Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 10/20/20
Episode #13877 ~ Ben has a vision; the lights go out in Salem; Clyde and Orpheus form an alliance; Jake confronts Gwen about his suspicions.
Provided By Suzanne
[Quiet music]Jake: [Whistling]
[Tumbler thuds]
Gwen: Do you mind? I am trying to work here.
Jake: I'll drink very quietly. So what, doing the kids' homework part of your nanny duties now? Do they know you can't spell?
Gwen: I thought you said you were going to be quiet. And no, this is not homework. I'm planning a party for abigail's parents.
Jake: Oh. You mean the party that "no one will forget."
Gwen: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
[Intriguing techno music]
Abigail: Hi, honey. How's work?
Chad: Uh, what are you doing here?
Abigail: Um, I live here.
Chad: No, I mean in the bedroom.
Abigail: Gwen was in the den, working. Kids are asleep.
Chad: Yes, I looked in on them, and I looked in on the den, where jake joined gwen. He's drinking my liquor and goading her into a fight.
Abigail: Hmm. Here we go again. So I suppose it's asking too much for you to even try to get along with him?
Chad: No, see, au contraire. Earlier, before he laid claim to my bar cart, I actually had a heart-to-heart with jake at my instigation.
Abigail: Hmm. Really?
Chad: Yeah. And I had expressed that my issues with stefan may have negatively colored my feelings towards him--the fact that he looks like stefan.
Abigail: And so how did that go? Are things better between you two now?
Chad: [Clears throat] No. A lot worse.
Clyde: Oh, man. Such a good-looking bride and groom. Picture perfect.
Orpheus: You must be talking about your son and his beautiful young wife.
Clyde: Orpheus.
Orpheus: Sure didn't take long for death to do them part.
Clyde: What the hell are you doing here?
Orpheus: Seem a tad hostile, clyde.
Clyde: I thought they locked you up in max, threw away the key.
Orpheus: Well, they had a crisis at the prison, so they shut the place down, sent me back here.
Clyde: I'm not sure that's such a good idea.
Orpheus: You know, clyde, i get the feeling you're not happy to see me.
[Dramatic music]
Ben: This gun... this gun he used to kill you... is gonna send him straight to hell... right where he belongs.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Jake: So let me guess. Now you're gonna pretend you don't know what the hell I'm talking about, right?
Gwen: I'm going to pretend like you don't exist. All right?
Jake: Oh, ho, but I do exist, and I heard you talking to my old man's portrait.
Gwen: That is so like you, isn't it? Nosing about, eavesdropping, stirring up all sorts of trouble, jake.
Jake: Actually, gwenny, I'm concerned about you. I mean, I knew you were far gone, but talking to an oil painting? You do know, don't you, that that's not a person, right? That is a picture of a person.
Gwen: I'm going to work somewhere else.
Jake: Ah, just one last thing. What the hell are you up to?
Gwen: Getting away from you.
Jake: You're planning a party to celebrate the anniversary of somebody coming out of a coma. You celebrate christmas with slasher movies and a bottle of vodka. You ain't exactly the celebration type. But you are the "I'm gonna stick it to someone" type. And I think you want an audience for that.
Clyde: You think I should be happy to see you, huh? After your son killed my stepdaughter, let my son take the fall for it.
Orpheus: Well, if the sins of the sons are visited upon the fathers, then you've got a whole string of dead bodies on your hands.
Clyde: You know, it would be very easy for me to arrange a little accident for you in here, so if you're smart, you might wanna stay clear of me.
Orpheus: You might wanna be a little less truculent. See, I've got big plans for tonight. You could call it an exit strategy. So if you change your tone, I might just include you in the fun.
Ben: I miss you so much. My ciara. My life.
[Uneasy music]
You were everything to me. You still are.
Oh, hi. Dr. Evans. What are you doing here?
Marlena: I came to see how you're doing tonight.
Ben: Honestly, it's not really a great time. I was just on my way out.
Marlena: Oh. Where are you going?
Ben: You know, just for a walk.
Marlena: I'd like to ask you a couple questions.
Ben: Whoa, dr. Evans. Dr. Evans. I just... really feel like I'd rather be alone tonight.
Abigail: Worse, huh? Boy, that's great news, because, you know, everybody we know right now is grieving, our nanny is the ex-girlfriend of a brother you never knew existed, they're both living in my house, breakup was nasty, so they never stop sniping, you hate the brother you never knew existed, so you never stop sniping, and you're telling me it's all downhill from here.
