Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 11/18/20
Episode #13898 ~ Jennifer and Kate have a confrontation; Gwen shares the next phase of her plan with Rolf; Jake scores a new job; JJ consoles Abigail.
Provided By Suzanne
[Foreboding music]Rolf: Ms. Rizczech.
Gwen: I'm back.
Chad: [Clears throat]
Jake: Look, if you came to rag on me again about last night, I got a screwdriver in my hand.
Chad: No, no, it's not abouthat. I just talked to shin's assistant, and it turns out you didn't leave a message. So what were you and gwen really talking about? Actually, why are you lying to me, and what are you up to?
Abigail: I was really hoping I could talk to mom.
Jj: She said she wouldn't be long. Want to come in and wait for her?
Abigail: I do, but I don't know if she's gonna want to see me.
Jj: Kind of threw her a curveball last night.
Abigail: I know. Which is why I'm here. I just want to tell her how really sorry I am.
[Mellow music playing]
Jack: [Sighs]
Roman: Jack. Been a while. Sorry I couldn't make it to the party last night.
Jack: Be glad you missed it. Look, I could use an eye-opener. Double anything on the rocks.
Roman: Sounds like something really went wrong at that party.
Jack: That, my friend, would be the understatement of the decade.
Jennifer: Going somewhere?
Kate: Right, well, as much as I would love to stay and chat, I'm late for an appointment.
Jennifer: Oh, you stop right there. Don't you dare walk away from me.
[Dramatic music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Roman: [Sighs] All right, so what happened?
Jack: Oh, come on. I don't need to put any more on your plate. I've heard about allie. I know everything she's going through.
Roman: Jack, I can worry about allie and still be a pretty good listener.
Jack: Oh, I know that. I know that. I mean, you had your ear bent plenty by me last year when jennifer was in the hospital.
Roman: I was glad I could be there when you needed to talk.
Jack: Still, I'm not so deserving of your sympathy this time, and I don't know that I'm up for being told off again.
Roman: What did you do now?
Jack: Um... ah, what the heck. You're gonna hear about it anyway. It's been a big week for the deveraux family. Anniversary of jennifer and my wedding. Jennifer waking up from her coma, and now, thanks to me, it'll be best remembered as the week I ended our marriage.
Kate: I really don't want to get into this with you.
Jennifer: Well, that's too bad, because I am more than ready to get into it with you.
Kate: Okay. What happened between me and jack was one night, over a year ago, and I've had nothing to do with him since.
Jennifer: And heaven knows your word is your bond.
Kate: I'm not gonna do this with you.
Jennifer: I saw you and jack together not five seconds ago. I am no fool, kate. I am also an investigative reporter, so if there is anything else that I don't know about you and jack, I will track down sources who can fill in the blanks. And once I find out everything, I will make your life miserable. Just like you made mine.
Jj: Abigail, mom's tough. She'll get over this. Just needs a little time. Just kind of came at her from out of the blue.
Abigail: Yeah, but I'm the reason that she found out the way that she did. I swear, jj, I don't have any idea why I even brought that stupid letter to the party.
Jj: You really don't?
Abigail: No. No. It's like one minute I was reading my speech, and the next thing I know I'm reading dad's letter to kate out loud, to an entire room full of people.
Jj: It's weird.
Abigail: I just don't know how to explain it to mom. I can't even explain it to myself. I swear I have no idea what came over me.
Rolf: I really didn't expect to see you again. Not after our last encounter when I threatened to expose you to chad and abigail.
Gwen: Threatened you did, but follow through you didn'T.
Rolf: Well, that's because you, smart cookie that you are, were quite compliant and agreed to do that little favor for me.
Gwen: And in exchange for that little favor, you kept silent, which you will continue to do. That's why I'm here, actually. I'm here to thank you and to update you on operation destroy abigail's life.
[Both chuckle]
Kate: Jennifer, there is nothing that you don't already know.
