Days Transcript Friday 10/30/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 10/30/20


Episode #13885 ~ Jennifer and Jack find a stunning letter from Hope; Doug and Julie mourn Ciara; Claire seeks out Ben on the day of Ciara's memorial; back from court, Kristen reveals her fate to Lani; Ben takes desperate action.

Provided By Suzanne

Eli: Well, I'd like to help you out, justin, but this one's out of my hands. The brass will make the call on how to proceed on tripp's case. Yeah, no problem. Okay, I'll see you at the service. Beyond sad. Bye.

[Cell phone beeps]

[Dramatic music]

[Knock at door]

Brady: Are you happy now?

Jennifer: Hope? Hope, are you here, honey? Hope?


Jack: Hope. Jennifer. Oh, oh. I just got parking, so...

Jennifer: This is strange.

Jack: What's strange?

Jennifer: Well, hope didn't answer the door. Good thing she gave me an extra key. I hope she doesn't mind that I used it. Hope? Are you around? Jack and I are here to pick you up! I know we're a little early, but we thought you could use some help getting ready.

[Sighs] Well, she's obviously not here.

Jack: But obviously she was expecting us, right?

Jennifer: Yes, yes. I mean, that was the plan, anyway. We were supposed to come here and pick her up, and then we'd go to the pub and get doug and julie, and then we all go to the memorial together. Jack, where could she be?

[Somber music]

Claire: The sky blue napkins aren't here.

Julie: What are you talking about?

Claire: The blue napkins. Uncle roman said he'd have them by today, but they're not ready.

Julie: Well, use the green ones.

Claire: I can't use the green ones. Ciara's favorite color wasn't green. It was sky blue. I just--I wanted everything to go perfectly for her today, but everything is going wrong.


[Suspenseful music]

Ben: Well, I'm sorry, vincent. You're gonna be a no-show at that arraignment.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Julie: Calm down, darling. You're running yourself ragged.

Claire: Calm down? The tables aren't even set. The buffet's not out, and-- oh, damn it! No! I forgot to call the florist to make sure she put daisies on the altar.

Julie: Sweetie, you've taken this all on yourself. Everyone is very, very grateful, but let me tell you something. At a time like this, nobody cares. They just wanna be together. No one's gonna taste that food, and certainly they're not gonna care what color the napkins are.

Claire: But I care! Ciara does not deserve some sort of sloppy--

Julie: My granddaughter doesn't deserve to be dead either!

[Whimpers] I'm sorry.

Claire: No.

Julie: I'm sorry; I shouldn't have said that. Forgive me.

Claire: I know.

Julie: My one consolation that she knew how much we all loved her.

Claire: Yeah, but she didn't know that about me. How could she? I almost killed her. You know, I'm no different to that belman guy!

Julie: Oh, darling, don't say something like that. You're beautiful. You're a lovely young woman. Your heart is full of love. Don't cry. Don't cry.

Claire: Still, I just--I will never forgive myself for what I did to her life, and this memorial is my last chance to show her how much I loved her.

[Sniffles] So it just--it has to go perfectly. I owe her that much.

Jennifer: There's just nothing from hope--no text, no email, not even a missed call.

Jack: This is not like her.

Jennifer: No, it's not. Although with everything she's been going through, I don't know how she's holding herself together--trying to be professional, trying to be detective brady solving the mystery of a missing girl who just happens to be her daughter.

Jack: And have all her leads come to a dead end.

Jennifer: Jack, look.

Jack: Hmm?

Jennifer: It's an envelope... with my name on it.

[Dramatic music]

"Dear jennifer..."

Ben: Don't you worry, babe. I haven't given up, and I'm not done with vincent. I won't let him go to prison until I get the truth out of him. Just because there was a bullet missing doesn't mean that it was used on you. So what? They found a bullet casing in the car. It doesn't prove that it hit you. You and vincent are the only two people who know what really happened. Since I can't find you, I'm gonna make him give me all the answers.

[Tense music]

I promised you justice. And if there is any chance at all that you're still alive, I'm gonna make him tell me, and I'm not gonna stop until I find you. The most dangerous thing about rheumatoid arthritis

Julie: Sweetheart. Before this nightmare began, ciara saw that you had recovered. She could believe in you again. So there's no unfinished business between you and ciara.

