Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 11/5/20
Episode #13889 ~ Abigail throws a party honoring her parents; Jennifer runs into Bonnie and worries she's pursuing Justin; Kate runs into Jake on her way to the party and invites him to join her; Jake bails Ben out of jail.
Provided By Suzanne
Bonnie: Ooh, whee! Don't you look all fancy with your hair done up so nice?Jennifer: Hello, bonnie.
Bonnie: Ha. Well, I'm guessing you're all fadoodled up for your anniversary, right? Well, I just hope you and jack have A...have a lovely celebration.
Jennifer: I'm sorry. How did you know it was our anniversary?
Bonnie: Well, justin. He told me.
[Soft, contemplative music]
Jack: Hey. Y-you got a minute?
Justin: Yeah, yeah. Something I can do for you?
Jack: Uh... damn it, I'm no good at this.
Justin: "Good"? At what?
Jack: I-I came to talk to you.
Justin: Okay.
Jack: [Sighs] On the way over, I was--I was trying to figure out how to start, and I-I figured I would, you know, be all casual and everything and then... then I walked in, and I... I saw you looking at her picture. I'm sorry. Justin, I'm really sorry.
Jake: I'm over gwen. But I think it's pretty clear by now that I prefer...bad girls. You know any?
Kate: Um... none come to mind.
Jake: Mm.
Kate: If I think of some, I'll tell you--how's that?
Jake: You do that.
[Knock on door]
Kate: Come in. Oh! Look who it is.
Chad: Yeah. Were you expecting someone else?
[Man whistles]
Ben: What are you doin' here?
Jake: Came to get ya the hell outta here.
Gwen: Well, abigail, what would a salem party be without one big, nasty surprise?
Abigail: Hi--is something wrong?
Gwen: [Sighs] Not really.
Abigail: Oh, well, why did you text me?
Gwen: [Sighs] It's nothing, it's stupid.
Abigail: What is it?
Gwen: I want you to tell me that everything's gonna be all right. You've got all these rich, fancy people coming to a party that i planned, and... well, I don't really know what the hell I'm doing. And...oh, god, what if the whole thing turns out to be a giant disaster? And then it would be my fault, an then you'd hate me.
Abigail: [Laughing] No, no. Gwen, listen, I just got off the phone with julie, and she told me everything is absolutely perfect. She can't believe how hard you've worked, she thinks my parents are gonna be absolutely blown away. So I really...I can't thank you enough for just everything.
Gwen: Oh, you don't need to thank me. I've enjoyed it, really. Except for this... panic attack. Anyway, it makes it so much easier to make things nice when you don't have to worry about money.
Abigail: [Chuckles] Yeah. Well, I think you've gone above and beyond nice. You've made it really perfect, and, look, I didn't have to worry about a thing, and I feel a little guilty about it.
Gwen: Oh, god, you've got nothing to be guilty about, abigail. You've got a husband and children and a job and... well, you're a very busy woman, aren't you? And me, I' all the time in the world to plan a party like this. But as I said, I have really, really enjoyed it. And I just...want to see everybody else enjoying it too. Especially your folks.
Abigail: They will. Yeah, especially them. I mean, after everything they've been through, they just really deserve to have a really great night.
Gwen: And as do you.
[Chuckles] Right. Well, that reminds me. There is just one more thing.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Justin: Sorry for what?
Jack: Well... today. Today c-can't be an easy day for you. I mean, this is not just jennifer's and my anniversary. It was yours and adrienne's too.
Justin: You know...
[Laughs] I still think about that day. We show up for lani and eli's wedding, and it blows sky high, and we all decide to get married. And that's just the kinda thing that would happen when you hung out with adrienne.
[Both chuckling]
Jack: Okay, okay. The reason I came over today was to say that it's okay. I get it--I get if you don't wanna come to the party. It's hard to be celebrating somebody else's happy ending when you've suffered such a terrible loss.
Justin: Well, jack, I, um, I'm happy for you and jen, of course I am. And I thank you for giving me an out, because honestly, I don't think I would be the life of the party.
Jack: But...I mean, obviously, that's not the only reason that you're not the life of the party.
