Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 10/28/20
Episode #13883 ~ Steve and Roman search for Kayla; Kayla is thunderstruck when Rolf reveals his latest scientific endeavor; Kate runs into Clyde and realizes he's kidnapped Henry; Marlena delivers Evan to Orpheus.
Provided By Suzanne
Steve: All right. You keep me posted.
Roman: Any sign of kayla?
Steve: You got here fast.
Roman: Yeah. Damn right, I got here fast. You call the pub and ask me if kayla's been there then you tell me she disappeared after a prison break. So what the hell's going on?
Steve: I found kayla's phone and her bag in her office. I thought that meant she was still in the building. So I checked with all her colleagues, I searched the place top-to-bottom. She's not here.
Roman: You think orpheus has her?
Steve: I don't know, man. I mean, when I last talked to kayla, she said she wasn't too worried about orpheus because he didn't mess with her the last time he was in salem.
Roman: Kayla told you she was on her way home?
Steve: She did. But then I offered to pick her up. She said, "don't bother. I can get a security guard to escort me to my car." I thought that would be enough. I shouldn't have listened to her. Man, why did I listen to her?
[Dramatic music]
Kayla: What is this place?
Rolf: Impressive, isn't it? Perhaps not so well-equipped as the facility where i implanted stefano's essence into your husband.
[Chuckles] Distilling a man's entire being into a single microchip.
Kayla: You told me that that microchip was destroyed. So what am I doing here?
Rolf: That chip was one of several endeavors which stefano and I had in the works to sustain his life.
[Chuckles] The phoenix always rises, as I told you. And he will again with the help of what is contained inside here.
Henry: [Cooing]
Clyde: There you go.
Kate: Clyde.
[Sighs and chuckles] I heard you were on the loose. How the hell did you get out of statesville?
Clyde: You could say I caught a lucky break.
Kate: So what are you hiding in that blanket, huh?
Henry: [Coos]
Kate: Oh, my god. Is that a baby?
[Soft dramatic music]
Orpheus: Gin. That's the third time I beat you, john. That aneurysm mess up your card playing skills as well?
John: I can't seem to get my head in the game when my great-grandson has been kidnapped.
Orpheus: Oh, he'll be fine.
John: He damn well better be. You harm a hair on that baby's head--
Orpheus: Whatever happens to henry is entirely dependent on your wife coming through for me. Speaking of whom... marlena should've been here by now.
John: Relax. She's only doing what you asked.
Orpheus: She better be. And she better not have alerted the authorities. Or none of you will see that little boy again.
[Knock at door]
Marlena: It's marlena.
Orpheus: Stop! Step back.
[Dramatic music]
Stay apart.
Marlena: Yeah.
Orpheus: I don't want you two ganging up on me. Come in, son.
I've missed you.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Evan: Hey, dad.
Orpheus: Christian. You look good. You look well. [Chuckles] All things considered, right? Can't have been easy to be locked up in bayview with all those crazies.
Evan: It's a lot better than being in prison.
Orpheus: Yeah. Yeah. You weren't cut out for prison, son. I knew that. Thank god they found you in time.
Evan: [Scoffs softly] My breakdown wasn't just about being in prison. I feel guilty about what I did to jordan. And what happened to that woman, adrienne. And that baby.
Orpheus: That car accident was not your responsibility, son.
Evan: Can you just tell me what's going on? Why did you make dr. Evans bring me here? I was getting the help I needed at bayview. I've been getting better since I arrived here. Dr. Morris thinks I'm making progress.
Marlena: Well, that's good. I just think that you can make more progress elsewhere.
Evan: Where? I'm not leaving until I know where I'm being taken.
Marlena: Well, I won't really know that until I've evaluated you.
Evan: Isn't that a decision that you and dr. Morris would make together?
Marlena: Look, let me handle all this, okay? Let's go.
Evan: You seem awfully anxious, dr. Evans.
Marlena: I'm fine.
Evan: What is this? What's going on?
Marlena: Evan, let's just go, shall we?
Evan: If you want me to follow you, then you tell me the truth.
Marlena: I've been speaking to your father.
Evan: You've talked to orpheus?
Marlena: I did. He would like to have you transferred.
Evan: And you agreed? I'm done with my father's sick schemes. Last time I went along with his plan, adrienne kiriakis got killed and your grandson went to prison for it.
Marlena: Believe me, I don't want this any more than you do.
