Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 11/11/20
Episode #13893 ~ Chad searches for Abigail; Jake accuses Gwen of orchestrating the evening's chaos; Xander gives Victor evidence implicating Philip; Charlie's crushed after seeing Claire kiss Theo.
Provided By Suzanne
[Claire vocalizing]
Theo: That was beautiful.
Claire: Thanks.
Theo: And it's not just because you have an amazing voice. You were able to capture ciara's spirit like no one ever could. I know she would have loved it.
Claire: It's-- it's so incredible that you came to see me right now. It's like you felt that I needed you, and then there you were.
[Tender music]
Xander: Hmm. Well, that's odd.
[Tense music]
Why would philip transfer those funds?
[Cell phone trills]
Victor: Yeah, now what is it?
Xander: Philip, as usual. Are you near a computer?
Victor: No, I'm out and about.
Xander: Well, when you see what I see, you're gonna wonder what the hell he's up to.
Victor: The better question is what are you up to?
Philip: Don't tell me. Just getting to the good part?
Sarah: [Giggles]
Philip: So no candles, no wine?
Sarah: No, it's just a very good book, so you're gonna have to commandeer someone else's romantic dinner.
Philip: I really am sorry about that.
[Suspenseful music]
Gwen: I told you I'd pull it off, old man.
[Scoffs] Jack and jennifer's marriage has been blown to smithereens, and it's all little abigail's fault.
[Chuckles] I couldn't have planned it any better. Abigail. Abigail, you're home. We were so worried about you. Chad went looking for you.
Abigail: Ugh, yeah, I just had to get out of there. I just--I didn't want to talk to anybody and so I, um, popped out the emergency exit, and I ran into my dad, so...
Gwen: What did he have to say for himself?
Abigail: Um, he ripped me to shreds and basically blames me for everything.
Gwen: What? That's mental. This isn't your fault.
Abigail: My dad thinks it is, and he thinks that I ruined the party, and he thinks that I ruined maybe their marriage, and I think he probably hates me, so...
Gwen: Hey. You listen to me. You've got me, you understand? No one's going to blast you here.
Abigail: [Sighs]
Kate: [Sighs] Okay, you--you want us to what? What, to have a secret affair behind chad's back?
Jake: Why not? Come on, it'll be so much hotter to sneak around, huh? And what my brother doesn't know won't hurt him.
Kate: You--
[Knocking on door]
Chad: Kate, are you there?
Jake: So much for chad not finding out.
Kate: Okay, okay, you--you need to hide, now.
Jake: Are you serious?
Kate: Yes, yes, I'm serious. He can't know about this, okay? I mean it. If you want this to happen again, you will hide, and you will hide now.
Jake: Oh, you would.
Chad: Kate, let me in.
Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Chad: Kate, it's important. I need to talk to you.
Kate: What is it? What do you want? Do you want to slam me, pile on me? I mean, I don't--I'm just not-- I don't wanna do this, okay? I really want to go to bed, to sleep, okay? I mean, I'm sure that both of us can agree that tonight was a very long night for all of us.
Chad: It's not over yet. Can I come in?
Kate: Yeah, sure. Come on in.
Chad: Kate...
Kate: So what's the big emergency?
Chad: Abby. She's disappeared.
Kate: [Sighs]
Abigail: [Groans] What a mess. I just wanted my parents to have this amazing night, and I ruined my entire family instead.
Gwen: No, you did not ruin your entire family.
Abigail: I humiliated my mother. My father hates me. I mean, what was I thinking? I just shouldn't have had so much to drink.
Gwen: You know, if this is on anyone, it's on me.
Abigail: You've literally been nothing but great.
Gwen: [Sighs] Well, I'm the one that suggested we go find those shoes in kate's room, and when you found the letter, you didn't want to read it, but I'm the one that said it would be better to know.
Abigail: No, no, I'm--I'm glad I know the truth, I think.
