Days Transcript Tuesday 10/27/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 10/27/20


Episode #13882 ~ Orpheus and John face off; Allie and Nicole report Henry's kidnapping; Ben makes a confession to Eli; a desperate Marlena tries to get Evan released from Bayview; Lucas tells Kate about Allie's rape.

Provided By Suzanne

Kate: I cannot believe that idiot gwen let rolf get away.

Lucas: Listen, mom--

Kate: He's a crazy old man tied up in a chair--all she had to do was keep an eye on him until chad got the police here.

Lucas: Will you listen to me? I have something to tell you.

Kate: Seriously, I'm telling you, she's utterly useless, and chad and abigail need to fire her immediately.

Lucas: I have something else to tell you--please, can we talk about something else?

Kate: Yes, what is it?

Lucas: It's about allie.

Kate: What about her?

Lucas: Well, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while, but I-I just...I haven't been able to find the words.

Kate: Okay, honey, now you're scaring me. What is it? What I--wha-- what about your daughter?

Lucas: She was raped.

Allie: [Exhales] Oh, my god! No! No, no, no!

Nicole: What is it?

Allie: Henry--henry's gone!

Nicole: What? What, h-how could this be, he was just--

Allie: I don't know!

Nicole: My god! How could this happen?

Allie: I don't know!

Orpheus: Put the gun down, john. Unless you want the death of a child on your hands.

John: Now what're you talking about?

Orpheus: Well, it seems one of my associates has taken possession of marlena's great-grandson.

John: Henry? Nah. Not even you would stoop that low.

Orpheus: Wouldn't I?

John: Naw. Psychopath, yeah. But you're also a father.

Orpheus: Which is why I know how motivated people can be when their family's threatened. He'S...just the leverage i needed... to gain marlena's cooperation.

John: Leverage. So what do you plan on doing with him?

Orpheus: Well...

[Sighs] That'S...gonna be up to you and your precious doc. My associate's standing by, waiting for my instructions. If he doesn't hear from me soon, well, then henry'S... expendable.

[Tense music]

Marlena: John just got out of the hospital. He had a brain aneurysm, and he's so very fragile--

Orpheus: Calm down. It isn't your precious john.

Marlena: All right, well, if it isn't john, then...who is it?

Orpheus: Another member of your family. One that you'll do anything to protect.

Marlena: What have you done? Did you kidnap someone in my family?

Orpheus: Well, let's see... didn't your granddaughter just have a baby?

Allie: I don't understand. Henry was just in his crib a minute ago--I--how could he just--

Nicole: What? What is it?

Allie: The repair guy. He must have taken him.

[Baby coos]

Clyde: The hell's takin' him so long, huh? Grabbed you outta the crib just like orpheus wanted. Now where the hell is he? I'm gonna have to ditch you, little man... so I can get back and check on my kid, make sure he's not doin' something crazy.

Ben: Why didn't I give my dad somewhere to get in touch? I swear to god, if he has anything to do with dr. Evan's disappearance... maybe john's heard something by now.

[Knock on door]

Eli: Ben, open up. It's the police.

[Intense music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

[Knocking on door]

Eli: Ben, it's detective grant again. Open the door.

[Knocking] Ben!

[Continues knocking]

Ben: Eli...hey. What're you doing back here at this hour?

Eli: Came to ask you some more questions... 'bout your dad.

[Baby crying]

Clyde: Oh, now, hush. Hush, you're gonna get me caught.

[Phone beeps]

[Line ringing] Come on, pick up, damn it.

[Line ringing]

[Baby crying]

[Phone vibrates]

Orpheus: You're welcome to call mama allie, check on the boy... you don't believe me.

[Line rings]

[Phone rings]

Allie: Hello?

John: Hey, allie, it's john. Just checkin' in.

Allie: Someone took henry. There was a repairman here and he said he was here to fix the blackout. I watched him leave and then i left the room for a second and i came back in and checked the crib and henry's gone.

John: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, slow down. Have you called the police?

Allie: Yes, they're on their way.

John: Good, good, good goin'. Now I just want you to take a really deep breath and listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you. Everything is gonna be a-okay. I can promise you that we're gonna find henry real soon.

