Days Transcript Wednesday 11/4/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 11/4/20


Episode #13888 ~ Allie tells Nicole the DNA results came back; Steve feels compelled to take his son's word on the results; Lani panics when she finds Eli missing from the hospital; Justin tells Bonnie he forgives her.

Provided By Suzanne

[Baby cooing]

Allie: How can you be so sweet and lovable? The only reason you're on this earth is because of what your father did to me that night.

Nicole: Good morning.

Allie: Morning.

Nicole: You weren't here when the kids and I went to bed last night.

Allie: Well, I wasn't out partying, if that's what you're thinking.

Nicole: That's not what I was thinking. I was just asking.

Allie: Sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you.

Nicole: It's okay. So where did you go?

Allie: I took a walk along the river. I needed to think.

Nicole: Did something happen?

Allie: The dna test results came back on tripp and henry.

Nicole: And it wasn't a match.

Allie: No, it was.

[Uneasy music]

Tripp: Morning.

Steve: Hey, there you are. You get any sleep?

Tripp: Nope, none.

Steve: Yeah, me neither.

Tripp: I just--I don't get this, dad. There is no way I could be henry's father, all right? Those test results have to be wrong.

[Elevator bell dings]

Abe: Kayla.

Kayla: Ah, abe, hi.

Abe: What an ordeal, huh? I'm just so glad that you're okay.

Kayla: Yeah. Me too.

Abe: Are you?

Kayla: What?

Abe: You look a little upset.

Kayla: No, no. No, it's not about that. I--it's just another patient I'm thinking about.

Abe: Eli?

Kayla: No, actually, he had a really good nighT. I told lani that she could take him home as soon as neuro clears him.

Abe: Ah, then I can look in on him.

Kayla: Yeah. She's in there now. Good to see you.

Lani: Surprise. I brought you some doughnuts.

[Dramatic music]

Brady: What do you think you're doing here?

Eli: You and I need to have a little talk.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Lani: Where is he? I wonder if he's having a test done.

[Mysterious music]


[Sighs] Man, eli...

Brady: I'm in no mood to deal with you right now.

Eli: I just dragged myself out of a hospital bed to come here. I don't give a damn about your mood.

Brady: Come in. Who put you in a hospital bed?

Eli: Ben weston cold-cocked me at the police station.

Brady: Remind me to send him a thank-you card for that.

Eli: Look, brady, i understand that you're upset.

Brady: You think I'm upset? I'm upset. Eli, no, I'm upset because housekeeping banged on the door, and they woke rachel up, and she wouldn't stop crying for her mother. That made me upset. What you did... it's way beyond upset.

[Cell phone rings] Do you have any idea what it's like to see the mother of your child say goodbye to her daughter because she's being hauled off to prison for the next five years? It's because of what you did. So yeah, I'm way beyond upset. I'm lost, I am devastated, man, but most of all, I'm just pissed, you know?

[Baby crying]

Eli: Brady, look, I'm sorry about that.

Brady: I don't care. Hey. Oh, oh, shh. Hey, it'S... shh, it's okay. It's all right. It's okay. Shh.

Nicole: So the test proved that you were telling the truth and tripp was lying.

Allie: Yeah.

Nicole: Isn't that the result that you wanted?

Allie: It is.

Nicole: So then why do you look so unhappy?

Steve: You know, kayla and I heard what you said last night. Getting your dna off a toothbrush could possibly mess with the results.

Tripp: Yeah, I could tell kayla didn't think of that.

Steve: Yeah, but she still swabbed your cheek, and she's willing to do the test again. I mean, what else could it be? There's no other explanation.

Tripp: The test got tampered with.

Steve: Well, yeah, that has happened in this town before. Yeah, allie could have learned the black art of switching test results from sami. But I mean, what good would it do her?

Tripp: Yeah, yeah, I guess so.

Steve: Well, listen. Kayla said that she would personally supervise the process. She won't let those samples out of her sight until we get the answers we need.

Lani: Hey, it's me again. Can you please call me back? I'm really worried about you.

[Hangs up] Hey, dad.

Abe: Well, who were you expecting?

Lani: Eli.

