Days Transcript Friday 11/13/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 11/13/20


Episode #13895 ~ Allie receives upsetting news; Xander suspects he knows who is working with Philip to sabotage Titan; Philip's mysterious partner is revealed; Lani confronts Abe and Eli about their furtive conversation.

Provided By Suzanne

[Somber music]

Steve: Hey, buddy. Did you finally get some sleep?

Tripp: Nope. None...which, honestly, i haven't really slept since this whole thing with allie started. So...

Steve: What, you've been hanging out in your room all morning?

Tripp: Yeah, I was waiting for kayla to leave to go to work.

Steve: You don't have to do that.

Tripp: I--I don't wanna make it uncomfortable for her. I mean, she barely speaks to me, dad.

Steve: Yeah, well, I was getting a little bit of that myself.

Tripp: Look, I'm really sorry. I never want this to come between you two.

Steve: You don't have to apologize. You haven't done anything wrong.

Tripp: Yeah, try telling that to the da.

Steve: Yeah.

Tripp: Dad, what is it?

Steve: Justin called earlier. Some bad news. Apparently, allie did turn those dna test results over to the police.

Tripp: [Exhales]

[Dramatic music]

[Knocking at door]

Melinda: Allie.

Allie: Yes?

Melinda: I'm melinda trask. I'm the district attorney. You and I need to talk.

Eli: Maybe one day in the future, after things have calmed down, I'll be able to tell lani what really happened, but for now, as much as I hate it, I think it's just best to keep this on the down low.

Lani: [Clears throat] So...what exactly are you two keeping from me?

[Ominous music]

Sarah: I'm so sorry. Yeah, I couldn't hear the other person's voice.

Xander: Were there any clues from what you heard?

Sarah: Not really. No, it just--he sounded desperate, like the person on the other line was upset, and he was trying to placate them.

Xander: Placate them? Like he was afraid of whoever it was.

Sarah: Maybe. Do you think he's taking orders from someone else?

Xander: But who could that be? I don't know.

Xander: I don't either. Who'd want to help philip take me down? Wait a minute. Oh, I think I know who it is.

[Suspenseful music]

Philip: [Exhales] You. What the hell are you doing here?

Ava: Hello, philip. Relax. Nobody saw me.

Philip: I thought we agreed you would keep your distance.

Ava: Did we?

Philip: Yes! You can't be here. The rest of the world believes ava vitali is dead, and it's better for everyone if it stays that way.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Ava: Ooh. You're awfully nervous, philip. What are you so worried about?

Philip: You could ruin everything by being here. What are you doing in salem?

Ava: Well, I came to check on you. You're getting very close to losing my trust.

Philip: What do you want from me?

Ava: Oh, you know what i want.

Philip: How the hell am i supposed to launder mob money through titan when that lout xander is constantly looking over my shoulder?

Xander: I can't believe i didn't think of this sooner. It's so obvious who philip's working with.

Sarah: Are you gonna tell me anytime soon, or are we... ?

Xander: It's brady.

Sarah: Brady?

Xander: Of course. He made it his mission to destroy titan to punish victor and me for what we did to him and kristen.

Sarah: You think that brady's still trying to take down the family business?

Xander: Kristen being locked up must have reignited the fire. I bet he's desperate to destroy victor and me, and now he's joined forces with philip to plot my downfall.

Sarah: [Sighs]

Tripp: Okay, I--I know how it looks, but I'm telling you I'm innocent.

Steve: I know. I know. I'm just trying to make sense of all this, man.

Tripp: Yeah, believe me, so am I.

Steve: [Sighs] I mean, your dna matches allie's baby, but you never even slept with her. Now, how does that happen?

[Phone ringing] It's justin.

[Phone beeps] Yeah? What's going on? Oh. Okay. And? All right, I'll tell him.

Tripp: W--what was--what was that about?

Steve: It's about your case. Justin met with da trask. She's made a decision on whether or not to file criminal charges against you.

Allie: I don't understand. This doesn't make any sense.

Melinda: I'm sorry, allie.

Allie: You're sorry? Tripp raped me, and you came here to tell me that there's nothing you can do about it?

Tripp: So she's not going to charge me with rape?

Steve: According to justin, da trask doesn't think it's her case to prosecute because the alleged assault happened outside her jurisdiction. Good news, right?

Tripp: Yeah, yeah.

Steve: You don't seem very relieved.

Tripp: Well, 'cause it doesn't change anything.

