Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 11/2/20
Episode #13886 ~ Eli wakes up to find himself in the hospital with Lani; Ben confirms that Vincent killed Ciara; Tripp bears his soul to Ciara's grave; Kayla urges Steve to tell Tripp about the test.
Provided By Suzanne
[Machines beeping]
Eli: Lani?
Lani: Hey.
Eli: I'm in the hospital?
Lani: Yeah. I brought you here from the station. In the ambulance. You remember?
Eli: Station?
Lani: Ben. He hit you with the butt of his gun trying to bust vincent belman out of jail.
Eli: We gotta get to ben. He's gonna kill belman.
Lani: No, no, no. Oh, come on.
Vincent: I don't know what the hell we're doing here at the airfield. I already told you everything there is to tell.
Ben: For your sake, I hope that's not true.
Vincent: You're clinging to the possibility that the woman you love is still alive. That uncertainty is eating you up, isn't it?
Ben: Is she alive?
Vincent: Like I told you before, I killed ciara. I shot her and left her body in the car right here before it exploded.
Ben: Ciara? Ciara?
[Explosion booming] You also told me how much you wanna make me suffer. How do I know you're not lying? How do I know ciara's really dead?
Kayla: "And we just wanted you to know that the ceremony, the celebration of ciara's life, was really beautiful. And we missed you, and we love you so much, but we understand why you couldn't be here. Take care of yourself, hope." What do you think?
Steve: It's perfect.
Kayla: Okay. Send.
Steve: I really hope she'll be all right.
Kayla: I think it's something that she needed to do. Jenn read me part of a letter that she wrote. And she just said that she couldn't live with herself if she gave up hope that her daughter's still alive.
Steve: Given what we know, i wish I thought there was a chance at that.
Kayla: Me too.
Steve: Did you notice when john and marlena walked in, they decided not to sit next to us?
Kayla: Course I noticed. But I think that was probably a good thing.
Steve: You do?
Kayla: Yeah. I mean, it's obvious that the two of you are at odds about whether you believe allie or tripp. Maybe today, we just avoid each other.
John: [Sighs]
Steve: [Laughs]
Claire: I'm so glad that part's over.
Allie: You did an amazing job, claire.
Claire: Thanks. But it just made me so nervous. And then not having grandma hope there...
Allie: I know you're worried about her.
Claire: I just--I can't believe that she left town the night before ciara's funeral. It just seems so desperate, you know, and just really sad that she just can't accept that ciara's gone.
Allie: I mean, it's her daughter. I can understand why she wouldn't wanna give up hope.
Shawn: You know, I told everybody to go ahead and go to the pub so I can have a moment alone with my little sister.
[Chuckles] You always hated it when i called you that. Last thing you ever wanted to be was little, especially when you were a kid. You always wanted to... to be grown up and make your own choices. You know, our mom, she wasn't here today. At the... at the funeral. 'Cause she's out there. She's out there looking for you. She's trying to find out what it is exactly that happened to you. Just hoping that... hoping that maybe somehow, some way, you managed to get away from that bastard vincent. Look, she's praying for a miracle. And she's praying that someday, she's gonna hear your laugh and see your beautiful smile again. You know, as much as I want to accept that you're gone... God, I just--I pray that... that maybe you might just somehow, someday, just tap me on the shoulder and wake me up from this nightmare.
[Twig snaps] Who's there? Ciara?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Lani: Hey, wait. Hey, eli, you need to calm down.
Eli: I need to find ben before he kills vincent.
Lani: No, you need to stay in bed. You were knocked unconscious.
Eli: Lani, I'm fine, okay?
Lani: You're not fine. You suffered a nasty blow to the head.
Eli: Ben already did something stupid by assaulting an officer, and he kidnapped vincent. We can't let him add murder to those charges.
Lani: I put an apb out on him. Okay, half the squad is out looking for ben and vincent.
Eli: I don't care about the rest of the squad, lani. I'm the reason this happened. I have to find ben. For ciara.
Vincent: I don't know how many times I have to say it. I killed your precious ciara the same way you killed my wendy. Time to accept it.
Ben: If that's the case, then I'm gonna shoot you, vincent. I'm gonna shoot you with the same gun that you shot ciara with. And I'm gonna do it in the very spot where she got shot and died.
