Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 11/17/20
Episode #13897 ~ Brady confesses to Kristen; Lani confronts Eli about his deception; Gwen sees Jake and Kate kissing; Jack tries to repair his relationship with Jennifer.
Provided By Suzanne
Kristen: Brady.Brady: Hi. Hi.
Kristen: What are you doing back here?
Brady: I had to talk to you. But first, the guard said that you had a visitor. It was was a woman. Who was she?
Kristen: It was marlena.
Brady: No, that was earlier. This was recently.
Kristen: Yeah, according to the guard, who is not exactly a mental giant. Well, more to the point here, why are you back here?
Brady: Because I had a visitor too. Lani.
Eli: Why don't you want to have a baby shower? Lani, your pregnancy has gone well. I mean, I know you don't want to jinx anything, but--
Lani: This has nothing to do with that.
Eli: Then what's it about?
Lani: It's about what you did to kristen.
Eli: What did I do to kristen?
Lani: Do you really want me to spell it out, eli? Brady told me the whole story, how you made kristen trust you, how you got her to talk about stabbing victor so you could, without her knowing, record her. Do you know how dirty that is? But you didn't--you didn't stop at entrapment, did you? You coerced her. You used that recording to force kristen to confess. So do you want to give me another lecture about ethics?
Chad: How're you feeling?
Abigail: A little worse than horrible.
Chad: You slept all morning.
Abigail: I don't even remember coming to bed.
Chad: Well, you wouldn'T. I carried you to bed... after I found you in jake's lap.
Jake: Morning.
Kate: Morning. Care to join me?
Jake: You're really leaning into that "bad girl" thing.
Kate: I was born that way. Oh. I see you found your jacket.
Jake: I did. Neatly folded on my bed.
Kate: Hmm. Well, you left it on the floor in my bedroom, so--
Jake: Right. Well, if you recall, had to make a fast exit because chad showed up, so I didn't have the opportunity to say good night or, uh... to do... this.
[Solemn music]
Jj: Hey.
Jennifer: Hey.
Jj: I hope I got everything you need.
Jennifer: Thank you. Did anybody see you?
Jj: No, I went in the back. Servant's entrance.
Jennifer: Sorry. I just couldn'T...couldn't do that myself. I just couldn't face anyone, especially not your father.
Jj: I get that. I really get that.
[Knocking on door]
Jack: Jennifer? It's me. Please let me in.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Kate: Oh. What was that?
Jake: That was a kiss. You ever had one of those before last night? Pretty obvious.
Kate: I can't--the problem is it was too obvious. You know, chad almost caught us last night--chad can't find out. No one can find out.
Gwen: Afternoon. Nice day, isn't it?
Abigail: You don't have to be nice to me. You're allowed to be mad.
Chad: I am mad. I am mad at jake. I am furious with kate. And don't even get me started on what I think about your father.
Abigail: But you're not mad at me?
[Scoffs] I'm the one who totally screwed everything up. But then, you know, I'm crazy so nobody wants to hold me accountable for my actions, and I don't even... I don't even know what my actions were.
Chad: You left the party. You lost your phone. I couldn't find you anywhere, and then I found you downstairs.
Abigail: With jake.
Chad: Yep. You were passed out... in his lap. I find it really interesting that he, uh, he didn't think that I should know that you were okay. Do you even remember how you ended up with him?
Abigail: No.
[Scoffs] I mean--what--no! No, I'm--no, I'm sorry, I don'T. I don't--the only thing I remember last night is that I blew up my parents' marriage in a room full of people, and I don't know how I did that to my mother. I--
Chad: It's okay.
Abigail: It's not okay. It's not, okay? I broke my mother's heart and my father'S.
Chad: Why do you care about--who cares about him?
Abigail: I care. Of course I care. I care that he was so mad. I care--I care that he was so disgusted by what I did he couldn't even look at me.
Jack: Jennifer, I know you're in there.
Jj: What do you want me to do?
Jack: Jennifer, please. Where's your mom?
Jj: She's not here, and this is my room.
Jack: That's not gonna fly, jj. I saw you leave the dimera place with her luggage and come right back here. Son, let me in. I need to talk to her.
Jj: Dad, she doesn't want to see you.
Chad: He's mad at you? He yelled at you when you were in that condition. I'm gonna go talk to him.
