Days Transcript Wednesday 10/14/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 10/14/20


Episode #13873 ~ Hope and Shawn receive new evidence regarding Ciara; Kristen makes a shocking decision; Eli confides in Abe; Belle has second thoughts about representing Philip.

Provided By Suzanne

[Soft dramatic music]

[Phone beeps]

[Line ringing]

Philip: We have a problem. Our dad just hired xander back. I can't believe it either. No matter what I say, my old man insists he deserves a second chance. How the hell am I pposed to move ahead with our plans with that ape in my face 24-7? I don't know what to do except maybe kill him.

[Tense music]

Ben: There's something maybe you didn't think about. If you killed ciara, I got nothing to live for, so if she is dead, so are you.

[Knocking at door] Hey.

Claire: Hi. I heard the news. I'm so sorry, ben. We all loved ciara so much. Uh, I--I just came by because I'm planning a memorial, and I just wanted to know if, you know, you had any thoughts.

Ben: Here's my thought. Stop planning it. There's not gonna be any memorial.

Kristen: I don't even remember grabbing the knife. I just remember plunging it into his chest. It's just because victor is too evil to die that I am not facing murder charges.

[Phone beeps]

Your message has been deleted.

Eli: Thank you, kristen.

Abe: Eli? Why--why are you sitting here talking to yourself?

Eli: Just doing what I have to do to protect lani.

Lani: Brady, I think da trask has something she might want to say to you.

Melinda: Mr. Black, brady, I, um--

Brady: What are you-- what are you doing here?

Kristen: I want to confess to the attempted murder of victor kiriakis.

Brady: What are you saying right now?

Kristen: I'm saying I did it, brady.

Lani: Kristen, kris--

Kristen: Let me speak please. I did it. I stabbed victor, and I want to change my plea to guilty.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Brady: Don't listen to her. She doesn't know what she's saying.

Kristen: Yes, I do. I want to take responsibility for what I did, come clean before the trial begins.

Brady: No, stop, st--just stop, stop, stop talking. I don't know what's happened, but once her lawyer gets here, we're gonna walk all this back, and it'll be fine. It--

Kristen: I'm not gonna walk back, brady. I'm not walking it back. I--this was not an impulsive decision. I really did put a lot of thought into this.

Lani: Kristen, please don't do this, okay? I was just talking to melinda, and she was about to--

Melinda: Obviously-- obviously ms. Dimera feels very strongly about this, so our conversation is no longer relevant.

Lani: No, it is. You don't want to separate a mother from her child. How is sending kristen to prison true justice?

Melinda: Look, I understand that she's your friend, but if this is what she wants to do, then--then I need to inform the judge right away.

Brady: This is not--hold on. This is not what she wants. Why in the hell did you do that?

Kristen: I did it for you, lani.

Abe: To protect lani? From what?

Eli: You know trask is hell-bent over nailing kristen?

Abe: Well, she still holds kristen responsible for haley's death.

Eli: Since that was an accident, now trask is going after kristen for stabbing victor, and she's threatening to put lani in prison as an accessory.

Abe: What?

Eli: Yeah.

Abe: Well, she can't do that. Lani didn't break the law and help kristen.

Eli: Actually, she did, and trask has proof.

Philip: I'll have to call you back. Belle, what brings you by?

Belle: I'm here about your case, or did you forget you're facing assault charges?

Philip: Oh, no, I'm fully aware that lunatic jan spears took one comment I made and blew it completely out of proportion.

Belle: And did you not learn anything from that?

Philip: That she's crazier than I thought?

Belle: That you should watch your mouth. Anyone could have walked in here and heard what you just said and used it against you.

Philip: Good thing it was you, my incredibly talented, extremely discreet lawyer.

Belle: Mm. Well, how do you expect me to use those talents to defend you when you're in here talking about murdering someone? These are real people, not actors,

Lani: What do you mean, you did this for me?

Eli: Lani says that you're the best friend that she's ever had. She's put everything on the line for you, more than once, and as much as you don't wanna lose your little girl, you want lani to lose her unborn babies?

Kristen: No, of course not.

Eli: That's what's gonna happen if you skate 'cause trask is gonna punish her.