Vincent: Just like that? You're gonna put a bullet in me?
Ben: Probably a few.
Vincent: Do it. Go ahead, weston. I dare you.
[Tense music]
[Laughs] You won't shoot me, ben. And we both know it.
Allie: I get why she can't accept that her daughter's gone. I mean, to lose a child, especially the way ciara died... I can't even imagine how horrible that must be.
Claire: Well, you can feel it now. 'Cause you're a mom too.
Allie: No. I mean, I didn't even think of it that way.
Claire: Really? I would've thought that's the only way you would think about it.
Allie: Yeah, well, I'm still getting used to the whole idea. You know, being a mom, having a baby the way I did.
Claire: Because of tripp. What he did.
Allie: Growing up, all of the things you think about-- you know, becoming a mom, getting married, choosing to have kids--you never imagine it happening this way.
Claire: I am so sorry. Just to bring up something so painful, and on today of all days--
Allie: No, it's fine. It's fine. It's not like I'm, you know, not already thinking about it. Especially after last night. Henry being kidnapped. It was so scary. And I just--I felt so much relief when he was home, when he was safe.
Claire: Poor little guy. He must've been terrified.
Allie: Yeah, I'm sure. But anyway, I'm still figuring it all out.
Claire: Yeah. Well, I want you to know that i am here for you. Whatever you need. I just wanna help you feel safe. And that's why I made sure that tripp knew he was not welcome at any of our family events today.
Allie: [Sighs]
Steve: Hey, john.
John: Hey.
Kayla: Lovely service, wasn't it?
John: Yeah, it was. I'm so relieved that you're all right. And I'm sorry that you had to go through what you did last night with that bastard rolf.
Kayla: It was definitely harrowing. And we're so glad that marlena and henry are safe after their ordeal with orpheus.
John: Hell of a night, huh?
Kayla: Yep. Is marlena helping out at the pub?
John: Not yet, no. She went home to get her phone. She was gonna call samantha after the memorial, then she's heading over there, and I told her that I wanted to try to hook up with the two of you. I figured you might be heading this way.
Kayla: Oh.
John: Steve...
Steve: Yep?
John: I want to apologize for the way I went off the other night. Never should've tried taking a swing at you.
Steve: It's all right, man. We're all a little raw these days, right? I'm really glad you came to your senses.
John: "Came to my senses." Meaning what? That I believe that your son is telling the truth? Because I don'T. Listen, I just apologized for taking a swing at you, but I'm not sorry I rapped your son in the mouth, because I still think he is guilty as hell of raping my granddaughter.
John: Meh.
[Sighs] I had shingles. Horrible. A young thing like me? you on his side, huh?
Claire: Mm-hmm. And I made it clear that i didn't wanna hear it and that nobody wanted to see him at the service today.
Allie: Thank you for that. Honestly, I was kinda nervous that if I saw him here today, I might not have been able to stop myself from slapping him across the face.
Claire: And he would've deserved it too.
Tripp: I am so sorry. I didn't mean to intrude.
Shawn: Tripp, what are you doing here?
Tripp: Well, I was waiting for everyone else to go so i could pay my respects to ciara.
Shawn: I mean, you didn't have to wait. You could've just gone to the church.
Tripp: I wanted to be there for her. More than you know. Despite everything.
Shawn: Well, I mean, based on the way that you're dressed, i think that it looks like you were planning on attending.
Tripp: I was planning to go, yeah, but at the last second, i decided it was best if i stay away. You know, claire made it pretty clear that I wasn't welcome.
Shawn: Wait, claire told you not to come? Wait, why would she do that?
Tripp: Well, the whole situation with allie makes a lot of people uncomfortable.
Shawn: What's the situation with allie?
Kayla: John, this really isn't the time.
John: I just need your guy here to understand i believe allie. I really don't think she would lie about something like this.
Steve: John, she admitted that she was heavily intoxicated on the night in question. Isn't it possible that she made a mistake identifying tripp as her attacker?
John: A mistake? A mistake? It was the worst night of her life. You think she doesn't know the man that pinned her down and had his way--
Kayla: All right, let's just take a step back, okay? Just take a step back, both of you. Really. Tonight is not the night for this. We are mourning ciara. And we need to be here for each other. And to help the people who loved her so much.
