Days Transcript Friday 10/23/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 10/23/20


Episode #13880 ~ Belle is afraid when she finds Jan in her house; Clyde tries to save Ben from himself; Xander is not happy that Sarah and Philip are together again; Claire helps Charlie out of a jam.

Provided By Suzanne

Sarah: Hey.

Philip: Sarah.

Sarah: What's with the power?

Philip: Citywide blackout. It seems three prisoners from statesville blew a transformer, caused a power surge, and broke out.

Sarah: Well, that's terrifying. Oh, my god, I hope they've been caught.

Philip: Not yet. They're considered armed and highly dangerous.

Sarah: [Exhales sharply]

Shawn: All right, we got every quadrant in the city covered. Brock is in constant contact with the dwp, waiting for an eta for when we're gonna get our power turned back on.

Eli: It's like these cons have just disappeared. The damn blackout isn't helping either. I mean, it wouldn't hurt if we had one solid lead, but all these damn tips are bogus.

Shawn: Yeah, and since rolf slipped through our fingers, we gotta hope that he shows up at gina's lair. I've got two uniforms there waiting, just in case he does.

Eli: Why did he even show up at the dimera mansion in the first place? It's not like he has any allies there. Hell, chad tied his ass up and was ready to hand him over.

Shawn: Yeah. I mean, how the hell did he escape? And the others-- I mean, orpheus, we assumed he was gonna go to marlena's and weston was gonna go to his son'S. Both of those--both of those turned out to be dead ends too.

Eli: Let's just hope that clyde turns up at ben'S. He promised me he'd let me know if he heard from his dad.

Clyde: I didn't hear a no.

Ben: Thanks. But I'll pass.

Clyde: The hell you got to stick around for? Town full of people that'll never accept you? Crying at your dead wife's grave?

[Dramatic music]

Ben: Revenge.

Clyde: Where'd you get the gun?

Ben: Belonged to vincent belman. I took it from the police station.

Clyde: So your idea of finding peace for ciara's death is to kill the man that killed her with his own weapon?

Belle: Hey, shawn. I saw that you called, but i didn't see a message. I just got back from checking on my parents. Anyway, I'm sure you're crazed at the police station, but I do hope you're on your way home. Either way, call me when you get this, okay? Love you.

[Phone beeps] I hope you get home soon. It's spooky in here in the dark... all alone.

Jan: But you're not alone.

Belle: Jan. How did you get in here?

Jan: Wasn't hard. Door was unlocked.

Belle: So you just let yourself in?

Jan: Why would I stay outside when there are dangerous criminals on the loose? You did hear about those horrible escaped convicts, didn't you?

Belle: I did. Now get the hell outta here.

Jan: You don't understand.

Belle: Jan, it's the middle of the night. Go home.

Jan: Fine. But first, I brought you a little present.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Clyde: When I showed up, you were on your way out to do it, weren't you?

Ben: He shot ciara. He left her to die in that burning car.

Clyde: Yeah, and there's no doubt he deserves a bullet between the eyes, but like i told you before, I'll take care of it.

Ben: No, no, no, no, no! I want answers. I wanna look that bastard in the eye. I wanna hear him say the words and beg for his life. I wanna see his fear, see him feel every bit of terror that ciara felt when he pointed that gun at her.

Clyde: Son--

Ben: I need justice! This is the only way I'm gonna get it.

Sarah: Oh, my god. Orpheus? That's the monster that drugged my mother and then tried to kidnap her. I mean, he's the reason that I-- yeah, I need to check on her.

Philip: Now, wait, sarah. Let your mom sleep.

Sarah: But that maniac is out there; he-- he could come back here.

Philip: I put security on high alert. They won't let anything happen to her. Neither will I.

Sarah: Thank you. No, you're right. I don't wanna wake her up just to scare her and make her relive that night.

Philip: Look, I know it's a little unsettling hanging here in the dark with three psychopaths on the loose, but if you wanna stay down here with me instead of going back to bed alone...

Sarah: Alone? Why would you say that?

Philip: Ah, come on, sarah. Xander was wandering around here like a lost puppy earlier. He wouldn't admit that you kicked him out of bed, but it was pretty obvious that's what happened. Hope I wasn't the cause of that.