Allie: How do you know that?

John: I just know it. You trust me?

Allie: Yes.

John: Good girl. So I swear to you, it won't be long before you'll be holding your baby boy in your arms. I will make sure of that no matter...what it takes.

Allie: [Exhales] But grandpa john, I--

John: Is nicole there?

Allie: Yeah, she's right here.

John: Good. You two stay right where you are and just try to hang in there. I'll call you soon as I can, okay?

[Phone beeps]

Orpheus: My credibility restored?

John: I meant what I said. I'm gonna return her her son... no matter what it takes.

Dr. Morris: Dr. Evans.

Marlena: Yes, uh, hello, dr. Morris.

Dr. Morris: What a night it's been. But thank god the power's back on.

Marlena: Yes. Thank goodness for that. Um...I need to speak to you about a patient.

Dr. Morris: Kind of late for a consultation, don't you think?

Marlena: Yes, it is late, but, uh, time is of the essence.

Dr. Morris: All right. I'll do what I can to help.

Marlena: Thank you. Uh, I need to have a patient removed from bayview.

Dr. Morris: Who's the patient?

Marlena: Uh, it's, um, it's evan frears, or--or, uh, christian maddox.

Dr. Morris: I haven't heard of any transfer.

Marlena: Yes, well, that's because I'm just bringing it up now.

Dr. Morris: This is a highly irregular request, especially at this time of night.

Marlena: I understand. And I wouldn't be doing this if it weren't, uh, really important.

Dr. Morris: Even if I could grant your request, it's gonna take a little time to process.

Marlena: Yeah... well, look, the thing is that I-I need this to happen, um, right away. I need this to happen tonight.

[Tense music]

Kate: Oh, my god...allie. Lucas, I knew she was having such a hard time since she got back to salem, but I would never have imagined that... ohh...

Lucas: The worst part about it is she blames herself.

Kate: No!

Lucas: She does. I tried to convince her, I tried to persuade her it wasn't her fault, but...

[Sighs] Starting to think maybe it was partly mine.

Kate: What? What are you talking about?

Lucas: Sami told me--she told me that she--allie was supposed to leave london, and I didn't listen to her; she said she was partying too hard, and i dismissed the whole thing.

Kate: Okay, you did that because you didn't want sami pressuring allie because you thought that would push her further away. And you were right, lucas, you were right.

Lucas: I could have done something. With my history of alcoholism, i could have been there--I shoulda been there to protect my daughter!

Kate: Lucas, there's no way that you could have known this would happen.

Lucas: I knew she was struggling, I knew she was vulnerable, and I wasn't there, all right? I screwed it up! I could have prevented this whole nightmare.

Kate: You're here for her now, okay? That's what matters, not what happened then. That's in the past, honey.

Lucas: It's not in the past, no, it's not. She's gonna have a constant reminder of what happened that night, every single day of her life.

Kate: A constant reminder? Oh, lucas, not henry.

Lucas: I mean, we all love that kid, we really do, and allie's finally at the point where she's accepting him, she's building a bond with him, but-- it doesn't change the fact that henry came into this world because of that rape.

Kate: Oh, my god.

[Lucas crying]

Allie: Oh, my god, how could I have been so stupid? I mean, how could I have let this happen?

Nicole: Honey, honey, listen, there was a blackout, and this guy said he was with the power company--and then the lights went on.

Allie: There was also a prison break, and I let a stranger into our home.

Nicole: Stop. Look, the police are gonna find him. He can't have gotten that far.

[Knock on door]

Lani: Hi. Allie, I am so sorry this happened to you.

Nicole: Any news?

Lani: No, but we're gonna make sure we get henry back to you, okay? We have apbs out on all three prisoners.

Allie: Oh, my god, you think it was one of them?

Lani: We're not sure. Can you tell me what happened?

Allie: Yeah, there--there was a guy here and he was wearing a hard hat and he showed up at the door and he said he was with salem gas and electric. And, I don't know, he was looking for a fuse to help fix the outage.

Lani: Did he show you a badge?

Allie: Yes, um, and then he let himself in and I told him to be quiet because there was a baby sleeping and...

[Exhales] My god, I showed him exactly where henry was.

