Days Transcript Wednesday 10/21/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 10/21/20


Episode #13878 ~ Eli tries to keep the truth from Lani; Orpheus asks Marlena for help; Chad is stunned to see Rolf at the mansion; Clyde puts Ben in a tough position.

Provided By Suzanne

Chad: Well, the power's still out.

Abigail: Well, good thing we were able to generate our own electricity.

Chad: Enough to power half of salem.

Abigail: Mm-hmm. You know, I think you should come back to bed, so we can see about powering the other half.

Chad: I am gonna be there, in one minute.

Abigail: Where you going?

Chad: I just need to go downstairs and check on something. Be back in a second.

Abigail: Well, I'll just be sitting right here.

Rolf: Ah, stefano. How wonderful to gaze upon your face, my old friend. But what I'm really looking forward to is once again meeting in the flesh.

[Knocking on door]

Clyde: Hey, son.

Ben: Dad?

Clyde: Is there something wrong? You don't look too happy to see your old man.

Orpheus: Going somewhere?

Marlena: Oh! Orpheus.

Orpheus: I'm sorry if I startled you, marlena, but you really should be more careful. You never know what dangers lurk in the darkness.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Chad: Come on; there's a flashlight in here somewhere.


Rolf: Boo!


Clyde: What, are you headed out somewhere?

Ben: Just going for a walk.

Clyde: For a walk, in the middle of the night, during a blackout?

Ben: Yeah. That's right. How about you? You just busted out of statesville.

Clyde: Yeah, well, blackout did all the hard work, you know.

Ben: It's a convenient time for a prison break.

Clyde: You know, I guess you could say that, but the funny thing is I didn't plan the escape.

Orpheus: I'll bet you didn't expect to see me again.

Marlena: Look, john is right in the next room, so I think you should leave while you still can.

Orpheus: Oh, I'm not too worried about johnny boy. See, I keep tabs on my favorite salem couple, so I know that poor john is still suffering the after effects of an aneurysm.

Marlena: He's just fine.

Orpheus: Is he? Because from what I heard, he just got home from the hospital and is beginning his long road to recovery. In fact, the john black that's in the next room convalescing is about as menacing as a kitten. And sound asleep, I assume. Otherwise, surely he would have heard us out here.

Marlena: You'd be a fool to underestimate him. John is at full strength, and he could be here in a second, if I called him.

Orpheus: Oh. Well, why don't we let him sleep? Shh. And while he's off in dreamland, you can have some alone time with me. Your worst nightmare.

Eli: Maybe I should make a quick call into the station and see what's going on.

Lani: No, no, no. We are off duty. They will call us if they need us, okay? So in the meantime, lead me to the fridge with a flashlight. We need to eat all the food, before it goes bad.

Eli: Yeah, for real. You know, actually, let me put some batteries in this thing.

Lani: Do you have batteries?

Eli: What? Two sets of spares, just in case.

Lani: Oh. You are ready for anything, aren't you, my love?

Eli: I do my best.

Lani: Well, that is why you're gonna be an amazing dad.

Eli: Yeah. I just hope the power turns back on by tomorrow morning.

Lani: Yeah. Me too. Before ciara's memorial.

Eli: I can only imagine what ben's going through right now.

Ben: So this escape wasn't your idea? Meaning what? You just stumbled into it?

Clyde: Yeah. Pretty much. I didn't learn about the breakout till just before the lights went out.

Ben: But you learned about it from who?

Clyde: Orpheus.

Ben: Orpheus? What the hell are you thinking?

Clyde: Ben--

Ben: Why in god's name would you be working with orpheus?

Clyde: I know we've had our issues, man, but he offered me a chance at freedom. How am I gonna say no to that, huh? What the hell are you doing? You're not calling in on your old man, are you?

Ben: I'm calling dr. Evans.

Clyde: What for?

Ben: Because she needs to be warned. The last time orpheus was running around free in the streets of salem, he tried to kill her.