Chad: I don't hate him. Okay, I act like I hate him.
Abigail: Uh-uh. Do not pull that disingenuous act with me, 'cause you know-- I told you how I feel.
Chad: And I listened, and I went and I talked to him.
Abigail: And you went, and you made it worse.
Chad: No, no, no, I didn't make it worse. He made it worse by being a first-class jerk. That's who made it worse.
Abigail: [Sighs] Well, imagine that. A dimera male acting like a jerk. So okay, what happened?
Chad: Well, I--no, I went, and I tried to make things work. I offered him a position at dimera's executive training program.
Abigail: Really?
Chad: Yes, which gets 300 qualified applicants a month, all of which have an mba, none of which eat with their hands, but jake decided to be insulted.
Abigail: No, no, no, no.
Chad: Listen, he thinks he deserves an equal share of an international, multimillion-dollar corporation all because, in what I can only fathom to have been a very altered state of mind, my father decided to sleep with vivian alamain. But guess what. He can rebuild a transmission.
Abigail: Okay, well, question: Where did you get your mba?
Chad: What is that supposed to mean?
Abigail: It's just, all i mean is that you wouldn't have been able to get into the program, much less be running the company, if it weren't for the fact that stefano slept with your mother.
Chad: No, no. I worked for my father, and I worked with ej. I learned the business.
Abigail: Right, you did, you did, but your father, who owned the company, who created the company, is the person who put that all in place, and he's dead now, but jake's not dealing with your father. He's dealing with you, his brother, his equal.
Chad: Are you taking his side?
Abigail: No, no. Damn, no, I'm not. I just... I don't want to live with cain and abel. I just think that it's his house, too. We can't get rid of him, so I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to figure out a way to work with him on this, which is not gonna happen if you keep treating him like he's the incompetent help.
Gwen: I think because you're such a low, vile person, that you think that everyone around you is, too.
Jake: Not everyone. Just you.
Gwen: [Sighs] I like it here, and I like chad, and I like abigail, and their children, and her parents, and I like my job, and I am just doing something nice for people who've been very nice to me.
Jake: And who happen to have a whole hell of a lot of money.
Gwen: Jake... darling... I mean this in the kindest way possible. Bite me.
Jake: Oh. You used to like that.
Gwen: I mean it. Don't you put that bloody rubbish on me. I'm not gonna take it anymore. You hit the genetic jackpot, and you think you can just ditch me like that? You put on your brother's suit, and suddenly you're the wolf of wall street. You hooked up with that trollop gabi to screw your brother over, and you did that to her, literally. You are nothing more than a money-hungry slob, so don't you ever, ever look down your nose at me.
Jake: Well. Well, that was a very pretty speech, gwen. Hear you roar. [Laughs]
[Growls] Just one last thing. You never answered my question.
Clyde: So you wanna include me.
[Laughs] Yeah. That always works out so well-- for you. For me, not so much.
Orpheus: I'd forgotten how much you whine.
Clyde: Smuggled a phone in, did you?
Orpheus: Mm, well, that exit strategy I mentioned requires communication, coordination.
Clyde: You telling me you're busting out of here?
Orpheus: And that I might be willing to take you with me.
Clyde: Yeah? Why? What's in it for you? God knows you don't do nothing if there ain't something in it for you.
Orpheus: God, I'm teaming up with jed clampett.
Clyde: Why would you team up with me, orpheus? What's the catch?
Orpheus: Well... the truth is, I need you to do one small thing for me.
Ben: I'm sorry this place is such a mess.
Marlena: Ben, it's all right. Look, maybe we could just go for a walk and get a bite to eat.
Ben: You know, I think I'd just rather be alone, if that's okay.
Marlena: I know you're grieving. Maybe it's not a good time to shut yourself away from the people who care about you.
Ben: People cared about ciara. People loved ciara. It's my fault that she's dead.
Marlena: No.
Ben: Yes.
Marlena: That's not true.
Ben: Yes, it is.
Marlena: That's not true.
Ben: Vincent shot her so that I would feel the same way he did when I sh... when I did what I did.
Marlena: Ben, it's not your fault he was getting revenge. That was his choice.
Ben: Well, it makes sense to me. When you're left with nothing, what else is there to do but to make someone pay? Huh? Make sure he gets what he deserves.
Marlena: What do you mean, what he deserves? We are the thrivers.
Gwen: I did answer your question.
Jake: Hmm.
