Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 10/19/20
Episode #13876 ~ Kayla and Steve keep a secret from Tripp; Marlena tries to calm John; Sarah and Xander argue; Brady catches Philip conspiring against Xander.
Provided By Suzanne
Marlena: Look, I want to see justice done as much as you do, but I just don't-- I don't want it to cost you your friendship with steve.
John: Well, the way I see it, that's up to him.
Marlena: All right. What do you say we just give him some time to cool down? Maybe give you some time to cool down too. You know what?I know how much you want to get out of here. Why don't we just-- why don't we just go home?
John: Not yet. We've got one stop to make first.
[Soft dramatic music]
Steve: Hey. I'm glad you're back. Listen, uh, I'm sorry about what went down between you and kayla before.
Tripp: Yeah, that's not your fault. So where is she?
Steve: She went to run an errand.
Tripp: So she didn't have to be under the same roof as a rapist?
Steve: Son, please--
Tripp: No, please, please don't make excuses for her, okay? It's obvious what kayla thinks of me. It's the same thing as this whole town thinks of me, except you.
Steve: Tripp.
Allie: Did you get enough, aunt kayla?
Kayla: Yup, I did, and henry was a real champ. He barely fussed at all.
Nicole: And now all we have to do is compare henry's dna to tripp's, and we'll know for sure.
Allie: I mean, I already know for sure. Tripp is my baby's father, and once these test results come back, he won't be able to deny what he did to me ever again.
Sarah: Damn it.
Xander: Let me help you.
Sarah: No. No, you have done enough, making that big, old, embarrassing scene for no reason.
Xander: For no reason? Philip was coming on to you.
Sarah: No, no, he wasn't! And even if he was, you think that I can't handle myself? Go. Go find stronger stain remover.
Xander: I have a better idea.
Sarah: Oh, yeah? What's that?
Xander: Let me help you out of that dress.
Philip: I pushed xander's buttons and got exactly the reaction I was hoping for. Not at all. It was almost too easy. One little poke, he almost lost his mind. I just know I have to keep poking, and eventually he'll do something really stupid, and my father will fire him once and for all. Yes, I'm sure, 'cause aside from being a total moron, xander's a hothead. I'm telling you, I am this--
Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Philip: I've got to go. Brady, what are you doing here?
Brady: Philip, I need to see victor, now.
Philip: Mm, my father's very busy. It's better if you make an appointment.
Brady: Yeah, this is a matter of life and death, so screw your appointment. Where is he?
Sarah: No, no, hey. That is not gonna work on me.
Xander: "That" being--
Sarah: Oh, like you don't know, standing there, looking all sexy.
Xander: I wasn't trying to do that. I was looking at you with love. It's not my fault I'm so sexy.
Sarah: This has nothing to do with love or you being sexy. It has to do with what a colossal jerk you just were.
Xander: I'm sorry. I said I'm sorry. I know I overreacted.
Sarah: No, what you did is act like a caveman.
Xander: It was just a kneejerk reaction. I saw you and philip, and I just--
Sarah: You grabbed him and then threatened to beat him up and ruined my dress!
Xander: Let me make it up to you.
Sarah: Fine. No, not like that.
Xander: Then how? Look, just tell me what to do. You know I'll do anything for you.
Sarah: I want you to go downstairs right now... and apologize to philip.
Marlena: We have to make a stop?
John: Yup, an important one.
Marlena: Ah. You know, you haven't fully recovered from the aneurism, and your hand is still pretty banged up. If you don't want to go home, why don't you just stay here for another few days and-- and let them keep an eye o--
John: I don't need a babysitter, doc.
Marlena: You also don't need to go to steve's and pick a fight about tripp.
John: That's not what i intend to do.
Marlena: Good. What do you intend to do?
John: Can we just get out of this damn hospital so I can show you?
Kayla: Hi.
Steve: Oh. Okay, how'd it go?
Kayla: Well, allie let me take a sample from the baby. I've got it right here in my bag. She's so sure that this will prove that tripp is the father of her baby.
Steve: Well, tripp is still adamant that he's not.
Kayla: He's back?
Steve: Yeah. He turned in early.
Kayla: And you didn't tell him.
Steve: Tell him what? That I stole his toothbrush so we could get a sample of his dna and run a test he explicitly said he doesn't want any part of? No, I didn't tell him.
