Days Transcript Thursday 11/12/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 11/12/20


Episode #13894 ~ Sarah becomes more suspicious of Philip; Belle has a big romantic surprise for Shawn; Jan gives Claire advice about Charlie; Eli struggles with keeping his secret from Lani.

Provided By Suzanne

Jan: Hey there, detective. Fancy meeting you here.

Shawn: What the hell do you want now, jan?

Jan: Ooh, someone's in a mood.

Shawn: Yeah, and it's all your fault.

Jan: Mine? What did I do now?

Shawn: Well, if you didn't press charges against philip, he wouldn't be spending all of his time with my wife.

Jan: No offense, but belle didn't have to take his case.

Shawn: Yeah. Well, can't argue with you on that one.

Jan: So where are philip and belle anyway? Melinda trask and I are supposed to meet with them today.

Shawn: They've been holed up in there all morning. You know what? Matter of fact, I'll go let 'em know you're here. What in the hell?

Jan: With a little luck, all my fantasies will soon become a reality. Shawn will drop belle like a hot potato, and then he'll be all mine.

Claire: Jan?

[Foreboding music]

Shawn: Hey.

Belle: Hey, you headed to the station?

Shawn: Actually, I was gonna see if I could take you to breakfast first.

Belle: Oh, I'd love to, but I have a meeting with philip.

Shawn: Yeah. Of course you do.

Belle: Hey, we talked about this. He just needs help.

Shawn: I know. I know, and you believe in his case, but please, please tell me you're billing him at your highest rate?

Belle: Oh, I am bleeding the sucker dry. When this is over we're gonna take a nice vacation, courtesy of philip kiriakis.

Shawn: Now you're talking.

Belle: Okay.

Shawn: Can't wait.

Xander: Yes, uncle vic. I understand. I'm glad philip had an explanation for the money transfer. Of course. Oh, I just wanted an answer, and now that I have one, I'm happy to let this go.

[Tense music]

Philip may have fooled uncle vic, but there's no way in hell I'm letting this go.

Philip: I told you. I handled the situation. My dad bought my story. He'll get xander off my back. Trust me. We have nothing to worry about.

Lani: No. Yeah. No, no, brady. I'm glad you told me. Look, as hard as it was, I wouldn't have wanted you to keep that from me. Yeah. Okay. I will talk to you later, and brady, hang in there, okay?

[Cell phone beeps]

Eli: You were talking to brady?

Lani: Yeah.

Eli: What exactly did he say?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Eli: Brady obviously said something to upset you.

Lani: Yeah. I called to see how kristen was doing in prison, and he told me that he took rachel, and when it was time to go, that rachel didn't want to leave her mom. And now, he's thinking that it might be better not to bring rachel anymore.

Eli: I'm sorry. That's terrible.

Lani: I hate that kristen can't be with her daughter. I can't even imagine the pain that she's going through.

Eli: Sorry.

Lani: We better go. My dad and theo are waiting for us at the pub.

Eli: Hey, hey, sorry, but I gotta skip breakfast. I've still got a lot of work to catch up on.

Lani: Are you sure?

Eli: Yeah, unfortunately, but I'll finish up as soon as I can, all right? I want to say goodbye to theo.

Lani: Okay. I'll see you there. We'll meet you.

Xander: These numbers do not add up, and neither does your story, philip.

Charlie: Protein shake?

Xander: Oh, yeah. Good lad, and thanks for filing that stack of papers last night.

Charlie: No problem. It's not like I had anywhere else to be.

Xander: Oh, still sulking about finding claire kissing that other guy?

Charlie: I may or may not have obsessed about it all night.

Xander: Well, you can't give up, charlie. It's like I said. You play your cards right, claire might still come crawling back to you.

Charlie: Actually, she already did.

[Soft dramatic music]

Jan: Claire, hi. I didn't realize you were standing there.