Marlena: Why are you here, orpheus?

Orpheus: Thought you'd never ask.

Marlena: Hmm. Are you here to plant a bomb under the sofa?

Orpheus: Now, why would I do that?

Marlena: Because you didn't kill me the last time you tried it.

Orpheus: Oh, yeah. Got greedy. Left too much time on the detonator.

Marlena: Mm. And I was rescued in the meantime.

Orpheus: Well, you live, you learn. First time anyone's ever told me I should have had a shorter fuse.

Marlena: So what is it? Now you're here to finish the job?

Orpheus: Oh, I'm not interested in blowing you up, marlena. Well, not now, anyway. But since you're taking us on a stroll down memory lane, do you remember the last time you and I played with fire? Let me refresh your memory. You were sealed up in coffins. You and kayla johnson. Ring a bell?

Marlena: You tried to burn us alive.

Orpheus: Yeah. Good times.

Gwen: Well, according to the power company, the whole county's blacked out.

Abigail: Yeah. I heard. Any word what caused it?

Gwen: My phone died before I tried to look. Jake's gone down to check the circuit breakers, but everything seems fine, so guess we just have to wait.

Abigail: Hmm. Yeah, well, I just hope jake and chad don't run into each other down there, in the dark.


Gwen: Yeah, that could go sideways.

Abigail: Mm-hmm. Yeah. Actually, you know, I did ask chad--I convinced him to reach out to him, to try to make peace with his brother.

Gwen: And how did that turn out?

Abigail: Oh, well, chad said that he would try, but then, after what happened, it's--

Gwen: What was that?

Abigail: Chad offered jake a position at the dimera executive training program. Jake was insulted, long story short, and they hate each other more than ever.

Gwen: Huh. Well, I'm sure chad's heart was in the right place. See, I've learned the hard way with jake, once he decides that someone's not a fan, he just slams the door right in their face.

Abigail: Mm-hmm. Yeah. He is stubborn. That's for sure.

Gwen: And he's so bloody suspicious. Especially of me. Do you know that he gave me grief about planning the party for your parents? Said that I had ulterior motives.

Abigail: Really? Like what?

Chad: What the hell, rolf? What are you do-- get out of my house.

Rolf: Not until I take back what belongs to me.

Chad: There's nothing here that belongs to you.

Rolf: As a matter of fact, you're in possession of the item most precious to me in the world.

Chad: What the hell are you talking about?

Rolf: I'm here for the microchip. The one containing your father's essence. I know the police gave it to you.

Chad: Oh, yeah. You can't have that.

Rolf: I am confident I can persuade you to change your mind. These days, everyone expects you to like everything

Lani: Okay. I am officially full. If the rest of that food goes bad, it goes bad. Did you get enough to eat?

Eli: What do you think?

[Both laugh] Oh, my god. I just want the lights to come back on.

Lani: Yeah.

Eli: What are you thinking?

Lani: Just wondering about kristen. I just keep thinking about her stuck in police custody, and I still don't understand why she changed her plea. I mean why would she confess to trying to kill victor?

Eli: She said she wanted to take responsibility for her actions, right? And she wanted her daughter to be proud of her for doing the right thing.

Lani: Yeah. I know she said that, eli, but it just--it doesn't add up. She was ready to defend herself. She was ready to fight for her daughter, no matter what. And then she just gave up? Does that make sense to you?

Chad: I understand why you want that chip. I don't have it anymore.

Rolf: So where is it? What did you do with it?

Chad: Well, like you said, after the chip was taken out of steve johnson's head, the police--they gave it to me. All right. Keep me posted. Good news. Our lawyers figured things out with the cops. Since rolf developed the microchip with dimera money, technically it's ours.

Tony: Well, that's comforting. Do you think they-- they washed him off, after they took him from steve johnson's brain?

Chad: Ew, gross. Don'T. Don't do that. Don't be like you, okay?