Justin: [Laughs] Wha--what are you talking about?
Jack: I-I mean, it's not the only reason that there's-- it's not just about adrienne. It's's about someone well.
Jennifer: You were with justin? I thought your case was settled.
Bonnie: It was.
Jennifer: Well, then, why were you talking with him?
Bonnie: We're friends.
Jennifer: Friends? Bonnie, the last time I saw you, you were bawling because justin pushed you off for kissing him.
Bonnie: Well... that kiss was just gratitude 'cause he won me that big settlement.
Jennifer: That's what you said, but it was clear justin didn't buy it.
Bonnie: All right, not then. But since then...we've come a long way, baby.
Jennifer: And what's that supposed to mean?
Bonnie: It means justin has forgiven me for all the terrible things I did. Ask justin. I'm not lyin'.
Jennifer: I didn't say that you were lying, but bonnie, don't you think that you're just being a little... overly optimistic? Have you forgotten all the things that you put justin and adrienne through, how you made their lives a living nightmare, how much they suffered because of you?
Bonnie: I have not forgotten, okay?
Jennifer: Well, if justin, if justin has forgiven you--and that is a big if--he would be a saint if he had. I really hope that you're not thinking there could ever be anything more between you.
Kate: Just hoping it was my dry cleaning.
Chad: Nope, sorry, it's just, uh, it's just me. Mind if I...
Kate: No, go ahead. So...what's going on? What's up? Why did you need to see me?
Chad: What do you mean? Why do I, uh, why do I need a reason?
Kate: Well, you don't need a reason, obviously, but, uh... well, it is late, and you do have that look on your face.
Chad: [Laughs] What look?
Kate: That look of "don't let this casual demeanor fool you because I do have an agenda."
Chad: Okay. All right. Uh... I was hoping that I could talk you into coming to the party tonight for abigail's parents.
Kate: I don't think that's a good idea. Sorry.
Abigail: What are you doing?
Gwen: Ah. It's a surprise. As a matter of fact... I want you to close your eyes. Turn around. Go on, turn around.
Abigail: [Giggling] Okay, if you say so.
[Light music]
Gwen: Right. Open them.
Abigail: [Gasps] Oh, my god! Jj! Oh, my god!
Jennifer:! What are you doing here? You said you couldn't make it!
Jj: Oh, uh, I was summoned.
Abigail: Did you do this?
Jj: You're gwen. It's, uh, nice to put a face to the woman who took over my life. Do you know how complicated it is to get from south africa to salem? All the flights, all the paperwork? this, uh, very efficient person. She even got me tsa pre-check. And a car to pick me up at o'hare.
Gwen: Sorry that wasn't a direct flight.
Jj: Yeah, why couldn't that have been arranged?
Abigail: Okay, wait, hold on, hold on--so all of this "I don't know what I'm doing, it's all gonna be a disaster" is just bull to get me down here, right?
Gwen: Yes, it was all bull. I actually think I'm doing such a fabulous job.
Abigail: Yeah, so do I. mom and dad know you're here, or--
Jj: Gwen says she thought it should be a surprise for them too.
Gwen: I just love surprises.
Abigail: Well, and this is the best one ever. I mean, I'm so happy to see you. I missed you so damn much!
Jj: I missed you too. And mom and dad and my adorable niece and nephew.
Abigail: Oh, they're gonna be so excited to see uncle jj.
Gwen: Right, well, I think you two have a lot of catching up to do, so... I'm going to leave you alone now.
Abigail: Gwen, I can't believe you did this. I'm so grateful. It's an amazing surprise.
Gwen: Oh, good. Right. I'll see you two later. You think that was a surprise... you haven't seen anything yet.
Chad: Why isn't it a good idea for you to come to the party? I thought--I thought you loved parties.
Kate: Oh, god. I do love parties when I am the center of attention.
Chad: Oh.
Kate: But, um, more to the point, I wasn't invited.
Chad: Well, I'm inviting you now.
Kate: Yeah, well, it's a little last-minute and it's a little half-hearted.
Chad: What do you mean, half-heartedly--I'm asking you because I want you to be there. What do you want, an engraved invitation?