Claire: I don't believe that. I had so much to make up for, and I ended up with so little time. I should have saved her!

Julie: Save--how could you save her? She was in the hands of a madman. Her own mother couldn't save her.

Claire: I know, but I c-- I could have--

Julie: No "buts." No "buts," darling. Ciara saw that you had great remorse in your heart. She forgave you so the two of you could--could love each other again. You have nothing to prove, darling.

Claire: Are you sure? Do you know that for sure, that she forgave me?

Julie: I know. I know it like I know myself. I'm sure.

Claire: [Cries softly] Thank you. Thank you so much.

Julie: Of course, my darling. You know what? I think I should get busy. I think I should set everything up here, and I think you should go over to the church and check on things.

Claire: Really?

Julie: Mm-hmm.

Claire: That's great. That will give me time to do one more thing, something I know ciara would have wanted me to do.

Jennifer: "Dear jennifer, I'm sorry I couldn't bring myself to call you. I know you and jack are coming tomorrow to pick me up, and i was afraid you'd try to talk me into going to ciara's funeral, but I couldn'T. I've been through one child's funeral, my precious zack. That day didn't feel real. It was like walking through a terrible dream, and I couldn't wake up. I was so out of my mind with grief, and I took it out on bo. I didn't have him to lean on, and it's because I pushed him away. I couldn't even sit with him at the service, and he'd lost his son too. We should have been taking comfort in each other."

Jack: Do you want me to read the rest?

Jennifer: [Sighs] No, I'll do it.

[Sniffles] "Oh, god, how I wish bo were here with me now. But I know if he were, he wouldn't accept that his sweet girl was gone, and he'd do anything, go anywhere to find her."

[Sniffles, sighs]

Lani: I would have been here earlier, but I had no idea your sentencing hearing was today.

Kristen: Well, I'm just glad you're here now.

Lani: How did this happen? Kristen, I still don't understand.

Kristen: I pled guilty, threw myself on the mercy of the court, as they say. Maybe it helped. There is a possibility of parole after two years.

Lani: Two years?

Kristen: Yeah.

Lani: That's a long time. I mean, I g--I guess it could have been worse.

Kristen: Right.

Lani: Yeah.

Kristen: Definitely.

Lani: I just--kristen, I still don't understand why you pled guilty. I mean, I admire you--I do-- for taking it on the chin. But I just--I wish that there was another way to go about it, something that didn't take you away from rachel.

Kristen: Given my past, the idea of community service didn't fly.

Lani: I am really trying to be okay with what you did. It was your decision to make.

Brady: Lani home?

Eli: No.

Brady: That's good. I see you're dressed for a wake. Does that mean I'm gonna see you at ciara's service?

Eli: It's a tough day for both our families, brady.

Brady: Oh, man, it is. Of course, before I go pay my respects, I have to take my baby down to the police station so her mother can say goodbye to her for the next five years. It's gonna seem like forever too.

Eli: I knew kristen's hearing was today.

Brady: Guess what. She changed her plea officially to guilty. She's gonna get five years because of what you did, eli.

Eli: Whoa, wait, wait. Kristen stabbed victor, and she's responsible for haley chen's death. She was facing serious charges whether I recorded that conversation or not.

Brady: You still recorded that conversation without her knowledge, didn't ya? You did force her in a corner, and she did change her plea to make sure that lani would not get charged.

Eli: You know how much you love kristen?

Brady: Mm-hmm.

Eli: Well, that's how much I love my wife. Lani's a good person who's made one big mistake, giving kristen time to get away. But kristen, on the other hand, has spent her entire life making misery for other people. So I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time feeling guilty that she's finally gonna pay for some of that. What would you have done if you were me?

Brady: [Scoffs] If I were you, I'd be praying. I'd be praying pretty hard that my wife didn't find out that I recorded her best friend's confession without her best friend's knowledge and then used that confession to blackmail her best friend in to pleading guilty. That's what I would do.

Eli: Are you saying that you're gonna get back at me by telling lani what I did? We are the thrivers.

Brady: No, eli. Lani's not gonna hear about any of this from me.

Eli: Thank you.

