Days Transcript Friday 10/16/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 10/16/20


Episode #13875 ~ John blasts Steve for defending Tripp; Kayla offers a way to prove whether Tripp is telling the truth; Charlie comforts Claire over her loss of Ciara; Philip succeeds in pushing Xander over the edge.

Provided By Suzanne

Sarah: Ah! Finally. Now, get your sexy butt in here and let me show you how much I missed ya.

Philip: Sounds like fun.

Marlena: Honey, I--

Kayla: Where's john?

Marlena: I don't know. I've got a bad feeling about this.

Kayla: Well, I know that he was, you know, anxious to be released. Maybe he got tired of waiting and he just went home.

Marlena: Yeah, maybe, but-- he heard the news about tripp. He was quite upset. You know how volatile he can be right now.

Steve: What's the matter?

Tripp: This can't be happening. I should be working on my med school transfer, not trying to defend myself for something I didn't do that happened a year ago.

[Knock on door] Why is allie doing this? No, I-I don't wanna talk to anyone right now.

Steve: It could be justin. Hey, man, what's up?

John: Son of a bitch.

Steve: Whoa, whoa, whoa! What the hell are you doing?

John: Just giving that punk a little of what he deserves for what he did to my granddaughter.

Steve: Okay, hey, hey, hey--

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Charlie: Ah...great. Oh, well.

Claire: Charlie?


Charlie: Claire. Hey, are you?

Claire: I've had better days, but...

Charlie: I know what you mean. I spent all day at the warzone that is titan, and I finally get a break and the pub is closed.

Claire: Yeah, it is, but I could maybe go in and get you a sandwich or something.

Charlie: No, no. No. I'm good. I'm actually not even that hungry. I just really needed to get out of the office, so...

Claire: Okay. Well, we could sit and talk or something, if you want company, that is.

Charlie: Uh, yeah. Y-you're company. Ha. Definitely.

Sarah: [Laughs] Ah... philip. Obviously, I thought you were xander.

Philip: No. He's back at the office... trying to outwork me. Trying to prove to my father he's the better employee.

Sarah: Well, that job is very important to xander.

Philip: To me, as well. Anyway, I'm glad I have a moment alone with you.

Sarah: Why?

Philip: Because I owe you an apology.

Steve: Wait, john, john, john, no, no, no, no. What are you doing, man? You're supposed to be in the hospital.

John: Allie told me what this douchebag did to her, and I've come to set him straight.

Steve: No. Come here. Let's take a minute.

John: Get out of my way!

Steve: No, no, john, john, john. This isn't you, man, come on. It's the aneurysm. Come on, it's the short fuse. It's what happened when we were playing poker, remember?

John: It's got nothing to do with the damn poker game. This is my granddaughter's life, and your son has completely ruined it!

Tripp: No, I didn'T. I swear I didn'T.

John: Oh, shut up--you're nothing but a coward, but you're gonna come clean on this one!

Steve: You got it all wrong!

John: Are you defending him?

Steve: Yeah. Yes, I am.

John: Are you defending him?

Steve: Yes, I am. He didn't do anything to allie.

John: What the hell--you calling my granddaughter a liar now? Damn it!

Steve: Come on, come on, man. Come on, come on. I got you, come on.

Claire: Oh.

Charlie: Yeah. Sorry. Yeah.

[Both chuckling] So tell me, why did your day suck?

Claire: I spent it finalizing plans for a memorial service. Yeah. That's why the pub's closed. They're setting up for tomorrow.

Charlie: Yeah. You mentioned that you had a death in the family.

Claire: Yeah. Ciara. Technically, she was my aunt, but we were pretty close in age, so she was more like a cousin and a best friend. I was...I was sitting here with my dad earlier, and we were saying that... just everywhere we look, we see memories of her. I just--I can't believe that she's gone.

Charlie: I'm so sorry, claire.

Claire: Thanks.

Sarah: An apology? For what?

Philip: Your mom probably told you I asked her to help me convince my father to fire xander.

Sarah: Yeah. She may have mentioned it.

Philip: I just assumed maggie hated him...after all the terrible things he'd done, especially to you. He let you fall in love with someone else's baby. I know that pain.

Sarah: You mean claire.

Philip: I raised her for the first year of her life, and then a dna test proved that she wasn't mine.

Sarah: You must have been devastated.

Philip: I was furious... that so many people who loved me kept the truth from me. But sarah, xander handed you a baby that wasn't yours knowing that yours had died. I'm sorry, but that's a whole 'nother level of wrong. How do you forgive someone for hurting you like that?

Nicole: I'm glad you told john and marlena what happened.

