Days Transcript Monday 11/16/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 11/16/20


Episode #13896 ~ Ava visits a friend; Steve and Kayla argue over Tripp; Lani demands the truth from Brady; Tripp tries to convince Allie not to pursue charges in London.

Provided By Suzanne

Eli: I hope that you're right about brady... that he won't tell lani what really happened and why kristen is in jail.

Abe: Well, I know there is a distraction now. Planning a baby shower.

Eli: A distraction?

Abe: [Chuckles] I know you hate lying to lani as much as I do, but I also know that, uh, you know, things...

Eli: She can't know the truth, abe. Not now. And I'll do whatever it takes to keep it from her.

Brady: Ah, what--what's going on? You want me to tell you what eli doesn't want you to know? What are you talking about?

Lani: I know you promised eli that you would keep some secret from me.

Brady: Lani, I don't know what you're talking about.


Eli: I can't do anything to jeopardize the health of lani or the health of our babies.

Abe: I understand that fear, but what happens if brady changes his mind about keeping the secret?

Eli: I just have to hope that he doesn'T... that he keeps his promise and... he doesn't tell lani what really happened.


Lani: So tell me the truth. What happened?

Marlena: Brady told me about rachel coming to visit you and... how upset you became when she had to leave. That must have been so hard for both of you. I'm here to help, if I can.

Allie: What are you doing here?

Tripp: I heard the D.A. Isn't gonna charge me.

Allie: Lucky you, huh?

Tripp: And I also heard that you might still tell your story to the london police. I'm here to ask you not to. If you pursue this, if you get dragged to london for god knows how long, both of our lives would be disrupted for nothing. And this alleged incident happened almost a year ago, so I mean there's no witnesses, no evidence, there's nothing.

Allie: Uh, bull. I have the dna results.

Tripp: It doesn't prove that I raped you.

Allie: Well, it proves that you're henry's father and that you're a liar.

[Knocking on door]

[Suspenseful music]

Steve: Coming.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Kayla: Hi.

Steve: Hey, did you just knock?

Kayla: No. Why?

Steve: I don't know. Somebody did. Now they're gone.

Ava: God, I...can't do it. I can'T. As much as I want to, I... I can't face you, steve. Now I really can'T. Not with your damned sweetness inside.

Tripp: Allie, look, I know what you think, but remember--

Allie: What I think? Okay, you really need to go.

Tripp: No, please, I didn't come here to fight, okay? I just want to tell my side of the story.

Allie: You already did that. Remember when you showed up here and you were yelling, and you tried to take my phone when I threatened to call the cops?

Tripp: I know, I know, I know...that was wrong, and I apologize. Hey, we were both screaming at each other, and I was just desperate for you to hear me. And now I'm asking for another chance to calmly and respectfully just tell you my very clear memory of that night. And if you get at all uncomfortable, just say the word, and I'll leave, okay? Does that sound okay?

Allie: Fine.

Tripp: Thank you, uh... so that night, I saw you at the club and I thought you were really cute, so...I went up to you. And we talked for a few minutes. And I liked you, and so I asked you to dance. You turned me down, but I found you again maybe an hour later and asked you again. And that time you said yes, but it was clear you'd had a lot to drink.

Allie: I get it--I was wasted, and you saw your big chance, and you took me home in a cab.

Tripp: I thought if I didn't you might not make it home. And that is the only reason I left with you.

Allie: And then what, tripp? What happened once we got home? No, wait, I know. I was the aggressor right? I kissed you.

Tripp: And I stopped it, 'cause you were too drunk to know what you were doing. And then I helped you into bed. I wrote you a note, and then I took off. And then I did not hear from you or see you again, until we ran into each other here, in salem.

Allie: Now, that's a nice story, tripp. But you forgot the same part. You forgot last time. The part where you held me down and raped me while I said no.

Tripp: Allie, I... I am so sorry... but that didn't happen. I would never do that to you or any woman.

Kristen: If brady sent you here because he thinks I need a shrink--

Marlena: No. I'm here because I'm concerned about you. I thought... I thought you might want to talk about how things could be different next time.

Kristen: Okay. There's not gonna be a next time, marlena. I am not gonna let brady bring rachel here ever again.