Brady: No, don't--don't thank me. I'm not doing this for you. I'm not even doing this for lani. I'm doing this because kristen made me promise to keep my mouth shut, so I'm gonna do that. Kristen wants you and your babies and lani to live happily ever after, and there's not much I wouldn't do for kristen. You, on the other hand, I couldn't care less about.

Eli: What is that supposed to mean?

Brady: I pray that when you're living your life with your family, you're haunted by the memory of this rotten deal you made with that bitch melinda trask and that when you're with your family, hanging out, loving on them, being with them, you take a moment and you think about the fact that my daughter is gonna be crying her eyes out for her mother.

[Dramatic music]

[Door closes]

Lani: They're moving you to statesville today?

Kristen: Yeah, I'm just waiting for the man with the van.

Lani: Where's brady? Why isn't he here with you?

Kristen: After the hearing, he went to pick up rachel.

Lani: Oh.

Kristen: Yeah, I'm not too crazy about saying goodbye to my little girl in this police station, but I really don't have a choice.

Lani: God. I hate this. You finally have everything that you have always wanted, and now you just have to leave it all behind. Kristen, you have money. Why didn't you hire the best criminal attorney in the country and fight back?

Kristen: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Expectant mother of the two, come on. The last thing I want for you is to get so upset that you raise your blood pressure or something. I will never forget how much you've done for me.

Lani: I just did what any friend would do.

Kristen: Yeah, well, I wouldn't know. For most of my life, I was never interested in a woman as a friend. I always saw them as competition. All I cared about was getting the man I wanted, getting ahead in my career, and getting revenge on anyone who crossed me, and then I met you. I met you, and I found out what it was like to have a friend who would put it all on the line for me. You are incredible.

Lani: No, I'm not.

Kristen: Mm-hmm. Yeah, you are to me. And I will treasure our friendship no matter where I am for the rest of my life.

Lani: I'll treasure it too. And, kristen, if there is anything--anything else--

Kristen: There is. Be happy. Enjoy those babies.

Lani: And what about you?

Kristen: [Laughs]

Lani: What about you?

Kristen: I'm a tough broad.

[Laughs] I'll hate this, but I'm gonna be okay.

Lani: Yeah.

Kristen: I love you.

Lani: I love you too.

Kristen: [Exhales deeply]

Jennifer: "Jenn, remember when I said I know there's one chance in a million that ciara is still alive? Well, I'm still holding on to the hope of that one chance because my precious girl is brave like her dad, strong like him too and street smart. So I know in my heart that she would have found a way to get away from belman. And, yes, I could have waited to leave salem, but if I were to go to the memorial, I was afraid I might not have that anymore, that hope--more than hope--that conviction. I was afraid that being around all those people mourning her, I'd have to start learning to accept that my daughter, the light of my life, is really gone. Jenn, I don't know where I'm going to start my search, but i do know this. I couldn't live with myself if I gave up on my sweet girl. So I never will. I will never give up hope that she's alive. I will never give up until I find her."

[Emotional music]

Doug: Is the tie straight?

Julie: It is now, my handsome darling.

Doug: Ciara gave me this tie on my last birthday. Made me promise to wear it at my next birthday. So I don't think that she'll mind if I wear it in her honor today.

Julie: No. No, I don't think she will.

Doug: Hope I didn't screw up your schedule. I--it just took me longer than usual to get ready.

Julie: No, darling. We have plenty of time. Jennifer and jack are gonna pick us up, take us to the memorial, and then--then on to the cemetery.

Doug: Yeah. Have you seen the headstone?

Julie: Yes. The mason sent me a picture of it. It's beautiful, and she'll be by zack and bo.

Doug: Yeah, I'm glad we did that. I will want to visit her.

Julie: Me too.

Doug: I saw all that food out in the kitchen.

Julie: Oh, yeah. Well, I think it'll be good for everybody to come back here after the graveside, be together and share memories.

Doug: Yeah. And raise a glass to the--to the grandest little girl who ever...

[Sobs] Sweetheart, how are we ever gonna get through this day?

Julie: Oh, my god.

[Ominous music]

Shingles? Dios mio. So much pain.

Jennifer: "You and jack have been so caring, so kind to me through this, through everything. That's why I know you'll understand my decision. I will be in touch with shawn, with my dad and julie, everyone I love when I'm ready. But for now, I hope you don't mind that I'm going to impose on you and jack to help me with that, help me with explaining to them that I need to do this."