Claire: Obviously not. I saw you from across the square, and I was calling out your name. You were just sort of staring off with this funny smile on your face.

Jan: Was I?

Claire: Yeah. What were you thinking about?

Jan: Oh, I was daydreaming about bunnies. I love bunnies.

Claire: Okay.

Jan: Anyway, actually I'm so glad to see you. I wanted to give you this.

Claire: [Gasps]

Jan: It's a healing crystal. I have one, and it really works wonders. It brings your life force into alignment.

Claire: Wow. This is so nice. Thank you.

Jan: Why don't you join me? It's been so long since we've had a chance to talk.

Claire: Sounds good.

Jan: There you go. How you doing?

Claire: Honestly, I am a hot mess.

Xander: I told you I'm moving things along as fast as I can, but we have to be smart about this.

[Doorbell chimes]

Sarah: I'll get it!

Belle: Hey.

Sarah: Hi, belle.

Belle: I'm looking for philip.

Sarah: Oh, he's in there.

[Suspenseful music]

Philip: Okay. I'll talk to you soon.

[Cell phone beeps] Sorry about that.

Belle: Hope it wasn't important.

Philip: Not at all. Thanks for coming. I had henderson prepare a breakfast. I know we have a lot of strategizing to do about my case.

Belle: Well, maybe not. I have some news that could change everything. Is that for me?

Abe: Well, I am so glad that we are able to squeeze in one last family get-together before your flight.

Theo: I am too.

Lani: So have you thought about moving back home or just a little bit closer than south africa?

Theo: I miss you guys, but I've kind of made a life for myself there. I have a good job. Good friends, including jj now. Everything's good.

Lani: Everything? Is it me, dad, or does it sound like this one has a girlfriend?

Abe: You know, I was thinking exactly the same thing. So is there a girl?

Theo: There is.

Lani: Well, why didn't you tell me last night?

Theo: Well, you didn't ask. Besides, it's still pretty new. I didn't want to jinx it.

Lani: Fine. I will not pry into your love life for now, but I did want to ask you how things went with claire last night.

Theo: Well, it was a little awkward.

Abe: How so?

Theo: Well, for starters, she kissed me.

Jan: Sweetie, what's wrong?

Claire: It has to do with my ex.

Jan: The blonde guy I met?

Claire: No. My other ex, theo.

Jan: Abe carver's son?

Claire: Yeah. He lives in south africa, but he's in town visiting.

Jan: And?

Claire: And I kissed him last night.

Jan: Great.

Claire: Mm, no, because then he told me that he's seeing someone else.

Jan: Not so great.

Claire: It was so embarrassing, but then he helped me realize that I think I might be interested in this charlie guy, so at least something positive came out of it.

Jan: What? Hang on. Who's charlie?

Claire: Charlie is this totally cute guy who works in my pop-pop's company.

Jan: Sounds promising.

Claire: Yeah. I think he really likes me. He even asked me out.

Jan: So what's the problem? Why didn't you go with him?

Claire: I guess I just--i didn't think it was the right timing, but then last night, with all that drama with theo, I decided that I would move things along.

Jan: Good for you.

Claire: Yeah, so I knew that he was working late. I went to his office to surprise him with some frozen frappucinos.

Jan: Cool move. Did he seem happy to see you?

Claire: He did, at first.

Jan: At first?

Claire: Yeah. Then he got colder than the frappucino, and I just have no idea why.

Charlie: Claire came by the office last night, after you left.

Xander: Told you so. Wait. Why do you look so glum then?

Charlie: I'm just confused. Is she just stringing me along or--

Xander: Or maybe she's truly interested.

Charlie: Then why was she kissing that other guy?

Xander: I don't know. Did you ask her?

Charlie: No.

Xander: What happened to grabbing the bull by the horns?

Charlie: I'm not big on confrontation.

Xander: You can't just surrender, charlie. It's like I told you. Sarah shot me down a million times. It took over a year, but eventually, my persistence won her over.