Lani: Did you see him take henry?

Allie: No. No. He said something about like a candle on in the back bedroom so, I don't know, I watched him leave, and then I went to the bedroom, and I guess while I was back there, he came in and he stole my baby.

Nicole: I-I was in the shower. I was here, but I-I didn't see him.

Lani: Okay, allie, I'm gonna show you some pictures, and... these were the men who escaped prison tonight. If you recognize any one of them, just--

Allie: Him! It was him, this is who stole my baby. Who is this?

Nicole: That's clyde weston, ben's father.

Ben: I already told you everything I know about my father's escape.

Eli: And you haven't heard from him.

Ben: You already asked me that.

Eli: I meant since I was here earlier.

Ben: I can't believe you don't want me to call the cops.

John: If you call the cops, they'll put out an apb. Cop groupies have had scanners since the '70s--you don't think orpheus isn't sitting on one?

Ben: You're right.

John: Yeah. He'd just take her and run.

Ben: No. Look, tomorrow is ciara's memorial and--

Eli: Yeah, yeah, ben... it won't take long...all right? I know you're goin' through a lot, but if you don't mind, I'd just like to take a look around the place.

Ben: For what reason?

Eli: You offered to let me search the place when I was here earlier. Assuming you still don't have anything to hide.

Ben: Look, I-- I already told you everything i know about my father's whereabouts.

[Sighs] But I-if you don't believe me, you do whatever you gotta do.

[Suspenseful music]

Dr. Morris: Christian has been doing quite well in the short time since he was transferred here.

Marlena: I'm very glad to hear that.

Dr. Morris: Then you understand why bayview is the right fit for him.

Marlena: I--you know, the thing is, I don't really have time to debate this with you.

Dr. Morris: What makes you think he would have a better outcome somewhere else? I know you're happy with your granddaughter claire's treatment.

Marlena: Please do not compare my granddaughter to a murderer. They are not the same.

Dr. Morris: I didn't mean to offend you, dr. Evans.

Marlena: Well, christian was the one that...[Scoffs] Killed the mother of his child. And then he was very happy just to let ben weston go ahead and go to death row for it!

Dr. Morris: You seem agitated, dr. Evans.

Marlena: Yes. Because I need this patient transferred tonight, and you're not hearing me.

Dr. Morris: Why don't you go home and get some sleep? We'll discuss it tomorrow. I can call a meeting with the whole team, and we'll straighten it out.

Marlena: No. No. I'm not going-- I'm not going home. I'm staying right here. This has to happen tonight. This is a matter of life and death. To be honest...a little dust? It never bothered me.

Dr. Morris: I'm aware that the patient in question attempted suicide in prison. But I don't believe mr. Maddox is currently a danger to himself or others.

Marlena: And you say that because you've known him all of five minutes?

Dr. Morris: Dr. Evans--

Marlena: I've known him since childhood. I know exactly who this man is.

Dr. Morris: And it's clear you're hardly objective about this case.

Marlena: A-are you questioning my judgement?

Dr. Morris: I'm questioning this situation.

Marlena: This situation is a matter of life and death, and we have to move quickly.

Dr. Morris: If you could be more specific, perhaps I would understand the--

Marlena: You don't need to understand this. You just... you just need to do as I'm asking.

Dr. Morris: Okay. You've never given me reason to doubt you in the past, dr. Evans, and I can see how important this is to you. Let me make some calls.

Marlena: You know, there's-- there's no need. I've made the arrangements.

Dr. Morris: There's protocol.

Marlena: Please. Please. Bring mr. Maddox to me at once or I will...have to call the board. Not about protocol so much as just...making sure that somebody else relieves you of this job.

John: Well, okay, partner, you've proved that you can terrorize my family.

Orpheus: That's not my goal. Not this time.

John: Where's the baby?

Orpheus: He's safe. No harm will come to the child as long as marlena comes through with her part of the agreement.

John: And what are you forcing her to do?

Orpheus: Forcing her? I'm not forcing anything. I gave her a choice, john. The future of that little boy is in her hands.

Clyde: Supposed to be a real simple deal, you know--orpheus gets me outta prison. I grab you, hand you over. But instead, I'm out here playing babysitter when I should be checking on my boy and making sure he's not doing something stupid.

