Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 10/29/20
Episode #13884 ~ Kayla is horrified by Rolf's demands; Chad becomes suspicious of Gwen; Kate reunites Allie with Henry; Clyde tries to talk Ben out of his plans for Vincent.
Provided By Suzanne
Nicole: Hey. Can I get you anything? Waiting is awful. But I think we have to have faith that--Allie: You know what I think? I think that I'm never gonna see henry again, because I don't deserve to.
Nicole: Okay, now you need to knock that off, because some disgusting human being went to disgusting lengths to trick you into letting him in here. And he stole your son. And may he rot in hell for all eternity for putting you through this. But, allie... please do not for one second blame yourself. I wish eric was here. He would know what to say.
Allie: You do pretty good. I just love that kid so much.
Nicole: I've seen first-hand.
Allie: I can't stand not knowing if he's okay.
Nicole: Come here. It's gonna be okay.
[Somber music]
[Henry crying]
Clyde: Whoa.
[Chuckles nervously] Always carry a gun in your purse? What else you got in there? Whip and chain?
[Henry crying] Come on, katie, lighten up. Like you said, we used to be great together. I'm sure we can settle this in a way that's very satisfactory to the both of us. Come on, put that thing down. I got an idea. You keep the baby. I'll just walk away and we'll both pretend this never happened.
Kate: Don't move!
Clyde: Come on, please. I was never gonna hurt the kid. All right, this charade is over--you acting all tough and everything. We both know you are never gonna--
[Gunshot cracks]
[Henry wailing]
[Dramatic music]
Kate: Did you really think your sleezy charm would work on me after you went after my family? It's okay, baby. I know that was a loud noise. Everything's okay now. Yes, it is. You made a really big mistake when you threated my great-grandson.
Clyde: Call me an ambulance.
Kate: I wouldn't speak in the imperative, if I were you. If I were you... I'd start groveling.
Clyde: You didn't have to shoot me.
Kate: Maybe I wanted to. Maybe I still do. Why don't you think real hard of a reason that I shouldn't just pull this trigger one more time. And this time, a little to the left.
Ben: I mean it. If I hear from my father, I will call you. I'll even help bring him in. I give you my word.
Eli: You know what, dude, your father teamed up with two other psychopaths, escaped prison, and then he headed straight to your place. You covered for him. And then... he went and kidnapped a baby.
Ben: Eli, I didn't know--
Eli: Hey, hey, I'm talking. Now, I have to speak to that baby's mother, who isn't doing too well at all. And I have to tell her that "I don't know where your baby is." So I'm not in a real take your word for it kind of place.
[Phone rings]
[Tense music]
Don't move. Hello? Damn it, shawn, I told you, if I get any information, I'd give you a call. My bad, my bad. All right, I just-- I just hate kidnappings like every other cop in the world. All right, listen. Orpheus is completely lawyered up, and his kid is still on the loose, so we don't have any information from the amber alert. We don't know where clyde weston is or the baby. Yeah. No, it's--it's been a great day. Roman came in to take a look at the security footage. We're doing everything we can to help him and-- him and steve find rolf. No. No news on kayla yet.
Kayla: Where are you going to find a woman that would be willing to carry stefano's clone?
Rolf: I don't have to find one. You will carry stefano's clone.
Kayla: Are you--are you crazy?
Rolf: Crazy? Ooh, I don't think I like that word. I prefer mad scientist. That has a connotation of genius.
Kayla: No, I am telling you-- I'm telling you that is not happening. Absolutely not. I'm not gonna let it happen. It's not happening.
Rolf: I'm afraid I'm not asking you to. I didn't ask your husband if I could put stefano's chip in his brain.
Kayla: And how well did that work out for you?
Rolf: Not well. I decided it was all too high-tech. This time, I'm going to take a more natural approach. And what could be more natural than childbirth?
Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Dramatic orchestration]
Nicole: Well, thank you. Still no word. I'm so sorry.
[Somber music]
Oh, pictures of henry?
Allie: This one's my favorite.
Nicole: Such a sweet smile.
Allie: I can't look anymore. I need to see him, and not in pictures. I need to--I need to hold him in my arms. I need to feed him his bottle.
Nicole: You will again, allie, soon.
Allie: What I don't understand is why. Why would clyde weston want my son?
Nicole: Well, we'll get him to tell us the truth. Right before I kill him.