Charlie: You wore her down, huh?

Xander: I think I showed her what she meant to me, but more importantly, what I could really offer her. Now she can't get enough of me.

Sarah: Is that a fact?

[Door bangs]

[Tense music]

Philip: Please tell me jan decided to drop those ridiculous charges against me.

Belle: No. Nope. She's still insisting that you're gonna pay for assaulting and threatening her. In fact, she is prepared to fight to the bitter end, which is why I proposed a deal to the da.

Philip: What kind of deal?

Belle: Oh, you plead guilty, and you only get a slap on the wrist. No jail time. Just a little probation. What do you think?

Philip: Absolutely not. We're all putting things off, especially in these times.

Philip: I want to go to trial.

Belle: That's a bad idea.

Philip: Not if we win.

Belle: Philip, be reasonable. The da is offering us a really good deal.

Philip: The charges are totally bogus.

Belle: Uh, not really. You did threaten jan's life.

Philip: It was a figure of speech.

Belle: Well, you grabbed her arm.

Philip: Oh, come on.

Belle: Philip, you put your hands on a woman.

Philip: I barely touched her, and if I plead guilty to these charges, xander's gonna use it to drive me out of titan.

Belle: Okay, so we find a way to spin it so it seems like you're just trying to save the taxpayers money.

Philip: [Chuckles] No one's gonna buy that.

Belle: Why? It's true. If this goes to trial, it could go on a really long time. It's gonna disrupt your whole life.

Philip: If it clears my name, I'm okay with that.

Belle: [Sighs] Well, I don't know if it will be okay with shawn.

[Phone ringing]

Shawn: This is for you. Here you go.

Eli: Thanks.

Shawn: You don't look so bad. I heard that ben gave you a pretty good knock on the head when he took vincent hostage.

Eli: I'm fine. How are you doing?

Shawn: Me?

Eli: Everyone would understand if you needed to take a break.

Shawn: Look, we've been short staffed ever since rafe left, and plus, it's probably pretty good to keep myself busy, considering belle is devoting all of her time to philip's case.

Eli: You don't sound too happy about that.

Shawn: Well, let's just say that the three of us have got a pretty complicated history.

Eli: Look, shawn, I don't know what happened in the past, but I do know this. Belle loves you. Anyone can see it.

Shawn: Yeah.

Eli: What? Do you have doubts?

Shawn: No, no, no. I just--I don't know. The thought of losing the woman that you love--it can make you go a little bit crazy.

Eli: Yeah. I know what you mean.

Theo: So then I told her I was seeing someone else. She was pretty embarrassed.

Abe: Poor claire.

Theo: But it turns out that there's this other guy that she's interested in anyway, so...

Lani: So then why did she kiss you?

Theo: She said it felt safe and comfortable. She didn't want to be hurt by some new guy, but I told her that i took a risk, and I met someone great. So I encouraged her to do the same thing. I just hope it works out as well for her as it did for me.

Claire: I'm sorry for spilling all my junk on you again.

Jan: I'm happy to lend a sympathetic ear. You've been on quite the rollercoaster.

Claire: Maybe that's why I'm feeling sick to my stomach.

Jan: Wait a minute, so you haven't heard at all from this charlie guy today?

Claire: Not even a text, which is just such a bummer, because I really thought that he liked me. Maybe I'm just really bad at reading people.

Jan: Come on. What guy wouldn't want to go out with you? You're gorgeous, and fun, and super talented.

Claire: That's nice of you to say. Maybe I waited too long? Wait. What if he's met someone else?

Jan: There's only one way to find out. Ask him.

Claire: I don't know. That sounds super cringey. No. No, no, no. I think that I'm just gonna cut my losses and save myself from any more humiliation.

Jan: Hell no. As your friend, I'm not letting you give up that easilY.

Claire: Wait, wait. What are you doing?