Evan: Then leave me alone. I'm trying to get better. I won't risk anything terrible happening to anyone else again, so my answer is no.
Marlena: Please listen to me about this.
Evan: My decision is final. Why the hell would you even want this? You, of all people, should know what my father is capable of. Why would you want me with that man?
Marlena: I don't have any choice. I had to do this.
Evan: What does that mean? What does he have on you?
Marlena: He's-- he's kidnapped my great-grandson.
Evan: Are you sure? What if he's lying?
Marlena: He's not lying. I saw the picture. Clyde took him right out of his crib and god knows what he'd do to that baby. You were a parent yourself. I know you can imagine what everybody's going through. Allie's-- allie's just had a baby. It's been taken away from her and we're all terrified of what orpheus might do. We're all relying on you, here. This baby is relying on you. Please. We're just hoping you do the right thing. That's true, you know, dr. Morris said he's making incredible strides. If you really care about him, you might let him go back and finish the work that he's doing there.
Orpheus: If you want to see that baby again, you really should keep your mouth shut. So you feel guilty about killing jordan? You feel guilty about turning me in to the police?
Evan: I did what I thought was right at the time.
Orpheus: You betrayed me. But I don't hold it against you. You're my child. I love you. That'll never change. The bond between a father and a son is a powerful thing. That's why I helped you try to get your son back from rafe.
Evan: And sonny's mother is dead because of it.
Orpheus: That's all over. It's behind us. We're gonna start fresh. Me, you, david. That's why I got you into bayview. So you could be with your son.
Evan: Zoey has david.
Orpheus: But he belongs with you. I'm gonna make that happen. We're gonna be together as a family making up for lost time. I've waited so long for this to happen. You want it to happen, too. Don't you, son? Answer me, damn it!
Kate: Oh, so you not only broke out of prison, you kidnapped a baby?
Clyde: Just stop right there, kate. Turn yourself around, walk on out of here, and forget you ever saw me.
Kate: Yeah, well, as much as I would love to do that, I can't, you see? Because there's an innocent baby involved.
Clyde: What are you doing?
Kate: What am I doing? I'm calling the police. That's what I'm doing. Oh, and there's an emergency alert, so. You bastard. That's just not any baby, that's my great-grandson. That's henry you kidnapped.
Kayla: I'm afraid to ask what's in that thing.
Rolf: [Chuckles] Well, it contains something which is quite precious to me. I have gone to great lengths to create conditions which would preserve it until such time as I might need to access it again. Please, feast your eyes.
Kayla: Is that stefano's?
Rolf: Yes. He donated it in the name of science.
Kayla: Well, close the lid. I don't understand how you think that's gonna help you revive stefano.
Rolf: Revive stefano?
[Chuckles] No, no, no, no, no. My goal is much more grandiose! I am going to clone an entirely new stefano.
Steve: Okay, so you're telling me that none of your people escorted dr. Brady to her car tonight? You're absolutely sure? All right, listen to me. She is missing, possibly kidnapped. Now, I am going to need access to all the hospital security footage going back five, maybe six hours. Can you get that on a laptop for me right away? Great. Thank you.
Roman: Okay, so they're on it?
Steve: Yeah. Hopefully, that footage will give us some answers.
Roman: All right. Good.
Steve: Oh, but I got a bad feeling, man. And what is wrong with me? Why the hell didn't i just come and pick her up?
Roman: All right, come on. Hang on, hang on. Let's think about it, okay? Orpheus, clyde, rolf break out of prison. They want to stay out, right?
Steve: Yeah, so?
Roman: So if they're smart, they're not gonna stay in salem causing trouble. They're long gone by now.
Steve: I would like to believe that, but both orpheus and clyde have scores to settle. And rolf? After what that crazy bastard did to me implanting that chip in my brain? I'd be a fool to underestimate him.
Kayla: You want to clone stefano?
Rolf: You sound skeptical.
Kayla: Skeptical, no. I mean, given your past experiences of what you've been able to do, I mean, I don't think anybody would doubt what is possible when you put your mind to it. It's just, dr. Rolf, I--
Rolf: Please, please just spit it out!
Kayla: I'm just sad for you.
Rolf: Sad?
Kayla: Yes. I mean, not only are you a brilliant man in your own right-- beyond brilliant, actually. You are a genius. In fact, I don't know any man on the face of the earth that has quite your capabilities.
Rolf: [Chuckles]
Kayla: But that you cling to this idea that you need stefano-- I don't understand that. For what? [Stutters] To make you feel important?