Kayla: Maybe we should.
Xander: I'm not apologizing to philip.
Sarah: I mean, you just said you'd do anything.
Xander: Not that. I don't wanna talk to that son of a bitch. I don't even want to talk about him. I want to talk about you and me and how much I love you. Let me show you.
Sarah: No, I am not sleeping with you.
Xander: You're withholding sex as punishment?
Sarah: Yeah.
Xander: Fine. Then I will take my punishment. I'll lie right next to you all night long on my side of the bed, and I won't lay a finger on you.
Sarah: Aww, that's right, you won't because you'll be sleeping in the guest room.
Philip: Life and death? What are you talking about?
Brady: Kristen was arrested for stabbing victor.
Philip: Yeah, I saw the news alerts. She confessed.
Brady: Yeah, yeah, it was a long and infuriating story. Bottom line is she's being sentenced tomorrow, and if victor doesn't do something, she's probably not gonna see her daughter for a very long time, perhaps forever, philip.
Philip: Well, the way I see it, he doesn't have to do anything.
Brady: Why--oh, why would you say that?
Philip: Isn't it obvious? I mean, why would he go out on a limb for the woman who tried to murder him? I'm sure he thinks kristen should pay for what she did, and so do I.
Marlena: Wait a minute. You suddenly need a burger at this hour?
John: Hospital food really sucks. No offense.
Marlena: No, no, none taken. I just think that you need to be home in bed rather than a--oh, the pub's closed.
John: [Sighs]
Marlena: Oh, this is more than just a burger, isn't it?
John: Yeah. I just want to feel normal again, doc. I just want everything to go back to the way it used to be, and I thought maybe having a beer and a burger in my favorite pub with the most beautiful woman in the world would get me there, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
Marlena: Not so fast. I've got some clout here. Uh, let me see what I can do. Hey.
Roman: Marlena, good to see you, but, uh--
Marlena: But, I know, I know, the place is closed. I saw the sign.
Roman: Yeah, sorry about that, poker night.
Marlena: Oh, sure. Should have known, yeah.
Roman: Everything okay?
Marlena: Oh, everything's fine, just that an old friend of yours was really wanting to get one of your brady burgers, and, um, I thought maybe you'd stay open for a minute longer just to--
Roman: John! Damn, it's good to see you out of that hospital.
John: Roman, it is good to see you, man. I just, uh--just got out, and I wanted to make the pub my number one stop.
Roman: What happened to your hand?
John: Uh, I had A... little disagreement with-- with steve and his son.
Roman: Steve and tripp? Well, um, had to be more than a little disagreement.
John: Oh, you know how it goes. Sometimes you get a little intense, you know?
Roman: Yeah, I would say so. Um, you mind telling me what it was about?
Steve: We're not telling tripp anything.
Kayla: Come on, steve.
Steve: Baby, listen, you saw how angry he got when you even suggested the dna test. Now, I don't want to upset him any more, especially when he feels like I'm the only one who believes him.
Kayla: Well, how do you think he's gonna feel when he finds out what we did?
Steve: I think that all will be forgiven when the results come back and he's vindicated.
Kayla: You don't know that that's what's gonna happen.
Steve: Yes, I do.
Kayla: You know, no matter how this turns out, I do not like the deception. It feels so wrong.
Tripp: What's wrong? What's going on? My nunormal: Fewer asthma attacks.
John: So I guess kayla hasn't filled you in?
Roman: On what?
John: On what's going on between steve and me.
Marlena: Oh, it's nothing. It'S...[Laughs] It's nothing at all. You know, they just--they just had an argument. That's all. You know how those two get. They just--
Roman: Yeah, but wait, wait. You said you had a thing with steve and tripp.
Marlena: Well, in that tripp was there, that's all.
Roman: Okay, I, uh, I'm kinda getting that it's, uh, none of my business. You said you wanted burgers, right?
Marlena: Yes, that would be great, and we won't--
Roman: Medium-well?
Marlena: We won't linger. Yes, yes, yes.
Roman: Side of fries okay?
Marlena: Side of fries, yes, we'll be--we'll be brief.
Roman: Not a problem. Have a seat, anywhere.
Marlena: That's funny, anywhere.
Both: [Chuckles]
John: So why wouldn't you let me tell roman why steve and I were fighting?