Kristen: Listen, you have stuck your neck out for me so many times. You've risked your--your career, your marriage. You--you've risked your freedom, lani, and you have to put yourself first now. You're so close to having these babies.

Lani: I am fine, kristen. You need to fight.

Kristen: I am so tired of fighting, lani. I am just tired of it. I'm sick of running. I'm sick of dragging everyone I care about into my mess. I just--honestly, I want all of this to be over.

Lani: It could be. The conversation that I was just having with trask-- I really think I got through to her.

Kristen: Hey, hey. Thank you, lani, for trying.

Lani: Kristen, you don't understand. She was this close to dropping the charges. Please let me just go and tell her that that is what you want.

Brady: No, lani. I will do that.

Belle: [Clears throat] You need to stop talking like a hit man.

Philip: I wasn'T. I wasn'T. What you heard was me venting about my cousin, xander.

Belle: Mm.

Philip: My father finally came to his senses and fired that dirt bag and then turns around and rehires him as my co-ceo.

Belle: Why?

Philip: No idea. No idea. Maybe he knows where the bodies are buried. Sorry, another figure of speech.

Belle: Mm.

Philip: The point is, is that I wasn't really talking about literally killing someone.

Belle: Okay, well, you still need to be more careful about what you say. You see where that figure of speech got you with jan.

Philip: Duly noted, counselor.

Belle: Mm-hmm.

Philip: So tell me about my case. I'm sure once she consulted her shadow and some little green men, she finally realized she didn't have a chance in hell of making these charges stick.

Belle: Uh, on the contrary, I just spoke to the ada, and jan is definitely not letting this go.

Philip: You're kidding.

Belle: No, I'm not. She wants to see you locked up.

Philip: Damn it, belle, this is all shawn's fault.

Ben: There isn't gonna be any funeral or memorial or whatever the hell you wanna call it, claire, until we know for sure that ciara's dead.

Claire: My dad told me what happened. Vincent said he shot ciara--

Ben: I don't give a damn what vincent said. Vincent hates me and would say anything to torture me. The bottom line is if he shot ciara, they would have found a bullet casing or something at the scene.

Claire: They didn't?

Ben: We don't know yet. We're waiting to hear back from forensics. I don't know why the hell hope hasn't gotten back to me. When it comes to beautiful hair , why are we always

shown the same thing?

Eli: When lani told kristen that victor woke up and survived the stabbing, kristen freaked.

Abe: Because she knew he would point the finger at her.

Eli: Right, and lani helped kristen skip out of town before she could be arrested.

Abe: And trask has proof of that?

Eli: She has security footage, lots of it, even footage of lani helping kristen leave the station.

Abe: Oh, my god. So that's what you were looking at on your phone?

Eli: No, trask has that, and she's not letting it go until kristen is put behind bars.

Abe: Well, what's on your phone?

Eli: Kristen's confession.

Kristen: Don't you dare go after trask.

Brady: I have to tell her that you changed your mind.

Kristen: No, I di--

Brady: Yes, I do.

Kristen: No, you don't because I haven't changed my mind, brady, and it's probably too late because she's already talking to the judges.

Lani: I--I will call belle, and I will have her meet us at the courthouse.

Kristen: No! God, listen to me, both of you! I have made up my mind.

Lani: Think about rachel. She's gonna need you, and I need you, kristen, and I am gonna need you more than ever when my babies come, so please, please just let us help you. Kristen. Okay, uh, I'm gonna go get some water and let you two, uh, talk.

[Door closes]

Brady: I'm sorry. I'm not buying any of this.

Belle: How in the hell is it shawn's fault that you threatened to kill jan?

Philip: He knows better than anyone not to listen to anything jan says. She's a pathological liar and a total psycho. I mean, did he forget that she held him hostage in new york while she tried to blow the rest of us up?

Belle: Of course not.

Philip: Then why did he arrest me?

Belle: Because he had no choice. Shawn is an officer of the law. He--he swore an oath to--

Philip: Belle, this isn't about shawn doing his job. This is about the same thing it's always been about with us.

Belle: And what is that?

Philip: Our affair. Shawn is obviously still not over it.

Belle: [Sighs]

Hope: Forensics metallurgy elemental analysis.

