Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 11/3/20
Episode #13887 ~ Tripp is shocked and angry when he learns from Allie that Kayla ran a DNA test; Kate tells Roman how Allie was raped in London; Shawn persuades Ben he must find some way to carry on; Gwen interrupts a romantic moment between Chad and Abigail.
Provided By Suzanne
[Cell phone rings]Steve: Hey, sweetness. I was hoping you were tripp.
Kayla: You haven't talked to him?
Steve: No, I left him a message. I haven't heard back.
Kayla: You need to find your son.
Steve: What is it?
Kayla: I just came from the lab. The test results are in.
Steve: You're right. I have to find him and explain why we did the dna test, before he hears it from someone else.
Allie: I need you to explain something to me.
Tripp: Okay.
Allie: [Sighs] All this time you've been denying what you did to me, so why the hell would you agree to take a dna test that's gonna prove that you're lying?
[Tense music]
Tripp: Dna test? What dna test?
Allie: You don't know?
Tripp: What are you up to now? What the hell are you trying to do?
Allie: I'm trying to prove that you raped me and that you're the father of my baby.
Tripp: With a dna test?
Allie: Yeah, right. Kayla came by yesterday to get a sample from henry, and then she said she was gonna run some tests and see if it matched with your dna.
Tripp: Yeah, well, she can't run the damn test without something to compare it to, and I told her point blank that I wouldn't give her a sample, because we did not have sex.
Allie: Well, from what she told me, she's planning on running the test today.
Tripp: How? How? I didn't give her a sample.
Oh, my god.
[Mysterious music]
Kate: Roman. Hey.
Roman: Kate.
Kate: It's pretty quiet in here.
Roman: Crazier than hell about an hour ago, but it calmed down. I'm glad for the break. I understand you were quite a hero the other night, saving little henry from that maniac clyde.
Kate: Yeah, well, actually I didn't do anything that anyone else wouldn't have done. Roman, I need to talk to you about something, and it's pretty important.
Roman: You're looking very serious. What's going on?
Kate: It's about allie.
Roman: Allie?
Kate: Yes.
Roman: She's okay, I hope?
Kate: Yeah, she is now, but we found out how the baby happened.
Roman: What do you mean how it happened? I assume it happened the way it usually happens.
Kate: No. It happened in the most terrible way.
Roman: Kate... are you saying--
Gwen: Why the hell are you phoning me, rolf? I did you a favor. You said you'd keep your mouth shut. That was the deal.
[Dramatic music]
Chad: Hey, there you are. How was it? Yeah, sorry, that was a-- I'm sure it was very sad.
Abigail: Yeah. I mean, I just can't believe she's gone. It just all seems so surreal, you know?
Chad: I wish I could have been there with you. I'm really sorry I had to miss it, 'cause of the meeting.
Abigail: It was important. I understand. And, I mean, despite how sad everything was, all her friends and family were there. It was also a very... moving celebration of her life, you know?
Chad: How is hope holding up?
Abigail: Actually, she wasn't there.
Chad: What? Why not?
Vincent: So now you're going to threaten to shoot me?
Shawn: Is what ben is saying true?
Vincent: Which part?
Shawn: Do not be cute. What were you about to say?
Ben: Is there more?
Vincent: Yes. There is more to the story.
And you both need to hear it.
Ben: Well, spit it out! Spit it out!
Shawn: Ben.
Ben: What don't we know?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives".
[Sweeping orchestration]
Gwen: [Sighs] I have to go. A big rat just scampered in.
[Cell phone beeps]
Jake: Who you talking to, gwen?
Gwen: Why the hell do you care?
Jake: Answer me.
Gwen: I have things to do.
Jake: Answer me, gwen. Who the hell are you talking to, and what kind of plans are you trying to keep quiet?
Chad: Hope wasn't there at her daughter's funeral?
Abigail: Nope, no. Mom and dad said they went over to her place this morning to pick her up, and help her get ready, take her to the church, and all they found was a letter from her saying she couldn't go to the funeral, because she didn't believe ciara was dead. Said she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she didn't at least try to get some answers.