Abe: I heard what happened to him. Where is he? Is he down for tests?

Lani: I don't think so. His clothes are gone. His phone is gone. I keep calling him, and he's not picking up.

Abe: What, he just walked away?

Lani: Yeah, seems that way, but why? And where would he go?

[Uneasy music]

Brady: [Sighs] You're lucky she went to sleep so easily again. You'd have to deal with another lump on that thick skull of yours.

Eli: I'll keep it down.

Brady: You know, I... was awake most of the night last night, thinking about what you did. Did you know kristen and I--we actually--we obtained a lawyer. Was gonna try to get her off on diminished capacity. We had a bunch of shrinks lined up to testify on her behalf, and it looked like she might be able to get off, and then you came around and convinced her to toss that chance away.

Eli: And you know why. She pushed melinda trask's daughter down a flight of stairs, and she died. Okay? Melinda had it in her mind that somebody was gonna pay, and if it wasn't gonna be kristen, it was gonna be lani for helping her escape.

Brady: You could've gone to the bar association. You could've gone to abe-- you know, lani's dad, trask's boss, the mayor. Him.

Eli: Yeah, lani did that. She asked him to fire her. He wouldn't do it.

Brady: He wouldn't do it because he didn't know what was at stake.

Eli: Yeah, even if he did--

Brady: Come off it. Eli, come off it. You didn't try to do anything else, and we both know why, man. Come on, you don't care about me. You don't care about krissy. You don't care about that baby over there.

Eli: That's not true.

Brady: Then why did you arrest kristen in the first place? Lani begged you not to, but you had to do it. You put the whole thing in motion.

Eli: Kristen's not an innocent victim here, brady. She stabbed a man, potentially to his death, okay? She brought this on herself.

Brady: Yeah, and we know why: 'Cause victor had her believe that her daughter was dead for almost a year. Come on, he drove her to it. You know that.

Eli: Brady, I feel awful about what happened, all right? You know that.

Brady: Yeah, I don't know that. All I know is, I think you came over here to help me ease your conscience or something, eli, and that's not gonna happen. Forget about it. I don't think what you did was okay, and I don't understand it.

Eli: I'm not here to be let off the hook.

Brady: What are you do-- what do you want?

Eli: You promised me that you wouldn't tell lani what I did, so I'm here to make sure that you keep that promise and you keep your mouth shut.

Brady: [Scoffs]

Allie: I thought I'd be relieved when the test results proved that I was right about what happened, but now I just feel sad about the whole thing: For me, for him.

Nicole: I get it, but now that the truth is out, everyone knows that you weren't trying to smear tripp. He did what you said he did.

Allie: [Sighs] But when aunt kayla was reading the results, tripp just kept insisting that they had to be wrong. I mean, I thought that he would give up saying I was lying, that he would finally take responsibility, but no. He still says I'm lying, and now he's acting like he's the victim.

Nicole: But that doesn't make any sense.

Allie: Yeah. Well, he's making aunt kayla run the tests again. He's just... he can't admit what he did, even when the proof is right in front of him.

Tripp: Yeah, I gotta get out of here.

Steve: No, come on, tripp. Stay and have some breakfast.

Tripp: No, I don't want to run into kayla, okay? I know she thinks that I'm a rapist, and not to mention, a liar.

Steve: Man. She's already left for work, so relax. And she wants to believe in you, just the way I believe in you.

Tripp: Dad, I did some bad stuff when you first brought me back here. Okay? I was out to get her. I mean, I threatened her with a scalpel, for god's sake.

Steve: I know that, but you were very troubled back then. You know? And it's understandable, because of your childhood and what happened to your mom. You know, ever since you got your head together, kayla has been totally in your corner. She still is. Otherwise, why would she have recommended you for med school? She's happy you decided to come back here.

Tripp: Still?

Steve: Yeah. Hey. What are you doing home so early?

Kayla: Um... I got the new test results back, and... I wanted to deliver them in person.

Steve: So what do they say?

Trelegy for copd.

Justin: You missed a pretty harrowing night, my love. Thank god orpheus is back in prison, where he belongs.

