Days Transcript Thursday 10/15/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 10/15/20


Episode #13874 ~ Nicole reluctantly gives Lucas devastating news; John loses it after discovering what happened between Allie and Tripp; Brady makes a surprising suggestion to Kristen; Tripp amends part of his story.

Provided By Suzanne

Marlena: Hi, honey. I brought you some clothes and-- what's wrong?

Kristen: You can't say anything to anyone, brady. Look at me--if you love me, and I know you do, you're gonna keep your mouth shut.

Belle: So I just talked to trask. You're changing your plea to guilty?

Kristen: Yeah, that's right.

Belle: Okay, I have been busting my butt preparing your defense, so you better explain this sudden turnaround right now.

Brady: I can tell you exactly why.

Nicole: Hey, sleepy. I wasn't sure you were gonna make it out of your room today.

Allie: Sorry. I just wanted to be alone.

Nicole: It's okay. You're entitled.

Allie: Henry asleep?

Nicole: Actually, I put him down a couple hours ago for his nap.

Allie: Did you hear from detective price yet? Did they arrest tripp?

Nicole: I spoke to lani this morning, and I told her tripp came here yesterday, but it didn't seem to make a difference.

Allie: How did it not make a difference?

Nicole: I guess they're still trying to figure out what they can legally do about this case.

Allie: Great. So now he can just visit whenever he wants.

Nicole: Allie, I'm sorry. Listen, I'm gonna go wake up hank, 'cause he's probably ready for his bottle. Do you want to feed him?

Allie: No. No, I should get going.

Nicole: Going where?

Allie: To see grandpa john. So I'll see you later.

Nicole: Allie.

Allie: Thank you for watching henry.

Lucas: Whoa.

Allie: Sorry, dad, can't talk--bye.

Lucas: Whoa, where you going? What was that all about?

Steve: Okay, you let me know if you hear from him, please. Thanks, justin.

[Phone beeps]

Kayla: No word?

Steve: No, he hasn't heard from tripp since he left the police station yesterday.

Kayla: Where could he be? I mean, obviously he didn't come home last night.

Steve: He's not answering his phone, he's not responding to any texts.

Kayla: I hate to ask this question, but do you think maybe he took off because he wants to avoid being arrested?

Steve: No, he wouldn't do that. He swore to justin he's innocent--he wouldn't run from allie's accusations. He needs to clear his name.

Kayla: Okay. Then what do we do now?

Steve: I don't know, I just can't sit around here anymore. I'm gonna go look for him.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Marlena: John, why are you crying? Did something happen?

John: Just reading this article that abigail wrote about kristen's arrest. My god, doc, brady could lose the woman he loves, and that little girl's gonna lose her mother.

Marlena: Honey, listen to me. Listen to me. Belle is doing everything she can to make sure that kristen does not go to prison.

John: What a good little sister--she's helping out her big brother. She's such a nice--

Marlena: John, john.

John: And I don't know why I am getting so damn emotional over this. It must be another one of those mood swings, right?

Marlena: Yes, that's what it is.

John: I'm such a wreck. So when is all this gonna end?

Marlena: Well, the specialist has to sign off on it, and then I can take you home.

John: Everything else is okay, so they're gonna release me, right?

Marlena: I'm sure it'll be very soon.

Allie: I hope you have time for one more visitor.

[John laughing, crying]

Lucas: Hey. Do you have any idea why allie ran off like that?

Nicole: Uh, yeah, she wanted to go visit john and see how he was doing.

Lucas: That's not necessarily an emergency. You know, she was in quite a rush.

Nicole: I think she just wanted to get some air.

Lucas: Everything okay with the baby?

Nicole: Mm-hmm. He's fine.

Lucas: You sure? You're sure we're not putting too much pressure on her to bond with the baby? Should we back off?

Nicole: I...

[Sighs] Well, I-I don't think it's that, I mean, actually...yeah, maybe we shouldn't put so much pressure on her right now.

Lucas: All right. Then what is it?

Nicole: Lucas, allie is dealing with some things right now.

Lucas: What, nicole? What is she dealing with?

Steve: Oh, man, am I glad to see you.

Kayla: We were really worried about you, tripp.

Tripp: I'm sorry--I didn't mean to freak you guys out.