Chad: How--how is she getting answers?
Abigail: I don't know. She wasn't specific about where she was going or what the plan was. Just felt like this was something she needed to do.
Chad: So she just took off?
Abigail: I don't--mom thinks she's out of her mind with grief and... I mean, who could blame her? It's a lot.
Chad: Yeah, I mean, she just lost her second child. I can't even imagine.
Abigail: Mm-hmm. Yeah, and then there's ben, who was also a no-show at the funeral. I don't think he's accepted ciara's death either.
[Tense music]
Vincent: What you don't know is that when I pointed the gun at ciara... she broke down sobbing. She talked about how much she loved you, and she begged me for mercy, to spare her life.
But then I thought about wendy. Did she beg you for mercy, ben, before you killed her?
Ben: I--
Vincent: Rhetorical question. Whatever happened that night, you showed her no mercy, so I did the same. I shot and killed ciara at point blank range.
Ben: I'll kill you! You understand me?
Shawn: Wait, stop, ben.
Ben: I'll kill you, you son of a bitch, I swear--
Shawn: No, it's over. It's over. Let's go. Let's go.
Vincent: Whatever you say. You've got the guns.
Roman: [Sighs heavily] Oh, my god, poor kid. Not just an unwanted pregnancy, but... my god.
Kate: I know. It breaks my heart.
Roman: Well, that explains why allie was unwilling to talk about who henry's father was. But when kayla and I talked...
Kate: What?
Roman: Now, kayla told me that steve's son and allie met in londoN. The timing was such that... he could have been the father of allie's baby. Of course, I don't know for sure, but steve was going to talk to him. And kayla never got back to me to tell me what he said or how he reacted.
Kate: Right. Well--
Roman: Well, what?
Kate: Allie is claiming that tripp is not only the father of the baby, but he's also the rapist, roman.
Steve: Okay. I'll find tripp and bring him down there. We can open the results together and finally prove that he's innocent.
[Dramatic music]
Tripp: So I said no. Categorically I said no, and she just went ahead and got my dna some other way.
Allie: Well, that clears that up.
Tripp: Clears what up?
Allie: I couldn't figure out why you'd volunteer to give a dna sample when it would prove that you're guilty.
Tripp: It's not gonna prove I'm guilty, 'cause I didn't do anything.
Allie: Then why would you "categorically" say no? Why wouldn't you just agree to it?
Tripp: Because I resented being asked in the first place when I'm telling the truth-- that there's no way I could be your kid's father when all I did was make sure some totally wasted girl got home without falling on her ass. But you know what? It's becoming very clear that telling the truth gets you nowhere. I mean, you don't believe me. That cop didn't believe me, and now it's clear that kayla doesn't either.
Allie: Why would she? Because unlike you, I have no reason to lie. But also unlike you, I'm smart enough to know that all of your disgusting lies are gonna be exposed, as soon as we get those test results back.
Tripp: Damn. I told her I didn't want to do this, but she just went behind my back. She's not gonna get away with this. You're strong.
Chad: Did ben go with hope to find answers or whatever?
Abigail: I don't think so. No, mom said hope's letter didn't say anything about ben.
Chad: Well, maybe he just couldn't face saying good-bye to ciara.
Abigail: Yeah. Maybe. You know, I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I actually felt really bad for ben today.
Chad: Really?
Abigail: Yeah.
Chad: You feel sorry for him, after everything he's put you through?
Abigail: I mean, I'll never forget anything that ben weston did to me, but... he's reformed apparently, and he did love ciara. And I just know, if I lost you like that, maybe--
Chad: Stop, stop, stop. Stop. You do not have to worry about losing me, okay? Promise.
Gwen: Not that it's any of your bloody business, I was planning a few surprises for jack and jennifer's anniversary party.
Jake: Mm-hmm, and that's what you were talking about with whoever the hell that was?
