Days Transcript Thursday 10/22/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 10/22/20


Episode #13879 ~ Rolf threatens to kill Chad; Belle checks on John, who is worried about Marlena; Gwen faces an unexpected dilemma; Eli questions Ben about Clyde.

Provided By Suzanne

Shawn: Get dwp on the phone and find out how soon we can get our power restored. Hey, every minute that we're blacked out is another minute of cover for those prisoners, and the chances are they're headed straight to salem. And get knowlton to mobilize every unit, set up a perimeter, and search every square inch. Nobody is going home until these bastards are found, okay?

Lani: No rest for the acting commissioner, huh?

Shawn: [Sighs] No, it's nothing that official. I'm just--I'm here until my mom gets back, so...

Lani: Yeah; I hope that's soon.

Shawn: Yeah, me too. Listen, thank you. Thank you so much for coming in.

Lani: Yeah. It's crazy. Rolf, orpheus, and clyde are all dangerous on their own, but all three on the loose at the same time? As soon as you called, eli and i separated and searched every place that we could think of.

Shawn: And? Did you guys come up with any leads?

Ben: Ciara came to me.

Clyde: What?

Ben: I saw her, dad. Right here. And she begged for me not to do anything crazy and to move on, but I can't move on. Because she's gone. So, yeah... I was headed out to find justice. Vincent needs to pay for what he took from me. And from ciara.

[Knock at door]

Eli: Ben, it's eli grant. I need to speak with you. Ben, it's eli! Open the door, man. I need to talk to you. It's about your dad.

Clyde: You gotta get rid of him.

Ben: Get rid of him? The guy's here on a manhunt. He's not selling girl scout cookies.

Clyde: You're a smart kid. You'll figure it out.

Ben: No, no, the smart move would have never been to break out of statesville to begin with.

Clyde: Hey, it's not like you turned down the chance when you had it.

[Knock at door]

Eli: Ben! Open up!

Clyde: If you turn me in, they'll tack another decade or two onto my sentence, and I will not survive that. So do your old man a solid, would you; get rid of that guy!

[Pounding on door]

Gwen: You know, maybe we should rethink the crab cakes. Some people can be allergic, and the last thing we want is for somebody at your parents' party to be sick.

Abigail: Sure, yeah. That sounds great.

Gwen: Well, in that case, I'll order a gross.

Abigail: I'm sorry, a gross? Of what?

Gwen: Are you all right? You worried about chad? 'Cause he's just out there trying to figure out how to get the power back on.

Abigail: I know, but it's just taking him an awfully long time, and, I mean, what if something happened to him?

Rolf: Oh, stefano. No!


Chad: So he's gone, and he's never coming back, so there's really nothing here for you.

Rolf: You ingrate. You never appreciated your place in this family, nor of the greatness of the man who sired you, god rest his soul.

Chad: I don't think god has anything to do with this. If anything, my father's probably, uh, in hell.

Rolf: Then I hope you are prepared to join him. If stefano is truly gone, then you're right. There is nothing for me here, except the task of avenging his death.

Chad: Okay, listen.

[Laughs] I don't really think you've thought this one through.

Rolf: I've had nothing but time to think.

Chad: Really? This is the best idea you got? You're gonna avenge my father by killing his son?

Rolf: That is exactly what I'm going to do.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

[Doorbell ringing]

John: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hold your horses, I'm coming. I'm coming. Holy mackerel. Izzy! What are you doing here at this hour?

Lani: I was concerned about marlena, given the fact that orpheus is obsessed with her, so that was my first stop.

Shawn: But she's okay?

Lani: She is fine. I mean, as fine as anyone would be when the man who tormented you for all of your life is probably on his way to salem.

Shawn: Yeah, well, at least she's home safe with john. But the others, orpheus, clyde, rolf? I mean, they're god knows where, and they're a threat to everybody in this town.

Lani: Eli was headed to the salem inn to see if ben had heard from clyde. If clyde showed up there, let's hope that eli is arresting him right now.

Ben: Hey. Sorry about that, man. I was asleep.

Eli: Damn. Heavy sleeper?

Ben: No, the power was out in my room. Just took me a second to gather my bearings.

Eli: It's actually out all over town. The source was statesville prison.

Ben: Statesville?

Eli: Yeah, there was a break there tonight. Three prisoners escaped, one being your father. So I figured the best place to look for clyde weston would be with his son. Am I right? Is your dad here?