Steve: Where were you?

Tripp: Sitting out by the lake. I guess I just lost track of time.

Steve: You were there all night?

Tripp: I guess, yeah.

Steve: Why didn't you answer any of my texts?

Tripp: I'm sorry. I-I-I assumed you talked to justin.

Steve: Yeah. I went down to the station, but you were already gone. Justin told me about allie's accusations.

Tripp: Yeah, so you know that she's saying that I raped her.

Steve: Yeah.

You clean dishes as you cook,

Belle: Okay, brady, I'm game. After all the tap dancing I have done to get kristen out on bail, why did she suddenly change her plea?

Brady: Kristen, um... kristen changed her confession because she feels like she's caused enough trouble for everyone. She wants to take responsibility for what she did so her daughter can be... proud of her one day.

Belle: Is that--is that true, kristen? You did this for your daughter?

Kristen: Yeah.

Belle: Well, that's, uh, that's very admirable, but I wish you would've let me fight for you. And now that you've confessed to trask, you could be going away for a really long time.

[John sobbing]

Allie: Oh, grandpa, have you been crying? Is everything okay?

John: Everything's a lot better now that you're here. Come on, give your grandpa give a hug. Oh, I've missed you.

Allie: I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner.

John: No, it's okay. It's okay.

Allie: No, no, it's not okay. I should've come by as soon as I got back.

John: It's okay, you've got your hands full with that little baby.

Allie: Yeah.

Marlena: Are you settling in with the baby and nicole?

Allie: Yeah. I mean, nicole's been great. She's so supportive and understanding. I really don't know what i would've done without her.

Nicole: Lucas, I think allie should be the one to tell you this.

Lucas: Tell me what? There's something to tell me? What is it?

Nicole: Lucas, um...

Lucas: What, nicole? Tell me what's going on. This is my daughter we're talking about. I deserve to know, okay? You want me to go the hospital right now and track her down? I will if I have to. I'll confront her.

Nicole: Okay, no, no, no, lucas. I'm sorry that I'm the one who has to tell you this of all people, but I-I think maybe this will make easier on allie. And please, I don't want sami finding out and going all sami, okay?

Lucas: What are you talking about--what, she doesn't know either?

Nicole: No.

Lucas: What is it?

Nicole: Well, I thought at parent should be informed.

Lucas: Quit dancing around. Tell me, what's happened to my daughter?

Nicole: Your daughter, lucas, she was raped.

Tripp: I didn't rape allie. I don't know why she's accusing me.

Steve: You said you didn't even have sex with her, right?

Tripp: No, I didn't, I swear. She's either confused, or she's lying.

Kayla: You know, I talked to nicole. She says that allie remembers you on top of her, holding her down, and that she said no.

Tripp: I know that's what she's saying--I talked to her.

Steve: What? When?

Tripp: Yesterday. I went to the--after--after I left the station.

Kayla: You know, tripp, you need to be honest with us.

Steve: Tripp...

Tripp: I am.

Steve: What the hell, man? This was a really bad move. I mean, if this goes to court, they can say that you were trying to intimidate her.

Tripp: That's not what I was trying to do--I just wanted to talk to her and find out why she's doing this.

Kayla: Well, what did she say?

Tripp: She insisted that she's telling the truth, but she's not.

Kayla: I just don't understand why she would be making it up.

Tripp: I don't either, kayla, but I swear I am innocent, okay? I didn't rape her. I would never do something like that. Please, you... you have to believe me.

[Tense music]

These days, everyone expects you to like everything

Kristen: Do you think since I changed my plea to guilty, melinda would be willing to cut me some slack?

Belle: Some slack?

Kristen: Yeah, maybe recommend a reduced sentence.

Belle: Uh, have you met melinda trask? She wants revenge for you pushing her daughter down the stairs. She wants, like, a pound of your flesh, kristen, and she is not gonna stop until she gets it.

Brady: Belle, we--we know that.

Belle: You tied my hands.

Kristen: Look, I know there's no turning back, but if there's anything you can do to get me a lighter sentence, the less time away from brady and my daughter, the better.

Belle: I will see what I can do.

Brady: You'll talk to trask?