Jennifer: Well, then what were you and jack talking about? You must have heard that I moved out of the house. Are you planning to move in for the kill?
Kate: No.
Jennifer: I happen to know that you kept my husband's breakup letter because his "friendship" meant so much to you.
Kate: Yes, yes, and I'm not going to apologize for that. We had a friendship, and one day--one day-- it went too far. A year ago.
Jennifer: Well, then why were you and jack talking just now?
Kate: Because we ran into each other, just like you and I have. And I told him how sorry I am that all of this came out. That you were hurt and that he was hurt.
Jennifer: By you.
Kate: Yes. Fine. By me. I hurt you. I--I'm the guilty one, and I will own that, and I will regret that. But you have to understand, jennifer, please. I have no interest whatsoever in your husband.
Jennifer: Really? The same way you had no interest in my father?
Jj: Sit. Just take some breaths, and try to calm down. Mom doesn't blame you for what happened, okay? Neither do I.
Abigail: You said I threw her a curveball.
Jj: Well, your timing could have been better, but you weren't yourself. And this was gonna hit mom hard no matter how or when she heard. That's on dad and kate.
Abigail: I just shouldn't have been drinking with my meds, though.
Jj: That's true. That you can take responsibility for. You can promise you'll never do it again.
Abigail: And I have. Really, I have, but it's just so weird to me, because it's all such a blur. But I don't remember deciding to take a drink. I don't remember why I continued to keep drinking, which I obviously did.
Jj: Yeah. Well, take it from me. The more you drink, the more it seems like a swell idea to keep drinking.
Abigail: I guess so, but chad told me that gwen tried to get me to stop, which of course I don't remember that either. But I really wish I would have listened to her.
Chad: So what were you and gwen really talking about?
Jake: You're gonna keep your big mouth shut about me and kate. Got it?
Gwen: Are you threatening me?
Jake: [Chuckles] Chad can't know anything about this. Look, chad, you're making a big deal out of nothing.
Chad: That's fine. I'll just go talk to gwen about it.
Jake: No. Wait.
[Tense music]
Gwen: You know, I was quite upset with you the last time I was here when you wouldn't let me get my hands on that drug that fried abigail's brain. You know what, though? I still managed to make her head explode. You should have seen it, rolf. She outed her father's affair with kate in front of all the friends and family. I'll tell you, though, planning it was like bloody d day. I still needed luck to pull it off. God, but it was glorious. Couldn't have gone any better.
Rolf: So tell me, how did you get abigail to reveal her father's indiscretion in such a publicly humiliating fashion?
Gwen: Okay. First, I made sure that she found the letter that jack wrote kate after their drunken one-off. That took some doing, but then I just kept pouring her champagne to get her to calm down.
Rolf: Wasn't she suspicious?
Gwen: She was so broken up over the fact that daddy would do the nasty with someone other than mummy she didn't even realize how much champagne she was putting away. In one night, I blew jack and jennifer's marriage to kingdom come. And I made abigail the bad guy. At least, in her beloved daddy's eyes.
Rolf: [Laughs] You're quite impressed with yourself, aren't you?
Gwen: Yeah. Yes, I am. I'm quite pleased.
[Sighs] So now... that means it's on to phase two.
Rolf: What, pray tell, is phase two?
Gwen: Well, now that her parents' marriage is in the dump, it's time to work on herS. And you know what? I know exactly how I'm going to do it.
Jake: Look, chad, it-- it's not about--
Li shin: Mr. Dimera. Just the man I was looking for. Harold told me I would find you here.
Chad: Mr. Shin.
Li shin: Actually, I was referring to the other mr. Dimera. I received your message earlier, and since I happen to be in salem, I thought I'd take the time to meet you and answer you in person.
Chad: What message?
Jake: I was just about to tell you, chad, that I actually did leave a message for mr. Shin. I was being honest with you the entire time.