Gwen: Look, we both know that chad is going to find the source of the outage, and he's going to fix it. Because that's who he is, right? And this house has a million rooms and a zillion nooks and crannies, so...

Abigail: I know. But it just seems like it's taking him so much longer than it should, and... I'm gonna go look for him.

Gwen: Wait, um... I'll go. In case he comes back or the children come looking for you. Charlotte is awfully afraid of the dark and she only feels safe in her mummy's arms.

Abigail: [Chuckles] All right. Yeah, okay. You're right. Thank you.

Gwen: Mm-hmm. Right.

Chad: Now what would my father say if he knew you had a gun pointed at my heart, ready to pull the trigger?

Rolf: Stefano would applaud my actions. He would be pleased that I've remained loyal, unlike his insolent son who burned him to a crisp.

Chad: It was a microchip.

Rolf: Oh, I wouldn't expect you to understand loyalty.

Chad: Yeah, but I understand family, what my father treasured more than anything else-- his family, his blood, and to him, that trumped any differences that we might've had.

Rolf: I think stefano would take issue with your chalking up your behavior to mere differences. You destroyed the very vessel which perpetuated his existence. In essence, you killed him.

Chad: My father is the phoenix. Chip or no chip, he will rise again, and when that time comes, and you know it will... you gonna be ready?

Rolf: For what?

Chad: You kill my father's favorite son, he will never forgive you. He will hunt you to the end of hell, and he will not stop until you're dead. Now, no one knows stefano dimera's wrath more than you. Do you really wanna be on the receiving end of that?

Rolf: Ohh!

Chad: Sit down. Sit down!

Gwen: [Gasps] Chad! What's happened? Who's this?

Chad: This is dr. Wilhelm rolf, an old family friend who decided to break out of prison and pay us a visit.

Gwen: Oh, my god.

Chad: Do me a favor?

Gwen: Yes. Yes, of course.

Chad: The landline's down and I don't have my cell phone. Will you call the police?

Gwen: Um...I'm sorry, chad, but my phone is dead.

Chad: Right, then will you go get mine? It's up in my room; abby knows where it is.

Gwen: Actually, abigail is worried about you. That's why I'm here. To find you for her. And I know that she'd feel a lot better if she could see for herself that you are all right. So go to your wife, and I will keep an eye on this dr. Rolf here. Give me the gun, okay?

Chad: No, no, no, that's-- I'm not gonna ask you to do that. That's too dangerous. Actually, we could tie him up. Why don't you grab some rope?

Gwen: Rope. Right, chad. Where is rope?

Chad: Utility closet, adjacent to the kitchen. You'll be able to find it.

Gwen: Um... you know, I don't really feel safe walking down those dark stairs. Fumbling around, looking for things, you know. And my phone's dead, so I don't have a flashlight.

Chad: Okay, I'll do it. Here. Just--I'll be back.

Gwen: Mm-hmm.


John: Ah, get in here. Come on.

Belle: I'm sorry if I woke you up. It's just, it's your first night home from the hospital, and now with this blackout, I just...

John: No, no, no, no. I'm fine, I'm fine. I was just, you know, sleeping like a baby, thanks to all the painkillers your mother force-fed me.

Belle: Ah, so that's why you didn't answer your phone.

John: Oh. Ah. Is that why you came charging over here?

Belle: Well, yeah. I mean, I couldn't get you or mom on the phone, and, you know, with all the power outages, i guess I just kinda freaked out. I wanted to make sure you were okay.

John: Oh, I appreciate your concern, but as you can see, everything here is a-okay.

[Both laugh]

Belle: Except that I woke you up when you should be getting all the rest you can get.

John: Hey, anytime I see you is the best time ever.

[Both laugh]

Belle: Well, I'm surprised i didn't wake mom up with all that racket.

John: Well, actually, you didn't because she's not even here.

Belle: What do you mean, she's not here? She left you alone?

John: Well, you know mom. You know mom. Whenever she has a patient that isn't doing well, she's worried about 'em, she won't sleep till she can make sure they're okay, so she went over to see ben weston. She's been really worried about him.

Ben: Come on in. See for yourself.

Eli: So no word from your dad?

Ben: It's not like we were that close. But if you don't believe me, you know, feel free. Search the place.

Belle: Mom went to see ben? In the middle of the night?