Sarah: No, no, no, no. It wasn't you at all. Honestly, it's xander and his pigheaded caveman behavior. You know, if he hadn't been at titan working overtime, trying to oust you, then you and i wouldn't have been having dinner together and there'd be nothing to be jealous about. Not that there's anything to be jealous about.

Philip: Of course not. Course not, it's just two friends having dinner. I hope I can say we're friends.

Sarah: Well, I don't share my most embarrassing stories with just anyone.

Philip: [Laughs] Well, I never would've said yes to dinner if I had known it was gonna cause so much trouble.

Sarah: No, no, no, don't apologize. Xander is the one that should step up and apologize to both of us. I mean, seriously, the idea that I would have a romantic dinner with another man? What does that say about his faith in me?

Philip: Ah, come on. You gotta laugh.

Sarah: No, there was nothing funny about what transpired tonight.

Philip: You sure about that? Did you see the look on xander's face when he spilled that red wine on your dress?

Sarah: That was funny.

[Both laugh] Aww, he made such an idiot of himself tonight, didn't he?

[Both laugh]

[Dramatic music]

[Cell phone rings]

Claire: Charlie?

Charlie: Claire. Hey. I hope I didn't wake you.

Claire: Are you kidding? Who could sleep through this? I just ran out to get flashlight batteries. What's up? Are you sitting at home in the dark?

Charlie: No, I'm actually stuck at the office.

Claire: Wow, at this hour and in a blackout? You are super dedicated.

Charlie: No, I'm super stuck. Literally.

Belle: What is that?

Jan: What does it look like?

Belle: Please, don'T. Don't hurt me.


Belle: [Grunting]

Jan: Let me help you to the chair.

Belle: No, don't come near me.

Jan: What did you think? That I was gonna bash your head in?

Belle: What else would I think?

Jan: Relax, will you? The only one who hurt you is you.

[Scoffs] And if I hadn't been here, you might have burned the place down.

Belle: Oh, right. I owe you one.

Jan: If you show me where the lighter is, I can relight it.

Belle: I don't want you anywhere near a match, okay? Can you just go?

Jan: Not before i give you this. Actually, it's for claire. I know how broken up she is about ciara's death. The memorial tomorrow? I want her to have this.

Belle: What, a rock?

Jan: It's a crystal. A healing crystal. Rose quartz, to be exact. It'll bring her comfort. It might even help your ankle if I could just rub it on it.

Belle: Okay, just stay away from me.

Jan: Come to think of it, obsidian would've been a better choice, and technically, it's not wise to share crystals, since your energy could contaminate it--

Belle: Okay, jan...

Jan: What?

Belle: Just take your rock and get the hell out of my house.

Claire: You're trapped? Oh, my gosh. What happened?

Charlie: [Sighs] The power outage happened. There must've been some electronic glitch with the doors into the office, and they locked automatically.

Claire: Well, isn't there some sort of way you can override the system in an emergency?

Charlie: Yeah, there's a password, but I might have never...

Claire: Written it down?

Charlie: Yeah. I was hoping that maybe since your family owns the company and all that you know it?

Claire: [Sighs] I don't, but philip and xander will. Just give them a call.

Charlie: Waking up my two bosses in the middle of the night to tell them that I'm locked in their office? They would think I'm totally incompetent.

Claire: It's not like the power goes out every night. You couldn't have known this was gonna happen. They'll understand.

Charlie: Maybe, but before i out myself as a complete idiot, I'm thinking that the doors maybe will open up from the outside without a passcode. Do you think that you can come by and let me out?

[Both laugh]

Xander: Having a good laugh, are we?

Sarah: Xander, it was just...

Philip: Hilarious, actually. Tell me, xander, did you get kicked out of bed for ruining sarah's dress or being a neanderthal?

Sarah: Philip!

Xander: You told him you kicked me out?

Sarah: No, I didn't offer up that information. He just--he figured it out.

Philip: It was kind of a no-brainer, really.

Xander: Oh, and you're an expert at those, aren't you?

Sarah: Oh, my god, can we just stop? Have we not had enough stress for one night? And on top of it, the power's out for god knows how long.

Xander: Right. And yet despite all the stress we're apparently under, you two can find the humor. Oh, isn't it hilarious when someone's deeply hurt by someone they love with all their heart and share their life with?

Sarah: "Deeply hurt"? No! You threw a jealous hissy fit over nothing.