[Knock at door]

[Gentle music]

Bonnie: Howdy. What's the matter? It looks like you've just seen a ghost.

Nicole: So how come kayla agreed to do the second dna test? I thought those tests were extremely accurate.

Allie: Yeah, but tripp just keeps insisting there's no way he could've gotten me pregnant.

Nicole: Well, no wonder you're so sad. It seems like tripp's in denial.

Allie: Yeah, and he wants a transfer to the medical school here.

Nicole: I know. And you naming him as your rapist is gonna blow that sky high. And when these second test results come back the same as the first, he's not gonna have a leg to stand on, and tripp is gonna have to own up to what he did.

Kayla: Um... I ran the test three times with the old samples and the new ones. They all came back positive. Tripp, you and the baby definitely share dna. The only other person whose dna could produce such results is your father, and obviously, it's not him.

Tripp: But that's not possible! I swear to god, I did not have sex with allie.

Kayla: Tests don't lie, tripp.

Tripp: So you're saying that I do?

Kayla: I guess I am.

[Somber music]

Lani: I just checked in with the nurses' station, and nobody saw him. They said maybe he slipped out during the shift change. I mean, where would he go? He promised me that this time around, that we would tell each other everything.

Abe: You know, what about that head injury? I mean, you think that he could be disoriented?

Lani: I didn't even think of that. Oh, my god, dad, he could just be out there, wandering around.

Abe: Don't borrow trouble. I'll call the station, have them put out an apb.

Lani: Oh, my god, I forgot that eli and I put find my phone on each other's phones. It was eli's idea. He's been just so overprotective of me since I've been pregnant.

Abe: Well, I don't think that's over the top. I like him thinking that way.

Lani: Yeah, I thought it was ridiculous at first, but now...

[Phone beeping] The salem inn? Why would he go there?

[Suspenseful music]

Brady: [Scoffs] You came here to make sure that I keep my mouth shut? You threatening me?

Eli: I'm just making sure we're on the same page.

Brady: What do you want, man? You want my word written in blood? You want a pint--you want a gallon of my blood? Obviously, you don't think I've sacrificed enough for you thus far, so...

Eli: I appreciate everything that you've done for me, brady. All right? You know that. Truth is, I had a nightmare last night. All right? I woke up in a panic, and my heart was pounding out of my chest.

Brady: And I assume you're gonna be telling me all about this dream, right?

Eli: I am gonna tell you all about his dream, because it felt real. All right, lani found out about me taping kristen's confession. She left me, and she told me that she'd never talk to me again.

Brady: [Scoffs] That's bad. That's a bad dream. And you had this dream, and you want me to reassure you.

Eli: I do.

Brady: I'm sorry. I gotta be honest with you. I'm leaning towards making all your dreams come true.

Bonnie: Yo, justin. You gonna keep staring off into space, or you gonna let me in?

Justin: I'm sorry. Yeah, come on in.

Bonnie: Thank you. That's more like it. What just happened?

Justin: Nothing. I was just thinking about adrienne.

Bonnie: Oh, um, I see. You want me to go? I mean, you probably want to think about her without me here.

Justin: No, it's okay. So what can I do for you?

Bonnie: I wanted to talk to you about that donation I made to your son's foundation in adrienne's name.

Tripp: Yeah. Like I told you, it... I was very touched by that, and I know how much of a sacrifice that was for you.

Bonnie: Well, I owed it to adrienne, for sure. And I also asked if maybe you could think about forgiving me, and then adrienne's brother steve barged in and all. I'm here because I... well, I was hopefully finally gonna get my answer.

Tripp: I feel like I'm going crazy. I know nothing happened between me and allie.

Kayla: Science doesn't lie, tripp.

Tripp: You keep saying that, but I mean, something is not right here. I swear to god, 'cause I'm not the one who's lying, either.

Steve: Tripp... I know we've been through this before, but I have to ask you again. Is it possible that you're not remembering everything that happened that night? You said you weren't drunk, right?

Tripp: No, right, right. I had a couple of drinks, okay, but I definitely was not drunk.

Steve: Is it possible somebody could've slipped something into one of those drinks?