John: Well, she saw him earlier and she felt that he was a little off. So apparently, she urged him to "give me a call later. We'll talk about going to ciara's service together," and, well, he never did, so she decided she should go over and check him out again.

Belle: Okay. Well, that does sound like mom, but still, you think she'd answer the phone when I called her.

John: Oh, you know, maybe they got involved in one of those big heart-to-heart things and, you know, mom was just giving him 100% attention.

Belle: Right, yeah. No, that makes sense. All right, well, since I've totally ruined your night, I'm gonna let you get back to bed.

John: No, I'm up now. I'm just gonna hang out here and wait for mom to come home.

Belle: Do you want some company?

John: Yes! Yours, always...sit down!


Belle: Good. Okay. Well, now you can tell me how that happened.

John: Ah, that's just a scratch.

Belle: Mm.

John: Yeah.

Belle: You're taking painkillers for a scratch?

John: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's nothing; actually, I'm more concerned about you.

Belle: Why? You're the one that just got out of the hospital. Why would you be worried about me?

John: Oh, let me see. Because you're my baby girl and I know you so well, and I know when things aren't right with you. So why don't you tell me what's weighing you down, honey?

Shawn: Hello? Hello? Damn it.

Lani: That didn't sound good. What's going on?

Shawn: I'm trying to get ahold of belle. I gotta warn her about this prison break, but the blackout has got the phones all screwed up.

Lani: Yeah, well, is there any reason to think that she's in danger?

Shawn: Orpheus hates john and marlena, and she just happens to be their daughter, so...

Lani: Right, right, yeah. Say no more.

Shawn: But belle, she's not the only one in danger here. All right, these bastards are not gonna stop at anything to get whatever the hell it is that they want, and...look, right about now, we need every resource that we can get.

Lani: Let's just hope eli is having a better time at tracking down clyde.

Eli: Ben, I wanna trust you, all right? So I'm not gonna search the place. Hell, with the charges your dad is facing, he's probably headed to parts unknown anyway.

Ben: Yeah. I doubt I'll get a postcard.


Eli: Well, listen, I'm gonna reach out to the station and tell 'em that I checked in with you so they won't bug you again tonight.

Ben: Thank you, man.

Eli: Man, I can only imagine the pain that you're going through right now, so if you need anything, please let me know.

Ben: I will.

Eli: All right, get some sleep. Lani and I, we'll see you at the memorial tomorrow.

Ben: Right. The memorial.

Eli: Oh, hey. If your dad does reach out to you, let me know.

Ben: Yeah. Count on it.

Clyde: Way to play your buddy, son. Made your daddy really proud.

Chad: Abby?

Abigail: Oh, there you are. I was so worried about you.

Chad: I know. I'm sorry I took so long. Something's happened.

Abigail: Is it the kids? Are they okay?

Chad: The kids are fine. It's something else.

Abigail: Something else?

Chad: Yeah. I'm afraid we have an unexpected visitor.

Rolf: So nice to see you again, ms. Rizczech.

Gwen: I wish I could say the same.

Rolf: I see you took my advice. The long game? Hmm? It's easy to see that chad trusts you. So obviously, you have inveigled your way into the heart of this family. Unless things have changed?

Gwen: Nothing's changed.

Rolf: Ah. So the game is still afoot, hmm? Oh.

[Chuckles] I must say, your acting skills? Par excellence. Chad will never suspect that you and I were practically best friends.

Gwen: Oh, we are definitely not best friends.

Rolf: Well, perhaps our relationship is a bit more transactional, but still symbiotic nevertheless. You help me, I help you.

Gwen: How exactly do you want me to help you? Can you just say what that is? 'Cause chad's gonna be here any minute.

Rolf: Mm. First, a confession. Sometimes, I have trouble keeping my lips zipped. But it would be so unfortunate if I were to reveal to chad that you've infiltrated this family with the intention of destroying them from the inside out. But not to worry. There is a solution.

Gwen: And what's that?

Rolf: Help me escape. Otherwise, chad will learn all about your true feelings for his wife. To be honest...a little dust? It never bothered me.

Belle: You know, why don't i make us some herbal tea?

John: [Laughs] That was a good try, but did you forget I hate herbal tea? No. Yeah, right. Right. So sit down, come on. Tell your old man what's going on, honey.

Belle: Fine. All right. It's jan spears.

John: Mm.

Belle: Ever since sami sprung her from shady pines, it's like everywhere I go, there she is. And no matter how much she swears that she just wants a second chance, I just feel like she's up to something horrible.