Tony: Well, I'm sorry. I mean, I happen to be holding a microchip that belongs to my father's spirit or something. I don't know the proper way to react, but I am the man that I am because of this microchip.

Chad: We have a serious decision to make.

Tony: So what are we going to do with this? Or do I mean with him?

Rolf: So what did you do with him?

Chad: All right, look. I know you love my father, in your own very twisted way, so I suppose you have the right to know.

Gwen: Yes, well, like I said, jake is just suspicious by nature. He doesn't trust anyone.

Abigail: Well, I mean, what ulterior motive could you possibly have for helping me plan the party?

Gwen: I have no idea. I just told him that I'm trying to make your life easier.

Abigail: Which you're doing, and I hope you know how much I do appreciate it.

Gwen: It's my job.

Abigail: Well, it's more than that. You're freeing me up to work, taking care of the kids, and you know, there's no way I could pull this party together if it weren't for your help.

Gwen: Believe me, I am really enjoying this. Really. In fact, I think I'm probably looking forward to this party more than anyone else. I love a good party.

Abigail: Mm.

Gwen: Right, so have you had a chance to look over the menu that julie and I created yet?

Abigail: Ugh, no. No, I haven't, and I do know you need to finalize it soon.

Gwen: It's all right. I know how much you've got going on, so tomorrow then maybe.

Abigail: Yeah. Yes. Yeah.

Gwen: Abigail, is something the matter?

Abigail: No, no. I just--tomorrow is ciara's memorial service, so...

Ben: Dr. Evans, hi. It's me, ben. Look, I need to warn you about something. Orpheus escaped from prison today, and there's a good chance he's back in salem. Just please give me a call back when you get this message. Let me know you're okay. Please. Call me. I'm worried about you.

Clyde: Why the hell do you care so much about marlena evans?

Marlena: So you... you took advantage of the darkness to escape.

Orpheus: Well, now you're the one underestimating me. I didn't take advantage of the darkness. I caused it.

Marlena: You did this?

Orpheus: Of course I did. I brought the cloak of darkness down upon this town. And more importantly, I brought it down upon your world.

Marlena: Why?

Orpheus: Excellent question, and you're gonna help me answer it. My nunormal: Fewer asthma attacks.

Gwen: Right. I've got a copy of the menu here. I'm just gonna put it there, and you can have a look over it whenever you're ready, all right?

Abigail: Thank you, and I will. I'll look at it.

Gwen: All right. Well, goodnight, abigail.

Abigail: Goodnight, gwen.

Gwen: Oh. I almost forgot.

Abigail: Yeah? What is it?

Gwen: Jake. He's still on the guest list. Does that fight with chad affect things?

Abigail: Oh. I'm hopeful that the two of them can learn to coexist. I mean, they are brothers, after all, whether they like it or not, so--

Gwen: Hmm. Okay. Yeah. I'm gonna lean heavy on the "not" then. They are rather different.

Abigail: Well, whether they want to admit it, they've also got a lot in common too.

Gwen: Do they? I don't know. I mean, chad's got wealth and a proper job, and jake, well, spent most of his life sweating in a garage.

Abigail: Yeah, but, you know, chad didn't grow up around his biological family either. I've known him for a very long time, most of which he has really struggled to find his place.

Gwen: But at least he got to know his father, right?

Abigail: I'm not so sure that was a very positive thing in his life.

Gwen: Why is that?

Abigail: Well, to put it politely, chad's father, stefano dimera, just wasn't a very good person. And I think anybody who was unlucky enough to be in his orbit would agree that the world is just a better place without him in it.

Rolf: Stop playing around. Where is your father? Where is the microchip?

Chad: Like I said, after the police gave me the chip, tony and I, we brought it back here. It was just sitting in a plastic bag. It's hard to believe that something so small can be so dangerous, am I right? Well, anyway, tony and I, we debated about what to do with it.

