Days Transcript Monday 10/26/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 10/26/20


Episode #13881 ~ Orpheus reveals his plan for Marlena; Clyde tricks Allie into letting him into her apartment; John receives alarming news from Ben; Rolf accosts Kayla at gunpoint.

Provided By Suzanne

Steve: How you doing, baby?

Kayla: Well, I've had better nights.

Steve: I bet.

Kayla: But I was able to get the dna kit to the lab before the power went out.

Steve: Okay. Why didn't you come home? I've been worried about you?

Kayla: I'm sorry; it's just we've had so many close calls trying to transfer the patients from the or and the icu onto the generator, but everything's under control now, so I'm gonna be on my wa

Steve: Good. With orpheus and his cronies running around salem, I want you where I can see you.

Allie: Okay. He's asleep again, for five minutes anyway.

Nicole: Aw, poor little guy.

Allie: I feel so bad for him.

Nicole: Yeah, and with an ear infection it can take up to 72 hours for the antibiotics to kick in.

Allie: That's three days.

Nicole: Yeah, and for some reason, it's worse at night.

Allie: I've always hated power outages, ever since I was a little kid. Just so quiet. Creepy.

Nicole: Mm, especially with three lunatics running around town. I swear these guys walk in and out of statesville like it's an executive suite.

Allie: Yeah. Does your phone still have power? I mean is there any news?

Nicole: Yes. Actually, I just read that apparently rolf went to the dimera mansion. Surprise, surprise.

Allie: Did they get him?

Nicole: No. Of course not. But clyde weston and orpheus, they haven't been seen around here, so hopefully they learned their lesson and went as far as they could get away from salem.

[Cell phone beeps]

Clyde: Hey. Just want to let you know I am about to make my move. You got any last-minute instruction?

Orpheus: Clyde, I've gone over and over and over it with you.

Clyde: I just want to make sure nothing has changed.

Orpheus: Why don't I say it in those short, little words you're so fond of? Get. It. Done.

[Cell phone beeps]

[Cell phone beeps]

Marlena: You really think that clyde is going to do what you tell him?

Orpheus: He'll do what I say.

Marlena: Even after what your son tried to do to his son?

Orpheus: I've managed to convince clyde that we have shared interests.

Marlena: Well, then you have a partner in crime. Why do you need me?

Orpheus: Because you're a woman of unique talents. I'm sure that's an assessment you'd agree with.

Marlena: Well, I can't do much with my talents when I'm all tied up, can I?

Orpheus: It's true. That phone call was a signal to me that it's time to alter that situation.

Marlena: You're going to untie me?

Orpheus: Oh, I'm gonna do more than that. I'm gonna set you free.

[Dramatic music]

Ben: I want belman dead.

Clyde: I know; you made that pretty damn clear. Would you please promise me, before you make any decision, you'll sleep on it?

Ben: Fine.

Clyde: I'll check on you in the morning.

Ben: You promise me?

Clyde: Yeah. I promise. Goodnight, son.

[Knocking on door]

John: Hey, ben, you in there? It's john.

Ben: Hey, john.

John: Hey, kid, listen. I'm sorry to interrupt, but your session's been going on for a long time. Just want to make sure everything's all right.

Ben: It's been over for a long time now.

John: You mean to tell me that doc's not here?

Ben: No.

John: How long's she been gone?

Ben: I mean it's been a few hours, john.

John: Hours? But she came back, right?

Ben: No.

John: Well, she told me she had to see you again.

Ben: I have no idea. I'm telling you right now, she came by here one time, and then she didn't come back.

John: What the hell? I wonder where she could be.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Kayla: Don't you think that orpheus has moved on from you and me? He didn't mess with us at all last time he was in town.

Steve: Yeah. Adrienne didn't think she had anything to fear from him, either, and now she's dead.

Kayla: I know. I just think that-- I think I'm okay.

Steve: I want you with me.

Kayla: Well, like I told you, I am on my way.

Steve: No. I'll tell you what; you stay there, and I'll come and get you.

Kayla: Listen, how about if I get one of the security guys to walk me out to my car?

Steve: [Sighs] Okay. Is vinny on duty?

Kayla: I'm sure he is.

Steve: No, you have to make sure. He's the only one of those guys who knows how to handle himself.

Kayla: Okay. I will ask.

Steve: Okay, good. So when will the results of the dna test be back?

Kayla: Well, it's hard to say because of the blackout.

Steve: I just want to give tripp some good news.

Kayla: I know you do.

Steve: If I can prove he's innocent, maybe he'll forgive me for going behind his back.