Belle: I have to talk to her anyway and see what this all means for today's trial.

Kristen: I appreciate it.

Belle: Yeah.

Kristen: Thank you. Thank you for not letting her know the real reason i confessed.

Brady: I still hate the idea that eli strong-armed you into doing it, kristen. I'm not okay with that.

Kristen: Okay, I know that, but he had no choice...huh? I mean, melinda was going to prosecute lani, and after everything she has done for me, I couldn't let that happen.

Brady: If belle knows what melinda pulled, she could use that to your advantage. Don't you understand that? I mean, what melinda did was unethical at best.

Kristen: Brady, please. You cannot tell anyone, not even lani. Look at me. You can't tell her. Because if she finds out that eli pressured me into confessing, she would be furious, and she might even leave him, and those babies are coming soon, brady.

Brady: They get their happy ending--eli and lani get their happy ending. What about us? What am I supposed to do? What is rachel supposed to do without you?

Marlena: Do you have any new pictures of henry?

John: Yeah!

Allie: Yeah. Yeah, I have a few. They're pretty cute, actually.

Marlena: Pretty cute? Wait, this breaks the cute meter.

John: Oh, my god, that is one handsome kid. Look how big he's gotten already. Oh.

Marlena: You know what, he looks like his mother at this age.

Allie: What? Is that really what I looked like, with those chubby cheeks?

Marlena: Oh, it is.

John: Sweetheart, I know that you've had some reservations about raising henry, but I got a feeling you're not gonna be able to resist this little guy for long.

Marlena: Is everything okay?

Allie: Uh...yeah, yeah. I-- it's just--I want to love henry, I do,'s just harder now that I know.

Marlena: Now that you know what?

Allie: I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't--

Marlena: Honey, you can tell us anything. You know that--what's wrong?

Allie: I wasn't going to say anything, but... there's something that you both should know about henry's father and what he did to me.

Lucas: What did you just say? Did you just say allie was raped?

Nicole: Yes.

Lucas: When did this happen?

Nicole: In london, last december.

Lucas: What, almost a year ago? Why didn't she say anything?

Nicole: She said she didn't remember a lot about what happened that night because she was drinking too much.

Lucas: But what, she remembers now?

Nicole: Yes. She clearly...remembers someone holding her down against her will.

Lucas: Oh, my god. What the hell, man? Does she know him? Does she know the guy?

Nicole: They, um, they just met in the club that night, and then he...took her home because she'd been drinking too much, and he--I'm sorry. He took advantage of her.

Lucas: I need a name. What's his name? Can she identify the guy?

Nicole: She already has.

Lucas: Who is it? I'm gonna kill him. Tell me, nicole, tell me now.

Nicole: It's someone you know.

Lucas: Who? Nicole, tell me. Who is it?

Nicole: It's steve's son tripp.

Kayla: I want to believe you, but this is a very complicated situation.

Tripp: I know allie's your niece, but I swear I'm telling the truth.

[Beep beep]

Kayla: Excuse me. It's the hospital. I need to get to work.

Steve: Okay.

Kayla: We need to talk about this later, okay?

Tripp: Sure.

Kayla: Okay. See you later.

Tripp: She doesn't believe me--I can see it in her eyes. Everyone is gonna take allie's side over mine, and if I were them, I probably would too.

Steve: Hey, I'm on your side, buddy, and when it comes down to it, kayla will be too.

Tripp: Well, why didn't she just say that?

Lucas: Tripp? Tripp is the one who raped her? Ciara and claire's ex-boyfriend, tripp? That guy?

Nicole: Yes.

Lucas: What the hell was he doing in london?

Nicole: I guess he was traveling on break from med school, and... it was just a coincidence that they ran into each other.

Lucas: Yeah, because she never met him.

Nicole: No. They only exchanged first names that night. They didn't even realize there was a connection until allie ran into him a few days ago in salem.

Lucas: We have no choice. We have to call the police right now.

Nicole: Allie and I already talked to lani.

Lucas: And what did she say? Are they gonna arrest the son of a bitch or what? Sorry.

Nicole: I don't know. Lani is still trying to figure out if she can bring charges against him here. Otherwise, allie is gonna have to go to london to file a report.