Gwen: Chad and abigail have been very nice to me, and so I'm doing something to help, all right?
Jake: Oh. Or you're sucking up to abigail to make her forget about you hitting on her old man, huh?
Gwen: Do you know what, jake?
Jake: Mm.
Gwen: You know, when I told her that I was doing all of that to get back at you, she understood me completely.
Jake: And now what, you're bffs? That's, like, adorable.
Gwen: No. We have a professional relationship. We respect one another. Do you know what that is, darling? No, you don'T. It's called being a grown-up, but you wouldn't understand that, would you?
Jake: Oh, no, I think i understand exactly what's going on. I just hope abigail does, too.
Chad: I do not treat jake like the incompetent help.
Abigail: Hmm. Well, how would you describe the way that you treat him?
Chad: Well, I treat him like someone who irritates me, someone who is arrogant and rude and ill-mannered, someone who disrupted our lives. That's how I treat jake.
Abigail: Mm-hmm. Well, god forbid you should even try to see any of the good in him, any of his attributes.
Chad: I'm sorry, what attributes? No, go ahead, tell me. What attributes do you see in jake?
Abigail: Okay, yeah, fine. Let's see. Uh, well, hmm. Attributes I see... he's family.
Chad: That's ridiculous. That's blind luck. He was born into the family.
Abigail: [Scoffs] Okay. Okay, well, how about... he has a good sense of humor.
Chad: He's never made me laugh. Has he made you laugh?
Abigail: [Laughs]
Chad: No, I'm curious. Has he made-- when did jake make you laugh?
Abigail: No, he's not gonna-- he's not the kind of funny... he's not gonna make you laugh, but he can be witty. The man can be charming sometimes.
Chad: Oh, interesting. Never experienced his wit or his charm, but you know what? Why don't we agree to disagree on the things that may or may not be positive about jake and focus on your request, which is that I try to make things work, which I will, because I love you? So I will try to be better.
Abigail: [Sighs]
Chad: [Laughs] What?
Abigail: I'm just sorry. I don't know. I just--there's so much tension here in the house, and I... don't feel like I have anybody to talk to about it but you, and then I end up blaming you, which isn't fair, and... do I want you to get along with jake? Yes, I do, but I should also acknowledge that there are very serious, serious issues that you have with him that do make it very hard.
Chad: I love you. Thank you for being understanding and compassionate and acknowledging me.
Abigail: Mm-hmm. Well, thank you for putting up with me when I'm none of those things.
Chad: Well, how about a strategic retreat? Gwen's been great with the kids. Why don't we sneak away to chicago for a few nights, just you and me?
Abigail: [Sighs] We can'T.
Chad: Oh, that's right. I forgot. Ciara's memorial service.
Abigail: Mm-hmm. Yes, that, and I wanted to mention, we are also gonna have a party.
Chad: I'm sorry, what party?
Abigail: It was a year ago that my mom woke up from the coma, and I would like to celebrate that with a party at julie's place.
Marlena: Ben, what did you mean when you said somebody has to pay for this?
[Uneasy music]
Ben: Nothing. Really. I--just that... this guy, vincent, you know... he never hurt anybody until I... until I killed his fiancéE.
Marlena: You were mentally ill.
Ben: I know that. I know.
Marlena: Ben, I'm worried about you. I don't think you should be alone tonight. Why don't you come stay with john and me?
Ben: No. Thank you. I'm fine, really.
Marlena: Well then, at least let us pick you up for tomorrow's memorial service. I don't want you walking in there by yourself.
Ben: I'm not sure I'm going.
Marlena: You know, it might be a comfort to you.
Ben: Dr. Evans, I... I just can't talk right now. I'm sorry. And what about your husband? You should be with him right now. I'll be fine, really. I'll eat.
Marlena: Okay. Look, if you decide you want to talk--doesn't matter what time it is--call me. It doesn't matter how late.
Ben: I will. Thank you.
Marlena: Of course. Ben. This doesn't sound like you, but by any chance, did you call me and hang up the phone tonight?
Ben: No, no, it wasn't me.
Marlena: Yeah. Maybe it was just a wrong number. I hope I see you tomorrow.
Orpheus: So... we got a deal?
Clyde: Well... desperate times and all that. What time do we break out?
Orpheus: That text... my associate is about to cause a big distraction. Should be in about three... two... one.
[Discordant electronic music]
Ben: What the hell?
Ciara: Ben?