Jan: I am gonna call this charlie guy and see what his deal is.

Xander: Sarah, this is charlie. Charlie, this is dr. Sarah horton.

Charlie: Hi.

Sarah: Nice to meet you. I am the one who can't get enough of him apparently.

Xander: I was just giving charlie a wee pep talk about women.

Sarah: Hmm. Okay. Well, whatever he told you to do, you know, just do the opposite.

Xander: Hey.

Sarah: [Laughs] It's true, and I know that he's giving you the "don't believe her" look, but I am right, and he's a little bit of a neanderthal.

Xander: And that's exactly why you love me.

Sarah: That's right. It's one of the many nonsensical reasons.

Xander: Now, sarah--

Sarah: We're a fun couple aren't we?

Charlie: You are. I mean, at least, you seem to be. Well, I better get going, but it was so nice to meet you, sarah.

Sarah: It was nice to meet you.

Xander: Oh... this is a lovely surprise. What are you doing here? What is it?

Sarah: Okay, so I didn't say anything last night, because I didn't want you to freak out, but I think that you're right about philip.

Xander: Did that creep make a move on you?

Sarah: No. No. It's about the business. It does appear that he has some sort of a secret agenda, and he is definitely hiding something.

Has asthma pushed you

into a smaller life?

Claire: You can't do that! No, no, no. Please, please, please don't call him.

Jan: What's his number?

Claire: No. I'm not gonna give you his number. That is so embarrassing and pushy. He will think I am a total freak.

Charlie: Who will think you're a freak?

Claire: Charlie.

Jan: You're charlie?

Charlie: Yeah. Who are you?

Jan: I am jan spears, aka claire's bff. And I have a question for you, mister.

Claire: Oh, god. Please don'T.

Jan: This adorable, sweet young woman goes to the trouble of buying you a frothy pick-me-up. She marches all the way to your place of work, late at night, and you have the nerve to blow her off? Why on earth would you do that?

Charlie: Maybe because an hour earlier she was kissing another guy.

[Jazzy music]

Abe: So are you excited about becoming a new uncle?

Theo: I am, and fyi, theo is a great name for a boy.

Lani: [Chuckles] Good to know.

Theo: And theodosia, for a girl.

Abe: Theodosia?

Theo: You know, like in "hamilton".

Lani: Okay. I will--I guess I can run those names by eli.

Theo: How are things with you two? I know it was a little rocky there, for a while.

Lani: Yeah. You could say that. I was really mad at him for arresting kristen behind my back, but we worked past it, and I know that he will never do something like that again. Not without consulting me first.

Eli: Trask told me that she would have lani arrested immediately, if I didn't get a full confession, on tape, from kristen.

Abe: And kristen volunteered to give it to you?

Eli: I had to go see her. I told her that trask knew that lani had helped kristen and that she was willing to take them both down. Kristen--she said she'd do whatever she could to help lani, so she started talking, and I just kind of led her there. And she had no idea that I was recording the conversation.

Abe: She must have been furious.

Eli: Yeah. She was furious. I mean she said that she was gonna run and grab brady and rachel. Of course, I told her that, you know, trask would-- she'd make lani pay. And that trask said that... if kristen didn't confess, then lani would have to have her babies in prison. Abe, I begged her. I damn near got on my knees. After a while, she... she said that she would confess, and she'd take a guilty plea.

Abe: So lani's off the hook.

Eli: Yeah, but now rachel is gonna lose her mom. Abe, I was desperate. Do you think I'm a horrible person?

[Somber music]

Shawn: And so everything is okay with you and lani?

Eli: Yeah. I just meant that we've been through a lot, in the past year, so--

Shawn: Yeah, yeah. I know. I know you guys have.

Eli: Yeah. There were times that I thought we were over. I don't ever want to feel that again.

Shawn: Yeah, but you guys are good now, right?

Eli: We're great.

Shawn: Good, good. That makes me happy.

