Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 10/13/20
Episode #13872 ~ Lani makes an emotional plea to Melinda on Kristen's behalf; Gwen sets a new plan into action; Chad offers Jake an olive branch; Eli comes clean with Kristen.
Provided By Suzanne
Kate: Was that supposed to be a compliment?
Jake: Well, I was--
Kate: Coming from a guy who sleeps with trashy women and a gorgon who would sleep with absolutely anyone to get ahead. Oh, I'm sorry. Do you even know what that is? No. Of course you don'T.
Jake: Huh. So you don't take compliments well.
Kate: Have I heard one yet?
Jake: I was only trying to say that--
[Doorknob clicks]
Chad: Am interrupting something?
Abigail: The year of my mother's coma was a total nightmare. I mean my brother jj--he had his own issues, and you know, my dad, and jj, and I--we were all just hoping and praying for her recovery. And then, all of a sudden, one day, our prayers were answered, and she woke up. So actually, you know what? In two weeks, it's the anniversary of her waking up. In two weeks, yeah.
Gwen: We have to celebrate. Do something. And I have the perfect idea.
Abigail: What do you mean? What kind of idea?
Gwen: Well, this is a big day, isn't it? You have to commemorate a day as big as this. You have to celebrate.
Abigail: What did you have in mind?
Gwen: Something unforgettable.
Brady: Trask is bound and determined to destroy kristen. She'll do anything to send her to prison.
Jennifer: Yeah, well, I'm not surprised. She blames kristen for the death of her daughter, but is the case strong enough?
Brady: Not yet, although she claims that she's dug up some evidence that will prove that kristen stabbed victor.
Jack: What new evidence did she think she'd found?
Brady: I don't know, jack. I don't care, you know. We're out of time. I mean the trial is today, and she's found nothing. And that's because there is nothing.
[Knocking on door]
Melinda: Come in, detective grant. I've been waiting for you.
[Uneasy music]
Detective price. I was expecting your husband.
Lani: He's not in yet.
Melinda: So detective, what does that look like to you?
Eli: Looks like detective price is leading kristen dimera out.
Melinda: Looks a little furtive, doesn't it?
Eli: From what I recall, there was a lot of press there that day, so I believe she's just trying to get kristen past them.
Melinda: You know what i think? I think kristen dimera just confessed to stabbing victor kiriakis, and your detective price is helping her escape. Did you get kristen's confession?
Eli: Yes.
Melinda: Thank god. I need it asap. I want to play it at the trial today. What the hell's keeping him?
[Knocking on door]
Kristen: What do you want?
Eli: I need to talk to you about this.
Kristen: Your phone?
Eli: I recorded our conversation yesterday. Kristen, I have your full confession right here.
Kristen: No, that's not possible.
[On phone] I don't even remember grabbing the knife. I just remember plunging it into his chest.
[Dramatic music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Kate: No, no. Not at all. Actually, my car has been making some weird noises, so I was hoping jake could take a look at it.
Chad: There seems to be a lot of that going around.
Kate: What does that mean?
Chad: Well, abby said that jake took a look at her car yesterday.
Jake: I did, and I fixed it. I hope you're not back 'cause there's a problem already.
Chad: Yeah, there actually is a problem between you, and me, and my wife.
Jennifer: Will you please tell kristen I'm so sorry I can't be at the trial?
Jack: We wanted to send a journalist who wasn't personally connected to the case.
Brady: You and kristen. You go way back.
Jennifer: Yeah, and I still consider her a good friend.
Brady: Yet haley was jj's fiancéE. You must have mixed feelings about what you want to see happen today.
Jennifer: Yeah. Yeah, I ache for jj's loss, but this isn't going to make anything better, because everyone that is involved is suffering so much.
Brady: Including kristen.
Jennifer: And as a mother, I pray she doesn't get separated from her daughter, because I can't even imagine what that would be like.
[Baby fussing]
Lani: Eli was leaving the apartment right behind me, so I assume he will be here shortly.
Melinda: I should hope so. We had a meeting scheduled.
Lani: Yeah. He said you wanted to talk to him about the vincent belman case.
Melinda: He said that, did he?
Lani: Is there some new development?
Melinda: Not as far as I'm aware.
Lani: Then why the urgency?
Melinda: I have a very important job to do, detective price. Everything is urgent.
Lani: In that case, I have something urgent I want to discuss with you. It's about kristen dimera.
Kristen: It's just because victor is too evil to die that I am not facing murder charges. You tricked me. You got me to confess, and then you recorded it?