Brady: Where'd you get that recording?

Lani: I caught eli and my father with their heads together in the pub. When I asked eli what they were talking about, he said a baby shower. I could tell that my father was uncomfortable, and I got the distinct feeling that eli was lying. So I accidentally left my purse there and recorded their entire conversation. So what happened?

Brady: You should really talk to eli about this.

Lani: Brady, eli is not gonna tell me the truth, but you are. Alright, everyone, we made it.

Lani: I'm not letting this go, brady. So you're either gonna tell me, or I'm just gonna find another way.

Brady: Look, I-I can see in your eyes you're getting stressed about this...

Lani: Yes, I'm stressed. I'm about to have twins, okay, but I can't ignore the fact that my father and my husband are lying to me.

Brady: I get it. I understand. It's just--it's not my place to say anything about this.

Lani: Is it about my babies?

Brady: No, it's not.

Lani: Is it--is it my dad? Is he sick, is he in trouble?

Brady: No, lani, it's not about your dad.

Lani: Then what? What is it, brady?

Brady: It's about... it's about kristen.

Kristen: My daughter is never coming here again.

Marlena: I don't think you really mean that.

Kristen: It was so awful. I mean, the guard came in. Said, "time's up," and rachel started crying, and I asked for one minute-- just one minute more-- so that I could soothe her and tell her that everything was gonna be okay. And then brady, he had to carry her out of here screaming, and, I mean, I can-- I can still hear her.

Marlena: It must have been awful--I'm so sorry.

Kristen: [Inhales, exhales] I'm the one who should be sorry. I mean, it's my fault that she has to come to this horrible place. And then saying goodbye...

Marlena: Look, I understand how it's been for both of you, but the truth is it's not really goodbye.

Kristen: You're right. Brady and I--we have our precious little girl back, and I just have to remember that seeing her, even under these challenging conditions, is...a blessing compared to the alternative.

Marlena: And every time you do it, it will get easier. And before you know it, you'll be back home.

Kristen: Thank you. Thank you for your kindness. I'm very grateful. It's more than I deserve, after all the things I've done to you.

Marlena: It's all behind us now. I promised I would I would help with your daughter. The best way I can do that is to make sure that sees you as often as possible.

Kristen: Thank you.

Marlena: You take care of yourself.

Steve: So there's some news about tripp.

Kayla: What kind of news?

Steve: Justin called and said the D.A. Is not filing charges against tripp because the alleged assault occurred outside her jurisdiction.

Kayla: You know, I just came to look for my dry cleaning ticket, so I don't see it. I'm gonna go back to work.

Steve: Kayla, wait a minute. Don't you think we should talk about this?

Kayla: What else is there to say? You think that tripp is telling the truth, and I don'T.

Allie: I know that you're not a good person, and a lot of other people think that too.

Tripp: What are you talking about?

Allie: Claire told me that you held a scalpel to my aunt kayla's neck.

Tripp: And that is a terrible mistake that I'll always regret, but you should know that i wasn't really in my right mind back then.

Allie: So you attacked an innocent woman?

Tripp: I didn't think kayla was innocent. I thought she killed my mother.

[Ominous music]

Kristen: Oh, my god. Ava vitali.

Ava: In the flesh.

Lani: The secret is about kristen?

Brady: About why she confessed to stabbing my granddad.

Lani: I'm listening.

Brady: After the D.A. Saw the surveillance footage from the police station, trask asked eli to come in for questioning. Now, it was no mystery that trask wanted to pin this whole thing on kristen from the beginning, all right, but she offered eli a deal. If he could get a confession from kristen, trask would not go after you.

Lani: Trask blackmailed him?

Brady: Yeah.

Lani: No. Hmm. Eli would have told me, and besides, he's a cop, brady. He would never agree to something like that.

Brady: Yeah, he would. He not only got kristen to confess on tape... he tricked her into it.

Tripp: I am gonna have to live with that horrible guilt over what I did to kayla for the rest of my life. But kayla...she forgave me. She even helped me get into medical school. Everything was so great between us, until all this happened. And I owe her so much, and I look up to her more than anyone. She was the reason I wanted to become a doctor.