Gwen: Yeah, that is what I was talking about. Why?
Jake: Why? Because this is the second time I've heard you scheming. The first time you claimed it was about the party, you were looking pretty pleased with yourself talking to my father's portrait, telling him it was gonna be a night to remember. And now, I hear you talking on the phone with whoever the hell that was telling them to keep their mouth shut. And you claim that was about the party too.
Gwen: Yes, it is. I told you I'm doing something nice for people.
Jake: Oh, right, and that's so you, right? That's what you do. It's your hobby, doing nice things for people.
Gwen: Oh, god, look at you. On and on and on about my plans, and who I like, and what I'm doing. You know what? Your obsession with me is starting to get really tiresome, darling.
Jake: My obsession with you? Gwenny, I don't give a mole on a rat's ass about you. It's abigail I'm concerned about.
Gwen: Oh! Abigail.
Jake: Yeah.
Gwen: Why would that be, jake?
Shawn: He's back in his cell.
Ben: I really thought there was a chance.
[Somber music]
I'm sorry for taking you away from your family. I'll leave you alone.
Shawn: I can't let you leave, ben.
Ben: Really, I'm fine. I'll be okay.
Shawn: No, you don't understand. I can't let you leave because I have to arrest you.
[Somber music]
[Cell phone rings]
Allie: Kayla?
Kayla: Hey. I just wanted to let you know that I have the dna test results back that I ran on henry and tripp.
Allie: And?
Kayla: And I haven't opened them. I'm at the hospital, and i thought you'd want to be here.
Allie: I'm on my way.
[Cell phone beep]
[Dramatic music]
Tripp: I got your message.
Steve: Tripp... listen, there's something you need to know.
Tripp: That kayla stole my dna and ran the test behind my back?
Steve: Who told you that?
Tripp: Allie. Always so fun talking to her.
Steve: I wanted to tell you this myself.
Tripp: What, that kayla believes allie? That kayla thinks that I'm a rapist and is trying to prove it? What did she do, steal my comb?
Steve: It was your toothbrush, and it wasn't kayla's idea to run the test. It was mine. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
[Dramatic music]
Tripp: Your idea? I thought you believed me.
Steve: I do believe you, and that's exactly why I decided to do it-- to prove that you're innocent. I know you think kayla doesn't believe you, but that's not what this is about. It's to prove that you're telling the truth.
[Elevator chimes]
Kayla: Oh, hi.
Allie: Hi. So that's it?
Kayla: Yes. Yes, it is.
Allie: Well, I'm here. We can open it.
Kayla: Allie, I promised steve that I would wait for him to open it. He--well, I didn't tell you this last night, but tripp didn't know that I was running those dna tests. Steve has gone to find him, to tell him.
Allie: He already knows. I ran into him earlier, and I didn't know that he didn't know, so I just started talking about it. Sorry.
Kayla: That's okay. But you should know that steve is bringing him here.
Allie: I'm not afraid of tripp.
Kayla: You should also know that steve thinks that tripp is telling the truth and that this test result is gonna prove it.
Allie: So that's what steve thinks. What about you?
Roman: My god.
Kate: I know. I know. It's pretty shocking. So... allie admitted to me that she was really drunk that night. But still... but still she remembered that tripp was on top of her. She remembered that she asked him to stop. She remembers saying no.
Roman: Damn it. Damn it. You know, I told kayla that it bothered me that allie had clammed up about who the guy was who got her pregnant. First of all, I was afraid he might come back to salem and cause trouble. Cause problems. But I also--damn it. I also thought if it was tripp, despite the things that happened between him and kayla--god. He seemed to have turned things around. He seemed to be a decent guy.
Kate: Yeah. Well, evidently not.
Roman: Hell, he was going to med school. He was doing well. He was transferring back here to med school. He was gonna be a doctor.
Kate: Well, does being a doctor mean that he can't be a rapist?
Roman: No, no. Kate, that's not what I'm saying.