Ben: I want belman dead.

Clyde: I know, you made that pretty damn clear. Would you please promise me... before you make any decision, you'll sleep on it?

Ben: Fine.

Clyde: I'll check on ya in the morning.

Ben: You promise me?

Clyde: Yeah, I promise. Good night, son. He's hurtin' real bad, my ollie. You know, he feels like he's got nothin' left to live for. But... but maybe... maybe you could help him out.

[Laughing] Yeah.


[Suspenseful music]

[Music intensifies]

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Kate: I cannot believe that allie has been walking around carrying all this pain, suffering it alone. Please tell me that the monster who did this is paying for it. He's being punished.

Lucas: Nope.

Kate: What do you mean, no?

Lucas: No. No arrests have been made.

Kate: All right, so we're gonna take care of this. We're gonna take care of this. I know it happened in london. You tell me it's a stranger-- it doesn't even matter because we have resources, okay? So we're gonna find the guy, we're gonna track him down, we're gonna make sure he's arrested, and we're gonna make sure that this man pays for what he did.

Lucas: We already know where he is.

Kate: Well, where is he?

Lucas: He's here, here in salem.

Kate: He's here in salem? Who the hell is it? Who did this to allie?

Lucas: Tripp dalton. Steve's son.

Allie: Ben's father's the one who took my baby?

Nicole: But that doesn't make any sense. Why would they break out of prison and do this?

Lani: Maybe it has something to do with allie's family?

Nicole: But orpheus is the one who has a grudge against marlena.

Lani: Orpheus and clyde were in on this break together. And they escaped prison once before.

Allie: What did they do last time?

Nicole: Honey, it doesn't matter.

Allie: No, what did they do?

Lani: They pretty much terrorized everyone in this town, allie, including your grandmother.

Allie: Then...maybe that's why they took henry, so that orpheus could get back at her.

Nicole: Or maybe they want something else. But where would clyde have taken the baby?

Lani: I don't know. But I'm pretty sure I have an idea on where to start looking.

Nicole: Okay.

John: I'm not gonna take your word for it that henry's okay. I wanna see that baby and i wanna see my wife right now.

Orpheus: I can assure you I don't want any harm to come to that little boy any more than you do. I'm just, uh, using him as insurance to make sure marlena comes through.

John: Doing what?

Orpheus: I'm getting my son out of that mental hospital.

John: Your son's nothing but a killer...just like you.

Orpheus: He doesn't belong there. Prison broke him. He nearly...took his life. And bayview's not gonna heal him. He needs me.

John: Oh, knock it off. You'll only make him worse.

Orpheus: We'll see. As soon as your wife delivers him to me.

John: [Whispers] She's never gonna do your bidding.

Orpheus: Well... if the exchange doesn't happen at the appointed hour, then... none of you will see that little boy again. So you'd better hope she made the right choice.

John: And when is this deadline?

Orpheus: Funny you should ask. Time is almost up.

Marlena: I'd like to be alone with the patient.

Dr. Morris: Are you sure that's a good idea?

Marlena: I am. Thank you.

Dr. Morris: Very well.

Christian: Wasn't expecting to see you. What are you doing here?

Marlena: I'm here as your doctor.

Christian: Isn't dr. Morris in charge of my treatment now?

Marlena: Well, actually, I'm your doctor now. So I'd like you to come with me.

Christian: Forget it. I'm not going anywhere with you. We do it every night.

Kate: Tripp dalton is the one who raped allie?

Lucas: He is--she saw him in town, she made a positive id. She swears that he's the attacker.

Kate: Okay. So he needs to be punished. Why hasn't he been arrested? Why hasn't he been charged?

Lucas: Because there's no proof and he denies everything, so according to the police, that's the end of it.

Kate: It's not the end of it. Not by a long shot.

Ben: Is that really necessary? Tearing apart my room?

Eli: Look, I'm gonna be honest with you. Lani just got a tip that someone saw clyde in the square headed this way.

Ben: When?

Eli: Right before I came here.

Ben: Well, that's news to me. He never came by my room.