Allie: I didn't know that.

Tripp: Kayla is the closest thing I'll ever come to having a mom. And now she thinks I'm a rapist. I am sorry about what happened to you, allie. I truly am. But I did not do it. Look, I don't want to fight with you anymore. Not now. Not in some courtroom in london. Just please just think about all the lives that it's affecting right now. I mean... think about all the people and the families that it's tearing apart. So for their sake and ours... I really hope you find it in your heart to just let this go.

Steve: Sweetness, I think we need to find a way to get past this.

Kayla: Okay. What do you suggest?

[Keys clatter] We go find tripp, and we celebrate with him?

Steve: Is that what you think he's doing? Celebrating?

Kayla: Well, the D.A. Is not gonna bring charges, so there won't be a trial. And, well, you know, the crime was committed in london, so it's not too late for her to press charges there.

Steve: Crime? So you've already convicted tripp.

Kayla: I did four dna tests. That is solid proof. You are just choosing to ignore it. You know, I think that maybe you have a blind spot when it comes to tripp because he is your son.

Steve: You know what? I think maybe you have a blind spot, because ava was his mother.

Kristen: You're alive.

Ava: Yeah, but I used an alias to sign in here.


Kristen: survived the fire at the warehouse.

Ava: Why do you look so surprised? You did too.

Kristen: True, and so did so many others but, I mean, xander never said anything.

Ava: Because that moron didn't rescue me. I rescued myself, and as soon as I did, I hightailed it out of the country.

Kristen: That's--

Ava: Amazing? Not really. As you know, I cheated death once before when steve's son joey snuck into my hospital room and smothered me with a pillow. Everyone thought I was dead and that was the end. But you... you got the powerful and great dr. Rolf to bring me back from the brink and spirit me away to nashville.

Kristen: You were in really bad shape.

Ava: Yeah, was I ever. God, I remember that room with my initials on the door. I didn't think that I would ever be well enough to leave, but I recovered. I got better, and I got out of there. And it's thanks to you.

Kristen: That's what friends are for.

Trelegy for copd.

Ava: I often think about when we first met, back in italy.

Kristen: All those years ago. Good morning.

Ava: Morning. I see you haven't taken a vow of silence.

Kristen: No, I haven'T.

Ava: Honestly, I don't know how they do it. I mean, a girl's gotta speak her mind, right? I mean, this one does. I'm ava vitali.

Kristen: Kristen dimera. Nice to meet you. What brings you to the convent?

Ava: Ah, well, I came to visit my favorite aunt. Sister margarita. I come a few times a year, donate a little bit of money. Helps me feel better about myself for not always being the best catholic.

Kristen: Well, that makes two of us. And just so you know, sister margarita is one of my favorites. She practically is the only one who doesn't blame me for being a huge burden and mortal sinner. I'm sure you heard the gossip.

Ava: Oh, how you tried to kill yourself by jumping out of the tower? Yeah.

Kristen: That's not true. I didn't jump. I was pushed.

Ava: Oh, I couldn't believe it when you told me it was marlena evans who pushed you.

Kristen: [Laughs] Well, she claimed it was an accident. I knew she wanted me dead.

Ava: Of course she did. Ha ha ha, and when I heard that the high and mighty dr. Evans was your enemy, oh, I knew that we were destined to be friends.

Lani: What do you mean eli tricked kristen?

Brady: Eli went to kristen and told her that trask was coming after you. This obviously upset kristen, and she said "there's nothing that I won't do to protect lani."

Lani: So eli asked her for a confession?

Brady: No. Eli just wanted her to back up his story. That you had rushed her out of the police station just in order to avoid the media. And then he wanted her to swear that she had never told you that she was the one that stabbed victor.

Lani: I assume she agreed.

Brady: Of course she did. The problem was eli needed a lot more than that, so he got kristen talking. He won her trust, and she started talking, lani. She gave the whole thing to him, play by play, the whole stabbing, right up to the point where she stuck that knife into victor. And that's when eli had exactly what he needed-- what he really needed and wanted. And he had secretly recorded this confession for trask.

Lani: I don't--no. I don't believe it.