Kate: Well, I don't know. You seem to be saying that you don't believe our granddaughter.
Roman: No, that's definitely not what I'm saying. No, my god. Why would she lie about a thing like this?
Kate: She wouldn'T.
Roman: Okay, I am... I am guessing that sami doesn't know yet.
Kate: No, not yet. I think allie should be the one to tell her.
Roman: Yeah, yeah. No, I definitely agree.
Kate: Well... if i-- if I find out anything else, I'll let you know.
Roman: Yeah. Thanks. Thanks so much for coming down, filling me in.
Kate: [Sighs]
Abigail: You say it like it's so far-fetched.
Chad: What?
Abigail: My losing you. It was just last night rolf tried to shoot you in my living room.
Chad: Oh, sure, yeah. That was a bit dicey.
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
Chad: But rolf's back behind bars where he belongs.
Abigail: Yeah, but--
Chad: But what?
Abigail: Aside from that creep threatening to shoot you, I ran into kayla at the funeral, and she told me that he took her to his lab and asked her to assist him in a plan b when he didn't get the microchip from you.
Chad: I'm afraid to ask what plan b was.
Abigail: Oh, no big deal. He just wanted to clone your father. That's all.
Jake: You know why I'm so worried about abigail? Because she thinks you're her friend, that's why. And I'd be worried about anybody who thinks that about you, especially when they can't see right through you.
Gwen: [Laughs] Oh, you're such a cyniC.
Jake: When it comes to you? Yeah, I am.
Gwen: Well, lucky for abigail, unlike you, she's got a very open and generous heart, and therefore, she sees the best in me. Which is why she trusts me completely, and she's so grateful for everything that I am doing for her family. And you know what? We're actually very close friends now, which you wouldn't understand, because you've got none.
Jake: Here's what i understand, miss goody two-shoes. You put on this act like you are this wonderful person. You're caring, fun, warm. I fell for it, just like abigail's falling for it right now, but here's the thing. You don't have a caring bone in your body. Hell, you don't even have an honest one, for that matter. You are totally out for yourself. You go after what you want or who you want, and you don't give a damn who it or he belongs to. You go after it with a vengeance, no matter who gets hurt along the way.
Gwen: [Amused exhale] Wow, look at you. You're getting so riled up, aren't you? You're so protective over abigail.
Jake: I don't want to see her get sucked into whatever the hell you're scheming.
Gwen: Yeah, you know what? Actually, I think it's more than that.
Jake: I got stuff to do.
Gwen: Come on, jake. Why don't you admit it? Now that you can't have gabi, I think you've got your sights set on abigail dimera. And judging by how upset you're getting and how very protective you're being over her, I would even say that you're in love with her.
Shawn: You assaulted a police officer. Eli is in the hospital.
Ben: Is he okay?
Shawn: Yes, but it's still a felony. You also attacked a suspect while in police custody. I have no choice but to arrest you, ben.
Ben: I know. It's okay.
Shawn: Okay. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can't afford one, the court will provide one for you. Do you understand the rights, as I have given them to you?
Steve: I should have been straight with you from the beginning. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I just want this to be over.
Tripp: Yeah. Not as much as I do. So when do we get the results?
Steve: They're in. I just talked to kayla. She has them. We won't open them until we're there.
Kayla: It doesn't matter what I think, because the results are right here.
Allie: It matters to me. Do you think I'm lying? I mean, do you think tripp is some innocent victim?
Kayla: Allie, sweetie, here's some unsolicited advice. Don't go there. I know how terribly painful this has been for you, and it breaks my heart that you had to go through iT. But what is the point of asking family to pick sides? The results are right here, and we are gonna know tonight. And we will process whatever this truth is and deal with it. Let's save our energy for that, all right?
Allie: This has just been such a nightmare.
Kayla: I know.
Allie: And I don't think it's gonna end anytime soon.
Chad: [Laughs] Did you just say that rolf was gonna clone my father?
Abigail: Why is that shocking? Wasn't that long ago the man put your father's essence on a microchip.