Abigail: Don't--it's not gonna help.
Chad: What's he putting the blame on you for--he's the one that slept with kate while your mother was in a coma.
Abigail: Don't--stop it.
Chad: Okay, fine. You know what? Fine. It just...the fact that he's giving you grief about anything... the night was bad enough without him doing that.
Abigail: Look, I was horrible last night. What I did was absolutely inexcusable. He was right--it should've been done privately. I should have done it all in pri--I--god! I don't know why I did what I did.
[Small laugh]
Chad: You're not supposed to drink on that medication.
Abigail: Well...I sure as hell proved that, didn't I?
Chad: I mean, what... you're usually so careful.
Abigail: I think I just saw that letter, and... I remember gwen...
Chad: Yeah, told you not to drink? She told me she, uh, she tried to stop you.
Abigail: She said that?
Kate: I say today's a fabulous day. Last night you threw a party for the deverauxs and sent their marriage up in flames.
Gwen: No, darling, I think it was you who ruined things.
Kate: Really? Not abigail who stole my personal property and shared it with a room full of people? I'm sure jennifer just loved her humiliation in a very, very public way.
Gwen: Yeah, she was humiliated her husband would stoop so low to sleep with you.
Jake: Gwen.
Gwen: Actually, no. It does make sense though. He's worried his wife won't wake up from a coma, alone, desolate, and in need of comfort. And you, well, you're not exactly the type to make a casserole.
Kate: No, I'm not. I should probably go before I strangle her. But, uh, you feel free to do what you want.
Gwen: Dear. Did I hurt her feelings?
Jack: Jj, please. Let me in. I need to fix this.
Jj: Dad, she wants to be alone, and I think right now her needs come first.
Jack: You may not believe this, but I agree with you. I think she needs to hear me say how sorry I am, that I know it was wrong, that I hit rock bottom. No. No excuses. I want to be able to make this right with her. And if there's any chance that I can do this, make it up, I'm gonna start right now.
Kristen: Brady--
Brady: Just sit.
Kristen: No, you promised me that you weren't gonna tell lani why I confessed. I know that you're angry with eli, but think about what you've done to lani.
Brady: Kristen, she-- she came to my doorstep and she already knew.
Kristen: What?
Brady: She didn't know all of it, but she overheard eli and abe talking, and they lied and said they were planning a baby shower for her.
Kristen: That's a good cover, because men love planning baby showers.
Brady: Later, she heard eli saying that I was involved somehow, and that's why she came to my door and she wanted to know what was going on.
Kristen: So you told her because you wanted to because you wanted to pay eli back.
Brady: Kirsten, I've been wanting to do that ever since you told me what he did to you, yes...but I didn'T. I--I didn't because I promised you that I wouldn'T.
Kristen: But...
Brady: But... lani said straight up that if I didn't tell her, she was gonna find a way, and I saw in her eyes she was not gonna let this rest.
Kristen: So you told her what eli did.
Brady: Yeah. I felt like I didn't have a choice.
Kristen: I'm afraid to ask. How'd she take it?
Eli: Brady hates me. He'd say anything to get me.
Lani: Brady was just a confirmation. I knew you and my dad weren't talking about baby showers.
Eli: We were--ask my grandmother, we set it up with--
Lani: Oh, my god, stop lying, eli. I mean, do you really think that I believe that crap? What, you and my dad just sitting there talking about cupcakes and centerpieces? I knew you were lying to me, so I didn't forget my purse there. I planted it there with my phone on. Ironic, isn't it? I trapped you just the way you trapped kristen. Is it settling in? I have you on a recording saying how you hoped that brady kept his promise not to tell me the truth. But now I know the truth. So tell me, eli. Where do we go? Where do we go from here? You're strong.
Eli: So is this the part where I beat my chest and say how sorry I am? 'Cause I'm not.
Lani: What a surprise. You don't think you did anything wrong?
Eli: You think I wanted to entrap kristen, coerce her? I had to to keep you out of prison.
Lani: Without me knowing anything about it!
Eli: Even if it was all my idea... she had just gotten away with plunging a knife into a man's chest, okay? The last in an endless list of horrible, illegal crimes that she's committed and gotten away with. But I was ready to let that go because she's your best friend and because you asked me to. And then you go and you hand trask the footage of you letting kristen escape, the footage of you letting the woman escape, the woman who killed her daughter and got away with it! How do you think trask felt about that?