[Sighs] But to expose it the way I did, I mean, this whole night was supposed to be celebrating the strength of my parents' marriage, and I blew it to pieces instead.
[Soft dramatic music]
Theo: Um, where did that kiss come from?
Sarah: One apology is enough.
Philip: I ruined a beautiful evening you had planned for xander.
Sarah: Well, to be fair, xander kinda ruined it too, so--
Philip: He's a bit of a hothead, isn't he?
Sarah: Mm-hmm. [Laughs]
Philip: Did the wine stain come out of your dress?
Sarah: It did, so all is forgiven.
Philip: Good. I'm gonna go to the kitchen, see if cook has any decent leftovers. You interested?
Sarah: You were actually right. I am at the good part, so I am gonna go upstairs, get ready for bed, and find out whodunit. Night.
Philip: Good night.
Xander: Me? I'm not up to anything. I am looking at a rather alarming spreadsheet, though. These numbers suggest that philip--
Victor: I don't wanna hear it, xander.
Xander: Uncle victor, if you could just see these spreadsheets--
Victor: I give you a second chance, and this is what you do with it, search for some trumped-up problem you can pin on philip?
Xander: It's not trumped-up, victor. There is a--there is a large sum of money missing from one of the corporate accounts. I followed the trail, and it seems that philip transferred the money to what looks like a shell company.
Victor: You sure?
Xander: I'll email you the spreadsheet. Then you can see that he moved the money and told me nothing about it. What if I'd been trying to make a deal, hmm? And that account was short? That's not--that's not just bad for me. That's bad for titan.
Victor: All right, I'll handle it.
Xander: [Sighs]
Kate: Okay, what do you mean, abigail disappeared?
Chad: I knew something was wrong, kate. I knew it, and I tried to ask her multiple times what was going on. She didn't wanna tell me, okay? And then there was the letter, your letter. You saw she was wrecked. She took off. She locked herself in a bathroom, and the next thing I know, she was gone.
Kate: Okay, so, that's my fault too?
Chad: I thought she may have come here to confront you.
Kate: Well, obviously not, and considering the fact that she thought it was okay to go through my personal effects, pick out a personal letter, and read the contents to a roomful of haters, I don't particularly care about her welfare, so are we done now?
Chad: She left her purse. She doesn't have her phone. I have no way to reach her. I have--I have no clue where she could have gone. Look, she's--she's on-- she's on medication. She obviously had too much to drink, and kate, I am--I'm really worried that she could be in trouble.
Kate: Honey, I'm sorry, okay? Obviously I do not want to see her come to any harm.
Chad: Harm? The harm's already been done. Kate, what the hell were you thinking, sleeping with abigail's father while her mother was in a coma?
Abigail: The look on my mother's face, my god. If she was gonna learn the truth, it should have been privately, not in front of all her friends and family. Dad can't even look at me.
Gwen: Listen to me. Every family goes through a rough patch, yeah? And you said yourself that when you and your family have gone through tough times, you always end up stronger on the other side.
Abigail: Yeah. I don't know. This may be too much.
Gwen: My money's on the deverauxs putting this behind them sooner rather than later.
Abigail: [Chuckles]
Gwen: But until then, you have chad, and he loves you like crazy, and you got me.
Abigail: I don't know what would we do without you.
Gwen: Well, there's no need to find out.
Abigail: Ugh.
Gwen: Are you all right?
Abigail: [Sighs] Just-- champagne's not quite done with me yet, so I'm gonna be right back.
Gwen: Yes, that's right, abigail. You've got me. And I'm just getting started.
Jake: Well, well, well, if it ain't the cat who ate the canary.
Gwen: [Scoffs]
[Cell phone trills]
Philip: What is it, father?
Victor: What the hell are you up to, philip?
[Tense music]
Xander: Come on, philip, what other breadcrumbs have you left for me to find? What are you doing back?
Charlie: Turns out claire was busy.