Abigail: Oh, and that letter just threw me for so many reasons. It's not just mom and dad. It made me think, if I thought about all my time in florida, and the months that I spent in treatment, and how the doctors weren't able to give me any idea about when I'd be able to come home to chad and the kids. And that was really, really hard on him.
Jj: But you don't think he fooled around on you?
Abigail: No. No, no, no. I know he was faithful. I know that, but I'm just saying what if I would have had to stay at the clinic for a year? More? I mean, would it have been okay for me to ask him to wait for me indefinitely, you know? And what dad did to mom makes me sick. I--mm... but I could not help but possibly see myself in the same situation. And I get why dad blames me for the fallout. I do. I made sure mom found out what he did in the worst possible way.
Jj: Hold on, abigail. Like there's a good way to find out he'd screwed around while she was in a coma? No. He and kate are totally to blame for this. And he's got a lot of nerve coming down on you. You were here for both of them when mom was comatose. And you had to do it all alone, because I was useless back then, so don't you dare blame yourself for anything.
Abigail: You're the best brother in the whole world, you know that?
Jj: Look, you're not only a great sister, but you're a great daughter. You didn't set out to hurt mom and dad. You learned something you felt mom should know. You said it yourself last night. That mom deserved to know the truth.
Abigail: Yeah, but maybe I should have gone to dad first and just let him be the one to tell her.
Jj: Well, you know him. He could have decided she didn't need to know. Then you'd have to live with that.
Abigail: Yeah. Maybe. But bottom line is, no matter what you say to try to make me feel better, no matter how you try to justify my actions, I know deep in my heart I really feel like it wasn't my place to do what I did. And I will regret that for the rest of my life.
Jack: Thomas and charlotte's nanny went to all this trouble to create this beautiful celebration for our anniversary. I mean, she even went to all the trouble to fly jj in to surprise us.
Roman: From johannesburg.
Jack: Yeah. She did all that. I mean, she must really love our family, but it was a great night. A perfect night. And then...
Roman: And then what?
Jack: Abigail. I--I just noticed that she was-- she was acting strange, distant, and I just thought maybe--maybe it's because she's nervous, 'cause she's about to give a speech. And when the time for the speech came, and she pulled out this piece of paper, and she started reading and saying... what an incredible, conscientious husband I was. And... and then... then she put the paper away, and she pulled out another piece of paper, but the paper she started reading was a letter. It was the letter that I wrote last year to--
Roman: Letter to kate, right?
Jennifer: Is this some sort of sick pattern for you? You decide to have sex with a man whose wife is in a coma. And not only that, you had an affair with my dad while my mom was fighting mental illness, which caused her a major relapsE. My family fell apart because of you.
Kate: I have a news flash for you, jennifer. That marriage was over long before I came into the picture.
Jennifer: You decided to take jack to bed when he was at his most vulnerable. And I'm telling you that my marriage was far from over, before you got your hooks into jack. So is this your mo? Preying on lonely men in times of personal tragedy?
Kate: Okay. Fine, fine. Actually, if that makes you feel better, to think that jack was an innocent victim of me and my evil feminine wiles, go ahead. But you know, honestly, that wasn't the case, 'cause his heart was completely into everything we were doing, along with the rest of his body.
[Dramatic music]
Kate: Well, I didn't know you had that in you.
Jennifer: Now you do.
Kate: I think maybe you scratched me. Perhaps with your wedding ring. How ironic. Little miss holier-than-thou can really pack a punch. I wonder if you can take it as well as you dish it out?
Jack: You knew all along about kate and me?
Roman: Not for sure, but I--I suspected.
Jack: [Sighs] Think we were that obvious?
Roman: I was a cop, you know. You used to come in here every night, after you left the hospital. Left jen there. And you'd come in, and you'd sit at kate's station. Now, it was business as usual, at first, and then she started sitting down. And then I could start to see a connection happening. Frankly, I was glad that you had somebody to talk to. Somebody to keep an eye on you, because you were knocking 'em back a whole lot more than usual. And then, all of a sudden, you stopped coming in.