Lani: This is not about trask, eli.
Eli: You're right. It's not about trask. It's about you. It's about you. You had just given trask what she needed to put you away. You're not kristen, lani. You weren't getting away with anything. So trask gave me a choice. Either I get kristen, or she was gonna get you. Kristen, she--she's cancer on the human race. And you're my wife, the woman I love, the mother of my children, so you better believe I chose you. Deal with it.
[Soft, emotional music]
Jake: Ha.
Gwen: What's that supposed to mean?
Jake: I think you made a pretty big mistake, gwennie. Kate's not abigail.
Gwen: No, she's not. She's just a tad older.
Jake: You don't want to end up on her enemies list.
Gwen: Oh, jake, you do care, don't you?
Jake: No, I'm just pointing out that-- all right, look, I don't know why you did what you did last night, but abigail, the deverauxs in general--they seem like pretty easy targets. But kate? She's way, way outta your league, and I don't think she'd mind giving you your comeuppance.
Gwen: You really think I'm afraid of that slut?
Jake: Watch it.
Gwen: You know what? I don't think you're warning me because I might get hurt. I think you're protecting her. Nice jacket, by the way.
Jake: Kate doesn't need protecting.
Gwen: No, I guess you're right--at her age, she doesn'T.
Jake: What are you getting at, gwen?
Gwen: I came in there earlier and you didn't even see me. You were too busy tongue wrestling with kate. I saw her last night sneaking your jacket back into your room. Where'd you leave it, jake? Her room? My guess is you took it off before the two of you went to bed together.
Abigail: Wait, so gwen said that she told me not to drink?
Chad: Yeah. She, uh, she knew you weren't supposed to drink on your meds.
Abigail: But I thought that she was-- hell, I don't know what happened last night. All I know is I just ruined everything.
Chad: No. No. Your father did. Don't beat yourself up for this, okay? All right. Why don't you, uh, why don't you take it easy? I'll tell gwen to watch the kids and you can sleep the rest of the day.
Abigail: No. No, I got to get up. I want to go, and I got to take a shower. And I want to get dressed and... I need to find my mother. But thank you.
Jack: Jj, son, please let me in. Jennifer, tell him it's all right.
Jj: I'm sorry. You sure?
Jennifer: I'm sure.
Jj: Mom, this is your call. Um, I mean... it's just--I just thought that when he said he really wanted to make things right, he really meant it.
Jennifer: Oh, yeah. He always does.
[Melancholy music]
We're all putting things off, especially in these times.
Kristen: What a mess.
Brady: You think?
Kristen: [Sighs] It's the god's truth that in my life I have never had a friend like lani. I have used and abused people without a second thought. I've lied and cheated and more to get what I wanted. And she, this really good person with a heart of gold, risks everything for me-- me, brady-- and now she could pay in the worst possible way.
Brady: What do you mean? Eli saved lani's job.
Kristen: Yeah, but now she could lose eli.
Brady: All right, look, she's gonna be upset right now. But for god's sake, she's got to realize sooner or later that eli did what he did for her. I mean, I would--hell, I did the same thing for you, okay?
Kristen: Yeah, I know, but lani is so fierce. She's fierce, brady, and she may not be able to hear, let alone understand, what eli has to say.
Lani: So that's it? "Deal with it"? You betray my trust, and I'm just supposed to deal with it?
Eli: Just like I'm dealing with your distorted take in all this.
Lani: My distorted take? What the hell does that mean?
Eli: Well, according to you, kristen's in prison because of me, not because she stabbed someone, no, no, because I betrayed your trust.
Lani: Oh, my god, eli! You are not listening! Fine. Fine, all right, trask, she backed you into a corner and she played dirty--fine. But when kristen confessed when I was safe, when I cannot figure out why she confessed, why didn't you tell me what you did?
Eli: Why? Lani, listen to the conversation that we're having. I knew how you would react. You--you have this-- this soft spot for kristen that I just don't understand.
Lani: She is my friend.
Eli: And I'm your husband.
Lani: And it is because of kristen that you are my husband.
Eli: You're a cop, lani.
[Lani laughs] Okay? You're a cop, and you covered for her after she stabbed a man, and then you helped her escape and sent brady after her! You're loyal to her in a way that defies reason.