Xander: So nothing? No dates, no future date? What happened to taking charge, sweeping claire off her feet, the bold move?
Charlie: I didn't really have the chance.
Xander: What do you mean, you didn't have the chance? Did you see her? Did you talk to her? Did you at least have a conversation, get her attention?
Charlie: It's hard to get claire's attention when she's kissing some other guy.
Claire: It was a welcome home kiss. I've missed you so much, and sitting with you, listening to my song, I--I just felt so close to you, you know? Like how we used to be. It just made me feel so comfortable, felt so right, and so now I am wondering if... maybe you and i could give it another try. To be honest...a little dust? It never bothered me.
Philip: Me? I'm not up to anything.
Victor: Then why was a large sum of money transferred from a corporate account to apparently a shell company?
Philip: I can explain.
Victor: It better not include the word "embezzlement."
Philip: No one embezzled anything, all right? The shell company was set up as part of the account of the mendolsen deal. We talked about this, remember? And given your accusatory tone, I'm assuming xander was yet again trying to incriminate me for something totally legitimate. I can email you the contract.
Victor: Not necessary.
Philip: Are you sure? I could send it to xander too, refresh his memory. Either way, he'll just come up with a new way to frame me for something or get me tossed in jail.
Victor: I'll have a word with him.
Philip: You've had a lot of words with him, and it hasn't done any good. Look, I'm as unhappy as xander is about this co-ceo situation, but I love you, dad, and I'm willing to make the effort if it makes you happy, but xander, his only agenda is to get me gone.
Xander: So you just walked away, didn't say a word?
Charlie: Claire and that guy were kissing. I didn't wanna interrupt.
Xander: You are too damn polite, charlie boy. Although I will admit that seeing claire kissing another guy isn't an ideal start.
Charlie: Tell me about it.
Xander: But it's not necessarily cause for alarm. I don't know. Maybe it's a good thing.
Charlie: A good thing?
Xander: Claire is beautiful and charming. Of course she's gonna have lots of young men chasing after her, but you, charlie dale, you can be the one that wows her, blows away all the wannabes who could only wish that they could offer her what you can.
Charlie: What exactly do I have to offer her?
Xander: Oh, my god, you really do need my help, don't you? Well, for starters, you work for the ceo-- the co-ceos of titan, so your future's golden. You dress well enough. You're decent-looking, and you and claire already made a connection, right? What's this other guy got to offer her?
Charlie: Well, she seemed pretty happy to be kissing him, so I'm guessing he offers her a lot.
[Sighs] Maybe I should just give up.
Theo: I just-- I don't think it'll work.
Claire: Well, I know that it's not gonna be easy, right? I live here, and you live in south africa, but you could always come back to salem, right?
Theo: No, I can't, claire. I have a life there.
Claire: Of course you do. God, sorry, old selfish claire. I really am trying to be better at that though. And, like, I don't need to be in salem. I could totally move to south africa. Give me one good reason why this won't work.
Theo: I'm seeing someone.
Kate: My god, chad, it's not like jack and i were having a torrid affair behind jennifer's back, okay? He was lonely. He missed his wife.
Chad: And you were right there to make him feel better.
Kate: He needed a friend.
Chad: So you offered him your bed?
Kate: Oh, god, no, no! It just--
Chad: It just what? It just--it just happened?
Kate: Yes, it just happened between two people who comforted each other, okay? And then that was it. We knew it couldn't happen again, and we buried it, and you know something? It would have stayed buried if abigail hadn't dug up that letter.
Gwen: [Scoffs] God, will you just go away?
Jake: And what, miss out on the celebration?
Gwen: What are you talking about? It's been a horrible night.
Jake: Exactly how you planned it. You told me it was gonna be a night to remember, and right after that, all hell broke loose.
Gwen: And you in your infinite stupidity think that that's my fault, do you?
Jake: Well, let's see. You show up late with abigail in tow, and she just happens to be carrying a letter that reveals that her daddy cheated on her mama while she was in a coma. It's got your kitten claws all over it.