Tony: Think about it. We would be the first men in history that could literally put our father on the cloud. Or is it "in the cloud?"

Chad: Can you stop making jokes? Focus. Can you focus?

Tony: Yes. Right, right. I do. You're right, so we have to decide what we're going to do and what is the right course of action. This is only my opinion, but I think we should simply destroy this little piece of metal. But if we do, we'd be destroying a life. How do you feel about killing your father?

Lani: I know kristen has her demons, and I don't excuse any of the terrible things that she has done. But attacking victor wasn't one of them. I mean, why not go to trial and make the case? What does she have to lose? And now, she's gonna lose her daughter for god knows how long. I mean, why would she choose that?

Eli: Lani.

Lani: Yeah?

Eli: I know how much you care about kristen, and I know how much that you want to protect her.

Lani: She's my best friend.

Eli: I know that she feels the same way about you. Look, I just need to--

[Cell phone ringing]

Lani: Oh, that can't be good. Hey, shawn. Okay. We're on it. Well, they traced the blackout to statesville. Someone cut the power grid to set up a prison break.

Eli: Do they know who did it? Wait, how many prisoners escaped?

Lani: Three men. Three men. Dr. Wilhelm rolf, clyde weston, and milo harp.

Eli: Orpheus.

Marlena: You blacked out the town, you broke out of prison, to come here and threaten me?

Orpheus: No. The threats are beside the point. The reason I blacked out the town, the reason I busted out of statesville, the reason I'm here is because I need your help, marlena.

Marlena: What help?

Orpheus: I need your help, and I hope--I trust that you will see it's in your best interest to oblige.

Ben: Marlena evans gave me my life back. She's the reason why I was able to be with ciara.

Clyde: I'm sorry about ciara, son.

Ben: She was everything to me, dad. The only person who truly believed in me. After all the things I've done in my life, the terrible mess I made of my life, she always saw the good in me.

Clyde: God love her for that.

Ben: We were gonna have kids. Ciara always wanted a big family. I can see her right now, holding our firstborn in her arms, smiling down at him or her with that beautiful smile. And I promised her that I was always gonna be a part of that. Always. That I was gonna be a good dad. That I was gonna be a hands-on dad, always.

Clyde: I'm really sorry you're hurting so bad.

Ben: Are you? I know you didn't like her.

Clyde: Well, not at first maybe. She was a little full of herself. Didn't know her place, but--

Ben: Yeah, I don't want to hear this right now.

Clyde: No, no, no. I'm saying she won me over, all right, with her loyalty. The way she fought for you when you were on death row, storming into the prison like that, stopping your execution?

[Laughs] She's the stuff of legend, on the inside, you know.

Ben: She's the bravest person I've ever met.

Clyde: Well, I'm really sorry I can't be there for you at her memorial tomorrow, but, you know, I do kind of gotta lay low for a while.

Ben: Well, that's all right. I don't think I'm gonna be going anyway.

Clyde: Why the hell not? What do you got to do that's more important than that?

Ben: This gun he used to kill you... is going to send him straight to hell. Right where he belongs.

Oh, oh, oh, ozempicŪ!

Rolf: What kind of a monster are you?

Chad: Me? I'm the monster?

Rolf: I mean to even consider destroying that chip. Killing your own father!

Chad: My father was already dead.

Rolf: Yes, but I granted him eternal life. Embedding your father's essence onto that chip, it was the culmination of my life's work.

Chad: It was funded by dimera enterprises, which means I own it.

Rolf: Yes, but it was the investment of my genius and my loyalty to stefano that led to its creation. If it hadn't been for me, that great man would have been gone forever, and the world would have been a lesser place for it. Oh, please tell me you do understand that? Tell me that you and your brother didn't destroy that chip out of spite.