Steve: Of course it does. You're not going to prison.

Tripp: Yeah, no, I know. It doesn't change anything about people's perception of me. Allie made this accusation, and everyone believes her.

Steve: Okay, so you're telling me you wanna go to trial?

Tripp: Nobody wants to be on trial for rape, but I don't know. Some small part of me is conflicted about it, you know, thinking I could have at least defended myself in front of a trial...and maybe even clear my name.

Steve: I think we need to accept this outcome and be grateful. If you went to trial, given the evidence, the jury might have convicted you.

Tripp: Yeah, you're right. You're right. And I totally appreciate everything that justin has done for me. I just wish none of this had ever happened.

Steve: We all do. Tripp, listen. You said that everyone believes allie. You're wrong about that. I still believe you.

Tripp: I know. But, you know, I gotta ask, dad. Why?

Melinda: I understand that you're upset.

Allie: Upset? I'm disgusted. I mean, why--why are you letting him get away with this?

Melinda: It isn't up to me. I'm not legally allowed to prosecute this case in salem.

Allie: But why not? I live here; tripp does too.

Melinda: Yes, but the alleged assault happened in another jurisdiction, in another country.

Allie: So that's it? He doesn't get punished, and i just have to see him walking around town every day, just free and clear? Damn it. I was warned that this would happen. Detective price warned me.


Lani: I'm listening.

Eli: Oh, well, your father and I, we...we saw how upset you were after theo left, so we, uh--we hatched a plan.

Lani: A plan?

Eli: Yeah, a plan, right?

Abe: Mm-hmm, yeah. Absolutely.

Eli: Yeah, yeah, we did. Yeah, we--neither of us wanna see you hurt. We wanna make you happy, so we decided we'd throw you a surprise baby shower.

Abe: Yeah. Yes. Mm-hmm.

Lani: A surprise baby shower? You two?

Abe: Yeah. I mean, what, you don't think we can pull it off?

Eli: Wh--wait. It wouldn't--it wouldn't just be us in charge. I f--you know, I figured I'd put my grandma julie in charge of the detailS.

Abe: That's right.

Lani: [Laughs] Um...yeah, that'S...

[Laughs] That's really sweet of you two, but, honestly, I don't think I'm up for a baby shower.

Eli: Why not?

Lani: Because of kristen.

[Soft music playing]

Sarah: Where--where are you going?

Xander: Kristen's locked up for sticking a knife in victor's chest. Brady blames me. I'm not just gonna sit here while he and philip stab me in the back.

Sarah: So, what, you're gonna confront brady and say what?

Xander: Make him admit the truth, that he's still trying to sabotage the family business.

Sarah: Ah, no, no, no, no. See, I'm not gonna let you do that.

Xander: Why not?

Sarah: Well, maybe because in these situations, you tend to be a little bit...overzealous.

Xander: Sometimes a situation like this calls for zealous.

Sarah: Okay, well, an altercation with brady is not going to help you stay in victor's good graces, now is it?

Xander: You think victor would jump to brady's side?

Sarah: Yeah, of course i think that. He usually does, doesn't he? Plus, isn't it a bad idea to agitate brady if he is aligned with philip somehow?

Xander: I can't just let him get away with it, sarah.

Sarah: Nobody said that! But if you need someone to get brady to tell the truth, you're looking at her.

Xander: You?

Sarah: Yes, me! Let me talk to him.

Xander: You would do that for me?

Sarah: Oh, yes, I would do anything for you. We are a team.

Xander: God, I hope so. And thank you, sarah.

Sarah: You're very welcome. I'm gonna see you at home, hopefully, with some answers about philip.

[Door closes]

Philip: I did as you asked. I came back to salem and demanded my father put me in charge of titan. I had no idea I would be stuck with xander as my co-ceo.

Ava: Xander is your problem, not mine.

Philip: He's both our problems.

Ava: Eh, I don't see it that way because you owe me. Need I remind you how big a debt you ran up, backing up long shots that never came in?

Philip: I promised you i would make it up to your organization.

Ava: You promised that this deal with titan was a sure thing, and I vouched for you. I could have let my cousin angelo deal with you the way that he wanted.

Philip: I appreciate what you did for me, but I have a right to know what risks my partners are taking that might jeopardize my position.

Ava: Oh, your "position" is a tenuous one. So I am here to ensure that you deliver on what you promised.