Shawn: So what's the bottom line? Is it a bullet casing, or is it--

Hope: Shawn, please, just let me--sorry. I'm sorry. Okay, "in conclusion, the melted metal fragment recovered at the scene is con--is consistent with the casing from the bullets found in the weapon registered to vincent belman." Okay. Okay. Maybe-- maybe ciara didn't scream for help because she...


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and doug.

Kristen: You think I was putting on a act with lani? I love her.

Brady: I know. I know you love her, and I know you're worried about her. I just don't believe that you all of a sudden decided to sacrifice yourself and your family and your future for your best friend.

Kristen: Well, this isn't just about lani. I really did put a lot of thought and time into thinking about the future.

Brady: Is--is the future for you prison? Is that what you want to be?

Kristen: No, no!

Brady: Is that where you want to be?

Kristen: No, of course not, brady! Of course not, but I am a mother now, and I don't want rachel to grow up thinking that I tried to kill someone and I didn't pay my debt to society.

Brady: I'm not buying it. I'm not buying it at all. Two days ago you were ready to jump bail, kristen. I was the one that had to convince you to stay and fight. Now you just wanna give your confession up on a silver platter? That is not you.

Kristen: I've changed, brady.

Brady: You heard what lani said, right?

Kristen: Mm-hmm.

Brady: Lani said trask was about to drop the charges.

Kristen: Mm-hmm, and that's far from a sure thing.

Brady: What about a chance, just a chance that you could walk out of here a free woman and have a life with rachel and myself? I mean, and now I--I mean, don't you want that? Is that not what you want?

Kristen: Yeah, please.

Brady: There's more to this. There's something else to this, and you're not telling me. You need to tell me what's going on now.

Kristen: Okay. Okay, I'll--I'll tell you everything. Okay?

Eli: Trask told me that she would have lani arrested immediately if I didn't get a full confession on tape from kristen.

Abe: And kristen volunteered to give it to you?

Eli: I had to go see her. I told her that trask knew that lani had helped kristen and that she was willing to take them both down. Kristen, she said she'd do whatever she could to help lani, so she started talking, and I just kinda led her there, and she had no idea that I was recording the conversation.

Abe: But she said the words? She admitted that she stabbed victor in the chest?

Eli: She described the whole damn thing.

Abe: Whoa. And did you--did you give trask a copy of that recording?

Eli: Abe, I had a nightmare last night that lani found out about the recording. She said it--that if I gave that confession to trask, that she would never forgive me. I can't tell you how real that felt, and the more I thought about it... I just couldn't do it.

Abe: So what does this mean for lani? How are you gonna protect her now?

Eli: I went back to see kristen, and I told her that-- that I had the confession.

Abe: She must have been furious.

Eli: Yeah, she was furious. I mean, she said that she was gonna run and grab brady and rachel. Of course, I told her that, you know, trask would--she'd make lani pay and that trask said that if kristen didn't confess, then lani would have to have her babies in prison. Abe, I begged her. I damn near got on my knees. After a while she--she said that she would confess, and she'd take a guilty plea.

Abe: So lani's off the hook.

Eli: Yeah, but now rachel is gonna lose her mom. Abe, I was desperate. You think I'm a horrible person?

Belle: That is absurd, not to mention totally insulting to shawn. Your arrest had nothing to do with anything between us. That is ancient history.

Philip: Which is exactly what I told shawn when he dragged me down to police headquarters in handcuffs. Maybe I need to talk to him again.

Belle: No, you don't need to do that.

Philip: Why? Why not?

Belle: Because shawn knows that there is nothing going on with us and that there never will be, so you don't need to talk to him about that or anything else.

Philip: Well, I need to make him see the bigger picture.

Belle: And what is the bigger picture?

Philip: Jan didn't just file formal charges against me. Xander convinced her to do that.

Belle: And why would he do that?

Philip: To make me look bad, why else?

Belle: Mm.

Philip: I embarrass titan. My father fires me. Xander gets the ceo gig all to himself. I mean, that's the grand plan, and shawn's helping him right along.

Belle: Shawn does not care about your feud with xander.

Philip: Well, he's still being manipulated by that jerk and putting me in very hot water.

Belle: Shawn is not putting you anywhere. You put yourself there when you put your hands on jan.

