Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 11/6/20
Episode #13890 ~ Jack and Jennifer's friends and family help them celebrate their anniversary; Abigail is deeply shaken after finding a letter from Jack to Kate; Theo comes home and surprises Abe; John and Marlena reminisce about their years of marriage.
Provided By Suzanne
Theo: Need a hand?
Abe: [Chuckles] Theo!
[Warm music]
Steve: [Sighs]
Kayla: What?
Steve: Don't you think they should have postponed this party? I mean it's the day after ciara's funeral, for god's sake.
Kayla: Well, it's not the most ideal time, but I think it's a good idea. Jennifer coming out of the coma was the last good thing that happened to this family. I think we should celebrate.
Steve: Yeah, I guess so. Listen, I don't think I should stay.
Kayla: What?
Steve: I mean, if you don't need me, I'm gonna take off, before people show up.
Kayla: You're leaving?
Steve: I just don't think it's gonna be much of a party with me and lucas in the same room. He thinks my son assaulted his daughter. What? You don't think that's a problem?
Kayla: I think the problem is your son did rape his daughter, but you refuse to face it.
[Heavy music]
Marlena: Okay, well, let me know if you need anything. Okay, honey. Talk soon. Bye.
[Cell phone beeps]
John: How's allie doing?
Marlena: As well as could be expected, under the circumstances. Oh, I'll get my bag.
John: Don't worry about it. I just gave kayla a call, and I told her we weren't gonna make it.
Marlena: Oh?
John: Yeah. She actually seemed kind of relieved. I think she was worried that steve and i were gonna get into it again.
Marlena: Oh. Well, then maybe that was a good idea.
John: I'm sure it was. Besides, we have a little something we need to celebrate here. Now, I know that it's kind of hard to keep track, since we've had so many of 'em, but did you forget that we have an anniversary also?
Jake: Wow. Mrs. Dimera, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're asking me out on a date.
Kate: Eh, nah. I wouldn't call that a date.
Jake: You invited me to a party as your plus-one. I call that a date.
Kate: Yeah. You see, the way I see it, that's two people enjoying themselves, and it's an open bar.
Jake: Well, when you put it like that it sounds magical, but I'm not going.
Jj: So I heard there was a party tonight.
Both: Jj!
Jennifer: Hello.
Jack: Jj, you're here.
Jj: Dad.
Jack: Oh, my gosh.
Jj: Happy anniversary.
Jack: Thanks.
Jennifer: Oh, why didn't you tell us you were coming?
Jj: Because I didn't know myself, until last minute. Gwen arranged it. Yeah. She said this was a night I wouldn't want to miss.
Jack: Gwen. She's full of surprises.
Jj: I know. Right, and she also said this wasn't the only one she has planned, so yeah.
Abigail: She keeps her letters in a shoebox?
Gwen: Oh, they're probably just old love letters.
Abigail: I don't even want to think about who they're from. There are rumors about her and attila the hun. What the...
Gwen: Abigail, what is it?
Abigail: It's a letter to kate... from my dad.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Abe: I can't believe you're here.
Theo: Jj was coming back to surprise his parents, so I thought I'd come along and surprise you.
Abe: Oh, well, mission accomplished. I am surprised and very, very happy to see you. How are you?
Theo: About the same as two days ago when we skyped.
Abe: I know. I know, but you're here. You're here. You're in person, and that's a whole lot better than skype. So, theo, I gotta tell you, you look like your old self.
Theo: It was a full recovery.
Abe: Well, it's more than that. You're living halfway across the world, all on your own.
Theo: No. With jj. We live together. Work together. He's my best friend.
Abe: After everything you've been through, I think it's a miracle.
Jennifer: Another surprise?
Jj: Yeah. Hey, guess who flew in with me? Theo.
Jack: Theo? Oh, that's great. Well, where is he?
Jj: He went to see his dad first.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Jj: And mom, I wanted to tell you. Theo and I tried to get out for ciara's funeral, but we just couldn't get a flight in time.
Jennifer: Well, you're here now, and that makes me so happy!
Jj: Me too. All thanks to gwen.
