Days Transcript Tuesday 11/10/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 11/10/20


Episode #13892 ~ Jennifer slaps Jack; Gwen lies to Chad about how Abigail found the letter; Kate and Jake give in to their passion; Theo and Claire reconnect; Xander encourages Charlie to pursue Claire.

Provided By Suzanne

[Phone rings]

Claire: Charlie, hey.

Charlie: Hey. I just wanted to thank you again for helping me when the power went out.

Claire: You've thanked me enough, and I was glad I could rescue you.

Charlie: That you did. So, um, what are you doing?

Claire: Nothing much. I am just listening to some music.

Charlie: Cool. I love music. Um, you know, not all kinds of music, obviously. I just, uh--well, the reason I was--I was calling is 'cause I wanted to see if you maybe wanted to get that dinner date that we talked about?

Claire: You mean, like, tonight?

Charlie: Well, I can't tonight. I have to work late, but maybe we can meet up this weekend?

Claire: I will have to check my schedule.

Charlie: Yeah, no, that's--that's totally fine. And it doesn't have to be this weekend. You know, I could call you next week, or you could call me, you know, whatever. Either one. I just, uh--we'll just talk then, when one of us calls each other. Okay, bye. I am such an idiot.

Xander: No argument here, mate.

Kate: So I don't think I'll be invited to any horton family functions anytime in the near future because they, you, and everyone else will continue to think I'm a home-wrecking bitch.

Jake: Probably. I'm kidding. Really, kate, hey, for what it's worth, there's no judgment here.

[Sultry music]

Kate: What are you doing?

Jake: Trying to kiss you. Is that a problem?

Gwen: I'm sorry you had to travel halfway around the world for this train wreck.

Jj: I'm glad I did. I was missing in action during a really awful year for my familY. It's time I stepped up.

Chad: Hey, abby's gone.

Jj: What do you mean, she's gone? I thought she was in the bathroom.

Chad: I don't know. She must have snuck out the emergency exit.

Jj: What? Why? I'm gonna call her.

Chad: Don't bother. I found this on the floor.

Jj: What the hell? Why would she leave that here?

Gwen: Well, maybe she didn't want to be reached after what happened tonight.

[Dramatic music]

Jennifer: Thank you for finally telling me the truth.

Jack: Jennifer, wait, wait. I--I can't let you go until i ask you the one question I've been asking myself for so long. Can you ever forgive me? I know. I know you're angry. I know I've hurt you. I'll never stop being sorry for that. Please, if you could just say something.

[Somber music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Jack: I deserved that.

Jennifer: Oh, did you ever.

Jack: Jennifer, what happened between kate and me... I know it was wrong. I am sick over it. But there's gotta be some way I can help you understand--

Jennifer: I will never understand, and I don't wanna hear one more word about how--how lonely you were. The bottom line is, you slept with another woman and lied about it for an entire year! And not just any woman, but kate roberts, the tramp who broke up my parents' marriage.

Jack: I didn't--

Jennifer: You didn't what? You didn't realize that you were walking in my father's footsteps? He had an affair with kate too. It destroyed my mother. It ripped my family apart, and now it's happening all over again!

Kate: Okay, if you think because of what you heard at the party, I jump into bed with any man who's feeling lonely, mm-mm.

Jake: No, you told me about what happened between you and jack, and like I said, I don't judge you for it.

Kate: Oh. So you don't wanna sleep with me because you're feeling lonely, or because you think that I'm lonely?

Jake: No, kate, if I want to sleep with you, and believe me, I do, it's because you are the most gorgeous woman I have seen in a really long time.

Kate: Mm. You do realize there is a fairly significant age difference between us?

Jake: I know. I don't care. These are real people, not actors,

Xander: So what was all that I just walked in on?

Charlie: Okay, yes, I admit it was a personal call, but mr. Kiriakis, if you think that that means I've been slacking off, I swear I haven'T. I didn't even take a lunch break today, or a coffee break, and this call was maybe two minutes, max. I was just-- I was talking to this girl.

Xander: A girl? Tell me more.

Charlie: Really?

Xander: Can you tell me without babbling like you were on the phone?

Charlie: I--I think so.

Xander: Carry on.

Charlie: Well, okay, um, this girl, she--well, I met her last week when she spilled her smoothie all over my new shirt, and it was the shirt that I got with the money that you gave me when you spilled your drink...

Xander: Charlie.

Charlie: On my old shirt--

Xander: Babbling?

Charlie: Sorry. Um, anyway, so this girl-- she and I had this amazing chemistry right off the bat, and I want to get to know her. I think she's pretty special.

Xander: And just who is this special young lady?

Charlie: Well, you have to know her. She--you're related to her. Her great-grandfather owns this company.

Xander: Great-grandfather?

Charlie: Your uncle, I think?