Marlena: Because he does not know what happened to allie.
John: Well, he sure as hell should know because allie is his granddaughter also.
Marlena: I understand. It isn't up to us to tell him. It's up to her to tell him if she wants to, and you heard how upset she was. I mean, she's not just traumatized by what happened, but she's ashamed because she doesn't remember that night.
John: She's ashamed? What the hell does she have to be ashamed about? My god, doc, her life will--because of that little bastard who raped her, will never be the same!
Marlena: John. John. John!
John: The one person who needs to be ashamed here is tripp dalton!
Marlena: Shh.
Nicole: Henry fell right back asleep. He's, like, a little angel baby. You know, and he gave me that great smile right before he closed his eyes. Allie? What's wrong?
Allie: It's just the dna test.
Nicole: Are you having second thoughts about letting kayla do it?
Allie: No, no, not at all. I--I want the truth to come out. I just--I don't understand why tripp does, why he'd agree to this.
Nicole: Well, kayla said steve thinks it'll clear him.
Allie: Yeah, but I know it won't, and, I mean, so does tripp. These--these test results are gonna come back, and it's gonna prove that he's a rapist. Why would he go along with that?
Kayla: What is so wrong is that john and your dad are at odds.
Tripp: That is wrong, and I'm really sorry you have to deal with that.
Steve: No, I don't want you to worry about that. I know that john and i will work things out eventually.
[Sighs] I thought you were gonna turn in early.
Tripp: I am, I am. I just came out here 'cause I couldn't find my toothbrush.
[Tense music]
Sarah: If you need a toothbrush, I'm sure there's an extra one in the guest room.
Xander: Come on, sarah. Can't you--can't you at least try and see it from my perspective? I come home from a long day at work to find you having a romantic dinner with my cousin, a man I detest, candlelight, wine, flowers.
Sarah: It was only a romantic dinner because I set it up for you, you giant dope! And then you texted and said that you weren't gonna be home for a couple of hours.
Xander: We finished a lot sooner than I thought we would. I was highly motivated.
Sarah: Well, then why didn't you call me? Because I would have never asked philip to join me if I knew that you were on your way home.
Xander: I wanted to surprise you.
Sarah: Well, you sure did, by acting like a neanderthal.
Xander: Come on, sarah. Can't we put this behind us and go to bed? I promise I won't make any moves.
Sarah: Mm-hmm.
Xander: I just want to be close to you.
Sarah: You sure you want to walk naked to the guest room?
Xander: Huh?
Sarah: I'm not changing my mind. You're gonna be cold.
Brady: You're still a heartless kiriakis, aren't you, philip? Shocker.
Philip: Look, I'm not saying I don't feel sorry for you, brady. I'm sure it was devastating to think you'd lost your child, but it was devastating for me and maggie to think we'd lost my dad.
Brady: Was it? So devastating for you that, uh, you didn't even bother to come see him?
Philip: We're on better terms now.
Brady: Oh. Well, since you strong-armed him into putting you in charge of titan, hmm? Actually, co-in charge, or how do you say it, half in charge? Isn't that what's going on? You do remember when victor pulled this co-ceo crap with you and I back in the day, right? Now he's doing it with you and xander? Are you kidding me? Aren't you sick of this? You gotta be sick of it, victor constantly just playing with people's lives. Doesn't care who he humiliates or who goes to prison. Doesn't matter. But then again, you, uh--you kinda have to play ball, don't you? You're not gonna do anything because you gotta stay on victor's good side 'cause that's the only way you're gonna get xander fired, right?
Philip: What?
Brady: Philip, I heard you talking on the phone when I came in. Obviously you're in league with someone, right? You got something up your sleeve? What's your plan? You gonna--you gonna provoke xander so he'll screw up, and then victor will have to fire him, right? Who's your accomplice in this mission, huh? What's the latest? Who were you on the phone with, secret guy?
Tide pods ultra oxi
Xander: Wait, are you serious? You--you really want me to sleep in the guest room?
Sarah: Do I look like I'm joking? And while you're in there, why don't you think long and hard about what happened tonight? And then you can give me a nice, big, "thank you, sarah."
Xander: For what?
Sarah: For being smart.
Xander: Oh, so that's what you were doing this evening, playing nice.