Kate: All right, okay. Look...this party is for jack and jennifer, and if you have forgotten, we're not close.
Chad: So? There's gonna be plenty of people there who aren't close to jack and jennifer--I'm not asking you to dance with 'em, I'm just asking you to sit in the corner drinking martinis and making some snide remarks.
Kate: Well, that really does sound delightful, but, um...
[Sighs] The truth is, my dry cleaning hasn't arrived, and i don't have anything to wear, so...
Chad: Girl, come on, now. I know you have a closet full of party outfits.
Kate: [Sighs]
Chad: Why are you fighting me on this?
Kate: Why are you pushing me?
Chad: Okay, you want the truth? Truth: I've noticed lately that, um... that you've been living a somewhat solitary life.
Kate: Aw. Are you feeling sorry for me?
Chad: No, no, I absolutely do not feel sorry for you. But I do care about you, and you haven't been with anyone since andre died, okay? So I just thought tonight would be a good chance for you to bring a date.
[Soft music]
Jake: Look, maybe this was a bad idea. I'm staying at the dimera place now, so maybe you can rent my old room? Over the garage?
Ben: No. It's all right. It's not like I'm gonna think of her any less over there. Doesn't make a difference where I am. She's gone.
Abigail: I cannot believe that gwen arranged for you to be here!
Jj: Yep, and she was super efficient, like I said.
Abigail: I mean, she's just been so great in so many ways. She's the kids' nanny. Did she mention that?
Jj: S-she mentioned it, yeah.
Abigail: And they just--they love her. Oh, my god, they love her. Honestly, I don't think I would have been able to go back to work if it weren't for her.
Jj: Yeah? Oh. I'm sure.
Abigail: And she's just great to have around, you know, she's funny, she's nice and just...
Jj: Good lookin' too. More than I expected.
Abigail: Oh, yeah. Yeah. What do you mean?
Jj: Well, uh, she was efficient and bossy and everything. I, uh...[Chuckles] I kept thinking she looked like the lady from the bank on "the beverly hillbillies."
Abigail: You...boy, I have really just missed your literary references. Okay, I gotta say, man, listen, that's a horribly sexist thing to say, much less think, that just because a woman is bossy and efficient--which, let's be real, if she were a man, would be considered strong and efficient--what, she can't be good looking, huh?
Jj: Right, no, yeah, no, that was pretty sexist, I admit, and, uh, I was just trying to be funny, but it's not funny at all...and I apologize to you and your entire gender.
Abigail: Well, on behalf of my entire gender, apology accepted.
Jj: I missed you.'s it goin'?
Abigail: Oh, gosh, I don't-- I just think things are really maybe back on track.
Jj: Good.
Abigail: Yeah. And you?
Jj: Oh, well, uh, I like working with theo.
Abigail: Mm.
Jj: And I like the people there. Really like 'em. I pretty much crashed and burned after haley died, but, uh, there's so many people there who need help and so few doctors that, uh, even an ex-emt helps. I feel like what I do matters.
Abigail: It does matter. Boy, think, a year ago yesterday, we never thought we'd ever have mom back, and then a year ago today, she wakes up.
Jj: [Light laugh]
Abigail: It's like we're all getting our lives back on track here--especially dad.
Justin: What's that supposed to mean, jack? What other reason would I have for not wanting to go to the party?
Jack: Steve and kayla are going to be there. I-it couldn't be easy for you. I know that.
Justin: [Sighs] No. It wouldn't be. But I do want kayla to be happy.
Jack: Oh, of course you do. I know that--I know that! I was there--I mean, I was here, right here. You let her go when you really didn't have to.
Justin: Yeah, that would have been a fun life--married to kayla all the time thinking that she would have been with steve, had he just opened his damn mouth.
Jack: [Laughs] Yeah. But you know, uh, adrienne told me one time-- said you always really tried to do the right thing. She said that drove her crazy.
Justin: [Laughs] Yeah, I'm a helluva guy.
Jack: Mm-hmm.
Justin: Even found it in my heart to forgive bonnie lockhart.
Jack: What?
Justin: I wonder how adrienne would have felt about that?