Gwen: So let me get this straight.
[Clears throat] I came to salem last year, where I just happened to hear about two strangers having an affair, decided to keep that news all to myself, during which time I wormed my way into this house, threw abigail's parents a party, somehow arranged for her to discover this letter, and then I got her drunk, all in the hopes that she would take the bait and destroy her parents' marriage? Oh, and let's not forget completely and utterly destroy herself in the process?
[Laughing] Is that seriously what you're suggesting?
Jake: That's exactly what I'm suggesting. My nunormal: Fewer asthma attacks.
Gwen: Oh, jakey-poo, you always did love a good conspiracy theory, didn't you? But you have to admit even this one's a bit out there, even for you, isn't it? So why don't you just go put on your little tinfoil hat and go out and search for bigfoot?
Jake: She's right here.
[Mysterious music]
[Trills lips]
[Drink pouring]
Abigail: Where's gwen?
Jake: She just left. You look, um-- you look terrible.
Abigail: A little too much champagne.
Jake: Oh, yeah, I was there.
Abigail: Hm, I was afraid you would say that. It was a total disaster, all my fault.
Jake: Wanna talk about it?
Abigail: I just wish I had never found that letter.
Jake: Yeah. How did you find it?
Claire: You're seeing someone?
[Chuckles] Well, is it serious?
Theo: We've been hanging out for the past couple of months. I guess you're not seeing anyone?
Claire: No. I am going to be one of those old maids who collects cats...
Theo: [Laughs]
Claire: Just alone forever.
Theo: No, no way, claire. You have to have guys that are constantly trying to date you.
Claire: No, I really don'T. Except--
Theo: Except what?
Claire: Well, there is this one guy who I've been getting to know lately.
Theo: And you like him?
Claire: Sure. I mean, I hardly know him, but yeah, he's kinda nice.
Xander: Give up? Do you think I'd be with the love of my life if I'd just given up?
Charlie: It's different with you-- with your looks and that accent, I mean, women probably fall all over you.
Xander: Well, of course they do usually, but sarah didn'T. In fact, when we first met, she could--
[Chuckles] She had zero interest in me. She hated me, called me names, threw things at me.
Charlie: And you never once thought that you didn't have a chance?
Xander: Mm-mm, never, because we had a real connection. I felt it. Sarah did too. It just took her a little bit longer to admit it. You feel that connection with claire, right?
Charlie: I think so.
Xander: So trust in that feeling. Hang on to it. Believe in it because what is it they say? The path to true love is never smooth? That is a fact. You know, sarah and i had our fair share of bumps along the way.
Charlie: Like what?
Xander: Details aren't important. What is important is that I saw this beautiful, compassionate, amazing person and knew that we were meant to be.
Charlie: Even when she was throwing things at you?
Xander: Oh, especially then. Sarah's passion is one of the things I love most about her. The key is you can never, ever give up. You have to make claire forget all about this other guy she's been kissing.
Charlie: I don't know. She seemed pretty into him.
Xander: That's 'cause you haven't made your move yet. I promise you, charlie, if you wanna be with claire, you can make it happen. I'm living proof that perseverance does pay off, and I've never been happier in my whole life.
Philip: It's me. There was a little hiccup today, but I got it straightened out. Who do you think? Xander. He started to get suspicious. I can handle him, but we need to be careful. I'm doing the best I can, all right? Damn it.
Sarah: Everything okay?
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Philip: It's all good, just frustrated by some roadblocks in the deal I'm putting together.
Sarah: Well, lucky for you, you have an awesome co-ceo who's incredible at putting deals together. Maybe you could talk to xander.
Philip: Good idea. I'll do that.
Charlie: Okay, so maybe I need to take a little more initiative, but there's no way I'm going back there tonight.
Xander: Probably not the best move.
Charlie: So what is my next move?
Xander: Well, maybe it won't be your move at all.