Eli: I believed you the first time you told me that...the way that you're actin' since i walked in this door, I don't--

Ben: Look, man, I would call him for you if I could, but the guy just escaped from prison. I have no idea how to get in touch with him.

Eli: Right. I'm gonna continue my search just in case you're lying to me and your dad was here. Never know--he might have left a clue behind.

[Phone rings]

[Beep] Hey.

Lani: Hey, I've got some news. I'm here at nicole's apartment, and allie's baby has just been kidnapped.

Eli: What?

Lani: He was taken by a man posing as a gas repairman for the power company...but allie ided him as clyde weston.

Eli: Clyde took allie's baby.

Ben: No.

Lani: I need you to figure out if ben knows anything about it.

Eli: Yeah, I'm with him right now--let me call you back.

Ben: Allie's baby--what?

Eli: Your father took him. Right out of the apartment.

Ben: Henry, that's-- that's dr. Evan's great-grandson.

Eli: That woman did everything for you. You said it yourself that you owe her your life. Did you lie to me to protect your father? Ben! How the hell could you?!

Christian: I've been getting better since I arrived here. Dr. Morris thinks I'm making progress.

Marlena: Well, that's good. I-I just think that you can make more progress elsewhere.

Christian: Where? I'm not leaving until I know where I'm being taken.

Marlena: Well, I won't really know that until I've evaluated you.

Christian: Isn't that a decision that you and dr. Morris would make together?

Marlena: I've been doing this a very long time. I don't need his help.

Christian: Is--is this even legal, what you're doing? We can't just walk outta here. I'm a convicted murderer.

Marlena: Yes, I know exactly who you are. Look...let me handle all this, okay? Let's go.

Christian: You seem awfully anxious, dr. Evans.

Marlena: I'm fine.

Christian: What is this? What's going on?

Marlena: Evan, let's just go, shall we?

Christian: If you want me to follow you, then you tell me the truth.

Marlena: I've been speaking to your father.

Christian: You talked to orpheus?

Marlena: I did. He would like to have you transferred.

Christian: And you agreed?!

Marlena: [Laughs] Look, I'm offering you a chance to have your freedom. What are you waiting for? Why don't we just go? Let's get out of here--

Christian: No, absolutely not. I want nothing to do with my father--not now, not ever again.

John: Getting someone out of a mental hospital in the middle of the night... that's impossible. Even for doc. So what do you think about pushing back your deadline to say, maybe...morning?

Orpheus: I'm a wanted fugitive, john. Everybody in salem knows my face. The sooner I get my son, the sooner I disappear.

John: Wanted fugitive. And not the only one who can take a hostage.

Orpheus: Meaning?

John: Call your associate. Tell him to bring me the baby or his boss... is a dead man.

Lucas: What are you doing?

Kate: I'm calling the mayor. That little punk raped my granddaughter--he doesn't get to walk around free as if nothing happened--not on my watch.

[Line ringing]

Lucas: Mom, listen--

Kate: No, no, you listen. I know how it works in this incestuous little town. The good guys, they get away with anything, okay? That's why nothing's happened to tripp, because he's steve johnson's son.

Lucas: [Clears throat]

Kate: And abe's not answering. Okay, I'm just gonna have to track him down and get him involved, because I'm telling you, I don't stop fighting until tripp dalton is prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Lucas: That's what we all want, all right, but we can't just--

Kate: Oh, that's great, that's really great. So you won't get in my way.

Lucas: [Exhales]

Lani: Eli is with ben right now.

Allie: Does ben know where his father took henry?

Lani: That's what he's trying to figure out.

Nicole: I can't imagine ben would condone this. He loves your family--especially your grandmother.

Allie: Remember we were talking about him... about how he lost ciara forever, about how his life will never be the same?

Nicole: Allie, that situation is not like this.

Allie: You told me that we have to hold on to every moment we have with the people we love. But I didn't listen.

Lani: Hey, allie, you'll have henry back.

Nicole: And you will have plenty more moments to cherish.

Allie: But what if I don't?

[Sniffles] I missed so much after he was born. I pushed him away. I did everything I could not to be his mother.

[Sniffling] I tried to give him to rafe, to will and sonny, to you and eric.

