Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 11/9/20
Episode #13891 ~ Abigail upends Jack and Jennifer's party; Jennifer is rocked by a stunning revelation; Gwen privately revels in the havoc she's wreaked; Kate confides in Jake.
Provided By Suzanne
Abigail: I know what really happened because of this.Jennifer: What is it?
Abigail: This a letter that dad wrote to kate.
Jennifer: Abigail, may i see that letter?
Kate: Whereid you get that?
Abigail: I went to your room to borrow a pair of shoes--
Kate: Without asking me?
Abigail: Yeah, I did! Sorry. Sorry if that offends your rigid moral code. Anyway, a box fell off the shelf and it wasn't filled with shoes. It was actually filled with old letters.
Kate: So what did you do? Did you read them all?
Abigail: No. No, I actually was trying to put the letters back into the box. However, one of the envelopes caught my eye because the handwriting on it happened to be my father's! Yeah! Yeah, so I wonder why my father wrote you a letter while my mother was in a coma.
Jennifer: I'd be interested to know that too, jack.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Kate: Jennifer... the letter is nothing.
Jennifer: Then why did you save it?
Kate: I saved it because jack wrote me a very thoughtful letter for some flowers I had sent to your room. And I saved it, then I forgot about it.
Abigail: You are lying. You are so lying! I read the letter. And it was very clear that it wasn't flowers that my father was thanking you for. So while my poor mother was in a coma, you were...
Jennifer: Abigail, sweetie, why don't you and I and your dad go somewhere and we can talk about this in private--
Abigail: Do not protect him! Don't do that!
Jennifer: Okay then... why don't you tell me what the letter says.
Abigail: Mom, just, I... I'm so--I'm just going to be so sick.
[Tense, dramatic music]
Jennifer: "Dear kate... I knew this had to end the moment I woke up in your bed this morning." There it is, grandma's recipe.
Jack: Jennifer. That letter is ancient history.
Jennifer: I don't need to read another word to know the two of you did behind my back.
Jack: I--hey. Not now, please, jj. Not now, not now, not now, please.
Steve: So you put the move on my brother when his wife was in a coma?
Jake: Whoa, take it easy. Nobody knows what happened.
Steve: I've known this woman a lot longer than you have, and I have a pretty good idea of what happened. Right, kate?
Jake: Just leave her alone.
Kate: Jake, thank you, but I am more than capable of defending myself. Must be really comfy up there on that moral high ground, huh? You're talking about me while you're turning a blind eye to the fact that your son raped my granddaughter, huh?
Jake: Wow.
Gwen: Where's abigail?
Chad: She's in the bathroom throwing up.
Gwen: Well, you sound rather angry.
Chad: Yeah, she knows she's not supposed to mix alcohol with the medication she's on.
Gwen: Well, I suppose she forgot. She was so upset.
Chad: Yeah, I get that. Do you know what's in that letter?
Gwen: I think that that's abigail's job to tell you that once she's out of the loo.
Chad: Just stop. Okay, this is my family. If you know what's going on, I'd like to know.
Gwen: Okay. Well, chad, from what I read in that letter, jennifer's not the only woman for jack.
Jack: Please, please, talk to me.
Jennifer: I don't want to talk to you! It'll just be more lies!
Jack: I didn't lie to you!
Jennifer: You didn't tell me the truth!
Jack: I was waiting for the right moment.
Jennifer: There's not going to be a right moment for you to tell me that you slept with another women while I was in a coma! You stood there in front of our friends and our family and soaked it all in while they told you what a loving and loyal husband you were.
Jack: If you'd let me explain--
Jennifer: There's nothing to explain! It's all in that letter! Do you remember how I defended you? When eve barged into our wedding and told everybody that she was pregnant with your baby? I stood there, I told everybody that you and I had a love so strong that nothing and no one could ever, ever break it again or come between us. You just made a liar out of me too.
Jack: I should've told you about kate the moment that you were stronger. I know how hurt you must feel--
Jennifer: And humiliated! Let's not forget that!
Jack: So I've ruined... I've ruined what we have. Maybe... but now-- now you know. You know a part of it. I think you deserve to know the whole truth. If you will just let me tell you.
[Jennifer scoffs] I was telling the truth when I said I spent most of every day at your bedside. The hourglass that you--
Jennifer: Oh, my god, I have heard all of this.
Jack: You said you wanted the truth. I... I told you about the day that I turned it over and you-- you opened your eyes. I didn't-- I didn't tell you about all those other days. When you did nothing. Those days turned into weeks. And the weeks became months. And... I--I was afraid that you'd never open your eyes. And I began to lose hope.
Jennifer: So in your hour of doubt, you turn to another woman?
[Solemn piano music]
Jake: You okay?
Kate: Yeah, I'm fine. Come through worse evenings than this without a scratch, you know? I really hate having my privacy invaded, though.
Jake: Yeah. Right. So, um... did you really do the dirty with abigail's father?