Kate: [Scoffs] Even you can't give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you. You are such a worthless human being.
Clyde: Oh, please.
Kate: Why did you do it? Why did you take henry?
Clyde: I don't know. It was--
Kate: Stop.
Clyde: It was orpheus.
Kate: Don't do that. Don't blame someone else, okay? You're the one who kidnapped him.
Abe: Hey. Back away.
Clyde: Call an ambulance. She shot me.
Kate: He kidnapped henry. He took him. Call allie and tell her that-- tell her that henry's safe, okay?
Abe: No.
Kate: And just leave me here for one more minute.
Abe: Kate, please.
[Tense music]
[Phone beeps] Yeah. Look, this is the mayor. I need officers at the town square asap. And an ambulance. We've got clyde weston. He's been shot.
Kate: Tell them to take their time. I want to watch him bleed out.
Steve: Okay, one second. All right, got it, shane. Thanks a lot.
Kayla: Clearly, your field isn't gynecology. 'Cause I'm a little old for what you're proposing.
Rolf: On my watch, kristen dimera carried a child to term. Now, conventional science casts doubts on the viability of your womb. But I'm not limited by their ignorance.
Kayla: I will not do it.
Rolf: You know, you should be honored, my dear, that I've chosen you. You laugh much like the 90-year old sarah laughs in the old testament when god tells her husband that she will give him a son.
Kayla: Well, you are not god. And I'm not gonna do it. You are not gonna touch my body.
[Tense music]
Abe: Kate, I'm gonna give you a choice. Now you can give me the gun and I will let you take the baby back to allie. Or you can wait for the police. And I will have them arrest you.
[Sirens wailing] You don't have a lot of time to think about it.
Kate: I hope you rot in hell.
Abe: I think she may get her wish.
Rolf: The drug I gave you blocks all neuromuscular activity, which is why you cannot move or talk or scream. But the procedure won't take long. And when I'm done, you will be pregnant again. Isn't science wonderful?
Steve: [Grunting]
I'm erin.
-And I'm margo.
Allie: Look, he fell back asleep, like nothing happened.
Kate: He's such an angel.
Allie: I thought he'd be so scared. I mean, was he crying a lot when you found him?
Kate: No, not--not really. You know, I'm sure he missed his mommy, though. But he didn't really know he was in danger. And when he--you know, he started whimpering just a little bit, but I think it really had to do with being hungry or needing his diaper changed, you know? But he wasn't scared.
Allie: Thank god. And thank you. I mean, I don't know how you did it, but thank you.
Kate: Honey, you don't have to thank me. Seriously, I just had my spirit lifted by being able to get him home and safe in your arms.
Nicole: Shaken, not stirred.
Kate: Oh, my god. How did you guess?
Nicole: Wait, so how--how did you get henry back?
Kate: It's so weird. Seriously, I just happened on clyde in the square, and he was trying to hide henry, who was wrapped in his little-- his little blanket. And, you know, honestly, i didn't even know it was henry. I just heard a baby whimpering, and clyde's holding him, trying to hide him. And it just--something was horribly wrong there. Horribly.
Nicole: Well, how did you get henry away from him?
Kate: Because he started to cry, and that neanderthal just gave him to me.
Allie: And then you ran away?
Kate: Well, not exactly. I mean, to get away, I had to shoot the son of a bitch.
Ben: Saw that they brought rolf in. Is there any word on my father?
Eli: He's been shot.
Ben: Is he alive?
Eli: He's in stable condition. He's in the hospital. He'll be transferred to the prison infirmary in the morning.
Ben: Can I see him?
Eli: You want to see that piece of dirt? Did what he do not register with you enough?
Ben: He's still my father.
Eli: I should charge you with aiding and abetting an escaped prisoner.
Ben: Whatever, man.
Eli: The memorial for ciara is tomorrow. Get out of my face. Go.
Ben: Thank you.
Eli: Ben... don't make me regret this.
[Tense music]
You get one call. I already made mine. I phoned your warden. Your ride back to statesville will be here in one hour.
Chad: Thank you for letting us know. Take good care of kayla. Kayla is safe, and rolf is in custody.
Abigail: Thank god. But why did he take kayla?
Chad: God only knows. But it was pretty clear that steve didn't want to talk about it, so.
Abigail: Gwen? You're white as a sheet.
Gwen: This rolf guy, he's--
Abigail: Crazy?
Gwen: Dangerous. Obviously.