John: Right. Well, I can understand why you're so spooked. I mean, the history you have with her and all, everything she put you and shawn through, but hey, at least you two have each other to lean on, right?

Belle: Well, that's the idea. But now that I'm representing philip against jan's bogus assault charges, shawn's not happy with me.

John: Hmm.

Belle: But anyway, it's claire that I'm worried about.

John: Yeah? Why's that?

Belle: Because jan wants to be her new best friend.

John: Oh, that's twisted.

Belle: Yeah, I know. Tell me about it. I came home to find jan in my house, trying to bond with my daughter. And, of course, I kicked her out and told her to stay away from claire, but then claire would have none of it, right? She sees jan as someone that she can relate to. You know, someone who's struggled with mental illness, who's just misunderstood. And jan is using that to get close to her.

John: Oh, yeah, I can see how she would. You know, sweetheart, as strong as claire is, she still is so fragile in so many different ways. The last thing she needs is someone like jan spears to try to take advantage of that heart of hers.

Belle: I know. And this is why I can't sleep. Right? How do I protect my child from someone that she sees as a victim? As someone who can understand her?

John: Just know you're not alone. Jan spears is gonna have to go through everyone in this family before we ever let her hurt claire. But you already knew that, didn't you?

[Both laugh]

Belle: I did know that. You know, it's funny. No matter how dark it gets, literally...

[Laughs] You and mom always have a way of making me feel safe.

Abigail: Rolf is here in the house? He escaped statesville?

Chad: He did. Gwen's keeping an eye on him downstairs.

Abigail: Gwen is--you left her--the man is a maniac!

Chad: She's perfectly fine. I tied him to a chair.

Abigail: You tied him to-- a rope is--he's a lunatic, chad.

Chad: Hi, this is chad dimera. Yes. Dr. Wilhelm rolf broke in my house. I managed to subdue him and tie him to a chair. Yes, please get here as soon as you can. Thank you.

Abigail: I can't believe he escaped, and what is he doing here? What does he want?

Chad: I-I don't know. I'll fill you in later. I gotta go back downstairs.

Abigail: No, I wanna go with you.

Chad: No, I need you here. With the power out, I have to go down, I have to open up the gate for the police to get in, okay? I need you here in case the kids wake up. God forbid they walk in on rolf.

Abigail: Be careful.

Chad: I will, okay? Everything's fine. Everything's under control. The only place rolf is going is back to prison.

Lani: Thanks for checking. And if you hear or see anyone matching their descriptions-- right. Yeah. Thank you. There you are. Any luck tracking down clyde?

Eli: No sign of him at ben'S. What about orpheus?

Lani: Nope, marlena hadn't seen him. Looks like we are zero for two.

Shawn: Actually, we're one for three--front desk officer just said that chad called. Rolf broke into the dimera mansion.

Eli: Alone?

Shawn: Yeah, apparently. Chad managed to subdue him and tie him up. I'm gonna send a unit over there right now to pick him up.

Lani: No, no, no, I'll go. I'll do it.

Shawn: No, that's not necessary.

Lani: But we already have every unit out searching for clyde and orpheus, and I would hate for us to lose any more manpower.

Shawn: I mean, I would hate to take a unit off the street.

Lani: Okay, then I'm on it.

Eli: Then I'm going with you.

Lani: Why? Because a pregnant lady can't handle a tied-up old man? And besides, shawn could really use you here searching for the others.

Shawn: I'm not gonna argue with her on that, so...

Lani: Okay. Then I will be back with our prisoner. Got it?

Eli: Lani. Please, be careful.

Lani: Always.

Gwen: Why would chad believe you? You just tried to kill him.

Rolf: [Laughs] Well, hardly a surprise that you can't see past all that unwarranted confidence. So let me help you to understand, hmm? Abigail is the love of that man's life. The hint of a threat, a whiff of danger to her, and chad won't rest until he gets to the truth.

Gwen: Finished, you old bat? Right. Lucky for me, but oh, sorry, very unlucky for you, chad will never believe that I'm a threat. Do you know why? I nanny their children. And they happen to adore me. And so does abigail. We are bffs. Close as two friends can be.

Rolf: Hmm. And when he finds out that it's all a pernicious lie? That you spiked abigail's champagne? Fried her brains? No, when I put the pieces together for chad, which I can, since I supplied the drug, he will ensure that you are buried behind bars for so long that all that pretty pluck of yours disappears in the stink of a prison cell.