Jack: Now, I think this whole celebration is thanks to gwen. She pulled this whole thing together for a bunch of people she barely knows, and with great enthusiasm, I might add. It was very kind.
Jennifer: Yes. It makes me actually feel a little guilty. I--well, we weren't so sure about gwen, at first.
Jack: But we're coming around. We're coming around, right?
Jennifer: Yeah.
Jack: I mean look at everything she's done for this family.
Abigail: I don't get it. Why did my dad write kate a letter?
Gwen: It's probably nothing.
Abigail: Then why did she keep it? Postmark's a little over a year ago, and so my mom was still in a coma, but why would he write to kate? Who even writes letters anymore?
Gwen: Well, there's one way to find out.
Abigail: Oh, I can't read someone else's mail.
Gwen: Well, you can read it, or we could spend the entire evening obsessing over it. It's probably nothing.
[Tense music]
Abigail: Maybe you're right.
Oh, my god. These are real people, not actors,
Marlena: Of course I did not forget it's our anniversary.
John: I know you didn'T. It was a rhetorical question, and I hope you don't mind that I made a unilateral decision to skip that party, because selfishly, I just wanted you all to myself.
Marlena: I'm glad you still feel that way.
John: Always have. Always will.
[Gasps] I think I have something for you.
Marlena: What--
John: [Giggles]
Marlena: A scrapbook?
John: Well, it looks like a scrapbook.
Marlena: You did this?
John: Well, I just felt this need to get in touch with my own craft side.
Marlena: Oh, dear. Okay. Oh, john. Our first wedding.
John: All of our weddings. Well, at least the ones we actually got a chance to finish.
[Warm music]
Marlena: I remember.
John: That is the true season of love.
Marlena: When we believe that we alone can love.
John: That no one has ever loved so before us.
Marlena: And no one will ever love in the same way, after us.
Love you.
John: No one, doc.
Steve: So are you mad at me for believing my son?
Kayla: No. It's that you're denying the facts.
Steve: There has to be some other explanation. Did you see tripp's reaction? It was like he was gut-punched. You can't fake that.
Kayla: No. Allie said that he raped her. Tripp's defense isn't that it was consensual. It was that there was no sex at all, but he is the father of that baby. There is proof, and you know what? I have to say I am sick and tired of everybody saying that the facts aren't the facts, just to suit their purposes.
Steve: You know what? Why would he say there's no sex at all when he knows that baby could be tested?
Kayla: Look, I...
Steve: He's not stupid.
Kayla: Understand that you want to defend your son, but allie is suffering, and you are basically calling her a liar.
Steve: I never said that.
Kayla: Do you know that john and marlena aren't coming tonight, because john doesn't want to be around you? And lucas isn't coming either.
Steve: Oh, good. Why don't you just call them all up and tell them I won't be here?
Kayla: You know that doesn't fix anything.
[Sighs sharply] You know, you need to do like everybody else and just acknowledge what the truth is here. Tripp raped allie, and you defending him is insulting to every survivor out there, including me.
Kate: Are you turning me down?
Jake: Did it ever occur to you I could have other plans?
Kate: Do you?
Jake: No, but look at the way you're dressed. I don't even own a suit.
Kate: So?
Jake: So... chad'll go ballistic if I borrow stefan's suit. I'm not doing that again. Hell, chad'll go ballistic if I even show up.
Kate: Hmm. Do you really care what chad thinks?
Jake: I care about ruining other people's good time.
Kate: Well, you're going to be ruining my good time, if you don't come. You don't need a suit. I think you look pretty good the way you are.
Jake: What was that?
Kate: I said I think you look pretty good just the way you are.
Jake: Wow. If you think that, then yes, mrs. Dimera. It's a date.
Abigail: I cannot believe this.
Gwen: Well, I just feel absolutely horrible, because I'm the one who made you read that letter.
Abigail: Who should feel horrible is the person that wrote it.
Gwen: Have a drink.
Abigail: No. I can't drink with my meds.
Gwen: Well, I would say that this is an exception, don't you think?
Abigail: Maybe you're right. Time for desperate measures.
Chad: There you are. I put your parents in the car and told them we'd follow. Where's your shoes?
Abigail: I can't find 'em.
Chad: Huh? You okay?