Tripp: Going behind my back for what?

Ben: Did marlena say why she wanted to see me again?

John: Well, she was worried about you, kid. She thought you might be in a bad way, especially since she didn't hear from you.

Ben: But she did hear from me. John, I called her, and I left her a message about orpheus being on the loose.

John: What'd you just say? Orpheus is out?

Ben: You didn't know?

John: Hell no, I didn't know! Why didn't you tell me that when I walked in the door?

Marlena: So you kidnapped me from my living room, brought me to whatever this freezing place is, just to tie me up and then untie me? I don't get it. What's the catch?

Orpheus: I told you. There's something that I have to accomplish, and you're the one person who can make that happen.

Ben: I didn't think I had to tell you, john. Everybody in salem knows about orpheus.

John: Didn't mean to raise my voice. I'm just so sick and tired of walking around in this damn fog.

Ben: Do you really think orpheus has her?

John: Of course he has her. No, who you calling?

Ben: I'm calling the cops. My god, if he actually has dr. Evans right now--

John: Put that phone away. You're not calling anybody.

Orpheus: My son needs help, and only you can give it to him.

Marlena: Christian almost killed will, and he was responsible for jordan's death, and he was very happy--very happy to let ben be put to death for it. Why would I help him?

Orpheus: You don't know the whole story.

Marlena: I know as much as I need to know.

Orpheus: When I was transferred back to statesville, I learned that christian had had a breakdown, about a month before I got there. You know how the prison officials--these enlightened men--you know how they responded to his illness? They threw him in solitary. You ever try to live in a 4x8 box, marlena? Tests the sanity of anyone. It's no wonder he tried to end it.

Marlena: He did? Is he alive?

Orpheus: He came very close, but they managed to get there in time.

Marlena: What happened to him?

Orpheus: He's in bayview. I'm not allowed to have any contact with him whatsoever.

Marlena: That's the best thing that could happen to him.

Orpheus: Christian was always too sensitive for this world, especially after your husband took his mother away.

Marlena: I won't even talk about that.

Orpheus: He loved that island, remember?

Marlena: I do remember that.

Orpheus: You were supposed to be a mother for him and zoey. A second mother, but they lost you too.

Marlena: I never wanted that job. I was forced to do that. I had children of my own.

Orpheus: My son needs a reason to live. His son can be that reason, and you can provide the connection.

Marlena: You want me to treat him?

Orpheus: I don't want you to treat him. I want you to get him out of there and deliver him to me.

Kayla: I put a rush on the test results, but how fast we get them back is-- you know, really depends on when we get the power back.

Steve: Well, you hurry home, all right?

Kayla: I will. I love you.

Steve: I love you too.

[Cell phone beeps]

Tripp: So you and kayla went behind my back? To do what?

Steve: [Sighs] Son--

Tripp: Let me just take a wild guess. This has something to do with allie and the baby, doesn't it?

Steve: Yeah, it does.

Tripp: Okay. I'm waiting.

Allie: [Sighs] I don't know what I would do if you weren't going through this with me.

Nicole: And I keep telling you how happy I am to have you and henry here, especially now that eric's in africa, and holly is visiting with chloe and parker. I mean, I'd be going nuts.

[Both laugh]

Allie: Maybe, but you wouldn't have spit-up on your new dress.

Nicole: I do? Oh, yes. I do.

Allie: You might want to go wash it off, 'cause that formula stains.

Nicole: Yeah, and stinks. Okay. Thank you.

[Both laugh]

Allie: [Sighs]

[Knock on door] Who would be knocking at this hour in the middle of a blackout?

[Knocking on door] Oh, my god. I hope it's not mom.

Clyde: Evening, ma'am. I'm from salem gas and electric.

Allie: What do you want?

Clyde: I need to come in and take a look at your breaker box. We are the thrivers.

Allie: This whole town's lost power, and you need to look at our breaker box?

Clyde: Well, the thing is the power surge found a transformer, which interrupted the whole circuit. Now, that transformer is right outside this building, so we need to go through all the apartments, find that blown circuit box which started this whole mess.

Allie: Okay, but even if you did, I mean, how would that bring back the power for the whole town?

Clyde: Well, ma'am, I would love to sit down and explain it to you, but I got way too much work to do. The thing is, if we don't get the power back on, you won't have any heat tonight. It's supposed to get real cold around these parts, and I don't imagine you want to deal with that, having that little baby in here.

Allie: No, I really don'T. But this is my aunt and uncle's apartment. I mean, I don't even know where the box is.

Clyde: You leave that up to me.