Allie: Pretty much all of salem knows by now.

[Baby cries]

Nicole: Do you want to check on him, or should I?

Allie: Um...would you mind? If it's a problem...

Nicole: No, no, no, um... it's just...

Allie: What?

Nicole: Allie, are you avoiding your son?

Allie: No. God, nicole, if you want me to take care of him, just say so.

Nicole: No, honey, honey, it''s okay. I've got him.

[Baby continues crying]

Kayla: Are you okay?

Steve: I'm fine. He hit tripp.

Marlena: What? Oh, my god--john! What are you thinking?

John: He had it coming. That scum raped our granddaughter, and steve is defending him.

Steve: He's out of control.

John: Oh, yeah, I'm the one out of control, and the sexual predator over here, he's cool, right? You know, I don't even know how you can have him underneath this roof after what he's--oh, my god, kayla, you have been where allie is--

Marlena: [Gasps] No! We're not going there.

John: Oh, yes, we are.

Marlena: Out, out, out, out!

John: I'm not letting this go. You know that for a fact!

Tripp: I'm so sorry, dad.

Steve: It's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong. Never run dry of killer attitude.

Sarah: Xander switched the babies because he was trying to protect me. He says that he's loved me more than he's ever loved anyone, and he didn't want me to have to go through the pain of losing a child. He truly did try to do what he thought was the right thing.

Philip: Xander's really into that, isn't he? Like when he encouraged jan to sic the cops on me because it was the right thing to do?

Sarah: All right, so you should know that he did urge jan to drop the charges against you.

Philip: Well, my attorney says she refuses to do so.

Sarah: I'm sorry. And for the record, I didn't like that xander was trying to use jan as a weapon against you in this weird battle you two are having over titan, and I told him that.

Philip: Ah, so that's why he called jan.

Sarah: No. He called jan because he realized he didn't have to go that low to get what he wants. That's the old xander. The man that I fell in love with is better than that.

Philip: My father sure seems to think so. He fired xander for that stunt he pulled with jan. Then he turns right back around and gives him his job back.

Sarah: No. What victor did is give him one more chance to try to make things work with you. So look, I know that you are not very excited about this whole co-ceo thing, but could you at least just try to get along with him?

Philip: I will.

Sarah: Do you mean that?

Philip: It's what my father wants, and I've come to realize... it's what's best for the company.

Sarah: Good.

[Beep beep] Xander. Oh. He's stuck at work, and he's not gonna be home for dinner. Ugh! What a bummer! And I made all this food. Wh-why don't you join me?

Philip: That is so nice. You sure?

Sarah: I mean, there's no sense in letting all that food go to waste, so what do you say?

Philip: I say...let's eat.

Sarah: Thank you.

Charlie: You and ciara must have been really close.

Claire: Our relationship was complicated. We loved each other, but... we were super competitive with each other, even since we were little, and when we got older, I got... just really jealous of her. To the point where I did... I did some things I'm really not proud of.

Charlie: Well...

[Laughs] We've all been there.

Claire: This was pretty extreme. But ultimately, ciara forgave me. Even after I'd hurt her so badly, and I just... I really wanted to make it up to her and to prove that I could be a true friend. And now, it's too late.

Charlie: Ciara might be gone, haven't lost the chance to prove that you're a true friend. You're doing it, claire, by bringing together all the people that loved her to remember her and honor her. I'm sure that everybody there tomorrow is gonna appreciate that very much.

Claire: Thank you.

Marlena: Everything is all set for your release. I...came back, and you were gone.

John: Yeah. I probably shouldn't have taken off like that, but... after allie told us what tripp did to her, I just exploded, doc. All I wanted to do was just get ahold of steve, have a talk with him about his son and what a spineless, disgusting-- and there he was. That little son of a bitch that forced himself on our sweet allie. And I just lost it, doc. I just went into this rage here, and I just want--no. I had to hurt him. I had to hurt him, for allie. You think it's all because of the aneurysm, don't you?

Tripp: Hey, I know I didn't do anything wrong, but I still feel bad--john's your best friend, and he's been sick.

Steve: Well, what you just saw was part of it, man. You know, ever since that aneurysm, he's been having issues like this. But once he recovers, I'm sure he'll realize that going off on you was totally uncalled for.

Tripp: He thinks I hurt his granddaughter.

Steve: But you didn'T.

Tripp: Yeah, but allie has the rest of this town thinking I did.

Kayla: You know, um... there's a really easy way to resolve all this.

Steve: What's that?

Kayla: We could do a dna test.


Charlie: I'm really glad I ran into you.

Claire: And that I didn't spill smoothie all over your shirt.