Charlie: Wait, now you're confusing me, again.
Xander: You said you and claire made a connection, right? Play the long game. Maybe let her come to you.
Charlie: Someone as hot as claire is kissing another guy, and you really think she's gonna come to me?
Xander: You really need to give yourself more credit.
Theo: So who's the guy?
Claire: [Laughs] His name is charlie. He works at titan, and, uh, we met a little while back when I spilled smoothie all over his shirt.
Theo: On purpose? [Laughs]
Claire: Ha. No, of course not. But he was really sweet about it, and, uh, yeah, then we bumped into each other again, and we talked. I told him a little bit about ciara. Yeah, he was really sweet and really understanding. He made me laugh.
[Laughs] Yeah, he made me feel really good, and he would like to take me out to dinner sometime.
Theo: So go to dinner with him already.
Claire: Oh, I just don't know. I just--I don't know if-- if now is the best time for me to start a new relationship, you know? I mean, this is me we're talking about. I screw everything up. I screwed things up with you. I screwed things up with tripp. What if I start dating charlie and then I screw that up too? I just don't think that I would be able to handle being hurt again.
Chad: Do not put this on abigail, all right? The fact is you slept with her father.
Kate: Oh.
Chad: Don'T. Now, the way that it came out was obviously not ideal, but--but abigail was upset, and she--she wasn't thinking clearly.
Kate: And I'm so sorry. I really am. I never wanted anything that happened between jack and I to hurt someone.
Chad: Well, if--well, if you were so determined to keep it a secret, then what the hell did you keep his letter for?
Kate: Chad, I was keeping it in a box in my closet. Why the hell would I think anyone would find it there? It's not like I posted it on the refrigerator.
Chad: Sure, I just thought somebody with your history might be--might be smarter than leaving that kind of evidence laying around.
Kate: Oh, okay, well, once again, it was in a box in my armoire in my bedroom, and I guess I was foolish enough to think that it would be safe in my own house with my own sister-in-law.
Chad: [Sighs]
Abigail: [Sighs] Ugh. Um, well, I was looking through kate's armoire for a pair of shoes and, uh, knocked loose a box of letters, and there it was, kate's name in my dad's handwriting.
Jake: Hmm. Kinda careless of kate to let you get all nebby in her armoire, knowing that letter was there.
Abigail: Well, she didn't really, like, let me, but gwen did encourage me to look.
Jake: Hmm, that's our gwennie, always so helpful.
Abigail: Is this the part where you're gonna warn me to watch out for gwen again?
Jake: It seems appropriate. Hell of a night that never would have happened had you not taken her advice.
Abigail: [Chuckles] Okay, um, I know you guys can't stand each other. I realize you have your issues with her, but never really been anything but honest and kind to me, which is pretty refreshing in this house, so I would appreciate it if you would put your badmouthing of her on the back burner because I don't really let people talk like that about my friends, and I consider her a good one. New vicks immunity zzzs gummies are fortified with
Xander: Well, it is time for this co-ceo to head home and spend time with the woman he loves. Can you file this before you go home?
Charlie: Sure.
Xander: Well, waste not, want not.
[Chuckles] Charlie, you've got this. I know you do. Just keep the faith.
[Soft dramatic music]
Theo: It makes sense that you're afraid to start a new relationship. Who isn't?
Claire: Well, you did it.
Theo: But that doesn't mean I wasn't nervous. My autism makes some people uncomfortable, and maybe they wouldn't want to be in a relationship with me, but I--I had to put myself out there, you know, take that chance.
Claire: Yeah, and that is so great that you did that, but I have a very complicated history.
Theo: Everybody has a past, claire. You can either get stuck in yours, or you can look forward to the future.
Claire: Hmm, and all those cats.
Theo: [Laughs] It sounds like you found a really great guy, so why not see how it goes? Maybe it'll turn out to be amazing.
Claire: Or maybe it will crash and burn like everything else in my life. Ugh, no pun intended, sorry.