Bonnie: Look, I don't need you or steve or anyone else I bump into in this stupid little town to remind me of what I've done. I decided I don't have to care what anyone else thinks. But it mattered--really mattered--what justin thought. And with everything he's dealing with, he doesn't need to be hating on me, 'cause I ain't worth the energy, okay? And you know what? Let me tell you something else. That was more money than I have ever seen in my whole entire life, but it didn't matter because of all the awful things I'd done to him, okay?
Jennifer: What money?
Bonnie: The money justin won from the publishing house. I gave it to sonny's company in adrienne's name.
Jennifer: I didn't know that.
Bonnie: Yeah. Justin did. And he forgave me. And that is all that matters. Your mission:
Jennifer: You know, I never thought I'd say this. Bonnie...I believe you.
Bonnie: Well...good. I guess. You know, you really don't have to remind me that justin lost adrienne, kay? Or that he lost kayla. And with sonny moved outta town, I'M... I'm worried about him.
Jennifer: We are too.
Bonnie: Well, then, it's nice that you're having this party and all, but don't you think it might be kinda hard on him?
Jennifer: Because it's adrienne and justin's anniversary too. Yeah. Jack is talking to justin about that right now.
Bonnie: Okay. I'M...sorry I shot off my big mouth again--sorry.
Jennifer: It's okay. You care about justin. We do too.
Jack: forgave her. You forgave the woman that put your wife in prison so she could take over her life? The woman who wanted lucas so she could--she found a kid! Has it not occurred to you why she wanted you to be her lawyer? Isn't it obvious she has you in her crosshairs? She is after you--
Justin: Bonnie took the money that I won for her and gave it the breast cancer center that sonny started in arizona.
Jack: Seed money, seed money. She's playing the long game. She's reeling you in.
Justin: I don't care!
She's reeling you in!
Justin: I don't care! I'm sick and tired of being angry and frustrated, and I'm really, really sick and tired of living in the past. So being angry at bonnie won't bring adrienne back! Nothing will.
Jake: Hey... want me to maybe...get her things, take 'em outta here?
Ben: No. No, it's all right. Like I said before, it doesn't really make a difference. Nothing does. I dragged that guy outta the police station... to make him tell me that ciara was still alive. Instead, he told me he shot her at point-blank range. The way he was looking at me... it was like he was saying, "I'm screwing with you." That's why even now, part of me can't believe that she's really gone. I won't believe it. I think that's what he wanted.
Jj: So this whole party was gwen's idea, huh?
Abigail: Yeah, yeah, I was telling her about mom waking up a year ago and she came up with the idea for the party, and... and apparently the idea to get you back here.
Jj: She didn't take no for an answer.
Abigail: Oh, they are gonna freak out when they see you. They're gonna be so happy. And what are you gonna do--you gonna jump outta the cake at the party?
Jj: [Laughs] Um, gwen says she thought I should see them here before we leave for the there's not a room full of people watchin'. You think mom's gonna cry?
Abigail: Oh, 'cause you're back? Pfftt. No. No, she's always been pretty lukewarm about you. If it were me, I don't know,, they will. But this is so weird because the first time I met gwen, i thought she was, um, like a tough girl, you know, pretty self-consumed and--and all about her, but she's summoning you here and making all of your arrangements and wants you to have a private moment with mom and dad when they see you for the first time, which just all seems... pretty sensitive, don't you think?
Jj: Yeah, very sensitive.
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
Jj: So let me ask you this. She single?
This week on
"the upper hands"...
Bonnie: Well, uh--[Ahem]-- Don't wanna keep you--you got a party to go to.
Jennifer: Right.
Bonnie: I just wanna say I... you and your husband have a nice evening.
Jennifer: Yeah. Uh, bonnie.
Bonnie: Girl, you got something to say, just say it.
Jennifer: I guess I am... glad justin has forgiven you, but don't expect-- look, not everyone in this town is gonna be able to forget.
Bonnie: You're talking about your husband, aren't you?
Jennifer: You took a year of his sister's life, and now she's gone. Don't expect everyone to be like justin.
Jack: Okay. All right, well, uh, I did it again. Came over to see you and made everything worse.