[Both laughing]

Charlie: It made for a memorable first meeting. But honestly, I wasn't sure I was gonna see you again. I mean, I gave you my fancy business card, but I didn't hear from you.

Claire: I'm sorry.

Charlie: No. It's fine. You have a lot going on. Not just the memorial, but... I remember you mentioning that you heard something really disturbing about your ex-boyfriend?

Claire: Disturbing doesn't even begin to describe it.

Allie: You are reading way too much into this.

Nicole: Okay. Fine. You know what? If I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

Allie: Okay. No. You're not. Nicole, you have been beyond generous to me, and I don't mean to be taking advantage of that. It's's really hard for me to be around henry right now. And I've been having...thoughts.

Nicole: What kind of thoughts?

Allie: The kind I'm too scared to say out loud.

Nicole: Allie, you can talk to me. Whatever it is.

Allie: Okay. Thoughts like, "why didn't I have an abortion?" A lot of women in my situation choose to terminate their pregnancies.

Nicole: Okay, but... that's a huge decision, and I'm sure you were feeling confused and scared.

Allie: And alone. I mean, I had friends in london who I could go shopping with or go clubbing with, but no one that I could really talk to. So I just went into denial mode.

Nicole: Meaning what?

Allie: Back then, I didn't remember what tripp had done to me, so when I missed a few periods I just told myself it was stress. And then when I started feeling nauseous I told myself I had a stomach virus. I just kept waiting for it to go away... but it didn'T. And then finally, I took a pregnancy test, and I was still in denial, even when it was positive. So I took another and another. I just kept hoping that every test before had been wrong, until finally, I couldn't be in denial anymore.

Nicole: And by then it was too late?

Allie: I mean, there was still a window where I could have done something, but I didn'T.

Nicole: Did you ever see a doctor?

Allie: I mean, I thought about it, but... the thought of...

[Sighs] The thought of going to someone and telling them that I'd gotten completely wasted and hooked up with some random guy and didn't even use protection--I just... I just couldn't do it. I was too ashamed. And by that time, it really was too late.

Nicole: Allie... do you think it's possible that maybe some... part of you...

Allie: What?

Nicole: That some part of you wanted to have this baby?

Tripp: A dna test?

Kayla: To see if you and allie's baby are related.

Tripp: But we're not. I've already told you that.

Kayla: Well, the test would prove that.

Tripp: Okay. Okay, so in other words, you don't believe me?

Kayla: Tripp, allie is my niece. John is your dad's best friend. A dna test would be a simple way to put everybody's questions to rest. And if you're telling the truth, then you shouldn't have a problem with it.

Tripp: If I'm telling the truth?

Kayla: I'm just saying that agreeing to the test would make things easier for you. You wouldn't have to have the confrontations with allie. You wouldn't be hit in the face by john. You wouldn't have to live under this cloud of suspicion. It really would put this whole thing to rest. Listen, I have the kit in my medical bag. We could take a sample right now.

Tripp: I'll pass.

Sarah: I had no idea that you started your own record label.

Philip: I had no idea you were touring with your big sister.

Sarah: Yeah, and I moved to nashville to help melissa get her career going again.

Philip: Country music.

Sarah: Yessiree.

Philip: Sing something.

Sarah: Uh-uh. No, no, no, no, no.

Philip: Come on.

Sarah: No.

Philip: One song. Your choice.

Sarah: Mm-mm, no, 'cause your your ears will bleed.

Philip: [Laughs] You're being modest.

Sarah: No. I'm under-selling it. I'm serious. It's why I became a doctor.

Philip: Great, great. So once you get done singing, you can fix my shattered eardrums.

Sarah: No. That's not happening.

Philip: Well, even without the entertainment, this is without a doubt one of the nicest evenings I've had since I've come back to town.

Sarah: Aw. You mean you and vic haven't just kicked back and gotten some pizza and a six-pack yet?

Philip: Um, never. But that is pretty much what I'd be doing. Minus the company.

Sarah: Well, eating alone is no fun.

Philip: Agreed. I much prefer the company of a beautiful woman. One that I will get to sing for me, one of these days.

Sarah: Oh, do not hold your breath, cowboy. Well, speaking of women, do you have someone special?

Philip: No, no. In fact, I'M... I'm a--I'm a bit lonely.

Sarah: Is it hard having belle around? I know you guys have history.

Philip: Ancient history.

Sarah: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to pry.

Philip: No, no, not at all. Belle is committed to shawn now, so that door is closed for good.

Sarah: Well, is there anyone else?

Philip: I thought I had something going with chloe in new york. That didn't pan out.

Sarah: Oh. Well, just be patient, philip. Your person is out there somewhere.