Philip: A very laughable hissy fit at that. "Hey, you know what happens to losers who hit on my woman? They get hit, repeatedly. But not before I spill wine all over their favorite dress."

Xander: I'll tell you what's laughable: Your outrageous arrogance. You fail at everything you do, philip. Disappear from salem with your tail between your legs, and then you come back here and expect everyone to genuflect in front of your mere presence, when the truth is, if your last name wasn't kiriakis, you'd be nothing but a down-and-out deadbeat.

Sarah: Xander! That's cruel. And it's unnecessary.

Philip: It's okay, sarah. Let him vent. He's obviously projecting his own insecurities onto me, poor bastard. After an embarrassing temper tantrum, he comes down here to spy on us, spews nonsensical bs all over the place, and embarrasses himself further.

Xander: I didn't come down here to spy on you. I came to sleep on the couch. You know the guest room mattress gives me sciatica. So if you two could take your romantic little laugh fest elsewhere so I can get some sleep, that'd be great.

Sarah: We aren't having a laugh fest. I came downstairs because i didn't wanna sit alone in our bedroom in the dark. And there is nothing romantic about a power outage, especially not when it's caused by three escaped statesville prisoners that are still on the loose.

Philip: The fun part is, two of them are your old friends clyde weston and orpheus. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?

Clyde: Ollie, don't you do anything stupid. Vincent's already in jail. Let the justice system do its job.

Ben: "The justice system," says the man who said he'd just take care of him for me? Who just broke out of prison tonight? You don't trust the justice system any more than I do.

Clyde: Yeah, I've had my issues, but come on.

Ben: The system stuck a needle in my arm, pumped me full of drugs, and tried to kill me for a crime that I didn't commit, so no, I don't trust the system to punish vincent.

Clyde: All right, so you put a bullet in that man now, with your history, you'll be right back on the table, and you don't have ciara running to your rescue anymore.

Ben: I don't care.

Clyde: Well, I do! Why do you think I risked busting out of prison? To be here, to be with you. Tammy sue's gone. It's just you and me, ollie. We're all the family we got left. What is there out there for me on the outside except you?

Ben: What's left for me? Nothing.

Eli: Okay, so we know that rolf showed up in town, so it's obvious the men are traveling together. So therefore, that means clyde and orpheus should be here too.

Shawn: Yeah, so we reach out to everyone who has a history with clyde and orpheus. We've already covered ben and marlena. I already sent cars out to kate roberts' and steve and kayla johnson'S.

[Cell phone rings]

[Cell phone beeps]

Eli: Hey, carillo. What do you got? All right. Yeah, let me know.

Shawn: Anything?

Eli: Nothing.

Lani: Well, I've got something.

Claire: Of course I will help you.

Charlie: Yes. Oh, you are an angel.

Claire: But I'm not sure I'll even be able to get into the building, let alone get through that door, but yes, I will try.

Charlie: That's all I can ask for.

[Cell phone beeps]

Jan: This crystal set me back $39.99 plus tax. I'd like to give it to her.

Belle: Well, she's not here.

Jan: I'll wait.

Belle: I will give it to her.

Jan: I don't believe you.

Belle: You know, claire does not need or want your gifts or your friendship.

Jan: Claire's an adult. Shouldn't it be up to her who her friends are?

Belle: You are not her friend.

Jan: Why are you so threatened by me, belle?

Belle: Oh, well, let's see. Maybe because you kidnapped shawn and locked him in a cage for weeks or tried to electrocute his grandfather in a bathtub or, most recently, after you kidnapped shawn again, you tried to blow up our entire graduating class. You are a psychopath.

Jan: Jeez, belle. I'm surprised you'd be so insensitive with your language when your own daughter has suffered mental illness. I got help, just like claire did. That's why we understand each other.

Belle: You are preying on her.

Jan: You're jealous, aren't you, that claire feels like she can turn to me? We have so much in common.

Belle: Oh, please. You have nothing in common. Starting with the fact that you're, like, 20 years older than her. Your friendship with her is completely inappropriate.

Jan: Actually, what's completely inappropriate is your friendship with philip.

Xander: This is the first I'm hearing about a breakout. I haven't heard from orpheus or clyde in years.

Sarah: Sorry, you know orpheus? Like, you're friends with him?

Xander: That's definitely not the word I'd use.