Eli: I'm sorry.
Kristen: You came here yesterday, and I promised you-- I promised you, eli, that I would do everything in my power to protect lani. I confided in you, as a friend. And this is how you repay me?
Eli: Listen, I didn't have a choice.
Kristen: What the hell does that mean?
Eli: Trask found out that lani helped you flee salem. She threatened to put lani in jail as an accessory.
Kristen: It's just-- that's just crazy. Lani does not deserve that.
Eli: Yeah. Well, we all know how bad trask wants to punish you. She doesn't care who gets hurt in the process.
Kristen: So she demanded you deliver my head on a platter.
Eli: She wanted a confession. I got her one.
Kristen: Wait a minute, so you tricked me into confessing on tape because melinda blackmailed you?
Eli: That's right.
Kristen: Then why did you bring it to me, instead of her?
Jack: I know that these last few days have been really harrowing for you and for kristen. I'm just thankful this is gonna be over soon.
Brady: I hope that's true.
Jennifer: I'm sure it will be. You know, there's been a lot of public sentiment in kristen's favor this time.
Brady: Really? People are in our corner?
Jennifer: Oh, yes. We have gotten so much positive feedback about the article...
Jack: Oh, yeah. The article.
Jennifer: In "the spectator" today on kristen.
Jack: Abigail wrote an article, and it's really something. She's something. I mean, did you get a chance to read it?
Brady: No, I did. I did. I did. I thought it was great. I thought it was totally fair.
Jack: She's becoming quite the journalist.
Brady: I wonder where the heck she gets that from?
Jennifer: Oh, her father.
Jack: Oh, her mother.
Brady: Exactly. You should be very proud of her.
Jennifer: We are. We are so proud. You know, she's been through such a terrible time, and we are just so grateful that she is home, she is with her family, and she's doing so well.
Gwen: Look at it this way. One year in a coma. It's like a birthday and an anniversary all rolled up into one.
Abigail: I guess it is, plus the day of my mom's accident was also the day of her and my father's wedding day, so it would be kind of nice to throw them the reception they never had.
Gwen: [Gasps] Really! Well, look at that. Now you're talking. Why don't we do birthday, anniversary, and a wedding?
Abigail: No, I just think I'm cutting it close. I don't know that I'd actually be able to throw a big party like that in two weeks.
Gwen: Why not?
Abigail: I just went back to work, as you well know, and it's hard enough finding time to spend with the kids.
Gwen: You wouldn't do it alone. I would help you plan the party.
Abigail: You? Why would you want to do that?
Gwen: You really want to know? Let's just say I might have a bit of an ulterior motive.
Jake: Look, chad, if there's a problem with me fixing your wife's car, just come out and say it, all right?
Chad: No, no, no. It's not--that's not it. I'm actually--I came here to say thank you. Abby made me see that maybe I wasn't treating you fairly. That I may have been taking some stuff out on you that wasn't your fault.
Jake: What is it then?
Chad: Our late and not-so-lamented brother.
Jake: Kate was just telling me about that. About how you practically hated his guts. It sounds like you had every reason to.
Chad: What did you tell him?
Kate: The truth. It's not a secret.
Jake: All right, look, chad, I'm sorry that this identical twin I never met slept with your wife. And now here I am, same face, living under the same roof, getting under your skin, just like stefan did.
Chad: I didn't say that.
Jake: You didn't have to, chad. I get it. Just so you know, I'm not that kind of guy, all right? I don't want to make any trouble. All I want is my share of the dimera pie. That's it. Just what I feel like I'm entitled to. Same as you. I don't think that's too much to ask.
Lani: I know my dad explained to you that kristen and I are friends.
Melinda: I don't know how the hell that woman has any friends, and if you're here to beg me to let her off the hook for her criminal acts, then you can just save it. I already heard it from her boyfriend.
Lani: Well, now you need to hear it from me.
Eli: You have to understand that I had to do what melinda demanded, but also know that if I'm the one that sends you to prison, lani will never forgive me, and our marriage will be over.
Kristen: What if you don't bring trask the recording?
Eli: Then lani goes to prison, and so do you. Trask knows that you confessed to lani. I realized that there's a third option, and that's why I'm here.
You clean dishes as you cook,
Chad: Yes, you are entitled to a part of the company. You are a dimera.
Jake: Wow. I'm glad you finally realize that.