Chad: True, but cloning? That's an entirely different level of insanity, no? How was he gonna do it?
Abigail: Oh, only the simplest and most efficient way. Just gonna take a bunch of your father's cells that he apparently happened to have lying around...
Chad: Mm-hmm.
Abigail: And create a brand new stefano.
Chad: [Laughs] What was he gonna do? Grow 'im in a test tube?
Abigail: No, no, no. Why would he do anything as creepy as that when all he had to do was have aunt kayla carry the fetus full term?
Chad: Sure. That's not creepy at all.
Abigail: It's crazy, huh?
Chad: No. Crazy would be an understatement. This is an entirely different level of lunacy. More like beyond comprehension.
Abigail: Mm-hmm, yes. I think we should all be very, very grateful to uncle steve, especially aunt kayla, for coming in and...
Chad: Yes.
Abigail: Foiling that whole plan.
Chad: I'm gonna throw steve a parade.
Abigail: Oh, I don't know, but you know, I gotta be honest. It would be pretty interesting to raise a little stefano.
Chad: Well, challenging. Yes, especially with two other children.
Abigail: Yes. Gwen would be getting a raise.
Chad: Right.
Abigail: On top of the one she's already getting.
Chad: Wait, what? We're giving gwen a raise?
Abigail: You know that. You know she is, because she's helping with my parents' party and doing an amazing job.
Chad: Oh, yeah, sure. I've heard that many times.
Abigail: Mm-hmm. It's gonna be a heck of a celebration, and we have gwen to thank for it, because she's going above and beyond.
Jake: Gwen, I'm very sorry to disappoint you. I know how much you love it when people around you are causing trouble, breaking up marriages, stuff like that. But I have not set my sights on abigail.
Gwen: Yeah, come on. You're high and dry, now that gabi's on her fiesta mexicana. But with abigail here, you could just put another notch on your bedpost without even having to leave the house.
Jake: Wow, gwen, sometimes, I really wish you would just shut the hell up.
Gwen: Funny. It seems to be in the dimera tradition to go after your brother's wife, or jake, is it the other way around? Do you want her to come after you?
Jake: What the hell's that even mean?
Gwen: I know you fixed her car. Did you wear your sexy wife-beater? Did you bend over your engine and give her a good rear view?
Jake: Wow, and they let you around the children.
Gwen: We both know you can't be celibate for longer than two weeks, jake. Just don't come knocking on my door.
Jake: Oh, believe me, gwen. If I decide to sleep with somebody under this roof, it ain't gonna be you or abigail.
Gwen: Really?
Jake: Mm.
Gwen: Who's the lucky lady, jake? These are real people, not actors,
Kate: Am I interrupting?
Gwen: Nope. I was trying to work on planning the party for abigail's parents. He not only interrupted, he wouldn't shut up, so I'm going to work elsewhere.
[Tense music]
Kate: Well, I gather she wasn't interested in your opinion about the hors d'oeuvres? Come on. What was really going on in here?
Abigail: And the woman's attention to detail, chad. She is a perfectionist. It almost drives me crazy, and then I gotta remind myself, you's because she just cares so much.
Chad: Sure, sure, sure. Can we just please lay off of talking about gwen and the party? Not that I'm not looking forward to celebrating with your parents, with our friends and family. But I just--I miss my wife.
Abigail: Oh, and she does miss you too. Mm-hmm.
Chad: So maybe tonight we can just focus on--
Abigail: I like the sound of that.
Shawn: For what it's worth, I'll talk to the da. I'll ask her to go easy on you.
Ben: Trask? She hates my guts.
Shawn: Look, I'll try. Unfortunately, it's too late for you to post bail, so you're gonna have to stay the night in jail.
Ben: Do you think I give a damn where I am? I wish I was dead.
[Intense music]
Tripp: You didn't tell me she was gonna be here.
Kayla: I called her. I think she has a right to be here.
Tripp: Fine. Whatever.