Xander: Hang on. You're talking about claire.

Charlie: Claire brady, yeah. She's great, isn't she?

Xander: Yeah, sure.

Charlie: Why do you say it like that?

Xander: Well, you are aware she spent some time in a loony bin, right?

[Soft music playing]

Claire: Theo. Theo, how are you here right now?

Theo: Your parents let me in.

Claire: Oh, my god. Oh, my god, it is so good to see you.

Theo: You too, claire.

Claire: What are you doing back in salem?

Theo: Jj was flying in to surprise his parents at their party, so I decided I'd tag along.

Claire: It's pretty obvious by now that I'm very attracted to you. We've been dancing around it for quite some time, and if I'm being honest, there's--there's something here between us.

Kate: Something?

Jake: When you walked into the workshop that day, you were looking gorgeous, I mean, sexy. Man, oh, man. I'm sorry. Is that not okay to say these days? 'Cause--'cause I'm totally attracted to your intellect as well.

Kate: Okay, you can relax. I actually am okay with a compliment. I mean, I really am. But, um, I have to tell you, when I came into your--your workshop, it was because I was going to get my car fixed. I mean, that's what I needed to do. That's the only reason i was there.

Jake: Right, the old coughing car. Who could forget that? Then we ended up chatting about your love life.

Kate: Yes, we did, and I told you it was none of your damn business. Remember that too? Um, jake, look, I admit it's--it's been fun flirting with you and getting to know you a little bit, but--

Jake: What? You--wouldn't you say that tonight we took things, I don't know, one step further?

Kate: Well, how's that?

Jake: After everything that came out at the party tonight, right, and then I found you here, and you opened up to me. You told me all about everything with jack, how much it meant to you, not because you were trying to steal him away from jennifer, but because you--you helped him hurt less.

Kate: Yeah, that's true.

Jake: And don't get me wrong. I like how tough you are. I enjoy your confidence and your independence, but when you opened up to me tonight... I saw a whole different side to you, a side that I didn't know was there, a vulnerable side, a side that I am very attracted to.

Kate: I have to hand it to you. You lay it on real thick.

Jake: I'm serious, kate. I think there's something very real between us, and unless I'm really misreading signals here, I think you feel the same.

Jack: What happened with kate and me is not the same at all. Your father fell in love with kate.

Jennifer: Well, you just had sex with her?

Jack: Once, one time, and never again!

Jennifer: And that's supposed to make it okay?

Jack: No, god, no! I'm just trying to explain to you that you are my everything. You are my heart. You are my soul. I love you and only you!

Jennifer: Don't touch me!

Jack: I--please just hear me out, I beg you! Just--

Jennifer: I don't want to talk about this anymore, jack.

Jack: Jennifer, please--

Jennifer: I have nothing more to say to you, except one thing. Happy anniversary.

[Cool music]

The ups and downs of frequent mood swings

Claire: I heard you've been doing really well. Sure looks that way.

Theo: Fully recovered.

Claire: Theo, you have--you have no idea how happy I am to see you.

Theo: But you're also sad.

Claire: Yeah, very sad, beyond sad, about ciara. I just--I miss her so much.

Theo: Me too.

Claire: And poor ben, he's just devastated. I mean, we all are, especially grandma hope.

Theo: I'm just glad that, you know, before she died, you two were able to work things out.

Claire: Yeah, I'm glad too, of course, but the past, it still--it hurts too much to even think about it. I mean, you know better than anyone how paranoid I was, how jealous of everything, even you.

Charlie: What do you mean by loony bin?

Xander: I'm sorry, psychological institution, straitjackets, rubber walls? Look, I don't mean to tell tales out of school, but if you're interested in claire, you should have all the facts.

Charlie: How bad was it?

Xander: Well, for a while there, she was totally nuts, bit of a firebug.

Charlie: Well, a lot of people struggle with mental health issues, and claire has to be better, or they wouldn't have released her, right?

Xander: One would hope. Still, I'd proceed with caution if I were you.

Charlie: I'm not gonna judge claire for getting help.

Xander: She didn't really have much choice.

Charlie: Wh-what?

Xander: Nothing, and anyways, if you want to go out withyways, claire so badly, why were you being such a wimp on the phone?

Charlie: I didn't wanna be pushy.

Xander: Well, forget that. A real man takes charge.

Jake: So, kate, am I misreading signals?

Kate: No, you are not.

[Seductive music]

Jj: Mom? Hey, are you okay?

Jennifer: No, jj, I am definitely not okay.

[Sorrowful music]

Abigail: Where's mom?

Jack: Uh, I don't know. She was here. I tried talking to her, showing her I loved her, but she couldn't-- she slapped me and ran off.

Abigail: Well, I'm sorry, dad.

Jack: So then you admit it?