Jack: Don't miss a thing, do you?
Roman: And right after that, got a letter in the mail for kate. I saw your name on the return address.
Jack: It wasn't an affair, roman. It happened once. Once when I drank way too much, and I instantly regretted it. The next morning I wrote kate a letter, and I said we couldn't see each other again. And we never did. Jennifer would have never found out about it, if it weren't for our daughter.
Jj: Look, abs, it's all out in the open now, and maybe it's for the best. You know secrets like this have a way of coming out. If you didn't find that letter, who's to say mom wouldn't have found out some other way?
Abigail: Yeah, but then at least it wouldn't have been on my conscience. Oh, god, jj. I'd give anything not to have opened kate's closet.
Jj: Yeah, because if there's anybody that has skeletons rattling around in there, it's gonna be her.
Gwen: You know, when I got abigail drunk, one thing I didn't count on was seeing jake next to her when she was passed out looking oh, so concerned.
Rolf: Well, did you arrange it so that abigail's husband witnessed the same thing?
Gwen: Oh, come on. Do you even need to ask that? I made sure that he took a nice, long look at that very cozy little scene.
Rolf: Well, from what you tell me, it was all quite innocent.
Gwen: So what? Chad will never get over the fact that abigail already had a thing with jake's twin brother more than once. And when I say twin, I mean identical. It won't take much for chad to lose his ever-loving mind over the two of them.
Li shin: I hope I did not arrive at a bad time.
Jake: No, no. Actually, your timing was perfect. See, chad was just calling me a liar, because he said I didn't leave you a--
Chad: Well, no. Actually, your assistant had told me that jake never left a message.
Jake: Well, that's because his assistant never got the message, because I called him on his cell phone.
Chad: How'd you get that number?
Jake: Look, I'm sorry if i didn't follow the rules, but I figured, since you gave me your personal phone number and told me to call you at any time--
Li shin: Of course, and I was pleased that you were direct with me regarding your desire for a larger role in the company.
Chad: Well, just so you know, I actually offered my brother here a position at dimera's executive training program. He declined.
Jake: Right, and how is that gonna look? Stefano dimera's son fetching the coffee. Sharpening the pencils.
Chad: Well, I made it very clear to you that that's not what you would be doing.
Jake: You've seen what I can do, as far as getting people to want to do business with me and closing deals. And I've told my little brother that should give me a shot at the ceo title, to share it with him.
Chad: And I'm sorry if I simply believe that you are not ready for that. You want your engine rebuilt, though, he's your guy.
Jake: Uh-huh. See, my brother here, he's just trying to use cheap sarcasm to make me look bad in front of you when the truth is you and I both know you would not have come down here, taken the time and the trouble, if you didn't believe in me yourself.
Li shin: Well, that is correct. I certainly would not have, and even before I received your message, I had been giving much thought to what role, if any, you should play in the company. And I've come to a decision.
I'm erin.
-And I'm margo.
Rolf: It is far easier to disrupt one night than it is to destroy a marriage. You must acknowledge the realities.
Gwen: What realities?
Rolf: Isn't it obvious? Abigail has been devoted to her husband for years. They share two children, and she's just experienced what one night of infidelity has done to her parents' marriage. Now, enticing her to cheat on her husband will be quite difficult, if not impossible.
Gwen: No, no, no, no, no, no. I don't need her to cheat on him. I just need him to think that she did. And now that that lowlife jake is hitting the sheets with kate.
Rolf: But what does that have to do with anything?
Gwen: Oh, my god. Here I am thinking you're some sort of a mad genius, but it's very clear that romance and sex... clearly not really part of your expertise, are they? So let me make this easy for you. Chad and kate are close, and she's desperate to make sure he doesn't find out that she's doing the deed with the brother he despises.
Rolf: Ah. I can see where that wouldn't go over very well.
Gwen: The only thing is is that jake's too bloody horny to be careful, so chad will find out that jake is having a thing with someone in the house. Do you get it now?