[Kate sighs] Woman: I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
Kate: For your information, it wasn't like that.
Jack: It wasn't like that.
Jennifer: Like what, jack?
Jack: Thought about. Planned. It just happened.
Jennifer: Why don't you define "it."
Jack: You're right, I kept this secret much too long.
Jennifer: Go on.
Jack: Abigail... abigail told me I would never be able to keep taking care of you if I didn't start taking better care of myself. So instead of going home to an empty house, eating take out, I started to go to the pub after visiting hours. I was just looking for a decent meal at the end of a long, long day, and then head home. So it help me... it reminded me that maybe tomorrow would be the day that you opened your eyes. But as more time went by... that day hadn't come. I never admitted it to anyone even myself. And deep down, I was afraid that day would never would come. Never. And so... to comfort myself, to ease pain, whatever, I... I started to drink.
Kate: So jack started coming into the pub every night after sitting with jennifer. After a while, he started to open up to me. So it was a little awkward at first because... it was so personal. It was very personal. But he--he was so broken and so alone, pouring out his heart to me that I just listened. Hey.
Jack: Oh. Oh, you want to go home. Of course. Just give me my check and I'll be on my way.
Kate: No, no, no, no, no. Sit down. Actually, I was going to ask you if I could join you for a few minutes.
Jack: Uh... sure, sure.
Kate: Um, you know, jack, I wanted to remind you that lucas was in a coma for a scary amount of time.
Jack: Oh. Oh, man. I'm sorry--how could I ever forget that?
Kate: No, please, you have so much on your mind right now, but what I want to say to you, jack, is that lucas did come back and I know it's him because he still drives me crazy.
Jack: Those doctors. Those doctors, they keep telling me that every case is different.
Kate: I know. But lucas fought to come back. Okay? And jennifer is nobody's fool. And a woman would have to be a fool not to wake up when she has a husband like you, sitting right by her side.
Jack: Kate was working at the pub. I came in there every night. Every night. So we started talking. And then it got to when she was on duty she'd stop by and sit down for a minute and we would talk.
Jennifer: Honey, I don't need to hear the details of your courtship.
Jack: It was no courtship! All we talked about was you. How much I loved you. I was terrified for you. She was the only person who could see. Who could hear. I told her how desperate I was to hear you, to look in your eyes, so... I admitted to her I was afraid it was never gonna happen. Ever. And then one day everything-- everything changed, started to change. I swear. Kayla, I swear I saw her hand move. She's trying to come back. It might even be today.
Kayla: Jack, I know how badly you want her back. We all do.
Jack: You know medicine. I know my wife. Jennifer knows that I'm here. I'm waiting for her. She's trying to come back to me. So I just stayed there and waited.
[Monitor beeping]
[Soft guitar music]
Nothing happened. I stayed there as long as I could. And then I had to leave. I was in a bad place.
Kate: Jack?
[Exhales] Hey, hey, look. Um, I think you've had way too much to drink tonight to drive yourself home, okay? So, um, I'm gonna call you a cab, okay? Should I just tell the company that you want them to take you to your home?
Jack: No. No. I can't go back there. I can't spend the night, one more night in that empty bed and wake up tomorrow alone to another long, lonely day.
[Crying] Oh.
Jennifer: You didn't wake up alone, did you? You admitted it as much in your letter. You spent your days beside my bed and your nights in kate'S. Shingles? Dios mio. So much pain.
Gwen: How's she doing?
Chad: Not sure. I had to talk to her through a door 'cause she had it locked. She says she needs some space.
Gwen: In the toilet?
Chad: Yep.
Gwen: [Exhales] Well, this is all my fault.
Chad: How?
Gwen: I'm the genius who suggested she wear a pair of kate's shoes. If it weren't for me, she never would've found that letter.
Jennifer: Stop trying to be poetic and just tell me what happened. You wrote it all down in your "wonderful" letter to kate. The least you can do is say it to your wife's face.
Jack: Kate didn't call me a cab. We went upstairs to her room. And I spent that night, one night in her bed.
Kate: Okay, um... look, I have an early shift in the morning, so I'm gonna sleep on the sofa.
Jack: [Crying softly] What am I going to do without her?
Kate: You know, seeing jack so scared and alone...
[Chuckles] Sounds strange but it suddenly occurred to me that that I was lonely too.
Jake: Hm.
Kate: I was actually looking forward to jack coming into the pub. And all we would talk about is jennifer, of course, but at the same time we were making a connection, you know? And I think at the time neither of us even knew it or felt it. But when I saw him in my bedroom, sitting on my bed, that's when I realized that we were much closer, much closer than we knew.
Jennifer: Come on, jack. Are you gonna stand there and try to tell me that you just lay there and let her hold you?
[Piano music]
[Jack sobbing] So the two of you were kissing in her bed. Should I just assume the rest? That you slept with her too? Does scrubbing grease feel like a workout?