Tripp: No, I remember every second of that night, of my time with allie. If I was gonna lie, I would've-- I would've said it was consensual, not that it didn't even happen! I mean, it's so stupid. It'd be so easy to prove that I'm lying.

Kayla: Well, why did you resist the dna test?

Tripp: I would've come around eventually. I just... I was mad that you didn't believe me. Not even mad. I... I was hurt. I had just come back here, back to my family, and you and dad seemed so happy that I was back. I was gonna finish medical school here in salem. And for the first time in my life, I felt like I was totally on the right track. And then this horrible accusation, and... everything that felt so right was suddenly threatened. And when you didn't believe that I was innocent, my god, I... I have never in my life forced myself on a woman. It's just, the thought of someone doing that makes me sick. I'm not like that. I swear, I'm not.

Kayla: You have no idea how much I wanna believe you. I'm sorry. I... I need to get back to the hospital.

Tripp: Oh, my god. Oh, my god... I can'T... I can't believe it. This can't be happening.

[Dramatic music]

Steve: [Sighs] But it is.

Tripp: You saw the way kayla was looking at me. I mean, she... she thinks that I'm a rapist. Why aren't you saying anything? Are you starting to think the same thing?

Allie: I wonder what happens next if the new test says the same thing.

Nicole: Well, it proves that you have a case against tripp, and I will get you a lawyer.

Allie: And what? I go back to london, and I open a case? I mean, tripp is gonna get a lawyer too. He's gonna fight this thing every step of the way.

Nicole: Right, but you have the facts on your side.

Allie: I just didn't realize how hard this was gonna be. I mean, even if I do go to court, then I have to stand in front of a bunch of people and tell them how I was the stupid idiot who got too drunk to remember her own rape.

Nicole: Look, don't do that to yourself, allie. You didn't do anything wrong.

[Phone ringing]

Allie: It's kayla. Hi, aunt kayla.

Kayla: Allie, hi. The test results are in.

Allie: Okay.

Kayla: Would you mind coming down to my office? I'd like to talk to you.

Allie: Yeah. I'm on my way.

Eli: What do you mean, "make my dreams come true"? Man, you swore--

Brady: I got nothing to lose now, eli. Kristen's already in prison. Rachel and I spent our first night alone. Kristen's spent her first night alone in a cell. I'm sorry, did you have a nightmare? Because it looks like the three of us are gonna be living in a nightmare for the next five years. I don't see you caring about that. I see you caring about you. So if your plan is to bother me and come over here on a daily basis to make sure I keep my mouth shut, tell me, what's stopping me from just spilling my guts and keeping you out of my life?

Eli: What'll stop you is the same thing that's happening to me. You bust up my marriage, and kristen will find out.

Brady: I don't give a damn about your marriage. As a matter of fact, I think lani deserves to know what you did to her best friend. Don't you think so?

[Knock at door]

Lani: Eli, it's me. Are you in there? My nunormal: Fewer asthma attacks.

Justin: My forgiveness seems to mean a lot to you.

Bonnie: Yes, yes, it does. Thank you.

Justin: Mm-hmm.

Bonnie: And if you want to know why... it's because I have so much respect for you. And it's what I was telling you before. I really want to be a better person, you know, make amends. And if you were to forgive me, well, it'd just mean the world to me.

Justin: Well, as I said before--that I have been impressed with what you're doing to become a better person.

Bonnie: Well, I'm gonna do more, lots more. You know, 'cause writing that book, for me, was like a bad trip down memory lane, you know? All the rotten things that I did because I couldn't get some guy out of my head, you know? Stupid. But you... justin, you are the first guy who ever treated me like a friend, and of course, I managed to screw that up, like I do everything else sooner or later...

Justin: Don't say that.

Bonnie: No, it's true. And look, I have never in my life given anything to charity. When they pass around the collection plate at church, my mama taught me, you take a buck. You never give a buck.

[Laughs] And it went against everything inside me to give up that big, fat, settlement check.

Justin: It was obviously a sacrifice for you.