Rolf: Yes. Yes, I do. If you can persuade chad that his brother is having a sexual relation with abigail, and not with kate--
Gwen: Then he will kick her to the curb, and I will be right there to comfort him.
Li shin: I see validity in both your arguments. On the one hand, chad is correct when he points out that jake lacks both experience and, shall we say, finesse.
Jake: What's on the other hand?
Li shin: You do have a legitimate claim to the same rights chad has, as a son of stefano dimera. And you've shown real talent and potential, despite your limited experience.
Jake: So?
Li shin: So the board would like chad to remain the sole ceo, but we would like to offer you the opportunity to be the vice president. Would that be acceptable to you?
Jake: Yeah. Yeah, it would. As long as there's, you know, the opportunity to--to climb the ladder.
Li shin: Of course. Yeah. Of course there will be the customary probationary period, during which time you will be expected to prove you are prepared for the considerable demands of the job.
Jake: Fair enough.
Li shin: Are you on board with this?
Chad: Yeah. Guess I don't have a choice.
Li shin: I know there will be obstacles to overcome initially, but I believe everyone will be satisfied in the end. I will see you both at the next shareholders meeting.
Jake: Thank you very much, mr. Shin. You will not be sorry that you gave me a chance.
Li shin: We'll be in touch.
Chad: Don't gloat.
Jake: Where are you going?
Chad: Oh, I'm gonna go pop some corn. I'm gonna be sitting ringside while I watch you implode.
Jake: [Chuckles]
Abigail: I just wanted last night to be so special for mom and dad, and it was special, all right.
Jj: Could you maybe stop beating yourself up?
Abigail: No. Not yet. And I'm not even sure it's best that the truth did come out. You know, what's the truth doing for mom and dad, besides making 'em miserable? And I'm kind of in a funk myself, in case you haven't noticed.
Jj: Abs, this happened, like, 12 hours ago. Maybe just give it a little bit of time. Mom will get over this... eventually, and dad will stop being mad at you. It's gonna work itself out. You have to believe that.
Abigail: I'll try. I will try.
[Sighs] I'll try.
Jack: I just can't believe she'd read that letter in public. To humiliate her mother that way.
Roman: Well, you-- you said she was drinking.
Jack: Yeah, but she wasn't unconscious, for god's sake. A part of her had to know what she was doing.
Roman: Yeah. Like a part of you had to know what you were doing when you crawled in the sack with kate.
Jack: Yeah.
Roman: Jack, look. I know abigail is the instigator here. She found the letter. She read it in front of a whole bunch of people, but is she really the one to blame?
Jack: Well, I wish she'd handled the situation differently, but I guess the person I'm maddest at is me.
Kate: Let me tell you something, sweetie. When I first came into this town I was battered, and I was beaten, and I swore to myself that I would never sit there and let that happen again.
Jennifer: Well, so much for the remorse you claim to feel.
Kate: Well, what'd you expect me to do? Turn the other cheek? That's your department.
Jennifer: I tried so hard, for lucas's sake, to get over what you did to my family.
Kate: Yeah, right. Right. You really rolled out that red carpet, as you went through the motions of making me feel welcome at what? Every third horton family function? You never really forgave me, otherwise you wouldn't be throwing this in my face right now. Your father, god bless his soul, saved my life. He was a good man. And jack is a good man. He spent almost a year waiting for you to make some kind of improvement. All of the doctors, kayla included, said it was virtually hopeless. But still, on the day of that night in question, he thought that he had seen a sign. So he sat by your side all day and into the night. And when nothing happened, he was decimated. And temporarily, he gave up hope. And in his despair, he turned to me. But the next morning, he knew it was a mistake. So let me ask you. What did you expect? How long did you expect him to wait? Forever? Did you want him to martyr himself up against the altar of jennifer horton? Because I have three words for you. Get over yourself!