Chad: I do. I was thinking--
Jake: You know, I've been thinking too. I read this article in "the spectator" about how this guy victor kiriakis made his son and his nephew co-ceo of his company titan.
Kate: Oh, you know, I heard that that wasn't going too smoothly.
Jake: Well, yeah. Probably 'cause it wasn't their idea, but here's what I was thinking. We go to shin, you and me, and we make this pitch, all right. You with your business experience and me with my winning personality--
Chad: Are you out of your mind?
Abigail: So what is this ulterior motive for wanting to help me plan a party?
Gwen: Well, you know I'm somewhat new here still, and I don't really have friends. And I would like the chance to make some friends. That is, assuming I am invited.
Abigail: Oh, well, of course you would be, but I can't let a virtual stranger plan my parents' party.
Gwen: Why not? I'm your employee. You can ask me to do whatever you want.
Abigail: You're my nanny. You're not an event planner, and you're too busy with the kids.
Gwen: Okay. You can give me a bonus, if you want to.
Abigail: Oh, well--
Gwen: I'm joking. I'm joking. It's okay. I--I-- you've been very nice to me, you and chad, and you let me live here. You've given me a job, even when I probably didn't deserve it, so I just want to be able to repay you. Honestly, I do, for everything you've done.
Jack: You'd think jennifer doesn't have grandchildren of her own that she sees every day.
Jennifer: Well, gwen is nannying so much, I don't get to see thomas and charlotte, and I have grandma needs that need to be met.
[Cell phone ringing] Yes.
Brady: Excuse me. Hey, marlena, what's up? Oh, no.
Lani: I lived with kristen after haley died, and I can tell you that what happened to your daughter--it haunts her every day.
Melinda: Good. I hope it haunts her to the day she dies. I hope it eats her up inside. Everyone keeps excusing it like it was an accident, but I know that--
Lani: It was. It was an accident.
Melinda: No, it was not an accident! Kristen may not have meant to kill my daughter when she laid hands on her and pushed, but I know--
Lani: With all due respect, melinda, you have no idea what was going on in kristen's head, how disconnected from reality she felt in that moment.
Melinda: Oh, and you do?
Lani: Yes. I do, because it happened to me.
Kristen: This plan of yours. How can you ask me to do that?
Eli: It's the least bad option out of a bunch of bad options.
Kristen: Oh, god. The hell it is. I love lani, but I am not going to lose my little girl.
Eli: You may not have a choice.
Kristen: Of course I do. Of course I do. There's one option that you did not mention, and I am gonna choose that one.
Eli: What option is that?
Kristen: I'm gonna leave town, and you are not gonna stop me. My husband and I have never eaten healthier.
Jake: I don't get it. Didn't you just tell me I should be part of dimera?
Chad: As an employee. Not the ceo.
Kate: There goes the peace.
Jake: Okay, so what are you suggesting, huh? That I do security at the office or park cars in the garage?
Chad: No, I was thinking the executive training program.
Jake: Oh, the executive training program. What, like, work in the mail room, like some kid fresh out of college?
Chad: You didn't go to college.
Jake: Did you go to college?
Chad: No, but I have years of experience running this business. The only thing you know how to run is a carbine engine. The sum total of your experience is closing one deal, because you ate ribs like a neanderthal.
Jake: See, I think you're threatened because I closed that collins deal when you couldn'T.
Chad: How about your other business dealings, like how the philadelphia mob wants to kill you?
Jake: Who the hell are you to judge me, pal?
Chad: I am the ceo of dimera enterprises.
Jake: Oh, what, and I'm your underling? No, no, no. I'm your brother, and your older brother, at that, which in the line of succession makes me the heir and you the spare, pal.
Abigail: I don't know. I think it might be hard to find a venue on such short notice.
Jake: What about julie's place? She's family, right?
Abigail: Yeah. Yes.
Gwen: What? Is there a problem?
Abigail: No, no. I--no. I haven't been back since the day that gabi slipped the drug into my champagne.
[Dramatic music]
Gwen: That's--god. Someone would do something as horrible as that to someone as nice as you.
Abigail: Oh, well, you know, I think "nice" is sort of in the eye of the beholder, you know. And I don't think gabi ever really considered me anything but a threat.
Gwen: Well, that's understandable, isn't it? I mean, look at you. You're beautiful. You're smart. You're successful. Everyone loves you, don't they? And gabi. Well, she's just a world-class twit hated by one and all, isn't she? From what I've heard.
Abigail: Well, I... thank you for the compliments. I don't know that I actually deserve them, but yes. I would agree gabi is sort of a world-class twit.