Philip: Thank you. Thank you for saying that. I don't know. I'm a little embarrassed to admit I think this... ceo fight... has been A... well, I've been using it as a distraction to all this loneliness.

Sarah: Hmm.

Philip: And from the fact that I don't have a wife or kids or a home of my own. Which I want, I really do. I'm just--I'm not sure someone wants that with me.

Sarah: Well, any woman would be very, very lucky to have you.

Xander: Is that a fact?

This week on

"the upper hands"...

Xander: So, uh, what the hell's all this then?

Philip: Not a thing. We had dinner.

Xander: Oh, is that right?

Sarah: Xander!

Xander: Stop hitting on my girl, or I'm gonna start hitting you repeatedly.

Sarah: Stop it, all right? Philip didn't do anything wrong. You texted and said that you were going to be late, so he was just keeping me company.

Xander: [Scoffs] That's a croc.

Sarah: God, xander. You need to apologize now.

Xander: Oh, the hell I do.

Sarah: I have to get this stain out, so philip, I'm sorry.

Xander: Listen, sarah--

[Exhales] Sarah.

Philip: Worked like a charm.

John: There are times that I have blown up at people before, whether I was picking a fight or just hurling insults. I knew at the moment it was happening that I wasn't acting like myself, and I felt really lousy about that. But throwing those punches was all me. I knew exactly what I was doing. I had zero regrets.

Marlena: Yeah. You know, fighting doesn't solve anything. I'm sure kayla and I both agree on that.

John: [Softly] Tripp hurt our granddaughter. He shouldn't be allowed to get away with that, and I'm sure you and kayla would both agree on that too.

Kayla: Why did tripp react the way he did? Or should I say overreact?

Steve: Well, when we were talking before, he noticed that I said I was on his side but that you didn'T. And he already thought you didn't believe him. So then you suggest that he take a dna test. I think he's just hurt.

Kayla: Or maybe he has something to hide. Look, I... I know how much you love tripp, but even you have to admit that it looks like he is avoiding the one thing that can prove he's innocent.

Steve: I have an idea.

Allie: Maybe some part of me did want this baby. I don't know, but I do know that I was not prepared to raise him.

Nicole: So you were looking for someone or... parents who could give him a stable, loving home.

Allie: Yeah. And I tried so hard, but you know, my mom just kept screwing everything up, and I just couldn't take it anymore. So I ran away.

Nicole: But you came back.

Allie: Only because I didn't want my mom to raise my son. I wanted you and uncle eric to have him.

Nicole: Well, it worked out. And I know you're disappointed that eric's in africa, and he can't be here to help with henry, but we're here. And I think we're doing a pretty good job.

Allie: You are. But I'm not. I think you're right.

Nicole: Right about what, honey?

Allie: Ever since i remembered how henry was conceived...

[Sighs] I can hardly look at him. Every time I do, I just-- I remember that horrible night with tripp.

Charlie: Oh, my god. I can't believe your ex could do something like that. I can't believe anyone could.

Claire: I know. I know, I.. I saw tripp right before I found out, and, uh, it was kind of awkward because we haven't seen each other in a really long time. And I didn't even know that he was back in town.

Charlie: He moved?

Claire: Yeah. And even though we'd made peace, I still felt like I owed him an apology for hurting him. And he was...he was really sweet and we kind of had a moment. I even thought that, I don't know, maybe we'd give it another shot or something. But clearly, that is not gonna happen.

Charlie: Well, selfishly... ha...I'm glad. It means that maybe I still have a shot?

Claire: [Giggles]

Tripp: Claire.

Claire: I have nothing to say to you.

Tripp: Yeah, well, I have something to say to you.

Oh, oh, oh, ozempicŪ!

Marlena: Look, I'm very concerned about allie... but I'm also concerned about you. Honey, you and steve have been friends and partners for so many years. I don't want this to tear you apart.

John: Yeah, all I'm worried about... is getting steve to see that his son is nothing but a liar. I mean, come on, it's not like he's kayla's kid anyway. He's ava vitali'S.

Marlena: That does not make him a bad person.

John: Come on, doc, what are you talking about--he tried to ruin kayla's career. Don't you remember--holding a scalpel to her throat?

Marlena: Kayla forgave him for that.

John: [Scoffs] Oh-- well, I would be shocked if she could forgive him for this.

Marlena: We've talked about it. Kayla just wants to keep an open mind until all the facts are in.

John: The facts? I'll give you a fact. Tripp assaulted allie.

Marlena: John, I know you're upset. What if...the situation were reversed? What if somebody had accused your son of terrible things? It's happened with brady, and you stood up for him. You stood up for him, and the things he did were pretty serious.