Justin: No, you didn'T.
Jack: I did, I did! I'm yelling at you...
Justin: I'm a lawyer. I can take iT.
Jack: Yeah, but justin... after everything you've been through, who am I to say what you should do, how you should feel? You have forgiven bonnie lockhart, and it's good, it's good, it's a good thing. I-I really hope it makes things easier for you.
Justin: Mm-hmm. Even though you wish she were burning in hell.
Jack: Along those lines.
Justin: So, um, hold on. There's, uh, one more thing.
Jack: Oh, god.
Justin: I didn't just forgive bonnie. I, uh... think I like her.
Jack: Y-you're testing me, right?
Justin: No, no, no, no. She makes me laugh, and right now, in my life, that's a--ha--that's a very big deal.
Jack: Right. Well, that'S... that's great. That's just--that's great.
Justin: You hated saying that, didn't you?
Jack: Stuck in my throat.
Justin: Jack... you go to that party, you have a great time. You give everyone my love. And I know this doesn't really make sense, but... talking to you has made me feel better. So thank you. Thank you for coming by.
Jack: know, my sister adrienne always did have great taste.
Abigail: Shhh... yeah. Yeah, she's single, but boy, are you hitting the ground running.
Jj: Well, you just said she's sensitive.
Abigail: Mmm. And I'm sure that's the attraction.
Jj: [Chuckles] Well, she's also a wiz at travel arrangements.
[Both laugh] It's the hot nanny thing.
Chad: Hey--[Laughs] Hey-hey-hey, look at you!
Jj: What's goin' on?
Chad: I didn't think you'd be able to show up--abby said you weren't gonna make it.
Jj: Uh, gwen, uh--
Abigail: Yeah, gwen--[Ahem]. Gwen did it, arranged all of his travel, made it really easy for him and everything, didn't she, jj?
> Jj: Yeah, she did, but not that I wasn't thinking about making this trip. 'Cause of course I wanted very badly to be here for mom and dad, but before I could even get the ball rolling, gwen took over.
Jj: And your parents are gonna be over the moon. This is amazing.
Abigail: Mm-hmm. It's gonna be a real night to remember.
Jj: Not the name of that old titanic movie?
Chad: Oh, I forgot how fun he is.
[All chuckling]
Abigail: I tell you what, why don't you take this guy to a room where he can get a shower and change his clothes so we can get you all spruced up for the parents.
Chad: I just, uh, I need to talk to you first, real quick.
Trelegy for copd.
Jake: Okay, look, if I decide to go back to work at the garage--and I'm seriously thinking about it--maybe you'll come work with me, huh? Hey, I don't know about you, but I found working with my hands, it kinda...helps get rid of all the jaggy noise in my head.
Ben: It's like occupational therapy when I was in the bin.
Jake: Yeah, something like that. Look, I just think, man, sitting know, here, is...
Ben: I know, I know, you're right. You're right. It's probably a good idea. And I could start paying you back for bailin' me out.
Jake: Dude, money is, uh... it's not a problem for me right now. So...look, why don't we go down to the pub, have a couple of beers, those loaded nachos...
Ben: No, no...not tonight. I'll be fine, though, man. Really.
Jake: All right, you hang in there, bro.
Ben: [Softly] Thanks.
[Melancholy music]
Abigail: You invited kate to the party? Boy, that's a swell idea.
Jj: Don't sound like you mean that.
Abigail: It's a party for our parents--they can't stand her.
Jj: Can anyone?
Chad: Okay, yea--I-I do, i happen to be very fond of kate. Look, it's gonna be a mob scene, all right; your parents won't even know she's there, and besides, she's probably gonna make a play for the parking lot attendant, and she'll be leaving before they cut the cake.
Abigail: That's not funny.
Chad: But don't tell her i said that, though--she would not like that joke.
Abigail: No, I'm sure she wouldn'T.
Chad: Will you please just find a way to be okay with this, all right? She means a lot to me, and i would really like her to be there.
Abigail: [Sighs] You always get your way. Always get your way.
Chad: Is that a yes?
Abigail: If that woman's not on her best behavior, if she messes up the night, then you are--mmm!