Abigail: Admit what?

Jack: This whole damn thing is your fault. This year's been... a lot.

Xander: If you want a woman, you have to be assertive. I mean, if you come across all meek and self-effacing, huge turn-off.

 Charlie: I'm confused. First you're warning me about claire, and then you're encouraging me to go after her?

Xander: I'm simply giving you the benefit of my vast romantic expertise. Another tip: Claire is the apple of her pop-pop's eye.

Charlie: What's a pop-pop?

Xander: That's what she calls victor. Victor adores her. He just really wants her to be happy, so it if turns out that you're the one that can make that happen, it could be a good thing, a very good thing for both of us.

Charlie: Why would my dating claire be good for you?

Xander: Because I'll make sure that my uncle finds out that I had a hand in helping the romance along, and that'll score me some major points.

Charlie: Oh.

Xander: Look, regardless of my ulterior motive, I'm giving you solid advice. Don't be afraid of making a bold move, and never give up until you get the woman you want. That's how I finally won the heart of the incredible dr. Sarah horton.

Charlie: Can you, uh, share details?

Xander: No. Now get out of here.

Charlie: I would, but I have a pile of paperwork that I promised mr. Kiriakis-- the other mr. Kiriakis-- that I would finish tonight.

Xander: Don't worry about that. In fact, here, bring claire these.

Charlie: Don't these belong--

Xander: Eh, he won't mind. Go, charlie. Sweep claire off her feet.

Charlie: I will. Um, thank you for the solid advice and insight. I really appreciate having somebody that I could--

Xander: Charlie.

Charlie: Babbling, got it. Um, thanks. Wish me luck.

[Sinister music]

Theo: My dad said ciara's memorial was really beautiful. He said that you organized the whole thing and that you wrote a song?

Claire: Yeah. Uh, yeah, some people shared stories, memories. I sang a song, ciara's song.

Theo: I wish I'd heard it.

Claire: You still can. I have a recording of it. I'll send it to you.

Theo: I'd like to listen now.

Claire: Okay.

[Both laugh]

[Warm music playing]

Jennifer: Your father told me how he felt when I was in my coma. As the weeks and months went on, he started losing hope that I would ever come back to him.

Jj: So he jumped into bed with kate?

Jennifer: Not right away. Apparently he got into the habit of coming to the pub after visiting hours at the hospital were over.

Jj: Kate was waiting tables there.

Jennifer: He'd drink, and she'd listen, and then one night, instead of going home, he went up to her room.

Jj: Mom, I'm so sorry. I had no idea.

Jennifer: How could you have known?

Jj: If I hadn't been high on pills all the time, hadn't taken off when my family needed me most?

Jennifer: You were mourning haley.

Jj: I could have been stronger.

Jennifer: Jj, you were in real pain.

Jj: So was dad. Maybe if I'd been here, been by his side to support him, he wouldn't have turned to kate.

Jake: All right, so we just had great sex, mind-blowing sex, and you're gonna sit here and tell me that it can never happen again, huh?

Kate: Correct.

Jake: Hang on. Don't tell me you've got a husband in a coma somewhere that you're cheating on.

Kate: Oh, come on. No, I'm--I'm serious, jake. I'm serious.

Jake: Okay. Just give me one good reason why this can't go on.

Kate: Chad.

Jake: Chad? What's chad have to do with anything?

Kate: Chad can't stand you.

Jake: You knew that going into this. When you invited me to that party tonight, I was the one who said chad would flip out if I came, let alone if I came with you. You asked me if I cared what chad thinks, and I said no.

Kate: Well, I do.

Gwen: You know, I did suggest that we cancel the party, but she refused, and then I tried to convince her to stay home, but she insisted that she go.

Chad: I--I don't know why she would want to announce that to everyone.

Gwen: I was surprised, actually, because she started gulping down the champagne right after you left, and I told her not to mix alcohol with her meds, but I couldn't stop her.

Chad: Yeah, she must have been sneaking more drinks at the party. I saw she was shaky when she got up to give that speech. Don't know why I didn't get her out of there.

Gwen: I should have told you, chad, but I--I felt it wasn't my place. I'm sorry. I--I did everything that i could.

Chad: I know you did, and I appreciate it.

Abigail: I was thoughtless? I was reckless? Why? Why, because I couldn't stand there and listen to everyone heap praise on you for being such a loyal, loving husband when I knew it was a total lie?

Jack: How dare you say that to me? I'm completely devoted to your mother!

Abigail: Right, right, because you kept constant vigil next to her bed. That's right, the hourglass, you turned it over day-in, day-out, however, all the while--

Jack: All the while? It wasn't all the while. It was once, one--one mistake! I know how you feel. Finding that letter, I know how you feel, but you should have come to me.

Abigail: Why? So you could convince me to stay silent?