Philip: Are you sure that's why you're back in salem?

Ava: What do you mean?

Philip: Like I said, due diligence. Are you here just to rattle my cage? Or are you here to see if you can get your hooks back into steve johnson? To be honest...a little dust? It never bothered me.

Eli: What does kristen have to do with your baby shower?

Lani: Dad, eli, maybe you guys don't know this, but it is tradition that a baby shower is hosted by the mom-to-be's best friend. And not only will kristen not be able to host it, she won't even be there.

Abe: And that would be hard for you. Of course.

Lani: Yeah, it would be awful. I mean, how am I supposed to enjoy my baby shower knowing that kristen can't be there with me? And worse, she's in prison, locked away from her little girl.

Brady: [Sighs]

[Knocking at door] Hold on.

[Sniffles] Hi, sarah. What's going on?

Sarah: Hi. I am here to talk to you about your uncle philip.

Ava: Well, as much as I would like to see steve, you know i can't show myself to him.

Philip: Because his son joey is in prison for murdering you?

Ava: Well, for starters.

[Laughs] I also happen to be a wanted woman.

Philip: Yeah. I'm aware of the crimes you committed on your last visit to salem. Also aware the only reason you're not in prison is because everyone thinks you're dead.

Ava: Yeah. And I need to keep it that way for now. So I cannot see steve or my son.

Steve: I believe you because when you looked into my eye and swore to me that you never slept with allie, I knew you were telling me the truth. Now I'm a pretty good judge of character. It might look self-serving because you're my son, but i know you're a good man. I've seen you. You're respectful of women. There's not a misogynistic bone in your body. There's no way in hell you could have done what allie is accusing you of. It's just not in you. I know that.

Tripp: Thank you, dad, for believing in me when no one else in this town does. Okay? You have no idea how much that means to me.

[Inhales sharply]

Steve: I got you, buddy.

Allie: I should have known better. Why did I even file that complaint in the first place?

Melinda: No, you did the right thing. It takes great courage to report a sexual assault. And assuming that you're telling the truth, and--

Allie: I am telling the truth. You don't believe me?

Melinda: No, that's not what I'm saying, but I also know tripp dalton. He was friends with my daughter, haley, and he was always kind to her.

Allie: So what? That means that he's not capable of rape? Do you think I'm lying? Is that why you're not pressing charges?

Melinda: No. I take your accusations very seriously. I'm just not in a position to do anything about them.

Allie: So coming forward, telling my story, it was all for nothing?

Melinda: Not necessarily. These are real people, not actors,

Melinda: With your permission, I can send the case file over to the authorities in london. They'll receive the statement you made to detective price along with the dna results that prove that tripp is the father of your baby.

Allie: So they could still prosecute him there?

Melinda: Yes, and they can request extradition in order to make him face those charges. But again, I won't send the files unless you agree to it. It's your call.

Allie: Um...can I think about it?

Melinda: Of course. Give me a call when you make your decision.

Allie: Okay. Thank you.

[Dramatic music]

Tripp: You believing in me is the only thing that's gotten me through all of this.

Steve: You're strong, tripp. You're gonna survive this.

Tripp: I just--I just wish there was a way to convince other people that I was telling the truth, I mean, especially kayla and not just because she's important to you, but, I mean, she is to me too. I have so much respect for her, but how could I expect her to take my word over scientific evidence?

Steve: You know, she loves you, tripp.

Tripp: I know. But she's not my mom.

Philip: You never really knew your son, did you?

Ava: I don't wanna talk about tripp...or steve for that matter.

Philip: All right. As long as I know you're focused on the right things.

Ava: You are the one who needs to focus on the task at hand, which means keeping up your end of the bargain.

Philip: I know what's at risk here.

Ava: Oh, I hope 'cause I was willing to do whatever it took to eliminate kayla, to get what I wanted. Are you capable of making the same commitment to getting rid of your rival?

Philip: Are you asking me if I'm willing to kill xander?

Ava: You have to make a choice, philip. In business and in life, it is survival of the fittest. Xander's in our way. So unless you take care of him, you're gonna be the one to pay the price.

Sarah: It has become very clear to xander and me that philip might be up to no good at titan.

Brady: How so?

Sarah: Well, xander thinks that philip is trying to undermine him and might be working with someone on the outside.

Brady: And you think it's me.

Sarah: Xander is very confident.

Brady: Why in the hell would I wanna work with philip?