Ben: You don't have power over my mind anymore. You can say all you want. Tell me to let you go. But it's not gonna have any effect.
Vincent: I'm well aware of that. But I also know for a fact that you won't kill me now or ever.
Ben: I wouldn't be so sure about that... if I were the guy with a gun pointed at my head.
Vincent: But see? I'm not worried. I spent all that time programming you to murder her, and in the end, it failed. Whatever happened to you-- your treatment, falling in love-- you don't have it in you anymore. That's why you couldn't strangle ciara when I ordered you to. Same reason you didn't kill that cop back at the jail.
Lani: Hey, you're not responsible for what ben did.
Eli: I let my guard down and he took advantage.
Lani: Eli, that could've happened to anyone.
Eli: But, lani, it happened to mE. Okay, if ben kills vincent on the day of ciara's funeral and i don't do anything about it, how am I gonna live with myself? Lani, you gotta understand. I just--can't just lie here.
Lani: Hey, wait. Eli, eli. Whoa, whoa. Hey!
Kayla: Please. Tonight is not about allie or tripp. It's about mourning ciara and celebrating her life. And being there for the people who have loved her so profoundly and are feeling her loss. We need to be there for them. Julie and doug and shawn and ben. Come on. Let's put this in some kind of perspective, could we?
Steve: You're right, kayla. As always.
John: Yes, you are.
Kayla: So we're good then?
John: We're good.
Steve: Okay. So why don't we all go over to the pub together and accept that this can't be resolved right now?
John: No, it can'T.
Steve: But it will be soon. When we finally have the proof that my son is innocent.
John: What proof is that?
Allie: What tripp did to me, it's something I'm learning to live with.
Claire: And you have been so incredibly strong. But I know you must still be hurting.
Allie: Like I said, I'm getting by.
[Sighs] Can I ask you something? What exactly did tripp say to you when you ran into him?
Claire: He swore up and down that he was innocent. He insisted that he hadn't even slept with you.
Allie: So he's sticking to that story.
Claire: Yeah, I guess so.
Allie: He's lying, claire. And the truth is about to come out. As soon as I get the dna test results back.
Tripp: I'm so sorry. I just assumed that you would know. But this isn't the time or place to talk about it. I'll just leave and give you your privacy.
Shawn: No, no, no, no. Tripp, tripp, no. Tell me. Tell me what it is. What's going on?
Tripp: I just hate that it has to--comes from me.
[Cell phone rings]
Shawn: Wait, hold on one sec. Yeah, brady. No; no, I did not tell him-- listen, okay, listen. Listen, I'm on my way right now, okay? All right, I'm coming.
Tripp: Is everything okay?
Shawn: Ugh, I gotta find ben before he makes a terrible mistake. I'll see you, tripp.
Ben: You are dead wrong, vince. The reason I didn't strangle ciara is because I love her. And I didn't shoot eli because he's innocent in all this. But you? You are far from innocent.
Vincent: Can't argue with you on that one. But my death will not come at your hand. You can be my judge and jury, ben, but you won't be my executioner. You couldn't kill me or anyone else if your life depended on it.
Ben: Do I really have to remind you that I've killed before? Something that I will be sorry for until the day I die. But, vince... I will not be sorry for putting this bullet in your head. We do it every night. get a dna sample from henry to compare to tripp'S.
Claire: To see if he's the father?
Allie: Yeah. I'm honestly surprised he agreed to it.
Claire: Yeah. Could it be that he's hoping that some other guy is the father? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Was that insensitive to ask?
Allie: No, it's fine. It's a fair question.
Claire: Well, I mean, if there was another guy, it would look like you were hiding something, right?
Allie: If that's what tripp is counting on, he's going to be very disappointed. Because during that time, henry's father was the only man I was with.
Steve: Allie clearly stated in her police report, during the time in question, she didn't have sex with anyone else, meaning the man who assaulted her is the father.
Kayla: So if it turns out that tripp is not the father, that would suggest that he's innocent.
Steve: And the dna test will prove that he's innocent. Can you at least accept that, john?
John: Nothing to accept. I believe allie. No, I'm glad you're having the test done, but I'm afraid that when both of you get the results back, you're gonna have to face the fact... what kinda man your son really is.