John: He never raped anyone.

Steve: This is tripp'S.

Kayla: What are you doing?

Steve: Well, you wanted a dna sample. Here it is. And all you have to do is get some dna from the baby, and you can run your test.

Kayla: Tripp made it very clear he didn't want me to do that.

Steve: Well, I want you to do it, so that you and everyone else will know that my son is telling the truth.

Tripp: Look, I know what you heard about me and allie, but it's not true, okay? We never even slept--

Charlie: Dude, back off. Somebody close to her just died.

Tripp: Yeah, I know. I happened to be close to that person too.

Claire: Yeah, well, don't even bother coming to the memorial tomorrow, okay? Nobody wants you there, so just stay away.

Charlie: And stay away from claire. She made it pretty clear that she wants nothing to do with you.

Tripp: Okay, look, I don't know who the hell you are, but this is none of your business.

Charlie: I'm making it my business.

Tripp: Claire, please.

Claire: Just go.

Tripp: No. Fine. Fine. Forget it.

[Tense music]

Allie: Henry is an innocent baby--I mean, none of this is his fault. To say that I can barely look at him--I mean, that's-- god, I must sound so awful.

Nicole: Allie... henry is a constant reminder of the worst thing that ever happened to you. And right now, your brain can't separate him from how he came to be. That is gonna take time, and support, and love. And I'm gonna be here to give you that.

Allie: Thank you, nicole. Thank you for not making me feel like the worst mother who ever lived.

Nicole: Oh, you're not. And look, there's no pressure here, okay? There's no rush. But just remember you are not alone anymore.

Allie: It's time to feed henry.

Nicole: Do you want me to?

Allie: No. I'll do it.

[Knock on door]

Nicole: Kayla. What brings you by?

Kayla: I need something from henry. These are real people, not actors,

Xander: Sarah, I'm sorry. I just--

Sarah: What were you thinking, attacking philip like that? Especially when you're already on thin ice with victor, and you're supposed to be showing him that you two can get along.

Xander: What am I supposed to do? He was all over you.

Sarah: No. He wasn'T. We were just talking. It was innocent.

Xander: I don't buy it. That guy has an agenda behind everything he does. I don't trust him.

Philip: I pushed xander's buttons and got exactly the reaction I was hoping. Not at all. It was almost too easy. One little poke, and he lost his mind. I just know I have to keep poking. He'll eventually do something really stupid. And then father will fire him, once and for all.

Claire: Tripp can say whatever he wants. I know he's lying.

Charlie: I'm just glad I was here so you didn't have to deal with him alone.

Claire: So am I. That's the one thing that sucks about salem. It is impossible to avoid people you don't want to see.

Charlie: So I've noticed. I wish I could walk you home, be your buffer, but I really have to get back to the office.

Claire: It's okay. I'll be fine. I hope that your workday improves.

Charlie: Thanks, and I hope that you don't run into anyone you'd rather not see.

Claire: Me too. But if I do, I will just avert my eyes and run as quickly as I can in the other direction.

Charlie: Sounds like a plan. I'll talk to you soon, okay?

Claire: Yeah. Definitely. Bye.

John: All right, I'm ready to blow out of this place here. Kayla's not gonna hold up my release over this, is she?

Marlena: No. Of course she's not. In fact, she signed the release. You're free to go.

John: That's good news. Let's get out of here.

Marlena: I hope when we get home we can discuss this calmly.

John: Well, I'm not sure that's even possible.

Marlena: John, you can't go walking around with all this anger.

John: Yeah? Why not?

Marlena: Because there's no way of telling when it's going to end, and it could be weeks. It could be months.

John: You know, I don't care how long it takes. Tripp is not gonna skate on this, doc.

Marlena: Honey, I want justice as much as you do. I don't want to see it cost you your friendship with steve.

John: Well, as far as I'm concerned, that'S... that's gonna be up to him.

Steve: Hey. I'm glad you're back. Sorry about what happened with kayla before.

Tripp: It's not your fault. So where is she?

Steve: She had to go out.

Tripp: So she doesn't have to be under the same roof as a rapist?

Steve: Oh, come on, tripp.

Tripp: No, no. Please just don't make excuses for her. It's obvious what kayla thinks of me. It's the same thing this whole town thinks of me. Except you.

Allie: A dna test? I'm shocked that tripp would agree to this.

Nicole: So am I.

Kayla: Steve thinks that it will clear him.

Allie: And what do you think, aunt kayla?

Kayla: I just want the truth to come out as soon as possible.

Allie: Me too, so let's do this.

[Baby fusses]

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