Chad: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you alone with him. I just--
Abigail: Don't worry. I promise, you are never going to have to deal with him ever again.
[Phone rings]
Chad: Something wrong?
Gwen: Um, I-I ought to take this. Excuse me.
Rolf: Gwendolyn, I'm at the police station.
Gwen: I heard.
Rolf: I want you to come down here. I'm in need of a bit of assistance.
Gwen: It's late.
Rolf: Well, it's not too late for me to give a statement. And I don't want to incriminate myself, but I'm sure the detective would be interested in finding out how I managed to escape from the dimera mansion after I'd been tied up. Or perhaps I could tell him about your plans for abigail devereaux.
Gwen: I'm coming.
[Intense music]
Chad: Who was it? We can't always keep our distance.
Gwen: Who was that? That was a friend of mine. And she's very panicked about everything that's been going on this evening.
Abigail: She already heard about it?
Gwen: Mm-hmm. Yep, apparently. She knows I live here, and she's very worried about me. And, you know, she's a single woman, and she's very lonely. And she's high-strung. She's, you know, the high-strung type--anyway, I think I should go and see her now, so.
Abigail: Yeah, well, I could go with you, if you--
Gwen: No, no. That's fine. I'll go. I-I know how upset you both are.
Abigail: No. Oh, no, we're--we're fine. We've got each other. But you--you should go and be with your friend. It sounds like she--she really needs you, so.
Gwen: Yeah, she really does.
[Sighs] Okay, I'll be back.
Steve: There you go, baby. You sure you don't want a real drink?
Kayla: Not after the drugs he gave me, no.
Steve: The er doctor said they're short-lasting.
Kayla: I just want to be safe, okay? Sorry, I'm sorry. You saved me, and I am grateful. I am. He just--he was just--
Steve: Shh, it's okay. You don't have to talk about it. You don't have to talk about it.
Kayla: No, I don't want to talk about it. And I don't want to remember.
Steve: Take it easy, baby. Easy.
Kayla: Yeah, no, I'm fine. I'm fine, I'm fine. You--you--you saved me in the nick of time. And I'm fine. I'm just gonna-- damn.
Steve: Shh. Come here. Come here. I've got you, baby. I've got you.
Kayla: [Crying quietly]
Kate: Hey, thanks. I know that we haven't always gotten along.
Nicole: Oh, kate. Let's be honest, we've never really gotten along.
Kate: Yeah, that's fair. Probably more accurate. But I do want you to know that I have seen you stand up for allie. And not just tonight, which had to have been hell, but ever since she came back to salem. And you've helped her, you know, when her family couldn'T.
Nicole: Well, sometimes not being family has its advantage.
Kate: Don't I know it. But I am grateful. Also... I need to talk to allie alone. Could you give us a few minutes?
Nicole: Sure, of course. You know, kate, maybe sometime you and I could, you know, grab a drink.
Kate: If you'd like.
Nicole: Well, what I'd like is a detailed first-person account of the shooting of clyde weston.
Kate: [Laughs] You got it.
Nicole: Yeah.
Kate: Honey... I-I want you to know that I talked to your dad, and he told me about what happened. He told me what tripp did.
It's totally normal to have
constipation with belly pain,
Kayla: It was just... just being so helpless. Just not being able to move or scream. I just had to lie there and listen to him. The arrogance and the pleasure he took out of scaring me. But I could do nothing. I was so angry and I was scared.
Steve: I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry.
Kayla: I thought I had buried it. But I guess you don't ever really bury it, do you? And then all those feelings just come flooding back. Just being so helpless and humiliated. And just the rage, the utterly useless rage. You know, tonight-- the last time I felt like this was when I was raped.
Kate: I just feel so awful that I didn't know. No wonder you were confused about the pregnancy.
Allie: I didn't tell anyone for a long time. I didn't want to think about it. And I didn't want any pity.
Kate: Honey, I don't pity you. I love you. I just want to help you in any way I can.
Allie: There's nothing that you can really do. I was dead drunk when it happened. I mean, basically, it was my fault.
Kate: What? No. No, no, no. Don't say that. Don't you even think that.
Allie: I can't help but think that.
Kate: I don't care what state you were in. What he--what he did to you is a crime. And the fact that you were unable to stop him makes him even more culpable, in my opinion.
Allie: Maybe so. But look at me. Look at the mess that I always make. I mean, I opened the door for my son's kidnapper.