Kate: Jennifer, I am sorry that you're hurt. I truly am, but jack did not fall into my bed for any lack of love for you. He was afraid that he had lost you, that you were out of his life forever, and it didn't matter to him what he did. And I knew that he needed to be close to someone, and I am not sorry for that. But how can you justify the way you're treating a man who sat next to you every single night for a year? Except for one night. He's the father of your children. He's the man you have loved your entire life. You know better than anyone that he's his own worst enemy. When he blamed himself for abigail's illness, what did he do? He ran away. You didn't get him back for years, and I'm telling you, if you keep pushing him away, if you refuse to forgive him, if you refuse to let him forgive himself, you're gonna lose him again. You'll lose him again.
[Dramatic music]
Jack: I've done it again. I've screwed everything up. It's my one great talent in life.
Roman: Fight for your marriage, jack. Don't give up.
Jack: You really think there's a chance?
Roman: It could take a while, but yeah, I do.
Jack: Well, I hope so. Thanks for listening.
Roman: You didn't touch your drink.
Jack: You know, if I had stayed sober that night, things would be a whole lot different.
Roman: Jack, you can't change what happened. You can only try to make things right going forward.
Jack: I intend to.
Roman: On the house.
Jack: Thanks. Thanks. For everything.
Abigail: All right. I gotta get back to the kids, but will you tell mom I was here?
Jj: You know I will. And remember something. Our family has been through a lot worse than this. We can get through this too. I promise. It's going to be okay.
Abigail: What would I do without you?
Jj: I know.
Abigail: [Sighs]
[Both sigh]
[Soft music]
[Dramatic music]
Chad: This is abigail'S.
Jake: Yeah. She came by here earlier to apologize for being such a mess last night. Not that she needed to.
Chad: I want you to listen to me, jake. I comfort my wife. Not you.
[Dramatic music]
Rolf: Well, you seem to have the situation all worked out.
Gwen: Actually I do.
Rolf: So I'm left to ponder why it is that you dislike abigail dimera so much.
Gwen: I don't dislike abigail. I hate her damn guts.
Rolf: I see. Well, I've had a great deal of time on my hands, since your last visit. So I've been hypothesizing about your possible motive for hating her damn guts, as you put it, and therefore wanting to ruin her life.
Gwen: Love to hear what you come up with.
Rolf: Well, you worked so hard to secure a position under stefano's roof. Logically, it seems to me, well, perhaps you're another long-lost relative. However, your desire to have an affair with chad rules out that theory.
Gwen: It does.
Rolf: I'm very good at keeping secrets, you know.
Gwen: You really want to know the whole story?
Rolf: Well, why wouldn't I? Now, surely you're not going to keep me in suspense, after everything I have done for you.
Gwen: Fine. I'll tell you everything. I have been suffering with migraine for years and years.
Jake: Hey, you are never gonna believe what just happened with--
Kate: [Sighs]
Jake: Hey, are you okay?
Kate: No. Actually, I'm not okay. I'm disgusted. And I'm exasperated, but you-- actually, I'm just angry, and I really need to blow off some steam, so...
Jake: Ah. Well, you came to the right place.
[Tense music]
Gwen: So there you have it. The whole story.
Rolf: I see.
Gwen: Now do you understand why I hate abigail deveraux dimera?
Rolf: I am beginning to get the picture.
Abigail: Hey, it's my scarf. Where'd you find it?
Chad: I think you must have dropped it outside, on your way out.
Abigail: Mm.
Chad: Did you see your mom?
Abigail: No, no. She was ouT. Pretty much just cried on jj's shoulder the whole time. And he tried to persuade me everything's gonna be okay, which is kind of hard to believe right now.
Chad: Well, would you believe your husband if he told you the same thing?
Abigail: Well, you could give it a try, I guess.
Chad: Your parents love each other. You and I know from experience that love can overcome just about anything right?
Abigail: Yeah.
[Emotional music]
Jack: Jennifer.
[Soft music]
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