[Sighs] "But for now, as much as I will miss everyone, as much as their love and support has meant so much to me...finding my daughter is my priority, by myself with nothing and no one to distract me from my purpose. I love you, jennifer. You're more like a sister to me than a cousin. Just knowing you're there for me has been such a comfort to me. Even now, picturing you reading this..."

[Laughs] "Your loving concern, your empathy, it's giving me the courage to do what I need to do. Take care of yourself and your wonderful family. Love, hope." If only I could believe that she could find ciara, but given what we know, jack, I'm so worried about her.

Jack: I know, I know, I know you are, jennifer, but listen-- listen to what she said. She couldn't live with herself if she didn't do what she needed to do.

Jennifer: She's not in her right mind! It's the grief. She's not thinking straight. I mean, why would she leave salem? Why would she leave her family when what she needs now is us? She needs our love, our support! She said so herself in the letter!

Jack: Maybe--listen. Maybe, right now, our love and support is letting her do what she needs to do.

Jennifer: You really think we shouldn't go after her?

Jack: I think you know the answer to that.

Jennifer: You're right. We should let her do what she needs to do. We have to let her hold on to the hope that her daughter is still alive, even if it's not even remotely possible. We can't take that from her.

Jack: No, no. No, no.

Jennifer: [Cries]

Jack: No.

Jennifer: [Sniffles]

Kristen: [Gasps]

[Knock at door]

Brady: Hi.

Kristen: Hey.

Brady: You okay?

Kristen: Yeah, everything's fine now.


Lani: I will give you two some alone time.

Brady: Thank you.

Kristen: For everything.

Lani: [Sighs]

[Both mouthing words]

Eli: Hey. How you doing?

Lani: [Sighs] Not good. My best friend is in there, saying goodbye to her daughter for at least two years.

Eli: Yeah, it's tough.

Lani: I just keep thinking that kristen did what she did because she had been led to believe that her daughter had died. And if that hadn't happened to her, then her and brady and rachel would be this happy family now. So I don't know what I would have done if I had been her.

Eli: Luckily, you're you. And now, I have the pleasure of bringing ciara's killer up from holding. That bastard's finally gonna get what he deserves.

Ben: Claire, what are you doing here?

Claire: I just--I thought I'd stop by, see if you'd change your mind about coming to ciara's memorial service.

Ben: No, no. I won't be there. I can'T.

Claire: Okay. At least I tried. But if you're not coming to the service, then where are you going? (Vo) imagine a visibly healthier pet in 28 days.

Ben: I, um...I decided the only way for me to make it through a day like today was to take ciara's bike out for a nice, long ride. Take the old back roads like we used to take when we just wanted to get away from it all.

Claire: I get that, I guess.

Ben: It felt like we were the only two people in the world. That's how I wanna remember her...her hair blowing in the wind, my hands around her waist...not some gravestone with her name on it and nothing underneath it.

Claire: Wait. Do you still think there's a possibility she could be alive? I'm s--I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. That's none of my business. Look, ben. If you change your mind and you decide that you wanna be with other people who loved ciara, you're more than welcome to come.

Ben: I doubt that.

Claire: Ben, when you married ciara, you became part of our family. So, please, if you need anything, or if you just wanna talk...we're all here for you.

Ben: It's nice of you to say.

Claire: It's true.

Ben: [Exhales] Look, you don't have to worry about me, claire. I'm gonna be--I'm--I'm good. I'm gonna be okay.

Claire: Okay.

[Sniffles] Okay, well, if you change your mind... this has all the information on it.

Ben: Thank you, but I gotta go.

Claire: Sure.

Ben: Will you just make sure you shut this door behind you and lock it? Thank you.

[Door closes]

Kristen: Hi, sweetie. Did you have fun with your daddy today?

Brady: [Sniffling]

Kristen: Hmm?

Brady: We did--we did. We had a lot of fun. You know, her newest favorite thing to do is to give daddy raspberries.

[Blows raspberry] Yeah, when she gets the stewed prunes, that's what she does.

Kristen: Well, that's what he gets for giving you stewed prunes, huh?

Brady: Oh, and she hates spoons.

Kristen: Oh.