Eli: Anyway, speaking of lani, I better head out. I gotta say bye to theo, before he heads back home.

Shawn: Oh, do me a favor. Will you tell him goodbye for me?

Eli: Yeah I will, and don't worry about belle. You two are as solid as they come.

Philip: I'm sorry if I'm causing problems for you and shawn, but I'm not gonna sandbag my life to avoid shawn's jealous temper tantrums.

Belle: Oh, that's not fair.

Philip: Isn't it?

Belle: I am not asking you to take this plea because it's better for me. You're my client. I have your best interests at heart.

Philip: So you honestly believe I should take this deal?

Belle: Yes. If we go to court, and we lose, you could go to jail. And we don't have a strong case.

Philip: Well, I believe in you. You're the best lawyer I know, and I trust you, so I'm willing to put my fate in your hands.

Belle: I'm telling you now that's a mistake. But if you want to fight, I'll fight. It's your call.

Xander: Well, this is much better than the office.

Sarah: Mm-hmm.

Xander: Now, we don't have to worry about philip showing up.

Sarah: It was a good call.

Xander: So what makes you think he's hiding something?

Sarah: Okay. So last night, I heard him on the phone, and he was definitely agitated, and he said that there was a little hiccup that he was gonna straighten out. And then he invoked your name, and said that you were getting suspicious, and that he was gonna handle it the best way he could.

Xander: Bastard. Best way he could with what?

Sarah: I'm not sure.

Xander: Did you confront him?

Sarah: No, no. I didn't let on that I heard anything. I just asked if something was wrong.

Xander: And what did he say?

Sarah: [Sighs] He gave some vague answer about trying to put together some sort of deal.

Xander: Deal?

Sarah: Yeah. And then, this morning, I heard him on another call, and he was saying that victor had bought the story, and that he hoped you would back off soon.

Xander: I knew it. I knew I was right about that entitled little snake. We can't always keep our distance.

Theo: Looks like my car is here.

Abe: So soon?

Theo: About 4 minutes away.

Lani: Oh, theo, it's been so good having you here.

Abe: Oh, it's just way too brief.

Theo: So come and visit me.

Abe: Oh, definitely, definitely. I'm gonna start making plans to come see you, as soon as I can get some time off.

Theo: I hope so.

Abe: And you. You have to plan on coming back here, as soon as you can.

Theo: Oh, I am. I'm definitely coming back to see those babies.

Lani: They are gonna be so lucky to have you as an uncle.

Theo: I'm lucky, too, to have such a great family.

Abe: We love you so much, and we are so proud of you.

Theo: Thanks, dad.

[Cell phone rings]

Abe: Excuse me. Yep. This is a work call. I'm gonna have to take this. Look, I'll meet you outside, all right?

Theo: All right.

Abe: All right. See you in a little bit. See you, sweetie. I'll see you later.

Theo: Well, I better get going.

Lani: Yeah? Darn. I really wish eli made it here to see you off--

Eli: Hey, I'm here. I'm here. I'm here. I'm here. Did you really think I'd miss saying goodbye to my favorite brother-in-law?

Theo: Well, you almost did.

Eli: I'm sorry. Hey, I really wish we'd had more time to hang out.

Theo: Oh, that's okay. I'll be back soon anyway. Until then, you take care of my sister and those babies.

Eli: You know I will.

Lani: Aw.

Claire: How did you know that I was kissing theo?

Charlie: I saw it with my own two eyes.

Claire: You were spying on me?

Charlie: No. Of course not. No, I-- when you didn't agree to go out with me, xander said that I had to do something proactive.

Claire: Proactive?

Charlie: Yeah. Do something bold, which is not usually my thing.

Jan: Clearly.

Claire: Jan?

Charlie: I went over to your house to surprise you with flowers. I knocked on the door, and it was open, so I walked inside, and I see you kissing some other guy.

Jan: Boy, did you overreact.