Lani: It defies reason that I care for a friend? That I feel strong empathy for someone who has helped me through the darkest times? To me, eli, it defies reasons that you refuse to understand.
Eli: I don't understand because it's crazy.
Lani: Pshhh.
Eli: Lani, I love you. I love our life. I love our babies. I had nightmares. I had nightmares that if you found out, you'd leave me.
Lani: That wasn't a nightmare, eli. It was a premonition.
Jennifer: Do you know why we always believe him when he says that he's sorry? 'Cause he is sorry. Right to the bottom of his soul. Until he gets caught.
Jj: Mom.
Jennifer: It was a year, jj. An entire year I lived with that man. Loved that man. Slept with that man. And he slept with that woman. And he wasn't sorry then. Ha. Only when he got caught.
Kate: Jack, we need to talk about what happened.
Jack: If we do... this isn't the place.
Kate: You're right. Come on, follow me.
Gwen: You look like you could use a drink.
Jake: Fine.
Gwen: You know, if you don't want to leave the house to have sex, you could always order in. I mean, kate, she's, um... really below the bar.
Jake: Watch it. Now you listen up, and you listen good. You're gonna keep your big mouth shut about me and kate, got it?
Gwen: Are you threatening me?
Jake: Ha. Chad can't know anything about this, okay?
Chad: Chad can't know about what? Did you know that 70% of your immune system
Gwen: Take it away, jake.
Jake: Fine. You got me. I'm getting in contact with the board, demanding I have my rightful place in the company, and the nanny overheard me leaving a message for li shin.
Chad: Is that true?
Gwen: Yeah, pretty much.
Chad: Well, you can try, but it's not gonna work. Eating ribs with one client doesn't mean you have the necessary qualifications to run this company.
Jake: It''s funny you should bring up qualifications. I mean, you know, when you're such a doofus. You know, last night you couldn't find your own wife. I mean, she was right here downstairs in the same house the whole time, and she was in need of some serious comfort. Luckily, I gave it to her. Did your job for you.
Jennifer: I'm so sorry, jj. He's your father. I shouldn't have said that.
Jj: Mom.
Jennifer: I shouldn't put you in the middle of this.
Jj: Hey, for once let me worry about you than the other way around. You can say whatever you want. Play this any way you want to. Whatever it takes to get yourself through this.
Jennifer: I just don't know what that is.
Jj: I love you.
Kate: Look, I sorry I saved that letter.
Jack: I'm so sorry I wrote it.
Kate: [Scoffs] I can imagine. You're the one feeling the pain. But for what it's worth, I mean, I hid it. I really hid it--I have no idea how abigail found it. In a million years, I wouldn't have thought that someone would go into that box just--
Jack: I guess it was just fate.
Kate: Yeah, well, fate sucks.
Jack: Kate? Why did you keep the letter? Whatever it was... was over.
[Both laugh lightly] Anyway, uh, it was just--
Kate: Just a night. I know. Just a night. But in the letter, you said that I had helped you. You said that that night had meant something to you. And however minor that connection was, it was a connection. Believe me, connections are not my strong suit. So I kept the letter I guess because it meant something to me. I just couldn't bear to throw it away.
Eli: Lani, your dad, he went along with this. Doesn't that tell you something?
Lani: Don't try to reason with me, eli. I'm crazy, right?
Eli: I just don't think that you're thinking straight. Kristen did stab victor. She told me that she-- she told me that she wouldn't let you pay for what she did.
Lani: So you played god. You broke your promise to me, and then you did everything that you could to keep me from finding out.
Eli: Because I--
Lani: And then you enlisted my father to help you with cover-up.
Eli: Because you were gonna have babies next month.
Lani: Yeah.
Eli: We should be going to lamaze class together instead of me visiting you in prison.
Lani: You broke something, eli... something important.
Eli: I'm sorry. But right now, we need to worry about what's best for those babies. And what's best for those babies is not for you to be holed up in some strange place disrupting your whole life when you're about to go in labor.
Lani: You know what? Yeah. You're right. I'm staying.
Eli: Thank god.
Lani: Mm-mm. You're going.
Has asthma pushed you
into a smaller life?