Philip: You haven't heard about that sordid episode in xander's life? That's right. You and melissa were probably on tour when that all went down.

Sarah: You never thought to mention this to me when he kidnapped my mother? How do you even know him, and what went down?

Xander: It's a long story, sarah.

Philip: Short version? Back when xander was in statesville, he and his compadres busted out, acted like marvel supervillains, terrorized the whole town, didn't you, buddy? Needless to say, this was before xander turned into a jealous, simpleminded--

Xander: Shut your mouth before I shut it for you.

Philip: Go for it.

Clyde: Just shut the hell up for a minute, all right? Ciara risked everything to save you from death row. You think she'd want you to throw your life away?

Ben: What life? Ciara was all that was good in my life, and now she's gone, dad! That's because of me!

Clyde: What are you talking about?

Ben: Because eve and vincent tried to punish me! They did punish me for what i did to paige and wendy. And now she's gone. She paid the price. She's dead because of me.

Clyde: All right, so you-- guilt's eating you alive. You think the answer's killing vincent, right? All that will get you is dead! Use your brain. Don't add to the body count. You wanna honor ciara? You be the man she helped you to become! You live the life she'd want you to live.

Lani: I got this footage from the dimera security system, and chad says it not only covers the interior of the house, but it's been recently upgraded to show a larger portion of the grounds, which means we might be able to tell if rolf left on foot or in a vehicle.

Eli: And maybe even pull a license plate number.

Shawn: Yeah, and maybe if he had an accomplice. And if we're lucky, we might be able to see which direction he went when he left.

Eli: Lucky would've been if rolf hadn't gotten away from us in the first place. I still don't understand how he managed to get himself untied.

Lani: Well, I guess we are about to find out.

Eli: What the hell?

[Suspenseful music]

This is my body of proof.

Sarah: Can we please dial down the testosterone a little bit here? I do not have it in me to referee a cage match in the middle of a blackout at midnight!

Xander: And I don't have it in me to stay in the same room as this prat for another moment, blackout or no. Come on, sarah. Let's go to bed right now.

Sarah: Oh, no, no, no, no. I will go to bed. You will stay on the couch.

Philip: Unless, of course, you beg sarah's and my forgiveness for being such a horse's ass tonight.

Xander: I'm never gonna apologize to you for anything, philip. I'm not gonna sleep on the damn couch either, not while there's dangerous criminals about. I'm gonna sleep exactly where i belong: In the bed I share with the woman I love.

Sarah: Okay, well, I'm exhausted, so if sleeping in our bed means you will stop making such a damn fuss, then fine.


Belle: Philip is my client. There's nothing inappropriate about our relationship.

Jan: Come on, belle. We both know he's so much more than that.

Belle: He is my friend.

Jan: And ex-husband and former business partner and the guy you cheated on shawn with how many times?

Belle: I am not having this conversation with you.

Jan: I am merely pointing out that it's not like you and shawn are married at the moment. You can still have philip. Maybe you still want philip. Maybe that's why you've waited so long to make it official with shawn.

Belle: Okay, would you just stop? I am not interested in philip.

Jan: Is that what you tell yourself so you can believe you're a good person?

Belle: I feel sorry for you, jan. I mean, how long has it been? How long have you had this sick obsession with shawn? Like you think he's just gonna wake up one day and all of a sudden fall in love with you? The truth is--the truth that you need to face right now is that even if shawn and I didn't work out, even if you were the last person on earth, shawn will never wanna be with you.

[Tense music]

Lani: I can't believe it. The footage is blank.

Shawn: Damn it, rolf must have erased it.

Eli: Odds are, he knows his way around the dimera mansion security system as well as anyone. I mean, clearly, he covered his tracks.

Lani: And we're back to square one.

[Cell phone beeps]

Shawn: This might be belle. Been trying to get ahold of her with this blackout, but-- it says that I have a missed call from her, and-- what is this?

Lani: What's wrong?

Shawn: I got a notification from my doorbell security camera. It says that somebody's at my front door. And that was 30 minutes ago. Oh, my god. Jan spears is in my house. Listen, I gotta go. I gotta go. I'll be back, all right?

Belle: You keep talking about how you're better, how you're healthy and healed, but what does it say about you that you snuck into my house in the middle of the night with some pathetic excuse of a gift for my daughter? Who does that?

Jan: It's not an excuse. I care very deeply for claire. I've never had a friend like her before.