Charlie: What?

Jan: It was just theo.

Claire: Jan.

Charlie: Who's theo?

Jan: Theo is--

[Cell phone rings] Oh. Sorry. I gotta take this, guys. It's the da's office. Unless you two need me to stay?

Both: No.

Jan: Okay. Good luck, you two. You're really cute together. Don't screw it up. Hello? What?!

[Knocking on door]

Belle: Hey, you busy?

Shawn: Hey, what are you doing here?

Belle: Oh, well, I just met with melinda trask about philip's case.

Shawn: And how are things going with your client?

Belle: You mean my former client?

Shawn: What?

Belle: Philip took a plea deal, so our working relationship is officially over.

Shawn: [Chuckles]

[Reflective music]

Philip: Get over it, kiriakis. She's gone. I need to get some air.

Xander: I was going over some financials, and I noticed that philip had shuffled some money around.

Sarah: Without notifying you?

Xander: Exactly.

Sarah: See, that sounds shady.

Xander: Very shady, so I brought it to victor's attention.

Sarah: And what did he say?

Xander: That he'd ask philip about it, but this morning he called and told me that philip had a perfectly reasonable explanation.

Sarah: Okay. Well, after what I overheard, that's a lie.

Xander: And I knew it.

Sarah: So what do you think that he's up to? There it is, grandma's recipe.

Abe: Hey, are you okay, sweetheart?

Lani: Yeah, um... just watching theo drive off in that car, I didn't realize how much I missed him, you know?

Abe: It's hard. I know.

Lani: Oh, I just--I wish he didn't have to see me fall apart like that, but of course, it doesn't take much these days.

Eli: Right, and it's your hormones striking again?

Lani: I'm pretty sure that's why I got so emotional this morning with brady.

Abe: You were talking to brady? About what?

Lani: Yeah, um, dad, I'ma let eli fill you in. I'm gonna go to the ladies' room.

Abe: Did brady say anything about your deal with melinda trask?

Eli: No, but I was afraid he did. Abe, I don't know how much longer I can live with this secret. I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Abe: So what does that mean? Are you planning on telling lani the truth?

Charlie: No offense, but isn't that woman a little old to be your bff?

Claire: Jan is--look, just forget jan. I want to talk about us.

Charlie: Okay.

Claire: Look, that guy that you saw me kissing--

Charlie: Theo.

Claire: Yes. He's my ex-boyfriend.

Charlie: Another one?

Claire: Why does everyone keep saying that?

Charlie: So are you getting back together with him?

Claire: No. No. He lives in south africa. Look, I kissed him because I was feeling vulnerable. We were connecting over losing ciara, and I just--in that moment, I needed comfort.

Charlie: So what happened after you kissed him?

Claire: He pulled back, and he helped me realize what I really want.

Charlie: What do you want, claire?

Claire: I want to explore things with you.

Charlie: So why didn't you just say so?

Claire: I don't know. I just--I think that I just needed to get over my fear of getting hurt.

Charlie: And that's why you came by the office last night, to explore what could be between us?

Claire: Yeah.

Charlie: And i completely blew you off.

Claire: Yep. Well, at least now I know why. I'm so sorry, if I just screwed everything up.

Charlie: So just to be clear, you're not dating anybody?

Claire: Only you, if that's still what you want.

Xander: Still haven't quite figured out philip's game. All I know is that he's using his position at titan to do something underhanded.

Sarah: Mm-hmm. That's clear.

Xander: I can't wait to tell victor what you heard.

Sarah: Oh, no, no, no. You don't want to do that.

Xander: Why not?

Sarah: Well, you're already on thin ice with victor, and if you go around pointing fingers at his son with nothing to back it up, he might fire you.

Xander: What am i supposed to do? Just ignore the fact that philip's sneaking around behind my back?

Sarah: No. I think that you have to figure out what he's doing and get proof, otherwise philip's gonna be able to explain his way out of things, and you're gonna be out on your ass.