Lucas: Well, we will do whatever we have to do, 'cause I'm not letting him get away with this. There's no way he's getting away with raping my daughter.

Nicole: I know.

Lucas: I'm not gonna let him get away with it.

Nicole: I feel the same way, lucas.

Lucas: This whole thing breaks my heart. You know, she's been dealing with so much with the pregnancy and stuff, and it's just-- oh, no, wait a minute, the baby. Don't tell me.

Nicole: Yeah.

Lucas: Oh, my god.

[Intense music]

John: Steve's son raped you?

Marlena: Darling, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Does your mother know?

Allie: No, not yet.

Marlena: Well, I wish you'd told us sooner. I--I'M... I'm horrified by the idea of you going through this all by yourself.

Allie: Well, I didn't even really even remember anything. I only remembered because I ran into tripp here in salem.

John: You saw him?

Allie: Yes, and then when I was talking about it with nicole, I started remembering...details.

John: What details?

Marlena: I'm not sure she needs to go through the details again.

Allie: No, it's okay. I just remembered him, you know, hovering above me and holding me down and me saying no.

John: Oh, my god, we gotta to bring the police in on this. That little bastard needs to be in prison.

Allie: Well, nicole already brought detective price over to talk to me.

John: Okay, good, so they locked him up.

Allie: Well, she brought him in for questioning, but they haven't charged him yet.

John: Why the hell not? He needs to be behind bars!

Marlena: John, calm yourself down.

John: I'm not calm myself! There's no way he gets away with this!

Allie: I didn't mean to upset you--I should go.

Marlena: No, this is not about you. It isn't about you, sweetie.

John: No, sweetheart, you--you did nothing wrong, honey.

Allie: Thank you for saying that, grandpa, but I should really go. You need to rest.

Marlena: Honey, wait.

Allie: I'm glad you're feeling better.

Marlena: Wait a minute. I'll get her. Please, please calm down. Allie. No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Allie: I've upset grandpa. I just--

Marlena: It's okay. He'll be fine. Why don't we go somewhere and talk about it privately.

Allie: I don't want to talk about it anymore. Grandma, I really just want to try and forget that it ever happened, because every time I look at henry, I remember what tripp did. I can't even hold my own son without thinking about how his father raped me.

Tripp: I'm not just worried about what kayla thinks, okay? I'm afraid everyone in salem is gonna think that I'm a rapist.

Steve: No, no, they won'T. People know what kind of man you are.

Tripp: I ran into claire yesterday, and she attacked me. She wouldn't let me tell her my side of the story.

Steve: Well, I'm sorry about that. This is an emotional issue for everyone. But now that you mentioned your side of the story, I think maybe should go over that again.

Tripp: Why? Are you starting to doubt me too?

Steve: No, of course not. I just think it might help us to get a really clear picture of what happened that night, especially after you and allie got back to her apartment.

Tripp: Fine. Like I told you, she was completely wasted at this point, so I brought her home to put her to bed, but she still wanted to dance, and so she put on some music.

Steve: And that's when she kissed you?

Tripp: Yeah.

Steve: And you kissed her back?

Tripp: Yeah, at first, but then she could barely stand up, so I put a stop to it.

Steve: Did that upset her?

Tripp: She was too out of it to even care.

Steve: So what'd you do next?

Tripp: I helped her into bed.

Steve: Did she fall asleep in her clothes? Tripp?

Tripp: Well...not exactly.

Brady: Oh, god.

Kristen: I am so, so sorry, brady.

Brady: For what? For what?

Kristen: For screwing things up again. God, it seems to be my mo. You know, just when I almost have everything I ever wanted, I find a way to lose it all. Maybe someone like me doesn't deserve a happy ending.

Brady: Don't--don't say that. That's not true.

Kristen: But look at where I am, brady. Look at me, look at this place. I want you to know that... whatever happens... I will cherish those times we had, you and me and rachel, raising her together. My heart has never been so full.

Brady: Mine too. Mine too. But I don't want to talk like this, 'cause I'm not-- I'm not giving up.

Belle: Sorry to interrupt.

Brady: You talked to trask?

Belle: I did.

Kristen: Well, what's gonna happen to me?

Has asthma pushed you

into a smaller life?

Steve: Okay, when you put allie to bed, what exactly was she wearing?