Lani: Thank you for stopping me from doing something crazy. You know what? Maybe you can go and stay at my dad's place since you two seem to be on the same page about a lot of things-- how it's best to keep things from me, how this little woman right here needs to be protected.
Eli: So you're kicking me out of the house because I kept you out of prison?
Lani: No. I'm kicking you out because you put kristen in prison and then you lied to me about it.
Brady: See there? You can see she recovered from her little meltdown, right? She's good.
Kristen: Yeah?
Brady: Yeah.
Kristen: After you left, I decided I was gonna tell you not to bring her back.
Brady: What--
Kristen: I just couldn't bear having her go through that again.
[Sighs] I talked to marlena, and--
Brady: I-I heard you talked to marlena.
Kristen: And she said that, uh, rachel needed me as much as I needed her. Still not convinced that's true, but...
Brady: Look at--look at her little face. See? Look at that little grin. See how--she's okay. She's resilient, she's tough. She's just like you.
Kristen: Oh, god. That scares me when you say she's just like me.
Brady: Kristen, I wouldn't change one thing about her...or you.
[Knocking on door]
Jake: Hey. What's up?
Abigail: Hey, uh... I was just on my way out, and I heard you were in here, and I just wanted to apologize. You're first on a very long list of people I feel like I need to apologize to.
Jake: You don't need to apologize to me for anything.
Abigail: Well, chad said that I passed out in your lap last night, so...
Jake: And? You had had a hell of a night. You were going through a tough time. You needed someone to be there for you. Chad walked in... overreacted, as usual, upon seeing something completely innocent. Does that a lot, doesn't he?
Gwen: Now, that sounds like jake. Also sounds like a horrible end to a horrible night. How is abigail?
Chad: She has a monster hangover.
Gwen: Hmm. That's no surprise.
Chad: She doesn't remember much of what happened. The stuff she does remember makes her hate herself, so...
Gwen: I'll go talk to her.
Chad: She's gone. She, uh, she went to apologize to her mother.
Gwen: Isn't her father the one meant to do that?
Jack: I just can't believe that abigail did that.
Kate: At your anniversary party, no less.
Jack: It's just--it's just that it's not like her.
Kate: Well, you know, maybe she went off her meds.
Jack: No. No. But she was drinking, which she's not supposed to do.
Kate: So do you think maybe it was a combination of the meds and the alcohol?
Jack: Right.
Kate: Yeah.
Jack: Right.
Kate: But she did seem a bit out of control, you know?
Jack: But I...I just-- I don't understand it though. How could she choose to do something like that, to get drunk like that?
Kate: To humiliate and hurt her parents in front of all of their friends and family.
Jack: I went to see jennifer. She wouldn't talk to me.
Kate: I'm sorry. Do you, um, do you want me to talk to her? To be honest...a little dust? It never bothered me.
Brady: It's ti--time's up. Ohh...I love you.
Kristen: I love you too. You give rachel a kiss for me.
Brady: I will. I will.
Kristen: Brady? Um, can you just-- will you make sure that lani's okay?
Brady: Listen, listen. You have enough to worry about in here. Eli and lani, they will work this out themselves.
Eli: Lani, if you need anything, anything at all--
Lani: Yeah, whatever.
Eli: This is wrong. We should work this out.
Lani: No. No. No more words. No more talking, eli. Go. Just go.
Eli: I love you.
[Melancholy music]
Lani: [Groans/laughs] Ohh...
Jake: Look, if you came to rag on me again about last night, I got a screwdriver in my hand.
Chad: It's not about that. I, uh, I called shin's assistant.
Jake: Hmm.
Chad: And she said that there was no record of you leaving a message. You want to tell me what you and gwen were really talking about?
Gwen: I'm off to see an old friend of yours. I'll give him your best. It's time for me to start phase two.
Abigail: I need to talk to mom.
Jj: You can't--she just left.
Kate: I don't know. Maybe I could explain to her what happened.
Jack: Are you serious? I mean--I mean, I appreciate the help and all, but--
Kate: Yeah. No, it was probably not a good idea at all. I--I'm actually probably the last person she wants to talk to right now.
Jack: Well, I, uh, I have to agree with you.
Kate: I just wish there was something that I could do seriously to make it less painful for you and for her. You sure there's nothing else I can do?
Jack: No. I think at this point, it's all up to jennifer, so... no, um, I'll--
Jennifer: Going somewhere?
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