Philip: [Panting]

[Ominous music]

Belle: So philip decided to take a plea deal, in return for a slap on the wrist.

Shawn: Oh, well, I am surprised about that one. He is usually never one to go down without a fight.

Belle: Well, I was able to convince him that this was the easiest outcome for everyone.

Shawn: Including us?

Belle: That's not why he did it, but he's not as bad aa guy as you think.

Shawn: Yeah. Look, I want to apologize, you know, for being so testy when it comes to philip lately.

Belle: Oh, honey, you don't need to apologize. I get why you don't want us spending time together, and that's on me.

Shawn: I know. It's okay.

Belle: I just hope you know that there was never any reason to worry. I love you, shawn. Only you.

Shawn: I know you do. I know. It's just sometimes it's really hard for me to not let my mind go there. I mean that doubt goes back a long ways.

Belle: Hmm. Maybe it's time for me to put those doubts to rest, once and for all.

Shawn: Like what-- what do you mean?

Belle: [Clears throat]

Shawn: [Laughs] Whoa. No. What are you doing?

Belle: What does it look like I'm doing? I'm proposing.

Shawn: Wait, wait. You're proposing? Like, as in marriage?

Belle: I know the timing isn't ideal, because you just lost your sister, and your family is going through so much, but I did realize that our original wedding anniversary is coming up next week. And so, you know, it hit me. Why haven't we gotten remarried yet?

Shawn: I don't know. I don't know. Maybe we just didn't have enough time?

Belle: No. That's no excuse. We've waited long enough. Come on. Let's make it official again.

Shawn: I mean, is there a question in there?

Belle: [Laughs] Okay. You're gonna make me do this.

Shawn: I mean you're already down on one knee. You've already done all the hard work, so--

Belle: Okay, okay, okay. Shawn douglas brady.

Shawn: Mm-hmm?

Belle: Will you marry me?

Shawn: Hell yes I will.


[Warm music]

[Ominous music]

Claire: I know. I know that this turned out to be a complete mess, and it's all my fault.

Charlie: Not all your fault.

Claire: Most of it. I should never have kissed theo.

Charlie: Yeah. I'll give you that. It was mostly your fault.

Claire: I just-- it was a mistake, and I don't know why I did it. I don't know why I do half the things that I do. So I totally understand if you just want to turn around, and go in the opposite direction, and pretend like you've never met me.

Charlie: Are you kidding? I would never do that.

Claire: Really?

Charlie: Really. Claire, I am exactly where I want to be. How about that dinner?

Claire: Tonight?

Charlie: Well, we've wasted enough time. Are you finally gonna let me take you out?

Claire: I would love that.

Charlie: Perfect. It's a date.

Claire: [Laughs]

Xander: You're right. Any proof that philip is up to something. I'll take another look at those financials, but I'm sure he's covered his tracks by now.

Sarah: Well, then you need to figure out a different angle to uncover the truth.

Xander: It might help if I knew who he was talking to on the phone.

Sarah: I'm sorry. I couldn't hear their voice.

Xander: Were there any clues, from what you heard?

Sarah: No. Just that he sounded desperate. Like the person on the other end might be upset, and he was placating them.

Xander: Placate. Like he was afraid of whoever it was.

Sarah: Maybe. Do you think that he's taking orders from someone else?

Xander: But who could that be?

[Foreboding music]

Philip: You. What the hell are you doing here?

Eli: Abe, I hate keeping secrets from lani, but if i tell her that I forced kristen to confess, she'll never forgive me.

Abe: She loves you, eli. You're going to be a family soon.

Eli: Which is why it is more important now than ever that our marriage is strong-- for those babies who will be here very soon. Maybe one day, in the future, after things have calmed down, I'll be able to tell her what really happened, but for now, as much as I hate it, I think it's just better I keep this on the down loW.

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