Chad: I know that you've known him longer than me. A couple days ago, I tried to kill you, because of him. You know, I have a wife and two children that he doesn't care about. He took my soul to do his bidding for him. Yeah? So forgive me if I'm not thrilled of the idea of letting him rise from the ashes yet again.

Tony: Well, you know how I feel, and I know how you feel. But it's not just up to us.

Gwen: Was chad close with his father?

Abigail: Oh, wow; that is a complicated relationship. Yeah, you know, chad just struggled for years with stefano's legacy of terror and how to get out from underneath that shadow, you know. And then trying to take the name dimera and turn that into something that then he and his kids could be proud of.

Gwen: Hmm. You know, from what I've seen, chad is a really good lad. He's honest. He's honorable.

Abigail: He's everything that stefano wasn'T.

Gwen: I'm sure you had something to do with that.

Abigail: Oh, well, yeah. I would like to think that our love was one of the reasons that he had the strength to reject stefano's legacy. A lot of the members of his family weren't as successful.

Gwen: Hmm. May I ask, how did your parents and jj--jj?

Abigail: Mm-hmm.

Gwen: How did they feel about you marrying chad?

Abigail: Oh, they definitely had their doubts, at first, and some of it was justified, but they love him now, you know. He's a member of the family.

Gwen: Gosh, that must be so nice for chad. He has this amazing second family now, as loving as yours.

Abigail: Well, we're not perfect either.

Gwen: Oh, come on. Your parents, they're like the ideal couple.

Abigail: Oh, they weren't always that way.


Gwen: [Laughs] What? Your parents--I thought that their love was, like, rock solid.

Abigail: Well, they've never stopped loving each other, no, but they've done a lot of things, over the years, to hurt each other, and yeah, trust me, they haven't always been this happy.

Ben: I need to honor ciara in my own way.

Clyde: What does that mean?

Ben: It means I don't think her memorial is the place for me. What's it matter to you? I'm sure you'll be long gone by then.

Clyde: Maybe.

Ben: So what can I do to help you get on your way, dad?

Clyde: Well, the question is, what can I do for you?

Ben: For me?

Clyde: Yeah. I'm no head-shrinker, but if dr. Evans was here, I think she'd probably say that your guilt over not being able to protect your wife is clouding your judgment.

Ben: I don't know what you're talking about.

Clyde: I'm talking about what you were headed out to do when I showed up.

Ben: I told you. I was going for a walk.

Clyde: Mm-hmm. If you want me to take care of that dirtbag vincent belman, you just say the word. I know the look on a man's face when he's fixing to put a hurt on someone, and I saw it on you the minute you opened that door. So tell me, son, what's in your pocket?

Ben: You don't have to worry about that.

Clyde: Don't I? What were you headed out to do?

Ben: Make things right.

Clyde: Ah. That's what I thought. We both know that I have not been the kind of father that you deserve, but if I can stop you from doing something stupid, I'm gonna do it. So you tell me. What were you fixin' to do?

Marlena: Whatever you want from me, I assume it involves hurting someone, so I want no part of it.


Orpheus: Normally, I find your defiance oddly stimulating. But I have no more time for this cat-and-mouse game. Now, here are your two choices. You either walk out of here with me and do what I ask, or I just walk in the next room and pay a visit to poor, sleeping, defenseless john. So what's it gonna be?

This week on

"the upper hands"...

Gwen: Well, you are blowing my mind right now. I thought your parents' love was one for the ages.

Abigail: Oh, no. It is. It is, but you know, they've done all kinds of things to hurt each other. They've struggled just like everybody else over the years, and somehow--I don't know. They always just manage to make their way back to each other.

Gwen: Like when your mum was in that coma.

Abigail: That was a very, very long journey. Yeah, but hopefully, it'll be the last bump in the road for them.

Gwen: Yes. Let's hope. And I feel grateful that I'm able to help you celebrate their love.

Abigail: They're pretty inspirational, really. They just prove over and over and over again that no matter how bad it gets, love can still win out.