Jack: I can't lie to you. To my everlasting regret, I did. I slept with kate. The next morning, I woke up alone.
[Jennifer whimpers, sobs]
[Melancholy music]
Jack: Except I wasn't alone. I had all that guilt to keep me company.
Jack: Oh, good. She's not alone. I, uh, I got a late start.
Abigail: I have to check in at "the spectator."
Jack: Uh, yeah. Okay, I mean, I'm here. I'm here. I'm here.
Abigail: Are you okay?
Jack: Yeah. Yeah.
Jack: Beautiful girl...
[Sighs] I... I did it again. I let you down. Jennifer. I don't even have the right to ask you this... but someday when I do tell you, I pray to god you'll find it in your heart to forgive me.
Kate: And so he said in the letter that we both know what happened that night could never happen again, that there could be nothing more between us. He thanked me for my kindness and said it was best that we never speak of anyone--to anyone about the night we shared.
Jake: Wow. So in other words, "wham bam, thank you, ma'am, and please keep your mouth shut."
Kate: And jack never did come into the pub again. And we managed to... to avoid each other pretty much. At least for a while.
Kate: Jack?
Jack: Kate.
Kate: What-- what are you doing here?
Jack: I, uh, live here.
Kate: Okay, don't joke, okay?
Jack: No, jennifer and i have moved in for the foreseeable future. We're looking after thomas and charlotte.
Kate: [Sighs] Okay, I... I see.
Jack: I didn't know how to let you know.
Kate: No, it's fine. Actually, it's fine. Actually it gives me an opportunity to thank you for your letter.
Jack: Is this gonna be a problem? Us under the same roof?
Kate: It's a very large roof.
Jack: Yes, but still--
Kate: Jack, it was one night, all right? And you have my promise. No one is ever hear going to hear about it, not from me.
Jack: Thank you. I gotta-- thank you.
Gwen: What do you know.
Chad: Don't blame yourself for tonight. There's no way you could have known that that letter was in kate's closet.
Gwen: Well, it's just... abigail was so happy about this party, and... it turned out to be a huge disaster, and it's 'cause of me and my big stupid ideas. I just wish I was dead now.
Chad: Stop, don't, don'T. Hey, hey, don't say that. Listen. Look at me. All you wanted to do was make people happy. Especially abigail. This isn't your fault. Look at me. None of this is your fault, okay?
[Gwen mutters softly] These days, everyone expects you to like everything
Kate: So, I guess I thought of us as two people who came together for a moment out of loneliness and loss. And I thought no one would ever get hurt because no one would ever find out. And that's how it happened until tonight.
Jake: So why hang on to the letter and risk having someone find it?
Kate: Because it meant something to me.
Jennifer: So, you... you slept with kate roberts.
Jack: I... I was afraid I was losing you one day at a time. Kate was there when I had lost all coping strategies.
Jennifer: You certainly seemed to have found a new one with her.
Jack: I regret what I did with every fiber of my being. The day you opened your eyes was the happiest day of my life, but I had this terrible secret I had to confide, and I promised myself that i would tell you when you were ready. But there was so much that you needed to know first. Adrienne was dead. She died in a terrible accident. Will was the driver that hit her. He was in prison. Jj was devastated. Haley had been killed. I didn't want to add to that.
Jennifer: So you didn'T.
Jack: You... you had been dealing so incredibly with everything that you had heard, the horrible news, and somehow you were still happy to be alive. I didn't want to take that away from you just to get my guilt off my back. So, yes, you're right. I didn't I didn't tell you that I was lost one night in the whole year of nights when you were gone.
Jake: So why'd you hang on to letter if it was him telling you it was over?
Kate: Do you think you could possibly stop cross-examining me now?
Jake: Okay, okay. Just one more question, if it pleases the court. Are you in love with jack deveraux? These are real people, not actors,
Jj: Where's abigail?
Chad: Yeah, she got sick. She locked herself in the bathroom.
Jj: Oh, man, this is so bad.
Chad: Yeah, I'm gonna go check on her again.
Gwen: Well, I'm sorry you had to travel half way around the world for this train wreck.
Jj: I'm glad I did. I was missing in action during a really awful year for my family. It's time I stepped up.
Chad: Abby's gone.
Kate: You know, jack was in a really bad place, and I helped him. Normally, I measure my worth in terms of my achievements and my successes. I don't give a damn about peoples' feelings or what they say. But when I helped jack, I really helped jack. I felt good about that, you know? Like I was a better person. A nicer person than most people think. Although I'm sure I'm not going to be invited to horton family functions any time soon. And they, and you, and the rest of the world will continue to think of me as home-wrecking bitch.
Jake: Yeah, probably. I'm kiddinG. I'm kidding, really. Hey. For what it's worth, I'm not judging you.
[Dramatic music]
Jennifer: Thank you for finally telling me the truth.
Jack: Please, don'T. Don't go. I have to ask you the question I've been asking myself for so long. Can you ever forgive me?
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