Nicole: Because you were scared and hurt--

Allie: No, I was selfish. I was selfish. I didn'T...I didn't wanna be stuck raising him, so I just wanted him to be adopted. Now I've lost him. This is my punishment. This is my punishment for being a horrible mother.

Nicole: No. No, you are a great mother, and you are just getting started. I-I see that you are bonding with henry more and more. And you told me... you told me how grateful you are to have a second chance to be in his life.

Allie: Look what I did with it. I didn't protect him. And now if something happens, it's going to be all my fault.


Nicole: Oh, honey, come here.

[Allie continues sobbing]

Clyde: Now, this could be a win-win situation, little man. I mean, I know you're not the baby that my son and ciara wanted, but you could be the one to put a smile back on his face. Yes! And keep him from throwing his life away by killing that vincent belmar. Now, that man deserves to rot in hell, but I cannot let him take ollie with him. No, sir. I'm so scared he'S... about to do something crazy. And I hope it's not too late to change his mind.

Ben: I didn't know anything about my father taking allie's baby, eli...I swear to you, I would have never gone along with something like that.

Eli: Clyde was here earlier, wasn't he?

Ben: Yes.

Eli: So you did lie to me!

Ben: I'm sorry--I felt like i had no choice.

Eli: Were you hiding him when I was here earlier?

Ben: Yeah.

Eli: Oh, my god. Ben, what the hell were you thinking?

Ben: I've got a lot of my own stuff going on right now, man. I-I just wanted him to go away. I swear to you, if I had any idea, I woulda stopped him.

Eli: You could have stopped him. All you had to do was tell me he was in the back and then i woulda went and arrested him right then and there. That little boy would be home with his mother right now.

Ben: Oh, my god.

Eli: If anything happens to that baby... it's on your head.

Orpheus: I'd rethink that if I were you.

John: Once I blow you away, your associate won't have any reason to follow through with your wishes.

Orpheus: John... my man has explicit instructions if anything happens to me, that little boy... doesn't make it. So if you want marlena to see her great-grandson again, you'll hand over that gun.

[Intense music]

Nicole: All right, allie, look at me, honey. None of this is your fault. None of it.

Allie: I'm his mother. I'm supposed to take care of him.

Lani: Allie, you were tricked by an expert. You had no way of knowing that this would happen.

Allie: I left my baby alone with a stranger--would you do that?

Lani: You thought he was here to help out with the blackout. Allie, that could have happened to me; it could have happened to anyone. But we have all of the resources of the salem pd, and we will not rest until your baby is found.

Allie: But they could be anywhere by now.

Lani: And wherever they are, we will find them...okay? You will have henry back in your arms, no matter what it takes. Do you hear me?

Allie: No matter what it takes. That's what grandpa john said too.

Nicole: You see how many people are on your side?

Allie: But the way he said was different. Like he knew for sure. But how could he?

Orpheus: Look, john, marlena may not have been pointing a gun at me, but I gave her the same choice you're facing now. She decided to do what I want. You and I both know she wouldn't have made that choice unless she was convinced that I would follow through with my threat. Do you really want to be responsible for something terrible happening to henry? Do you wanna go through the rest of your life with that kind of guilt? That's what I thought.

Marlena: Look... you're a parent yourself. I know you can imagine what everybody's going through. Allie'S... allie's just had a baby. It's been taken away from her and we're all terrified of what orpheus might do. Look, I know you're working on being a good person. I know how much you want that and... if anything happens to this baby, I can't imagine you would want that on your conscience. Look... we're all relying on you here. This baby is relying on you. Please. We're just hoping you do the right thing.

Ben: I should never have let my father leave this room. I should have just handed him over to you. And you're right. If anything happens to that little boy--

Eli: Let's just stay in the moment. Did your dad tell you anything while he was here--where he was going, what his plans were?

Ben: Just that he had something to take care of. I have no idea what he meant by that or where he was going. Eli, I'm sorry.

Eli: Yeah. I'm sorry too. I'm taking you down to the station.

Ben: Wh-- you're arresting me?

Eli: No. But until we have your dad in custody, I'm not letting you out of my sight.

[Baby cries]

Clyde: Hush, hush, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. Hush, shh, shh, shh.

[Dramatic music]

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