Tripp: Just her underwear.

Steve: Did you take her clothes off?

Tripp: No, no. She unzipped her own dress.

Steve: She take it off in front of you?

Tripp: No. I turned my back until she got into bed.

Steve: So why didn't you just leave--why did you hang around there?

Tripp: She was a mess. I wanted to make sure she wasn't gonna get sick. After she fell asleep, I scribbled a note, you know, just telling her to call me in the morning, and then I left.

Steve: The first time you told me this story, you left out the part about allie getting undressed. Why did you do that?

Tripp: I didn't think it was important. I certainly had no idea I was gonna be accused of rape. I mean, this is insane.

Steve: It sure is.

Tripp: Dad, you--you still believe me, though, don't you?

Kayla: Allie, I, um, I talked to tripp. I know what's going on.

Allie: If you're here to defend him, I really don't want to hear it.

Kayla: No, I just--I just want to tell you I'm sorry that you're going through this. I know firsthand what it's like, and if you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask, okay?

Allie: Well, for starters, you can get tripp to stop lying and admit what he did to me.

Marlena: What did tripp say to you?

Kayla: He is maintaining his innocence.

Allie: Right. And I'm guessing that you and uncle steve believe him. I should've known you'd be on his side.

Kayla: No, that is not true. We are just trying to understand what happened.

Allie: What happened is tripp raped me. That's all you need to know.

Belle: Well, now that you've pled guilty, the trial has been called off, obviously, so trask and I are gonna meet in judge's chambers and discuss how to proceed.

Kristen: Should I go with you?

Belle: No. No, that's not necessary, and I think it's better to keep you away from melinda.

Brady: So we just--we wait?

Belle: Yeah. I'll come back here and fill you in once we have an outcome.

Kristen: Good luck.

Belle: Yeah.

Kristen: Well, uh, she didn't seem too optimistic, did she?

Brady: Mm-mm. Hey, you remember when you wanted to jump bail, and I convinced to stay and fight? Remember that?

Kristen: Yeah, yeah.

Brady: Yeah, I think that was a big mistake. I think we need...we need to get the hell out of here. We need to get rachel and leave salem now. We are the thrivers.

Kristen: You want to run now?

Brady: Yeah, we have to. We are out of options.

Kristen: What about what you said about standing and fighting?

Brady: But you can't fight-- the fight was over the minute you confessed. You are technically still out on bail, so we can leave. We can leave the station. They can't keep you here. This is our chance to be together as a family. It's the only chance we've got.

Kristen: Brady, brady, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I just can't do that.

Brady: Why not? You were willing to do it before. Do it now.

Kristen: Because, brady, things have changed, and if i disappear now, there's nothing that will stop melinda from going after lani, and I won't let her take the fall for me again. I won't let those babies grow up without a mother.

Brady: But kristen--

Kristen: And besides--listen to me--besides, melinda's not exactly wrong. I am guilty... and maybe I need to pay for what I did to victor, to haley.

Brady: No, no, no. No one blames you for what you did to victor, and haley was an accident.

Kristen: I still took a life. And maybe prison...maybe prison will balance the scales a little. Hey. Some day, and I hope it's soon, I will be reunited with you and rachel, and I can finally be the mother that she deserves.

Steve: Of course I believe you, tripp.

Tripp: Because you're acting like you're suspicious.

Steve: No, it's just that I just need to know everything. From now on, it's important that you don't hold anything back. In my line of work, I've realized that every detail is important.

Tripp: I get that.

Steve: Okay. Then you have to be clear and consistent from now on. Like this part about allie getting undressed--that could be important. Now, if she woke up in her underwear, it might have led her to believe that you two had sex.

Tripp: That's not what happened.

Steve: I know that, but do you see how a thing like that could be misconstrued? Now, is there anything else you might have left out?

Tripp: I don't think so.

Steve: Wait a minute.

Tripp: What's this for?

Steve: You just write everything down you remember. It might trigger some more memories.

Tripp: I know how this is gonna go. If I get even the smallest detail wrong, people will think I'm lying, even kayla.

Steve: Tripp, you have to understand. This is a sensitive subject for kayla.

Tripp: I know. I know that uncle jack raped her a long time ago.