Allie: Well, I just got my son to sleep, so if you could just keep it down?

Clyde: Don't worry. I'll be quiet as a mouse.

Ben: I can't believe you don't want me to call the cops.

John: If you call the cops, they put out an apb. Cop groupies have had scanners since the '70s. You don't think orpheus isn't sitting on one?

Ben: You're right.

John: Yeah, he'd just take her and run.

Ben: Well, then, how do we find her?

John: Well, I can think of one person who might be able to help me find her.

Ben: Who?

John: Well, that would be you, kid.

Marlena: You want me to-- you want me to break your son out of bayview?

Orpheus: Hardly. I want you to have him discharged into your care.

Marlena: Oh, I was right. You are delusional.

John: I thought about taking the more direct approach, guns blazing, hostage taking, but that would just invite the police to the party, and why do that when I have the perfect inside operative sitting right here? With your credentials, you can just waltz right in there and check christian out.

Marlena: It's not that easy. I know from experience.

Orpheus: Ah. Yes. From your... from your time as a resident of bayview.

Marlena: Oh. You have tracked me.

Orpheus: Always. Why were you in there?

Marlena: [Sighs] It was a case of mistaken identity, and that's all I will say about it. When they figured things out, I was released, and at that point, they... they offered me a position on the board of directors, and I accepted.

Orpheus: From your statement to the press, you said something about not wanting anyone else to suffer the inhumanity you did.

Marlena: I just wanted there to be a standard of care. And I wanted some people fired. That's happened. That's why I know that your son is all right. I know he will get what he needs there.

Orpheus: You have no idea what my son needs.

Marlena: Well, I know that I can't do anything to get him out.

Orpheus: Don't feed me that. You managed to spring your pyromaniac granddaughter out of there, didn't you?

Marlena: She had a breakdown. I mean-- she recovered from that.

Orpheus: I suggest you stop arguing and start thinking about how you're going to achieve what I want. Think very, very hard.

Steve: Okay. I have been keeping something from you.

Tripp: Why?

Steve: Because sometimes, a parent has to do what he thinks is right for his kid, even when the kid might not agree.

Tripp: Okay, so what'd you do?

Steve: It just drives me crazy that the med school tabled your application, because of what allie is saying.

Tripp: Yeah, that drives me crazy too.

Steve: So I know you don't like getting special treatment, but I went behind your back, and I asked kayla to put in a good word for you.

Tripp: Is that all you did?

Steve: Yeah. Now, she hasn't agreed yet, but as soon as she's sure you're dead innocent, I'm sure she will.

Tripp: And how can she be dead sure? I mean, it's my word against her niece'S. I should have gone ahead and just taken the paternity test, but I just hated the fact that I had to defend myself over something I know I didn't do.

Steve: I hear you. You know, son, there's an old saying. The truth will out. I'm holding on to that.

Tripp: Thanks, dad. I hope you know how much it means that you believe in me.

Kayla: Oh, hi, janet. Listen, I just want to let you know that I'll be heading out of here in a few minutes. I'm waiting for a security guard to walk me to my car, and he's late. I should have been out of here 20 minutes ago. Yeah, right, but listen, I just want to let you know, if you have any issues at all with the icu tonight, just get a hold of dr. Garcia, all right? Okay. All right. Super. I'll see you first thing in the morning then. All right. Bye-bye. Vinny, great. Thank you.

Rolf: Vinny was unfortunately detained.

Kayla: Rolf.

Rolf: Dr. Brady. We meet again. To be honest...a little dust? It never bothered me.

Rolf: I am so glad I've found you.

Kayla: Well, I'm on my way out.

Rolf: I'm afraid not.

Kayla: I heard that you and clyde and orpheus broke out of statesville tonight, but I was positive that you were finally finished with us.

Rolf: Assumptions, my dear, are the mother of all mistakes. What? Planning on making a call? I wouldn't do that, if I were you.

Steve: What are you doing up so late anyway?

Tripp: Can't sleep, which has been pretty much every night here lately. What's your excuse?

Steve: Well, I'm waiting for kayla to come home.

Tripp: Is she back at the hospital?

Steve: Yeah; after the power went out, she had to go back and check on all her patients, make sure they're okay when they switched over to the generator.

Tripp: Oh. Hmm.

Steve: Should be here by now. I don't know why she's not.

Tripp: She probably just got hung up. I used to feel for her, actually, when I worked there. I mean she couldn't leave without getting stopped a bunch of times.

Steve: I hope that's all it is.

Tripp: You worried?

Steve: Clyde and rolf and orpheus are on the loose tonight. Hell yes, I'm worried.