Theo: Claire, you only ever see your mistakes, but I see a beautiful, talented, funny person like no one I have ever met, so why not take that chance? See how it goes.
Claire: Maybe I will. Thank you. Thank you.
Jake: Okay, all right. You win, I'm an ass. Mm, at least just when it comes to gwen, and so I will shut up and keep my opinions about her to myself.
Abigail: [Sighs] Thank you.
[Laughs] Oh, god.
Jake: Are you gonna be sick again?
Abigail: [Sighs] I just wish I could wake up, and it was this morning, and this whole thing never happened.
Jake: Well, I've got news for you. I think when you wake up in the morning, you're gonna have one hell of a hangover.
Abigail: I probably deserve it.
Jake: But the good news is...
Abigail: Mm, there is good news?
Jake: I make a killer hangover cure. If you're lucky, I'll make it for you.
Abigail: Does it have raw eggs?
Jake: No, it does not.
Abigail: Okay.
Jake: Oh.
Abigail: Then you're on. I'll take it.
Jake: All right.
Abigail: [Groans]
Kate: So if you're done with me, I'd like to go back to bed. Unless, of course, you'd like to take a swing at jake for being my plus one tonight.
Chad: Don't get me started.
Kate: Oh, thought so. Good night then. I--I do hope...
[Sighs] She comes back tonight.
Chad: I'm gonna call jj to see if she's reached out to him.
Kate: Chad, you know, I'm sure she's okay. She just had a horrible shock tonight, and she probably went off somewhere to--to cool off. I'm sure she'll be back soon.
Chad: That's what I'm hoping for.
Kate: If she doesn't show up, you'll let me know, though? 'Cause I'm gonna do everything I can to help you find her.
[Soft dramatic music]
Gwen: Chad, I was just coming to find you. Abigail's home. She's downstairs.
Chad: Thank god. Thank you.
Go on, humans,
Philip: I think I might turn in, dream about bacon for breakfasT.
Sarah: [Laughs]
Philip: May I walk you to your door?
Sarah: Aww, no, thank you.
Philip: Oh, that's right, the good part.
Sarah: Actually, I finished that one, and it was so good. So I think I'm gonna crack open a new one and wait for xander to get home.
Philip: Enjoy.
Sarah: Night.
[Soft dramatic music]
Claire: Hello?
[Door closes]
Charlie: What are you doing here?
Claire: Well, you said that you were working late, so I thought I'd bring you a little pick-me-up.
Charlie: Thanks.
Claire: It's a frappucino. Hope you like them.
Charlie: Yeah. Who doesn't?
Claire: Okay.
[Clears throat] So what you working on? Maybe I could help.
Charlie: Don't you have somewhere else to be?
Claire: Uh, no?
Charlie: Thanks anyway, but, um, it's actually kinda complicated, and there's a deadline, so maybe some other time.
Claire: Yeah, sure, another time.
[Door closes]
Xander: Sorry I'm late, darling. For you.
Sarah: Ooh, thank you.
[Gasps] Those are lovely.
Xander: Well, I was hoping to make up for the other night.
Sarah: Oh, you mean when you made a giant ass of yourself?
Xander: Exactly that night.
Sarah: These are a good start.
Xander: You know I'm up for a challenge, so I'm gonna keep happily working my way back into your good graces.
Sarah: Mm, I know one way you can start.
Xander: Well, that's a challenge that I'm definitely up for.
Sarah: Mmm.
Xander: But first, I'm famished. Gonna scrounge up some dinner. Oh, um, did victor talk to philip tonight?
Sarah: I don't know. Why?
Xander: I know you don't want to hear this, but I'm pretty sure philip's up to something.
[Tense music]
Sarah: So am I.
Kate: Oh, definitely not going to leave this evidence in the armoire.
Gwen: Well, what are you up to now, kate?
[Gentle music]
[Tense music]
Chad: What the hell?
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