Steve: see how she would be more inclined to believe allie.

Tripp: I just hate that she thinks I could be capable of this.

Steve: I'll talk to kayla, okay? You're my son, you're her stepson, and at the end of the day, she'll be in your corner.

Nicole: What are you gonna do?

Lucas: I'm gonna find tripp, and I'm gonna kill him with my bare hands, and then I'm gonna find my daughter and talk to her and make sure she's okay.

Nicole: Lucas... I think you should wait here until allie gets back. Going to the hospital and causing a scene isn't gonna help anyone.

Lucas: I know. You're right, you're right.

Nicole: I don't often hear you say that. To me, anyway.

Lucas: Well, here's something else you're not used to hearing. Thank you.

Nicole: You don't have to thank me, lucas.

Lucas: Yes, I do. You've been there for my daughter every step of the way through this, and I will forever be grateful.

Nicole: You're welcome. Your daughter is a very special young woman.

Lucas: She is.

Allie: Dad, what are you still doing here?

Lucas: Oh, sweetheart.

Allie: She told you, didn't she?

Nicole: Allie, I'M...I'm sorry I didn't ask you first, but you really do need your dad right now, and I thought this would be easier, you know, that you didn't have to break the news yourself.

Allie: No, it's okay. I'm not mad.

Nicole: Good. I'm gonna give you two some privacy.

[Somber music]

Allie: Daddy, I'm so sorry.

Lucas: No. No, baby, don't be sorry. Don't be sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. It's not your fault. I swear it's not your fault. It's gonna be okay. My nunormal: Fewer asthma attacks. And soak it up? Can we do that?

Brady: Look, there's no sense in waiting around for belle, okay, she can call us as soon as she's talking to the judge and to trask, so I suggest that we get our little girl and we go to a playground and we get 18 scoops of ice cream and we hold her--can we just be together as a family right now and soak it up? Can we do that?

Kristen: Yes, let'S. Let's, let's, let's, let's, let's--it sounds wonderful.

Brady: Let's go. Hey.

Belle: Hey.

Brady: That was fast.

Belle: Yeah. The judge accepted kristen's guilty plea. Were you two going somewhere?

Brady: Yeah, yeah. We were gonna go spend time with rachel.

Belle: Oh, you can't do that. There's a guard coming right now.

Kristen: A guard? Why?

Belle: While we await the judge's final sentencing, they're taking you into custody.

Kristen: Taking me in? When?

Belle: Immediately.

Allie: I'm glad nicole told you. I-I didn't know how.

Lucas: It's okay. It's okay. The important thing is, I'm here for you now, and I want to make sure you're okay.

Allie: I honestly don't know what I am right now.

Lucas: What do you need from me? What can I do? Do you want to go to the police? Do you want to go to a counselor or something?

Allie: All I need from you right now is to know that you believe me.

Lucas: Of course I believe you.

Allie: Thank you.

Lucas: I'll always believe you. I'm your dad. We're gonna get through this, okay? You're gonna be fine. You are, I promise. I promise.

Marlena: Yeah, I'm sure that steve wants to support his son, and I don't think that allie would lie about a thing like this.

Kayla: That's what I told him. But like I said, I'm really trying to keep an open mind but, uh...

Marlena: It must be so hard for you, I mean, you knowing both people involved, and I don't think it's going to get any easier on you.

Kayla: When the news spreads, I imagine that people will take sides.

Marlena: should've heard john on the subject.

Kayla: As if the two of you haven't gone through enough already.

Marlena: Yeah. Oh, speaking of john, would you mind signing him out of the hospital? The specialist already has.

Kayla: Of course, absolutely. Let's go.

Marlena: Okay, honey, the--

Kayla: Where's john?

Marlena: I don't know. Ohh...I've got a bad feeling about this.

Steve: What's the matter?

Tripp: This can't be happening. I should be working on my med school transfer, not trying to defend myself over something I didn't even do that happened a year ago.

[Knock on door] I mean, damn it, why is allie doing this? I don't want to talk to anyone.

Steve: It's all right. It could be justin. Hey, man, what's going on?

John: Hey, bu--

Steve: Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

John: Son of a bitch!

Steve: Hey, hey, hey, man.

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