Rolf: No, no, no, no, no. This is not going to work.
Kayla: What's not gonna work?
Rolf: Your attempt to psychoanalyze me.
Kayla: No, it's not an-- it is only at attempt to open your eyes so that you can see your extraordinary gifts and--and your brilliant mind. I mean, you could do things that could change the world. Combat climate change. You could discover vaccines that could save people's lives.
Rolf: Except I have no interest in any of the above. I have a goal and I must achieve it right here, right now. Period. So no more talk. We must get to it while the time is right. Now, I am sure you are aware that the science of cloning has come a long way in recent years.
Kayla: Of course, but it's still extremely complicated.
Rolf: I have spent years exploring ways to prolong stefano's existence. I assure you I have made great strides in the cloning process.
Kayla: You know, even if it was possible, and I doubt it is, that clone, even though it would have stefano's dna, would be a baby. It would be decades before he is ever the man that you remember.
Rolf: Mm, mm. Which is why I initially opted to implant the chip containing stefano's essence into your husband. It helped me to reconnect with a fully-grown stefano, and all his underappreciated brilliance. Fortunately, I have a backup plan and this lab has all the equipment we need to see it through.
Kayla: We?
Rolf: [Chuckling] Yes. You are going to be helping me.
Henry: [Cooing]
Kate: All right, clyde. Give me the baby, okay? Give him to me.
Clyde: Careful, now. I wouldn't want little henry to get hurt even by accident.
Kate: You are a piece of garbage. A piece of garbage. That baby is precious to me and to his whole family. Now you give him to me.
Clyde: If you don't want anything to happen to this child, you do as I say. You throw your phone in the bushes. Hey, I tried to warn her.
Kate: Okay! Okay. Clyde, why are you doing this? Why did you take this innocent baby?
Clyde: Got my reasons.
Kate: Is it money? Is it money? Because I will pay the ransom. I'll just call lucas. He'll get you the cash, okay?
Clyde: No. You know, cash always comes in handy, but that's not the reason I kidnapped him. My son, ben-- he's a mess, you know? 'Cause of his dead wife and all. I was on my way over to see him. I thought this little guy could cheer him up.
Kate: Oh, my god. That's gonna cheer him up? A kidnapped baby's gonna cheer him up?
Clyde: Well, you know, it's not all about ben. Henry here gives me leverage.
Kate: What kind of leverage?
Clyde: You seriously think I'm gonna tell you about that?
Kate: Enough! [Chuckles] I know that you've terrorized the town, okay? And I know that you're up to no good, but I also know you don't want to use that baby as a pawn. You don'T. So give him to me, clyde. Give him to me.
Clyde: Katie, you come one step closer and you'll regret it.
Orpheus: Why the hell aren't you saying anything? Do you not want to be with your family? Do you not miss your son?
Evan: Of course I do! So much!
Orpheus: Well, you're gonna be reunited with him just like you and I were. Son, listen to me. You need to trust me.
Evan: I want to. But it scares me that you kidnapped dr. Evans' great-grandson.
Orpheus: I had to do that. It's the only way that I could've gotten you out of bayview. And it better not have been for nothing. Or dr. Evans will never see that little boy again.
[Soft tense music]
Evan: Are you sure that you can keep david and me safe?
Orpheus: Guaranteed. I promise. But son, this town is full of cops looking for me. We need to move and we need to move now.
Evan: When will I see him? When will I see little david?
Orpheus: We'll be on our way as soon as I deal with john and dr. Evans.
You clean dishes as you cook,
Steve: [Sighs] I don't see kayla.
Roman: Give it a minute.
Steve: There she is. She's walking towards the elevator. Who's that with her? Is that--is that orpheus?
Roman: I can't make out the face. Zoom in.
[Keys tapping]
Steve: That's not orpheus. That's rolf. That's rolf.
Kayla: Absolutely not. I am not gonna help you clone stefano dimera. He is dead and he needs to stay dead so he can't hurt anybody I love ever again.
Rolf: Now, look, I understand you're not a fan of the man. Nevertheless, you should be grateful that I've given you this opportunity to participate in such a groundbreaking experiment.
Kayla: Groundbreaking? How about sickening? Your obsession with prolonging the existence of a man that everybody else wishes never existed at all? No, I will not help you. I am a medical doctor and not a mad scientist like you.
Rolf: Oh, po-tay-to, po-tah-to. Franken-stein, franken-steen.