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Marlena: Oh, john. These are all the flowers from our second wedding.
John: Uh-huh.
Marlena: Oh, look. Belle'S.
John: Their favorites.
Marlena: Brady.
John: Mm-hmm.
Marlena: Sami, eric, and carrie.
John: Yours, mine, and ours.
Marlena: And we have grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Oh! They will overcome all their trials and tribulations, just like we did.
John: That's because we never stopped loving each other, doc.
[Soft acoustic music]
Jennifer: Are you and steve okay?
Kayla: No. We're not.
Jack: Hey, you okay? Steve? I heard about tripp.
Steve: Yeah, who hasn't?
Jack: Look, jennifer and i are not gonna put this in the paper, but once tripp is charged, steve, there's no--
Steve: He's not gonna be charged, because he didn't do it. I don't want to talk about this, and neither do you. Not tonight.
Jack: Oh, but i do. I do want to talk about it. It's important. Look, both you and i know--and sadly, I'm qualified to do so. Listen, when I finally began facing up to the truth of what I did, that's when I really started healing.
Steve: Oh. Oh, really? You know what I want, jack? I want everyone to know the truth. Not what allie said. The truth.
Jennifer: I know this must be really difficult for you.
Steve: Yeah. Yeah it is.
Jennifer: If you want to talk about it, at all...
Steve: Well, god knows you've been through it. I just don't know if steve and i are going to get through this.
Jennifer: Look, you and I, and jack and steve--we've all been through it. Now, it took a lot of work, and time, and a lot of love, and someone with a big heart. We got past it. We had to, 'cause we're family, and we love each other.
Kayla: Yeah.
[Soft murmuring]
Chad: What's going on?
Gwen: What's going on is that she can't find her shoes. Listen, why don't you head out to the party, and we'll be right behind you, in a few minutes?
Chad: Is that what you want?
Abigail: Yeah. Go on. Yeah.
Chad: Okay. Well, I can't wait to see these shoes.
Gwen: Sorry i just took charge. I just figured you probably don't want to get into it now with chad, after everything.
Abigail: No. No. Honestly, I don't even know if I can go to the party right now.
Gwen: You have to go. Abigail, you have to go. Your parents and chad--they're gonna be very worried about you, if you don't go. What you need--you need to just gather yourself, and take a nice, deep breath. Here. This will help.
Abigail: I just don't know why this has to be happening tonight. [Sighs]
Gwen: I don't know. We're in this together.
Abigail: Thank god you're here.
[Soft tense music]
The most dangerous thing about rheumatoid arthritis
Jennifer: You and steve have been through too much to let this come between you. You'll work it out.
Kayla: I hope so. Let's go in.
Theo: So I really have another uncle?
Chad: Yep, and he looks just like the last one.
Theo: Is he coming tonight?
Chad: No. Thank god. Son of A...
Theo: He does look just like the old one.
Chad: Give us a second, will you?
Jake: Chad seems overjoyed to see me. I need a drink. What can I get you?
Kate: I'll get my own, in a little bit.
Jake: All right.
Kate: So I took your advice. I brought a date.
Jake: Yep. You like stirring up trouble, don't you?
Kate: Well, I think a jack and jennifer party could use a little stirring up, don't you? Besides though, with everyone from the house here, I thought perhaps I would bring him, so we could keep an eye on him.
Chad: You think he's gonna steal the silverware?
Kate: Well, no, but I think he could probably look through your things and find something to use against you.
Chad: Yeah. That's fine. He's not gonna be able to find anything.
Abigail: I don't think I can do this.
Gwen: Yes you can.
[Soft dramatic music]
Just follow my lead.
[Elegant piano music]
This will help.
Marlena: A gambling chip?
John: [Giggling] Why didn't you turn this in, in vegas?
John: Well because, doc, the memory of us renewing our vows meant a hell of a lot more to me than what that chip was ever worth.
[Acoustic "wedding march"]
I am the luckiest man in the world, because you are standing right here beside me. You gambled on me. A man without a past. A man without a name.
Marlena: Darling, what's wrong?
John: [Sighs heavily]
Steve: Kayla?