Allie: Can we just do this?
Itchy? Squirmy? Scratchy?
Jake: Like I told you the other day, we push each other's buttons.
Kate: Yeah? Well, she has a great pair of buttons now, doesn't she?
Jake: What does that even mean?
Kate: What that means is that you weren't getting all worked up about a party, certainly not a happy anniversary or waking up from a coma party. Don't even think there's a card for that, is there? No, even though that you have broken up, there's still sparks there.
Jake: I can't stand her.
Kate: Well, that's not relevant. I mean, sex never has, never will depend on people being compatible. I mean, some people find a big, ugly fight an aphrodisiac. In fact, I think, if I hadn't walked in just when I did, those sparks would have burst into flames.
Jake: Well, never say never, but I think if I were to revisit the gwen well, there would have to be some sort of a "last woman on earth" thing going on.
Kate: Uh-huh. Well, that sort of thing isn't going on, because there are other women around.
Jake: Yeah, there are.
Kate: Actually, I overheard you say something to gwen before she lefT. You said that there's another woman right under this roof, so who are you talking about?
Gwen: Abigail, are you still up?
Abigail: I'll be right there. Could be the kids.
Chad: Hi, gwen.
Gwen: Oh. Well, I'm sorry for interrupting. I have some paperwork I need for you to sign off, but it can wait till the morning.
Chad: No, that's fine. I'll go check on the kids. You two can confer. Come in. I wanted to say thank you for suggesting the party and everything that you're doing to put it together. We appreciate it.
Gwen: Are you joking? You're thanking me, after everything that you've done for me. You've... welcomed me into your home, and especially abigail. I mean, it's obvious that you've had some very loving and supportive parents, and that's why you are so wonderful the way you are. I think that's enough cause for celebration.
Chad: I agree. Sign fast.
Abigail: I'll do my best.
Chad: I love you like crazy.
Ben: I'm sorry. I shouldn't be talking to you that way. I know you're grieving too. Lost your sister.
Shawn: You know, she made me so proud. Her kindness. Her integrity. That fighting spirit. I mean, the thought of her being gone-- she had such a huge impact on my life and everyone else's, whoever was lucky enough to know her. And for you... I know the two of you loved each other so much, so I can only imagine what you're going through.
Ben: I don't know how to live without her, shawn. Ciara was my whole world. She was everything to me, and without her now, I... I don't even know how to live.
[Tense music]
Tripp: See? I told you. I'm not the father.
Kayla: You're wrong. You are.
I had shingles. Horrible. A young thing like me?
[Somber music]
Ben: I want her back.
Shawn: Yeah. I do too. You gotta listen to me, ben. Ciara would not want you to throw your life away for her. If you want to honor her, you've got to keep going. You know that that's what she would want.
Jake: Maybe I meant jennifer.
Kate: Doesn't matter that she's married?
Jake: It does matter, and also she's a little too nice, for my taste.
Kate: Well, saccharine wouldn't be an overstatement.
Jake: I mean, I'm over gwen, but I think it's pretty clear by now that I prefer... bad girls. You know any?
Kate: Um... none come to mind.
Jake: Mm.
Kate: I think of someone, I'll tell you. How's that?
Jake: You do that.
Kate: Okay, well, I'm going to turn in. Sweet dreams, jake.
[Suspenseful music]
Abigail: It does feel a little weird to be coming home from a funeral and planning a party. I don't know. Maybe we should hold off on this.
Gwen: No!
I mean... I think that it's very important for your family to have something positive to focus on. They need to be reminded that good things can happen too.
Abigail: Yeah, I guess you're right. Yeah, I know you're right. You are, so... I'm gonna go help chad put the kids to bed, and I'll see you later. Night, gwen, and thank you for everything.
Gwen: "You need to be reminded that your family needs something to look forward to, too," ugh. Baby, it's going to be great.
Steve: W-what was that?
Kayla: According to these test results, tripp is the father of allie's baby.
[Dramatic music]
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