[Soft tense music]
John: It's always been between you and me, hasn't it? So you do whatever you want with me, just let doc go.
Marlena: No, no, no--
John: Doc.
Marlena: We had a deal. I bring you your son and you return my great-grandson.
Orpheus: Yeah, that's not gonna happen.
John: I mean, come on. You need to go on the run, right? You're gonna need a substantial amount of money. I can wire you whatever you want right now. Just let us go and tell us where we can pick henry up.
[Police sirens wailing]
Kate: Clyde... please don't hurt him, okay? Please. If you need to hurt someone, you can hurt me, but not him. Please.
Clyde: Listen, I admit I'm growing kind of fond of the little fella. I'd hate for anything to happen to him. You know, he could get caught in the crossfire if the cops come after me.
Kate: [Sighs heavily] Okay. Listen to me. You said that you wanted him for leverage, right? Right?
Clyde: I'm not talking about that.
Kate: Okay, I know. I'm not asking you to talk about it, I'm simply saying if you want a hostage, don't take him, take me. Take me. The most dangerous thing about rheumatoid arthritis
Clyde: You're willing to trade yourself for the kid? I did not see that coming.
Kate: Is that a yes?
Clyde: Well, like I said, I was hoping that henry here could cheer ben up. I don't think you'd have the same effect.
Kate: Well, ben's not the only one with needs, now, is he?
Clyde: What is that supposed to mean?
Kate: [Chuckles] Well, you've been in prison a long time, haven't you? I mean that had to be pretty tough on you. A virile man like you. That lack of satisfaction, right? I mean, you and I were pretty good together, weren't we? Could be that way again.
[Chuckles] Whatever you want.
Clyde: Mm.
Kate: I can make you happy.
Clyde: You're still one sexy woman, kate. But also a lot of trouble.
Kate: Come on. You take the baby to allie, make sure he's safe, then you can take me anywhere you want to.
Clyde: I'm not interested. Henry here's a lot more valuable.
Henry: [Starts crying]
Clyde: And a lot less hassle.
Kate: [Scoffs] Really? Are you sure of that?
Clyde: [Shushing] Hey, come on. Come on, it's all right.
Steve: See that? Rolf has his hand in his jacket pocket.
Roman: Yeah. Probably has a gun.
Steve: No doubt. Kayla wouldn't go anywhere with that freak unless he forced her.
Roman: Okay, but why would rolf kidnap kayla?
Steve: I don't know, man. I don't know. All I know is we gotta get her away from that psycho.
Roman: Did rolf try to contact you?
Steve: All right. No missed calls, no texts.
[Sighs] Tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna call chad. 'Cause I'm thinking that bastard taking kayla has something to do with that chip he put in my head. I'm pretty sure the cops gave that chip to chad. We just have to make sure rolf doesn't already have his hands on that.
[Phone line trilling]
Rolf: You removed the chip I implanted in your husband, did you not?
Kayla: Well, when you refused to and I didn't have a choice--
Rolf: No, no, no. I understand. The surgery was a success, which an enormous testament to you and that is how I know you are the right person to assist me in this new experiment.
Kayla: No, I am a medical doctor. I took an oath to preserve life.
Rolf: And that is exactly my intent. We are going to preserve the life of the great stefano dimera and I am confident if we get to work right away, we can generate a cloned embryo rather quickly.
Kayla: You know, for the last time, I am not going to help you with your crazy experiment, especially after what you did to steve. You know, speaking of steve, I told him that I was on my way home. I'm sure he is wondering where I am and why I'm not answering my telephone.
Rolf: Well, he will assume the blackout caused delays.
Kayla: He's a detective. He doesn't assume. It's just a matter of time before he tracks me down and when he does, there'll be hell to pay for your kidnapping me.
Orpheus: Marlena, you better not have told the cops where we are.
Marlena: I'd never take that risk.
Evan: It's true, dad. Marlena drove me straight here and she didn't make any calls along the way.
Orpheus: I hope not. Then we better get going while we still can.
Marlena: Wait a minute, wait a minute. What about the baby?
John: Tell us.
Orpheus: No way, partner. Kid is my insurance policy. I'll let you know where he is once christian and i are in the wind. Tie her to the chair and then I'll tie you up. Move! Now!
Marlena: John, john, do it, do it.
[Dramatic music]
[Grunts loudly]
Cookies and breyers.
Marlena: I thought you were going to leave with your father.