Brady: Well, there's more. He ended up going to kristen after the fact and copping to the whole thing. And he told her, "I got you dead to rights on tape."

Lani: She must have been furious.

Brady: She was furious at first, but then he convinced her that he was between a rock and a hard place. That if he gave the confession to trask, you would be livid, and you would never forgive him. But if he didn't give it to trask, trask would put you and kristen in prison.

Lani: But neither of those things happened.

Brady: Because eli gave her a third option. Yeah.

Lani: Confess on her own.

Brady: Eli made it very clear that kristen was gonna go down, either way, so he begged her not to take you down with her. She loves you. She didn't want to ruin your future with your family, so she caved, and eli got exactly what he wanted. Then he destroyed the damn recording because he didn't need it anymore.

Lani: This is what eli has been hiding from me all this time. He forced kristen to confess, and then he just kept himself completely out of it.

Kristen: Strangely enough, marlena and i aren't enemies anymore.

Ava: Oh, no, no, no, uh-uh. No. I don't think I want to hear this.

Kristen: Don't worry, don't worry--I mean, we're not actually friends either. But I want you to know, back at the convent, it was nice having you to talk to. Someone who understood me.

Ava: Oh, well, amen to that. And you, kristen, you were that person for me. You gave me some excellent advice. I feel strong and ready, and so I'm going back to salem, and I'm gonna give it another try.

Kristen: Good for you, and make sure you use every weapon in your arsenal. Tell steve that you have a child together. I still don't know why you didn't tell him the last time.

Ava: Because I was too proud. Look, I wanted steve to love me for me, not because he's the father of my kid. But now, to be honest... I'm desperate.

Kristen: I'm really glad you're going back. And if you hit a rough spot, just please remember my motto. All's fair in love and war.

Ava: [Laughing] Oh, I really did pull out all the stops that time. I even faked leukemia.

Kristen: Right, and you told steve that you had a son, as I recall.

Ava: Yep. I did. I even got him to go off with me and search for a while. Meanwhile, I was holding his beloved wife prisoner.

Kristen: And only divulged her location after steve made love to you.

Ava: Mmm, right. But even that wasn't enough to destroy his love for kayla.

Kayla: Do you honestly think that I would hold a grudge against tripp because I hated his mother?

Steve: No, but maybe you think tripp is capable of doing something this awful because of who his mother was.

Kayla: Well, you know what? Maybe what they say is true. Maybe like mother like son, because let's face it. His mother basically did to you what tripp did to allie. Ava vitali raped you, steve.

Tripp: What the hell are you talking about?

Oh, oh, oh, ozempicŪ!

Julie: Something is troubling you, darling. Are you worrying about lani?

Eli: Worried?

Julie: Well, because of what happened before with david. I know that was heartbreaking for you, but this time around, everything's gonna be fine.

Eli: Yeah. I hope so.

Julie: I know so. You're going to have the most wonderful family, eli. It gives me so much joy to think of you and lani happier than you've ever been in your lives. And you deserve it, after everything you've been through.

Eli: Thank you. We deserve it, especially lani, and she deserves all the happiness in the world.

Julie: All the happiness you're giving her.

Eli: Thank you, grandma.

Lani: Now it all makes sense. Why eli has been feeling so guilty and why kristen suddenly confessed. Brady, I am so sorry. I am so sorry.

Brady: No, not your fault.

Lani: No. I should have fought harder to get the truth out of eli. I... how could he do this? How could he just rip your family apart like that?

Brady: Lani, lani, he was trying to save his family. That's all.

Lani: And then kristen--she's just alone in a prison cell. I cannot believe everything that she has sacrificed for me.

Ava: I have failed to make steve mine so many times, most women would just give up.

Kristen: Yeah, but you are not most women. And seeing you here makes me think that you're ready to try again. Is that why you're back?

Ava: Oh, I'm here for other reasons, although I do still feel a powerful pull to steve. So powerful, in fact, I went over to his place earlier, and I knocked on the door.

Kristen: What happened?

Ava: I got smart, and I left. And it's a good thing, because kayla showed up.

Tripp: Look, I know you hate me, but you have no right to trash my mother.