Chad: She--she's gonna be the ideal guest. I-I'm gonna make sure of that personally.
[Water running]
[Suspenseful music]
Gwen: Good, it's still here. Let the games begin. Shingles? Dios mio. So much pain.
[Wolf whistle]
Kate: You know that'S... not okay, right?
Jake: Oh, sorry, kate. I didn't realize that you were, uh, the politically correct type.
Kate: Ah.
> Jake: So, where you goin', dressed like that?
Kate: Mm-hmm. Well, I'm going to a party for abigail's parents, actually.
Jake: Oh, right, the one that gwen planned.
Kate: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I heard she worked her little derriere off.
Jake: I'm sure she did.
Kate: He says rather suspiciously.
Jake: Well, it's just I know gwen, and she doesn't work her derriere off on anything that doesn't serve gwen.
Kate: Hmm.
Gwen: Well, look at you. You look nice.
Abigail: Oh, uh, just one problem.
Gwen: Oh. Oh, dear, uh... charlotte was playing dress-up yesterday. Maybe she's got them.
Abigail: I already asked her. She said she doesn'T.
Gwen: [Blows] Well, I would loan you a pair, but, um, I get my shoes at a thrift shop, so... kate! Yes! She's got more shoes than the kardashians. Come on, let's go.
Abigail: Oh, but-- we do it every night.
[Melancholy music]
Justin: Hey.
Bonnie: Hey, hey! Oh, I was just, uh, gonna go in for a beer. Wanna join?
Justin: I don't think so.
Bonnie: Right, I, uh... well, I'll see ya.
Justin: Bonnie. Maybe another time.
Bonnie: Really?
Justin: Yeah.
Bonnie: Well, okay, then.
[Laughs] You got my number, right?
Justin: I do.
Bonnie: Okay, then, uh... I'll be seein' ya. Hmm?
Justin: Sounds good.
Bonnie: [Softly] Yeah.
Kate: I am so looking forward to this, you know, because how do you celebrate a jack and a jennifer? I mean, with a whole lotta white bread, I don't know, maybe charades, bobbing for apples? It's gonna be so damn wholesome--
Jake: Sounds like it's gonna be a gas.
Kate: [Sighs] You know, I have an idea of how to liven things up. Why don't you come with me?
Jake: Seriously?
Kate: Yeah, seriously. Chad told me I could bring a guest--you could be my plus-one.
Jake: Well, mrs. Dimera, if i didn't know any better, I'd think you're askin' me out on a date.
Kate: [Laughs]
Jennifer: So did you talk to justin--is he coming to the party?
Jack: Uh, yeah, yeah, we talked. He said he's forgiven bonnie lockhart.
Jennifer: Yeah...bonnie said the same thing.
Jack: What? You were chatting it up with bonnie lockhart?
Jennifer: I--it was more like we bumped into each other,, yes, yes, we chatted. She'S...she's trying to change, I think.
Jack: Right.
Jj: So I heard there was a party tonight.
Jack: Jj!
Jennifer: Jj! Oh...
Jack: Hey, jj, jj!
[All laughing] Look at you!
Jj: Happy anniversary.
Jennifer: Thank you so much. Why didn't you tell us you were coming?
Jj: Because I didn't know myself until last-minute. Gwen arranged it. Yeah, she said this is a night i wouldn't wanna miss.
[Knock on door]
Abigail: Kate. Can I talk to you for just a second?
Gwen: I think she probably left already.
Abigail: You can't just barge in here.
Gwen: Why not? She lives here rent-free. She owes you.
[Tense music]
Abigail: I don't think I like this--she's probably not even my size.
Gwen: 7 1/2?
Abigail: She's exactly my size.
Gwen: Abigail, do you remember those silver shoes she wore to the press conference?
Abigail: Ohh...they'd be kinda perfect.
Gwen: I think I found the right box.
Abigail: Oh, she keeps her letters in a shoebox?
Gwen: Oh, they're probably just old love letters.
Abigail: I don't even want to think about who they're from. There are rumors about her and atilla the hun. What the...
Gwen: Abigail? Is something the matter?
[Tense music]
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