Philip: You know I'd never really hurt jan, and so does shawn. She's the dangerous one, and xander--

Belle: It doesn't matter if xander put jan up to filing that complaint. The fact is she did, so shawn is obligated to follow up on that.

Philip: Fine, but he still needs to know that he's pulling his strings. Then again, given how touchy shawn's been about the two of us, maybe it doesn't make any difference. Maybe he's thrilled at the opportunity to take me down, even if it means being manipulated by an idiotic thug.

Belle: Okay, the only person manipulating anyone right now is you, and I'm just not gonna let you do this. You know, I think that you should find another lawyer.

Shawn: Mom, listen to me. You should sit down, okay?

Hope: No. I need to go over what we know so far, review everything that we have, shawn.

Shawn: Listen, we don't have to--

Hope: This is procedure! You know that! You're a cop. Now, please, what do we have so far? What do we know? We have vincent's confession. We have that. We know a single bullet was missing from his gun, and now we... now we have confirmation that the casing matches the bullet from his gun which was recovered at the scene, and... that along with finding ciara's dna and her rings in the car...

Shawn: So does that--does that mean that you believe--

Hope: There's that one in a million chance she's alive. There is that one in a million chance that she is still alive and she escaped the car. I need to call ben.

Claire: I'm sure my grandma hope will call you the minute there's any news.

[Phone rings]

Ben: It's her. Hello?

[Soft dramatic music]

Hope? Hey, are you there? Do you have any news on ciara? Hope?

[Phone beeps]

[Line beeping]

Philip: You can't do this to me. You're only angry because of what I said about shawn.

Belle: You're damn right I am. That's not the only reason you need to find a new attorney, okay? My hands are really full right now. I'm due in court any minute, and I have no idea how long kristen's trial's gonna take, so--

Philip: What am i supposed to do?

Belle: I don't know. You have options. Go hire justin.

Philip: I don't want justin! I want you.

Shawn: Hey, sit down.

Hope: I couldn't say it. I can'T.

[Phone beeps]

Shawn: Is that--is that ben?

Hope: I can't tell him over the phone, shawn. I need to go there.

Shawn: Oh, you're no in shape to do that. You--

Hope: I promised him I would tell him as soon as we got the results. I have to go. Where are my keys?

Shawn: What--what are you-- come on, what are you doing?

Hope: I'm looking for my keys. I--did you see them when you came in?

Shawn: Just stop, please. Come on, stop, please. Just will you stop and look at me, please? You stay home and let me go to ben.

Hope: No, no.

Shawn: Mom, please. Please let me do this.

Hope: Will you come back? I need to know that--I need to know that you'll come back.

Shawn: Mom--

Hope: Please come back.

Shawn: I'm coming back. I promise you I'm coming back.

Hope: I love you so much. I love you so much.

Shawn: I love you too. I'll be back.

Hope: [Sobs] No. No.

Brady: I cannot believe that eli would do this to you. A police detective tricks you into confessing to a crime because the da is blackmailing him? Do you know how insane that is?

Kristen: I know, and I was upset at first too, brady, but really, there's no good outcome. If I run, trask is gonna go after lani, and I can't let her go to prison, especially when her due date is so close, brady.

Brady: She might not go to prison, okay? She might not.

Kristen: Yeah, but you know what? The stress of thinking she might and having trask breathing down her neck? She and eli have lost one child already. I want them to bring the twins into this world safely and raise them together.

Brady: Eli should not have pressured you into pleading guilty. That was wrong.

Kristen: Hey, he was in an impossible situation. If he doesn't give the confession, trask goes after lani. If he does, his marriage is over because lani will never forgive him. Look, either way, one of us is going to be behind bars, and eli and I felt it should be me.

Brady: Lani got to trask before. She can do it again. She can explain to her that she was just trying to reunite her friend with the baby that my grandfather led her to believe was dead. Lani will get a slap on the wrist. That's all that's gonna happen to her.

Kristen: Brady, you don't know that.

Brady: Well, here's what I know, kristen. You could go to prison for the rest of your life for attempted murder, and I can't have that.

Abe: You are not a terrible person, and as someone who also loves lani with all of his heart, I completely understand what you did.

Eli: I didn't want to.