Kate: Stop. You've gotta stop that. Okay? Stop. And listen to me... because I had to learn this the hard way. You can't always stop bad things from happening. And you can't always prevent your loved ones from getting hurt. But you can make sure that the people that hurt them pay for what they do.
[Door opens]
Clyde: Damn. Good to see you. I can't believe you got by all those cops out there.
Ben: I'm not here to make you feel better. But you're lucky you got shot in the arm. Otherwise, I'd be breaking your legs.
Chad: How's thomas?
Abigail: Got him back to sleep. He had a nightmare about your father.
Chad: Poor guy. I know what those are like.
Abigail: Poor you. The man's dead, and you're still dealing with all of his--
Chad: Crap.
Abigail: Yeah. You coming back to bed?
Chad: I'm gonna wait up for gwen.
Abigail: Do you feel guilty that you left her with rolf?
Chad: Yeah. It was strong rope. A letter opener wouldn't have cut it. And how in the hell did he get a letter opener in the first place?
Abigail: No idea.
Chad: You don't think it's weird that she gets a phone call in the middle of the night and she just charges off?
Abigail: No, I mean, she said it was a friend.
Chad: Did you see her reaction when she saw the caller id? That wasn't the reaction of someone who sees a friend. It was--she seemed scared.
[Dramatic music]
Rolf: Gwendolyn. Thank you for coming. So what are we going to do to get me out of here? Your mission:
Gwen: How the hell am I supposed to get you out of here? You're chained to a chair in a police station. I can't just untie you like I did before.
Rolf: Well, necessity is the mother of invention, my dear. And it is necessary for you to get me out of here, unless you want me to share with the police what I know about you. So ask yourself, what would mary poppins do?
Abigail: I didn't think gwen sounded scared on the phone with her friend. And besides, if she did, it's probably because the whole situation tonight was pretty darn scary.
Chad: Yeah. Maybe you're right.
Abigail: And, I mean, she said her friend was high-strung, so maybe she anticipated that she was gonna be upset about something.
Chad: That's the other thing. I thought claire was her only friend here. She just moved to salem.
Abigail: I don't know. She takes the kids out for playdates quite a bit, so it could have been another nanny. She could have a new boyfriend.
Chad: Did you see the way she acted? That definitely wasn't prince charming on the line.
Gwen: [Scoffs] Mary poppins?
Rolf: Another excellent nanny. I presumed she was your role model.
Gwen: Mm, yes. Except for the fact that I was five when I saw that film.
Rolf: Oh, I see. Well, then to refresh your memory. Mary poppins was a master at creating distraction.
Gwen: Sorry. I can't exactly black out an entire city.
Rolf: No, no, no, no, nothing that extreme. You just distract the police, and I will find a way out of these cuffs and into the night.
Gwen: No, I've already done enough explaining to chad about how you got free from those ropes. And this would be the second time tonight that you've gotten away with me in the picture. I think you're going back to prison.
Rolf: Well, what if i take you with me?
Gwen: I'll bet you're not going to do that. You tried to kill chad tonight. You want to see him pay. Let him watch me as I blow little abigail's life to hell.
Clyde: Orpheus said he'd get me out of prison if I took the kid. I was never gonna hurt him.
Ben: And what did you think orpheus was gonna do with him? Play peek-a-boo? And what about the little kid's mother? Do you think she knew that you weren't gonna hurt him? Did you leave some kind of note--a nice little note, saying you're a nice kidnapper?
Clyde: Hey, I'm sorry, all right? You know, the thing is, when I was holding that baby, it reminded me of when you were born.
Ben: Do not-- do not go there. What you did tonight was horrible. And kate had every right to shoot you. And yet here you are, still whining, playing the victim, blaming somebody else. What I want to know is what kind of god takes ciara and lets someone like you live?
Steve: I'm so sorry, baby. I'm sorry I didn't make the connection.
Kayla: This is why--I hope you understand why it's so hard for me, this whole thing with allie and tripp.
Steve: I see that now.
Kayla: I mean, you were pinning all your hopes on that dna test, that it's gonna prove that tripp did not rape allie. What if it doesn't? What if he did do what she said he did? Are you going to be able to accept that truth?
Nicole: Did kate leave?
Allie: Mm-hmm.
Nicole: Did you have a good talk?
Allie: She knows about tripp. You know, about what happened.