Sarah: Brady, I don't know. Maybe you still hold a grudge against xander and victor for what they did to you and kristen.

Brady: Listen, listen. I--I--I don't give a damn who runs titan. I'm out of it. I don't care. Xander and philip, they can eat each other alive and take victor along with 'em for all I care.

Sarah: So you have nothing to do with it?

Brady: Nothing. I have one concern right now, sarah, and that's kristen and trying to take care of my little girl. Nothing else matters.

[Baby crying] Yeah, she probably--she probably wants her mom.

[Baby continues crying]

Abe: You know, I know how you feel, lani, but life does go on, sweetheart.

Eli: Babe, you have to find a way to appreciate how lucky we are, especially after all it took for us to get here.

Lani: I do. I appreciate you and these babies so much. It's just the idea of celebrat--

Abe: HeY. You know what? I'll tell you...why don't we hire someone to video the shower? And then when you visit kristen, you can share your special day with her.

Lani: That's really thoughtful of you, dad. I just...let me--let me think about it some more, okay?

Eli: Of course.

Lani: I, um--I--I need to get back to the station for a bit. Okay?

Eli: All right, yeah. Let me help you up.

Lani: Thank you, dad.

Abe: Love you. Ah.

Lani: I love you too.

Abe: Thanks, sweetheart.

Lani: And, hey, I am so sorry to be such a downer. And you know what? I--I think a baby shower sounds lovely, and I'm sure kristen wouldn't want me to reject it. So...

Eli: So you're--you're gonna let us do it for you?

Lani: Yes, I will. Bye.

Eli: Bye. I love you.

Lani: I love you too.

Eli: Abe, I cannot keep this lie forever.

Abe: Well, all of that aside, I think you have a baby shower to plan.

Eli: Yeah.

It's totally normal to have

constipation with belly pain,

Tripp: Yeah, I'm gonna get some dessert for later. Um...and thanks again for the talk, dad...and for your faith in me.

[Cell phone beeps off] Ms. Trask?

Melinda: Tripp.

[Sighs] It's been a long time.

Tripp: Yeah, it has. Uh... look, I--I--I just--first, i just wanted to say face-to-face how sorry I am about what happened to haley. She was a really great person.

Melinda: Yeah, she was.

Tripp: I hope you got my card.

Melinda: I did, and it meant a lot to me. And I know you were important to her.

Tripp: I miss her every day. Uh, but I also wanted to say thank you for dropping the case against me.

Melinda: Don't thank me for that. I only dropped the charges because I had no choice.

[Solemn music]

Tripp: No, I'm telling you i volunteered to take you home because you were so wasted. I had to practically carry you to the cab and upstairs to your apartment. And that was a year ago! Why are you making such a big deal of this now?

Allie: Because I just remembered what you did to me.

Tripp: You were so drunk, you could barely tell the cabbie your address, so how could you possibly remember anything else that happened after that? The only contact we made was when you kissed me, and i stopped you because I didn't wanna take advantage of you. I liked you, and then when you passed out, I left my name and number on a pad by the bed, and then I went home.

Allie: Well, I never got any note. And if you were such a perfect gentleman, then how did I end up pregnant?

Tripp: Must have been some other guy.

Allie: There was no other guy. I didn't have sex with anyone during that time except you when you raped me.

Tripp: That's not what happened.

Allie: I couldn't figure out why you volunteered to give a dna sample when it would prove that you're guilty.

Tripp: It's not gonna prove me guilty 'cause I didn't do anything.

Allie: Then why would you "categorically" say "no"? Why won't you just agree to it?

Tripp: 'Cause I resented being asked in the first place when I'm telling the truth. But there's no way I could be your kid's father when all I did was make sure some totally wasted girl got home without falling on her ass.

[Baby crying]

[Tense music]

Abe: Eli. I know you, uh--you pressured kristen because you wanted to protect lani. But like I said, maybe it's time for you to come clean with her.

Eli: Abe, I can't, not now. I can't do anything to jeopardize the health of lani or the health of our babies.

Abe: Well, I understand that fear. But what happens if brady changes his mind about keeping the secret?

Eli: I just have to hope that he doesn't, that he keeps his promise, and he doesn't tell lani what really happened.

Philip: Playing hooky from work again?

Xander: Could ask you the same thing, mate.

Philip: Are you asking me if I'm willing to kill xander?

Ava: You have to make a choice, philip. In business and in life, it is survival of the fittest. Xander's in our way. So unless you take care of him, you're gonna be the one to pay the pricE.