[Unearthly music]
Ben: Ciara...
does scrubbing grease feel like a workout?
[Gentle music]
Ben: I can't believe it. You're really here.
No. No, you're not real. It's just like in the hospital, when I dreamt you there until I woke up and I remembered what that bastard had done to you.
Ciara: Ben... you need to move on... because hating vincent is looking back, and you can't do that. For me, ben.
Ben: I can't move on because I have no reason to.
Ciara: Listen to me. You cannot kill vincent. I know you took the gun. I know what you want to do, but you can't go through with it. It's not who you are.
Ben: I've killed before.
Ciara: Yeah, but baby, you're not that person anymore. I need you to stay being the man that I fell in love with.
Chad: All right. Yeah, that's what I thought. Okay, thanks.
Abigail: Kids didn't even wake up.
Chad: Everyone in salem lost power.
Abigail: Oh, great. More bad news. 'Cause, you know, wouldn't want to break the streak. Ooh! G--ow.
Chad: Are you okay?
Abigail: Ow. Oh, gosh.
Chad: [Laughs]
Abigail: It's not funny.
Chad: Is it broken?
Abigail: Ow.
Chad: Are you okay?
Abigail: [Winces] Yeah. [Laughs]
Chad: Um... I wanna say something, and I don't want you to take it the wrong way.
Abigail: Oh, boy, I hate conversations that start like that.
Chad: It's just that look, you said that this house is full of stress. People are grieving. There's a party that you're planning. You're going back to work. I'm just wondering if maybe we should maybe just take your parents out to dinner. I'm sure they would understand. Nobody wants you spreading yourself too thin.
Abigail: Hmm. No, but I'm not. I'm not. Oh, I forgot to tell you. Gwen is helping me with it, and by "helping," I mean she's actually doing everything. Mainly, I'm just paying the bills.
Chad: So wait, so gwen's a hyphenate now. A nanny-event planner?
Abigail: Yep. Yes, and she's doing a great job.
Chad: Hmm.
Abigail: And I don't know. There's something about this party--I just feel like, with everything that everybody's been going through, to... just to celebrate the best thing that ever happened to us, the fact that we got mom back...
Chad: [Clears throat]
Abigail: I think it feels right.
Chad: Sure. You're right.
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
Chad: I'm wrong. I'm wrong. Forget I said anything. I will let gwen know that I am on call for anything that she needs involving the party... even if it is treating jake with the respect that he thinks that he deserves.
Abigail: Thank you.
Chad: Mm-hmm. Again, I don't know if you heard, but I said I was wrong, and I said that you were right.
Abigail: I did hear that.
Chad: I just... we should be celebrating anything that we can in this life.
Abigail: Amen.
[Tender music]
Chad: You always have the best ideas.
[Both laugh]
Abigail: Well, I mean, you know what's weird, and I hate to admit it, 'cause I'd love to take credit for it, but it wasn't even my idea. It was gwen'S.
Jake: Well, circuit breakers are all fine, and I couldn't-- damn it. Couldn't see any lights anywhere. Must be a blackout.
Gwen: Oh, great. Makes this place even creepier than usual.
[Sinister music]
John: It's like you're willing him to call you.
Marlena: You didn't see him, john. He was so lost. And why wouldn't he be lost? Ciara was everything to him, and then... to lose her so suddenly and so tragically...
John: Who would've thought that we would develop a soft spot for ben weston, huh?
Marlena: [Chuckles] Yeah. He worked so hard to get over his illness. He'd overcome so much. He was abused as a child, as a young man. And then ciara came into his life, and she... she gave him all the love and support that he needed. I wish he had talked to me. I wish he had agreed to come and stay with us, you know? I... I offered. I guess with all my experience, I should know that you can't force someone to open up.
John: Well, your head knows that. Your heart just wants to give him a big hug, huh?
Marlena: Mm! It wasn't like with hope, you know? I mean, hope had family, friends, doug, julie. She was surrounded, but... not ben. I just hate the idea of him being alone tonight.
Ciara: You're not gonna kill vincent. I know you won'T.
Ben: He says he shot you in cold blood, and he was proud of it.
Ciara: If you kill him, ben, you're gonna end up right back on death row. It'll be throwing your entire life away. Ben, you love me, and that changed you, but if you kill him, it's gonna be like that love never existed, like you and I never existed.
Ben: We don't exist, not anymore. Don't you see that? Without you, my life means nothing.
Limu emu
and doug.
Chad: Did gwen not think that she had her hands full with our children?