Abe: I know that. I'm just-- I am furious with melinda for forcing your hand. I mean, just yesterday I expressed my concern to her about using her job to pursue this vendetta against kristen, and she promised me that she would be ethical and professional, and then meanwhile she is going after my daughter. I--you know, I should have fired her when lani asked me to.

Eli: Hey, there's--there's no point in looking back. All we can do is look ahead, and what's ahead is kristen losing her freedom because of me.

Abe: No, no, no, no, no, I--I'm just sorry that it's come to this, and I promise you your secret's safe with me. Hey, come here.

Lani: What's going on here?

Ben: You're sure? Damn it. Hope's not at the station. Maybe she's at home. I'm gonna head over there right now.

Shawn: Hey.

Ben: Hey, shawn, I can't talk right now. I need to find hope and find out what's going on.

Shawn: Listen, that's actually why I'm here.

Ben: What do you mean? You got the report? What's it say?

Shawn: Look, forensics has confirmed that that--well, that the evidence that was found at the scene was indeed a bullet casing, and it's from vincent's gun.

Claire: No. No, dad.

[Sobbing] No.

Abe: Well, I was just giving my--my son-in-law a hug.

Lani: Mm-hmm, I could see that. Why?

Abe: I'm just happy that you've worked things out before those babies arrive, and now you can move forward to a wonderful future together.

Lani: And that's it?

Abe: Yeah. Should there be more?

Lani: I don't know, dad. Should there? I mean, it just kinda feels like there's something else going on.

Kristen: Hey. I know the agony of being separated from the people that I love most, and I do not want my best friend to go through that. Hey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but I did. I weighed all the options, and this just seemed to be the best one.

Brady: Mm-mm, it's not. You're wrong. You're wrong. This is not the best one. I'm not gonna lose you again. I'm not gonna let you do this, kristen. You're not doing this.

Kristen: Well, it may not be for long. I mean, as you said, that trask has softened a bit, and I--and I have admitted what I did, so maybe--maybe the--hey, maybe they'll give me a reduced sentence.

Brady: Or maybe she'll lock you up for the rest of your life because she thinks you murdered her daughter.

Kristen: I, uh-- I did make up my mind, you know, brady, and it's final.

Brady: Not if I have anything to say about it.

Philip: Belle, no one knows how jan spears operates better than you do. If I have to get a new attorney, I'd have to explain that again. They might not get it, and jan could actually win this thing. We agreed to be vigilant. Jan's already approached claire twice, so please don't abandon me on this, for your sake as well as mine, for your daughter's sake.

Belle: [Sighs] Fine, fine, I will stay on the case, but right now I actually really have to go, so just do us both a favor and don't threaten to kill anyone else, okay?

Claire: I don't wanna believe it, but I think we have to now.

Ben: No, we don'T.

Shawn: Ben, I've been praying that my sister beat the odds too, but she is--she's so brave, and she's so strong, but--but with this new evidence, it--

Ben: I know how it looks, but we still don't know for sure that ciara's gone.

Claire: I hear you, ben, and if you don't want me to go ahead with the memorial, I won'T. I'll cancel the whole thing.

Ben: You do whatever you think is best. All the people who love ciara, I'm sure, are gonna want the chance to mourn her.

Claire: I think that you need that chance too, ben.

Ben: Right now, I just wanna be alone.

Shawn: We're gonna get through this, all right? We're gonna get through this together.

[Solemn music]

Ben: [Sniffles]


You clean dishes as you cook,

Philip: Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. Of course. I'm as upset xander's still around as you are. How the hell am I supposed to launder money through titan with that weasel looking over my shoulder? We have to find some way to get rid of him.

Eli: There's nothing else going on here, babe.

Abe: Yeah, I--I mean, I'm just a--a proud soon-to-be grandfather just expressing his gratitude and joy for being so very blessed.

Lani: I'm glad someone is happy.

Abe: So what's wrong?

Lani: Kristen just changed her plea to guilty, and I still don't know why.

Kristen: You can't say anything to anyone, brady. Look at me. If you love me, and I know you do, you're gonna keep your mouth shut.

Belle: So I just talked to trask. You're changing your plea to guilty?

Kristen: Yeah, that's right.

Belle: Okay, I have been busting my butt preparing your defense, so you better explain this sudden turnaround right now.

[Soft dramatic music]

Hope: [Sighs]


[Tense music]

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