Marlena: I knew you'd get around to the threats.

Orpheus: Well, I'd be a fool to let you out of my sight without making sure you won't turn me in.

Marlena: What have you done?

Orpheus: Well, let's just say I've taken out a little insurance policy, to guarantee that you continue to follow my directives.

Marlena: Have you taken john? Is that what you've done?

Ben: I would do anything for dr. Evans. She changed my life. But I don't know how you think I can help you.

John: Well, if orpheus broke out, I'm sure he took clyde and rolf with him. And the only one who has a real connection to salem would be your father, because of you. So I'm gonna ask you point blank, kid, and I want you to level with me. Has clyde already reached out to you?

Ben: You lecturing me about doing the right thing? Really?

Clyde: Lecture's over. There's someplace I gotta be.

Ben: Where you gotta go, dad?

Clyde: There's something I gotta do.

Ben: Oh, what? A drug deal? A kidnapping? What? What do you got?

Clyde: Nothing for you to worry about. Listen, I... I was a lousy daddy to you. Did a lot of damage, but somehow, you found a way to rise above it and be happy with ciara. You're a changed man because of that love, so I'm asking you to think long and hard before you do something that you will regret for the rest of your life.

John: If he has, can you tell me anything that can help me find doc? If you know something kid, you better tell me now, because you just said it yourself. You owe marlena your life.

Clyde: Ma'am, it looks like that blown circuit's in another apartment. I'm sorry to have bothered you.

Allie: Thank you for trying. Good luck.

Clyde: Oh, by the way, did you know there's a lit candle in that back bedroom?

Allie: Yeah, I put it there.

Clyde: It's mighty close to the curtains.

Allie: Oh, my gosh.

Clyde: Yeah; it'd be much better you sitting in the dark than going up in flames.

Allie: Thank you.

Clyde: All right.

[Dramatic music]

We're at the movies and we need to silence our phone.

Nicole: Do you have any idea how hard it is to shower in the dark? I was like--oh.

Allie: Oh!

Nicole: Hallelujah.

Allie: Hey. That was quick.

Nicole: What do you mean?

Allie: This guy was just here from the power company, and he was looking for a broken box or circuit or something. I guess it was next door, because he literally just left.

Nicole: Yeah, I thought I heard voices. So did this guy just-- he came into our apartment?

Allie: Yeah; he was looking for our breaker box.

Nicole: Well, that seems weird.

Allie: It did to me too, but what do I know about an electrical grid? So obviously, he knew what he was doing, because now the power's back on. Okay, I can heat henry's bottle when he wakes up, which hopefully will not be until morning.

[Both laugh]

Marlena: John just got out of the hospital. He had a brain aneurysm, and he's still very fragile.

Orpheus: Calm down. It isn't your precious john.

Marlena: All right. Well, if it isn't john, then who is it?

Orpheus: Another member of your family. One that you'll do anything to protect.

John: Ben? Do you know how to reach clyde?

Ben: No. John, I'm telling you the truth. If I hear anything from him, you will be the first one to know, but you gotta believe me when I tell you this, because you know how much dr. Evans means to me. You know that. Please.

John: All right. I believe you.

Ben: I wish there was something else I could do to help. I'd give anything.

John: Even if it means your father gets caught?

Ben: Yes.

John: You know he was running a drug ring when he left here, so I have to assume that he has a safe house somewhere. He ever talk to you about it? Oh, come on, ben! If he still has that place, orpheus knows about it, and he might have taken doc there.

Ben: He never talked to me about his business, john. I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. But you know what? There's somebody else who might know all about it.

Tripp: Well, at least I don't have to try to read with a flashlight anymore. Maybe something on late night tv will put me to sleep.

[Tv audience cheering]

Steve: Sure.

Tripp: Why don't you just call her?

Steve: I've been trying. The cell service is pretty messed up. I can't get through.

Tripp: The lights are back on. I'm just saying.

Steve: You're right.

[Phone beeps]

[Line ringing] She's still not picking up.

Rolf: You realize if you answer that, you're a dead woman?

Kayla: And if you kill me, then I won't be able to help you.

Rolf: Don't flatter yourself. You are hardly my only alternative. Merely the most convenient.

Kayla: Then what's your plan now, rolf?

Rolf: Stefano dimera has died, god rest his soul.

Kayla: Well, a, he didn't have a soul, and b, you hardly have a pipeline to god. So what is it you want from me?

Rolf: After you removed the chip from steve's brain, you turned it over to the police, who gave it to chad.

Kayla: God knows why he wanted it.