Gwen: Well, she's gone now. She can't hurt you or anyone ever again.
Abigail: Well, never say never. Not with gabi, anyway. Even from a distance, I think she'll probably find ways to torment people. Especially chad and me.
Gwen: Do you really believe that?
Abigail: I do. Yeah, but I refuse to dwell on it, so whatever she can do from afar is certainly not the havoc she could wreak if she were actually here, and for that, I'm very grateful she's no longer in our midst. And that you are, you know. It's been really, really nice having you around.
Gwen: Aw. Well, that is certainly music to my ears, especially 'cause I sometimes-- I feel like I'm intruding. You know, overstaying my welcome here.
Abigail: Oh, no. No, no, no. Don't worry. You're doing neither.
Gwen: I'm not sure chad feels the same way.
Abigail: Chad is fine. He's fine that you're here, and the kids--they think you hung the moon.
Gwen: Well, they're little loves, aren't they? They're so fun and so sweet.
Abigail: You know, I'm just--I'm so fascinated by the way fate sort of just steps in and brings people together. You know, you were jake's girlfriend, and it didn't work out. But now you're here, a nanny to our kids, and part of our lives.
Gwen: And I hope that continues.
Abigail: Yeah. Well, I don't see why it wouldn'T.
Gwen: You really are a gem, aren't you, abigail? Just I'm so--honestly, I'm so, so grateful. I'm so grateful for our friendship.
Brady: No. Don't worry about it. I'll figure something out. Yeah. Just let me know how dad is doing, okay? All right. Bye.
Jennifer: Is everything okay with john?
Brady: Yeah, yeah. A specialist flew in to see him a day earlier than expected, so now marlena cannot watch rachel for me. So it looks like she's coming with me to court.
Jennifer: Oh, no. No, no, no. We'll watch her.
Brady: No, I can't ask you to do that.
Jennifer: What? No. Yes you can.
Jack: You didn't ask. You didn't ask. Look at jennifer. Does she look like a woman who sees babysitting as a chore?
Brady: [Laughs] I mean... look, if you're sure.
Jennifer: Yes. We're sure.
Jack: Yeah. We're sure. We're sure.
Jennifer: Yes.
Brady: All right. Well, thank you so much, but she does need her anti-rejection meds in about ten minutes, though. They're in the cooler.
Jennifer: Okay. I got it. I can handle it.
Brady: You got it. All right. Well, this one's crafty, though. She will spit those things up. You won't even know what hit you.
Jennifer: You know what? It's been a long time since abigail had her bone marrow transplant, but I'm an old pro. I got it. You go. We're good, aren't we, huh, sweetie?
Brady: Thank you.
Lani: Eli and I had a little boy that died. His name was david abraham.
Melinda: You had a miscarriage.
Lani: He was stillborn. I had to have an emergency c-section. I woke up in my hospital bed expecting eli to bring me my little boy. And instead, they gave me a picture of his footprint.
Melinda: There's nothing worse in the world than losing a child.
Lani: Melinda, I know you felt that. And I would never diminish what you felt after losing your daughter. But imagine experiencing that grief while being pumped up with pregnancy hormones and going through hours of labor, only to be sent home empty-handed. You can't imagine that.
Melinda: Actually, I can.
Eli: You gonna run? You gonna run without rachel and without brady?
Kristen: No, no. I'm gonna find them first.
Eli: Well, I can't let you do that.
Kristen: Oh, my god. You are the one that went behind lani's back to arrest me. It's your fault.
Eli: And now, I'm trying to help, kristen.
Kristen: Oh, the hell you are. I am not gonna go along with your crazy idea to sacrifice myself to save you, eli.
Eli: And what about lani? Will you do it to save lani? The ups and downs of frequent mood swings
Chad: You know what? I can't believe I was actually gonna come here and try to play nice with you, jake.
Kate: Hey. No, no, no. Don't give up. You said it was important to abigail.
Chad: Look, abby wants peace. She doesn't care about jake any more than I do.
Jake: So much for brotherly love.
Chad: You know what? I tried. I've really, really tried. But you know how I said that my hostility towards you is mostly about stefan? It turns out I feel pretty hostile towards you too.
Jake: Good, because I reciprocate those feelings.
Chad: Reciprocate? That's a big word. You been studying?
Jake: All right, you know what? I'm done yapping. You know how we handle these things in philly?
Chad: Is that a threat?
Jake: What do you think?