Sarah: Wow, you really don't get it, huh? Philip lives here. You two are running titan together. You need to make yourself look good to victor. When this whole co-ceo thing came about, you said when push came to shove, that you felt like victor was always gonna pick philip's side because he's his son. Do you remember that?
Xander: Yeah, of course I remember that.
Sarah: Right, and then I told you that no matter how much victor loves philip, he's never going to let him destroy titan.
Xander: Yeah, I remember that too.
Sarah: Right, great. Baby, we both know that philip is incompetent. We both know that you should be running that company by yourself. So please get out of your own way and just let it happen.
Xander: [Sighs]
Sarah: Let philip fail, all while you stay in victor's good graces, all right? Play nice. Just be civil. Be courteous, be pleasant. Look, I've already started it tonight by just getting to know him a little bit better. Oh, good heavens, what are you thinking?
Xander: It's bad enough I have to work all day with that son of a bitch. To come home and find him with my woman when all I want is time alone with her, it's just--
Sarah: Well, you know, your woman wants time alone too, away from you, so enjoy the guest room, xander.
Xander: I would put up a fight, but I know how stubborn you are, and I also know, whether or not you'll admit it, you're gonna miss these big caveman arms wrapped around you tonight.
Sarah: Dream on.
[Door slams] I'm not gonna miss those big caveman arms one bit. Shut up, xander.
Philip: I'm not in league with anyone. That was a business associate I was talking with.
Brady: Somebody else who has it in for xander as well?
Philip: This is none of your business.
Brady: Well, I could make it my business, you know? I could go to xander, and I could give him the heads up that you want him out and you'll do whatever you have to do to make that happen.
Philip: Now, why would you do that?
Brady: How about the fact that you're being a heartless bastard right now, and you're obviously not gonna lift one finger to help me keep the mother of my kid out of prison? How about that?
Xander: I have something to say to you, philip. Brady, will you leave us alone?
Marlena: Of course allie has nothing to be ashamed of. I--I didn't mean to suggest that at all. She was a victim of a terrible, terrible crime.
John: Right, and everyone knows that. Well, everyone except for steve, flat-out refuses to see the truth, just insists that his punk son hasn't done anything wrong when it's crystal clear he's nothing but a lying little rapist!
Marlena: All right, all right, that's it. We're going.
John: No, no.
Marlena: I'll tell roman to-- we can take the food to go.
John: Okay, just give me a second. Just give me a--
Roman: Okay, uh, burgers are about ready. You okay, john?
John: Yeah, yeah. I'll be better once I-- once I can wrap this hand around one of your burgers.
Roman: Well, maybe you ought to go to the hospital, get that checked out.
John: Oh, come on, roman, just screw the hospital, will you? I just got out of there. I'm not going back.
Marlena: Yeah, just-- you understand. He's been through a lot lately.
Roman: Yeah, sorry, I'm--no need to explain.
John: No, no, I'm sorry, and I do need to explain. It's this--it's this brain aneurysm, roman. It's, uh...
[Scoffs] It's changed me.
Roman: John, I'm sorry to hear that.
John: Yeah, you know, so am I, but w--doc and I, we're kinda hoping it's temporary, right?
Marlena: Yeah, that's what we're hoping.
John: Yeah, and--but for now, I'm telling you something. It's nothing that can't be cured by--by a good meal and a night at home underneath my own roof, in my own bed with my beautiful wife, right?
Marlena: Right.
Nicole: It is strange that tripp agreed to the dna test. If he is guilty of rape, you'd think he'd refuse. Unless--tripp may actually believe he's telling the truth. You know what? I've read about this-- people who tell themselves and everyone else their fake version of events, so they actually start to believe their own lie.
Allie: And you think that may be why tripp is willing to take this dna test?
Nicole: Yes, and if that's the case, the results of this test may be a shock to him.
Allie: Yeah, maybe, but for me, I mean, they'll finally prove that I have been telling the truth this entire time. You know, and I won't have to live the rest of my life ashamed of something that wasn't my fault.
Tripp: Yeah, it's weird. I mean, I could have swore it was there this morning, but it's gone now.
Kayla: Um, you know what? I was, uh, cleaning the bathroom earlier, and I--I might have thrown it out. I'm sorry. There's extras in the, um-- in the linen closet.