Gwen: Right. Okay, go ahead. Tell chad. And I will convince him, and that will not take any effort, that you are just an old, pathetic little man who's concocting this stupid tale to save his skin.

Rolf: No, no, no. You are right. You are right. The story is a tad wild, as you would put it. Which is why I am so grateful that the prison I just broke out of happens to have cameras and visitor logs. All the necessary evidence to prove that you came to visit me while I was locked up. Hmm? So how are you going to explain that to your best friend's husband, hmm? Not so cocky now, are we, ms. Rizczech? Oh, please, be a dear, would you, and grab that letter opener and cut me free.

Gwen: Maybe I should use it to cut your throat.

Rolf: [Laughs] Oh, please. No matter what dastardly deeds you've committed, do you really think you're prepared to take a life?

Gwen: You might be surprised.


John: Izzy... just knowing that your mother and I make you feel safe, nothing means more to me than that.

Belle: Well, that's a parent's job, right? To make you feel safe? You and mom are experts at that. Unlike me.

John: Oh, come on. Why would you say that?

Belle: Oh, because... you know, I know that claire is doing well now, but I just wonder how long that'll last.

John: Why, what are you-- what are you worried about? That she might have a relapse?

Belle: Well, yeah. I worry about that constantly. I mean, even though I know i should feel grateful for all the progress she's made and that she's, you know, not suffering from these terrible insecurities anymore, it's just--

John: What? Yet what?

Belle: It just--it baffles me that claire ever suffered as much as she did, you know? That she behaved the way she did. That she hurt people. She endangered people's lives. You know what? I actually don't think baffled is the word. I think...torment is the word. It torments me, you know? And I can't shake all the terrible memories of everything that she's done, you know, and i can't help but blame myself and shawn.

John: I knew you were gonna go there.

Belle: Well, you know, who else is to blame? We're the ones who raised her. And she was just a sweet little girl who seemed so happy... and so normal. And what, did we not tell her enough that she was wonderful? Did we put too much pressure on her and make her feel like she didn't measure up?

John: Shh, shh, shh. I want you to listen to me. Okay? And I learned this from your mother. The human psyche is... it's a very complicated thing. Kids could be raised in a family with a lot of love and support and kindness and...still experience all these different mental disorders.

Belle: I know. And others can have really difficult childhoods and still manage to thrive. I know. I learned all of this from mom too, I just... I guess we just need to accept-- or I--

[Laughs] I need to accept that no matter how much love you give someone and how much support, how much encouragement, that it doesn't guarantee that they won't have problems--I know. Like my claire.

John: Thank god she's doing so well now, though, right?

Belle: Yes. Thank god.

John: And you know what? That's a tribute to you and shawn. So take a little bit of credit, okay? I mean, yeah, I know she had some help with psychiatrists and medication. But I also know it was your love and support, yours and shawn, that played a huge role in her recovery.

Belle: Yeah. Thank you for saying that.

[Sighs] Well, let's just hope that she continues to gain the confidence that she needs to...

John: Yeah.

Belle: Keep jan spears away from her.

[Both laugh]

John: [Sighs]

Ben: [Sighs]

Clyde: [Grunts] Boy, you had me wondering there for a minute, but in the end, you did the right thing, and i appreciate it. Means a lot that you'd put yourself on the line like that, considering all the ups and downs that we've had.

Ben: Just because I didn't out you to eli, doesn't mean that you're safe. They got every cop in salem looking for you.

Clyde: Yeah, well, that's why I'm getting outta here. I hope you don't mind if I take a few of these along with me, do you? Oh, I would tell you where I'm going, but--

Ben: No, it's probably better if you don'T.

Clyde: Unless you wanna come along.

Chad: Thank you for coming so fast. I have him tied up in here. Gwen? Hey, gwen. Hey, are you okay?

Gwen: Chad?


Chad: Easy.

Gwen: What happened?

Lani: That's exactly what we were about to ask you. My husband and I have never eaten healthier.

Lani: I'll call an ambulance.

Gwen: No, no, don't do that. It's just, the last place I want to be in the middle of a blackout is in an er.

Chad: You could have a concussion, or worse.

Gwen: [Sighs] I don'T. I just really need a good night's sleep.

Lani: Okay. Well, can you tell us what happened with rolf?