Kayla: Listen, can we just put this conversation on hold for tonight and just enjoy this party?
Steve: I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry.
Jennifer: Hello.
Gwen: Sorry we're late. Abigail's shoes were at the bottom of charlotte's toy chest.
Jennifer: Well, charlotte does love to hide things.
Abigail: I gotta go to the bathroom.
Theo: So my mother was your sister?
Jake: Wow. Yeah. I guess so. My father--he certainly got around, huh?
Theo: Yeah. Our family tree is more like an orchard.
Jake: Yeah. I like that metaphor. That's--that's good. Hey, I'll catch you later. It's good meeting you.
Theo: Yeah, okay.
Jake: Hey, chad. Swell party. Glad I could make it.
Chad: Yeah, well, no one else is.
Jake: Wow.
Jack: Kate. This is a surprise.
Kate: Hi. Well, chad invited me, so I invited jake.
Jake: The more the merrier, am I right?
Jack: Right.
Jake: Yeah. Yeah, happy anniversary.
[Tense music]
Gwen: Well, I see you managed to worm your way into the party.
Jake: Well, had to check it out for myself. This night to remember seems pretty forgettable to me.
Gwen: Oh, you just wait. Things are about to change. Drastically.
Jake: Drastically? Wow.
Chad: Hey, guy. You were saying?
[Ominous music]
Darrell's family uses gain flings now so their laundry
Gwen: Chad, jake here was just saying that my party is boring, but I said things are sure to liven up when everyone gets to see him eat. Everyone loves feeding time at the zoo.
Chad: Well, if you don't like the party, you can always leave.
Jake: No, chad. Never abandon my date.
Chad: I'm--I'm sorry. He wasn't supposed to be here. I invited kate, and she dragged him with.
Gwen: It's no problem.
Chad: I just--everything you did for the party you shouldn't have to be dealing with that, too, so...
Jj: Hey, it's a great party.
Chad: Ah, thanks to gwen. You know she's single?
Jj: I'm guessing you heard that last comment.
Gwen: No, actually, I didn't hear anything.
Jj: Oh, okay. Not important. Hey, I was just telling abigail, in person you're different than what I've pictured talking to you.
Gwen: Um, sorry. Would you excuse me? I have something that I have to deal with.
Jj: Single and clearly not interested in me.
Abe: Hey, uh... what's going on with jake? Is he your date?
Kate: Well, I guess you'll have to ask him.
Chad: Hey.
Abigail: Hey.
Chad: Gotta say you don't look like you're having that great of a time.
Abigail: I'm not. Chad, I really need to tell you something.
John: I hate all this. This up and down. I don't get emotional like this, doc.
Marlena: No, no, no. Don't go. Don't go. Sit down. John, it's all right. It's what's going on now. I must say I rather like it. It's nice for me to be able to see how you're feeling, and I get teary when I think about how much I love you. So now I guess we're just in the same boat. Do you think we'll start dressing alike soon?
John: Turn the page.
[Both laugh]
Marlena: Okay. Oh... our trip to italy.
John: Well, what do you say, doc? Will you marry me? Right here, right now?
Marlena: Marry you right here?
John: Right now.
Marlena: Right now, right here? Oh, my gosh. How is that possible?
John: You just say yes, and I'll show you.
Marlena: Yes. Oh, yes. I would marry you anywhere anytime. Absolutely yes.
John: You just made me the happiest man in the world.
Marlena: Oh, john. Oh, my.
[Warm music]
You know, I didn't think that I could love you any more, but I was wrong.
Abigail: Chad, I just--
[Dinging glass]
Gwen: Hello. Hi. Everyone. For those of you who don't know me, my name is gwen rizczech, and for the past few months, I've been very lucky to get to know a wonderful family, the deverauxs. Jack, and jennifer, and jj, whom I've just had the pleasure to meet, and then, of course, there's abigail. The incredible abigail, who opened up her home to me and gave me a job nannying her two beautiful children. And she put her complete trust in me when I probably didn't deserve it. So when I heard her parents' story I felt that today needed to be celebrated. Now, yesterday is jack and jennifer's two-year wedding anniversary, and today is the first anniversary of jennifer waking from a one-year coma. To jack and jennifer's undying love.