Abigail: Do not be so cynical about this!
Chad: I'm not.
Abigail: Kind of. Look, no, I think that she is just trying to repay us for taking her in, and I think it's very lovely of her.
Chad: Sure. This was gwen's idea?
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
Chad: She wasn't around when your mother was in the coma, so how did she even know that it was the anniversary?
Abigail: I think I was talking about it-- the anniversary. I mean, the party--that was definitely her idea, but she guessed that I'd want to do something for it, and yeah. Kind of like she knows me better than I know myself. Sometimes.
Jake: Well. You think this place is so creepy, you could just leave.
Gwen: [Scoffs] Now why would I do that? You would like that, wouldn't you? And I refuse to do anything that would bring you pleasure.
[Knocking sound] What on earth was that?
John: I know that ben is your patient, but he's also become more than that, hasn't he?
Marlena: Yeah, he has.
John: Mm-hmm.
Marlena: Ben and I... connected in a very profound way during therapy. I guess I feel responsible for him, and maybe just a little maternal towards him. He just never had the parental love that he needed.
John: Yeah. And that's why I think that you need to go back over there and check in on him tonight.
Marlena: Really?
John: Yeah, really. In fact, I'm saying that for two reasons. The first one is that I know for a fact that you're not gonna be able to sleep a wink tonight until you do.
Marlena: Well, he was just lost, so I said--
John: The second reason: I know what it's like to feel lost. I know what it's like to lose hope, to lose faith. You feel like people don't care, so it's important that ben knows that you are not giving up on him, even though he's gonna try to push you away.
Marlena: Another reason to love you.
John: I would drive you there myself, except you force-fed me those painkillers.
Marlena: [Laughs] You are the best.
John: Yeah, that's true.
Marlena: And I'm lucky to have you.
John: Not half as lucky as i am.
Marlena: Why don't you go ahead and climb into bed, and I will blow out the candles and grab my jacket?
John: That sounds like a plan. I'm gonna get some water first.
Marlena: No, no, you don'T. Please, just crawl into bed. Okay? I'll bring you some water.
John: It's just a glass of water.
Marlena: No, stop this. You listen to me. I'm a doctor. I know what's best for you.
John: Yes, ma'am.
Marlena: [Smacks lips]
[Tender music]
Ciara: Ben... you and I ended up happy and together, and nobody, nobody ever thought that was gonna happen... but it did, because you had faith. You had faith in me, and you had faith in us. Baby, tonight is a horrible, horrible night for you. You're all alone, and you're telling me that your life doesn't mean anything, so I came back here to tell you to please have faith. I may not be with you, but I need you to have faith in me, okay? Have faith in us, and you need to let that faith get you through this horrible, horrible night. Ben, promise me you're not gonna kill again. Because if you do, my life will have meant nothing. We're all putting things off, especially in these times.
Ben: If you really were here, I wouldn't have to kill him. Please, just let me hold you.
[Eerie whooshing sound]
[Melancholy music]
[Suspenseful music]
Clyde: [Laughs] Hello, son.
Abigail: Chad...
Chad: Yes?
Abigail: Where are we?
Chad: Our bedroom.
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
Chad: Mm-hmm.
Abigail: And the light's on.
Chad: With candles.
Abigail: Mm-hmm. So we're alone in a candlelit bedroom, and what are we doing?
Chad: We're talking about jake and gwen.
Abigail: Mm-hmm. Do you think maybe there's something wrong with that picture?
Chad: Yeah, I think...
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
Chad: I think that we're overdressed.
Abigail: Well, when you're right, you're right.
[Tender music]
Jennifer: Yes, thank you. Thank you so much. Salem pd just found the source of the power surge.
Jack: Yeah?
Jennifer: Statesville.
Jack: I don't like the sound of that. Could be another prison break. God only knows who's out there now.
Gwen: Did you hear that?
Jake: Eh. Could be a rat. A lot of them crawling around this place.
Gwen: It sounds like it was coming from inside that wall.
Jake: Uh, well, I hear that there are some not-so-secret tunnels back there. No idea where the switch might be.
Gwen: No, no, no, don't! If there are rats, I don't want them bloody crawling around in here.
Jake: Whatever. I'm gonna go to the kitchen, make myself a snack. Always a pleasure chatting with you, gwenny.
[Eerie music]
Gwen: Jerk.
[Disquieting music]
Orpheus: Going somewhere?
Marlena: [Starts] Orpheus.
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