Evan: No, I wasn'T. I--I just said that to get him out of here before he hurt either of you or henry.
Marlena: Thank you. Thank you so much.
Evan: As much as I miss my son, I couldn't go on the run. I mean, I'm getting better, but I'm not ready to raise a child. Especially with my father around.
Marlena: You did the right thing. The right for you and for david.
Evan: I just wanted my boy to have a good life.
John: We know you do. And we appreciate your concern for all of us. Unfortunately, your old man is knocked out cold and we still don't know where henry is, though.
Henry: [Crying]
Clyde: [Shushing] Come on, kid. Pipe down.
Kate: Pipe down? That's no way to talk to a baby.
Clyde: Well, how am i supposed to get him to stop crying?
Kate: [Sighs] If you give him to me.
Clyde: Yeah, give you the chance to run off with him? No way. I got this. What, uh-- what's his favorite lullaby?
Kate: Oh, my god, clyde. You can't even carry a tune.
Clyde: Oh, I can sing great, I tell you.
Henry: [Crying]
Clyde: Hush, little baby
don't say a word
you're gonna be safe
with this jailbird
Kate: [Groans]
Clyde: [Chuckles] Pretty clever, huh?
Kate: That is completely stupid.
Clyde: And if that
jailbird don't sing
he's gonna steal you
a diamond ring
Kate: Okay, will you just stop? Really, I can't take this anymore.
Clyde: I can't let anybody hear him. Can you stop him?
Kate: Yes, I can.
Clyde: All right. Don't get any funny ideas about running off. You know what I'm capable of if I'm crossed.
Kate: Okay.
Henry: [Crying]
Kate: Yeah, okay.
Steve: Got it. Thanks a lot, chad.
Roman: What did he say?
Steve: Well, rolf did show up at the dimera place.
Roman: Looking for the microchip?
Steve: Yeah. He pulled a gun on chad. Demanded that he hand it over.
Roman: Damn it. Did he give it to him?
Steve: No, he couldn't because he and tony had destroyed it a while ago.
Roman: Rolf couldn't have been too happy about that.
Steve: No, he wasn'T. He said he was gonna kill chad but chad somehow got the gun away from him, tied him up to a chair, and then he asked the nanny to keep an eye on him while he checked on abigail and the kids.
Roman: I assume he called the cops.
Steve: Yeah, he did. But somehow, rolf escaped.
Roman: All right, well, the good news here is the microchip doesn't exist so he can't put it back in you.
Steve: That's true. But then why the hell did he take kayla?
Kayla: You need to listen to reason, rolf. You're already a fugitive, so you're already in trouble, and now you've made it worse for yourself by kidnapping me, so you need to give up this insane plan and turn yourself in.
Rolf: No, never. I gave stefano my word that I would help him to rise again.
Kayla: Well, I'm not gonna lift a finger to help you.
Rolf: Well, if you're not going to assist me, then I shall accomplish the cloning on my own.
Kayla: Then I can go?
Rolf: [Scoffs] I'm afraid I can't do that.
[Dramatic music]
Kayla: What is that for?
Rolf: Tying up loose ends.
Steve: [Sighs] Okay. I have no doubt that rolf is angry that kayla took that chip out of me but the bottom line is we gotta find her. What are we doing here?
Roman: Where in the hell is the footage from the hospital garage?
Steve: You know what? I bet rolf had kayla drive them in her car. I'm gonna go to the garage and check.
Roman: Okay. I'll call salem pd. Fill 'em in.
Steve: Okay, good.
Kayla: Let's not be hasty.
Rolf: I have an experiment to run.
Kayla: Tell me about it.
Rolf: I already have!
Kayla: [Stuttering] No, but I want to understand. I want to understand, you know, what it is-- why you're so committed to-- to bringing stefano back.
Rolf: Oh, nonsense! You've made it quite clear you have no interest in my work.
Kayla: Oh, well, that's actually not true. I wouldn't admit this to anybody but you but I-- I actually sympathize with you.
Rolf: Really? And why is that?
Kayla: Because when steve was gone-- when I thought that he had given up-- when I thought that he had thrown away 30 years, I was profoundly lonely. I think that you're lonely. I think that you miss your old friend.
Rolf: More than I can say.
Kayla: And I know that you don't want to go back to prison. And you don't have to. You know, you can run right now. Right now while you have the chance.
Rolf: Why this change of heart?