[Suspenseful music]

This year's been... a lot.

[Dramatic music]

Xander: You okay, philip?

Philip: Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.

Xander: Uh, what are you doing with that poker?

Ava: Yeah, I made it very clear to philip kiriakis that he is expected to hold up his end of the bargain. Yeah, well, maybe now he has the proper motivation to deal with his cousin xander. Yeah, yeah. I'll keep you posted.

[Cell phone beeps off]

[Shady music]

The things we do for love.

[Thunder cracking]

Tripp: So you think I'm guilty? You believe that I'm a rapist?

Melinda: Allie horton tells a compelling story and a very painful one, but I can't forget the fact that you tried to help my daughter. And I'll be grateful to you forever for that. So I'm gonna give you the benefit of full disclosure.

Tripp: Okay.

Melinda: I just left ms. Horton, and I let her know that I wasn't going to prosecute you.

Tripp: She must not have been happy to hear that.

Melinda: No, she wasn't, but I also explained to her that it's her choice whether i forward the case to the authorities in london.

Tripp: What'd she say?

Melinda: She's making that decision as we speak.

Tripp: And they can still prosecute me over there?

Melinda: Good look, tripp. It was good to see you.

[Dramatic music]

Brady: [Shushing] Here you go, sweetie. She went back to sleep.

Sarah: She's gotten so big since...

Brady: Since you brought her back to us.

Sarah: Um...yeah, I've kept my distance because I didn't think it was right for me to be around her.

Brady: I appreciate that.

Sarah: It's hard...

[Sniffles] You know, still. It's why I understand what, um-- what kristen's going through, what she's feeling, you know, being taken away from her little girl. I wanted to call. I wanted to reach out, but i didn't know if you wanted to hear from me.

Brady: Sarah, listen to me. You can come by and see rachel whenever you want--whenever you want. I mean that.

Sarah: Really?

Brady: Yeah. Kristen doesn't hold any ill will about what you did, and neither do I. Okay?

Sarah: [Sniffles] Thank you for saying that. What about xander?

Brady: Xander's not my favorite person, but--but...he's not the one I blame for kristen being in prison.

Eli: Lani, what--what are you doing back here?

Lani: I left my purse.

Eli: Oh, no, I--I, uh--i could have--I could have brought it--I could have brought it to you.

Lani: It's okay. I didn't--I didn't get that far before I realized. See you later.

Abe: Bye, honey.

Lani: Bye, dad.

[Moody music playing]

[Eerie music]

[Button clicks]

Eli: I can't do anything to jeopardize the health of lani or the health of our babies.

Abe: Well, I understand that fear. But what happens if brady changes his mind about keeping the secret?

Eli: I just have to hope that he doesn't, that he keeps his promise, and he doesn't tell lani what really happened.

[Button clicks]

I had shingles. Horrible. A young thing like me?

Eli: Thanks again for keeping the secret.

Abe: I just want what's best for lani and these babies. It's your call.

Eli: It's not easy keeping a secret like this from a detective as good as lani.

Abe: I know you would never choose to lie to her. And if brady doesn't say anything, then you're okay 'cause once these twins are born, you and lani aren't gonna have time for anything else.

[Knocking at door]

Brady: Hey, lani.

Lani: Bad time?

Brady: No, no, no. I was just putting rachel down for a nap. But what's up?

Lani: I need you to tell me exactly what eli doesn't want me to know.

[Knocking at door]

Allie: What are you doing here?

Tripp: I heard the da wasn't gonna charge me.

Allie: Lucky you, huh?

Tripp: And I also heard that you might still tell your story to the london police. I'm here to ask you not to.

Philip: It's a bit chilly in here. I was thinking about making a fire. Do I need my co-ceo's approval for that?

Sarah: Am I interrupting?

Philip: Not at all. I'll just use one of the other seven fireplaces in the house.

[Tense music]

Sarah: Am I missing something?

Xander: Everything that guy does is suspicious.

Sarah: I can't argue with you.

Xander: Hey, so did you talk to brady?

Sarah: I did. He said he's not working with philip.

Xander: Did you believe him?

Sarah: I do. I--I really do, baby. He is so moved on from you. He's just focused on his little girl and being a single parent.

Xander: Well, that leaves us with the same question. If not brady, who is philip in cahoots with?

[Unsettling music]

[Knocking at door]

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