Jennifer: All my old tricks are working on you, huh? Jack, look at that smile. I mean, is she just the cutest thing ever?
Jack: Sure is. Baby's pretty cute too.
Jennifer: Are you flirting with me?
Jack: If you have to ask, I need to work harder.
Jennifer: We need to focus on the baby.
Jack: Right.
Jennifer: Yes.
Jack: The baby.
Jennifer: You know what? We need to take her to see thomas and charlotte sometime, right?
Jack: I know. We'll send her an e-vite.
Jennifer: Oh, my.
Jack: Let me help you with that.
Jennifer: Okay. Here we go. No, no, no. I've got it. I think I can handle this. Let's see.
Jack: All right.
Jennifer: Oh. Already she's turning her head away. This is hilarious.
Jack: It doesn't look very appetizing.
Jennifer: Do you remember when abigail was little, and she would put her whole blanket over her head? And she would think that we couldn't even see her. Oh!
Jack: No. I don'T. I wasn't there.
Gwen: You know, I completely understand if you don't want to do it at julie's place, after that awful person drugged you like that.
Abigail: Oh, no. No. It's fine. We do family stuff there all the time.
Gwen: You sure?
Abigail: Mm-hmm. Yeah. It's a great place for a party, and gabi's gone, and so are the bad memories.
Gwen: Well, that's a relief, isn't it, to know that that person is now completely out of the picture.
[Disquieting music]
Melinda: I carried a child for nine months. And then I had to hand her over. After I came to the states, I didn't see her again until she was an adult. And even then, I had to pretend like she wasn't mine. She thought I was ashamed of her. I was ashamed of myself.
Lani: I am so sorry.
Melinda: I wanted to blame everyone. My parents. The government. God. But as much as I suffered, nobody hurt as much as haley, because she didn't have a mother.
Lani: You do realize that, if you send kristen to prison, that that is what is going to happen to her and rachel, melinda? You will be separating a mother, melinda. A mother from her child.
Melinda: What I'd really like is a taped confession.
Eli: From kristen?
Melinda: Right.
Eli: She'll never consent to that.
Melinda: Who said anything about getting her consent?
Eli: That's entrapment.
Melinda: Law's complicated. You leave that part to me. You just focus on getting the confession, or your twins are gonna grow up without their mother.
Lani: Melinda, are you listening to me? Do you want to keep continuing with this cycle of pain, or do you want to be the one who ends it?
Eli: Lani says that you're the best friend that she's ever had. She's put everything on the line for you, more than once. And as much as you don't want to lose your little girl, you want lani to lose her unborn babies?
Kristen: No. Of course not.
Eli: That's what's gonna happen if you skate, 'cause trask is gonna punish her.
Kristen: Eli, you know I don't want that.
Eli: You were willing to take the rap for brady when his freedom was on the line. You won't do that for your best friend? After lani helped you, she told me over and over that you would never abandon her. Was she right, or did she risk everything for someone who wouldn't do the same for her? My nunormal: Fewer asthma attacks.
Jennifer: I'm so sorry, jack. I wasn't thinking when I said that.
Jack: No, no, you have nothing to be sorry about. I'm the one who left my wife and very sick baby girl, abandoning you when you needed me most.
Jennifer: Yeah, but what matters is you came back.
Jack: Till I left again.
Jennifer: I'm not gonna pretend that wasn't painful, but you're here. You're here now, jack, and I've forgiven you, but I mean, more importantly, you have to forgive yourself.
Jack: It's an ongoing process.
Jennifer: But you're here, and that's enough.
Jack: Sometimes when I've been here I haven't really been that great of a father or husband.
Jennifer: No. Abigail would disagree with you, and so do I. You are a good man, jack deveraux. And abigail loves you. So do I.
[Tender music]
Gwen: So come on. Are we doing this party for your parents or not?
Abigail: If you're sure you don't mind helping.
Gwen: Are you sure you can keep an open mind and an open bar?
Abigail: Okay. Let's do it.
Gwen: Okay. Excellent. All right. That's good. Okay. You get me the guest list, and I'm gonna send out invites asap.
Abigail: Okay. Well, I have to get to work, but I'm going to send you the invites overnight. And then, at lunch, I'm gonna call julie, and I'm gonna get the ball rolling.
Gwen: That's a plan.
Abigail: Okay.
Gwen: Okay.
Abigail: You are so incredibly sweet for doing this. Thank you.
Gwen: Well, like I said, I really like a good party.