Bonnie: Oh, you don't know the half of it, 'cause that money would've changed my life. I mean, I could've bought myself a bunch of fancy things, found myself a nicer place to live, and maybe even gone off on some trips to some faraway lands, you know? But honestly, I didn't mind giving all that up, because it was the right thing to do. It honored poor adrienne, and it made you happy, and for the first time in a long time, I actually felt good about myself.

Justin: Yes, you told me that.

Bonnie: [Sighs] Main thing is that it made you happy, me giving that money to your son's foundation in adrienne's name, and I really just want you to know that I didn't do it to bribe you into forgiving me.

Justin: I know that. And bonnie, you have my forgiveness.

Bonnie: What did you say?

Justin: I forgive you.

Bonnie: [Laughs] Oh!

Justin: No, no, no, please. Please.

Bonnie: Oh, I'm sorry. You said you forgave me.

Justin: I do, but today... today is my anniversary, adrienne's and mine.

Steve: Tripp... you know, you know how much i wanna believe you--

Tripp: But you don'T. I mean, you went behind my back, and you helped kayla get my dna sample without even telling me.

Steve: You know why I did that: To prove that you couldn't be that baby's father.

Tripp: Yeah, you were in for a surprise, huh? Me too.

Steve: Tripp...

[Dramatic music]

You look me in the eye and swear to me that your version of what happened that night is the absolute truth.

Tripp: I swear on my life, I never slept with allie.

Steve: You're telling me the truth. We will get to the bottom of this.

Tripp: How?

Steve: I'm your dad. You leave it to me.

[Knocking at door]

Kayla: Come in. Oh.

Nicole: Hi.

Kayla: Hi. I'm sorry to drag you both down here again. I could have called with the results, but I assumed you'd want a hard copy.

Nicole: So does that mean...

Kayla: Um... the second test proves conclusively that tripp and henry share dna.

Allie: Then you believe me now.

Kayla: Allie, I always believed you. The only thing I ever questioned was just the accuracy of your memory. I'm a survivor, too. I know what courage it takes for a woman to come forward. I don't think anybody makes that decision lightly.

Allie: Thank you for saying that.

Kayla: Well, it's the truth. I've been through it.

Nicole: So now you know.

Kayla: The question is, what do you want to do next?

[Melancholy music]

[Cell phone beeping]

Lani: Is anyone there?

Brady: She's not going away.

Eli: You can't tell her, brady. Please, all right? It's not gonna change anything for kristen now. Unless you want lani to find out. Is that--will that make you happy? Brady...

Brady: Hey. Sorry that took so long.

Lani: Thank god. Eli, I've been so worried about you.

Eli: I'm fine, okay?

Lani: I had to use an app to track you down. I can't even imagine why you're here, but... so? You gonna tell me why you're here?

[Dramatic music]

These are real people, not actors,

Brady: The reason that eli showed up here is because he wanted to check on me.

Eli: Yes. Yeah. I... woke up, and I was worried about him, so I--you know, I just wanted to check on him and rachel.

Lani: Well, that was very thoughtful of you.

Brady: Well, hey, he's that kind of guy.

Lani: [Laughs] But babe, you haven't been dismissed from the hospital. You just went completely awol without a word to anyone. Why didn't you just call brady?

Eli: I guess I wasn't thinking straight.

Lani: And why weren't you picking up the phone when I was calling you?

Eli: My ringer... my ringer must've been off.

Lani: Hey, wait. Hey, are you--is your head hurting? Are you dizzy?

Eli: Yeah, I'm not feeling too good.

Lani: Okay, you know what? Let's get you back to the hospital right now. I'm gonna--we're gonna go.

Brady: Yeah, okay.

Lani: Hey, brady.

Brady: Uh-huh? When you talk to kristen, please give her my love.

Brady: Yeah, I will. I'll do that.

Lani: Thank you.

[Chime music]

Bonnie: [Sighs] Your wedding anniversary. I didn't know.

Justin: How could you know?

Bonnie: I'm so sorry. This must be a really sad day for you, then.

Justin: It is. It is, but I am focusing on the happy memories, and there were plenty of those.

Bonnie: I'm sure there were.

Steve: Justin.

Bonnie: Ah, déjà vu all over again.