Kayla: Because I-- because I think I understand you now. I think that you're mourning. And I get that because I have been there. When steve was gone, I felt like it was a death.
Rolf: But you got him back.
Kayla: But not for a long time. I mean, that terribly lonely time. And I was lucky because I found love again. And even though that relationship didn't last, I learned something. It taught me that I could emerge out of the dark and the solitary and I could live again. You--you could go out there in the world. It's a big world and you could find somebody else to share your life with other than stefano.
Rolf: No, no, no, you don't understand! No one compares to stefano. He is everything to me!
Kayla: Okay, okay, just calm down.
Rolf: No, no, no. I will not calm down. And there will be no more talk. I want an answer! Are you going to help me clone stefano or not?
Evan: Is he gonna be okay?
Marlena: Yeah, he'll be fine.
Evan: I should've realized before I hit him that he wouldn't be able to tell you where henry is. Hopefully he will when he comes to.
Marlena: Yeah.
John: All right. I let the cops know that orpheus is not a threat anymore. They're on their way. They sent an ambulance also.
Marlena: All right. Any word on henry?
John: No. Afraid not. They brought in extra cops for the search. They're looking everywhere.
Marlena: I'm so afraid that orpheus has stashed him somewhere. I've just got no idea how to find him.
Henry: [Crying]
Kate: Okay, baby. I already said that he has an ear infection. She's been giving him antibiotics.
Clyde: A lot of good that did.
Kate: Yeah, he doesn't seem to have a fever, though. Maybe he needs a diaper change.
Clyde: Yeah, he does. I checked before.
Kate: Oh, my god. Seriously? And did you take a diaper bag when you kidnapped him?
Clyde: No, I didn'T. And I wasn't about to risk getting caught by ducking into some store, either.
Kate: That's really great, clyde. Really great. Really great planning.
Clyde: Can't you get him to stop crying? Don't you have any tricks up your sleeve?
Kate: No, no, I don'T. Although you're lucky. I do have one of his pacifiers in my purse if I can go in there and get it.
Clyde: Yeah, whatever. Just get him to stop crying.
[Dramatic music]
Evan: Would it be okay if I used my dad's phone to call my sister?
John: Yeah. I think I left it on the oil barrel over there. All right. The police should be here soon. When they show up, I'm gonna join them in the search for henry.
Marlena: Okay, you know what? I'd go with you, but I think I should take evan back-- to bayview. Oh. He's gone.
Roman: Yeah, yeah. That's right, detective. Wilhelm rolf kidnapped dr. Brady at university hospital. Earlier tonight. We believe he's armed, all right? So if you get a lead, any lead at all, you call me. I'll do the same. All right. Thanks.
Steve: Kayla's car is gone. Garage attendant saw her drive out but he couldn't say what direction she went in.
Roman: Okay, I'll go to the police station, I'll look through all the footage of the city's surveillance cameras, all right?
Steve: They could be anywhere.
Roman: Hey, let's not panic. We will find them.
Steve: We have to find her, roman. After what rolf did to me? Dear god, we gotta find her.
Kayla: Well, you're not giving me much choice, so yes, I'll help you.
Rolf: I have your word?
Kayla: Yes. Just put that needle away.
[Soft dramatic music]
So how does this cloning work?
Rolf: We take one of stefano's cells, which contains his dna, and transfer it into an egg which has had its nucleus removed. We then allow that egg to develop into an early-stage embryo.
Kayla: And where does this egg develop? In a test tube or something?
Rolf: [Scoffs] You really think I would reproduce stefano in something as inhospitable as a test tube?
Kayla: Well, the embryo has to develop someplace.
Rolf: Yes, yes, yes, yes. And when it does, we will implant it into a surrogate.
Kayla: And where are you going to find a women who would carry stefano's clone?
Rolf: [Chuckling] Well, I don't have to find one. You will carry stefano's clone.
Clyde: Whoa. [Chuckles] Always carry a gun in your purse? What else you got in there? Whip and chains? [Chuckles] Come on, katie, lighten up. Like you said, we used to be great together. I'm sure we can settle this in a way that's very satisfactory to the both of us. Come on. Put that thing down. I got an idea. You keep the baby, I'll just walk away. We'll both pretend this never happened.
Kate: Don't move!
Clyde: Come on. Please. I was never gonna hurt the kid.
Henry: [Crying]
Clyde: All right, this charade is over. You acting all tough and everything. We both you know you are never gonna--
[Dramatic music]
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