Nicole: Well... that's a good thing. The people that love you should know. And like I keep telling you, you didn't do anything wrong. You don't have to keep tripp's dirty little secret for him.
Allie: I think, deep down, I was keeping it a secret for henry. I think I pushed that night down so far so that henry would never have to know. You know? So that if I gave him to someone else and I just kind of backed away, he would have a better life.
Nicole: Because you loved him. Even before he was born.
Allie: Yeah. I think tonight, it really hit me, more than ever, just how much I love him. You know, not knowing if he was safe, not being with him.
Nicole: It's okay, allie. It's over. This nightmare is over.
Abe: So weston is in the hospital. Looks like he's going to live.
Kate: Oh, well, that's a pity. When do I get my gun back?
Abe: It's out of my hands. Talk to the pd.
Kate: Oh, the salem pd? Really? Who take the guns out of law-abiding citizens' hands and let--let psychopaths kidnap babies and doctors and wreak havoc on the street?
Abe: You know all three of them are now in custody.
Kate: Weston is in custody because I shot him.
Abe: And I hope you have a license for that gun.
Kate: Well, of course I have a license for the gun. But that's not why I'm here. That's not why I wanted to talk to you. I have a bone to pick with you.
Abe: Okay.
Kate: When the hell were you going to tell me that tripp dalton is the one who raped my granddaughter? And what the hell are you gonna do about it? Shingles? Dios mio. So much pain.
Clyde: I don't deserve a son like you. And you sure as hell don't deserve a daddy like me.
Ben: What, did you hear that in a movie or something?
Clyde: I know I can't change how you feel about me. But I would like to help you just this one time.
Ben: Yeah, I don't see how.
Clyde: You want vincent belman to die for what he did to ciara. So do I. But I don't want you to pay the price. I don't want you to go back on death row. Let me do it.
Ben: No.
Clyde: I'm going back into statesville. I can make it happen. We can get you an airtight alibi.
Ben: I said no. I don't just want him dead. I want him dead at my hands. I want him to die knowing that it was me... that I'm the one who made him pay for what he did to ciara.
Steve: Let's go home, baby.
Kayla: Yeah. Please.
Steve: Listen. I love you. You're more important to me than anyone in this world. So if it turns out that what allie is saying is the truth... I'll just have to accept that.
Kayla: You're right. Let's go home. Tomorrow is ciara's memorial service. So we have more hell to face. But I want to go home and put this awful day to bed.
Steve: Okay. Let's go.
Kayla: Listen, um... when we do get those test results back... I just want you know we'll deal with it like we deal with everything.
Steve: Together.
Kayla: Right.
Allie: Hush, little baby
don't say a word
mama's gonna buy you
a mockingbird
hush, little baby
don't you cry
mama's gonna
sing you a lullaby
Abe: You know, I can't tell you what I'm gonna do with tripp, because I don't know. The case is ongoing. I mean, there is an issue with jurisdiction. But once that's resolved, the da will look at the evidence and decide whether or not to file charges.
Kate: Tripp dalton is not going to walk on this, okay? And if the cops and the court can't do their job and make him pay, I will. And when the hell am I getting my gun back?
Abigail: You know, if you want to get some sleep, I can wait up for gwen.
Chad: No, I'm okay.
Abigail: Well, then, maybe I'll wait up with you. I also feel a little bit protective of her. You know, I know it hasn't been very long, but she's the closest thing to a best friend that I have had in a very, very long time.
Chad: Yeah?
Abigail: Yeah, yeah. She's just--I love the way she loves the kids, and the kids love her, which I'm sure you've noticed. And so, I know it's quick, but it's kind of like she's more than a friend. It's like she's a member of our family.
Chad: Okay, I would not wish that on anyone. To be a part of this family?
Rolf: I admit I was not in control of myself when I tried to shoot chad.
Gwen: Kind of an expert at that, aren't you? Losing control of yourself?
Rolf: Perhaps. But only because I'm passionate about the things that matter to me. And in spite of my extreme disillusionment with chad, my horror at his disloyalty, I've always felt it was because he was under the control of a selfish and shallow woman.
Gwen: Hmm. That's one way of putting her, in suppose.
Rolf: Now, I have no doubt but that it was abigail who turned chad against his family and all they stand for. And so... I will keep your secret. And I will allow you to continue to destroy her life. But in exchange for my silence, there is one thing I want you to do for me.
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