Tripp: Great, thanks.
Kayla: Tripp, wait.
Tripp: What?
Tripp: Did you want to say something, kayla?
Kayla: Um, just that I am--I'm sorry that things are tense between us. Um, you know how much I care about you, tripp, and I don't want us to be on bad terms, and I'm sure your father doesn't want that either.
Tripp: We all want things to be better, okay? But that's a lot easier said than done.
Kayla: Well, maybe we could--we could talk about it a bit, you know, clear the air.
Tripp: Look, if you're trying to push me to do the dna test again, okay, just forget about it. That's not going to happen.
Kayla: Tripp, you need to know that test, I-- I just want the truth to come out.
Tripp: It already has. I've told you the truth over and over again. It's just you just don't believe me.
Allie: How long do you think it'll take before we get the results back?
Nicole: Hopefully you'll have the answers you want tomorrow.
Allie: [Sighs] Ciara's memorial is tomorrow. I just--I just keep thinking about how happy she was a few months ago, you know? So in love.
Nicole: I heard the wedding ceremony was beautiful.
Allie: It was, especially the vows. God, it is so sad to think that their lives together had just started, and now it's already over, just like that, and, you know, ben is all alone.
Nicole: Well, that's why we have to remind ourselves not to take each other for granted and to tell the people we love how much they mean to us.
Allie: How do you do it?
Nicole: Do what?
Allie: Handle being so far apart from the man that you love.
Nicole: [Sighs]
John: Mmm, that is still the best burger around. Thanks for staying open, roman.
Roman: My pleasure.
John: Mmm. Okay, so what do I owe you?
Roman: 500 bucks.
John: Say what?
Roman: Hell, I'd have made at least 500 bucks had I gone to that poker game.
John: Or I may have saved you from losing your shirt.
Roman: Either way, it's on me.
John: Now, listen, I appreciate the offer, but really, I haven't had a meal that good in I don't know how long, so I got the tab, plus I'm gonna throw in a little something extra for being such a pain in the butt.
Roman: I'll just throw it in the pot next week. In the meantime, you take care of that hand.
John: Yeah.
Marlena: Thank you, roman.
[Soft dramatic music]
Does it hurt?
John: Nothing I can't handle.
Marlena: You know, you don't have to suffer. We can have a prescription for some painkillers. We can stop and get that filled on the way home.
John: You are my painkiller. If kayla was good enough to let me leave the hospital, I'm sure she would agree that just being with you-- best medicine ever.
Philip: My father's upstairs. It's getting late, so if you need to talk to him, you should go.
Brady: Not before I say something to xander though. Because of you and victor, kristen is going to prison.
Xander: Kristen's going to prison because she stuck a knife in victor's chest.
Brady: Because you and victor put the whole thing in motion when you decided to steal our daughter and lead us to believe that she was dead for almost a year, xander.
Xander: I've expressed my regret for that many times.
Brady: You know what I regret? I regret wasting time. That's all I'm doing, talking to you losers. I'm gonna go talk to victor.
Philip: What's on your mind, xander? Did sarah kick you out of bed?
Xander: My relationship with sarah is none of your damn business.
Philip: Well, that would be true, but sarah kinda made it my business. See, I've become her confidante. She likes my input on your idiotic behavior.
Xander: You know, I really was actually considering apologizing to you, but now you've reminded me what a complete and total jerk you are. Why should I?
Philip: Because you came at me like a rabid animal.
Xander: And I'll go a lot further than that if you continue to go after my woman.
Philip: Oh, give me a break. Sarah and I are friends, that's all. She told you. I did nothing wrong. And just so you know, she apologized for you to me about your brutish behavior before she stormed out of the house. You made her pretty mad, xander.
Xander: Well, now she's not in the least bit mad because we worked it all out, and everything's fine. And for the record, you may think you're sarah's friend, her, um, confidante? But all sarah really feels for you is pity. That's all anybody feels for you, philip, 'cause you're a loser, an utter failure in every way.
Philip: Get out of my sight.
Xander: Not until you understand I'm not gonna take any more of your crap, and if I catch you moving in on sarah again, you will regret it.
Philip: You know, it just occurred to me, you can't be that secure in sarah's love if you're that threatened by my friendship with her. Guess you're starting to realize you're way out of your league.