Abigail: Oh. Well, my parents are gonna love it too.
Gwen: I hope so.
Kate: Okay, easy there, rocky. You're not in philadelphia anymore.
Jack: Why don't you just let us be, adrienne?
Kate: Because I'm not gonna let you pound each other into the ground.
Chad: I should have never come here.
Jack: Oh, no. Does this mean the offer for the executive training program is off the table?
Chad: Yes. Everything is off the table.
Jack: Oh, good, 'cause I was gonna tell you where to stick that job.
Chad: Real mature, pony boy.
Jack: Whatever, suit.
Chad: You know what? I'm getting out of here, before I say or do something I--
Kate: Chad, wait. Oh, great. Now I have to go after him.
[Dark music]
Lani: You understand, melinda, as a woman and as a mother, what kristen is going through, don't you?
Melinda: I don't know. I don't know.
Lani: Yeah. You do. I can see it in your eyes. Melinda, it is not too late to drop the charges. Look, there is no shame in it, okay? In fact, it is an act of courage, of strength. Melinda, think of your daughter. Think of haley. What she would consider a true act of justice.
Melinda: She was a really decent person.
Lani: I know.
Melinda: So giving. So full of life. God, I miss her so much.
Lani: I know. I know. I do.
[Somber music]
Brady: What's going on here?
Eli: Kristen, I had my doubts about you. Maybe lani's right. Maybe you are the person that she says you are. Even after I arrested you, lani said that you urged her to forgive me. And that you're the reason that we're together now. We're married now. We're about to have twins. We finally found our happiness, and now we need your help. I was horrified when I found out that gabi made lani get on her knees and beg for stefan's heart. I'll do it. I'll do it. I'll get on my damn knees. I don't care. I love lani that much that I will do anything for her. Is that what you want?
Kristen: No! Get up. Get up. Get up. Get up. No. I am not gabi. I don't want you to debase yourself for me. Okay. Okay. I'll do it.
Eli: Thank you.
Kristen: Oh, god. What choice do I have, eli? These are real people, not actors,
Kate: Chad, are you all right?
Chad: What, are you following me?
Kate: Yes, of course I'm following you. Just answer the question.
Chad: No. I'm not all right. What the hell are you doing telling jake about stefan's history with abigail?
Kate: Okay. I told you that I was gonna keep an eye on him for you. I promised you that. You asked me to gauge his interest in dimera, okay, to tamp down the conflict.
Chad: Well, that went well.
Kate: Actually, it was going well, until you came in and blew it apart. So don't blame me.
Chad: Fine. I'm sorry for jumping down your throat. I just--he bothers me.
Kate: Oh, no kidding.
Chad: I know abby wants everybody to get along, but I just--I can't with him. I can'T. Not with him.
Kate: Okay. Chad, he's not going away.
Chad: Well, then I'll make him go away. I don't want him anywhere near my company or my wife.
Jennifer: She's good.
Abigail: Oh, hi, guys.
Jennifer: Oh, hi.
Jack: Hey.
Abigail: You're aware you have a child with you that's not mine?
Jack: Yes. Brady had a babysitting emergency, and we offered to look after little rachel during kristen's trial.
Abigail: Oh, that was nice of you.
Jennifer: Oh, it's our pleasure. She is so sweet.
Abigail: She's so sweet.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Abigail: Do you know, I'm actually really glad I ran into you, because I'm going to need you to clear your calendars two weeks from today.
Jennifer: Oh.
Jack: You need us to babysit too?
Abigail: No. No babysitting. Nope. I want to throw a party to celebrate the anniversary of the day mom woke up from her coma.
Jennifer: Oh, that's--baby, that's so sweet, but you're so busy. I mean, that's not necessary.
Abigail: Oh, no, no. It's fine. Gwen's gonna help me, so--actually, it was her idea.
Gwen: Don't mind if I do. What's up, you old goat? I hear that you have quite the flair for the dramatic. If that's so, then I'm sorry you're going to miss the big party. And it's gonna be a night that everyone will remember.
[Foreboding music]
Kristen: I don't even remember grabbing the knife. I just remember plunging it into his chest. It's just because victor is too evil to die that I am not facing murder charges.
Phone: Your message has been deleted.
[Somber music]
Eli: Thank you, kristen.
Lani: Brady, I think there's something that D.A. Trask might want to say to you.
Melinda: Mr. Black--brady, I--
Brady: What are you doing here?
Kristen: I want to confess to the attempted murder of victor kiriakis.
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