[Machines beeping]
Lani: Hey. Hey, hey.
Eli: Did I pass out again?
Lani: Yeah. You did. But the doctor checked you out, and you're gonna be okay. But, eli, you need to rest until the concussion symptoms subside, okay? But I do wanna ask you something.
Eli: What is it?
Lani: Just now, while you were unconscious, you were muttering something, you know, like you were talking in your sleep.
Eli: What'd I say?
Lani: You said, "I'm sorry. I did what I had to do."
Vincent: You keep telling everyone that you've changed. I actually believe you. I even believe that you were sick when you did all those horrible things. But you're not crazy anymore. You know the difference between right and wrong.
Ben: Ciara's love is what changed me. She was the reason I was able to turn away from the darkness and from the pain that made me do unthinkable things.
Vincent: Love will change a man.
Ben: And so will losing it. That changes a man too, vince. When you killed my wife, you put out the only light that was in my life. And now I'm back again. In the dark. There's nothing left here for me, vince. Just pain. Pain... and revenge.
Vincent: Wait. Please!
Ben: You got something to say, vince?
Vincent: Yes. Yes, I've been holding out on you.
Ben: What the hell does that mean, vince?
Vincent: I mean there's more to the story.
Steve: [Sighs] Man. Why is john being so close-minded? Why can't he at least consider the possibility that tripp is innocent? What? What's that look?
Kayla: I just think he's doing the same thing that you're doing.
Steve: What do you mean?
Kayla: He's protecting his family. Allie's his granddaughter, and of course he is going to support her.
Steve: Yeah, but why can't he at least give my son the benefit of the doubt? Why can't he do that? No, he's got his mind made up. His granddaughter is an angel, and tripp is some kind of predator.
[Cell phone beeps]
Kayla: I'm sorry. Excuse me. Oh, I have to stop by the hospital and do a consult. Can you meet me at the pub?
Steve: Sure. When you're there, can you please check on--
Kayla: Yeah, I'll check the dna test results.
Steve: Thanks.
Kayla: You really should call tripp.
Steve: Yeah. I know it was hard on him not to be at the funeral.
Kayla: I'm sure it was. And we're also running that dna test behind his back because he reacted so poorly when i suggested it. I can't even imagine how he's gonna react when he finds out we did it anyway.
Steve: I think he'll be relieved when his name has been cleared.
Kayla: Maybe.
Steve: But yeah. Yeah. He deserves to know.
Kayla: Okay. See you.
Tripp: You know as well as anyone as I've done some very bad things. That I've hurt people. Maybe this whole thing with allie is just karma coming back around, but... I remember when I found out what happened with you and chase. About how he hurt you. I saw what that did to you. Nearly... nearly destroyed your spirit. And for so long, you felt like you were broken somehow. I hope you know that I would never, ever make anyone feel that way. I would never do to anyone what allie's saying that I did.
Allie: But enough about me. Because until the dna test comes back, there's nothing I can do anyway. And today's supposed to be about ciara.
Claire: Yeah.
Allie: And I know you need to get inside.
Claire: Yeah, I do. There's still so much that needs to be done.
Allie: Claire, you should be so proud of what you put together today.
Claire: Thank you. I just really want ciara to be remembered for the wonderful person that she was.
Allie: I heard you're gonna sing?
Claire: Yeah. It's an original song that i wrote for her. I really wanted grandma hope to hear it, but I'll just send her a recording.
Allie: Yeah, I'm sure she'd really appreciate that.
Claire: I hope so. Allie, I feel really bad about my dad. I mean, he just lost his sister, and now his mom's just left town. I saw how upset he was at the church and then the cemetery, and I just--I'm really worried about him.
Allie: Well, would it make you feel better if I went back to the cemetery and looked to see if he was still there?
Claire: Yeah. That would be great. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Allie: Okay.
Ben: What the hell do you mean, there's more to the story?
Vincent: I'm saying that i haven't told you everything.
Ben: Are you admitting you lied about ciara being dead? Spit it out!
Vincent: Here's the thing.
Shawn: Drop the gun, ben.
Eli: I said, "I'm sorry"? "I did what I had to do"?
Lani: Yeah. Any idea why you would mutter something like that?
Eli: If I help you put kristen away, lani will never forgive me.
Lani: Eli.