Allie: I mean, I know you and holly talk to uncle eric as often as you can, you know, video chat, but it's obviously not the same as being together.
Nicole: No, it's not, but I am the one who insisted that he go because I knew he had to, but I admit, you know, it's--it's hard being apart like this, yes.
Allie: I cannot believe how selfish I've been.
Nicole: What do you mean?
Allie: Look at everything you've done for me, I mean, letting me move in here, helping me take care of my baby, and I've been so wrapped up in myself, I haven't done anything for you.
Nicole: That is not true. Allie, you and henry have given me more than you know.
Allie: What, drama and diapers? Yeah, you really hit the jackpot.
Nicole: Allie, every day you inspire me with your strength, and every day henry's smile brings me joy, and holly adores him.
Allie: Yeah, they are pretty cute together.
Nicole: They are. And yes, holly misses eric just as much as I do, but having you and henry here really helps, and honestly, if you two weren't around, we'd be really lonely.
[Baby cries]
Allie: Um, I'll get him.
Nicole: Oh, I--I can do it.
Allie: No, really, let me.
Nicole: Are you sure?
Allie: This time, I really want to.
Steve: For a minute there, I thought you were gonna tell tripp about the dna test.
Kayla: Well, I could tell that you didn't want me to. Look, I get it. He is obviously still very upset with me, and telling him would probably make things worse.
Steve: Thank you for understanding.
Kayla: I do understand. I just can't envision a good outcome here. You and tripp both believe that he is not henry's father, and allie is so sure that this dna test is gonna prove that that baby is his.
Steve: What about you? What do you think?
Kayla: I think that the real answer is right here, and I also think that whatever the results are, we both have people we love who are gonna be devastated. Did you know diarrhea is often caused by bad bacteria in food?
Sarah: Whoa, what's got you all upset?
Brady: Xander. I ran into him downstairs, and you know what? I don't know why you even bothered getting back together with that jerk.
Sarah: Sometimes I ask myself the same thing.
Xander: I'm not gonna dignify your outrageous nonsense with a response.
Philip: Fine by me.
Xander: But I will say that you only wish that you could ever experience the kind of love and passion sarah and I feel for each other.
Philip: I sure don't wanna experience the humiliation you must be feeling right now.
Xander: What the hell are you talking about?
Philip: Aw, come on, xander. There may be passion and love between you, but we both know those things can be eroded pretty quickly with anger and disgust, which is clearly how sarah's feeling right now that you won't apologize for making a fool of yourself.
Xander: Go to hell.
Philip: Big mistake, xander. Too many of those, you'll lose her.
John: Really a nice night out.
Marlena: It is.
John: What do you say we just slow walk it back to our place?
Marlena: Oh, I would like that.
[Cell phone trills] Hmm. Unknown caller.
John: Forget about it.
Marlena: Well, it could be a patient. Dr. Evans. Hello?
John: Well, who was that?
Marlena: Um, I don't know. They hung up.
John: What happened to about never giving out your cell phone to patients?
Marlena: Maybe my assistant gave it to somebody.
John: Mm.
Marlena: I will-- I'll ask her.
John: Tomorrow.
Marlena: Tomorrow.
John: Tomorrow, because tonight all I wanna do, doc, is just hold you all night long.
Marlena: Mm, amen to that.
Nicole: Oh, the way he's looking at you.
Allie: Hey, big guy.
Nicole: Wow, he's just so curious, right?
Allie: Mm-hmm.
Nicole: Look at that little knitted brow.
Allie: Yeah. He's trying to figure me out.
Nicole: Allie, I know you said before that you have a hard time being around henry, but when you fed him earlier, it--is it getting any easier?
Allie: Every time I look at him, I still do think about what tripp did to me, but...
Nicole: But what?
Allie: I guess now that I know that the truth is coming out, I feel like, well, I guess it is making it easier because everyone I love is going to know that this wasn't my fault, or henry'S. I mean, he can't help how he came into this world, and no matter how much of a monster his father is, he still has me. He still has his mother.
Kayla: All right, I am going to go and take these samples to the lab. I will put a rush on them, and hopefully we'll get the answers tomorrow, and when we get those results back, we're gonna have to figure out how to deal with this.
Steve: Sweetness. I love you.
Kayla: I love you.
[Soft dramatic music]
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