Brady: She won't eat with a spoon now; that's a new thing. She--at least not when I feed her. So that's fun.

[Both laugh]

Kristen: Well, you're changing every day, you clever girl. And soon you're gonna be saying your first words.

Brady: I'll record 'em. I'll record 'em. Hey, I'm gonna take pictures, thousands of pictures. You're not gonna miss--not gonna miss a thing.

Kristen: I don't, um--I don't like to say this, sweetie, but you're not gonna see your mama for a while. But I am gonna be back, I promise you. But your daddy--your daddy's gonna take such good care of you when I'm away. And I am gonna think about you every minute of the day, and I'm gonna dream about you at night. You know, I used to--I used to dream and I loved you even before you were in your mommy's belly. Then I met you, sweetheart. I met you, and I knew that all my dreams had come true. And now...oh, god. Now I'm gonna--I'm gonna dream when you and I are together again...and one day, that dream is gonna come true.

[Cries softly]

Julie: There she is. Hi, jennifer.

Jennifer: Hi. I'm a bit late; I know.

Julie: Oh, there's plenty of time.

Doug: But, jennifer, we--we thought you'd have hope with you.

Jennifer: I know, but jack and I went to pick her up, um, but...

Jennifer: But what? What? Tell us.

Jennifer: I'm so, so sorry. Hope isn't coming to the funeral. She just can't face it.

Eli: On your feet, belman. You got a date with the judge.


Ben: He's coming with me.

Eli: Ben, I get how you feel about this bastard, but you have to let the justice system do its job.

Ben: Oh, no, he's getting my kind of justice.

Eli: Ben, put the damn gun down! All right? You almost got charged last night. Don't make things worse.

Ben: This son of a bitch took ciara from me. Nothing could be worse than that.

Eli: Ben, I can't let you do that.

Ben: You don't have much of a choice.

Eli: You're not gonna shoot me.

Ben: Don't be so sure about that. Cell phone repair.

Kristen: [Sniffles] Hey, do you mind taking her out of here?

Brady: Wh--

Kristen: I don't want her to see them take me away.

Brady: She's--she doesn't know. She's too young to know what's going on, kristen. And I'm spending every last minute I can here. They're gonna have to kick me out of here, so I'm staying.

Kristen: Do you know how much I love you?

Brady: I have a pretty good idea, yeah.

Kristen: Oh, god, brady. I don't know if I can do this.

Brady: Yeah, yes, you can. Yes, you can. I'll tell you why. Because you're gonna be out of there before you know it. It's gonna go like that.

Kristen: Yeah?

Brady: And when you do get out, that beautiful little girl and I, we're gonna be right there, waiting for you.

Kristen: [Gasps] I love you.

Brady: I love you too.

Kristen: [Sniffling]

[Dramatic music]

Julie: Hope isn't coming to her daughter's memorial service?

Jennifer: No, she isn'T.

Doug: But she can't just stay home by herself. No, I better go and be with her.

Jennifer: Doug, you--you can't be with her. When jack and I went to go pick her up, she wasn't there.

Doug: She wasn't there? Where was she?

Jennifer: Well, we don't know exactly. She left me a letter. She wanted me to explain to you that she had to leave salem for now so that she could--so that she could search for ciara, so-- search for answers so she could hold on to the hope that her daughter is still alive. And she wanted me to explain that to you. She'll be in touch. She will. Of course. And--and--and she wanted to express how grateful she is to all of us, but to you and julie especially for all your love and support.

Julie: Oh, lord. To lose ciara and now this...

Doug: I do not believe-- it's all right, julie. I know my daughter, and i understand why she can't give up on her daughter as long as there is a speck of hope left that ciara might still be alive. No, no, we gotta respect that. That's a mother's determination.

Julie: [Cries softly]

Doug: We must. Honey, we must.

[Somber music]

Claire: Ben's a wreck without you. He tried to hide it, but I could tell. I told him he could always turn to the family. I don't think he bought it. He said he's gonna be okay, but I don't know. I just have this really bad feeling.

Lani: Hey, eli, I thought you were--oh, my god! Eli! Eli. Hey, hey. Eli?

[Unsettling music]

Vincent: What do you want with me? I've already told you everything I know.

Ben: Well, for your sake, I hope that's not true.

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