeah, way too much. What if he had said yes?
Shawn: Well, then he would have to go, and he would have to share in our joy.
Belle: No, he would have hated it, and you and i would have hated it. Can you imagine? Really, think about it. Philip there, all glum, just casting a pall over, you know, what's supposed to be a very happy occasion, with family only.
Shawn: I know, I know. His presence would not have been fun. But I guess I was just too busy thinking about how I'm about to marry the most incredible woman in the world. And I just--I couldn't keep it to myself, you know.
Belle: Yeah. So you tell him about it. You don't invite him. Especially philip.
Shawn: I know.
Belle: You know, he's not exactly thrilled that we're together, much less getting married.
Shawn: Look, I know, I know. It was a stupid, impulsive move. Stupid. But the good news is he's not coming, so all is well, right?
Belle: Right.
Shawn: We're gonna have a lovely wedding without that jerk standing around, casting a pall. I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?
Belle: You're impossible, you know that?
Shawn: That's why you love me. That's why I love you. And I cannot wait to call you my wife again. Nothing will make me happier.
Belle: I love you too, my soon-to-be husband.
Shawn: Oh my gosh. So--okay, so officially, you're not mad at me, right, my soon-to-be wife?
Belle: Well, I still think you're impossible, but no, I'm not mad at you. Of course not.
Shawn: Wait, wait, hold on, wait. We shouldn't be doing this.
Belle: Why?
Shawn: We shouldn't--
Belle: What are you talking about?
Shawn: No. You got a room at the salem inn, and we're getting married today, so we're not supposed to see each other. This is--
Belle: Oh, come on. It's just a silly tradition. Besides, I happen to know that there is nothing that could ruin our happiness.
Shawn: Want to seal that with a kiss?
Belle: Oh, yeah.
John: Man of the hour.
Shawn: I cannot believe we're doing this today.
John: This is perfect. I am all for spur-of-the-moment weddings here. I mean, who the hell needs a wedding planner and all those fancy invitations? Look, I'm telling you, this is the way to do it. And belle--never seen her so excited. She sounded--she chattered on and on and on and on about how crazy she is about her husband-to-be.
Shawn: So no pre-wedding jitters, huh?
John: Oh, come on, just the opposite. And besides, wasn't she the one who proposed to you? So obviously, she's pretty committed to the idea of being your wife, huh?
Shawn: Yeah. Yeah. I hope so.
John: Hey, I know that the two of you have had some challenges in the relationship. But who hasn't, right? But also know my baby girl is so very grateful to share her life with you because you are the love of her life.
Shawn: Thank you. She means--she means everything to me. I just want to thank you and marlena again for hosting our wedding.
John: We're just glad that you're finally making an honest woman out of our daughter.
[Both laugh]
[Otherworldly music]
[Knocking at door]
Belle: Ah! Claire, I cannot wait for you to see my... dress.
Xander: Seriously, claire, what's wrong with you? What's not to like about charlie?
Claire: But I do like charlie... a lot!
Charlie: You do?
Xander: Then why'd you turn him down flat for a date?
Claire: I am so sorry for the confusion and that you're upset. But the truth is, my parents are getting married today, and I was really hoping that you would be my date. To the wedding.
[Dramatic music]
Ava: Oh, it's about time.
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