Belle: You've never had a friend at all, not a real one. Just like you've never had a real relationship, and you won't as long as you keep living in this fantasy world. So let's just get the facts out there one last time, okay? Shawn does not love you. He will never love you. He doesn't even like you! After everything you've done to him, shawn hates you. He will always hate--

Jan: Stop it! Just stop it! Don't say another word.

Has asthma pushed you

into a smaller life?

[Dramatic music]

Claire: Charlie? Are you there?

Charlie: Claire. Hey, you got in.

Claire: Yeah, so far, so good. Okay, wish me luck.

Charlie: Luck.

Claire: Here goes. Or maybe not.


Belle: What are you gonna do, huh?

Shawn: What the hell, jan? Are you okay?

Belle: I'm fine.

Shawn: Hey, what are you-- what is going on here?

Jan: I was just dropping off a gift for claire.

Shawn: What, at this hour? And what is that? What is that, a rock?

Belle: No. It's a healing crystal. Although I don't think healing me was what she had in mind.

Jan: You are so hateful!

Belle: Jan's upset because i told her that you hate her.

Shawn: And that surprises you?

Jan: I know you don'T. After what we've shared--

Shawn: Okay, you know what? Enough, jan. I got a blackout to deal with, so you need to leave now.

Lani: It has nothing to do with the phase of the moon. You are wasting my time. Why do these blackouts just flush out the crazy ones from their caves?

Eli: Babe, you need to go home, okay? You've been up for 24 hours. That's not good for you or the babies.

Lani: Eli, the babies are fine. And how am I supposed to go home when I don't know if my family and friends are safe?

Eli: The entire force is on this. We can manage.

Lani: Mm-mm. No, I just-- I keep thinking there's something that's missing, that I'm missing, some detail or something or someone who has to know one of these guys. You know what? Rolf was on kristen's payroll for years. Maybe he reached out to her or something. I'm gonna go down to her cell and talk to her right now.

Eli: Lani, you can't do that.

Clyde: Son, look at me. Look at me. If ciara knew what you were doing, she would kick your ass. So do the right thing, get rid of the gun, put one foot in front of the other, and get on with your life.

Ben: You lecturing me about doing the right thing? Really?

Clyde: Lecture's over. There's someplace I gotta be.

Ben: Where you gotta go, dad?

Clyde: There's something i gotta do.

Ben: Oh, what, drug deal? Kidnapping? What? What do you got?

Clyde: [Chuckles] Nothing for you to worry about.

[Clears throat] Listen, I... I was a lousy daddy to you. Did a lot of damage. But somehow, you found a way to rise above it and be happy with ciara. You're a changed man because of that love. So I'm asking you to think long and hard before you do something that you will regret for the rest of your life.

We are the thrivers.

Claire: It's not budging.

Charlie: [Sighs] Uh, sometimes it sticks. Maybe this time, give it a little more muscle?

Claire: Okay. I'm trying. It's--

Charlie: Okay. What if I pull and you push?

Claire: Okay.

Charlie: Okay. Ready?

Claire: Ready.

[Laughs] Oh!

Charlie: [Grunts]

Claire: [Laughs] Wow. Points for grace.

Charlie: Okay. You did it.

Claire: Well, it was definitely a team effort. Good thing you had my number.

Charlie: Yeah. When I asked for it earlier, asking you to come to my rescue wasn't exactly what I had in mind.

Claire: [Laughs] Well, I am just glad that i could help.

Charlie: The thing is... I was gonna ask if you maybe wanted to go to dinner with me sometime. And now I definitely owe you one...

Claire: [Laughs]

Charlie: If you're interested.

Claire: Dinner sounds good.

Xander: Come on, darling.

Sarah: What's happening? What are you doing?

Xander: You said we were going to bed.

Sarah: No. I said you were. If our bed is the only place that you are gonna get a good night's sleep, then I'ma stay down here with philip until the lights come on.

Xander: [Laughs tensely] Why are you doing this?

Sarah: I think you know why.

Xander: We've been through a lot worse than me getting a bit jealous and losing my cool.

Sarah: Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's a cumulative of things.

Xander: Cumulative?

Sarah: Yeah. It's one thing after another after another after another. Have you ever heard of the expression "the last straw"? Because I am at my saturation point, xander. I will not tolerate being treated like I'm someone's woman, as if I belong to you and I can't have a friendship with another man.