Jj: Hear, hear.
Hear, hear.
Jake: Jack and jennifer.
All: Whoo!
Trelegy for copd.
Gwen: Now, it may seem strange, but in a way, it's really perfect to hear jack and jennifer's love story through the eyes of a relative stranger. Someone who really understands how very special that is. Now, from what I understand, these two have been through ice, and flood, and fire, and cliffhangers. Literal cliffhangers.
[Laughter] Jack and jennifer share the love of not only their children and grandchildren, but of many of the guests that we have here tonight. Dr. Kayla johnson caught the bouquet at their very first wedding, and kate dimera caught the bouquet at their second wedding. Unfortunately, jennifer was unable to throw her bouquet at the last wedding, due to her very tragic accident, but I promise tonight we'll have a much happier ending. So if anyone would like to say something about jack and jennifer throughout the course of the evening, have some drinks, have some fun, and feel free to come on up whenever you like.
Chad: Hey. You look pale. Are you okay? You sure?
Abe: Theo and I--we're leaving early. We want to be there for lani when eli gets back from hospital.
Chad: Well, give them our love.
Abe: I will.
Chad: All right.
Abe: Take care.
Chad: Take it easy.
Theo: See you, man.
Chad: What's going on? Can you tell me now?
[Dinging glass]
Kayla: Hey. Okay, okay. I'm gonna give it a shot. It's just off the cuff here, a little bit. Uh... jennifer horton deveraux, you are living proof that you can't judge somebody by what they're like in high school. Just kidding. No, but you are still as wonderful, and kind, and funny as you were then. And you went on to be this great reporter. You're an incredible friend, and you are an amazingly wonderful wife, and mother, and grandmother. After your accident, a parade of people came by to see you. There are so many people who love you. We all prayed for you to wake up, but no one more than jack. He kept a constant vigil by your bedside. All the time, he kept the paper going with abigail. I've worked in hospitals my entire adult life. I have never seen a more devoted and loyal husband than jack. To a genuine love story. Jack and jennifer.
Jennifer: Thank you.
Jack: Thank you.
Jj: Excuse me, everyone. Hey, I just wanted to say again, I'm sorry I wasn't there, dad and absolutely... but I just thank god that so many other people were. And of course, it makes sense that such great people have such great friends. Well, to mom and dad.
Kayla: Yes, to them.
Kate: Yeah.
To mom and dad.
Jack: Thank you.
Jake: Mom and dad.
Abigail: Mom and dad.
Jj: And now, here's my sister.
Chad: Honey?
Gwen: Abigail, don't you want to say something?
Jake: Welcome home. Love you, soN.
Chad: Are you doing all right? Do you want me to take you home?
Abigail: Mm-mm.
Chad: Did something happen at the house? Do you know?
Gwen: Chad, it's not my place to tell you. I'm sorry. I'm sure she'll tell you when this is all over.
Chad: She tried before.
Abigail: [Clears throat] I actually wrote down what it was I wanted to say. It all started with an hourglass that john and marlena had given to my dad.
John: I have mixed emotions about that thing.
Marlena: You know what? I do too.
John: Horrible yet wonderful. Turning that over every day, just waiting for you to wake up. Trying to stay positive, and optimistic, and I was feeling so low and helpless. And then it happened. It just happened. You woke up. You came back to me.
Marlena: When jennifer was in the coma, and you gave it to jack--
John: And he did the exact same thing. I'm so glad that they got their "happily ever after" also, doc.
Marlena: Yeah.
Abigail: So my dad turned it over, day after day. He turned it over, while we all waited for any sign that mom was gonna come back to us. And so one morning, I got to her room very early in the morning, and dad wasn't there. For the first time, dad was not there. And for the first time, the hourglass had not been turned over, so I went to do it myself. And all of a sudden, dad, you just came rushing in, and when he came rushing in I thought, "this is the most devoted husband I have ever seen." But now I know what really happened.
Jennifer: Honey, wh-what are you talking about?
Abigail: You deserve to know this, mom. I know what really happened, because of this.
Jennifer: What is it?
Abigail: This is a letter from dad to kate.
[Tense music]
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