Steve: Whoa, whoa, tripp--

Tripp: No, no, no, not believing me is one thing, but I will not let you tell disgusting lies about my mom.

Steve: Tripp... I'm sorry you had to hear that. But what kayla said about ava is true.

Marlena: Hey. I just heard the D.A. Didn't bring charges against tripp. I came to see how you're doing.

Allie: I'M...confused.

Marlena: Confused? About what?

Allie: Well, melinda said that if I wanted to pursue this, she could pass everything on to the authorities in london. But tripp was just here begging me not to.

Marlena: Is he trying to intimidate you?

Allie: No. No this was--every time I've seen him, it's been tense, confrontational. But this time, it was different.

Marlena: Different how?

Allie: Well, tripp still swears that he didn't rape me, but...he wasn't yelling or at all defensive. He was--I don't know. He seemed sincere, and I started to feel like I believed him. But then, I mean, how do you explain the dna test? I just don't know what to do.

Marlena: What did you say to the D.A.?

Allie: Well, I told her that I would call and let her know what I decided.

Marlena: Oh, okay. Whatever you decide, I'm beside you 100%.

Allie: Thank you, grandma. I love you.

Marlena: Oh, I love you. Mmm, my girl. This year's been... a lot.

Eli: HeY. I thought you were going down to the station.

Lani: I had something to take care of.

Eli: Well, I am happy to report that your dad and I spoke to my grandmother, and we got the ball rolling on your baby shower.

Lani: There won't be a baby shower, eli.

Marlena: You know, at first kristen was adamant that... you never bring rachel to see her again. And then, after we spoke, she seemed to understand that it was important to keep that bond with her daughter.

Brady: Thank you. It means a lot to me that you would extend yourself to kristen like that. Really. Speaking of which, I have to go talk to her. I need to have a visit with her. Would you mind watching rachel, just for a little while?

Marlena: I would love that.

Brady: Thank you.

Ava: If I do decide to reach out to steve, then I have to be very careful, for obvious reasons.

Kristen: Right, 'cause you sure as hell don't want to end up in here.

Ava: Hey, you hang in there. I will be back. It's so good to have somebody to talk to. Someone I trust and someone who I know knows me and understands me.

Kristen: I do understand you, ava, and I never gave up on the man that I love either. I am here for you, and I won't say a word to anyone.

Ava: Thanks. I should go.

Steve: Tripp, I had already told you that your mother had had kayla kidnapped.

Tripp: Yeah. I know.

Steve: But what you didn't know...was that ava forced me to sleep with her. If I had refused, she would have killed kayla.

Tripp: I-I can't believe that my own mother would be capable of something like that. Which is why you think that I am too.

Julie: Now I'm all excited about lani's baby shower.

[Both laughing] Really, I cannot wait to welcome your grandbabies and my great-grandbabies into this world.

Abe: Yes, yes. It is definitely cause for celebration.

Julie: Yes. This family has been going through such sad times lately. You know, it's gonna be wonderful to have something happy to focus on.

Eli: Why don't you want to have a baby shower? Lani, your pregnancy has gone well. I mean, I know you don't want to jinx anything, but--

Lani: This has nothing to do with that.

Eli: Then what's it about?

Lani: It's about what you did to kristen.

[Tense music]


Brady: Hi.

Kristen: Brady.

Brady: Hi, hi, hi.

Kristen: What are you doing here?

Brady: There's something I needed to talk to you about, but first, the guard told me that you had a visitor. A woman--who was that?

Ava: My son.

Steve: That's great. Now tripp knows all the horrible things his mother did, as if he wasn't hurting enough already.

Kayla: You know what? Tripp is a grown man. You cannot protect him from knowing all the horrible things that ava did. Nor can you protect him from taking responsibility for the terrible things that he's done.

Steve: Allegedly did! But he didn'T.

Kayla: Oh, here we go, to the he said/she said. But what I say and what the irrefutable evidence says--tripp raped allie, and he still needs to answer for that.

[Cell phone beeps]

[Line ringing]

Allie: Hello, ms. Trask? This is allie horton. Um...I'm calling because I've made a decision on whether to move forward with my case.

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