Justin: Steve.

Steve: Yeah, I'm sorry to interrupt, but something's happened in tripp's case, and we need to talk to you. It's urgent.

Bonnie: Oh. Sounds like my cue to leave. Look, I don't know what your kid's done... but your lawyer's the best.

Justin: What can I do for you?

Steve: I'll wait for tripp to fill you in. He's parking the car.

Tripp: No, I'm here now. Take a look at this and see if you still want to represent me.

[Disquieting music]

Kayla: You're going to need those if you want to press charges against tripp.

Allie: That whole thing scares me. I mean, look how many problems, look how much trouble I've already caused between you and uncle steve.

Kayla: Listen to me. You have not caused trouble for anybody. Something terrible happened to you. None of this was your fault.

Allie: I mean, I should not have gotten so drunk that night.

Nicole: But that didn't give tripp the right to touch you without your permission. You weren't asking for it.

Allie: Yeah, I know.

Nicole: I know I'm the one who urged you to go to the police, but... I don't know. Maybe I was being too pushy. Honey, there's something that you don't know about me. My father abused me for years, and I was too ashamed to tell anyone, and it kills me to this day that I didn't speak up for myself. But you are not like me. You have spoken up. But if you wanna end this, it is up to you. I won't say another word.

Allie: [Sighs] But if I stay quiet now, isn't it kind of like saying i did something wrong? And I mean, if I go public, maybe another girl will hear about me, and this won't happen to her. I mean, if tripp gets away with this, he's gonna think that he can do this to other girls. I mean, it's kind of up to me to stop him, isn't it?

Lani: You scared the hell out of me this morning. What were you thinking?

Eli: I'm sorry, babe. All right? I... [Sighs] I just wasn't thinking straight.

Lani: Well, from now on, I am doing all of your thinking for you.

Eli: Permanently?

Lani: Yes, at least until you're back on your feet. You've been taking care of me ever since I got pregnant. Now it's my turn. I'm gonna go see if I can find out when this one can go home. Please watch him.

Abe: Yes, ma'am.

Lani: [Chuckles]

[Gentle music]

Abe: Do you know how scared she was for you this morning? What the hell were you thinking, going over to brady's?

Eli: Abe, I had a nightmare. When I woke up, it felt like I was still in it.

Abe: You still haven't told me why you went over to see brady.

Eli: I had to make sure that he kept his mouth shut and didn't tell lani.

Abe: And how did that work out for you?

Eli: All I did was make him madder. He threatened to tell lani everything, and then she came knocking on the door.

Abe: So I gather he kept his mouth shut.

Eli: Well, I told him that if he broke lani and me up, that kristen would never forgive him. It worked for today, but I don't know how long he's gonna be quiet.

Brady: Hey, baby. Just a little update. I didn't tell lani about what eli forced you to do. Really wanted to. Was kind of white-knuckling it the whole time.

Brady: You know we recovering addicts. You know what we do. We resist the temptation, and we fight that urge to do what would make us feel so good at the time. I'll tell you what. Telling the world about what eli made you do would probably be a million times more satisfying than picking up a damn drink. Who knows, you know? Maybe... maybe one of these days, I'll just have to fall off the wagon and... blow that son of a bitch out of the water.

Justin: Well, as long as you keep maintaining your innocence, I'll continue to represent you.

Tripp: Thank you.

Justin: But this doesn't look good, guys. I don't know how I'm going to explain it away, except for the possibility of error or fraud.

Steve: Listen, kayla personally supervised the whole process.

Tripp: And now allie's gonna give those results to the cops, isn't she?

Justin: Nothing to stop her now.

[Tense music]

Nicole: Ali, there's detective price.

Allie: Detective price?

Lani: Hi, allie. Hi, henry.

Allie: Do you have a minute to talk?

Lani: Of course. What's going on?

Allie: We just got the test results back on henry.

Nicole: And it backs up everything allie told you.

Allie: Tripp is his father.

Lani: So I'm assuming you want the case to go forward.

Allie: I know it won't be easy, but yeah. I will do whatever it takes to make sure that tripp pays for what he did to mE.

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