Gwen: I'm sorry, chad. You gave me one job: Watch a man who was tied up, and I messed it up.

Chad: It's fine. It's not your fault. Just tell us what happened.

Gwen: I don't know. Oh, one minute, he was tied up, and then the next minute, he was loose, and then he attacked me. Then he ran off.

Lani: Is there anything else you can tell us? Any idea where he went?

Chad: [Sighs]

Lani: I'll check the house, post a unit to the area.

Chad: Thank you. Hopefully, he hasn't gotten too far away.

Lani: We'll find him, chad. Take care, gwen.

Gwen: Well, I've buggered everything up. I'm sorry.

Chad: It's fine. You don't have to apologize. It's my fault; I shouldn't have left you alone with him.

Gwen: This isn't your fault, chad. I mean, the man was tied up. Who would know that he could get himself loose?

Chad: I just... I mean, I tied the rope myself. I made sure it was secure. I have no idea how he could've gotten out of it.

Gwen: With this.

Chad: Wait, but this was on the desk. There's no way he could've-- this wasn't anywhere near him.

Gwen: Well, it's bloody dark in here. He probably palmed it before you tied him up.

Chad: Doesn't make any sense. I guess that's the only explanation though, right?

[Dramatic music]

You didn't see him cutting through this rope?

Gwen: [Scoffs] In this light, chad?

Abigail: There you are. Gwen, what happened? Are you okay?

Gwen: Yeah, I-I'm fine.

Abigail: So where's rolf? Did the police already take him away?

Chad: Not exactly.

Belle: All right. I'm gonna go get some more candles.

John: I got a better idea. Why don't you go home and try to get some shut-eye?

Belle: Oh, no, I was gonna wait for mom to get home. Shouldn't she be home by now?

John: Well, like I said, you know, she and ben probably got caught up in a heart-to-heart. I'm sure she's gonna be along any minute. In the meantime, I'm just gonna stretch out, grab a couple winks here until she walks in the door, but you... you need some really sound sleep, especially with everything going on in your mind right now, okay? Please? Please?

Belle: Okay. Well, I'll rest easier thanks to you.

John: I love you, isabella.

Belle: I love you too, dad. Okay.

John: Okay.

Belle: Oh, and hey.

John: Hmm?

Belle: No more scrapes, okay?

John: Oh.


Ben: Come with you?

Clyde: Why the hell not?

Ben: Because I live here. Salem's my home.

Clyde: [Laughs] You call this a home? Hmm? Hey, I know you had big dreams. You were gonna start a new life, new family, but that's all changed. Ciara's dead. So is jordan. I am all the family you got. So why not come on the run with me?

Eli: You check whatever cctv footage was available in the area? All right. Let me know if anything else comes up that's out of line. All right. Damn it. No sign of clyde or orpheus, or anyone else, for that matter. Hey. At least we got one of 'em. Where is he?

Lani: I called it in to alvarez. He didn't tell you?

Eli: Tell me what?

Lani: Rolf got away.

Abigail: It's chamomile. Hope you like it.

Gwen: Thank you.

Abigail: I could get you an aspirin, if you like.

Gwen: No. Really, this is all I need.

Abigail: I was afraid something like this was gonna happen.

Gwen: It's really all right.

Abigail: No, it's not. You could've been seriously hurt, or worse.

Chad: I know. I-I made sure the ropes were secure, I-I-- I mean, how the hell did he palm a letter opener? How did I not see that?

Clyde: I didn't hear a no.

Ben: Thanks. But I'll pass.

Clyde: The hell you got to stick around for? Town full of people that'll never accept you? Crying at your dead wife's grave?

[Dramatic music]

Ben: Revenge.

John: Come on, doc. Where are you?

[Phone beeps]

[Line rings]

Marlena: You've reached dr. Marlena evans. Please leave a message. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

[Line beeps]

John: Hey, sweetheart. It's me. Just checking in to see how it's going with ben. Give me a call when you get this, please. You know me. I'm starting to get a little worried. Love you.

[Phone beeps]

Belle: Hey, shawn. I saw that you called, but i didn't see a message. I just got back from checking on my parents. Anyway, I'm sure you're crazed at the police station, but I do hope you're on your way home. Either way, call me when you get this, okay? Love you.

[Phone beeps] Get home soon. It's spooky in here. In the dark. All alone.

Jan: But you're not alone.

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