Xander: A friendship with another man would be fine. A friendship with a devious swine that wants nothing more than to jump your bones is another matter.

Sarah: [Scoffs] This conversation is over.

Philip: Hey, don't you worry about sarah. I'll take good care of her.

Xander: Oh, like hell you will.

Jan: But if we could just talk--

Shawn: Look, if you literally want me to throw you out, I have no problem with that.

Jan: All right. I'm going.

[Sighs] I guess I'll see you and philip in court.

Belle: Oh, yes, you will.

Jan: Mm. And I'm sure you'll fight your little heart out for him, after everything you've meant to each other and probably still do.

Shawn: Look, out, jan.

Jan: Did I hit a nerve?

Belle: Jan. Hey. Take your damn rock.

Jan: Fine. But with all the negativity in this place, it'll have to be purified, buried in dirt under a full moon.

Belle: Just get the hell out.

Jan: I was just trying to do something nice.

Belle: Get out!

Jan: Ingrate.

[Door slams]

Belle: [Sighs]

Shawn: What, a gift for claire? What is it that she really wants?

Belle: I wish I knew.

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Claire: Well, now that I have rescued you, should we get outta here?

Charlie: I wish, but I have a project that's due tomorrow.

Claire: But it's after midnight and there's no electricity. Come on. Philip and xander will understand.

Charlie: [Sighs] I can'T. This job is everything to me. And last week, an intern got fired for bringing a latte with full-fat milk instead of skim.

Claire: Ouch.

Charlie: Exactly. So I am definitely not gonna be a casualty of the turf war between godzilla and mothra.

Claire: [Laughs]

Charlie: So I have to stay, even if it's finishing by the light of my phone when my laptop dies. But I'll be in touch about that dinner.

Claire: Okay. That sounds good. And just don't let this door close, all right?

Charlie: Okay.

Claire: Okay.


Charlie: [Sighs]

[Tender music]

Philip: You can't possibly object to me treating sarah with courtesy and respect.

Xander: I object to you using her as a pawn. You want me out of titan, out of this house, and you think stirring things up will make it happen.

Sarah: I'm sorry, so I'm, what, just a stupid little dupe here?

Xander: That's not what I meant.

Sarah: You know what? Good night, xander. I hope you wake up a little less paranoid in the morning.

Philip: Night-night, xandy. Don't let the bedbugs bite.

[Dramatic music]

Lani: Why don't you want me to see kristen?

Eli: Lani, think about it. I mean, kristen, she's in a cell, all right? There's no way that rolf would be able to contact her. I mean, and even if rolf did contact her, she wouldn't talk to him. You know how much time that would add to her sentence?

Lani: Damn it, there has to be something that I can do.

Eli: Well, if you insist on staying...

Lani: I do.

Eli: Okay, well, you can go through some of these tips that have been called in.

Lani: These are always such a waste of time. Wait a minute.

Eli: What?

Lani: Someone thought they spotted clyde weston in the horton town square near the salem inn about an hour ago. Are you sure that ben was telling you the truth when you asked him about his dad?

Eli: I didn't search the place, but ben seemed pretty convincing. And with ciara's memorial tomorrow, I mean, he's going through a lot. I really feel for the guy.

Lani: Yeah, I do too, but are you sure he wasn't playing you?

Eli: I guess I better go back over there and check on him.

Ben: I want belman dead.

Clyde: I know. You made that pretty damn clear. Would you please promise me, before you make any decision, you'll sleep on it?

Ben: Fine.

Clyde: I'll check on you in the morning.

Ben: You promise me?

Clyde: Yeah, I promise. Good night, son.

Shawn: Sure you don't want me to wrap your ankle up?

Belle: Mm, no. It's fine. Besides, you have more important things to worry about.

Shawn: Nothing's more important to me than you and claire. For jan to show up here this late... the hell is she up to now?

Belle: Shawn doesn't love you. He will never love you. He doesn't even like you! After everything you've done to him, shawn hates you. He will always hate you.

Jan: Stop it! Just stop it! Don't say another word. Little miss perfect cheerleader, so busy with your pom-poms and being prom queen. You probably didn't even realize that I was on the track team. Guess what my best event was. Shot put.

Don't you dare tell me I'll never be with shawn. Don't you dare.

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