Jack: So I could convince you not to hurt mom.

Abigail: Mom was the one person that deserved to know.

Jack: And now she does, and she's destroyed. Maybe our marriage is too. But well done, abigail, well done. Like the intrepid journalist you are, you dug out the truth, and you brought it to light, except this isn't some breaking news story. This is our life. I hope you're proud of yourself, 'cause I sure as hell am not.

Oh, oh, oh, ozempicŪ!

Jennifer: Jj, jj, none of this is your fault. It was your father's choice to sleep with kate.

Jj: Just hearing you say that, I still can't believe it actually happened.

Jennifer: Neither can I.

Jj: Dad has done some awful things: Married eve, demonized haley, but he had amnesia. Once he got his memory back, I really thought he was his old self again.

Jennifer: So did I.

Jj: Then how does he explain this?

Jennifer: He was depressed. He--he--the more time passed, the more despairing he became, the more afraid he was I wouldn't wake up.

Jj: Yeah, that's all true, but it doesn't excuse what he did.

Jennifer: No, it doesn'T.

[Pensive music]

Abigail: Look, dad, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean for it to come out the way that it did, just at the party in front of everyone.

Jack: Why? Abigail, why didn't you know that this needed to stay private?

Abigail: Because when I read the letter, I was shocked, sho--of all people, you, you? I mean, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't bail on the party, but I didn't know how I was gonna get through it either, so I drank a glass of champagne so that I could get through it, and I got to julie's place, and I saw you, and I--

Jack: You averted your eyes, and you avoided me.

Abigail: Yeah, yeah, i wanted to completely disappear, but I had to give a toast, so I took back another drink, and I took back another drink, and the next thing I know, all my inhibitions are gone, and yeah, well, yeah, you saw, so... and then when mom asked me what the letter said, I just couldn't--i couldn't tell her, not when I saw the look on her face.

Jack: So you ran away again. And then what, abigail? What then? You just thought the whole party was gonna continue on like nothing happened? And why were you drinking in the first place? I mean, you know you're not supposed to mix alcohol with your meds!

Abigail: Yeah, well, you know you're not supposed to sleep with women who aren't your wife either.

Jack: You're not yourself. Abigail, I love you. You're my daughter. I just think right now you'd better go home. I--I can't stand to look at you.

Kate: Okay, chad and i have been through some really rocky times recently, mostly because of things that I did, but he forgave me when probably I didn't deserve to be forgiven, and I really don't wanna risk alienating him again.

Jake: What did you do that chad needed to forgive you for?

Kate: I don't really think there's any point in getting into that, actually. Let me just say that, uh, right now, we're in a really good place, and we've reestablished trust and our relationship, and I really, really don't wanna jeopardize that.

Jake: Then don'T.

Kate: Meaning?

Jake: Meaning if you don't want chad to find out about us, I respect that. I'm fine with that. It doesn't mean we have to stop.

Kate: No, I think it does mean that.

Jake: Not if we keep it our little secret. Hmm? Hmm? Huh? Come on. So, uh, yeah, just a silly mistake.

Xander: Hmm. Well, that's odd.

[Suspenseful music]

Why would philip transfer those funds?

[Gentle music playing]

Theo: That was beautiful.

Claire: Thanks.

Theo: And it's--it's not just because you have an amazing voice. You were able to capture ciara's spirit like no one ever could. I know she would have loved it.

Claire: It's--it's so incredible that you came to see me right now. It's like you felt that I needed you, and then there you were.

[Tender music]

Jj: Why don't i take you home?

Jennifer: Oh, I don't wanna be under the same roof as kate or your father.

Jj: Well, I'm at the salem inn. Come stay with me.

Jennifer: Are you sure?

Jj: More than sure. Come on. Let's go.

[Tender music]

[Melancholy music]

Gwen: I told you I'd pull it off, old man.

[Sinister music]

Jack and jennifer's marriage has been blown to smithereens, and it's all little abigail's fault. I couldn't have planned it any better. Abigail. Abigail, you're home. We were so worried about you. Chad went looking for you.

Abigail: Ugh, yeah, I just had to get out of there. I just--I didn't want to talk to anybody, and so I, um, popped out the emergency exit, and I ran into my dad, so...

Gwen: What did he have to say for himself?

Abigail: Um, he ripped me to shreds and basically blames me for everything.

Gwen: What? Well, that's mental. This isn't your fault.

Abigail: My dad thinks it is, and he thinks that I ruined the party, and he thinks that I ruined maybe their marriage, and I think he probably hates me, so...

Kate: Okay, you--you want us to what? What, to have a secret affair behind chad's back?

Jake: Why not? Come on, it'd be so much hotter to sneak around, huh? And what my brother doesn't know won't hurt him.

[Knock at door]

Chad: Kate, are you there?

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