Eli: [Sighs] I must've been feeling guilty about ben. You know, that I let him escape with vincent.
Lani: I mean, I really doubt you would be apologizing to the man who just assaulted you.
Eli: I guess we'll never know, lani.
Lani: Actually, I know for a fact that you weren't talking about ben.
Eli: How do you know that?
Lani: Well, because what you actually said was, "I'm sorry, kristen." These are real people, not actors,
Eli: I said kristen's name in my sleep? You're sure?
Lani: I'm sure.
Eli: Huh.
Lani: "Huh"? That's your explanation?
Eli: I was unconscious, lani. Maybe I felt guilty because i was the one that arrested kristen in the first place. And now she's been taken away from brady and her little girl.
Lani: I still don't understand why she changed her plea to guilty. I mean, she knew she had a chance at getting those charges dropped. Why give up?
Eli: Didn't she say she wanted to do the right thing? That she wanted to make her daughter proud?
Lani: Yes, she did, but i just--I still get the feeling that there is something that she is not telling me, eli.
Eli: [Sighs]
[Pensive music]
Tripp: Goodbye, ciara. Yeah, thanks for listening to me. Even if you didn't really have a choice. I know you're not even here. They... they haven't found your body. Just seeing your name... and saying it out loud...
[Chuckles] It made me feel better. I know things look pretty bad for me right now, but I also know that when the truth comes out, it'll be okay. I will always miss you, though. World's gonna be a lot less bright without you in it.
[Cell phone ringing]
[Cell phone beeps]
Steve: Hey, tripp. I hope you're doing okay.
[Sighs] We missed you at the service. Listen, when you get this message, will you give me a call? You know what, better yet, why don't you come down to the square and meet me? We need to talk.
[Cell phone beeps]
John: And he thinks that this dna test is gonna come back and miraculously clear tripp. So what's gonna happen when it doesn't? What is he gonna do? Is he gonna finally admit what his son did to our granddaughter?
Marlena: Honey, one step at a time, okay?
John: You know, tripp is really lucky that steve stopped me when he did, because I was gonna pummel that punk--
Marlena: John, john, you're getting all worked up. Please don't do that. 'Cause if you do, we can't go in there.
John: No one in there is gonna blame me for how I feel about tripp. What man wouldn't wanna kill him?
Shawn: When I heard you took him from the police station, i had a hunch this is where I'd find you.
Ben: You're making a mistake, shawn.
Shawn: Oh, I'm making a mistake? You kidnapped him at gunpoint. From a police station. What the hell were you thinking?
Ben: I needed to know if this son of a bitch was telling the truth about what he did to ciara or not.
Shawn: This isn't the right way, ben.
Ben: I don't give a damn about the right way. He was about to talk, shawn!
Shawn: What?
Ben: I mean before you got here, this son of a bitch admitted that he had more to say. The most dangerous thing about rheumatoid arthritis
Marlena: John, let's just talk another minute before we go inside, shall we?
John: Sure. Whatever you say. It's not gonna change how i feel, though.
Marlena: Yeah. I'd like to remind you that steve is your friend, no matter what.
John: Well, he is right about one thing. That dna test? It's gonna show the truth of what really happened that night.
Marlena: Well, whatever that shows, we've gotta be strong for allie. And we've gotta be there for doug and julie and shawn and ben. Our friends need us now more than ever before.
Allie: I came looking for shawn.
Tripp: He just left.
Allie: [Exhales]
Tripp: You know, my father just called. I need to--
Allie: Wait. I need you to explain something to me.
Tripp: Okay.
Allie: All this time, you've been denying what you did to me. So why the hell would you agree to take a dna test that's gonna prove that you're lying?
Tripp: Dna test? What dna test?
[Cell phone rings]
Steve: Hey, sweetness. Ah, I was hoping you were tripp.
Kayla: You haven't talked to him?
Steve: No, I left him a message. I haven't heard back.
Kayla: You need to find your son.
Steve: What is it?
Kayla: I just came from the lab. The test results are in.
Vincent: So now you're going to threaten to shoot me?
Shawn: Is what ben is saying true?
Vincent: Which part?
Shawn: Do not be cute. What were you about to say?
Ben: Is there more?
Vincent: Yes. There is more to the story. And you both need to hear it.
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