Rolf: He didn'T. After all that stefano did for him--made him his heir, gave him an empire to run-- chad still spit on his father's memory. I found out tonight that chad and tony destroyed all that was left of stefano--his essence. Unworthy, ungrateful wretches.

Kayla: Oh, they did the right thing. Stefano was pure evil. And what you did to steve, in your effort to preserve that essence of stefano? You practically destroyed steve's life.

Rolf: Ah, what I did was for the greater good! Ah, steve was expendable. Well, you're a scientist yourself, of sorts. Surely you understand.

Kayla: I believe in science, but I also believe in ethics, and good always triumphs over evil.

Rolf: Oh, sentimental drivel.

Kayla: You only see what you want to see. Evil people have such tunnel vision. That's why they always lose out in the end. That's why steve and I are together, and stefano's dead. He lost, and this nightmare is finally over. And all you have left of your master is your sick obsession. There's no damn way you can ever bring him back.

Rolf: Ha; the phoenix always rises from the ashes, and he will again, with your help.

Orpheus: So... what do you think of my plan?

Marlena: I think it's horrid and depraved. How could you?

Orpheus: I'm doing whatever I need to do to protect my family.

Marlena: Oh, please. Spare me the phony sentimentality. You don't give a damn about family.

Orpheus: I would expect you to do the same thing for your family, so you'll follow my instructions to the letter, doc, unless you want another death on your head. Do we have a deal?

John: Thank you, xander. Trust me when I say I won't forget this.

[Phone beeps] Kid, you had a really good idea.

Ben: What did he say?

John: [Grunts]

Ben: Hey. Hey, hey, hey. You need a couple aspirin or something, man?

John: Xander just gave me the location of a warehouse outside of town. He said that he and clyde and orpheus hung out there, back in the day.

Ben: Who are you texting?

John: Old buddy of mine at the isa. He's gonna pull up all the security footage, and he'll get right back to me.


Ben: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey. Easy, easy. Easy. Look, john, you're in no shape to do this alone. Let me go with you.

John: No, no, no. Ben, I'm gonna need you right here. Clyde might show up. Maybe even doc. Son, I'm really hoping that clyde won't wind up as collateral damage here, but he might.

Ben: If he's done anything to dr. Evans, then he deserves that.

Steve: No. I'm done sitting around. I'm going over to the hospital.

Tripp: Okay; I'll go with you.

Steve: No, no. Listen, tripp, I appreciate you wanting to help kayla out, in spite of everything that's happened, but I think it's better if you stay here, because she and I might pass each other on the road. You can call me, and let me know if she gets home safe.

Tripp: She will, dad.

Steve: Right.

Kayla: You are talking nonsense.

Rolf: Even after stefano's body failed him, I was able to find a way to revive his spirit.

Kayla: Oh, yeah? And how did you do that?

Rolf: Don't scoff!

Kayla: What--you have another microchip, don't you?

Rolf: What, have you not been paying attention? The microchip is gone. There is no stefano to imprint in steve's consciousness.

Kayla: Well, then what do you have? And what do I have to do with it?

Rolf: You will see. Please, just be good enough to follow me.

Kayla: Oh, you can just forget that.

Rolf: I said follow me!

[Dramatic music]

Ben: I'm so messed up. You got me thinking I could actually trust you, clyde.

Do you have any idea how much hell ciara would be giving me if she knew that I let you get away again? You haven't changed. You're still the same bastard used to beat me with that belt when I was too little to fight back. Guess what, dad? I'm not little anymore. So if I find out that you had anything to do with dr. Evans going missing, I swear to god.

Steve: Kayla?

Orpheus: Hello, john. Slowing down in your old age?

John: Where is she?

Orpheus: Um...not here, obviously.

John: You tell me where she is right now, or I'm gonna blow your head clean off.

Orpheus: Not a good idea. 'Cause if you do that, I won't be the only one who dies.

Allie: I'm so glad he's finally getting some sleep.

Nicole: You should probably get some sleep, too, because he could wake up any minute.

Allie: Well, you should, too, because he has a set of lungs on him, and you will probably hear him.

Nicole: Yes, I will hear him.


Allie: Oh, my god. No, no, no!

Nicole: What is it?

Allie: Henry. He's gone.

Nicole: Oh, my god. But how?

Allie: What?

Clyde: Now, I told your mom I wouldn't wake you, and I didn'T.

[Baby cooing] Guess I haven't lost all my daddy skills, have I?

[Chuckles] You are a cute little fellow. Yes, you are. I think orpheus has himself a dandy little insurance policy. Yes, he does.


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