Gwen: I believe that too. You know, with all the bad luck I've had, I'm still a romantic. And seeing you and chad and your parents, it's really inspiring. It gives me hope.

Abigail: Oh.

Rolf: Chad, please, tell me what happened to the chip. I haven't got all night.

Chad: Oh, I'm sorry. Are you in a hurry?

Rolf: You're enjoying this.

Chad: I imagine they're out looking for you. Probably the police, the federal marshals, the dogs.

Rolf: You're stalling! You're hoping they find me.

Chad: Yeah, I want you out of my house and out of my life, so I will wrap this up. After much debate, tony and I, we made a decision about what to do with the chip-- my father.

Tony: So do you want to say something?

Chad: To a microchip? No, I don't think so.

Tony: How about...

[Chuckles] A drink?

Chad: And a toast.

Tony: Yes. He did some terrible, terrible things, but he did them out of love.

[Dramatic music]

From dust to dust.

Chad: Ashes to ashes. You know what they say about the phoenix rising.

Rolf: No, no, no, no!

Chad: Yes. Yes. I'm sorry. My father is gone, for good this time. Not even you can bring him back.

Ben: Ciara came to me. I saw her, dad. Right here. And she begged for me not to do anything crazy and to move on. But I can't move on, because she's gone. So yeah. I was headed out to find justice. Vincent needs to pay for what he took from me and from ciara.

[Knocking on door]

Marlena: No, no. I won't let you hurt him.

Orpheus: Well, since you can't really stop me, I suppose that means you're choosing option a?

Marlena: Yes, I'll go with you.

Orpheus: I thought you'd see it my way. Off we go--

[Knocking at door] Who the hell is that?

Marlena: I don't know!

[Knock at door]

Lani: Dr. Evans? It's detective price. Does scrubbing grease feel like a workout?

Abigail: This looks great.

Gwen: Yeah?

Abigail: Yeah. Yeah. I think you and julie really did a fantastic job. I think--yeah. Even the dessert. That looks yummy.

Gwen: Yeah. Good. I agree. Right. Well... I'm glad I stopped by then.

Abigail: Turns out, sometimes in the middle of the night during a blackout, it's the perfect time to get things done.

Gwen: Especially when you're waiting for your husband to come back to bed.

Abigail: Yeah. You know, and not very patiently either. Hmm. Wonder what could be keeping him?

Rolf: Oh, stefano. No.


Chad: So he's gone, and he's never coming back, so there's really nothing here for you.

Rolf: You ingrate. You never appreciated your place in this family, nor of the greatness of the man who sired you, god rest his soul.

Chad: I don't think god has anything to do with this. If anything, my father's probably in hell.

Rolf: Then I hope you are prepared to join him. If stefano is truly gone, then you're right. There is nothing for me here, except the task of avenging his death.

[Knocking on door]

Eli: Ben. It's eli grant. I need to speak with you.

[Knocking at door]

[Knocking at door]

Lani: Marlena? John?

Orpheus: Get rid of her. Now. Unless you want the death of that cop and her unborn twins on your head.

Marlena: Okay, okay. Hi, lani.

Lani: Hi. I wasn't sure you were gonna answer.

Marlena: Oh, well, I'm sorry it took so long, but john wasn't feeling well, and I'm just helping him get settled.

Lani: Okay. Well, I'm really sorry to bother you guys so late, but I do have some bad news.

Marlena: Oh? What's that?

Lani: Orpheus. He escaped prison tonight. I just wanted to make sure you were safe.

Marlena: Oh, sure. Everything is--everything's quiet here, but thanks for stopping by.

Lani: Yeah. Okay. Well, just let me know if you need anything.

Marlena: Sure. We'll do that. Thanks.

Lani: Mm-hmm. Goodnight.

Marlena: Goodnight.

[Dramatic music]

Orpheus: After you, marlena. And please watch your step. It's dark out here.

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